Alcohol addiction symptoms, development and treatment. What is alcohol addiction

Alcohol dependence involves a combination of various somatic, neurological, behavioral, and cognitive disorders, the aggravation of which leads to the fact that alcohol intake begins to occupy a leading position in a person’s system of life values. Alcohol addiction is a combination of three pathological conditions- syndromes:

The formation and aggravation of the above abnormal conditions occurs during the progression of alcohol dependence.

Altered reactivity syndrome

This alcohol dependence syndrome involves the following conditions:

  • restructuring the form of consumption and regularity of drinking alcohol - the transition from occasional drinking to regular drinking;
  • absence defensive reactions- an alcoholic does not have a gag reflex even when taking critical doses of products containing ethyl alcohol;
  • establishing high tolerance - increasing the “opportunities” to drink several times more at one time than a teetotaler is capable of;
  • changes in sensations when intoxicated - over time, drinking alcohol is no longer accompanied by the previous feelings of complacency and peace.

In the first stage of alcohol dependence, called the neurasthenic phase, syndrome of altered reactivity is manifested by the gradual loss of adequate protective mechanisms. Even with excessive intake of intoxicating potions, the patient does not develop gag reflex. Tolerance to alcoholic beverages increases more than three times.

Over time, the desire to further drink alcohol intensifies: a person is not able to stop after the first glass of vodka, because he does not have a sense of the normal threshold. Such absorption of alcoholic beverages leads to a pronounced state of “drunk stupor.”

In case of alcohol addiction, others notice a change in the subject’s drinking habits: pronounced “greed” is detected, the person drinks a glass faster than anyone else. In a state of alcoholic intoxication, the patient’s character traits are significantly sharpened. For example: a jealous person develops attacks of pathological jealousy, while a proud person experiences an intensified sense of his own superiority.

At the second (drug) stage of alcohol addiction the gag reflex is absent even when taking “deadly” portions of alcohol: collapse is not preceded by the development of vomiting. Tolerance to vodka exceeds ten times the limit that exists among moderately drinking people. Drinking alcoholic beverages becomes regular and occurs in the form of binge drinking.

Alcohol addiction also changes the patient’s forms of intoxication: partial memory loss - amnesia - becomes regular. After drinking alcohol, a person’s behavior becomes inappropriate. At the second stage of alcohol dependence, ethyl alcohol products begin to have a stimulating effect on the body. Sedative effect occurs only after taking very high doses of alcohol.

At the third (final) stage of alcoholism the syndrome of altered reactivity is manifested by the development of true prolonged binges. With every day of binge drinking, a person’s tolerance to alcohol decreases - to “maintain” the state of intoxication, he needs fewer and fewer doses of the intoxicating potion.

As a rule, binge drinking ends in a state of severe physical weakness, when the subject simply cannot drink any more. Drinking alcohol does not demonstrate a stimulating effect, but only equalizes the patient’s well-being. This syndrome in the final stage of alcoholism is also manifested by the subject’s inability to carry out active activities.

Mental dependence syndrome

Mental subordination in alcoholism originates and is aggravated in the structures of the brain of the drinker. The mechanism of development of mental dependence in alcoholism is directly related to disturbances in neurotransmitter metabolism and depends on the work of the catecholamine dopamine and the indoleamine serotonin.

Dopamine plays the role of an internal reinforcement factor and is produced by the brain not only in the process of receiving pleasure, but also in anticipation of receiving a “reward.” A decrease in serotonin levels in the brain provokes the development of depressive states, and hyperactivation of serotonin receptors causes hallucinations.

With regular drinking of alcohol, neurons (structural units of the nervous system) “get used” to being in an excited state. Subsequently, in order to reach the required threshold of intoxication, a person needs increasingly large portions of alcoholic beverages.

Mental dependence syndrome is quite difficult to identify, since most patients have an internal dissimulation attitude. In contrast to physical subordination, the presence of an irresistible mental craving for alcohol is not always recognized by a person.

In the majority of patients with alcoholism, it is the mental dependence syndrome that is the dominant, and often the only factor in constant “breakdowns” and a return to binge drinking. The reason for returning to alcohol abuse is an irresistible urge to return to a state of mental comfort, to experience a sense of security and safety, to experience “incomparable” pleasure.

Alcohol dependence implies the presence in the subject of an obsessive irrational (obsessive) attraction to substances containing ethyl alcohol. It is alcohol that acts as an object of irresistible craving, with the help of which the subject is able to normalize his psycho-emotional well-being and feel pleasure.

