Active lifestyle and its basic rules. How to start leading a healthy lifestyle

Small changes lead to big changes. Use these simple tips, take a step in the right direction and turn your body into an impenetrable fortress!

You may think you've already taken a giant step towards a healthier lifestyle, but the truth is... proper nutrition It doesn't mean drinking protein shakes and whipping up a dozen egg whites for breakfast. If you really want to restore your health or are just looking to replenish your supply vitality, you need to understand that sometimes minor but correct changes are enough to achieve the goal. A little change in your eating habits, dusting off your outdoor shoes can be a great starting point. Use these 40 tips as a road map to your path to better health.

1. Avoid refined foods

Eliminating refined, powdered foods can make a big difference in your diet. These foods are so heavily processed that they typically no longer contain any real nutrients. Avoiding food waste will not only help you control your weight and maintain normal level glucose in the blood, but will also leave more room for nutrient-rich foods full of vitamins and microelements. Trade the energy boost (and crash) of a sweet glazed donut for much healthier fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

2. Take fish oil

Fish oil helps fight depression, heart disease and diabetes mellitus 2 types. In addition, it reduces the risk of developing cancer and improves the composition of body tissues. Considering the possible benefits, fish oil can easily be called a supplement that everyone should take. 3-6 grams per day will be enough for you, depending on how often you eat fatty fish.

3. Drink green tea

Filled to the brim with powerful antioxidants, it helps prevent certain diseases and keeps you feeling great. Green tea rich in catechins - antioxidants that neutralize free radicals and protect cells from damage. It has also been reported that green tea prevents the development of cardiovascular pathology, in particular arterial hypertension and congestive heart failure. Green tea speeds up your metabolism and dramatically increases calorie burning. Even plain water you can turn it into a real healing elixir by quenching your thirst with 2-3 cups of green tea daily.

4. Get some sun

Don't forget to get out in the sun. Sunlightgreat way increase production in the body. Vitamin D strengthens bone tissue and helps fight depression. Try to spend 15-20 minutes in the sun every day.

5. Don't overeat

We live in a world where many people eat constantly - even when they are not hungry. Fight this habit. By getting up from the table with the feeling that you would like to eat more, you can stop the accumulation of fatty tissue. Thus, even if you encounter overeating on some day, a fasting day will help you compensate for this.

6. Spend time on HIIT cardio

High-intensity exercise is not only great way improve physical condition, but also an excellent assistant in the fight against stress, stimulating the secretion of happiness hormones endorphins in the body. At least 20-30 minutes of high-intensity training three times a week will give excellent results.

7. Sleep 8 hours every night

35. Buy dark chocolate

No, that doesn't give you the right to empty a box of Snickers in the middle of the night. But if from time to time you crave chocolate, indulge yourself and eat one piece of dark chocolate a day. Dark chocolate contains at least 60-70% cocoa and is rich in flavonoids, which have a beneficial effect on the health of your body. Allow yourself to enjoy chocolate, and the rest of the time it will be easier for you to stay on track and carefully control your caloric intake.

36. Stretch

Despite the obvious benefits of exercise, many of us pay very little attention to them. Meanwhile, stretching develops flexibility, improves coordination and balance, and promotes blood circulation in the body. Spend 10 minutes a day stretching and deep breathing; this will help you relax, fill you with energy, relieve stiffness and muscle tension.

37. Throw out artificial sweeteners

It's clear that it's best to stay away from sugar, but don't think that replacing it with artificial sweeteners will be a great solution. These brainchildren of the chemical industry can give you headaches, anxiety, and digestive problems. In short, you won't feel your best.

38. Listen to your body

If there is a golden rule of dieting that everyone must remember, it is “there are no ironclad rules.” A diet that is perfect for one person may be a disaster for another. Every person is unique. Of course, for all diets, fundamental principles are relevant, such as adequate calorie intake and sufficient protein intake, but there is always room for maneuver. Listen to your body and make adjustments. This the best way to success.

