10 products for pregnant women. General nutrition rules

Healthy foods for pregnant women mainly consist of foods that contain large number biological and food active substances, vitamins, micro-, macroelements. Do not forget that when food is heated, it decreases by about 60%. total quantity vitamin C, folic acid, B vitamins and protein is denatured. If the temperature rises above 55 degrees Celsius, then, regardless of the method and duration of processing, the hydrolase enzyme is completely destroyed - it is he who takes an active part in the digestion of food in the gastrointestinal tract, and therefore the product becomes useless, and additional energy must be spent on processing it . Therefore, you need to try to eat as little as possible of foods such as pies, cereals and fried meat, otherwise the digestive tract becomes clogged with the remains of undigested foods.

The list below contains the most necessary products what to eat during pregnancy:

  • fresh vegetables
  • berries, fruits
  • freshly squeezed juices

Mostly in them and even in freshly frozen berries, all useful nutrients are preserved.

But the most useful product during pregnancy is sprouted grains, and all dishes associated with them.

During the germination of grain, all the substances necessary during this period are activated. Therefore, this food is a supplier of all the required vitamins, macro- and microelements during pregnancy.

Fermented milk products

  • Cottage cheese tops this list, but it must be eaten either calcined or low-fat. It contains approximately 17 percent protein, which is much more than meat. But besides this, it contains all the most beneficial substances for the fetus.
  • Fermented milk products must be present in mandatory in the diet during pregnancy. If you eat them regularly, they significantly contribute not only to increasing immunity, but also to normalizing the activity of intestinal microflora and improving bowel movements.
  • You need to prepare curdled milk or kefir yourself at home. During pregnancy, it is useful to consume natural fermented milk cocktails, which consist of kefir or yogurt with freshly squeezed fruit or berry juice. This product is an excellent substitute store-bought yoghurts, but without various preservatives. If you are unable to refuse such yogurt, then you need to choose something with short term suitability.
  • During pregnancy, you should drink ryazhenka that is not very fatty – with about 2.5% fat content. Buttermilk whey contains a high amount of various amino acids, which perfectly compensate for protein deficiency during pregnancy.
  • Incredibly useful fermented milk products, which are enriched with artificially grown microflora, namely bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

The list of healthy foods during pregnancy also includes fish, which is one of the essential products during this period, it contains all complete proteins with a fully balanced composition of amino acids. It is much easier to digest than meat. If during pregnancy the enzymatic activity of the gastrointestinal tract is reduced, then in this case it is more beneficial to consume all low-fat varieties of fish. Sea fish contains huge amount various mineral compounds, macro- and microelements.

But extractive substances work more actively in fish products than in meat products. That is why boiled fish should not be eaten by pregnant women. various diseases pancreas, stomach and duodenum and liver.

Various seafood (scallops, crabs, squid, mussels, shrimp, seaweed and others) bring undeniable benefits during pregnancy. They contain a small amount of fat, but are a complete source of proteins, and in terms of microelements they are significantly superior to the meat of most animals. The meat of shrimp, crab or squid is enriched with hematopoietic substances; kelp is useful for pregnant girls who are prone to obesity. But when acute diseases gastrointestinal tract It is not advisable to eat it. Fish oil the most useful product and not only for pregnant women, but for all people, including children. It contains all the minerals, macro- and microelements necessary for growth and development.

Meat or meat products are useful if their total amount does not exceed one hundred grams per day, but it is advisable to give preference to light and low-fat varieties of jars.

Every day you need to eat about twenty grams of butter, about fifty grams of cream or sour cream and about twenty-five grams of unrefined vegetable oils. When adding fats to food, the intake of fat-soluble substances into the body increases, taste improves and calorie content increases. Vegetable oils contain substances that perfectly prevent miscarriage. There is no need to consume animal fats (beef, pork or lamb) during this period.

Clean drinking water. You must drink at least two liters of water per day, not counting tea, juices and compotes.

