Allergic itchy dermatosis: symptoms and treatment, photos of negative symptoms on the skin, effective methods for eliminating itching and rashes. Antihistamines for the treatment of allergic dermatoses Allergodermatoses main methods of treatment

Allergic dermatitis is a disease of the epidermis that occurs due to an atypical reaction of the body to the influence of allergens and occurs with an inflammatory process.

The disease is characterized by the appearance of rashes on the epidermis. Usually manifests itself in childhood and remains until the end of life. Only properly administered therapy and adherence to certain nutritional rules will help avoid relapse.

It is important to be able to distinguish between allergic and simple dermatitis. The cause of the first pathology is allergens. Simple dermatitis appears under the influence of high and low temperatures.

Both diseases are non-infectious and therefore cannot be transmitted from person to person. Allergic dermatitis, in turn, comes in the following varieties:

  • Contact. In this case, the pathology occurs due to contact of the epidermis with a product that causes an atypical reaction in the body. In this case, rashes may appear not in the place where the skin comes into contact with the allergen, but in another area of ​​the skin. The causative agents of an atypical reaction are usually detergents and cleaning products, poisonous plants, low-quality cosmetics;
  • Toxic-allergic. This pathology occurs due to allergens entering the body through the epidermis, digestive and respiratory organs, or as a result of injections. The causative agents of the disease are food, detergents and cleaning products, cosmetics and medical supplies, and also ultraviolet radiation. A characteristic symptom is the appearance of urticaria on the epidermis. In the absence of appropriate therapy, Quincke's edema may appear. This condition may cause fatal outcome, if timely medical care;
  • Neurodermatitis. Another name is atopic dermatitis. This pathology is hereditary. The disease is chronic, therefore, when the disease is detected, it is important to follow certain nutritional rules throughout life.

Regardless of the variety, allergic dermatitis appears on the hands, face or body. Usually there is a rash accompanied by a rash. Allergic dermatitis on the face causes the most discomfort.

Here, rashes negatively affect the appearance and therefore cause aesthetic discomfort. Only correct therapy promotes the convergence of formations without leaving marks on the epidermis.

If acute allergic dermatitis is diagnosed, immediate medical attention is required. Lack of therapy can lead to anaphylactic shock. Such conditions cause death without timely treatment.

Allergic dermatitis: symptoms and treatment in adults

Allergic dermatitis is a disease that occurs under the influence of allergens . When they penetrate the body, antibodies begin to be produced. They try to destroy substances that they perceive as hostile.

Antibodies provoke the synthesis of histamine, which is the cause of rashes on the epidermis. For this reason, it does not matter exactly how many allergens enter the body. The main thing is how much histamine is produced.

In adults, the symptoms of allergic dermatitis depend on the stages of development of the pathology, if the disease occurs in an acute form:

  • Erythematous stage. In this case, a red spot appears on the epidermis, which rises above the epidermis;
  • Vesicular stage. Nodules, also called blisters, form on the skin. Such rashes can be small or large in size. The bubbles have a liquid center, so after the formations converge, a crust or erosion remains on the epidermis;
  • Necrotic stage. This is where soft tissue destruction occurs. As a result, trophic ulcers appear on the epidermis.

Important! Allergic dermatitis formations usually appear on upper limbs, including on the palms, and a rash also appears on the face and body. Therapy is carried out regardless of the location of the formations.

Allergic dermatitis: causes

The cause of allergic dermatitis is the influence of pathogens on the body. Typically, an atypical reaction appears to the following stimuli:

  • Physical. These include reduced and elevated temperatures, ultraviolet radiation, pets, plants;
  • Chemical. Common cause allergies become when taking some medicinal products, use of cosmetics and household chemicals, as well as perfumes;
  • Vegetable. These are products prepared on the basis medicinal herbs. A non-standard reaction of the body is provoked by folk remedies for oral and external use;
  • Ecological. Allergies can occur in people living in regions with unfavorable conditions environment. In this case, the therapy may not give the desired effect, so doctors often advise patients to change their region of residence;
  • Food. In this case, the body reacts atypically to the consumption of certain foods. These include honey, chocolate, citrus fruits and other foods;
  • Psychological. The occurrence of allergic dermatitis can provoke an unstable emotional background.

Allergic dermatitis also appears due to genetic predisposition.

Is allergic dermatitis contagious or not? This is not an infectious pathology, therefore it is not transmitted by airborne droplets.