Mental dependence syndrome is characterized by an individual’s constant thoughts about alcoholic beverages. Alcohol acts as a measure of a person’s mood: in its absence, a person feels depressed, irritable, and dissatisfied. When drinking or anticipating drinking alcohol, the patient's mood improves.

Alcohol addiction manifests itself in the fact that at the initial stage of alcoholism, a person tries to find “objective” justifications for his addiction, tries to convince himself and others of the advisability of taking it “on the chest.” In the first phase of alcohol dependence, the subject still recognizes the fact that drunkenness is dangerous, but in the future, constant drinking bouts become the only possible way of life.

Subsequently, a person with mental dependence syndrome characterizes everything related to alcohol positively and perceives extremely negatively the facts that prevent alcoholism. The sick person firmly believes in the rationality and logic of her motives for drinking alcohol and takes with hostility any attempts by others to set him on the true path.

For a person suffering from mental dependence syndrome, alcohol becomes a way to resolve life problems and overcoming difficulties, however, according to an objective assessment, an alcohol dependent person does not solve existing problems, but avoids everyday difficulties. If a teetotaler is capable of experiencing pleasure in various life situations, then a person suffering from mental dependence syndrome feels pleasure only when drinking intoxicating drinks.

Alcohol addiction changes the hierarchy of a person’s needs and values, deforms the personal “coordinate system”, on the basis of which the subject assesses his personality, his own and others’ behavior, and relationships in society. A person’s behavior undergoes changes, and interpersonal relationships deteriorate. It is the transformation of a constructive thinking model into a harmful hierarchical model that explains the strength of mental dependence on products containing ethanol.

In the course of aggravation of alcohol dependence, the appearance of other signs of mental dependence is observed - the mode and quality of higher education changes. nervous activity. Only when “under the influence” is a person capable of productive mental activity: logical analysis, remembering and reproducing information, concentration. Only under the influence of alcohol can an individual perform purposeful, systematic work. In a state of sobriety, his abilities of attention, memory and thinking become very low.

As mental dependence worsens, patients with alcoholism develop inconsistent false beliefs - delusions. In alcohol dependence, overvalued hypochondriacal experiences are also identified, depressive disorders and manic states. Dysfunction of higher nervous activity gives rise to the development of hallucinations. At the final stage of alcoholism, irreversible mental disorders now take first place in the clinic, complete collapse sets in - personality degradation, which indicates organic damage brain structures.

Physical dependence syndrome

Physical dependence on alcoholic beverages in most patients occurs at the beginning of the second - narcotic phase of alcoholism. The drinking subject develops new manifestations of addiction - compulsive craving for alcoholic beverages and abstinence (withdrawal syndrome). Compulsive drinking involves a feeling of an irresistible physical need to drink alcohol.

The mechanism of development of physical dependence in alcoholism can be explained as follows: the constant entry of ethyl alcohol components into the body tissues turns into prerequisite to maintain homeostasis altered by chronic alcohol abuse. Long-term experience of alcoholism - continuous or with short periods remission - leads to a change in the course of biochemical processes. In the narcotic stage of alcoholism, the activity of catalase, aspartate aminotransferase and other enzymes increases significantly. In parallel with this, significant shifts occur in the activity of other biological active substances, due to which the body adapts to high doses of alcoholic beverages.

Alcohol addiction is manifested by a compulsive craving for alcoholic beverages, which is comparable to a feeling of hunger or thirst. The absence of the required level of ethanol breakdown products in the body causes extremely painful sensations. Drinking alcohol brings a person back to life: it causes a surge of energy, makes him active, and ensures good health.

In the absence of the required dose, due to a sudden cessation of alcohol consumption, a painful condition occurs - withdrawal syndrome. Alcohol dependence causes a deficiency of endogenous (internal) alcohol, which is accompanied by certain vegetative symptoms. The subject complains of intense headache, increased frequency heart rate, intestinal disorders, alternating chills and profuse sweating. Increase determined blood pressure, often to critical values.

A characteristic symptom of physical dependence is muscle tremors. Alcohol addiction gives rise to an asthenic state, combined with excessive irritability and unreasonable fears. Persistent insomnia or interrupted sleep appears with nightmares and very early rises.

