What is Adam's apple used for? Preparation and use of tincture

Maclura fruits folk medicine find wide application: Adam's apple is used to treat many diseases.

Typically, alcohol tinctures, ointments and rubs are prepared from the fruits of this plant.

Recipes for making Adam's apple tinctures

Recipe No. 1

Mix 200 ml of juice from ripe maclura fruits with 40 ml of vodka. Close the container with the mixture with a lid and leave for several days. When the liquid is divided into two layers, the milky one must be drained, and the hydroalcoholic one must be taken.

Recipe No. 2

The Adam's apple fruit must be cut into small pieces, filled to the top of the jar, and filled with vodka. You need to insist for about six months, but you can take it after 6-10 days. The longer you infuse the mixture, the better the effect will be. The prepared tincture must be decanted. It is necessary to store the product in containers filled to the top, since oxygen destroys some useful compounds.
These two tinctures of Adam's apple are used for the following pathologies:

  • arthritis and joint pain,
  • radiculitis,
  • gout,
  • osteochondrosis,
  • diseases with salt deposition,
  • heel spurs,
  • lymphadenopathy,
  • inflammatory muscle pain,
  • haemorrhoids,
  • ENT diseases – sinusitis, adenoids,
  • skin diseases - eczema, lichen, dermatitis,
  • cancer of the stomach, intestines, cervix.

You can also use these tinctures to relieve fatigue, reduce intoxication, and strengthen the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
Not everyone knows how to take Adam's apple tincture correctly. The application regimen is as follows: during the first week - three drops before meals once a day, in the second week - three drops twice a day, in the third - three times. At further treatment Every week you need to add 1 drop to one of the doses (that is, only 1 drop per day). From thirty years maximum daily dose is 30 drops (10 drops 3 times). For younger people, the number of drops should equal the number of years.
As soon as maximum dose will be achieved, every next week you need to take one drop from one dose (one drop per day). Thus, the dose should be reduced over the same period of time to 3 drops three times a day. Then take a break for a couple of weeks. To treat the tumor, you may need a second course of treatment with Adam's apple in the form of a tincture.

Important: before using maclura tincture, you should consult your doctor, especially if you have liver disease.

These same tincture recipes can be used externally in the treatment of arthritis, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, rheumatism and other diseases of the osteoarticular system. In these cases, the tincture is used in the form of compresses or rubbing.
For adenoid polyps or polyps in paranasal sinuses The use of Adam's apple is also useful for the nose. To a teaspoon of tincture (No. 1 or No. 2) add a teaspoon of vegetable oil (any). Make small turundas from cotton wool and soak them in the mixture. Place in the nasal passages for 30 minutes, repeat after 2 hours. Continue the procedure until the polyps shrink or disappear.

Recipe No. 3

Young maklura branches along with leaves must be finely chopped and filled with alcohol (70%). Leave for two weeks and strain. A tincture of Adam's apple sprigs in alcohol can be used to treat abrasions, wounds, scratches, but must first be diluted boiled water (1:1).

Recipe No. 4

This is more likely not a tincture, but oil from maclura. It is prepared by analogy with the second recipe: fill a jar with chopped Adam's apple fruits and fill it with oil (any vegetable). After a week, filter. This product is used for local treatment dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis: lubricate the areas twice a day, only in the evening.

Adam's apple ointment recipes

Traditional medicine suggests using Adam's apple in the form of ointment recipes.

Recipe No. 1

To prepare the ointment, you need to melt the pig's lard and put it in a jar in the form of a layer 1.5 cm thick. Place a 1 cm layer of maclura fruits cut into slices on top. Alternating lard and Adam's apple slices, you need to fill the jar to the top, close the lid, coat with dough. Cook in a water bath or over low heat in the oven for about 20-24 hours.

The frozen ointment is stored in the refrigerator and heated before use. Rub into affected areas of skin.