Symptoms of contact and toxic allergic dermatitis

Allergic contact dermatitis has the following symptoms:

  • eczema on the hands, which worsens after contact with detergents and cleaning products, and before this problem occurs, a spot appears on the epidermis, rising above the skin, which transforms into a rash with liquid inside;
  • white spots on the epidermis of the face;
  • rashes various types: small rash, blisters, papules and others;
  • redness of the skin;
  • swelling of soft tissues;
  • itching and burning in the affected areas of the epidermis.

Toxic allergic dermatitis also has additional symptoms:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • headaches;
  • pain syndrome in joints and muscles.

What dermatitis of the allergic nature of the contact variety looks like is shown in the photo below.

How to treat allergic dermatitis in adults

There are several ways to treat allergic dermatitis in adults. To get rid of signs of pathology, prescribe complex therapy. However, before starting treatment, the allergen should be identified and contact with the pathogen should be limited.

Only this guarantees positive effect from the therapy being carried out. To treat allergic dermatitis on the face or body, an appointment is prescribed medications internally and use of products for external use.

Systemic treatment

Systemic treatment of allergic dermatitis in adults is based on the use of antihistamines medications. Most often, doctors prescribe Loratadine, Suprastin, Claritin, Zodak and others. pharmaceutical drugs. Such products relieve signs of pathology. The products relieve itching, eliminate redness and swelling of soft tissues, and also promote the convergence of rashes.

How long such therapy lasts depends on the nature of the disease and the time of treatment. If you start taking medications immediately after signs of the disease appear, the therapy will quickly give a positive result.

Local treatment

Treatment of allergic dermatitis will not be effective without the use of topical products. In this case, the following products are prescribed:

  • Antihistamines. These products quickly relieve itching in allergic dermatitis, relieve redness, swelling of soft tissues and rashes. The product is applied to the affected area of ​​the epidermis several times a day. Doctors recommend using drugs such as Claritin, Zodak and others;
  • Glucocorticosteroid drugs. Such drugs are made on the basis of hormones. Products have large number contraindications and side effects. For this reason hormonal ointments prescribed only if antihistamines have proven to be ineffective. Glucocorticosteroid products can only be used as prescribed by a doctor. The drugs relieve redness, itching, rashes, hives and other rashes. Experts recommend using Hydrocortisone and Prednisolone. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor;
  • Medicines that contain antibiotics. This ointment is prescribed if allergic dermatitis infection has joined. Doctors recommend using Tetracycline, Heleomycin and Erythromycin ointment. Such means should be used both to prevent the occurrence and in case of an already existing inflammatory process.

Treatment of dermatitis on the face and hands

When allergic dermatitis occurs on the face, it is important to prevent infection and start timely treatment to quickly get rid of rashes, since formations in this case bring not only physical, but also aesthetic discomfort.

For therapy, it is recommended to use topical agents. These include Flucinar and Lorinden. Such drugs relieve itching and rashes, and also prevent the occurrence of the inflammatory process. The products are applied to the affected areas of the epidermis several times a day.

Allergic dermatitis on the hands can be treated with drugs such as Skin-cap, Panthenol or Bepanten. These remedies will not only help get rid of the uncomfortable sensations that accompany the disease, as well as rashes, redness and swelling, but will also protect the skin from external negative impact. Panthenol is recommended for use if an allergic reaction occurs at elevated temperatures, for example, hot water or ultraviolet radiation.

If symptoms of allergic dermatitis appear in adults, and treatment does not give the desired effect, it is recommended to consult a professional about this problem. This may mean that the allergen was incorrectly identified or the prescribed medications cannot cope with the symptoms of the pathology.

Treatment of dermatitis during pregnancy

If allergic dermatitis occurs in a woman during pregnancy, the question arises of how to treat the pathology. The fact is that during pregnancy, taking many medications is prohibited due to the negative impact on the baby.

Usually, during the period of bearing a baby, women are recommended to use products traditional medicine, but only on the recommendation of a doctor, as well as Suprastin. Other drugs are prescribed only if the pathology causes more harm to the child than taking medications.

Diet for allergic dermatitis

If allergic dermatitis is diagnosed, it is recommended to adhere to certain dietary rules. It is important to exclude from the diet all foods that can provoke an atypical reaction of the body or aggravate the pathology. These include:

  • citrus fruit;
  • nuts;
  • chocolate;
  • vegetables, berries and fruits in red and yellow shades;
  • sunflower oil and sunflower seeds;
  • concentrated meat broths;
  • fatty meat and fish;
  • river bird; offal;
  • seafood.