Alcohol has a harmful effect on the body: all organs and systems wear out prematurely and age. Therefore, timely overcoming of physical dependence syndrome allows not only to preserve the patient’s health, but also to save his life. Possibilities modern medicine are able to completely eliminate the painful symptoms of physical attraction to alcohol.

Overcoming mental dependence syndrome is more serious work, which requires long-term painstaking work by experienced specialists and the patient. It is advisable to go through the recovery stage in a calm and comfortable environment, where you can feel the support and help of others. Excellent conditions for the treatment of alcoholism have been created in the Chelyabinsk Atmosphere Center. More detailed information can receive .

(synonyms: chronic alcoholism, chronic alcohol intoxication, alcohol dependence syndrome, alcoholic illness, alcoholic substance abuse, ethicism).
Alcohol addiction is a disease, which are characterized by an increase in symptoms (refers to progressive diseases), characterized by a pathological craving for alcohol, the development of withdrawal (hangover) syndrome when stopping drinking alcohol, and in further development persistent disorders of the nervous and mental systems and deterioration of general somatic condition. With further consumption of alcohol, mental degradation of the alcoholic is noted.

Withdrawal syndrome (abstinence- abstinence) is a syndrome of physical and/or mental disorders that develops in patients with alcohol addiction some time after stopping alcohol intake or reducing its dose. Withdrawal syndrome is integral part physical dependence syndrome.

It always develops in people who drink regularly. Alcohol addiction is one of the socially significant diseases, because alcohol abuse Almost always affects society, the alcoholic’s family, friends, relatives and the alcoholic himself. An alcoholic is constantly in contact with other people (at work, in the family, on the street, etc.) and the people around him suffer from this.

Factors contributing to the development of alcohol dependence (alcoholism)

As it becomes more complex social structure society, drinking alcohol becomes more and more individual, more and more personal motives appear and the number of factors contributing to alcohol abuse is increasing.

Previously it was believed that spread of alcohol addiction typical for low-income segments of the population. However, at the end of the 19th century with improved well-being alcohol addiction also began to grow. However, many of you may object, analyzing data from police reports, people with alcohol addiction just more among low-income citizens. Yes, the police reports do not lie, but the point here is different, the police are detaining citizens with low educational and property qualifications. People from less affluent strata of society, not having the opportunity to make their drunkenness hidden, drink on the street, in the gateway, etc. Wealthy citizens drink in expensive restaurants and can be taken home by taxi. This is how it is mostly drunkards from low-income strata of society who fall into the hands of the police.

CONCLUSION: Alcohol addiction affects both rich and poor .

Cause of alcohol addiction need to look for psychological motives. To push a mentally unstable citizen to alcohol addiction can following reasons: difficulties adapting to external conditions environment, conflict with the environment, dissatisfaction, loneliness, incomprehensibility, fatigue, awareness of one’s inferiority. The drinking citizen tries to temporarily relieve these reasons with alcohol.
Another reason for alcohol addiction these are the attitudes of society and public morality. The less society accepts the teetotal attitude, the more widespread alcohol addiction. If society turns to teetotal attitudes ( Prohibition ), then only those individuals who reject normal general social norms, as well as chronic alcoholics who need quality medical care, will drink.

CONCLUSION: Alcohol is consumed either by mentally immature individuals (children, adolescents) or by inferior individuals for whom real pleasure is inaccessible due to an insufficient level of moral, intellectual and cultural development.
The spread of drunkenness among young people is facilitated by false attitudes about the harmlessness of alcoholic beverages, the power of customs, as well as the imitation factor. The influence of the environment is also great, when everyone drinks it is difficult to remain a teetotaler, and if a person decides to stop drinking, then it is necessary to change his environment if it interferes with this.

Thus, we have come to the conclusion that The following most contribute to the development of alcohol dependence: important factors : low cultural and spiritual level, not healthy image life, the absence of sober attitudes of society, the weakness of the volitional qualities of the individual against the background of the influences of the immediate environment.
These factors are not fatal for our society and can be overcome if only society itself turns to a teetotal attitude.

The latest attitudes that they want to impose on our society, namely the “culture of moderate drinking” are not acceptable!!!

Not only chronic alcohol dependence, but also " cultured, moderate drinking“harms the human body, often leads to conflicts in the family and even the destruction of the family, but most importantly, it has a detrimental effect on the upbringing of children and their mental health.
It has long been noted that under the influence of alcohol, people lose their sense of responsibility to society and the state (so-called “redneck-like” individuals are appearing more and more), and under the influence of alcohol, hooliganism and more serious offenses increase.

