Adenovirus infection in children: symptoms, treatment of the disease. Symptoms and treatment of adenovirus infection in children, what does Komarovsky advise? Treatment of adenovirus infection Komarovsky

Adenovirus infection in children is diagnosed very often today. This disease is an infectious disease that most often occurs in children. younger age. It is accompanied by damage to the mucous membrane directly of the upper respiratory tract. During the cold season, adenovirus is diagnosed quite often. Let's talk about this disease in more detail below.

General information

This disease is transmitted, according to experts, by the so-called airborne route. Adenoviral infection in a child under six months is relatively rare, since in one-month-old children it is very strong. However, after six months immune defense begins to gradually weaken, therefore the virus can very easily settle in the body.


Adenoviral infection. Treatment

In children, as a rule, this type of disease is very mild. This is why experts often prescribe outpatient treatment. However, in this case, strict bed rest and rest are prescribed. Lie little patient must all the time as long as observed elevated temperature. In addition, parents must provide good nutrition. If the baby refuses him, under no circumstances should he be forced. If the body temperature is above 38 degrees, prescribed

antipyretic drugs. For a dry cough, special ones are considered an excellent option, and for a runny nose, you can instill vasoconstrictor drops(no more than 5-7 days).


In conclusion, it must be noted once again that if such an ailment occurs, you should immediately seek advice from qualified specialist. Only he can deliver correct diagnosis, register competent treatment and provide useful follow-up recommendations. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate. You will not only put the well-being and health of your beloved child at risk, but also significantly change the overall clinical picture. Be healthy!


If they talk about the presence of an adenovirus, then treatment must be started as soon as possible and in strict accordance with the age and other characteristics of the baby. About what treatment methods he uses modern medicine and the people’s proposal, we’ll tell you in the article.

There are no medications specifically designed to treat adenovirus infection in children. Therefore, the following are used as therapy: drugs to treat infection:

  • antiviral medicines;
  • immunostimulants and immunomodulators;
  • medications to reduce symptoms;
  • antibiotics(if complications arise and a bacterial infection occurs).

Among antiviral drugs, intended for children, doctors recommend tablets:

  • Arbidol (allowed for children over 3 years old),
  • Anaferon (can be taken from birth).

Cream is also often prescribed:

  • Acyclovir,
  • Zovirax (its full analogue) active substance, which is also available in the form of eye ointment and tablets).

They have no contraindications other than individual intolerance.

With the intention of “killing” the virus itself, they are prescribed immunomodulators With:

  • natural human interferon:
    • Viferon candles,
    • Kipferon,
  • synthetic interferon:
    • Genferon candles,
    • tablets Amiksin and Polyoxidonium.

Natural interferon in medicines can be used for treatment from birth.

There are also local immunomodulators for the throat and nose:

  • Derinat and Grippferon (they can be used from birth),
  • IRS-19 (from 3 months of age).

Immunostimulant drugs, designed to “push” the sick body to produce its own resources to fight the virus, are found in the lists drug treatment. All of them have a limitation: they cannot be used to treat children under 3 years of age.

These are drugs such as:

  • Kagocel,
  • Imunorix,
  • Imudon,
  • Isoprinosine.

However, with this disease, doctors are more likely to prescribe antiviral drugs, because they do not have a pronounced effect on adenovirus infection, and prescribe medications that alleviate the child’s condition and reduce the symptoms of the disease.


For children suffering from adenoviral infection, standard antipyretics based on:

  • ibuprofen (Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Ibufen),
  • paracetamol (Panadol, Paracetamol).

For children preschool age Medicines are prescribed in the form of syrup and suppositories, for older children - in the form of tablets. The dosage must be strictly observed, according to age. It's better to reduce only high temperature above 38 degrees (as it helps fight the virus), rather than taking the medicine on an ongoing basis.


With adenovirus infection, the cough is dry and wet. Based on this, the appropriate medicine. For dry cough prescribe:

  • "Sinekod" (drops for children over 2 months, syrup - from 3 years, dragees - from 6 years),
  • "Codelac Neo" (drops are allowed from 2 months of age, syrup - from 3 years of age).

For wet cough To improve sputum discharge, doctors recommend syrups based on ambroxol:

  • Ambrobene,
  • Lazolvan.

It is also effective to do inhalation using a nebulizer a solution of sodium chloride (9%) and drops for inhalation Ambrobene and Lazolvan. This way the active substance goes directly to the lungs, acting faster and more efficiently. These drugs are approved from birth.

From 2 years of age at wet cough possible reception:

  • ACC (in the form of syrup, tablets, dragees, active substance which is acetylcysteine,
  • "Gedelixa"
  • "Doctor Theiss" (herbal based).