Products for pregnant women that contain complex carbohydrates and fiber are needed plant origin. The following products are rich in them:

  • oatmeal or buckwheat porridge;
  • bread made from wholemeal flour;
  • all fruits and vegetables.

Starting from the second trimester of pregnancy, you need to eat wheat or rye salt-free bread, low-acidity buns, or with seaweed. Regular use These products will help improve the gastrointestinal tract.

If there are no problems with gastrointestinal diseases, and pregnancy takes place in the summer-autumn period, then in this case wild mushrooms are quite useful. In terms of nutritional value and the content of useful micro- and macroelements, mushrooms are similar to meat products, and the content of protein elements in mushrooms is higher than in vegetables.

A set of products for pregnant women for one day

  • meat products – one hundred grams;
  • fish products – one hundred grams;
  • low-fat cottage cheese - one hundred and seventy grams;
  • sour cream - thirty grams;
  • milk – two hundred and fifty grams;
  • kefir - two hundred grams;
  • butter - twenty-five grams;
  • unrefined vegetable oil - twenty-five grams;
  • sugar - forty grams;
  • rye and wheat bread– one hundred grams each;
  • flour confectionery products – one hundred grams;
  • pasta or cereals – sixty grams;
  • potatoes - two hundred grams;
  • beets - one hundred grams;
  • cabbage - one hundred grams;
  • carrots - one hundred grams;
  • various vegetables - two hundred grams;
  • berries, fruits or freshly squeezed juice - two hundred grams;
  • greens - at least thirty grams, except for parsley - consuming it in large quantities can provoke a miscarriage.

The following table shows which products are most useful during pregnancy, the content of vitamins per 200 grams or 1 piece:

products Retinol, mg, Carotene, mg Tocopherol, mg Ascorbic acid, mg Pyridoxine, mg Cyanocobalamin, mcg biotin niacin Pantothenic acid Ribolavin, mg Thiamine, mg Folacin, mcg Daily norm
Cow's milk, whole 0,49 0,16 0,89 1,49 0,03 0,41 3,19 0,11 0,39 0,17 0,05 5,31 500 ml
Chicken yolk 1,24 0,29 7,71 - 2,5 1,05 56,1 - 0,28 0,26 0,49 19,1 1 piece
Chicken protein - - - - 0,03 0,06 7,2 - 3,8 0,55 - 1,06 1 piece
Sunflower seed oil - 0,03 67,1 - - - - - - - - - 30 ml
Soybean oil - 0,06 114,2 - - - - - 0,4 - 0,05 8,42 10 ml
Lean beef - - 0,58 - 0,35 2,61 3,08 4,3 6,5 0,12 0,35 241 200 g
Beef liver 8,3 1,05 1,25 33,2 0,75 60,1 98,2 9,01 5,88 2,12 0,35 225,2 70 g
Pork liver 3,25 - 0,51 0,21 0,55 55,2 80,5 12,4 3,1 2,17 0,32 - 90 g
Pork kidneys 0,2 - 55,2 0,7 0,02 42,2 0,28 0,25 1,51 0,64 0,42 15,5 50 g
Beans - - 0,03 0,4 0,1 0,4 0,8 14,9 9,84 0,01 0,51 90,1 50 g
Sprats in oil 0,11 - 0,17 - 2,5 0,7 0,03 4,25 - 0,17 0,04 200,1 20g
Hercules - - 2,2 1,6 8,2 - - 6,1 4,6 0,06 0,65 20,2 50 g
Rice - - 7,3 2,6 0,02 - - 7,47 8,22 0,05 0,35 550 50 g
Pasta - 0,002 1,05 58,5 32,1 - 2,8 - 4,4 0,09 0,05 18,8 60 g
loaf - - 0,02 0,21 0,07 - 5,1 - 5,7 0,05 0,05 20,1 100g
Yeast - - 0,17 - 0,12 0,27 0,56 0,59 0,03 0,02 0,07 9,2 1 g

If you follow proper nutrition, there will be no additional problems during this difficult period for all girls.