Alcohol is an energy-intensive product and at the same time a psychoactive substance (legal drug). It is found in microscopic concentrations in some foods and is produced by the human body. Many people believe that alcohol helps relieve stress. However, this is not entirely true. After relaxation and a temporary improvement in mood, alcohol intoxication causes new biochemical stress in the body. High doses of alcohol and its processed product, acetaldehyde, inhibit the functioning of the brain and heart, causing oxygen starvation in them, which manifests itself in the form of weakness, fatigue and depressed mood, and in severe cases leads to heart failure. Dangerous poisoning ethyl alcohol can lead to paralysis of the respiratory center of the brain and cause respiratory arrest.

Beer- a popular low-alcohol drink. However, along with useful substances such as vitamins, beer contains toxic substances, for example, cadaverine (cadaverine poison), which affects the blood vessels of the brain, as well as plant analogues of female sex hormones, which modify the appearance of beer alcoholics. The aggressiveness and destructive effect of these substances depends both on the concentration of alcohol in beer and on the volume of the drink consumed. Many people still don't count beer alcoholic drink, so they drink it every day and, as a rule, on an empty stomach. It is a frivolous attitude towards beer that leads to so-called beer alcoholism.


This is the systematic excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages in doses that cause alcoholic intoxication. In other words, alcoholism is a pathological attraction to altered states of consciousness. This dangerous disease, which, in the absence of serious treatment, leads to personality degradation and dementia.

Causes of alcoholism.

The causes of alcohol addiction can be:

  • Prolonged stressful situation, chronic fatigue.
  • Neuroses, as well as a tendency to anxiety.
  • Depressive states occur not only as a temporary reaction, but also as a disease.
  • Problems in your personal life. Emotional and sexual dissatisfaction often become the causes of so-called female alcoholism.
  • Lack of mutual understanding in the family.
  • Social maladaptation, when a person does not have permanent job, no family, no stable interests and favorite activities.
  • A state of loneliness, boredom and unfulfillment.

Of course, there are too many reasons for the formation of alcohol dependence to be able to list them in one paragraph.

Alcohol addiction manifests itself on the mental and physical level:

Mental dependence is formed in the brain and is associated with the neurotransmitter exchange of dopamine and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Under the influence of alcohol, neurons (brain cells) become accustomed to a specific state of excitation, which in cases of severe intoxication can be compared to a drug. To achieve a comfortable state, a person increasingly needs alcohol doping and an increase in the amount of alcohol he drinks. As a result serious symptom development alcoholic illness there is a loss of dose control. In a state of alcoholic intoxication, control over the situation disappears, behavior changes, and the next morning there are memory lapses for certain events.

Physical dependence on alcohol, largely energetic, because caused by the consumption of high concentrations of easily digestible alcoholic products and is associated with a profound metabolic disorder, and manifests itself, in particular, in the form of a deficiency of endogenous (internal) alcohol, increased activity of the body's alcoholic enzymes and the body's inability to maintain natural psychophysiological processes without alcohol coming from the outside, which inevitably leads to the formation of withdrawal (hangover) syndrome and, as a consequence, binge drinking.

The main signs of alcoholism.

  • Increased resistance of the body to alcohol: in order to achieve a comfortable psychological state from intoxication, an increasingly large dose of alcohol is required (against the background of a complete loss of the protective gag reflex).
  • Loss of dose or quantity control: a person expects to drink a little, but does not notice how he gets drunk.
  • A painful craving for alcohol, when a person regularly strives to change his mental state and achieve comfort through alcohol.
  • Hangover syndrome, when you need another dose of alcohol in the morning to “improve your health.”
  • Drunkenness (consequence hangover syndrome), when a person is forced to drink alcohol without interruption from several days to several weeks without any external reasons. “If he wants, he drinks, and if he doesn’t want, he also drinks.”

Alcohol poisoning and hangover syndrome.

Hangover. Most of our fellow citizens drink alcohol for one reason or another. And at the same time, by chance or not, they experience a state alcohol poisoning. This is called drinking too much. People humorously chose another word for this phenomenon - overdrank: drank more than he could, but less than he wanted.