There are other uses for ointment:

  1. For hemorrhoids, fissures, rectal cancer, a chilled ointment based on Adam's apple is used to form rectal suppositories(length 2 cm, thickness - 1 cm) and insert them overnight every day.
  2. Ointment from maclura or Adam's apple is used for diseases of the musculoskeletal system. motor system. If you add a little fish oil to the finished ointment, you will get excellent remedy for the treatment of osteochondrosis, arthritis, intervertebral hernias, to prevent premature wear of the vertebrae.
  3. The same ointment is suitable for the treatment of mastopathy, including fibromastopathy. For this purpose it is necessary to take cabbage leaf, beat it lightly and scald with boiling water. Then lubricate with ointment and apply to the sore chest overnight. In the same way, you can apply compresses to swollen lymph nodes with lymphadenitis. If there is no cabbage leaf, replace it with burdock.
  4. For sinusitis and other sinusitis, the ointment must be heated until it becomes liquid. Place the warm mixture into the nasal passages, 3 drops twice a day. After instillation, mucopurulent discharge appears from the nose. This treatment you need to continue for three weeks and then take a break of 1.5 weeks. Repeat if necessary. For adenoids in children, the course of treatment is shortened to 10 days.

Recipe No. 2

Treatment of joints with Adam's apple is also possible using the following ointment: mix 125 ml of the tincture prepared according to the recipes described above with 250 g of internal pork fat (melted).
Store in the refrigerator and keep at room temperature until softened before using.
This ointment recipe is suitable for rubbing sore joints, the spine with osteochondrosis, and rubbing into the area of ​​swollen lymph nodes. Can be used to treat sprained ligaments and muscles. This ointment is also applied in the form of applications to the spine and sore joints (preliminarily applied to the tissue).

Important: remember that before using Adam's apple for treatment, you should consult a doctor. After all, this remedy has some contraindications (diabetes mellitus - if taken orally, allergies, etc.).

All materials on the Priroda-Znaet.ru website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

The unusual fruit with a lumpy green skin is popularly called differently: Adam's apple, maclura, gift of God's tree, false orange, Indian (or inedible) orange. Traditional medicine knows many ways to use this strange plant to heal various ailments. Official medicine stubbornly ignores the Adam's apple, but healers successfully use it.

What are the benefits of Adam's apple?

The lumpy balls of maclura vaguely resemble an orange, but have an orange-green color, close to light green. The tree itself is considered a source of wood, but not edible fruit. Meanwhile, the Adam's apple, similar in composition to mulberries, contains a lot useful substances:

Many antioxidants (flavonoid compounds) essential for the body;

Powerful natural immunostimulants;

Valuable substances ( fatty acids, sterols, saponins);

Citric acid.

Despite all the value of Adam's apple juice, the use of this fruit in folk medicine should be very careful. The fact is that the fruits of the tree are quite poisonous, so you need to strictly dose any medicine prepared on the basis of maclura. You cannot combine treatment and taking antibiotics or alcohol.

For allergy sufferers, it is better not to risk it at all and turn to other means of treatment. Those who have been diagnosed with diabetes will have to avoid using Adam's apple tincture internally.

What diseases does the Adam's apple cure?

The use of maclura in folk medicine is very wide. Medicinal home remedies prepared on its basis have anti-sclerotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic, and antiviral properties.

The list of ailments that can be treated with rubs, tinctures, ointments, and Adam's apple oils includes the following diseases:

Arthritis, polyarthritis, gout, radiculitis, rheumatism;

Varicose veins;

Hemorrhagic pathologies;

Immunodeficiency conditions;

Metabolic disorders;

Hernia, including intervertebral hernia;

Skin diseases(eczema, dermatitis, deep skin injuries),


There are known cases of using Adam's apple in folk medicine to strengthen the nervous and cardiovascular systems, normalize the functioning of the liver and spleen. But the most valuable property medicines from maclura - the ability to stop the development of cancerous tumors (including metastases) and benign neoplasms. The anticancer use of maclura in folk medicine involves the use of tinctures orally. It is important to dose them strictly, since you will have to drink them for a long time.

How to prepare Adam's apple rub, ointment and tincture

Mostly external remedies are prepared from Adam's apple: rubs, ointments, oils. In rare cases, maclura is used in folk medicine in the form of a tincture for oral administration.

