Allergic eye diseases symptoms. Treatment of eye allergies

The skin of the eyelids and the mucous membrane of the eyes are characterized by increased sensitivity and reaction to even the slightest irritant. That is why the organ quickly reacts to the presence of an allergen in the body, especially in cases when it begins to have a direct effect on the eye. The disease can manifest itself with low-intensity symptoms, as well as extensive lesions with swelling and severe redness. Elimination of an allergic reaction requires the complex use of several medicines, which may include the usual pharmaceutical products and home remedies.

A drugImageDosageCost in the Russian Federation in rublesA course of treatment
1 tablet daily60 7-14 days
Chloropyramine 1 ampoule of the drug daily80 3-14 days
Tsetrin 1 tablet per day160 1-14 days
Tavegil 1-2 per 24 hours, when taking two tablets, the first is taken before breakfast, and the second in the evening200 14 days
Suprastin 0.25-2 tablets150 3-14 days
Levocetirizine 1 tablet every day300 3-14 days
Loratadine 1 tablet every day100 14 days

Attention! The main effect of tablets for eye allergies is aimed at suppressing the activity of the allergen so that it does not affect other tissues of the body, especially the mucous membrane of the nose and throat, causing additional swelling and itching.

Cream and ointments against eye allergies


The drug is a hormonal drug and in case of eye problems such as allergies, it can only be used as prescribed by the attending physician. Advantan is a completely synthetic drug. latest generation, the duration of treatment is determined individually for each patient. Typically, treatment using ointment or cream lasts no more than five days. Apply the medication strictly daily only to the eyelids; if it gets on the mucous membrane, rinse your eyes immediately.


When treating the disease, only cream is used. Celestoderm also refers to hormonal drugs that are used exclusively under medical supervision. To prevent allergies, apply to sore eyelids and surrounding areas. a large number of cream once a day. Therapy using the drug can last from 1 to 5 days, if there are acute indications for this.


The ointment is used exclusively for ophthalmological practice. At the same time, it requires strict adherence to recommendations in order to prevent side effects and the development of inflammation due to infections:

  • First you will need to wash your hands thoroughly with soap;
  • the eyes should also be lightly rinsed without using detergent bases, this will remove mucus and speed up the action of the ointment;
  • the ointment should be used only under the lower eyelid, while lowering it slightly to make treatment more convenient;
  • the length of the drug strip should be about 1 cm, a larger amount may cause side effects;
  • the medication is used for two weeks 1-3 times a day, taking into account the severity of symptoms;
  • even in severe cases, it is strictly forbidden to increase the course of therapy beyond 21 days.

If a small amount of ointment comes out behind the eyelid, it should be removed using a small piece of cotton wool soaked in clean water. However, this should be done soft movements from the inner corner of the eye to the outer.


The drug is used externally only; application to the mucous membrane of the eye is strictly prohibited. Hydrocortisone belongs to the first generation medications, which, if not correct use provides a large number of side effects. Use the ointment on sore eyelids or adjacent areas for no more than two weeks once a day. In some cases, with extensive allergic reactions in the eyes, the dose of Hydrocortisone may be increased to twice a day or up to 20 days of therapy.

Attention! When using the described ointments and creams, an unexpected reaction may occur in the form of skin atrophy, severe dilation of blood vessels and capillaries in the affected area, and addiction to the active substance. In severe cases, patients may experience withdrawal symptoms, causing all allergy symptoms to return and be more intense.

Antihistamine eye drops

A drug that is easier to digest and is much tolerated better ointment with the same name. Apply Dexamethasone drops, one drop at a time, into the conjunctival sac. The drug should be used every 6-8 hours; in severe cases, the number of daily doses can be increased to 6. Once the intensity of the allergy has been reduced, it is necessary to use drops every 8 hours, also one drop at a time. The duration of therapy for each patient is selected individually, taking into account the course of the allergic reaction.


These anti-inflammatory and anti-allergenic drops can only be used from the age of 12, when the patient’s body is able to perceive active substance drug. To achieve the desired result, Ketotifen drops are instilled one drop in the morning and evening. The duration of therapy using the drug should be determined by an allergist. Strictly prohibited use during pregnancy.


Modern antiallergic drops, which allow you to relieve inflammation and irritation already on the first day, significantly reducing the intensity of allergic manifestations. You can use Alomide one drop of the drug every 6 hours; if necessary, the dosage is reduced after achieving a lasting therapeutic result. Treatment lasts no more than two weeks; a longer course of therapy is not recommended. Alomide is excreted through the kidneys, but the dose must be adjusted for patients with renal failure usually not required.