The state of alcohol poisoning is associated with intoxication of the body by the oxidation product of ethanol - acetaldehyde, and manifests itself in the form of headache, nausea, vomiting, frustration gastrointestinal tract, dehydration and dry mouth, weakness. After poisoning, alcohol itself and even thoughts about it cause disgust. It's enough to stand under contrast shower, accept activated carbon and an aspirin tablet, drink sweet tea with lemon, milk, meat broth or eat sour cabbage soup, the unpleasant symptoms soon disappear and the person is healthy the next day.

Hangover (withdrawal) syndrome only resembles alcohol poisoning, but at the same time has fundamental differences. With a hangover, there is rarely a headache or vomiting. An anxious feeling that intensifies in the evening is typical. restless sleep, feeling of chills, sweating, loss of coordination, rapid heartbeat, increase blood pressure, trembling of the hands, and in severe cases of the whole body, depressed mood, irritability, decreased physical activity and performance in general, severe weakness (caused by an acute deficiency of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine). Alcohol no longer causes disgust, but is perceived as the only life-saving remedy that alleviates suffering at least temporarily. Abstinence (lat. abstinentia - abstinence) syndrome or withdrawal syndrome is already a serious sign alcoholic illness and is associated with a gross disruption of physiological processes and the functioning of the nervous system, the restoration of which requires many months.

Complications of alcoholism.

Alcohol depression– as a result of regular alcohol intoxication, a depressed mood with loss of interest in life is formed, sometimes difficult to treat.

Alcoholic epilepsy– develops against the background of hangover syndrome. The seizure is accompanied sudden loss consciousness and convulsions throughout the body.

Delirium tremens - alcoholic psychosis, develops after prolonged alcohol abuse (usually after heavy drinking). A few days after giving up alcohol, against the background of withdrawal syndrome, accompanied by a feeling of unaccountable fear and insomnia, alcoholic psychosis may occur in the evening and at night, accompanied by delusions and hallucinations.

In this state, a person loses orientation in time and place, it seems to him that they want to kill him, while he hears the voices of imaginary pursuers, sees nightmarish creatures around him, tries to escape (for example, jumps from a balcony) or attacks his loved ones with a knife or with an ax, mistaking them for enemies. In this state, a person is absolutely insane and poses a danger both to himself and to others. The most the right decision in this situation, a psychiatric emergency team will be called.

Korsakoff's syndrome- inability to memorize new material while retaining memory for past events. Caused by local damage to the temporal structures of the brain, as a result of severe and prolonged drinking conditions, as well as alcoholic psychoses.

Modern principles of alcoholism treatment.

The first stage of treatment is detoxification (can be carried out in inpatient and outpatient setting depending on the severity of the hangover syndrome). Cleansing the body of toxic products of alcohol processing, restoring the normal functioning of organs and body systems.

Second stage – psychological support patient on the way to overcoming alcohol addiction. It is carried out on an outpatient basis. At this stage, a combination of individually selected medications and psychotherapeutic techniques is used to form a stable indifference to alcohol. It is outpatient treatment and rehabilitation that make it possible to understand the causes of alcohol addiction and restore as much as possible. psychological state patient and create a healthy lifestyle. The effectiveness of outpatient treatment for alcoholism is of greatest value because... positive result achieved in real conditions the life of the patient, and not in the comfort of the hospital.

Treatability of alcoholism.

We can talk about the incurability of alcoholism only when the patient has passed the “point of no return.” In other words, a person’s personality under the influence of long-term alcohol abuse is completely destroyed, its deep degradation has occurred. As a rule, this is typical for the third stage of alcoholism.

In any other case, a person can be considered potentially healthy. The most important thing is that the patient wants to change his life for the better and takes responsibility for his recovery. I realized that in order to solve this complex problem, I shouldn’t underestimate the power of alcohol, stubbornly struggling alone, losing my last strength and self-confidence, and I turned for professional help.

Of course, you can really help those people who want to remain normal people and not turn into chronic alcoholics.

Magalif Alexey Alexandrovich.

A condition such as alcoholism is acquiring truly dangerous proportions, affecting all segments of the population, having a detrimental effect even on children. Are subject to drunkenness successful people, schoolchildren, students with brilliant prospects, young women. Alcohol dependence manifests itself in various reasons, among which in the first place are psychological ones, fear of failure, social dissatisfaction, fear of looking “not like everyone else.”

What is alcoholism?

