The feeling of heaviness in the eyes causes. High and low eye pressure - symptoms and treatment

Glaucoma, especially in the open-angle form, develops gradually, so we may simply not pay attention to the signs of the disease. Meanwhile, symptoms and treatment of increased internal eye pressure closely interconnected! The earlier the disease is diagnosed, the greater the chance that surgery can be avoided.

Symptoms of intraocular pressure disorders

A special liquid constantly circulates in a person’s eyes, which has many important functions - it serves as a conductor nutrients and support for all parts of the organ. Metabolic products and bacteria are also excreted with the intraocular fluid. Normally, every minute the eye receives 2 microliters of fresh fluid and the same amount flows out through the drainage channels. If the outflow is disrupted, the pressure increases. Symptoms of increased intraocular pressure:

  • feeling of discomfort and pain in the eyes;
  • deterioration peripheral vision;
  • headaches and pain in brow ridges;
  • feeling of severe eye fatigue in the evening;
  • the appearance of colored circles when looking at a light source.

There are two types of glaucoma - closed-angle and open-angle. The first reason is deformation of the structure of the eye, when the iris grows and begins to compress the drainage channels. The second type is associated with deterioration of the intraocular fluid outflow system itself - weakening of vessels and channels, deposits of proteins and lipids on their walls, and weakening of muscles. Open-angle glaucoma is more dangerous, since all these processes occur very slowly; for the first few years, the disease is practically asymptomatic. On initial stage It is very difficult to detect the disease.

Symptoms that intraocular pressure is increased for open-angle and closed-angle glaucoma will be completely identical.

The opposite situations also occur when there is a deficiency of fluid in the eye. This condition has several causes, one of the main ones being general hypotension. This can also happen due to injury and water starvation. Symptoms of low intraocular pressure are as follows:

  • dry eyes;
  • sunken eyeballs;
  • gradual;
  • reduction in eye size.

Your doctor will determine how to treat intraocular pressure disorders. Before this, it is necessary to measure exact indicators using a Maklakov tonometer.

How to treat high intraocular pressure?

When pressure in the eye increases, it is important to know what form of glaucoma has developed. Open angle is harder to spot, but much easier to defeat. Often when the first symptoms of increased intraocular pressure are detected, treatment is sufficient folk remedies. This is a diet aimed at reducing body weight, increasing motor activity and diuretic herbal mixtures. IN for preventive purposes It is enough to drink a course of rosehip infusion to feel better. Good results showed and special gymnastics for the eyes. With the help of exercises you can significantly strengthen muscles and speed up metabolic processes eyes.

In most cases, surgery is prescribed, since it is not possible to influence the ocular structure in other ways. But this diagnosis is not a death sentence. In the early stages, drops may be prescribed to regulate the outflow of intraocular fluid, for example, Xalatan and Carbochol. Their action will be sufficient to prevent vision deterioration and atrophy optic nerve. Of course, you will have to use these medications on an ongoing basis for many years. But if you are categorically against eye surgery and laser correction, this option will be the only correct one.

Vision is a very important function of our body; it helps us see the world and surrounding objects. But with some problems, vision may deteriorate.

For example, its severity is affected by intraocular pressure. It can either decrease or increase. What is the normal intraocular pressure? What are the reasons for its change? And how to fix problems?

So, intraocular pressure is the pressure that is exerted on the eye wall intraocular fluid And vitreous. Normally, this indicator is constant, although minor fluctuations may be observed during the day.

But serious deviations indicate problems and can lead to undesirable consequences. So, if the value is constantly abnormal, then visual acuity will gradually decrease. A disease such as glaucoma may occur.

And if it is not treated, then vision can be lost completely and irrevocably. In addition, if the intraocular contents change its volume, this will certainly affect the shape of the eye, which means that the image will be distorted and the person will not be able to see normally.

How are standards measured? What are their meanings?

What is the normal intraocular pressure? It is determined using special measurements and will depend on the specific method chosen. Today there are two possible:


So, the norm of intraocular pressure is now known, we can proceed to its changes. Indicators can deviate both up and down.

That is, both an increase and a decrease are possible. Both of these conditions are not normal and do not develop spontaneously. Typically, changes in the volume or composition of intraocular contents lead to certain problems, negative factors or pathology.