The healing effect of the fruits of the tree of God is so great that after preparing any medicinal drug, enough useful substances remain in the cake that can be successfully used. Therefore, after squeezing the fruit slices infused with vodka, alcohol, oil, fat, you should not throw them away. They should be ground in a meat grinder and combined with a small amount of any oil. Use the mixture as a compress, applying it to sore spot.


To prepare the rub you will need:

One ripe maclura fruit;

Alcohol or moonshine 70% strength (about half a glass).

To prepare the mass, you need to select a really ripe fruit, medium in size. It needs to be grated on the middle side of a grater and mixed with the same amount of alcohol. Pour the preparation into a glass jar with a threaded lid, close tightly and put it in a closet for two weeks so that the rubbing can infuse properly. Adam's apple rub is used in folk medicine to treat sore joints, as it perfectly regulates water-salt balance.


Medical effective ointment Adam's apple can be prepared in several ways. The first one is quite difficult to prepare. You'll need a gut pork fat(approximately 150-200 grams) and ripe fruit of the tree of God. The fat must be placed in a dry frying pan and heated until plastic. Finely chop the Adam's apple. Then the two components are placed in layers in a convenient glass container and kept in a water bath for 24 hours. The resulting liquid is drained and used after solidification.

Second way preparing an ointment involves using a ready-made ointment base. This can be zinc or salicylic ointment, glycerin, spermaceti, lanolin (all this is sold at the pharmacy). IN as a last resort Regular ghee will do. The required amount of base is mixed with ready-made tincture Adam's apple and are used to treat skin inflammations, ulcers, long-term wounds and systemic diseases.


To make Adam's apple butter, you need to take two ripe fruits and cut them into thin strips. Place the finished mass in a glass jar, fill with any vegetable oil, which is on hand (edible oil of sunflower, corn, olive, etc. is suitable). Leave the maclura to infuse under the lid for a week. On the eighth day, drain the oil and store it in a dark glass container. Adam's apple is used in folk medicine in the form of oil for the treatment of dermatitis, lichen, psoriasis, and eczema.


Preparing a tincture for oral use is a lengthy process. It is necessary to select ripe, undamaged fruits by removing them from the branch in late September - early October (the fruit should have an orange color). Cut 2-3 fruits (depending on the volume of the glass container) into pieces and fill the bottle to the top. Pour the contents with good vodka or alcohol diluted to 40 degrees, seal tightly and leave to infuse for six months. The finished product should have a rich brown-red color, reminiscent of strong tea. You can insist on it for up to one year inclusive. As soon as the color of the tincture changes and becomes soft orange, treatment can begin.

Internal use is acceptable for the treatment of cancer. The tincture has a complex effect on the entire body. To enhance the effect, you can combine tincture treatment with juice therapy using freshly squeezed juice carrots and cabbage.

Externally, an infusion of maclura is used in folk medicine in the form of lotions, turundas, compresses for gout, mastopathy, heel spurs, osteochondrosis, and hernia. Tincture for external use can be prepared faster. To do this, four Adam's apples cut into pieces need to be placed in a three-liter jar, filled with vodka or diluted alcohol and left for one month.

How to use maclura and medicines from it

To treat the most common diseases, Adam's apple is used externally in folk medicine.

Joint diseases, injuries

Alcohol tinctures in the form of a compress are especially effective in treating inflamed joints, back pain, dislocations and bruises. A cloth soaked in maclura tincture should be applied to the sore or injured area. Cover with a piece of cling film, plastic bag, oilcloth, then cover with something warm for additional heating. A shawl, blanket, or heavy towel will do.

If it is impossible to make a compress, then you need to thoroughly rub the sore spot with a small amount of alcohol tincture, apply a leaf of cabbage, coltsfoot, burdock and cover with a warm blanket.


Mastopathy can be treated with the juice of a fresh fruit, cutting it into halves and rubbing the slices on the chest. Another option is to make compresses from alcohol tincture of maclura and leave for two to three hours.