Alcoholism is a dangerous condition social phenomenon, which is getting “younger” every year. According to statistical studies, children who are barely 12 years old start drinking alcohol every year. By the age of 18-20 they suffer various forms alcoholism, by the age of 30 they acquire serious illnesses, become infertile. Alcoholism is a disease that must be combated by identifying the causes of drunkenness and completely eliminating them, convincing the patient himself of the need for treatment.

How do people become alcoholics? Usually it all starts with weak drinks consumed socially. Gradually the dose increases, the morning begins with a shot or a glass of beer, ethanol has an increasingly stronger effect damaging effect on the body, destroying nervous system. Bad habit turns into harmful, it is almost impossible to give up alcohol on your own, that is, qualified assistance from a specialist is required.

There are different types of alcoholism:

  • non-chronic forms;
  • chronic forms, pronounced and accompanied various disorders psyche.

In addition, there are such manifestations of alcoholism:

Why do people become alcoholics? Usually it all starts with simple everyday drunkenness - on holidays, in company, on vacation with colleagues or friends, the future drunkard begins to slowly drink one or two glasses. Gradually, this amount of alcohol increases; the day already begins with a mug of beer, which by the evening turns into four or five glasses or a couple of glasses of strong drink. At this time, the first signs of alcohol dependence appear, not yet too obvious, but still noticeable.

A bad habit turns into a harmful one, and it is almost impossible to give up alcohol on your own.

The chronic form is a continuation of the everyday form. Drinking on holidays develops into drinking alcohol for no reason. The amount of alcohol is no longer controlled, the person goes on multi-day drinking bouts, completely unaware of what is happening. Why does alcohol addiction occur? strong kind? It is at this stage that a chemical dependence on ethanol is formed, the drunkard’s body cannot cope with the poisoning itself, and the liver does not perform its main function of removing toxins.

The criteria for alcoholism also suggest dividing this condition into two types - female and male. They have similar symptoms, but their consequences are different. In women, the disease is more severe and it is much more difficult to cure them.

Causes of alcohol addiction in adolescence may depend on various circumstances, but more often it is social disorder, unfavorable environment and drinking parents.

In addition, types of diseases are distinguished by the drinks that caused them. The most common is beer alcoholism, which develops slowly, but is extremely harmful to the body. Wine drunkenness manifests itself faster, it is also dangerous, and can lead to the most unfavorable consequences if treatment is not started.

Causes of alcoholism

The causes of drunkenness and alcoholism may include the following:

  • low standard of living, unfavorable social environment;
  • general unsettlement, dissatisfaction;
  • failures in career, family;
  • the beginning of drinking “for company.”

But they still come out on top social reasons alcoholism, a prosperous, successful person, whose day is completely busy, and whose life is bright and eventful, is unlikely to waste his time forgetting himself in alcohol.

Of course, such a rule is not mandatory, but most often alcohol dependence syndrome is detected among people with a low social level.

Symptoms of alcoholism

Alcoholism - curable or not? Before answering the question posed, we must take into account that this problem is not so much physical as psychological. Therefore, it will not be entirely correct to look only for signs of physical illness. Of course, the diagnosis of alcoholism is carried out, first of all,

External signs of alcoholism include:

  • deterioration appearance, skin and hair become dull;
  • externally – constant fatigue, loss of interest in life;
  • hand tremors and coordination problems are observed;
  • a person enters the stage of social nigredo, then gradually descends to the lowest levels of well-being;
  • binge periods appear;
  • there is an increased threshold for alcohol rejection, even with large doses of alcohol the person no longer feels sick, there is no vomiting, there are no signs of poisoning;
  • external pathologies appear, skin aging, bags under the eyes, redness of the whites and the appearance of spider veins.

Initial signs

The diagnosis of alcoholism is usually made already at initial stages when it becomes noticeable externally. At this time, a person loses taste and interest in life, the first pseudo-drunken days appear, followed by real binges. Is alcoholism curable in men or women at this stage? Yes, at this time it is possible to overcome the craving for alcohol-containing drinks, quickly restoring the body and mental state.

Advanced stage

The advanced stage is very dangerous; at this time, irreversible changes, including mental disorder, there is deviant behavior of a drunkard, aggressiveness. A person is already dangerous to his environment and himself, most often he needs compulsory therapy. Symptoms include multiple organ damage and serious mental disorders, which are extremely difficult to treat.