Almost every woman during pregnancy changes her usual tastes in food to the most unimaginable things: for example, she can happily eat herring with condensed milk or eat lime (chalk). This, of course, sounds strange at first glance, but every woman who has already become a mother remembers how she wanted some kind of exotic gastronomy, even to the point of holding nails in her mouth.

But in fact, in order not to want to eat, you need to adhere to certain rules, because a mother’s nutrition during pregnancy is the key to the health of the unborn child, which is why it is so important to balanced diet and supply the body with macroelements and vitamins. You can find a list of products for pregnant women in this article, and at the same time find out which products for pregnant women must be consumed by the mother during this important period.

So, what foods should pregnant women eat? Below is the TOP 10 gastronomic joys that a woman preparing to become a mother cannot do without. So, here are the healthiest foods for pregnant women.

Fresh vegetables and fruits

More specifically: avocado, broccoli, carrots and mango.

Avocado is useful because it contains a lot of folic acid, which is very necessary for the baby developing in the mother’s tummy. With its help, the nervous system is formed, as well as parts of the brain. This acid also increases the chance of not losing a child early stages pregnancy. Vitamins C and B6, also contained in this fruit, save you from excess toxins.

Carrots are a vegetable rich in vitamin A. It is important both for the mother’s vision and for the eyes, teeth and bones of the unborn baby.

Broccoli also contains a large amount of folic acid, which was mentioned above, and in addition to it, calcium.

Mango can be replaced with carrots and vice versa, because the main active vitamin here - A. This fruit is perfect for both salty and sweet dishes. It can be eaten both raw and, for example, boiled. Salads with mango are delicious, as well as various side dishes for meat and fish dishes.


Nuts are a storehouse of various minerals and macroelements, and of course they are one of the healthiest foods for pregnant women! A walnuts are very good for the brain, but you can’t abuse them, because the calorie content of nuts is quite high.


Chicken, quail - there is no difference! The main thing is to eat this product regularly. But there are some nuances here: pregnant women should not eat raw eggs. Also prefer boiled to fried, because it is much healthier.


Of all the legume-type cereals, lentils benefit the intestines many times more than others. Lentils contain substances such as iron, vitamin B6, and folic acid.


This useful herb is easy to grow even on your windowsill or in the garden! But there are a lot of benefits from it: vitamin A, folic acid, calcium. All this is contained in the thin green leaves of spinach, which takes its rightful place in the list of the healthiest foods for pregnant women. Soups, purees, side dishes - you can prepare a bunch of healthy dishes from this plant.

Oatmeal (Hercules)

This cereal contains a lot of fiber, B vitamins and iron. It is possible (and, by the way, most useful) to cook porridge with milk. More oatmeal added to various types of baked goods, such as cookies.


Natural yoghurts contain much more calcium than the usual milk. It also contains bifidobacteria, which are necessary for normalizing intestinal functions. But store-bought yogurts are often not as healthy as manufacturers promise us: they contain a lot of preservatives, dyes and flavors. So it’s better to buy a special sourdough machine and make your own delicious and healthy yogurt. Or kefir can serve as an alternative.


It contains simply a huge amount of vitamin B, iron and protein. All this is useful not only for the unborn baby, but also for the mother herself, who is experiencing various health problems during these difficult but happy 9 months. For some, during this period, the level of hemoglobin drops, which the liver will help restore - not only useful, but also a must-have product for pregnant women.


Everyone knows that fish is a traditional source of calcium and phosphorus. Only during pregnancy you should not eat everything, but only seafood and not fatty ones. Fish also contains vitamin D, which strengthens the nervous system. This is one of the healthiest foods for pregnant women.

Lean meat

That is, boiled meat, lean and practically without seasonings. Products such as chicken, rabbit, pork, and beef are perfect. Meat is the main source of protein, which, in turn, is the building material of all body cells.