If ointment is used for treatment, then you need to keep it on the skin overnight. To make the procedure more effective, you need to prepare herbal tea(oregano, white acacia, rosehip, sage) and drink it simultaneously with compresses.

Diseases of the nasopharynx

Common runny nose and dangerous sinusitis can be cured by placing turundas with medicinal solution. In order not to burn the mucous membrane, a tablespoon of tincture should be diluted in five tablespoons of cooled boiled water, soak turundas made of gauze or cotton wool and lay them in for 20 minutes twice a day (morning and evening). The course of treatment is one week.

Polyps can be treated in the same way. The exposure time increases to half an hour.

Diseases of the rectum

If cracks are bothering you or cancer of this organ is diagnosed, water tincture of Adam's apple will help. Use in folk medicine involves an enema. For water tincture you will need the following components:

A tablespoon of chopped fruit;

A glass of boiling water.

The fruit must be placed in a thermos, filled with water and left for at least 12 hours. Before using the medicine, do a regular cleansing enema, and then a microenema from the maclura infusion.


Malignant and benign tumors They treat maclura with alcohol tincture, using it using the “accordion” method. It will take a long time to undergo treatment, but the process can at least be stopped. Alcohol tincture It is used internally, first by increasing the number of drops per daily dose, and then by decreasing numbers. The scheme could be as follows:

During the first week, take three drops per day;

During the second week, the dose of the medicine is increased: you need to drink the same three drops, but twice a day;

From the third week, the medicine should be taken three times a day, and you should drink not three drops at a time, but four on the first day, five on the second, six on the third, etc. That is, add a drop every day until the dose is 30 drops for one appointment;

Now you need to reduce the dose once a week in the reverse order until you again get only three drops once a day per dose.

Full course This treatment will last for one year. Moreover, the above scheme is proposed for a 30-year-old person and people older than this age. If we are talking about younger people, then for them the maximum dose of the medicine is calculated according to age (how many years, so many drops of the maximum permissible dose).

Adam's apple can relieve many health problems. However, you should always remember the potential dangers of self-medication and resort to it only after weighing the pros and cons.

While vacationing in the Caucasus, I quite often came across very unusual fruits, spherical in shape and with wrinkled skin, bearing a subtle resemblance to apples. Much later, I was able to find out that this is an Adam's apple; the use of the plant has always been of interest to healers and healers. Doctors have used its medicinal properties since time immemorial.

The beautiful name “Adam's apple” is popular, according to legend it grew in the Garden of Eden. And there is also such an affectionate name - “ God's gift" And the names don't end there. Scientific-maclure, named after the American scientist Williams Maclure. Researcher for a long time studied this medicinal plant. In the East, the fruit is called “Chinese orange” for its similarity to an orange, or false orange. There it was believed that the fruit was able to cure many diseases.

The Adam's apple belongs to the mulberry family. natural conditions There are more than a dozen plant species, but the original homeland is Texas, America. Local residents of the state widely use the unique plant as a living fence, protecting their houses from uninvited visitors with its sharp thorns.

In our country, only one species is found in Crimea - orange maclura. The trees tolerate mild winters, so in the south of Russia, plants are used for household needs and landscaping. The wood is highly valued for its delicate golden hue and strength. It is much denser and stronger than oak, and in ancient times bows were made from it for fighting and hunting.

Medicinal properties

Adam's apple has inedible, poisonous fruits that are valued for their medicinal properties. The fruits look quite unusual, are quite large in size, very similar to an orange, but their color is pale green. The fruits are not used for food; they are inedible. Fruits collected in October have medicinal properties. The Adam's apple contains a sticky, white liquid, called milk.

Milk contains special alcohols with strong bactericidal properties; there are substances containing sugar and pectin. The leaves of the Adam's tree contain citric acid. But its most important uniqueness is the presence of flavonoids, which are considered antioxidants created by nature itself. They have strong anti-carcinogenic and anti-sclerotic properties. This is one of the best natural immunomodulators.