It is also a good medicine that can quickly suppress the effect of the allergen in the mucous membrane of the eye. The drug is used from the age of four, and patients are recommended to instill one drop into the affected eye. Maximum amount daily intake is four times. Drops can be taken for a long time, including the entire flowering season allergenic plants. Side effects occur extremely rarely when Lecrolin is used correctly, and the sterility of the procedure also plays an important role.


To treat eye allergies, a two percent solution of drops is used. To achieve a lasting therapeutic effect, it is recommended to instill one drop of the solution into the affected eye; for prophylaxis, the product can be used only if there is direct contact with the allergen. Kromor can be used no more than four times per day, in severe cases no more than eight. Therapy continues for an individually selected time.

Attention! Today, many experts advise against ointments for use on the mucous membrane if it is possible to replace them with drops. This does not burden the eye as much and allows you to quickly regain lost health.

Vasoconstrictor drops for eye allergies


A drug that helps remove inflamed blood vessels and excessive redness from the eyes. At the same time, they have a relaxing effect, reducing discomfort and itching. To get a quick result, Visin for eye allergies should be instilled in two drops; in mild cases of the disease, one drop is enough, no more than four times a day. In this case, it is strictly recommended to maintain the same time interval between instillations. Therapy with vasoconstrictor eye drops lasts no more than 4 days.


These drops can be used from the age of seven. It is usually recommended to take Visoptin in the amount of 1-2 drops in each conjunctival sac. The maximum number of daily doses is four, the intervals between the use of drops cannot be less than 6 hours to prevent the development of side effects. When using Visoptin, some patients noted such unpleasant symptoms like itching and severe pain In eyes. Therapy lasts no more than four days.

This drug is not a vasoconstrictor, but it perfectly relieves inflammation, dryness and discomfort in the sore eye. When using Natural Tears, there are no side effects unless the patient has an individual intolerance to the medication. For eye allergies, it is recommended to instill two drops into the conjunctival sac no more than five times a day at regular intervals.

Attention! Since the data medications cause a narrowing of all blood vessels, and therefore the capillaries of the placenta, these drops are not recommended for use during pregnancy.

Video - Eye allergies: causes, symptoms, treatment

Folk remedies for eye allergies

Vegetable compress

To prepare the medicine, it is recommended to mix fresh potatoes in equal proportions, green apple and cucumber. They are pureed using a blender or grated on a fine grater. About 30-50 g of the resulting pulp should be carefully wrapped in sterile gauze and applied to the sore eyelid. One procedure lasts at least 15 minutes. You can make one compress per day, treatment continues until full recovery health.

Kalanchoe juice

Kalanchoe juice - effective folk remedy for eye allergies

To prepare the medicine, you can only take a fresh plant. A small amount of juice is squeezed out of it, which should be thoroughly soaked into gauze or cotton wool; they must be sterile. Use the resulting swab to gently wipe your eyes no more than three times a day. Therapy continues until complete recovery. Aloe can be used instead of Kalanchoe, but the plant must be more than three years old.

Dill seeds

To prepare an anti-allergenic solution, dilute a tablespoon of the component in 300 ml of boiling water and leave the seeds for about one hour. After the allotted time, all seeds must be removed using clean gauze, and the resulting infusion should be used to rinse the sore eyes. The procedure can be repeated up to five times a day until a stable therapeutic effect. Dill can be used in childhood and during pregnancy.

Attention! For eye allergies folk recipes can only be used as auxiliary. They do not remove allergens from the blood, but only soothe and relieve irritation from inflamed tissues.

When the first signs of an allergic reaction appear in the eyes, it is important to immediately take any antihistamine and consult an ophthalmologist and allergist to confirm the diagnosis. Since allergies are always cumulative, it is important to promptly identify the pathogen and avoid contact with it. In the absence of proper treatment allergic reaction can spread further throughout the body, affecting the lungs and bronchi, which can cause the development of asthma and subsequent complications.

Eye allergies are increased sensitivity to a specific substance. Every person has encountered this problem at least once in their life.

Anything can cause an allergic reaction: food, household chemicals, electricity, various plants, cosmetics, pets, etc.

It is quite difficult to determine the exact cause of a person’s hypersensitivity to specific substances; most often, there is a connection between the allergy abilities of the child’s body and one or both parents.

As a rule, eye allergies appear in cases where a dangerous irritant gets on the conjunctiva. Possible factors include:

  • decline local immunity in the eye area;
  • dry eyes (caused by driving at night, reading in poor lighting, or working at a computer for long periods of time);
  • genetic disposition.

Eye inflammation and allergies can be caused by:

Varieties and main symptoms

Allergies can manifest themselves in different forms, which are quite diverse, therefore they are divided into the following types:

  • development of uveitis (serious inflammatory processes choroid eyes);
  • skin lesions on the eyelids;
  • damage to the nerve of the optic organ;
  • retinal damage;
  • toxic-allergic keratitis (inflammatory processes in the cornea).