39. Step into a green world

Make green leafy vegetables the centerpiece of your diet. Three leafy vegetables that you can never have enough of are kale, spinach and broccoli. They're rich in antioxidants, dietary fiber, and vitamins K, C, and A. By the way, cabbage contains more than beef, plus these mighty vegetables contain virtually no calories.

40. Walk more often

Walking shouldn't be your only exercise, but it's a great way to stay active while burning a few extra calories. A simple exercise that can be done daily. As a low-intensity, joint-friendly form of physical activity, walking strengthens the heart, burns calories, improves cardiovascular fitness, and strengthens bones.

Today, a lot of information can be found on the Internet about a healthy lifestyle. And each article has its own truth. Someone believes that to start leading active image life is to completely change your lifestyle. But in order to become active, it is enough to adhere to just a few rules. What is an active lifestyle? Today we will figure it out.
To lead an active lifestyle, it is enough to follow a few rules.
- So, the first rule that must be followed is to be in constant motion. And it doesn’t matter what sport you choose. You can run, swim, cycle or work out in the gym. All this is activity and every woman should choose a regime for herself.
If you include regular physical activity in your daily routine, you can avoid diseases cardiovascular system, muscle atrophy, problems with musculoskeletal system and many others.
There is no need to find excuses, such as there is no time or energy. It’s better to try not to use the elevator first, and get off a few stops earlier. Walk more and you will notice how it becomes much easier to move and breathe. After that, you just want to add physical activity to your regime. And it will be wonderful.
- An active lifestyle is impossible without the right and rational nutrition. You need to eat and your diet should be balanced. This is the only way you will feel great. Don't skip breakfast or lunch. And dinner should be as light as possible. In order for the body to function normally and not have any malfunctions, it needs to be supplied with everything nutrients. Iron, calcium, magnesium and other trace elements, as well as vitamins, are vital.
It will be much easier for him after eating a salad of fresh cabbage with whole grain toast and a small piece of boiled turkey. The body will receive large number vitamins and microelements. And after a bun with tea at lunchtime, you will definitely want to sleep and your body will not get anything useful.

But you cannot strictly limit yourself in food and introduce prohibitions. Our brain is designed in such a way that what we forbid ourselves, it wants many times more. "The forbidden fruit is sweet." Therefore, allow yourself to feast on your loved ones, but not completely healthy dish. But at the same time, control yourself.
You can eat everything. But at the same time you need to know when to stop. But healthy products They can also be very tasty.
- Active and healthy image life cannot be imagined without the right drinking regime. Alcoholic drinks allowed only in small quantities. Otherwise, they can greatly harm the health of the body. But now we are not talking about them, but about water.
If there is not enough water in the body, then health problems begin.
With a loss of one percent of fluid in healthy body a little thirst is felt. At the same time mental activity decreases.
A fluid loss of two percent leads to a woman’s decreased performance.
If the losses are four percent, apathy sets in. The woman becomes lethargic and symptoms of a mental disorder may appear. Therefore, it is very important to supply the body with a sufficient amount of water in a timely manner. You can calculate your personal norm that you will need to drink during the day. This formula is very simple - for one kilogram of body weight you need to take forty milliliters of water. And if your weight is sixty kilograms, then you need to drink two liters and four hundred milliliters of water a day.

Water is found in juices, compotes, carbonated drinks, tea, coffee. You can pamper yourself with them too. Just don't get carried away. They contain sugar. And contrary to popular belief, Pepsi and Coke contain the least amount of it. Fresh juice from oranges or peaches contains twelve to sixteen grams of sugar per hundred milliliters. Grape juice contains sixteen grams. In apricot compote this amount increases to twenty-two. And Coke and Pepsi contain only ten to eleven grams.
When allowing yourself such drinks, do not forget to take into account their calorie content.
- Scientists are constantly conducting research on how much sleep a person needs. And all the results boil down to the fact that you need to sleep at least seven hours a day. It's good if you can sleep longer.

You won’t be able to lead an active lifestyle and enjoy everything around you if you don’t get enough sleep. Without good sleep the body is exhausted, nervous system starts to work incorrectly. Instead of athletic, fit and beautiful woman in the mirror you will see a stooped, tired old woman with a gray face and bruises under her eyes. And if you achieve a completely different effect, then begin to control your sleep schedule.
- The most important rule An active lifestyle means enjoying life and everything around you. After all, proper nutrition, exercise, normal sleep and the health of the body is needed only in order to get maximum pleasure from life. A woman should constantly pamper herself.