Be sure to make sure you have all these foods in your diet!

Some general words about healthy foods for pregnant women

The menu for pregnant women should include only freshly prepared food: no stale foods or stale fruits.

It is worth ensuring that nutrients enter the body without excess. Otherwise, you risk changing your metabolism, and at the same time the functioning of the glands will be disrupted internal secretion, which will lead to the appearance of a child with excess body weight, weak muscles and underdevelopment of any individual organs. Therefore, make your personal food list for pregnant women and follow it when eating.

You should eat approximately this amount per day useful substances, which are in the above products for pregnant women:

  • Calcium - 1500-2000 mg
  • Magnesium - 300-500 mg
  • Phosphorus - 1-1.5 g
  • Potassium - 3-5 g
  • Sodium - 4-6 g
  • Chlorine - 4-6 g
  • Iron - 18 mg

Consult your doctor: let him create a personal menu for all three stages of pregnancy and tell you what foods pregnant women should eat.

While in interesting position, women think about the correctness of their nutrition. Food entering the mother's body has both positive and negative effects on the health and development of the baby. Nutrition during pregnancy should be as varied as possible. You don’t need to go on a strict diet, just follow small recommendations for adjusting your diet.

The importance of proper nutrition

Vitamins, minerals and other nutrients must be balanced throughout the entire period of pregnancy. Because proper nutrition during pregnancy provides:

  1. normal functioning of the maternal body;
  2. complete nutrition of the embryo, satisfying its needs;
  3. growth and formation of the placenta;
  4. swelling of the mammary glands;
  5. long and sufficient lactation.

Also during pregnancy, the child develops mental and physical abilities. If there is a nutritional deficiency of certain substances, deviations are possible:

  • the birth of a child with anomalies and developmental defects;
  • decreased viability of the newborn;
  • weak immunological protection;
  • reduced intelligence;
  • impaired concentration and attention;
  • early manifestation of hereditary diseases;
  • decreased life expectancy.

First trimester

Nutrition in early pregnancy does not require drastic adjustments. There is no need to urgently change your lifestyle and taste habits. It is enough to carefully monitor the quality of products and observe a few points:

  1. Taking folic acid. Vitamin B9 is especially important in the first trimester of pregnancy, it is necessary for the growth and development of organs and tissues, affects the formation nervous system. The main sources are: legumes, cabbage, beets, soybeans, cheese, carrots and others;
  2. You shouldn't eat for two. The baby's energy needs are not so high, and overeating high-calorie foods will lead to excess weight;
  3. Eating a cracker or biscuits and a glass of still water on an empty stomach will help get rid of morning sickness during pregnancy. During pregnancy, give preference to baked, boiled and steamed foods. When vomiting, the body loses minerals, so you shouldn’t completely give up salted foods.

Adequate nutrition in the first trimester of pregnancy is fundamental to the prevention of miscarriages. Nutrients reduce the risk of stillbirth and the causes of deformities.

Second trimester

During this period, the fetus begins to grow rapidly. Formed organs have reached functional activity. Daily requirement increases to 2500 kcal. A pregnant woman's body begins to work harder, so there is a high risk of heartburn and constipation. To get rid of these problems, a pregnant woman’s diet in the second trimester should be enriched with the following elements:

  • Calcium and vitamin D. They are fundamental in the formation of bone, muscle and nerve tissue. Deficiency, on the contrary, will lead to fetal growth retardation. Dairy products, eggs, liver sea ​​fish should be included in your diet.

Digestive disorders are caused by foods that are difficult for the body to digest: bread, semolina porridge, cocoa, fast food, soda, as well as fried and spicy foods. These foods should be avoided completely;

  • Iron. A decrease in hemoglobin levels is interpreted in medicine as anemia. It occurs due to a lack of iron in the blood. For prevention and treatment, it is worth adding meat products, eggs and vegetables to your diet. For the best absorption of iron into the blood, it is recommended to combine products with berries and fruits rich in vitamin C (rose hips, cranberries, currants). Read more about anemia during pregnancy >>>;
  • Fiber. The constantly growing uterus of a pregnant woman and decreased intestinal motility provoke the appearance of constipation. Fresh vegetables and fruits rich in fiber should form the basis of your daily diet.