At the same time, the patient’s diet should be varied. It is recommended to include in the menu:

  • low-fat varieties of fish;
  • dietary meat and poultry;
  • fresh fruits, vegetables, berries, except for those prohibited;
  • green;
  • porridge.
  • Eat small amounts of food 6 times a day. It is recommended to take 200 grams of product and 200 ml of liquid at a time;
  • Observe drinking regime. You should drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid per day. In this case, you can use clean water without gas, compotes and fruit drinks, cooked and non-prohibited berries and fruits. You cannot drink sweet carbonated drinks, juices with preservatives, or alcoholic beverages;
  • It is recommended to prepare dishes only by steaming, in the oven or by boiling. Do not fry or smoke food.

If you do not follow the nutritional rules for atopic dermatitis, the treatment does not give a positive result.

Allergic dermatitis: treatment with folk remedies in adults

How to cure allergic dermatitis folk remedies a specialist will advise. The doctor may include the use of medications alternative medicine into complex therapy.

Ointment based on sea buckthorn oil

To prepare this product you will need:

  • sea ​​buckthorn oil – 2 small spoons;
  • baby cream - 2 large spoons.

Both products are combined and stirred. The resulting ointment is applied to problem areas of the epidermis. The manipulation is performed several times a day.

Decoction based on medicinal plants

To prepare the decoction you will need:

  • crushed oak bark - 1 large spoon;
  • calendula flowers - 1 large spoon;
  • wild rosemary flowers – 1 large spoon;
  • horsetail – 1 large spoon;
  • lemon balm - 1 large spoon;
  • chopped burdock root - 1 large spoon;
  • vegetable oil– 1 glass.

For this recipe Any vegetable oil is suitable, but experts recommend giving preference to olive oil. All plants are combined and 1 large spoon is separated from the total mass. The collection is added to the oil, and the product is boiled for a quarter of an hour.

Decoction based on wild rosemary

To prepare this remedy, take:

  • wild rosemary – 2 large spoons;
  • water – 1 liter.

The plant is poured with boiling water and set to cook. The drug is boiled for 15 minutes, after which it is left to cool and infuse. The broth is filtered and added to the bath, which is recommended to take for a quarter of an hour. The procedure is carried out 2 times every 7 days.

Infusion based on pansies

Required components:

  • pansies – 2 large spoons;
  • water – 1 liter.

The plant is poured with boiling water. After this, the product is left to infuse for 15 minutes. The infusion is filtered and added to the bath, which is recommended to take for a quarter of an hour. The procedure is carried out 2 times a week.

In the video, experts talk about what allergic dermatitis is and how to deal with this pathology.

Photo of allergic dermatitis

Diagnose the disease by external signs it is forbidden. This requires certain research. However, you should know how allergic dermatitis clearly looks and the photos below demonstrate this.

Bottom line

Allergic dermatitis is a pathology that, in the absence of proper treatment, can provoke the occurrence of Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock. These conditions lead to the death of the patient if timely medical attention is not provided.

However, the easiest way is to prevent their occurrence. For this reason, at the first signs of allergic dermatitis, it is recommended to visit a professional to identify the causative agent of the disease and receive treatment.

Allergic dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin that occurs as a result of direct exposure of the skin to an irritating substance (allergen). Allergic dermatitis, the symptoms of which manifest themselves in the form of itching, redness of a certain area of ​​the skin, as well as the formation of blisters with liquid on it in combination with erosions, occurs like other types allergic diseases, in those patients who have a predisposition to this species dermatitis, as well as in patients predisposed to allergic reactions to the exposed allergen.

General description

Allergic (contact) dermatitis, the development of which occurs when the skin is exposed to certain environmental factors, in particular occurs under the influence of factors such as physical factors (irradiation various types, temperature effect, mechanical impact, exposure to current, etc.), chemical factors (exposure to strong alkalis and acids), biological factors (various types of infectious processes).

The mechanism of development of this type of dermatitis is quite simple: contact with the skin irritant or its close contact with it leads to the launch of an allergic reaction, which, in turn, manifests itself in the form of inflammation.

As we previously noted in the general consideration of dermatitis and the classification of its types in particular, contact dermatitis can be simple or allergic. Below we will dwell in more detail on the consideration of both options, but before that we will dwell on the reasons leading to the development of allergic contact dermatitis.