But these are all quite severe forms of the disease, so they are not very common and are much more common allergic dermatitis century and different kinds conjunctivitis.

Allergic dermatitis

Pathology of the eyelids is expressed as acute reaction body to the use of various medications. This allergy is characterized significant swelling and redness of the facial skin. In certain cases, papular rashes are observed, causing burning and itching.

Allergic conjunctivitis

This allergy on the skin around the eyes appears in chronic and acute form. In these cases there are different symptoms: severe lacrimation, red eyes, and in some cases mucous filamentous discharge. The acute form of this disease usually manifests itself chemosis of the conjunctiva of the eye, that is, pronounced “glassy” swelling of the mucous membrane.

Hay conjunctivitis

Allergies that are caused by pollen from different plants have a name hay fever conjunctivitis. This pathology has a clear seasonality of exacerbations in spring and summer. Clinical symptoms hay fever, in addition to common features conjunctivitis, may manifest itself as asthma attacks, runny nose, skin reactions, sneezing.

The disease is spring catarrh. In addition, it is an allergic seasonal disease, which begins to worsen with the onset of sustained heat. It is also assumed that the cause of the disease may be personal intolerance to solar radiation (ultraviolet).

But, most likely, the source of the lesion is allergens of various plants. Children, especially boys, are most often exposed to this pathology. Allergies can develop into chronic form And accompanied by photophobia, severe itching, mucous discharge, lacrimation.

The characteristic symptoms of this form of conjunctivitis are papillary growths on the eyelids, which resemble a pavement paved with cobblestones. These growths develop along the limbus - along the edge of the cornea. Allergies also affect many people who wear contact lenses; the main symptoms include redness and itching.

The appearance of allergic reactions The components of the lenses themselves or the composition for their disinfection contribute. In addition, the disease can also be caused by volatile chemicals (deodorant, hairspray) that get on the surface of the lenses.

Allergy to cold

This eye allergy appears in both children and adults, so it is necessary to figure out how to treat it in each specific case. After a long walk in the cold, allergies around the eyes of a child, as a rule, is expressed by slight swelling of the skin and severe redness, peeling and itching.

This allergy appears in the eyes or on the skin. It can be confused with measles or chickenpox. This is the immune response to exposure to cold air. This disease in the eyes of children is a non-immune pseudo-allergic reaction.

Diagnosis of the disease

Allergy treatment should be carried out only under the strict supervision of a doctor immediately after diagnosis, which includes a visual examination of all affected areas, as well as necessary tests. The full range of diagnostics, as a rule, depends on the stage of the disease.

Usually prescribed laboratory examination urine and blood, and in particularly severe cases, the results of bacteriological and cytological examination of the mucous membrane of the eye will be additionally needed. During recovery, most allergists recommend conjunctival, nasal, and sublingual skin testing.

This method allows you to determine the type of allergen, and also prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions in the future. This will make it possible to get rid of the possible inflammatory process, as well as avoid complications.

Treatment of an allergic reaction

If it is determined what contributed to the appearance of eye allergies, then treatment should be based on getting rid of the allergen and eliminating contact with it.

To relieve symptoms of the disease, systemic or local treatment. It must be remembered that the action of any remedy has certain characteristics, including side effects, it is for this reason that treatment must occur immediately after examination and an accurate diagnosis.

The most effective medications, helping to eliminate or reduce allergic reactions are cell membrane stabilizers and blockers histamine receptors.

These medications prevent the body from releasing components that contribute to allergies. The drugs are prepared in the form eye drops, ointments, oral preparations.

Anti-inflammatory, corticosteroid, non-steroidal drugs- they reduce swelling and also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Corticosteroids (ointment or drops) are usually used to additional treatment in case of occurrence chronic processes. We must not forget that the effect of corticosteroid drugs can have multiple side effects: decreased immunity, increased intraocular pressure etc.

Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs are used in complex treatment uveitis, spring and especially severe conjunctivitis. The use of vasoconstrictors helps relieve eye redness and short-term reduction of swelling.

But they cannot be used as primary therapy allergic conjunctivitis. Patients who use contact lenses to prevent allergies or other serious diseases are required to follow the rules of care and wearing

Folk remedies

There are several effective ways allergy treatment:

Using eye drops

If allergic conjunctivitis appears on the skin simultaneously with an allergy, then you need to use special eye drops, which must only be prescribed by a professional ophthalmologist.