Adam's apple also contains a lot of other useful substances that help strengthen blood vessels, capillaries, resorption and reduction of tumors, reduction excess weight. Helps with joint pain, restoring their mobility, eliminating swelling and inflammation.

Traditional healers most often use Adam's apple externally, in the form of ointments and tinctures.


Adam's apple tincture has been used as a rub to get rid of gout, salt deposits, polyarthritis, radiculitis, and bunion growths on the feet. It successfully resists most known infectious agents; ulcers, ulcers, boils, rashes, and burns quickly disappear.

The recipe for Adam's apple tincture is prepared from ripe fruits, cut into pieces, they fill the container completely, pour alcohol solution 70%. Close the lid tightly to prevent air from entering. In two months the tincture will be ready, but to get maximum effect, it is better to withstand up to 6 months. It is used for rubbing sore spots, which are then insulated with woolen fabrics (do not use cellophane on top).

Adam's apple tincture for joints is used as a compress, cotton cloth is moistened, applied to the sore joint, insulated without cellophane, and lasts for 2-3 hours. You can also prepare Adam's apple tincture using this recipe:

Finely chop the Adam's apple, fill the jar halfway, add crushed leaves and rings of golden mustache, pour vodka on top, leave to infuse for three weeks. Rub sore spots: joints, back. The product helps to get rid of joint pain.

Rub for joints

In folk medicine, this is a popular Adam's apple recipe, very affordable and easy to prepare.

The Adam's apple fruit is washed and grated on a medium grater. The resulting grated mass is transferred to a glass jar and filled with vodka or alcohol in a 1:1 ratio. The container is tightly closed and placed in the dark for 14 days to infuse. Every day the jar is taken out and shaken slightly. At the end of the exposure, the tincture can be used for treatment.

It is worth noting that the recipe for preparing an Adam's apple for grinding is simple, and the methods of treatment include muscle pain and almost any joint diseases.

What does Adam's apple cure? Recipe

In addition to tinctures, folk healers prepare extracts, which are strong medicinal drugs that can resolve benign tumors - fibroids, fibroids, mastopathy. Extracts strengthen the immune system, kill germs, relieve poisoning, have a positive effect on the nervous and cardiovascular system, restore impaired water-salt metabolism.

Collect the October fruits of the Adam's apple, cut them into small pieces, place loosely in a glass container, fill with vodka. Place in the dark for a year to infuse, stirring occasionally. Before starting treatment that involves using the tincture orally, refrain from drinking alcohol, antibiotics, or other tinctures.

Take according to this scheme:

  • 1 week - 3 drops in half a glass of water, drink 20 minutes before meals, not on an empty stomach, once a day.
  • Week 2 - same amount of tincture, but take 2 times a day.
  • Week 3 - similar, but take 3 drops in half a glass of water, 3 times.
  • And then for the fourth to seventh weeks the same - on week 4, 4 drops of tincture with the same amount of water 3 times.
  • In the fifth week - 5 drops 3 times a day, similarly until the seventh week. Then, from the seventh week, we gradually reduce the dosage.
  • At week 8 - 6 drops, gradually decreasing. We must return to the original dosage, 3 drops per day. The entire treatment will take 14 weeks.


Adam's apple ointment has enhanced medicinal properties. Compared to tincture, the ointment acts more effectively, penetrates quickly and deeply into the tissue.

To prepare the ointment:

Grind the fruits through a meat grinder, place the mixture to simmer water bath. For 200 gr. add 50 grams of fruit. lard, whipping with a mixer. The mass should turn into an ointment in thickness; it must be stored in the refrigerator. The ointment is applied to the sore spot in a thin layer 3 times a day. Application - as an antitumor agent, for inflamed lymph nodes, intervertebral hernias, must be applied carefully, without massaging the tumor.

The ointment helps get rid of heel spurs, eliminates pain in intervertebral hernias, and softens salt deposits. The ointment is successfully used in the treatment of arthritis and many diseases musculoskeletal systems, heals external hemorrhoids, influences postoperative scars, which heal much faster.