Causes of allergic (contact) dermatitis

Contact dermatitis, like allergy itself, is a increased reaction on the part of the body to the allergens affecting it in one form or another. Most often these allergens include the following types substances:

  • latex (baby pacifiers, gloves, condoms, etc.);
  • nickel (earrings, chains, rings, jewelry, etc.);
  • certain medicines(antibiotics, corticosteroid creams, etc.);
  • cosmetics used in skin care (shampoos, soaps, creams, gels, etc.);
  • clothing (in particular, certain materials based on it: synthetics, rubber, latex, etc.);
  • other types of substances (ink, paints, etc.).

In general, this disease can develop due to exposure to absolutely any substance on the body, and the determining factor in this matter is not based on chemical composition of these substances, but on what the body’s sensitivity to them is in each specific case.

Simple dermatitis: symptoms

To begin with, let's look at one of the types of dermatitis listed earlier in the general review article on dermatitis, which, like allergic dermatitis, belongs to their contact group - this is simple dermatitis.

Simple dermatitis in any of its variants develops against the background of exposure to the above factors on the skin. Such dermatitis is characterized by the development of a focus of inflammation that forms directly in the place that was affected by the corresponding factor. What is noteworthy is that the boundaries of the formed foci of inflammation on the skin are clear, allowing one to identify the corresponding area of ​​negative impact, the contours of which it almost completely corresponds to. The severity of inflammation is also associated with such factors of this impact as its intensity and duration.

Of course, a certain role is also assigned to the characteristics of the patient’s body, which in particular presupposes the individual properties that his skin, as well as the body as a whole, has. The course of the disease, when considered as a whole, is characterized by three main periods of progression, following one after another:

  • erythematous stage (implies redness);
  • vesiculobullous stage (characterized by the process of formation of inflammatory vesicles along the surface various sizes);
  • necrotic stage (in this period pathological changes correspond to the severity of such a scale at which death is observed individual areas affected skin).

What is noteworthy is that frostbite and burns also correspond to types of contact group dermatitis. Simple skin dermatitis, the symptoms of which also make it possible to distinguish it into a separate group according to the factors of influence, can also be characterized by its manifestation as abrasion, which develops mainly due to wearing shoes of a smaller size or simply uncomfortable shoes. As a characteristic characteristic of simple dermatitis, one can also highlight the fact that its course never passes in a previously hidden period (which is particularly true for lesions of an infectious nature). In addition, the condition of the body as a whole is never affected. The only exception to this rule is frostbite and burns, in which the damage has reached significant depths of the skin and a large area.

Let us dwell on the main types of lesions in simple dermatitis.

  • Attrition

We have already noted above that this type of manifestation is relevant when wearing, for example, smaller shoes or uncomfortable shoes. In addition, the skin can also be damaged by the effects of foot wraps and folds of clothing. The listed options ultimately lead to the development of an inflammatory process on the surface of the skin. The human body, in turn, may also have some factors predisposing to such a manifestation - in particular, flat feet, excessive sweating etc.

After direct damage to the skin through the listed exposure factors, redness (in the form of spots) initially forms on it, which implies the corresponding stage (the first of the above three), as well as the appearance of areas of pronounced swelling. If you stop exposure to the irritating factor at this stage, you can achieve independent recovery without taking other measures. As irritation continues, the skin subsequently acquires other additional elements in the form of blisters of various sizes and superficial skin defects; in addition, the possibility of developing ulcers cannot be excluded.

An extremely common, as well as the most striking, type of manifestation of the disease is the formation of calluses on the surface of the palms, and they form in those people who are not related to a special condition. physical work, which can provoke the appearance of such formations. Such calluses are vesicles containing clear liquid, these bubbles are defined as water calluses based on their inherent specificity.

  • Intertrigo

This variant of the development of a simple form of dermatitis is ensured by constant friction occurring between two areas of the skin (when rubbing against each other). In the vast majority of cases, such friction occurs in those areas that have contacting surfaces, due to which such a process becomes relevant for the patient. So, these can be areas in the area of ​​the mammary glands, as well as in the area of ​​​​the location inguinal folds, joint surfaces (in the area of ​​their bends), etc. Overweight women and infants especially often suffer from manifestations in the form of diaper rash (if they are not provided with proper skin care). The overwhelming majority of cases indicate that the disease in this form is accompanied by various types infectious complications fungal or bacterial in nature.

The first signs of diaper rash can be identified as redness in the form of spots formed on the surface of the skin; these spots, as we have already highlighted, have fairly clear boundaries, but the outlines of the spots are irregular and uneven. Further, in the area of ​​​​the lesions, bubbles of various sizes, as well as pustules, form. These formations indicate the addition of microbes to the process. In many cases, diaper rash occurs due to a yeast fungus.