  1. Allergodil is the active ingredient azelastine, the price is approximately 320−350 rubles.
  2. Opatanol - active substance olopatadine, cost about 390−430 rubles.
  3. Lecrolin - the active ingredient is cromoglycic acid, the price is approximately 130−150 rubles.
  4. Cromohexal - the active substance is disodium salt, the price is about 110 rubles.

Ointment for eye allergies

Ointments that are used for allergic lesions of the eyelids are required to accelerate the regeneration of the skin, help eliminate redness, itching and rashes, as well as relieve swelling.

Allergists for relief acute inflammation ointments that contain hormones are prescribed for several days. Hormonal drugs They help quickly eliminate the main symptoms of allergies, but they cannot be used for a long time.

In the first days of therapy, hormonal ointment is applied thin layer up to 5 times daily. When redness and swelling decrease, the frequency of application is reduced to 2 times.

Ointments must be prescribed by a doctor; the most commonly used drugs include:

Also, during allergies, ointments Dermovate, Elokom, and Fluorocort are often used.

If the disease has minor manifestations, then non-hormonal ointments can be used, for example, Gistan, Bepanten, Actovegin, Fucidin, Elidel.

Treatment of allergies to cosmetics

Treatment primarily comes down to giving up all cosmetics. When all the signs disappear, start using cosmetics little by little - this can help determine what you are allergic to. If symptoms do not go away for a long time and you cannot determine the source of irritation, consult a dermatologist.

Treatment of an allergy to cosmetics involves avoiding the use of the product that caused the reaction. If you have not seen a dermatologist, you can buy hydrocortisone acetate or hydrocortisone at the pharmacy without a prescription. They will relieve swelling, itching, and redness. If appeared acute form disease, you need prescription medication. If the affected areas of the skin become infected, an antibiotic will be needed.

And no matter what cosmetics you use, cheap or expensive, allergies can manifest themselves in the same way, everything will depend on your body.

Ophthalmic allergic diseases require participation in treatment qualified specialist, which will choose the safest and effective therapy. Therefore, we advise you to contact specialized ophthalmological clinics. If you listen to your doctor’s advice and follow his recommendations, the allergy goes away very quickly and leaves no consequences.

Allergy is the body's hypersensitivity to a specific irritant. An allergic reaction may occur to different parts bodies. The mucous membranes of the eyes are very susceptible to the effects of allergens.

Allergies in the eyes - inflammation of the mucous membrane after contact with an allergenic substance, which can be anything (cosmetics, pollen, food). It is characterized by redness of the eyelids, swelling, itching, and irritation. One of the consequences of the disease may be a violation visual function. Therefore, it is important to recognize eye allergies in time and begin to treat them.


There are many microparticles, substances around us that affect the body, chemical compounds. For many, they remain invisible, and for some, the body reacts inadequately to their presence. It is difficult to name the exact reason why certain substances cause the body to react accordingly. It has been established that the risk of allergies increases due to genetic predisposition. Also, cumulative exposure to allergens over a long period of time can cause illness.

The most vulnerable organ is the eyes. Direct direct contact with an irritating substance can cause a reaction in the body within 5-20 minutes. If an allergen penetrates the gastrointestinal tract, it will reach the eyes through the bloodstream. Allergy symptoms may appear several hours after exposure. Often, allergies around the eyes can be observed in those who already have a history of any allergic diseases.

Typical allergens:

  • different types of cosmetics;
  • dust;
  • pollen;
  • chemicals in the air;
  • taking certain medications;
  • excessive exposure to UV rays.

Types and classification

Allergies to the eyes can manifest themselves in different forms. This can range from minor irritation of the mucous membrane to complex keratitis and uveitis. Allergic forms of dermatitis and conjunctivitis are more often diagnosed.

Types of eye allergies:

  • - inflammation of the eyelids, which often occurs from the use of allergenic cosmetics or medications. Hyperemia and swelling of the face, papules on the skin that itch and itch appear.
  • - manifested by redness of the conjunctiva, tearing. IN acute stage Chemosis may develop - glassy swelling of the mucous membrane. Often happens from wearing contact lenses.
  • Hay conjunctivitis is a reaction of the eyes to pollen (it is seasonal). In addition to inflammation of the conjunctiva, sneezing, skin rashes, and difficulty breathing are noted.
  • Large papillary conjunctivitis - inflammatory process due to exposure to foreign substances (sutures after surgery, lenses).
  • - hyperemia of the sclera and itching appears due to exposure low temperatures. This reaction of the body is pseudo-allergic and is non-immune in nature.
  • Keratoconjunctivitis - seasonal disease, which manifests itself in the spring with the arrival of warmth. The cause of the disease is considered to be hypersensitivity to large doses of UV rays. Only children, especially boys, are affected by the disease.