You need to do what you like. If your friend has achieved beautiful shape thanks to lifting weights in the gym, this does not mean that you will achieve the same. Physical activity, if it does not make you happy, will not bring anything good. The activity should be enjoyable. Try all sports and draw your own conclusions. Some people might enjoy long bike rides. Some people are excited about hiking in the mountains. And you might like yoga more.
Nothing should be stressful. Sports activities, proper nutrition and other rules of an active lifestyle should not be stressful. Otherwise, the whole meaning is lost.
All your actions should bring pleasure - whether you eat, play sports or communicate with positive people. All this allows you to create your emotional state and mood.
Enjoy life, pamper yourself, have fun and remain cheerful, attractive and charming!

You often hear that it is beneficial to lead an active lifestyle. Perhaps you have been asked to write an essay or report on this topic, and you do not want to use the dry wording of textbooks and are looking for a live source of inspiration. In this article, I will go into detail about what an active lifestyle is, why it is beneficial, and how to live an active lifestyle.

How many hours a day do you spend sitting? I'm guessing that most people reading this article spend more than six hours a day sitting. , watching TV, reading books - scientific and technological progress has led to the fact that we spend more time on intellectual work than physical work. In principle, any work is good, whether manual or mental, if not for one “but”.

Some statistics

  • die prematurely due to health reasons - by 11%
  • get cancer - by 9%
  • develop one or more cardiovascular diseases – by 18%

These numbers are terrifying! This means that if I spend 8 hours in the office on a computer every weekday, I have only a one in ten chance of seeing my grandchildren. Can I call myself an active person? Yes, I go to the gym 3 times a week, yes, I try to go to the dacha or just to nature on weekends, I swim in the summer, and ski in the winter. But during the working day I sit at the computer for 6-8 hours. What does it mean? You already know.

What happens when we don't lead an active lifestyle?

  • metabolism slows down and the production of fat-burning enzymes decreases, which leads to weight gain excess weight and slagging of the body;
  • abnormal load on the spine leads to ossification and deformation of the vertebrae;
  • muscle tone decreases, in particular the heart muscle;
  • the body's resistance to infections decreases

The body gets used to a sedentary lifestyle and slows down all its activities. The more you sit, the more difficult it is for you to run, climb stairs, and carry heavy objects. If, in addition to this, you like to eat a lot and tasty (but completely unhealthy) food, then expect new troubles - increased sugar content and bad cholesterol in the blood quickly leads to heart disease and all other internal organs. Cardiovascular diseases, cancer, osteochondrosis - these are diseases of the information age that appeared only a few decades ago, but have already put most of the population of developed countries against the wall.

On the one hand, a person needs to earn a piece of bread with red caviar, and this is best done at the office desk if you are a manager, engineer, economist, accountant, and so on. On the other hand, no one wants work to harm their health. Do you agree with me? And there is only one way to protect yourself from all the above risks: lead an active lifestyle!

Active lifestyle as disease prevention

People usually consider exercise and physical activity as a way. And if they don’t have problems with weight, then they don’t think much about it.

An amazing woman attends classes with a friend of mine who teaches her own yoga courses. If you look at her, you won’t be able to take your eyes off her – her figure is so good. According to her, she inherited a beautiful, slender body from her mother, and she never did any exercise.

At about 35 years old, she first felt pain in her back, which overtook her and twisted her at the most inopportune moments. As she realized later, this was retribution for her sedentary work accountant. It’s good that this woman had the opportunity to take care of not only her appearance, but also her physical form. She actively practices yoga and has already achieved some success. Needless to say, she doesn’t remember the old pain?

Why am I telling all this? If everything is fine outwardly now, this does not mean that your body will not malfunction in the near future. An active lifestyle is an excellent way to prevent all diseases of the information age.