Patients also complain of discomfort, which causes them itching in the affected area, as well as a burning sensation.

  • Leiner's dermatitis

Dermatitis predominantly develops in children, its symptoms appear especially often in infants. This form of the disease is the result of an unfavorable course of the previous form, that is, diaper rash, which, as we have indicated, occurs due to the lack of proper care for the skin of children.

The development of the process begins with diaper rash in the area of ​​the intergluteal area, and subsequently it spreads to larger areas. The affected area becomes bright red, then, against the background of spots of this color, elements of another type are formed, for example, in the form of fatty scales of yellowish or grayish-white color, they are caused by peeling of the upper layers of the skin.

During an examination of the head (the hairy part of it), many thick crusts can be identified, lying in layers one on top of the other.

In some cases, Leiner's disease develops with topical infectious diseases(ear inflammation, pneumonia, diarrhea, etc.). In this variant of the development of the disease, the predominant signs, and the most important signs, are the actual infections that provoked the underlying disease, while dermatitis in the form under consideration is considered as a secondary factor accompanying its course.

As a rule, diaper rash is determined by a fairly favorable prognosis, which, however, has nothing to do with severe forms of its development, in which a significant degree of dehydration of the body leads to death

Allergic dermatitis: symptoms

Allergic dermatitis, as we previously noted in our article, manifests itself as a disease that occurs in the form of a response from the body to a facultative irritant affecting it (which implies exposure to a substance that does not cause any response in healthy people). This effect is carried out through direct contact with the skin, even for a short time.

In the considered variant of the course of dermatitis, we are talking about the fact that the body of a sick person has formed increased sensitivity to a substance that subsequently acts as an allergen. At the same time, increased sensitivity is quite specific, and develops mainly in relation to only one specific substance (possibly a group of substances with a similar chemical structure of its components).

At the core of its manifestation, allergic dermatitis is an allergic reaction itself, characterized by a slow action, because the formation of the allergy itself occurs within a significant time period, during a sufficiently long contact between the irritant and the body. Allergic reactions in this case occur predominantly without the participation of antibodies; other components are involved - specific types of immune cells (mainly lymphocytes). It is for this reason that a study using a microscope of material obtained directly from the focus of inflammation determines the presence of a very characteristic sign for this in the form of a significant accumulation of immune cells that have separated from the bloodstream and attached to the pathological focus.

Allergens are mainly one or another chemical compounds. In particular, these include insecticides, nickel, chromium, compounds based on them, as well as washing powders. In addition, a considerable number of allergens are detected in cosmetics and medications, in particular these may include syntomycin emulsion and various ointments based on antibacterial components, hair dyes, etc.

What is noteworthy is that often the allergen itself allergic reactions does not cause, because it is small in size, which excludes the possibility of its recognition by the body and immune cells in particular. Meanwhile, when it enters the bloodstream, a bond is formed with large blood proteins with its direct participation. Thus, as a result of such connections, the resulting compounds act as allergens.

As for directly clinical manifestations allergic dermatitis, then they are similar in their manifestation to the acute stage of eczema.

So, initially the skin is covered with large red spots; subsequently, against their background, as is generally typical for other forms of dermatitis, small blisters appear. By the nature of the formation, they are multiple, subsequently burst, thereby emptying themselves and leaving superficial and weeping defects of the skin at the sites of their formation. The formation of tiny crusts and scales also becomes possible.

The location of the main lesion is always concentrated in the place where the allergen was exposed. Meanwhile, in any case, an allergic reaction (without the exception of allergic dermatitis) acts as a disease affecting not just a separate organ or a specific area of ​​the body, but the whole organism. Accordingly, secondary lesions can appear in any part of the body, regardless of whether there was a corresponding effect on this area. Manifestations of the disease are mainly reduced to the formation small sizes nodules, areas of swelling, spots of redness and blisters. These lesions, as already noted, can be located in any area, even far from direct exposure to the allergen on the skin.

As an example, we can consider a disease that involves the development of an allergic reaction due to the use of mascara. Redness in the form of corresponding spots can be so significant that the skin of the face occurs not only in the face, but also in the shoulders, neck, and in some cases the spread occurs even lower. Mostly skin rashes are accompanied by complaints from the patient about severe itching that disturbs his daily life, sleep and generally leading to serious suffering.