Stuffy nose, runny nose

To ease breathing during adenoviral infection, children need rinse your nose with saline solution or sprays based on sea ​​water (“Aquamiris”, “Aqualor”, “Quix”, “Otrivin”). They have no contraindications.

To relieve severe congestion, you can use drops with a vasoconstrictor effect:

  • "Tizin"
  • "Otrivin"
  • "Nazivin."

Redness of the eyes

This virus sometimes causes inflammation of the eyes (conjunctivitis). To treat red eyes can be used:

  • weak solution of potassium permanganate,
  • furatsilina,
  • chamomile decoction,
  • weakly brewed black tea.

Often used oxolinic ointment, drops "Ophthalmoferon" and "Sodium Sulfacyl". One condition: Both eyes need to be treated, even if there is inflammation on only one.

Bacterial complications, the presence of other diseases that weaken the body

When bacterial infection based on an existing virus by doctors antibiotic therapy is prescribed.

For topical use used:

  • “Isofra” (nasal drops, allowed from birth),
  • "Bioparox" (in the form of a spray for the nose and throat, allowed from 2.5 years of age),
  • "Grammidin" (in the form of tablets, approved from 4 years).

Among systemic antibiotics prescribed:

  • "Amoxiclav" (can be used from birth),
  • "Sumamed"
  • "Cefotaxime"
  • "Suprax".

To support the body and restore it vitality doctors prescribe different vitamin and mineral complexes:

  • "Alphabet",
  • "Pikovit"
  • tinctures of herbs that increase immunity (echinacea, eleutherococcus).

Folk recipes

Traditional therapy is aimed at alleviating the condition of a sick child. To reduce temperature water rubdowns are often used. Warm milk with soda or a spoon of honey will reduce painful sensations with a dry cough.

  • chamomile,
  • series,
  • St. John's wort,
  • oak bark

For rinsing the nose folk medicine use saline solution. For an anti-inflammatory effect, you can instill aloe and Kalanchoe juice into your nose.

To restore the body, you can drink decoctions from:

  • rosehip,
  • sea ​​buckthorn,
  • strawberry leaves,
  • raspberries,
  • linden flowers.

Indications for hospitalization

Most often with a diagnosed adenoviral infection treatment takes place at home. But the course of treatment should be prescribed by a pediatrician; sometimes, if certain symptoms are present, you need to visit an otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, and possibly an infectious disease specialist.

Hospital recommended for bacterial complications and severe forms of the disease with clear manifestations of intoxication symptoms. If you get an adenovirus infection infant, then you should not wait for complications and agree to hospitalization in a hospital.

Infants most often experience complications in the form of bronchitis or. Treatment should be carried out in a hospital for those children who have chronic diseases, because it is impossible to predict how a weakened body will cope with infection.

How to treat: what E. Komarovsky says

E. Komarovsky’s opinion regarding this virus is that adenovirus infection can be treated without medications. The main thing is to create favorable conditions for the body to begin independent struggle with the virus.

The patient's room should have not less than 50% humidity and fairly cool, not higher than 20℃. To do this, it is advisable to have an air humidifier, but you can hang wet towels in the room. The patient should be dressed warmly and not allowed to become overcooled. Bed rest and a minimum of physical activity are required.

The doctor places special emphasis on drinking regime. The sick person must drink in sufficient quantities.. All liquid to drink should be warm. Regular one fits better clean water, fruit drinks and compotes homemade, weak tea.

Note! Feeding is not necessary unless he asks. Food should be light and soft so as not to further injure the throat.

Dr. Komarovsky advises lowering the temperature only if it is above 38.5℃. Increased body temperature promotes the production of its own interferons, which kill the virus.. The exception would be children prone to seizures.

The doctor advises paying special attention to children infancy , because they are more likely to experience complications. To make breathing easier, E. Komarovsky advises using saline solutions, extreme case– drops and sprays with a vasoconstrictor effect.

Useful video

Doctor medical sciences, Professor Astvatsatryan Armen Vilenovich about adenovirus infection:


  1. Treatment of adenovirus, like other upper respiratory tract infections, is complex. It is aimed at reducing the severity of symptoms and creating favorable conditions for recovery.
  2. The main method of preventing adenovirus is to observe the rules of personal hygiene, in particular, frequent washing hands
  3. If your baby is at risk ( infancy, presence of chronic diseases, immunodeficiency), then best solution When diagnosing an adenoviral infection, hospitalization is required.

To date adenovirus infection occurs frequently enough in children that medicine has developed effective methods treatment of diseases associated with it and effective prevention. Typically, signs of such a pathology are early age quite pronounced, but have few analogues. In this regard, it is possible to begin timely treatment, preventing most dangerous consequences for the child's health.