IN home medicine cabinet Adam's ointment should find its place, it is multi-purpose and the right remedy. The ointment actually has no contraindications, unlike the tincture. Alcohol tincture has minor contraindications - pregnancy, lactation, diabetes mellitus ( large number sucrose).

Treatment with Adam's apple is more effective if the tincture and ointment are used simultaneously. Combination of external and internal use greatly enhances healing effect, health is restored faster. Do not forget that traditional medical treatment and consultation with a doctor should be mandatory.

Good afternoon, dear readers. Today we will talk to you about how to get rid of many ailments. In autumn, you can see strange fruits at the market that resemble green oranges. This is an Adam's apple. What cures such an outlandish fruit and how it is used, you will learn from this article. Its fruits can be found in the vegetable aisle, but, surprisingly, they are not suitable for consumption at all. These berries are used in folk medicine. In its structure, Maclura is considered a berry, since it is close in genus to the mulberry that we eat. The tree is grown in the south, where sericulture is widespread, because the leaves are used as food for silkworm larvae.

Furniture made from maclura wood is highly valued as it is very beautiful and durable. They say that apples of paradise were the fruits of this plant, but this is not so. Researchers prove that the “apples of heaven” were quinces.

Chemical properties

IN medical practice as long as the Adam's apple is not used. Recipes can be found only those that relate to the second part of it - folk. All this is because the properties of the fruit have not been thoroughly studied. There is evidence that they contain toxic elements. However, there are also organic elements present, which are included in the group of flavonoids, the main of which is kaempferol.

Contraindications for use

If we talk about external use, then there are no special prohibitions, but if we are talking about internal use, then, of course, questions arise: “In what doses, what and how?” We are ready to answer each of them.

Maclura should not be used by people with diabetes, but this applies to fruits. The leaves, on the contrary, are used to treat it. Also, if you have an allergy, consumption is prohibited.

Even if traditional medicine does not use Adam's apple as a medical product, in any case, you need to consult a doctor when taking it. This way you will protect yourself, as toxic effects may occur. You should not take antibiotics or alcohol with maclura, as this can cause an unpredictable reaction in the body.

Adam's apple: properties

Healers use it to treat a lot of diseases: from decreased immunity to gynecological problems. It has been proven that maclura strengthens the body and also has anti-sclerotic properties.
In women, Adam's apple treats fibroids and cysts. Fruit tincture helps very well.

By the way, there was even such a case when traditional methods(Maclura) cured cancer. There was such a case in practice alternative medicine. Even when metastases began, they used the Adam's apple. The tincture helped against lung and throat cancer. There have been cases of curing malignant prostate adenoma.

When applied externally, maclura helps with polyarthritis, rheumatism, and radiculitis. It has the same effect for gout, osteochondrosis, and salt deposition.

She also copes well with skin problems, such as dermatitis, eczema, ulcers, burns, and wounds.

Adam's apple, what heals and how?

There are many traditional medicine recipes that save you from various diseases. We will introduce you to some of them. Let's start with the joints. There is a special rubbing. To prepare it you need:

1) Take the maclura and grate it on a medium grater.
2) Mix the gruel with the same amount of seventy percent alcohol.
3) Infuse for two weeks in a dark place.

Adam's apple for joints is very effective in combination with traditional drugs, which normalize water-salt metabolism.


It takes much longer to prepare a medicine for oral use.

1) Grate the maclura fruits.
2) Mix with moonshine or pervach. If there is nothing like that, then we take ordinary alcohol diluted with water to 40 degrees.
3) Infuse at room temperature for a month to six months.

Let's figure out how Adam's apple is used and what it cures. The most popular technique is called “accordion” - with an increasing and falling technique. This means that first the number of doses increases and then gradually decreases. Take three drops for a week: first once, then twice and three times a day. After this, they begin to increase the dosage to ten drops, and then in the reverse order.

This method is used to cure cancer.

Prepare the ointment

Whatever the disease, use Adam's apple. We have already figured out what it treats, but that’s not all. You can also make an ointment that works just as wonderfully. It can be used for the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids, rectal cancer and so on.