In the diagnosis of this form of dermatitis, special tests, which involve applying suspected allergens to the patient’s skin to identify a specific one based on the concomitant reaction. This option for diagnosing the disease is extremely important in the matter of subsequent treatment. In frequent cases, patients themselves notice which substance provoked the development of an allergic reaction in them.

Allergic dermatitis in children, as well as in adults, requires the identification of specific allergens and their prompt exclusion, because exposure to them can provoke larger and more serious manifestations characteristic of allergic reactions (for example, asthma, Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock).


First of all, as already noted, it is necessary to ensure complete exclusion of contact of the allergen and skin. If this is a decoration, as you can understand, it will have to be removed. If the allergen is a concomitant component professional activity, it is necessary to ensure protection from its effects in these conditions, using masks, gloves, and protective clothing.

If an already identified irritant comes into contact with the skin, it is necessary to wash it off the skin as soon as possible using soap and then dry the skin.

In case of actual allergy to household chemicals, it is necessary to abandon such products, replacing them with hypoallergenic analogues. Contact dermatitis with an allergy to nickel requires following a diet and excluding products that contain this substance (buckwheat, tomatoes, oatmeal, lentils, millet, herring, liver, soybeans, cocoa, seeds, nuts, sardines, etc.).

Regarding drug therapy in the treatment of contact allergic dermatitis, here, first of all, antihistamines are used, and it is better to use those variants that belong to the current generation (Zyrtec, Erius, etc.). The point is that modern drugs do not have the side effects characteristic of drugs of the previous generation (diphenhydramine, tavegil, suprastin, etc.), such as, in particular, impaired coordination of movements, drowsiness, and decreased attention.

Severe inflammation requires topical use of corticosteroid ointments. Their most common options in the treatment of contact dermatitis are Advantan, Lokoid, Elidel, etc. Applying a suitable drug to the site of inflammation once a day, the duration of use is up to 5 days (using such ointments for longer is not recommended). For inflammation on the face, Advantan emulsion is used; it should be applied once a day, lightly rubbing into the skin of the face.

If symptoms typical of allergic dermatitis occur, you should consult a dermatologist and an allergist.

Allergic diseases are not uncommon today. Atopic dermatitis observed in 3-30% of the world's population. And 15-20% of the population has experienced urticaria at least once in their lives, and in 75% of cases it is in remission. Our publication will discuss drugs for the treatment of allergic dermatoses, and we will also specifically examine the effect of antihistamines in the treatment of this disease.

Treatment of allergies with drugs.

Antihistamines are considered the most effective for treating allergies. Moreover, it should be immediately noted that it is impossible to get rid of the predisposition to allergies itself, it is possible only with the help medicines relieve allergy symptoms. Before using any drug against allergy symptoms, you should first undergo an examination, and only after a doctor’s prescription, take the drugs under his supervision.

In order to get rid of allergies, it is necessary to limit contact with the allergen or completely get rid of it. In order to identify the allergen, special tests are performed. Used for skin tests special solutions from potential allergens: pollen, herbal extracts, insect poison, trees, food, animal epidermis, drugs.
The solutions are applied to an area of ​​skin that is lightly scratched with a scarifier. If there is an allergy to any allergen, a slight swelling will form at the site of scarification. First, second and third generation drugs are used to treat the symptoms of allergic reactions.

Contraindications of drugs.

Some first-generation drugs are able to inhibit the onset of nervous excitation in autonomic ganglia and, due to blockade of other types of receptors, can cause cocaine-like, local anesthetic and choline-like effects.

Taking Promethazine in large doses, arrhythmia may develop and movement disorders, similar to the manifestation of Parkinson's disease. The disadvantages of antihistamines, which belong to the first generation drugs, include: tachyphylaxis, inconvenience of use, and many contraindications.


Antihistamines for the treatment of allergic dermatoses are contraindicated in children, as well as adults whose profession involves driving. vehicles, as well as workers whose type of activity is associated with high concentration and quick reaction.

Antihistamines prescribed for the treatment of second-generation allergic dermatoses (astemizole, loratadine, cetirizine, terfenadine) are not able to penetrate the blood-brain barrier and have a sedative effect. The drugs have a high therapeutic effect, are not capable of causing the development of tachyphylaxis. Second-order antihistamines reduce the allergic reaction of the first and second phases and at the same time have a combined anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effect. However, if the dosage is not taken, side effects such as arrhythmia may occur.

This circumstance served as a reason for improving second-generation antihistamines. At the same time, improvements were mainly aimed at the development of non-metabolizable H1 antagonists.