Benefits of an active lifestyle

  • As mentioned above, an active lifestyle prolongs life. Cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, asthma and other lung diseases can all be prevented, delayed or even cured by leading an active lifestyle.
  • Active people are happier. Regular exercise reduces the risk of depression and helps fight it for those who are already in this condition. One study compared drug therapy And physical exercise in terms of effectiveness in combating depressive state. Of course, those who took antidepressants improved the fastest. But at the same time, about 60% of patients who did not take any medications, but carried out regular exercise, completely recovered from depression. These results show how important an active lifestyle is to you. So why do we only realize it when we get sick? An active lifestyle costs almost nothing, but gives us a lot.
  • An active lifestyle has a beneficial effect on brain function. Do you want to increase your creativity and creativity? There are now many books and websites that offer different ways increasing mental abilities with the help of all sorts of psycho- and mnemonics, however, in my opinion, exercise is the easiest way to achieve this goal. I myself have noticed that the best ideas for posts come in the morning, after ten minutes of morning exercise. This active period of time is very invigorating and, so to speak, reboots my entire system, clearing my thoughts and putting me in a working mood.
  • An active lifestyle makes you look and feel better. There’s nothing even to explain about the first one; it’s the same axiom as the statement that the sky is blue and the grass is green. Everyone knows this. But the fact that constant sitting will not harm the body is a misconception. It would seem, where do diseases come from for a person who sits in a warm place and is engaged in quiet activities? However, neurologists today are among the most in demand, although a few decades ago they dealt mainly with serious or occupational diseases. And all due to the fact that the majority of people lead a lifestyle that undermines the body for years, and sooner or later leads to pain in the back or neck. And pain, in terms of neurology, is a much more unpleasant and dangerous thing than the things we are all familiar with, such as acute respiratory infections. An active lifestyle allows you to avoid this.
  • An active lifestyle provides more benefits than occasional workouts in the gym. I was surprised to learn that it was one o'clock in the morning strength training does not at all compensate for the remaining sedentary time during the working day. The above statistics are about premature deaths was obtained without taking into account whether the person exercises periodically or not. No matter how much time you spend on exercise equipment or a treadmill, you are still sedentary if you sit at the computer or in front of the TV for more than six hours a day. Sitting slows down your metabolism and encourages fat storage. It not only makes us burn fewer calories, but also lowers the level of a special enzyme lipoprotein lipases, which is produced during muscle activity and plays a central role in energy metabolism processes.

What does it mean? This means that during the day you should find more opportunities to give your body physical activity and keep it in good shape. Look for any opportunities, because the most valuable thing you have – your health – directly depends on it.

  1. Sign up for or at the pool.
  2. If you need to get to a place located somewhere nearby, then go on foot.
  3. Forget about the elevator, use the stairs.
  4. At lunchtime, after having a snack, do not sit in front of the monitor or in a cafe, but take a walk.
  5. and even better - before bed.
  6. Try to spend your weekends actively – Don’t sit at home.
  7. During the working day, arrange five to ten minutes of activity. Walk, go down and up stairs, do light exercises.
  8. Instead of discussing something with a colleague on ICQ, take a walk to him and discuss everything live.
  9. Buy a manual resistance band and exercise periodically, even if you are sitting.
  10. Learn “office yoga” exercises and perform them regularly.
  11. Prioritize activity. If you have a choice between spending time actively or sitting, choose the first.
  12. Find an active hobby. This could be cycling, roller skating, badminton, just running and the like. And it’s even better if you engage in your hobby with the whole family.

A great way to monitor how active you have been throughout the day is to count your steps. , which help count steps, and: how I increased the number of steps I took per day to 10,000.

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Follow these tips to help you start an active lifestyle and noticeably improve your health.

Always say yes

The first rule that you need to accept to start an active lifestyle is to say “yes” to offers to actively spend your leisure time, because most often we stay at home precisely because of our indecisiveness. Take the risk of agreeing to participate in a hiking trip, charity race or flash mob. Agree to go on walks, trips, and attend events that are offered to you, even if you are still tempted to stay home. Such a vacation will serve as inspiration to become better and take care of yourself.