Since adenovirus infection is acute respiratory disease, which provokes intoxication of the child’s body, as well as fever, then children under 6 years of age are largely susceptible to it. Typically, at this age, most babies have suffered from at least one similar disease. Adenovirus infection can affect the mucous membrane of the eyes (conjunctiva), lymphoid tissue in the nasopharynx, and the respiratory tract.

Studying the pathogenesis of the development of such a disease, doctors note that during outbreaks of influenza epidemics in children (about 30% of cases), the respiratory tract is affected by the adenovirus. The source of adenoviruses can be either a patient or healthy person. Depending on the form of the disease observed in the carrier, the risk of infection is determined.

Pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky notes that the development of diseases can begin immediately after short contact with a sick person. In the first 2 weeks they pose a serious danger to a small child. In addition to airborne spread, adenoviral infection can enter gastrointestinal tract along with food. That's why this infection can also be considered intestinal.

When an adenovirus enters the upper layer of the epithelium of the respiratory tract or the mucous membrane of the conjunctiva, it begins to penetrate tissue cells, penetrating into the nucleus. There it begins its reproduction in the body. Affected cells stop dividing after 20 hours. The peak frequency of recorded diseases falls on winter period, since the pathogens are resistant to low temperatures.


Adenovirus infection in children does not show symptoms immediately. Once bacteria enter the mucous membrane, it may take some time before the first signs appear. Incubation period on average is about a day.
Then the affected lymphatic or epithelial cells enter the bloodstream, beginning the active stage of reproduction.

Together with the blood, they can penetrate into the tissues of various organs. If an adenovirus enters the blood, then with a certain degree of probability it can provoke the development pathological processes, which will affect the functioning of the liver, kidneys, heart, spleen. Complications of a severe form of infection of the body can lead to toxic-infectious shock of the patient or even death.

First of all, the child may have a sharp rise in low-grade fever. Temperature is a sign inflammatory processes in the body. Usually it can rise to 38-39 degrees. Against the background of elevated body temperature, the child begins to have a runny nose (green discharge), a stuffy nose, which leads to breathing problems.

Also possible pain symptoms which appear in the throat and nasopharynx. Subsequently, appetite may worsen, disturbed sleep, fatigue and weakness may occur. Adenovirus infection is characterized by pain in the joints and muscles.
Inflammation affects the mucous membrane of the tonsils, nasopharynx and conjunctiva.

The patient finds it difficult to look at bright light, which causes his eyes to water. The child begins to turn away from the light source and rub his eyelids. Fibrous secretions are a thin film that sticks the eyelashes together. Some time after the damage, the child’s mucous tissues may increase lymph nodes. The skin may develop a rash or redness. If the adenovirus enters the lungs, symptoms of bronchitis or pneumonia may occur.

Dr. Komarovsky strongly recommends that if you detect similar symptoms Contact your doctor immediately. This is necessary to establish accurate diagnosis to begin treatment with timely warning severe consequences diseases.

Video “Adenoids: Doctor Komarovsky”

How to diagnose

Based on the symptoms observed in the child, the doctor should prescribe a diagnosis. Modern methods Patient examinations provide sufficiently accurate results to make a diagnosis. Complex application Several methods increase accuracy up to 98%.

For diagnosis, immune electron microscopy (IEM), immunofluorescence reaction (RIF), enzyme immunoassay(ELISA). An analysis can also be carried out to determine the patient's body's response to the associated component (BCC). Another effective one laboratory method research - determining the hemagglutination inhibition reaction, studying a smear from the mucous membrane (tissue microflora), as well as bacteriological culture scraping.

Differential diagnosis of a sick child with various forms diseases should be carried out with infectious mononucleosis upon detection of influenza or other respiratory viral infections. The course of treatment is prescribed immediately after receiving test results. Additional consultation with an ophthalmologist or otolaryngologist may also be required.


When prescribing a course of treatment by the attending physician, Evgeniy Komarovsky recommends strictly adhering to the therapy schedule, as well as using the prescribed medications.
In order to quickly treat a sick child, he needs strict bed rest, which must be observed in case of elevated body temperature and fever. After the fever has been brought down, the patient can get out of bed.
During treatment, the patient needs to drink a lot of fluids to remove some of the toxins from the body.

For inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes and nasopharynx, special ointments with antibiotics are used to help eliminate pain and swelling. Also, doctors often prescribe inhalations with herbal infusions for the treatment of adenovirus infection, saline solutions(after temperature normalization). Interferon is often used for nasal instillation.

In case of damage to the conjunctiva - Acyclovir, which is placed behind the eyelid, and as a eye drops– sodium sulfacyl. If the disease resolves without complications, treatment takes about 2 weeks.