Read more:

  • Fruits during pregnancy >>>
  • Vegetables during pregnancy >>>

Third trimester

It's time for the expectant mother to reduce her caloric intake. Intense growth of the fetus is replaced by a decent weight gain. To ensure proper nutrition for a pregnant woman in the third trimester, the basic recommendations above should be followed.

Decrease energy value food can be limited by limiting consumption simple carbohydrates and animal fats. To prevent edema, pregnant women carry out fasting days, but not more than twice a week. The basis of nutrition is apples, kefir and cottage cheese. Having cleansed, the body is restored and toned.

Approximate diet

The diet of a pregnant woman should be complete and varied. As an example, you can create a menu like this:

First breakfast (7:30):

  • eggs;
  • fermented milk drink;
  • fresh fruit.

Second breakfast (9:30):

  • vegetable salad with olive oil;
  • milk (tea with milk);
  • cheese sandwich;
  • fruits.

Lunch (13:00):

  • vegetable salad;
  • lean soup with sour cream;
  • boiled meat (poultry, fish) with vegetables;
  • fruit juice (freshly squeezed juice diluted with water 1:1).

Afternoon snack (16:00):

  • cottage cheese casserole;
  • milk or yogurt;
  • fresh fruits (berries).

first dinner (18:30):

  • oatmeal or buckwheat porridge with milk;
  • fresh fruit.

Second dinner (20:30):

  • salad without mayonnaise;
  • sandwich with boiled sausage;
  • kefir;
  • green apple;
  • rosehip drink or herbal tea.

Eat a varied and healthy diet and everything will be fine for you and your baby!

For the full development of the baby and wellness expectant mother, pregnant women must adhere to certain nutritional rules. In addition, following all recommendations will help not only make healthy child, but also to maintain a slim and beautiful figure. Proper nutrition for pregnant women is the key to good health of the baby and a successful pregnancy.

Basic principles of nutrition for pregnant women

Expecting a baby is a great time to switch to healthy eating and reconsider your habits. The first thing that will have to change is the number of meals and switch from 3 meals a day to 4-5 meals a day.

As the number of meals increases, the portion size should be reduced. The expectant mother does not need to eat for two - apart from the extra pounds gained and additional problems due to excess weight during childbirth, this will not bring.

You need to eat often and in small portions.

Products should only be fresh and natural: no preservatives or synthetic products. The diet should contain fresh vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs, which perfectly cope with the problem of constipation and help normalize intestinal function, as well as meat, fish, and dairy products - the main sources of protein and the prevention of anemia and lack of calcium in the body.

How to eat properly during pregnancy

  1. Do not abuse large amounts of food, do not overeat, so that there is no feeling of heaviness in the stomach. It is not recommended to skip meals. If you feel hungry, it is better to have a snack in the form of an apple or yogurt;
  2. You need to have breakfast immediately after waking up. Nutritious porridges: oatmeal, buckwheat, corn, rich in microelements and vitamins, ideal for morning meals;
  3. Varied menu – important condition nutrition of expectant mothers. Each product is useful and will only benefit the child. Eating the same dishes can lead to a lack of certain useful and nutrients body;
  4. You should limit the amount of sweets, confectionery and flour products in your menu. Sugar can be replaced healthy honey, sweets - fruits, raisins, nuts;
  5. First half of the day - best time for eating protein foods, afternoons and evenings are great for eating dairy, fermented milk, and plant products;
  6. Proper nutrition during pregnancy involves drinking enough water, which will avoid swelling in pregnant women. Berry fruit drinks, compotes, jelly, rosehip decoction and weak tea are useful;
  7. Give preference to foods that are steamed, stewed, boiled or baked. For fried foods, use as little fat as possible;

Important! Abuse of flour products and baked goods can cause fermentation in the intestines and lead to discomfort and unpleasant sensations.