Attend events

Subscribe to community news on health and active lifestyles on social networks and attend their events. This way you will not only have fun and diversify your leisure time, but also learn a lot useful information and make new acquaintances with like-minded people who, like you, have decided to lead an active lifestyle.

Change your diet

Your health and lifestyle directly depend on your diet. Follow the rules healthy eating and try to eliminate it from your diet junk food high processing. The healthier your diet, the easier it will be for you to maintain an active lifestyle.

Do exercises

Just 20 minutes of simple exercise in the morning will give you a boost of energy for the whole day. Train yourself to do exercises every day, and this will significantly improve your well-being and help you lead a more active lifestyle. A morning jog will be even more effective.


Give up the stereotype that traveling is expensive and go on a trip this weekend. Depending on your budget, choose the distance and type of transport and go explore new places. You will be surprised when you find out how many colorful landscapes there are just in your region, not to mention Ukraine as a whole. Such a vacation will not only have a positive effect on your health and inspire you to an active lifestyle, but will also help you recuperate and relax.

Find your sports hobby

Find a sporting hobby you like and dedicate yourself to it free time. This way you will quickly adapt to a healthy lifestyle, have additional motivation for training and have fun.

Increase your knowledge about health

Try to read more about health, the nuances of nutrition and the effects of external and internal factors on the human body. The more you know about a healthy lifestyle, the easier it will be to do right choice in favor of healthy eating, proper rest and active pastime.

Take advantage of every opportunity

If you decide to lead an active lifestyle, use every opportunity for this: walk and move more, climb the stairs on foot, don’t be lazy to cook healthy meals. If you are active in such little things, you will get used to a healthy lifestyle much faster and over time, what seemed too tiring to you will become easy and fun entertainment.

A healthy lifestyle is an active one. This is an axiom with which it is at least stupid to argue. Regular exercise has a beneficial effect on the human body, strengthens its physical health and improves immunity. That's why it's hardly wise to neglect regular physical activity. The question of how to lead an active lifestyle very often leads people to a dead end, but in fact there is little difficulty in this - you just need to follow a number of simple and clear instructions. Below are some of them.

Getting rid of laziness is task number one

Progress and modern conveniences provide people with all the benefits necessary for life: people no longer make efforts to obtain food for themselves, build housing and protect their shelter from predators and bad weather.

Nature, once identified with a violent force that no one can resist living creature, in the minds of modern people appears in the image of a heroically defeated tyrant, whose power forever remained somewhere in the nooks and crannies of bygone days. Man imagines himself to be the crown of creation and, as a result, has acquired many harmful addictions, the main place among which, perhaps, is rightfully occupied by laziness. Everyone probably knows how destructive the impact it has on the individual, how quickly it destroys and decomposes him.

A person is in constant motion throughout his life, and if he doesn’t move forward at least very, very slowly, then he probably takes rapid steps back. Laziness and an active lifestyle are incompatible concepts, so you need to get rid of idleness, which hinders development, as soon as possible. Otherwise, nothing but a fiasco can be expected: the case will certainly be abandoned halfway, and the bitter aftertaste of disappointment for a long time (perhaps even forever) will discourage the desire to try again.

More movement and sports

Finding time for long workouts in a gym or aerobic gym can sometimes be very difficult, but this does not mean that you should give up on your decision to lead a physically active lifestyle. It is necessary to allocate several free hours for sports, after getting rid of unnecessary distractions. So, for example, instead of watching TV for an hour and a half in the evening after work, you should prefer going to a fitness club or jogging in a nearby park. It’s unlikely that any missed reality show will be a significant loss, but physical activity will have a positive effect on overall well-being and provide

However, if you still haven’t found time to play sports, you still shouldn’t despair. In this case, you can replace elevator rides with stairs and walk more. Few people know that an hour-long walk at a speed of 6 km/h (vigorous pace) can burn up to 300 kcal!

No need to force yourself!

The rules of an active lifestyle are quite clear and simple, but in this matter (as, indeed, in any other) it is important not to overdo it. There is no need to force yourself to do something that is clearly not to your liking, but it is better to choose a sport that gives you pleasure personally. So, some people like to ride a bicycle, others prefer roller skates, others willingly play tennis and volleyball - human tastes are extremely diverse, but no one is stopping you from listening to your own heart. Violence against yourself will not lead to anything good, but will only cause stress and irritation.