Characteristic signs and symptoms

Manifestations of allergies in the eyes can be different, depending on the nature of the allergen, the duration of its effect on the body, as well as on the condition immune system person.

Common signs that may indicate an eye allergy:

  • tearfulness;
  • hyperemia of the mucous membrane and eyelids (usually the upper ones);
  • itching and burning;
  • swelling of the eyelids and conjunctiva;
  • Tightness of the eyelids.

Note! The degree of swelling may vary. In case of moderate swelling, the patient experiences a symptom of tear-stained eyes. If the swelling is severe, the shape may change palpebral fissure, swelling of the lower eyelid.


The ophthalmologist conducts an examination and prescribes the necessary tests for the patient:

  • General and biochemical analysis blood.
  • Bacterial culture of mucous discharge from the eyes.
  • Cytological examination of the material.
  • Immunography.

When the period of exacerbation of symptoms passes, you can carry out skin tests to identify allergens.

Effective treatments

How to treat eye allergies? If during the diagnostic process it was revealed which allergen caused the disease, then contact with it must be stopped. To relieve symptoms, the doctor will prescribe systemic and local medications.

The latest generation antihistamines are used for oral administration:

  • Desloratidine.

They have a prolonged effect. Taking 1 tablet every 24 hours is enough to relieve allergy symptoms.

Local symptoms are relieved with eye drops.

Allergy eye drops

The drugs relieve itching and swelling by blocking the release of histamine, and suppress the activity of mast cells:

  • Opatanol;
  • Azelastine;
  • Histimet;
  • Allergodil.

Vasoconstrictor drugs

The vessels of the conjunctiva constrict, due to which the swelling subsides and redness disappears. You cannot use these drops for more than 2-3 days:

  • Okumetil;
  • Visine;
  • Tizin.

Hormonal drops

Prescribed in case of severe inflammation of the eyes. Their allowed to use a short time under the strict supervision of a doctor. Long-term use Such drops can cause complications such as “dry eye” and glaucoma.

  • Maxidex;
  • Lotoprednol;
  • Dexamethasone.

Tear substitutes

Apply when the eye mucosa dries out as needed:

  • Vidisik;
  • Artificial tear.

In case of eye infection bacterial microflora Additionally, drops with antibiotics are prescribed:

  • Okomistin;
  • Tobrex;
  • Maxitrol;
  • Sofradex.

How to put eye drops correctly

The procedure must be carried out with clean hands. Check the bottle of drops for damage. Do not touch the tip with your hands.


  • Tilt your head back a little.
  • Use your finger to pull the lower eyelid forward slightly.
  • With your other hand, bring the pipette to your eye.
  • Place drops into the pocket of the lower eyelid, without touching it with the tip of the bottle.
  • The gaze should be directed upward.
  • Close the bottle without touching the tip with your hands.

Folk remedies and recipes

To remove acute symptoms(itching, redness, tearing), you can make compresses and rinses with natural remedies.

Recipes for compresses and eye lotions:

  • Take 10 g of cornflower flowers, elderberry flowers, eyebright. Pour ½ liter of boiling water. Leave for about an hour. Strain the infusion well and apply it to the eyelids as a compress.
  • Wash the mucous membranes of the eyes with a decoction of millet before going to bed.
  • Brew 1 teaspoon of chamomile in 200 ml of water, strain after 20 minutes. Make lotions by applying gauze soaked in the broth to the inflamed eyelids.

The best prevention against any type of allergy is to prevent exposure of the body to allergens. This will help avoid relapses.

To avoid exacerbations of eye allergies, you must:

  • Use hypoallergenic cosmetics or reduce their use to a minimum.
  • During the season of high concentration pollen be in the air less on the street.
  • If it is windy outside, it is better not to ventilate the room.
  • Watch your diet. If you are prone to allergies, exclude highly allergenic foods from your diet.
  • Do not touch your eyes with dirty hands.
  • Use non-chlorinated water for washing.
  • Treat infections and exacerbations of chronic diseases in a timely manner.

Allergies in the eyes can be a consequence not only external influence irritants, but also a manifestation internal violations in organism. To cope with a problem, you need to correctly identify its causes and eliminate them.

In the following video, an ophthalmologist talks about the causes and treatment of allergic manifestations in the eyes:

The eyes are very susceptible to allergens, so the reaction is quite violent. To get rid of allergies, you need to find out the cause and eliminate it. With further exposure to the allergen, even with adequate therapy, the patient's condition will only worsen.


Eye allergies develop when the mucous membrane gets external stimulus. This usually happens in spring or autumn. The most common allergen is pollen, cold air, sun rays, dust, but there are other irritants.