The advanced stage is very dangerous, at this time irreversible changes occur

Is it possible to cure alcoholism forever? WITH medical point In terms of vision, such a disease is divided into four stages, but only in three of them are symptoms of recovery with restoration of body functions possible.

As a conclusion

Becoming an alcoholic is quite simple; according to statistics, every year teenagers from 15 years old start drinking alcohol. Alcoholism develops by the age of 17-16, and by the age of 20, numerous diseases caused by alcohol develop. Also, according to research, the age of drunkards is becoming younger - drinking low-alcohol drinks is not uncommon among schoolchildren 12-14 years old. You can learn about the addiction to alcohol and ways to get rid of alcoholism from this video:

A problem such as alcoholism has long gone beyond the scope of medicine; it is a socially dangerous phenomenon that affects almost all segments of the population. Effective way There is no such thing as how you can get rid of drunkenness, but prevention is showing increasing effectiveness, which is best started in childhood.


28.10.2017 Narcologist Raisa Fedorovna Kovalchuk 0

How to recognize a quiet alcoholic

The term “secret alcoholism” is usually used in everyday life. It refers to people who hide their addiction to alcohol and mask its signs in every possible way. They may hide bottles at home, or drink at work, and then use odor suppressants. But they never get drunk so that no one notices their condition, since they themselves are ashamed of their attraction to the bottle.

Below we will take a closer look at how to recognize a hidden alcoholic.

  1. Craving for alcohol. Without alcohol, a person becomes bored, has nothing to do with himself, does not know how to have fun, is not collected, and is passive. He finds it difficult to concentrate. Feels worthless, weak in front of external circumstances. But after drinking alcohol, the patient’s tone and mood immediately improve, and their performance even increases. Moreover, a quiet alcoholic drinks little by little, but quite often (more than once a week). After some time, he already needs an increased portion of alcohol, since the previous one no longer brings the same effect. First this happens in stressful situations, then becomes routine.
  2. Stealth. A person uses any means to hide the fact of drinking or the amount of alcoholic beverages. For example, in public he drinks coffee, but in fact cognac has been added to the cup, or he drinks secretly and tries to mask the smell of alcohol from others. At first, loved ones may not even be aware of the dangerous habit of drinking, which subsequently complicates treatment, because a lot of lost time passes unnoticed.
  3. Conflict behavior. When the habit turns into addiction, a person begins to lose self-control after drinking alcohol, he experiences increased excitability, aggression at the slightest attack or hint.
  4. Memory lapses. A hidden alcoholic may not remember what happened to him the day before, and, in principle, becomes forgetful and inattentive. This directly reflects the negative changes in the liver that occur due to constant poisoning of the body with ethanol.

Portrait of a latent alcoholic

Such a person’s appearance has nothing in common with the classic image of an alcoholic. For a long time, people around him may not even suspect that he has problems with alcohol. Outwardly, he looks quite wealthy, personable, successful, often engages in intellectual work and even holds high positions. That is why the drinker is ashamed of his weakness and maintains secrecy. He doesn't want to lose his reputation, and thus he tries to preserve it.

Another image of a latent alcoholic is a man performing heavy physical labor in production. At the same time, he has quite positive characteristics, does not row, does not skip work, and takes care of his loved ones.

Such people drink to relax after a hard day at work, relieve stress, and drown out problems. Over time, they respond to any offer to sit with friends and even strangers, find any excuse to drink. But most often they prefer not to advertise their friendship with alcohol.

Sooner or later, the picture of imaginary well-being begins to change, and you can no longer hide your condition: a person experiences changes in appearance and health.

It has been scientifically confirmed that latent alcoholics often exhibit genetic predisposition to alcohol, especially for alcoholism in men.

Latent alcoholism develops more slowly in men than in women. Usually it all starts with small doses of alcohol or low-alcohol drinks. The person does not see any problem in this for himself. He seems to drink a little, in company or with friends, after work. Everyone does it. After some time, he can already drink in front of relatives, relieving work stress. Just think, I drank a little beer, I don’t lie around drunk, I don’t get rowdy, I don’t disappear somewhere unknown. This situation can last for years.

Relatives of an alcoholic do not know what to do in this case. In the meantime, the man’s alcoholism has already developed, and delay will only complicate treatment. At this stage, it is still possible to do without the intervention of a narcologist, but only under the condition of the persistent intention of the addict himself.