Increased intraocular pressure is divided into three forms:

  1. Transitional. In this case, the increase is short-term and one-time.
  2. Labile. Increases are periodic, after which the condition returns to normal.
  3. Stable. The increase is constant, that is, the intraocular contents constantly press on the walls eyeball.

Reasons for changes

Intraocular contents (fluid and vitreous humor) are normally contained in the eyeball in a certain volume. And this volume can change only for some reason or under the influence of certain factors.

First, let's list the reasons for increased intraocular pressure:

Now, more about the reasons for the decrease in intraocular pressure:

  1. Infectious eye diseases can provoke both an increase and a decrease in the described indicator.
  2. Hypotension is one of the most common causes.
  3. Retinal detachment (for example, due to chemical, mechanical or thermal damage).
  4. Diabetes mellitus. In particular, the following can lead to pathological changes: dangerous conditions as ketoacidotic coma or ketoacidosis.
  5. Severe liver diseases, which can lead to the so-called hepatic coma.
  6. Severe dehydration (fluid will leave all tissues).
  7. Foreign bodies in the eyes or penetrating wounds and injuries.


How will the changes manifest themselves?

Here are the symptoms of increased intraocular pressure:

    • The eyes quickly get tired and tired (in advanced cases, even after short work or after minor stress).
    • May occur discomfort, pain in the eyes.
    • There is a feeling of distension of the eyeballs (some feel as if they are about to burst).
    • Discomfort in the eyes when reading, working at a computer or with documents, as well as in dimly lit rooms.

Headaches may also occur (most often they are localized in the temple area).

  • Dizziness.
  • Flashes, rainbow circles, spots in the eyes (rarely).
  • Distortion of the image or narrowing of the visual field (for example, a person does not see objects located on the sides).
  • Enlargement of the eyeballs (with significant changes this becomes noticeable externally).
  • Deterioration of vision. It may not be noticeable and not so rapid, so a decrease in severity may be noticed after a year or even two.

Now in more detail about the manifestations of low intraocular pressure. They are not as obvious and noticeable as with promotion.

Often a person does not notice any changes at all and only after a year or several years does he discover that his vision has deteriorated. And yet there are some possible symptoms, rather related to related problems and pathologies that may allow one to suspect a decrease:

  1. Dry eyes.
  2. The eyes may appear dull and the shine may fade.
  3. Recession of the eyeballs due to their reduction in size.
  4. Decreased visual acuity.

What to do?

First of all, you need to eliminate the root cause of the change. It is important to eliminate hypertension or hypotension and get rid of other diseases ( diabetes mellitus, renal failure and so on). But also symptomatic therapy may also be required.

If there is an increase, the following measures are possible:

  • The use of eye drops that normalize the outflow of fluid and metabolic processes.
  • Also, in some cases, prostaglandin drugs, for example, Xalatan, are effective.
  • Alpha adrenergic agonists (for example, Brimonidine) help improve the outflow of fluid from the anterior chamber of the eye.
  • Beta blockers reduce the amount of moisture released. Such drugs include Timoptic.
  • In difficult cases it is indicated surgery. So, during iridotomy, a puncture is made in a certain area of ​​the iris, due to which the condition is gradually normalized. Laser trabeculospasis involves cauterization of the ciliary body of the eye. During goniotomy, the iridocorneal angle of the anterior eye chamber is dissected. Trabeculotomy involves cutting the trabcular meshwork.

Here's what you can do to reduce intraocular pressure:

  1. Oxygen therapy (use of oxygen).
  2. Vitamin B1 injections.
  3. Drops based on atropine sulfate.
  4. Injections (subconjunctival) of atropine sulfate, dexamethasone or sodium chloride solution.

May your eyes be healthy!

It is common knowledge that there is a lot of fluid inside our eyes that has a certain pressure.

A condition in which the eyeball is tense and sensitive when touched closed eye, is called intraocular pressure.

Normal pressure inside the eye is approximately 15 mmHg. (within 12-20).

Intraocular pressure helps maintain the shape of the eye and the function of the eyeball. However, too high or low pressure can lead to blindness, since in the area optic disc the visual fibers are compressed. The compression blocks the flow of neurons from the retina to the optic nerves controlled by the brain.

