Antibacterial drops for conjunctivitis. Eye drops for conjunctivitis.

Conjunctivitis- this is one of the most frequent illnesses eyes accompanied inflammatory process. The disease develops due to bacterial, chemical or physical factors, but cases of allergic inflammation of the conjunctiva are also common.

Reasons for the development of conjunctivitis

Before deciding on drops suitable for treatment, you should find out about the cause of the disease, and, depending on the information received, take appropriate measures.

How many types of conjunctivitis can there be and what is the difference between them? It can be caused by viruses, bacteria, irritants, and various allergens. There are also favorable reasons: improper hygiene, heat, humidity. The evolution of conjunctivitis can be variable: favorable for treatment, recurrence or chronicity.

Also, depending on the evolution, acute, overactive, subacute and chronic conjunctivitis are described. Preventative treatment requires isolation of suspects and contacts, as well as proper hygiene. Treatment depends on the cause of conjunctivitis! Ideally, an ophthalmic consultation should be collected for conjunctival secretion and subsequently analyzed to determine the cause as accurately as possible.

The causes of conjunctivitis may be:

  • inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs - rhinitis, etc.;
  • bacterial infection due to contact dirty hands with an eye;
  • general weakening of the body - metabolic disorders, lack of vitamins, weak immune abilities;
  • chemical damage from caustic smoke, dust and other chemicals entering the eyes;
  • allergic reaction;
  • disturbance in the functioning of the lacrimal organs.

Conjunctivitis can be chronic or acute. At chronic course disease, there is a general decrease in immunity in conjunction with a bacterial infection of the ENT organs.

Differential diagnosis includes all eyes with red eyes, some of them severe, so it is very important to visit an ophthalmologist for proper treatment. Viral conjunctivitis is a very common disease that should be suspected in epidemics in crowded communities, especially in summer, and in those who frequent swimming pools. The transmission route for viral conjunctivitis can be transmitted through contaminated respiratory particles through direct eye contact or insufficiently chlorinated pool water.

Acute can be caused by fungi, viruses, but most often the disease occurs due to bacteria - streptococci and staphylococci.

Eye drops for the treatment of conjunctivitis

Choice eye drops for the treatment of conjunctivitis depends on what causes it. When the very first signs of infectious conjunctivitis appear, such as purulent discharge, redness of the eye, a feeling of sand in the eyes, doctors recommend antibacterial drops and ointments for the eyes, for example, such as Floxal, antimicrobial drug with a wide spectrum of action, which quickly and effectively leads to the death of the most common bacteria, causing damage mucous membrane of the eye. Drops are instilled into the eyes 2-4 times a day. At night, as a rule, they lay antibacterial ointment, since it is in contact with the tissues of the eye longer. For effective treatment It is recommended not to limit yourself to local treatment, but to combine drops with oral medications aimed at stimulating the immune system, strengthening the body, as well as other specific medications, depending on the nature of conjunctivitis:

The symptomology of viral conjunctivitis is not specific, but there are signs that distinguish it from other types of conjunctivitis or other pathologies that manifest as red eyes. Understanding the differences between diseases does not mean that a patient does not need to see an ophthalmologist or that automation is possible. Red eyes do not always mean conjunctivitis, and inadequately treated conjunctivitis can lead to serious complications eye.

The clinical aspect mainly consists of. Red eyes, Excessive tearing, Watery eye, Severe itching, Swelling swelling, Sensitivity to sensory palpation adenopathy, a permanent sign that does not appear in other pathologies. When ocular signs are accompanied by specific vesicular lesions, it is most likely that conjunctivitis is caused by a herpes virus or chickenpox, and treatment should be aimed at these pathologies.

  • antihistamines and sorbents for allergies;
  • antibacterial when affected by streptococcus or staphylococcus;
  • antiviral drugs if the causative agent of inflammation of the conjunctiva is a virus.

Eye drops from allergic conjunctivitis

For local processing in areas with allergic inflammation, the use of combined drops is indicated, which have both anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effects.

Usually viral conjunctivitis is a self-limiting and evolving process. However, there are cases when viral conjunctivitis may be associated with general manifestations or may be complex at the eye level with the appearance of viral keratitis. Keratitis is an inflammation of the cornea and has noisier manifestations that may last several months before complete recovery.