An allergic reaction can be caused by:

  • cosmetics (mascara, eyeliner and eye shadow), hairspray;
  • household chemicals, volatile chemicals;
  • pet hair;
  • houseplants;
  • dust in the room;
  • medicines in the form of drops, creams and ointments for the eyes;
  • surgical intervention on the eyes, as a result of which an infection was introduced.

Often the eyes begin to itch after eating foods to which a person is allergic. But most allergens are in the air.

The likelihood of an allergic reaction to the eyes is higher in people with hypersensitivity to any substance, with a hereditary predisposition, food allergies, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, with an unbalanced diet, as well as weakened immunity.

Allergies in the eyes of a child can occur due to drying out of the mucous membrane due to overexertion of the eyeballs.

Types and symptoms

Allergic eye diseases can manifest themselves in acute or chronic form. The symptoms of the first are severe, the patient's condition worsens suddenly. The chronic form is characterized by mild symptoms; signs appear in response to the action of the allergen.

How does an allergy manifest itself? The following symptoms occur:

  • drying out of the mucous membrane;
  • photophobia and lacrimation;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • foreign body sensation;
  • itching, pain and burning in the eyes;
  • redness of the retina;
  • mucopurulent discharge;
  • swelling and redness of the eyelids.

These symptoms may be supplemented by nasal discharge, itchy nose, redness of the skin, sneezing and coughing, and sore throat.

Due to severe itching and the sensation of a foreign body, you constantly want to scratch your eyes. This only leads to increased inflammation.

Sometimes symptoms are seasonal, such as if a person is allergic to ragweed. The allergic reaction goes away on its own, but everything repeats itself after a year.

Eye allergies can occur even in children as young as two weeks old. It is important to detect symptoms in time and eliminate the cause of the reaction. If your child’s eyes itch, it hurts to look at the light, there is redness, and the baby constantly rubs his eyeballs, then you need to see a doctor.

It is important to treat eye allergies in a child with initial stage until it becomes chronic and provokes other allergic reactions, such as dermatitis or bronchial asthma.

In ophthalmology, several types of disease are distinguished, depending on which area is affected.

Allergic dermatitis

This reaction develops more often if you use poor quality cosmetic product or medicine. Dermatitis is manifested by redness of the skin around the eyes, swelling of the eyelids, and rashes. The skin itches.

Allergic conjunctivitis

The main symptom of this form of allergy is red eyes, severe itching. Symptoms depend on the severity of the disease. The discharge can range from mucous to purulent, the mucous membrane is swollen, the eyelids are red and swollen.

Hay conjunctivitis

This is a seasonal disease that is caused by an allergy to flowering plants. Symptoms are similar to allergic conjunctivitis; additional symptoms include sneezing, runny nose, difficulty breathing and skin rashes.

Large papillary conjunctivitis

An allergic reaction occurs when the mucous membrane is damaged foreign body, as well as non-compliance with the rules of wearing contact lenses.


This disease occurs only in children under 12 years of age. Adults do not get sick from it. Another name for this disease is spring catarrh, that is, exacerbation occurs in the spring.

With this form of allergy, the eyes become itchy and watery, and there is copious mucous discharge. A characteristic feature spring catarrh are papillary growths on the eyelids or along the edges of the cornea.

Allergy to cold

This species appears more often in autumn winter period. From a strong cold wind or frost, the eyes itch, tearing increases, and copious discharge from the nose.

Which doctor should I contact if I have an eye allergy?

To find out the cause of the allergy, you need to visit an allergist, endocrinologist, ophthalmologist and dermatologist. If you have problems with digestive tract You will need the help of a gastroenterologist.


Deliver it yourself accurate diagnosis impossible. Only a specialist based on specific symptoms can distinguish an allergic reaction from an infection.

The ophthalmologist will conduct a visual examination, get acquainted with clinical picture, learns about the patient’s predisposition to allergies. If an allergic reaction is suspected, the following examinations are prescribed:

  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • skin tests;
  • scraping of the mucous membrane of the eye for cytological examination;
  • examination of tear fluid and secretions;
  • instrumental examination of the conjunctiva, cornea, eyelids.

If the examination results confirm an allergic nature, then you will need additional diagnostics to identify the type of allergen. Next, you need to consult an allergist.


In case of allergies, it is important to exclude the effect of the allergen, so treatment must begin with this. If the reliable reason is not yet known, then you need to stop using decorative cosmetics and do not contact household chemicals and pets.

How to treat eye allergies? Symptoms can be relieved with antihistamines. If the irritant is eliminated, then all signs will disappear.

In severe cases, treatment is more serious.