Most dangerous disease the eye is characterized by high blood pressure (up to 60 to 70 mmHg), since this disease can lead to blindness. Intraocular pressure over 25-30 mm Hg. already poses a threat to human health and vision.

What is the nature of this type of pressure? Inside the capsule is the vitreous body, as well as the eye fluid. It is they who create a certain tension inside the capsule and tone the eye. Thanks to pressure, the normal spherical shape of the eye is maintained and normal nutrition of the eyeball is maintained. Ophthalmological disorders are always associated with disturbances in the pressure inside the eye. In such cases, vision deteriorates.

Causes of increased intraocular pressure

Causes of increased intraocular pressure often include acute inflammation eyes, in which leukocytes and tissue particles block the trabecular space, resulting in increased internal tension of the eyeball.

Reasons promotion intraocular pressure:

  • increased production of eye fluid;
  • anatomical features of the structure of the eye, most often congenital;
  • nervous system disorder;
  • disruption of the heart and vascular system.
Reasons reduction intraocular pressure:

  • complications after surgery;
  • injuries;
  • underdeveloped condition of the eyeball.
It is recommended to regularly check intraocular pressure for people over 40 years of age to prevent serious eye diseases (once every three years).

To do this, use a Maklakov tonometer, electrotonography or pneumotonometer. The procedure for measuring blood pressure is painless, as painkillers are used, but it is quite uncomfortable. The norm for this type of pressure is measured using a Maklakov tonometer; it is 24 mm Hg; according to a pneumotonometer, the norm is considered to be a pressure of 16-17 mm Hg.

Complications of intraocular pressure disorders include diseases such as glaucoma and visual atrophy. optic nerve. Therefore, it is imperative to start treatment in a timely manner.

Symptoms of intraocular pressure

It is important to remember that pressure problems inside the eye can be asymptomatic, so a preventive examination is a necessary measure to control pressure.

In adults, the main signs include:

  • unclearness and blurriness of the image;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • rapid eye fatigue;
  • pain in the temples and eye area.
If intraocular pressure increases sharply, the patient experiences severe pain in the head, vomiting, nausea, clouding of the cornea and swelling of the eyelids may appear. In this case it is necessary to urgently go to an ophthalmologist for help.

Treatment of intraocular pressure

The main methods of combating intraocular pressure in adults are divided into conservative and surgical.

If drug therapy was not successful, then surgical intervention is performed, with the help of which it becomes possible to open the trabecular space and create channels to improve the flow of fluid inside the eye.

Treatment methods for this problem:

  • medical therapy;
  • laser iridotomy;
  • laser trabeculospasis.
Surgical methods treatment:

  1. 1) Microscopic goniotomy with or without goniopuncture includes the procedure of dissecting the corneal-iris angle of the eye chamber;
  2. 2) Trabeculotomy involves cutting the trabecular mesh tissue that connects the edge of the eyelashes to the cornea.
  3. 3) Operational and laser treatment helps to enhance the drainage function of the eye, its nutrition and blood circulation.

Folk remedies

Golden mustache tincture has proven itself to be excellent in the fight against illness. To prepare it, 17 knees of this plant are finely crushed, then poured with half a liter of vodka and infused in a dark place for 12 days.

To prepare, you need to periodically, about once every 3 days, shake the container with the drink a little. You need to use this tincture every day, one and a half teaspoons, half an hour before meals.

Prevention of violations

Preventive measures include maintaining a daily routine and proper nutrition, refusal bad habits such as smoking and abuse of alcoholic and tonic drinks, reducing physical activity in a head-down position.

Working at a computer for a long time can lead to illness, so you need to take breaks from work and combine mental work with physical activity. Watch out for eye strain, do eye exercises and be healthy!

Which doctor should I contact for treatment?

If, after reading this article, you suspect that you have symptoms characteristic of this disease, then you should

We perceive 80% through our eyes. the world around us. Stressful situations, modern technologies and unfavorable environmental conditions cause irreparable damage to the eyes. The stability of the internal state of this organ changes under the influence of environmental factors, and we feel tired and uncomfortable. Internal cause These sensations may be a change in pressure inside the eye.

What is intraocular pressure

Fluids constantly circulate inside the eye, maintaining nutrition, hydration and normal functioning of this organ.