Treatment of viral conjunctivitis is aimed at eliminating symptoms non-specific methods and is not based on the destruction of the viral agent, but on alleviating the patient’s symptoms to complete remission of the disease. Thus, antiviral drugs are most often used when the etiology is obvious.

Such drops are Okumetil - a product that contains aqueous solution zinc sulfate, whose task is to relieve inflammation, as well as diphenhydramine, a substance that blocks H1-histamine receptors, thereby reducing the manifestation of allergies. Okumetil drops also contain naphazoline, which reduces swelling and has a vasoconstrictor effect. Because of naphazoline, you should not use drops for a long time.

If swelling of the eyelid to encourage all applying cold compresses to the eyelids, symptoms bothersome and red eyes, burning, itching, topical controlled with drops of vasoconstrictor, antihistamine and artificial tears, local antibiotics for combat superinfection; if the corneal component is marked, it is recommended to use anti-inflammatory steroids. The primary concern of both patient and physician should be to prevent community spread.

Vision is normal, the eye is red, tears and shows a mucous secretion, mucopurulent, which “strengthens” the base of the eyelashes. More severe forms may occur in the true membranes that line the inside of the eyelid conjunctiva. Patients often wake up with their eyelids stuck together in the morning.

Drops for the treatment of viral conjunctivitis

For the treatment of viral conjunctivitis, neither antibacterial nor antihistamines don't fit. If you are infected with a virus, you need to help the body increase its immune functions, and also use special antiviral eye drops.

Okoferon is a drop with an immunomodulatory effect that contains human recombinant interferon, which stimulates the formation of antibodies and lymphokines that are necessary to defeat the viral infection.

This may be complicated by infection, corneal tear damage respiratory tract, violation of the century. When treating bacterial conjunctivitis, ophthalmic solutions should be given a broad-spectrum antibiotic, which is applied 3-4 times a day, depending on the severity of the disease, when acute forms even at 1-2 hours followed by thinning rate of administration as this relieves symptoms and signs of infection. The duration of treatment is 7-10 days, and sometimes signs and symptoms get worse before they get better.

Poludan are also antiviral drops for the eyes, which are effective against herpetic and adenoviral inflammation of the conjunctiva. The medication is involved in the synthesis of cytokines and endogenous interferons, and also promotes the formation of interferon in the tear fluid.

Eye drops for bacterial conjunctivitis

Antibiotic ointments are not suitable because they produce stagnation of secretions, thus serving as a breeding ground for microbes. Eye patches are contraindicated! An antiseptic can be used to wash the eyes, but only by an ophthalmologist. This form of conjunctivitis is more common in children early age, is transmitted during childbirth from an infected mother.

Therefore, conjunctivitis in children wearing uniforms purulent conjunctivitis and should be considered in urgently, even during pregnancy and childbirth. This form of conjunctivitis develops subacute or chronic treatment, the patient shows mucopurulent discharge, conjunctival follicles on the conjunctiva of the eyelids, may be complicated by corneal diseases.

The best eye drops for conjunctivitis, if they have not been used frequently before, are Sulfacyl sodium. This is one of the few times when old drug is one of the most effective modern medicines in its group.

But since bacteria can quickly get used to the antibiotic, the use of sodium sulfacil reduces their effectiveness each time.

Allergic conjunctivitis can lead to acute atopic conjunctivitis, which is the most common form eye allergies, this is the result of a hypersensitivity reaction to specific antigens, allergens: dust, pollen, mites, fungi. This is manifested by itching, burning, red eyes and serous discharge.

In addition, in allergic conjunctivitis and spring fall conjunctivitis, affecting especially children with recurrence of symptoms in the spring, but disappears puberty. Allergic conjunctivitis should be evaluated by an allergist to try to determine by calling the agent. Treated with antihistamines, lotions and tablets, ophthalmic corticosteroids, cold compresses are applied to the eyelids eyes closed and especially allergen removal.

Tobropt – are also antibacterial drops for eyes containing modern antibiotic group of aminoglycosides.