Proper nutrition for a pregnant woman: menu


The first meal after waking up is muesli with milk with various grains, pieces of fruit and berries, and nuts. Such a breakfast will saturate the body, energize it and provide calcium and phosphorus.

Fresh seasonal fruits dipped in homemade yogurt or frozen, which do not lose their flavor when defrosted, will also be useful. beneficial properties. A variety of cereals, eggs in any form, toast: with cottage cheese, cheese, bacon, vegetables, cottage cheese casseroles will make an excellent breakfast and provide proper nutrition during pregnancy.


Second breakfast - a snack before lunch with fruit, yogurt, a milkshake with the addition of a piece of fruit or a handful of nuts and dried fruits.


Lunch is a full meal. Include soups, boiled, baked or stewed meat in your diet; fish is healthy. Boiled potatoes, stewed vegetables, vermicelli or pasta are suitable as a side dish. Don't forget about vitamin salads With olive oil, greens. After lunch, you can drink a glass of juice, compote or herbal tea.

Afternoon snack:

An afternoon snack allows you to satisfy your hunger before dinner and recharge your body with energy to cope with the afternoon sleepy state. Fresh vegetable and fruit juices, a muffin or bun with honey or jam are suitable, curd mass or cottage cheese dishes.


For dinner, stews with meat and vegetables, fish dishes, egg dishes and fresh salads. You can also eat the bun with milk or yogurt.

Second dinner:

The second dinner usually occurs at a later time. In order not to burden your stomach before bed and to satisfy the feeling of hunger, a glass of warm milk, maybe with honey, a piece of cheese with dry cookies, or a handful of dried fruits or nuts will help. Any fermented milk products are suitable: fermented baked milk, yogurt, kefir.

Prohibited foods for proper nutrition during pregnancy on the menu:

  • Avoid eating half-baked fish and seafood, such as sushi;
  • vegetables and fruits must be washed well under running water to prevent infection with toxoplasmosis;
  • During pregnancy, you should avoid eating blue cheeses (Dor Blue, Camembert), which contain the bacterium Listeria, which poses a risk to the health of the baby.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy by week

First 4 weeks pregnancy is the time when expectant mother realizes that now she should take her health more seriously: eat differently. You should give up quick snacks “on the go”, forget about fast food (hot dogs, French fries), smoked meats, and switch to vegetable salads, dairy products and fresh fruits.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy early stages should provide the pregnant woman’s body with sufficient calcium necessary for the formation of strong bones of the unborn child. All dairy and fermented milk products are rich in calcium, especially cottage cheese, green vegetables, and broccoli.

Also, the body of the expectant mother needs manganese and zinc contained in eggs, oatmeal, bananas, turkey, spinach and carrots.

Toxicosis – common occurrence in pregnant women, therefore proper nutrition in the first trimester of pregnancy during 5 to 10 weeks consists of eliminating foods that can trigger vomiting. This applies to high-calorie and fatty foods. If you feel nauseous, you should eat small portions, lemon, sauerkraut, rosehip decoction, rich in vitamin C, as well as dried apricots, especially before bed.

11-12 weeks of pregnancy– a period of unusual taste preferences in food in pregnant women. You shouldn’t deny yourself even the most daring combinations of products. enough.

13-16 week time of completion of fetal skeleton formation. Eating milk, cottage cheese, and kefir will benefit the unborn baby.

During 17-24 weeks the formation and development of the child’s visual and hearing organs occurs. During these weeks, foods rich in vitamin A are useful. It is found in large quantities in cabbage, carrots, and bell peppers.