Fluids in the eye, in the process of natural microcirculation, can put pressure on the eye wall from the inside. This pressure is intraocular pressure (IOP). Intraocular pressure is a constant value, due to which normal size and spherical shape of the eyeball, stable vision.

In newborns, IOP is from 12-14 mm Hg. and increases by approximately 1 mmHg. 2 years before adolescence(12-13 years old).

In elderly people over 60 years of age, the IOP value should not exceed the thresholds of 10-23 mmHg. Values ​​may vary depending on the chosen measurement technique.


The following deviations of eye pressure from the norm are observed: increased and decreased.

Increased pressure inside the eye is divided according to the duration of the disorder:

  • Transient - an increase in pressure once and for a short period of time.
  • Labile - pressure rises periodically and returns to normal again.
  • Stable - intraocular pressure is constantly increased and disorders progress (glaucoma).


The main causes of increased pressure inside the eye:

  • Hypertension (increased arterial and intracranial pressure);
  • Eye fatigue (working at a computer, reading small texts, watching TV for a long time);
  • Farsightedness;
  • Stress (malfunctions of the nervous system);
  • Heart failure;
  • Kidney disease (fluid retention in the body);
  • Disruption in work thyroid gland(Graves' disease, hyperthyroidism);
  • High levels of adrenal hormones in the blood (Itsenko-Cushing syndrome);
  • Menopause;
  • Tumor processes in the body;
  • Inflammatory diseases;
  • Injuries.

The main reasons for decreased intraocular pressure:

  • Hypotension (low blood pressure);
  • Inflammation of the iris (iritis);
  • Inflammation choroid eyes (uveitis);
  • Dehydration (with dysentery, peritonitis);
  • Diabetic coma;
  • Severe liver diseases;
  • Injuries;

Symptoms and signs

At slight increase or decreased intraocular pressure, symptoms are subtle or absent. Only an ophthalmologist can detect the beginning signs of a disorder.

Low blood pressure

The main symptoms of progressive low blood pressure inside the eye:

  • gradual deterioration of vision;
  • dryness of the eyelids and cornea, eyes stop shining;
  • decrease in the density of the eyeball upon palpation, with more in serious condition the eyes noticeably droop (in this case, emergency medical attention is required).

Long-term progression of the disease can lead to a decrease in eye size.


With increased intraocular pressure, headaches, eye pain, increased eye fatigue, and temporary redness of the eyes upon strain are observed. Vision is rarely impaired.

The following symptoms are characteristic of increased IOP with a risk of glaucoma:

  • severe pain in the eyes;
  • migraine;
  • progressive deterioration of vision;
  • swelling of the cornea and eyelids;
  • dilation of the pupil or its deformation;
  • “floaters” and rainbow circles before the eyes;
  • twilight vision impairment;
  • decrease in field of view.


Diagnostics pathological changes IOP is carried out comprehensively. Consultations with a nephrologist, neurologist, neurosurgeon, cardiologist, traumatologist and endocrinologist are necessary to identify the cause of the disorder.

To diagnose changes in IOP, a number of devices and techniques are used:

  • Electrotonograph. An electromechanical device for graphically recording changes in intraocular tone. The device records within 4 minutes how much fluid is in the eye and how easily it is removed. This test is a non-contact way to measure IOP.
  • Pneumotonometer. A computerized, automatic device that measures intraocular pressure without contact. The patient fixes his head on a stand and looks straight. Using a stream of air directed at a certain speed towards the eyes, the device calculates readings. IOP is determined by the rate of reaction of air with the cornea.
  • Maklakov tonometer. This is a contact and most common diagnostic method. Anesthesia is used during this procedure. A painted weight is installed by eye. The eye becomes deformed under the weight of the load. The degree of deformation depends on the value of intraocular tone. Then, the weight is applied to the paper, the paint leaves a mark on it, and the indicators are determined by the intensity of the color. Measurements are taken twice on each eye.
  • You can roughly estimate the level of intraocular pressure yourself; in this case, the indicators will not have clear characteristics. High elasticity, which can be felt when pressing on the surface of the eye covered by the eyelid, indicates high blood pressure, and an almost indistinguishable outline of the eyeball, outlined across the eyelid, indicates low eye pressure.

After 40 years of age, intraocular pressure measurement must be performed at least once a year.