Dr. Evgeniy Komarovsky notes that treatment of adenoviral infection is much more difficult than preliminary compliance preventive measures. As a preventive measure, the child will need to follow a fortified diet. The diet should contain a sufficient amount of proteins. You also need to drink a lot of liquid - teas, juices, compotes, regular drinking water. You need to refrain from contact with sick people.

Video “When you need medical intervention”

If you are worried about your child and do not know how to properly treat adenoids, watch the following video. You will learn about the reasons why you should see a doctor.

Are you looking for what it is adenoviral infection in children, symptoms and treatment methods this disease? Then this article will be useful for you.

Adenovirus infection is a group infectious diseases, their causative agent is adenoviruses. This disease is characterized by damage to the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, lymphoid tissue, conjunctiva and sclera. At moderate severe symptoms infection may result in fever.

Sources of infection are sick carriers of any form of adenovirus infection or healthy virus carriers. The greatest risk of infection comes from patients who are on initial stage disease, that is, during the first two weeks. The virus can also be transmitted after recovery, within 4 weeks.

Adenovirus infection is transmitted mainly by airborne droplets, but also by the fecal-oral route. The virus is shed by coughing, sneezing, deep breathing and even simple conversation of an infected person. The most susceptible to infection are children aged six months to 5 years. This is why many parents are so concerned about the question of what adenoviral infection is in children, its symptoms, and treatment.

Epidemic outbreaks occur most often in the winter, however, they are also recorded throughout the year. The cause of infection is often the close contact of children. Entire groups of children often fall ill. The incubation period lasts from 1 day to 2 weeks. The disease begins with a fairly sharp rise in temperature.
The development of the disease, acute or gradual, depends on the person’s immunity. TO initial symptoms infections include:

  • chills,
  • headache
  • aching pain in bones, muscles and joints.

A little later the temperature rises, and a clear discharge comes out of the stuffy nose. serous fluid, to which mucus and pus are then mixed.

Adenoviral infection in children: symptoms, treatment, Komarovsky

Komarovsky Evgeniy Olegovich – pediatrician highest category and a TV presenter who hosts the popular TV show “Doctor Komarovsky’s School.” All mothers and fathers listen to his advice; he has helped many cope with problems related not only to health, but also to education. Many parents often ask the doctor what adenovirus infection in children is, its symptoms and treatment. Komarovsky argues that adenoviruses are quite insidious, the difficulty of fighting them lies in the fact that a favorable environment for their reproduction is not only the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, but also the mucous membrane of the eyes, they can also exist in the lymph nodes and in the intestines.

Adenoviral infection in children (symptoms and treatment) - Komarovsky has covered this issue more than once. According to him, when the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx is affected by adenoviruses, the onset of the disease is characterized by a temperature in the range of 37.3-37.8, as well as difficulty breathing.

Adenovirus infection is difficult to recognize by signs and symptoms, so you should consult a specialist. Signs of infection may be similar to those that will lead to proper treatment child.

  • appetite decreases or disappears completely;
  • headache, vomiting occurs, the baby is lethargic and drowsy;
  • immediately or on the 2-4th day of illness, a severe runny nose develops: the nose is stuffy, discharge from the nasal passages large number clear or yellowish mucus;
  • during the same period, the eyelids turn red and swell, dilated vessels of the conjunctiva (mucous membrane of the eye) become visible, grayish films appear near the edge of the eyelid;

  • there is a feeling of cutting, burning or “sand in the eyes”;
  • cervical and submandibular lymph nodes(they can be seen or felt under the skin - round elastic formations);
  • pain appears when swallowing, tonsils increase in size, upon examination the throat is red;
  • the frequency of stool increases to 3-6 times a day, the stool is liquid, plentiful, contains pieces of undigested food;
  • Abdominal pain occurs without clear localization.

How to treat adenovirus infection in children

For mild cases of the disease, eye drops are prescribed. For purulent and membranous conjunctivitis, 1% prednisolone or hydrocortisone ointment is applied behind the eyelid. Recommend symptomatic remedies, antihistamines and multivitamins.

At severe course diseases in children, as well as in case of accession serious complications requires hospitalization in a hospital. Exactly the same treatment for adenovirus infection in adults, in elderly people who suffer from chronic respiratory diseases, as well as in those patients who have manifestations of immunosuppression.

If there is no improvement within 2-3 days, you should contact your pediatrician for further examination and treatment.

The patient is prescribed bed rest and a limited vitamin diet meat dishes. They also prescribe expectorants and multivitamins, physical therapy, which has great value in the fight against adenovirus infection. The prognosis of such treatment is predominantly favorable. Many health problems can be avoided timely diagnosis and proper treatment.