WITH 24 to 28 weeks expectant mothers may experience an unpleasant feeling of heartburn, which is associated with pressure from the stomach on the uterus, which has significantly increased in size by this time. Avoid eating fatty and spicy food, sauces and seasonings, avoid carbonated drinks. For heartburn, porridges are useful, especially oatmeal and buckwheat, low-fat vegetable puree soups, boiled meat and stewed vegetables.

29 - 34th week of pregnancy– the period of formation and development of the child’s brain. The diet should consist of red fish, dairy and fermented milk products, nuts and eggs. Proper nutrition for pregnant women is especially important during this period!

Starting from 35 weeks– the time of preparation of the body for future childbirth, it needs energy. Fresh and boiled vegetables are a source of energy and strengthen the body. You should reduce the amount of meat and fish dishes, eggs, as well as foods rich in calcium in your diet - the body does not need calcium before childbirth.His excess quantity will lead to hardening of the baby’s skull bones and make it difficult for him to pass through the birth canal.

Important! More attention should be paid to the consumption of vegetable fats, season salads with vegetable oil, and add to vegetables. Vegetable oil helps increase muscle elasticity and is an excellent prevention of hemorrhoids.

Pregnancy is a time when a woman can allow everything in her diet, but keep it in moderation, adhering to the basic rules of nutrition. Having organized proper nutrition during pregnancy week by week, a woman should not deny herself small pleasures - the source positive emotions, so necessary for the baby.

The diet of the expectant mother greatly affects the speed metabolic processes in her body and the absorption of nutrients necessary for the development of the baby. The supply of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and useful microelements the fetus, its uniform growth and development, as well as weight gain, the functioning of the kidneys, heart and blood vessels of the woman herself.

On the one hand, there are many foods that pregnant women should not eat. On the other hand, some expectant mothers are on a strict diet.

You shouldn’t go to extremes, you just need to figure out how it can actually harm poor nutrition during pregnancy.

Why is proper nutrition so important during pregnancy?

Many expectant parents imagine the “harmfulness” of a particular food product literally: if a pregnant woman eats something, it will reach the fetus and harm it. However, this is not so: in reality, the situation with “forbidden” products is much more complicated. There is no direct digestive tube between the body of mother and baby. Food eaten by a pregnant woman is broken down in her digestive tract to the basic products needed for normal operation body and fetal development - proteins, fats and carbohydrates. These substances are necessary for energy metabolism. Through the intestinal wall they are absorbed into the bloodstream and delivered through the blood vessels to the baby.

From the majority harmful components modern products nutrition – food additives, flavor enhancers, preservatives, dyes, flavors - the baby is protected by the placental barrier (a unique double microfilter from the walls of the capillaries of the uterus and placenta). If the placenta does its job well, then the molecules of harmful substances in literally don't pass " customs control"and do not enter the fetal bloodstream.

Among the foods that we traditionally eat, there are none that could directly affect the health of the fetus. There is no such dish, drink, fruit or vegetable, nut, berry, etc., which is usually healthy, but becomes harmful during pregnancy. However, this does not mean at all that the expectant mother can safely eat whatever she pleases without fear for the health of the unborn baby. Pregnancy is an additional burden on a woman’s body, and a very significant one at that. All her organs and systems work in “wartime mode”, and sometimes in the most literal sense: the growing uterus puts pressure on neighboring organs, including the stomach and pancreas, liver and gallbladder, spleen, kidneys, bladder and a large number of large blood vessels. In this mode of operation, any error in the power supply, which usual time would manifest itself as a slight malaise or would go unnoticed at all, it could seriously affect the metabolism and worsen the well-being of the expectant mother.

In fact, no food product can directly harm the baby. However, the use harmful products always has a detrimental effect on the health of the expectant mother herself, on which the course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus depend. Thus, reviewing your diet during pregnancy is not an empty reinsurance, and you need to take it wisely and seriously.

What a pregnant woman should not eat: “black list” of toxic foods

Of course, the expectant mother should create a “forbidden list” for herself, which includes all products that are known to be hazardous to health. Pregnant women should not eat chips, chemically sweet drinks, food with flavoring additives and artificial colors, and canned food.