Improved drugs.

Improved drugs should have as few side effects as possible and have a pronounced antihistamine effect. In addition, such drugs must have a high pharmacological action, which does not depend on the metabolic characteristics of an individual person.

Allergic dermatoses (allergodermatoses) are allergic skin diseases. Allergens, for example, medications, perfumes, food products, etc., affect human skin or penetrate the body. Signs of allergic dermatoses are itching, rashes, peeling, dryness, blisters, and redness of the skin. In addition, an allergic reaction to food may cause swelling of the tongue, lips, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Treatment of allergic dermatoses includes the following stages: hypoallergenic regimen, removal acute manifestations allergies and treatment not corrected against relapses.

Preparations for the treatment of allergic dermatoses

Today there are a large number of drugs for the treatment of allergic dermatoses, which are designed to reduce acute symptoms allergies. The advantage of modern antihistamines is their high lipophilicity, which is reflected in a decrease in vascular permeability and a decrease in tissue edema. In addition, modern drugs reduce hyperemia and have an antipruritic effect.

One of the popular remedies intended for the treatment of allergic dermatoses is psilo-balm. This is an antihistamine gel intended for topical use.

The drug has a therapeutic and preventive effect, and also has an antipruritic effect, reduces tissue swelling and reduces capillary permeability.

One of the advantages this drug is the absence of side effects, since the drug is applied topically.

The drug is prescribed along with basic treatment. The basic treatment complex includes sorbents, antihistamines and hypoallergenic diet. The gel is applied topically several times a day in a thin layer.

But you should not use any medications to treat allergic dermatoses without consulting a medical specialist. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to undergo tests, and only after examination by a doctor, take the medications prescribed by him.

Skin diseases these days are diagnosed in 25-30% of the population. Rashes, blisters, redness, and irritation of the skin are classified as a group of diseases that belong to allergic dermatoses.

Classification of allergic dermatosis

Diseases that belong to allergic dermatoses have similar manifestations and causes of occurrence, therefore. All of them appear on skin people and bring discomfort. These include the following classification of allergic dermatoses:

  • Dermatitis: contact and atopic. These diseases cause severe itching and redness on the different areas skin.
  • Eczema: seborrheic, true and microbial. Eczema is characterized skin rash allergic nature. burning and inflammatory process on the skin are the main signs of the disease.
  • Neurodermatitis. The disease is characterized severe itching and redness on the skin.
  • Hives. There are a large number of types of this disease. Urticaria manifests itself as a rash or blisters with severe itching. Complications can lead to Quincke's edema.

Children's allergic dermatosis

Manifestation skin diseases in children it is observed due to genetic predisposition. This may be a consequence artificial feeding, frequent manifestations of acute respiratory infections and disorders of the nervous system.

Eczema, as well as neurodermatitis, are considered common allergic dermatoses among children. These diseases appear between the ages of 3 months and 2 years and can result from allergic diathesis.

Main features:

Dermatitis can occur with chronic relapses and have a hereditary allergic nature. Rash, peeling and itching are the main symptoms of the disease.

The main factors in the development of allergic dermatoses:

  • Food products (milk, nuts, candies, citrus fruits);
  • Chemical industry (soaps, powders, perfumes, shampoos);
  • Use of medications.

If you take timely measures regarding the treatment of allergic dermatoses in children, recovery will not take long. The main thing is to eliminate the allergen and review the diet.

What are the manifestations of allergic dermatosis?

It is often difficult to distinguish the symptoms of allergic dermatosis because they are similar between the diseases that belong to this concept. Symptoms usually appear within 3 to 10 days after a person first comes into contact with the irritant or allergen.

Next time, during an illness, 2-3 days will be enough for symptoms to appear. The longer the skin is in contact with the irritant, the stronger the reaction may be.

Symptoms can range from mild to severe in the area of ​​skin that comes into contact with the allergen. These may include:

  • Redness and swelling;
  • Ulcers;
  • Itchy blisters that may ooze fluid;
  • The rash may even be warm to the touch;
  • Peeling of the skin.

An allergist will have to identify the development factor and determine the pathogenesis of allergic dermatoses.

How should it be treated?

Treatment of allergic dermatoses begins with eliminating the pathogen. Combined treatment with home methods can speed up recovery and relieve symptoms such as itching and redness. These include the following types of treatment:

If your allergic dermatitis is severe enough, your doctor may prescribe corticosteroid creams or ointments to reduce inflammation. It is important to follow the directions of the medication because improper use can lead to more serious skin problems.