Inflammation of the conjunctival membrane of the eye, to put it simply, conjunctivitis is one of the most common eye diseases in the world (both among adults and children). In many ways, such a wide prevalence is associated with a large number of factors that can provoke the development of the disease. Thus, conjunctivitis can be caused by pathogenic microbes, viruses and fungi. Allergic conjunctivitis is not uncommon. Symptoms depending on the cause of the disease different forms may differ slightly from each other.

When dry corneal conjunctivitis has the same symptoms as chronic conjunctivitis, lacrimation should be assessed and, if necessary, diseases induced by dry eye. Symptoms must subside, otherwise it appears to be an ophthalmological medical emergency.

Rules to prevent the spread of infection

Who wears contact lenses with a high risk of having conjunctivitis if the lens processing is faulty and poor hygiene, these people exist and more high risk complications with keratitis. If signs and symptoms of conjunctivitis occur, the lens should be immediately removed and disposed of with storage solution and a special container.

Treatment for some common issues varies depending on the pathogen. It should be noted that children and adults need various treatments. To recover quickly and effectively, you must definitely consult with an ophthalmologist, who will prescribe suitable eye drops and tell you about other medical procedures, promoting recovery.

Avoid touching the affected eye and wash your hands frequently warm water and soap, always before and after the drops, to prevent the tongue of your hands, towels, linens, pillows from being disinfected and for personal use only. Makeup products are also not used, cannot be borrowed and must be changed periodically, and contact lenses are not worn.

Chief physician, ophthalmologist, doctor medical sciences. Red eye disease, called conjunctivitis, is not a serious disease, so it should not scare you, but it does not even leave you indifferent. In terms of healing, conjunctivitis may go away on its own, but there are rare cases where complications can occur with untreated conjunctivitis, so it is recommended that it be treated by a specialist.

What drops should be used to treat the viral form of conjunctivitis?

First of all, you need to say a few words about what features viral conjunctivitis has. Most often, such conjunctivitis is accompanied by various colds and appears first on one, moving later to the second (treatment must be carried out on both eyes at once so that the virus does not spread). One more distinctive feature This form is the mucous membrane of the transparent discharge from the eyes. The eyes may be very itchy, but do not stick together, for example, after sleep.

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the clear membrane that lifts the eyelids and closes the eyes to the edge of the cornea. A person suffering from conjunctivitis has red eyes, a gritty feeling in the eyes, itchy eyes, discharge from the eyes that forms a crust at night, cloudy eyes and light sensitivity. These membranes respond to wide range bacteria, viruses or allergenic factors that irritate or toxic substances. Viral and bacterial forms of conjunctivitis are common in infancy but can also appear in adults.

Conjunctivitis can be infectious or non-infectious. You should know that this attachment does not harm your vision. Treating conjunctivitis in children To properly treat conjunctivitis, your doctor will first need to determine the cause of this inflammation. Conjunctivitis can be caused local infections, as well as some allergic reactions. If the disease is allergic, removal of the sensitizing factor will be the first step in the healing process. The doctor will recommend your child, if necessary, treatment based on anti-allergic or anti-inflammatory substances.

Eye drops prescribed for this diagnosis are usually the following:

— Ophthalmoferon. These drops act comprehensively and have antiviral, immunomodulatory and antihistamine effects. All this helps relieve itching, which is especially important when children are being treated. After all, a child, scratching his eyes, can introduce bacteria, and then viral conjunctivitis will be complemented by bacterial conjunctivitis. These eye drops are used in different ways different periods treatment. So, when the ophthalmologist first prescribes treatment, it is necessary to instill eye drops 6–8 times during the day. As the condition improves, the number of instillations is reduced to 2–3. Oftalmoferon is used until complete recovery.

If conjunctivitis is infectious or bacterial, then treatment may consist of anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, antiviral, and antifungal. There are situations, very rare, when infectious agent can be very strong or occurs in a weakened body; In these cases, conjunctivitis can have important consequences; in general, the bacteria are not removed and can infect other ocular structures, including optic nerve. Regardless of the nature of the disease, local hygiene is extremely important and promotes healing.