1) Take maclura fruits and cut into thin strips.
2) Place in a container in layers, spreading with pre-melted fat. To obtain fat, melt lard over low heat. It must be visceral.
3) Seal it by closing the lid very tightly and covering it with dough.
4) Place the container in a water bath. We stand it for a day.
5) Drain the fat into a previously prepared separate bowl.

You can also prepare it by mixing the tincture with an ointment base. To do this, you can take lard, Vaseline, spermaceti, lanolin. If you have skin diseases, you can also prepare it using salicylic ointment or zinc ointment. To do this:

1) Melt the fat base in a water bath.
2) Add maclura tincture into it in a ratio of 1:3.
3) Stir very thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous mixture.


You can also make candles. To do this, wax is added to the fat:

1) Melt the ointment in a water bath.
2) Introduce wax in a ratio of 1:4.
3) Mix very well to obtain a homogeneous mass.
4) Make shapes from foil.
5) Pour the mixture into them and let cool.


Despite its toxic properties, traditional medicine continues to use Adam's apple in the treatment of various diseases. Its use is so widespread that it seems as if it can relieve any ailment. It is not surprising that many people are cured with the help of tinctures, ointments and suppositories based on it. With cancer, especially if it is cancerous tumor rectum, an ointment is made from the maclura, and suppositories are made from it and placed every other day for two months. For boils and others purulent diseases ointment is also used. It is rubbed into the inflamed area and acts as an antibiotic.

For hernias and lung cancer, tumors and others, rub with ointment, adding vitamin A and fish oil. This remedy also helps well with necrosis. If you have skin cancer, lupus, erysipelas, trophic ulcer or even non-healing wounds, Adam's apple ointment will help you. You need to smear it on the sore spot twice a day. Maclura has long been considered the “straw of salvation.” They resorted to it in cases when nothing else helped. The main thing is to remember that there is no incurable, only untreated. We wish you happiness and be healthy!

Description of the fruit

Round fruit orange color, resembling an orange, is called an Adam's apple or maclura. It consists of many dry fruits, united by an inflorescence axis and having one seed inside, emits a cucumber aroma and is poisonous. Inside this plant there are gray seeds and milky juice.

The fruit grows on deciduous trees belonging to the mulberry family. It's called orange maclura. Such trees have a dense crown and thorny shoots, reaching a height of two tens of meters. You can find this plant in the south of Russia and Central Asia, although its homeland is South America.

Useful properties

Despite the lack of culinary benefits, the Adam's apple is widely used in folk medicine. The composition, identical to mulberry fruits, includes fatty acids, pectin substances, citric acid and sugars. The content of antioxidants (flavonoid compounds) in maclura also complements the range of beneficial qualities of this plant. They have anti-carcinogenic properties.

Common in folk medicine various tinctures, including the Adam's apple. They have an immunostimulating effect and relieve fatigue and intoxication. Antiviral and antimicrobial properties such funds are also quite large. Positive influence this plant affects both the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous system. Regular use This fruit is very useful for cancer.

Also used for external use useful qualities Adam's apple. Various ointments and rubs are quite effective for joint diseases, gout, rheumatism, radiculitis, varicose veins and polyarthritis. Skin diseases and various skin injuries can also be cured with the help of similar remedies.

Harmful properties

Adam's apple, no doubt healthy fruit, but it also has a number of contraindications and even dangers. People prone to allergies should treat this plant with caution, as the constituent components of the fruit can cause it. Diabetes mellitus It may also be a contraindication for the use of maclura-based products containing a large amount of sugars. Period breastfeeding, pregnancy, childhood also require increased caution in using the “medicine” or a ban on it altogether.

It is also not recommended to drink alcohol or antibiotics during treatment with products containing Adam's apple. This fruit is poisonous and contains many toxins, so any use of it should be careful and agreed with a doctor.


The characteristics of the maclura plant are not only the beneficial qualities of its fruit, but also the use of other parts in various fields. The orange maclura tree is used in ornamental gardening, the leaves are an excellent food for silkworms, the wood is suitable for making furniture, and the roots produce yellow paint.