Along with corticosteroid treatment, your doctor may prescribe tacrolimus ointment or pimecrolimus cream (Elidel). These drugs do an excellent job of treating severe itching, redness and rashes.


Together with the main methods of treating allergic dermatoses, prevention is an integral part of recovery, the main goal of which will be the complete isolation of the substance that causes the rash or other reactions. Review your diet and remove from it those foods that can trigger allergies.

If you know a substance that is a factor in the development of the disease, pay attention to the labels of cosmetics, powders, detergents and shampoos that will be absorbed into your skin regularly.

If you work in a chemical plant, you will need protective equipment such as gloves, shirts, and masks to reduce the likelihood of exposure to the allergen. This may include:

  • long sleeve shirts;
  • using good ventilation;
  • use of protective creams;
  • compliance with personal hygiene rules;
  • proper storage of chemicals;
  • using disposable paper towels.

If you cannot avoid substances that irritate your skin, wash the affected area immediately warm water and mild soap.

Allergic reactions are a phenomenon that specialists in various specialties often encounter. Patients with symptoms of rhinitis and conjunctivitis turn to therapists and pediatricians and complain about work problems gastrointestinal tract gastroenterologists, and especially often come to dermatologists with skin rashes. With allergic dermatoses, it is very important to correctly determine the nature of the disease, since the quality of treatment of the pathology directly depends on this. Today on the site read about the most effective methods of diagnosing and treating allergic dermatoses.

Effective methods for diagnosing and treating allergic dermatoses

Allergic dermatoses are a group of dermatological pathologies that are characterized by the development of an allergic reaction in the body, with the appearance characteristic symptoms on the skin. Most often, patients complain of rashes on different parts of the skin, which are accompanied by itching.

It is not always possible for a patient to identify previous contact with an allergen, and therefore it is very important for specialists to have the necessary knowledge that will help to correctly suspect and confirm the diagnosis, as well as effectively treat the disease.

Effective treatment of allergic dermatoses is possible only with a correctly established diagnosis, as well as the patient’s attentive attitude towards his body.

Treatment of allergic dermatoses:

  • Diagnosis of allergic dermatoses: basic laboratory tests;
  • treatment of allergic dermatoses: general recommendations for patients;
  • drug treatment of allergic dermatoses: systemic and local therapy.

Diagnosis of allergic dermatoses: basic laboratory tests

Diagnosis of allergic dermatoses includes clinical and laboratory studies. Many diseases from the group of allergic dermatoses have such a characteristic clinical picture that a dermatologist can correctly establish a diagnosis already at the first appointment with a patient. It is confirmed by immunological (serological) studies, which are necessary to clarify the allergen, the presence of cross-allergic reactions, as well as the severity of immunopathological disorders. The titer of specific antibodies of various classes, the relative and absolute number of leukocytes, as well as the level and ratio of T- and B-lymphocytes are determined. Sometimes skin allergy provocative tests may be performed, as well as smears and scrapings from affected areas of the skin.

Treatment of allergic dermatoses, first of all, involves a list general recommendations for patients who include:

  • taking the necessary measures to eliminate repeated contact of the patient with the allergen;
  • recommendations for eliminating occupational hazards;
  • avoiding household contacts with sensitizers;
  • treatment chronic diseases, elimination of foci of infection and dysbiosis, which is necessary to reduce the load on immune system patient.

It is important to remember that effective scheme drug treatment allergic dermatoses can only be determined qualified specialist, and avoiding any contact with allergens is the main preventative measure relapses of the disease.

Drug treatment of allergic dermatoses: systemic and local therapy

The treatment regimen for allergic dermatoses includes systemic and local use of various medications. IN acute stage diseases where weeping of the skin predominates, the patient may be recommended wet-dry dressings, after which they are applied to the affected areas of the skin various shapes agents with anti-inflammatory, regenerating and antipruritic effects. If secondary bacterial infection- are appointed antibacterial drugs. In the presence of widespread, severe and progressive rashes, glucocorticoid ointments may be prescribed. Systemic therapy includes antihistamines, crystalloid infusions, polyglucin and hemodez, and in severe forms systemic corticosteroid therapy may be indicated.

Treatment of allergic dermatoses is a serious process that must be approached responsibly by both the doctor and the patient himself.

The disease often causes neurosis-like and insomnia disorders, therefore, the sooner the diagnosis is confirmed and treatment begins, the less harm the pathology will cause to the patient.