Woman and latent alcoholism

It is also worth discussing hidden alcohol addiction in women. They are physiologically susceptible to it more often and faster than men. This is due to the peculiarities of the liver and lower weight. That's why female alcoholism“hits” primarily the liver and pancreas. The kidneys are also significantly affected, and chronic diseases with irreversible changes occur.

Female alcoholism has a rather diverse portrait. She may also be business woman, a kind of businesswoman, often lonely, whose work involves excessive responsibility and stress. Alcohol “helps” her relieve overexertion, stress, and moral fatigue.

A typical representative of latent alcoholism is also a woman who has lost her other half as a result of death or divorce. And she slowly drinks herself to death, drowning herself in grief. It is also not uncommon to encounter young girls and women who become addicted in the company of friends or husbands. Often, girls even under 18 years of age who are addicted to drinking are susceptible to hidden alcohol intoxication.

The causes of female alcoholism can be mental and nervous diseases, stress, financial problems, hard work, communication with the relevant company, self-doubt, complexes, criminal activities. Over time, due to drunkenness, character and behavior changes, naturally for the worse, the psyche is disturbed, and aggression increases.

Alcoholism changes in women hormonal background, gets lost menstrual cycle, or even menstruation stops altogether, and childbearing age is shortened. She loses her attractiveness, her hair becomes weak and dull, wrinkles, swelling, bruises under the eyes appear, her gait and figure are deformed.

Already in the initial stages of female alcoholism, so-called alcoholic psychoses arise, which are extremely difficult to combat, including with medication. A person becomes indifferent to everything, fixated only on alcoholic drinks. Suicidal states of mind are also observed.

Due to these features, female alcoholism is more difficult to treat.

Rapid test for alcohol addiction

Help you understand if you have hidden alcoholism, a simple test will help. Answer just four questions.

  1. Have you ever felt irritated when someone confronted you about your drinking?
  2. Have you ever had a hangover?
  3. Have you ever thought about drinking less?
  4. Have you ever regretted or blamed yourself for drinking alcohol?

If, while taking the test, you answered yes to at least one question, you have signs of alcoholism.

Perhaps the results of this test were disappointing for you. Don't despair. You need to think, reconsider your life, values, environment and make a vital decision for yourself.

Diagnosis and treatment

Silent alcoholism eventually turns into chronic form, which is characterized by a gradual increase in the dose of alcoholic beverages and binge drinking. Over and over again, these symptoms of a quiet alcoholic become more pronounced. As a rule, at this level the second degree of alcoholism develops. If previously the patient drank secretly, now it is difficult for him to control himself, and he involuntarily gives himself away. And then he drinks openly.

Since addiction occurs unnoticed by the patient, his loved ones should identify the problem as early as possible. Convincing such a person of the need for treatment is very difficult, because he may perceive your words as an insult. Therefore, you need to draw his attention to health problems and suggest going to see a doctor.

The first priority in diagnosis is the presence common features alcoholism: uncontrollable craving for alcohol, inability to observe the limit, constantly increasing dose. Blood tests and other laboratory tests will provide proof of this fact.

If a patient comes to the hospital with health complaints and conceals his addiction to alcohol, then a competent doctor, taking into account his suspicions and the slightest signs, can prescribe additional tests.

The following diagnostic test data indicate hidden alcoholism:

  • the presence of ethanol and its breakdown products in the urine and blood,
  • increased GGT value in the blood (indicates changes in the liver and pancreas),
  • increased AST and ALT levels (also indicate liver problems),
  • lack of hemoglobin (anemia) and an increase in the average volume of red blood cells (indicate a lack of vitamins and nutrients and toxic effects of ethanol).

As addiction progresses, acute and chronic diseases may develop ( diabetes mellitus, disorders of the heart, liver, gallbladder, gastrointestinal tract), as well as mental disorders. Therefore, hidden alcoholism will most likely have to be treated not only with the participation of a narcologist. This requires the combined work of several specialists: a neurologist, a psychotherapist, a gastroenterologist, a cardiologist and others.

During treatment, do not forget about the support and help of loved ones. Under no circumstances should you reproach a person with alcohol addiction, blame him, insult him or reproach him. During this period, he needs attention, care, understanding and encouragement.

The most common and effective method The treatment for alcoholism is coding. It comes in two types: medication and psychotherapy. In any case, the result can only be expected if the patient himself wants to quit drinking. The therapy also uses cleansing droppers, vitamin complexes, sedatives and drugs that relieve cravings for alcohol.