Treatment is carried out with the following medications:

  • Histamine receptor blockers . There are local and system tools. Effective eye drops are Tavegil and Supragil.
  • Corticosteroid drugs. They reduce swelling and inflammation, but should not be used for long periods of time. These are Dexamethasone drops. There is also eye ointment for an allergy with the same name.
  • Vasoconstrictors. These are drops of Octilium, Okumetil.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These medications are used for severe forms of conjunctivitis and keratitis. These are Indocollir, Dexamethasone, Diklo F.

What to do if your eyelid itches and is swollen? For therapy, you should use not only drops, but also ointments. There are hormonal, non-hormonal creams and antiallergic agents containing antibiotics.

For the treatment of mild forms of allergies, Protopic, Fenistil, Panthenol are suitable. Hormonal ointments have a more pronounced effect, but they have big number side effects. Popular products are Fenkarol, Elokom. For conjunctivitis, Levomekol and Erythromycin ointment should be used.

Folk remedies

Cure allergies in mild form It is possible at home, but you need to be careful with the choice of products so as not to intensify the allergic reaction.

For treatment you can use:

  • chamomile decoction;
  • grated raw potatoes;
  • Kalanchoe juice;
  • tincture of dill seeds;
  • oatmeal decoction.

These products should be used as lotions.

When treating with folk remedies, it is important to maintain sterility. Each eye should be treated with a separate swab. Prepare decoctions before use.


Complications occur extremely rarely, and only in the absence of treatment. Most common negative consequence– decreased visual acuity.

Severe complications rarely occur:

  • chronic rhinitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis.

If a widespread allergic reaction develops, the likelihood of anaphylactic shock is high.


As preventive measures The following recommendations must be followed:

  • use only hypoallergenic high-quality cosmetics;
  • maintain hygiene, do not use soap or gel with fragrances for washing;
  • follow the instructions for using contact lenses, perform all manipulations with clean hands;
  • regularly clean the room, carry out wet cleaning;
  • normalize your diet, and in case of food allergies, exclude allergenic foods;
  • use safe hypoallergenic household chemicals.

If the allergen is known, contact with it should be avoided.
Does not cause eye allergies serious consequences, if treated in a timely manner. During therapy, you must follow all the doctor's recommendations.

Useful video about eye allergies

Eye allergies can occur at any age.

But most often this disease affects children under 14 years of age and adults over 25 years of age.

Causes of eye allergies

Eye allergies in adults are inflammation of the conjunctiva (the mucous membrane of the eye).

Eye allergies are often caused by pollen from certain plants. This is especially true for ragweed - one of the most powerful allergens.

The plant causes allergic reactions during its flowering, which occurs around June - September.

Household dust and low-quality cosmetics can also cause allergies.

This is especially true for decorative cosmetics that come into contact with human eyelashes and eyelids. Allergies to the eyes can occur due to taking medications.

Ambrosia is one of the most powerful allergens

Many drug manufacturers warn about the danger of such an inflammatory process. In this case, the mucous membrane of the eyes reflects the condition of the entire organism.

Changes in temperature also cause of this disease. This is especially common in winter, when the outside temperature drops below 0°.

Other reasons:

  1. Previously undergone eye surgeries.
  2. Infections.

Allergies are characterized by red eyes, itching, blurred vision, pain when looking at light, and swelling of the eyelids.

Why allergies appear in the eyes

Allergy is a typical immunopathological process, which is expressed by the hypersensitivity of the immune system. human body when exposed to an allergen.

Most allergens are in the air. The eyes are physiologically positioned so that they come into contact with allergens, so the mucous membrane eyeball inflames faster.

The eyes are more susceptible to contact with dust, mold, animal hair, pollen and chemical substances flying in the air.

The eyes and nose are unprotected organs, but the eyes suffer the most due to the fact that they lack the same protection as the nose or throat.

So, in the nose of every person there are adenoids (tonsil), which, when ingested by a virus or dust, secretes antibodies that can fight them.

Therefore, you are less likely to get sick through the nose. The eyes are considered very sensitive organs, protected only by the eyelids and eyelashes, but even they are not able to prevent the occurrence of allergies and other eye diseases.

Allergic eye diseases

There are several types of allergies. One of them is papillary conjunctivitis. This disease occurs most often due to wearing contact lenses.

The material from which vision correction products are made causes irritation. This disease manifests itself as the development of a small tubercle on the conjunctiva under the upper eyelid.

Contact dermatitis occurs due to the use of low-quality cosmetics. The main symptom is a red rash around the eyelid.

Keratoconjunctivitis is an inflammatory process that affects the cornea and mucous membrane of the eye.

Main symptoms:

People suffering from keratoconjunctivitis experience a sensation of “mote in the eye.”

One type of allergic reaction is spring conjunctivitis. The disease occurs due to the impact of strong and dry wind on the eye shell.