How to rest properly?

For modern man the concept of rest is almost synonymous with idleness. Most people spend their time at home or, worse, waste precious hours of their lives in clubs, dubious companies and alcoholic fun. Need I say that the philosophy of an active lifestyle contradicts this kind of behavior and habits? Proper recreation, for example, includes picnics in nature, swimming in ponds, various sports games (bowling, volleyball, football, etc.), dancing, hiking and much more.

Healthy eating

An active lifestyle is not only about doing regular exercise, but also, above all, about being responsible and sensitive to your health, and, accordingly, to your diet. It is very important that the diet is as varied and properly balanced as possible, because food is essentially main source energy in the body. It is worth limiting the consumption of sweets and fats and introducing fresh vegetables and fruits, berries and complex carbohydrates(they are contained, for example, in cereals). Moreover, we need to give up fast food, which is so popular today. Instead of questionable restaurant products fast food For a snack at school or work, you can buy yoghurts, cottage cheese and a variety of fruits, prepare your own porridges and casseroles. Not only does this not take up a significant amount of time, but it also keeps your health and well-being in good condition (which, for example, cannot be said about fast food).

and physical activity

The importance of water for human body it is hardly possible to overestimate: she participates in all metabolic processes and digestion of food, removes toxins and makes up about 80% of our muscle mass. Depending on your well-being, stress level, intensity of activities physical activity and weather, an adult needs from one and a half to three liters of water per day. However, it should be borne in mind that the principle “the more the better” does not apply in this case. Excess quantity Water increases the load on the kidneys and, as a result, leads to disruption of their functioning, causes swelling and the appearance of cramps.

Maintaining hygiene

An active lifestyle without hygiene is impossible! An adult hardly needs to be reminded that he needs to brush his teeth twice a day, take a shower regularly (not only once every 24 hours, but if possible after every sport activity), and wash his hands before eating. These habits must be developed to the point of automaticity or, if you like, to a state of reflex. In addition, it is also necessary to monitor the hygiene of the premises in which you work, play sports or live. Rooms should be regularly ventilated and surfaces should be disinfected. This is necessary in order to protect yourself from dust and germs and provide the body with sufficient oxygen.

Benefits of an active lifestyle

1. Health. An active lifestyle helps avoid cardiovascular and oncological diseases, obesity, diabetes, and many diseases respiratory tract and lungs. This, in turn, prolongs life, improves well-being and immunity, and also helps increase endurance and maintain it until old age.

2. Beautiful appearance. Many people dream of a beautiful, toned figure and smooth, elastic skin. However, acting is much more productive than dreaming. An active lifestyle will be a great help in this matter. Of course, you can give yourself up to plastic surgeons, but is it wise when best result can be achieved by living a full active life?

3. Slowing down the aging process. An active lifestyle and aging problems are closely interconnected. Scientists have proven that people who lead a passive lifestyle age much earlier than those who lead an active one. Movement is life, and only it can delay old age, nothing else is given.

Rest and work schedule

It is difficult to lead an active lifestyle when your job requires you to sit in a chair for 8 hours 5 times a week. Oddly enough, working in an office involves a number of so-called occupational diseases. Constant migraines, dry eye syndrome, “mouse disease”, osteochondrosis, as well as many digestive problems - and this is not the whole list of ailments associated with a sedentary lifestyle. In order to prevent them, you must regularly perform the following exercises:

Exercise for the eyes. It only takes a few minutes of time, but it relieves fatigue very effectively. There are also special drops for dry eye syndrome. Their composition resembles human tears and serves to moisturize the surface of the eyeball.

Warm up. It is enough to perform simple exercises such as bending the torso, rotating the head, stretching and squats once an hour.

This is perhaps all you need to know about how to start an active lifestyle. Remember that the main thing in this matter is clear motivation and willpower: you must be sure that you want it and know why you want it, and then the undertaking will be more than successful.