Possible complications

Complications that may occur with chronic change intraocular pressure level:

  • Glaucoma;
  • Optic nerve atrophy (up to the development of irreversible blindness);
  • Changes in the field of view with the disappearance of entire areas of visibility;
  • Perforation or atrophy of the retina;
  • Violation of the shape of the eyeball;
  • Deformations of the internal structures of the eye.

Treatment of all these complications is possible only surgically. In severe advanced cases, the changes are irreversible.



In case of serious deviations necessary treatment prescribed by the doctor.

Low blood pressure

The main medications for the treatment of eye hypotension are:

  • drops, the action of which is aimed at constricting the pupil and compressing the iris of the eye ( Pilocarpine, Aceclidine, Armin, Tosmilen, Phosphacol).
  • antibiotics (if infectious diseases eyeball tissue or infection due to injury);
  • stimulants that increase intraocular pressure (aloe, atropine sulfate);
  • ATP drugs;
  • vasoconstrictors and vitamins as adjuvant therapy. Their action is aimed at maintaining metabolic processes in the structures of the eye (Okomistin, Taurine).


If pathological process found on early stage, treatment begins with direct impact on high level IOP, in this case, eye pressure drops are prescribed, which normalize metabolic processes in the tissues, promote the outflow of fluid, and reduce the pressure effect on the eye wall ( Travatan, Xalatan, Okumed, Timolol, Pilocarpine, Cosopt, Xalacom).


If drug therapy did not give results, use laser correction(iridoplasty, trabeculoplasty and others).

In advanced cases with a risk of complications, use surgical treatment(iridectomy, fistulizing interventions, operations using drains, and so on) with a hospital stay under the supervision of doctors.

Folk remedies

For small fluctuations in IOP, to maintain visual health, they are suitable traditional methods. Oral decoctions and compresses are used as treatment.

Aloe infusion

Four lower leaves of aloe, pour 240 milliliters of boiling water, leave for 5 minutes. Strain and rub your eyes with the infusion up to 6 times per knock.

Motherwort infusion

In 250 milliliters hot water Brew 15 grams of motherwort herb. Leave for an hour, strain, take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Spicy infusion

Take 20 grams of dill, anise and coriander seeds and pour 500 milliliters of boiling water. Let it brew for 2 hours and strain, take 120 milliliters 3 times a day.

Tomato juice

It stabilizes IOP well. It is necessary to drink the drink 4 times a day, 50 milliliters for 2 weeks. Then take a break for 3 weeks and repeat the course.

Potato compress

It will not only help remove bags under the eyes, but also quickly normalize IOP. Grate 2 raw potatoes on a fine grater, spread the mixture onto cotton pads, and place a compress on your eyes. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

Dandelion ointment

Collect dandelion leaves and grind in a blender. Mix a tablespoon of chopped herbs with the same volume of honey. Apply the product to the eyelids and cover with cotton swabs. Keep for 10-15 minutes.

Mint drops

Dilute 1 drop of peppermint oil in 100 milliliters of distilled water. Drop into your eyes.


Diet for elevated IOP provides for limiting fatty meats. The main diet in everyday nutrition should consist of products of plant origin.

  • It is important to include up to 500 grams of vegetables and fruits, as well as dark berries, in your diet daily, as they are very beneficial for the eyes.
  • It is beneficial to eat dairy and fermented milk products low fat content.
  • You should limit the amount of salt in your diet.
  • It is useful to slightly limit your fluid intake.
  • It is necessary to monitor the functioning of the intestines, and in case of constipation, be sure to take the necessary measures. There should be stool at least once every 2 days.
  • Avoid alcohol.

With low IOP, you should adhere to the same rules, but fluid intake should be increased and foods rich in vitamin C should be added to the diet.


To maintain normal level IOP and maintaining the health of your eyes is necessary:

  • Quit smoking. Nicotine, penetrating into the blood, leads to a sharp narrowing of blood vessels;
  • Avoid psychological fatigue and stress;
  • Get enough sleep;
  • Maintain a daily routine;
  • Use glasses that protect your eyes from ultraviolet radiation;
  • Undergo a preventive examination by an ophthalmologist;
  • Fulfill light massage and exercise for the eyes;
  • Use vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • Carry out gymnastics to relax the eyes;
  • Eliminate energy drinks from your diet;
  • Limit consumption of tea and coffee.