They contain harmful substances, complicating digestion, liver and kidney function, and are toxic to the body as a whole. During pregnancy, these dubious delicacies are strictly prohibited: the woman’s body experiences a double load, and improper nutrition during this period can lead to serious problems with health, which will immediately affect the condition of the fetus.

To the most frequent consequences Eating harmful foods during pregnancy also includes cholelithiasis. These diseases, accompanied severe pain and a significant deterioration in the well-being of the expectant mother, often require urgent surgical intervention, which significantly increases the risk of miscarriage.

In addition, while waiting for the baby you should not use coffee and alcohol– these products can provoke a rise blood pressure, uterine hypertonicity and the risk of placental abruption. In addition, the half-life products of alcohol circulating in the blood of a pregnant woman are toxic to the fetus.

Nutrition during pregnancy: how to avoid excess weight?

In addition to the “prohibited list”, there are other products that it is advisable to significantly limit various reasons. So it is better to reduce the consumption of bread, pasta and all kinds of baked goods, confectionery, as well as meat and meat products high in fat (lard, bacon, fatty sausages), since they contribute to excessive weight gain.

They literally harm the health of mother and baby, sometimes jeopardizing the very fact of pregnancy. Overweight creates increased load on the cardiovascular system.

Against the background of pathological weight gain, a pregnant woman’s blood pressure often increases, the tone of the uterus increases, and placental blood flow decreases. As a result of such changes, the fetus experiences a lack of nutrition and oxygen - fetoplacental insufficiency develops, often leading to ( oxygen starvation) fruit.

Pregnant women with significant weight gain (15 kg or more) are at risk for the development of late toxicosis, or gestosis, characterized by the appearance of edema, increased blood pressure and loss of protein in the urine. Without timely treatment this complication can lead to premature detachment placenta, development of eclampsia ( convulsive syndrome against the background of an uncontrolled rise in blood pressure), uterine bleeding.

Unfortunately, these the most dangerous complications, threatening the life of mother and child, in the vast majority of cases (82%!) develop in pregnant women with pathologically overweight. Therefore, the expectant mother needs to monitor uniform weight gain and limit pleasant “excesses” in her diet.

Foods that interfere with digestion during pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is recommended to significantly limit consumption smoked, spicy, fried foods, as well as legumes, corn and highly carbonated drinks. The reason why the listed dishes fall out of favor is simple: during pregnancy, due to the pressure of the growing uterus, the digestion process becomes significantly more difficult, so foods that are difficult to digest cause the expectant mother particular discomfort.

An abundance of spicy and fried foods can cause hepatic colic and vomiting even in a completely healthy expectant mother, and legumes and soda can cause prolonged flatulence (bloating), which causes weight gain for the pregnant woman discomfort and often becoming an indirect cause of increased uterine tone.

Avoiding allergens during pregnancy

The expectant mother should use “allergenic” foods with caution - citrus fruits, exotic fruits and dishes.

During pregnancy, it is often discovered for the first time allergic reaction on foods that a woman ate before pregnancy without any consequences. Allergies are dangerous for an expectant mother because they are a predisposing factor in the development of early and late toxicosis of pregnancy - complications that sometimes cause miscarriage. Therefore, you should not rely on “recognized” allergens.

Many people believe that if the expectant mother eats allergenic foods during pregnancy, then... This is the most common misconception about the diet of a pregnant woman. But it is important to understand that there are no food products that directly affect the health of the fetus. Allergies are laid down genetically at the time of fertilization or acquired during life under the influence of external unfavorable factors (for example, bad ecology or harmful production). However, it is precisely during the embryonic period (during intrauterine development) a person is reliably protected from the influence of adverse factors with the help of the placental barrier. Thus, the development of allergies in a child has nothing to do with the mother’s consumption of allergenic foods during pregnancy. You should only avoid those foods that provoke allergies in the pregnant woman herself.