- Oftan I'm coming. Very effective eye drops, but they are prescribed only to adults and children over 2 years of age. Treatment is carried out according to a scheme similar to Oftalmoferon, starting with frequent instillations (including at night with an interval of two hours) with a decrease in frequency as recovery progresses. It is important to note that treatment must be continued for several days even after the signs of the disease disappear in order to avoid relapse.

Prevention of conjunctivitis in children

How to prevent the spread of conjunctivitis

Natural treatments for conjunctivitis. For external use, infusion is recommended blue flowers, palagagin flowers and palagagin leaves with anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory effects. Infusion with three breasts and herbs successfully compresses allergic blepharitis. All plants recommended externally are used as tinctures, washes and compresses to the eye area. External treatment, however, does not have long lasting effects, if the body's ability to fight infection is not stimulated from within.

- Aktipol. Can be used on patients of any age. Such drops are used according to a scheme similar to the drugs described above; the exact dosage is prescribed by the doctor.

- Florenal. These eye drops are prescribed only to adults. You need to instill 6 drops daily.

- Gludantan. They are prohibited from treating children. Depending on the severity of the disease, you need to instill from one to six times daily.

Practitioners inside alternative medicine recommend echinacea tincture, which strengthens immune system. If these conditions are based on allergies, immunostimulating and immunoregulatory drugs are recommended. Conjunctivitis involves redness and inflammation of the membranes lining the white part of the eye and the inner membranes of the eyelids. Conjunctivitis is often caused by a virus or bacterial infection, although chemicals and underlying conditions may play an important role. Is conjunctivitis contagious?

Viral and bacterial conjunctivitis extremely contagious. The condition can be easily spread by hand washing or by sharing a specific object with an affected person. Conjunctivitis can also be exposed to coughing and sneezing. Children diagnosed with infectious conjunctivitis should not go to school for short period time.

- Terbofen. Also an “adult” medicine. Usually prescribed three times a day, one drop.

What to instill for bacterial conjunctivitis?

Caused by various microbes, bacterial conjunctivitis can have various symptoms for various pathogens. For example, the discharge may be purulent, sticking the eyelashes together after sleep, or practically absent (with this type, the conjunctiva becomes very dry and sensitive). Frequent manifestation bacterial infection are pain in the eyes and pain. All eye drops used for this type of disease contain various antibiotics.

Exists huge amount drops used for conjunctivitis caused by microbes. Let's look at the most popular:

- Albucid. It is used in different dosages to treat children and adults. This medicine contains sodium sulfacyl. It is very common, inexpensive and effective remedy. The number of instillations can vary from 4 to 6 times daily.

- Levomycetin. These eye drops are effective against many bacteria, but they cannot be used to treat children under two years of age. For older children and adults, instill one drop in the morning and evening. Typically, treatment with chloramphenicol does not take more than a week.

- Fucithalmic. The regimen for using drops and the duration of treatment are identical to chloramphenicol.

- Ciprofloxacin. These drops affect various bacteria. Treatment lasts a week. In the first two days after prescribing the drug, you need to instill a drop into each eye every two hours; in subsequent days, the interval between instillations is increased to 4 hours. It is not advisable to treat children under one year of age with ciprofloxacin.

There are many more drugs approved only for adults (gentamicin, floxal, norsulfazole, tobrex, zinc sulfate, oftadec, etc.). These drugs have more strong action, and the treatment regimen and dosage should be selected by an ophthalmologist in each specific case.

Which drops are effective for allergic conjunctivitis?

If conjunctivitis is caused by an allergy, drops alone are not enough; you also need to take antihistamines and complete exclusion of the allergen from the environment. Allergic conjunctivitis is characterized by severe itching And slight swelling eye.

The following drugs are most commonly prescribed:

- Allergodil. These eye drops are not recommended for use in children under four years of age. Treatment must be continued until the symptoms of conjunctival inflammation completely disappear.

- Claritin. Apply three times a day, a drop in both eyes.

- Cortisone. These drops cannot be used to treat children and pregnant women. It is also forbidden to use them without consulting a doctor, since they have a very strong effect on allergic conjunctivitis, but can cause side effects.