The main symptoms of eye allergies:

  1. Swelling.
  2. Discharge of sticky secretion.
  3. Redness of the albumen.

Allergic conjunctivitis occurs due to irritation of the sclera by plant pollen.


  • Runny nose.
  • General weakness.
  • Dry cough.

Allergic conjunctivitis often provokes diseases such as:

  1. Allergic blepharitis (bilateral inflammation of the edges of the eyelid).
  2. Eyelid dermatitis (inflammation of the skin around the eyelids).
  3. Allergic keratitis (inflammation of the cornea).
  4. Uveitis (inflammation of the choroid).
  5. Iritis (inflammation of the iris).
  6. Retinitis (inflammatory process in the retina).
  7. Neuritis (inflammation of peripheral nerves).


To identify allergic conjunctivitis, you will need to visit two doctors: an ophthalmologist and an allergist.

Diagnostics include:

  • Anamnesis collection (information about the disease provided by the patient).
  • Examination by an ophthalmologist.
  • Carrying out skin tests.

Initially, the ophthalmologist conducts examinations for the presence of edema and hyperemia.

Conjunctivitis is a form of allergy

The doctor then takes a conjunctival scraping to look for eosinophils (a type of white blood cell).

Treatment of eye allergies

Eye allergies are treated primarily with medications.

But most people prefer to fight eye allergies with folk remedies.


You can relieve eye allergies antihistamines and drops.

Eye drops for allergies are:

  1. Antihistamines (reduce discharge from the eyes).
  2. Hormonal (have an anti-inflammatory effect).
  3. Vasoconstrictors (temporarily relieve symptoms).

Most often, antihistamine drops are used for allergies due to redness of the eyes. They prevent allergens from entering the eyes.

List of popular antihistamine drops against eye allergies:

  • "Azelastine."
  • "Lecrolin."
  • "Olopatadine."
  • "Ketotifen."
  • "Opantanol".

Hormonal drops stop the inflammation process.

List of effective hormonal drops:

  1. "Dexamethasone."
  2. "Tobradex".
  3. "Maxitrol".
  4. "Lotoprednol."

Vasoconstrictor drops are prescribed in rare cases. They do not cure, but only relieve symptoms.

List of vasoconstrictor drops:

  • "Visine."
  • "Naphthyzin."
  • "Octilia."
  • “Okumetil.”

In addition, an ophthalmologist may prescribe antihistamines in the form of tablets or oral drops to relieve swelling.


  1. "Zodak".
  2. "Tavegil".
  3. "Suprastin".
  4. "Fenkarol".
  5. "Diazolin".

Corticosteroids are also often prescribed by doctors. They reduce inflammation.

List of drugs:

  • "Prednisolone."
  • "Celeston."
  • "Triamcinolone".
  • "Kenacourt."
  • "Cortineff."
  • "Polcortolon."
  • "Kenalog."
  • "Metypred."
  • "Berlicourt."
  • "Florinef".

Traditional methods

– an excellent folk remedy in the fight against eye allergies. The decoction helps remove redness and relieves inflammation.

Method of preparation: 1 tbsp. l. Chamomile flowers are poured with 200 ml of boiling water and infused for 20 - 30 minutes. The eyes are washed with the prepared decoction up to 4 times a day.

If purulent discharge is observed from the eyes, then it is worth making a weak solution boric acid, which should treat the affected areas. After wiping, you need to make a compress from fresh cottage cheese, previously wrapped in a piece of gauze.

Chamomile decoction - for the treatment of eye allergies

Kalanchoe is a plant that has an anti-inflammatory effect. Break off a leaf from it, pass it through a meat grinder, discard the pulp, and wipe your eyes with the juice using cotton pads up to 3 times a day.

Compresses are great for allergies. Take a potato, an apple and fresh cucumber, grate them on a fine grater. Then the resulting pulp is wrapped in gauze and applied for 15 minutes.


Allergy treatment should not be neglected. Often an allergic reaction is accompanied by a runny nose, hacking cough and symptoms of skin person.

A cough with prolonged allergies can develop into asthma (chronic inflammatory disease respiratory tract), a runny nose without proper treatment develops into sinusitis (inflammation of the maxillary paranasal sinus nose).

Allergies are often accompanied by the appearance of small red spots on the skin, medically called dermatitis.

Therefore, when the first symptoms of an allergy appear in the eyes (dryness, tearfulness), it is worth contacting an ophthalmologist to make an accurate diagnosis.

Remember, self-medication is dangerous, because even the most primitive conjunctivitis, if left untreated, can easily degenerate into glaucoma or cataracts, which can cause complete or partial loss of vision.

Video: Allergies and eyes