Antibiotics for children. Useful information for mothers! Traditional methods of treatment

I have a lady friend who, every time her seven-year-old daughter starts getting sick, rushes to treat her with antibiotics. This mom also has her “favorite” medications, which, in her words, “will definitely help with everything!” The absurdity and frightening scope of the situation is that this mom is not alone in her beliefs. More than 45% of parents, according to a survey conducted by sociologists from VTsIOM, are confident that influenza and ARVI can be treated with antibiotics, and also believe that antibiotics reduce high fever in the best possible way.

So, let's figure out where the error lies. When does the doctor advise taking antibiotic medications for hyperthermia ( high temperature).

First you need to clearly understand what “high temperature” means. For some it is 37.1, and for others 39 is transferred as 37. As for children's health, then mothers and fathers tend to “exaggerate” the numbers, calling “high” an increase in the temperature of their beloved child to 38 degrees.

There is a generally accepted standard for hyperthermia:

  • Mild fever – 38 -38.5
  • Moderate heat - 38.6-39.5
  • High fever - 39.5
  • Fever, life-threatening, extremely high - 40 and above.

Each child tolerates fever differently

Causes of childhood fever

High temperature is not a disease, but a sign normal operation immunity of the crumbs. If the temperature has risen, it means that the child’s body is resisting the invasion. Most often, viruses arrive uninvited. Therefore sharp viral diseasesmain reason that the thermometer crossed the mark of “38”, “39” and froze somewhere between “39.5” and “40”. Thus, 90% of cases of high fever are viral infections.

It is not difficult to suspect that a virus is at the root of the problem of a child’s deterioration of well-being; it has a recognizable “handwriting”. A sharp and rapid increase in body temperature to 39 degrees or, conversely, low-grade fever around 37.5, dry cough, runny nose, aching sensation in muscles and joints, severe headache. Moreover, all of the above symptoms occur almost simultaneously, and the condition worsens rapidly.

In most cases, the temperature rises due to a viral infection

You can learn more about antibiotics for children, when their use is mandatory and how to take them correctly for a child by watching the following video.

What do parents need to know about fever?

  • If your doctor has prescribed antibiotics, you should never combine them with antipyretics. The temptation to give your baby something to drink that quickly reduces the fever is great. All parents want their baby to feel better as soon as possible. But such a decrease in temperature distorts the overall picture of treatment. If the antibiotic works correctly and on target, the doctor will be able to understand this by independently lowering the temperature without additional medications.
  • If the antibiotic “works” and the child feels noticeably better on the second or third day, his temperature has dropped, he looks more alert, you cannot stop drinking or injecting antibacterial agent. The fact is that the surviving bacteria adapt to the antibiotic, and next time the child will have to select new drug, more potent. Complete the course prescribed by your doctor. In addition, the disease may return, and then the unauthorized withdrawal of antibiotics will provoke the transition of the disease to the chronic stage.
  • If the toddler’s temperature has risen due to an intestinal infection or food poisoning, the doctor is unlikely to prescribe you antibiotics. The exception is babies under one year old, who, due to diarrhea and vomiting, can quickly reach a critical stage of dehydration.
  • Antibiotics cannot be a means of prevention. You should not give them to your child simply because “someone is sick with something” in his class or group in the kindergarten or at the first signs of a cold or fever.
  • It is advisable not to start giving antipyretics immediately as soon as the child has a fever. Give your baby's immunity a chance to fight the disease. This will make the defense stronger.
  • At high temperatures, the child must be provided with plenty of warm drinks. And it doesn’t matter what pathogen causes the fever. How smaller child, the faster his thermoregulation processes proceed. This means that the risk of dehydration increases as a result of severe intoxication. You can drink everything except sparkling water, sour juices and milk. Ideal when it’s hot – to give the baby something to drink herbal teas, tea with honey, lemon, raspberries (if there are no allergies), compote or jelly.

When the temperature rises, you should not immediately give your child an antipyretic drug.

  • At high temperatures, you should not wrap your child in “a hundred clothes” and cover him with a blanket on top. It is best to undress the child down to his panties and cover him with a light sheet. The consequences of overheating can be irreversible.
  • If antibiotics are nevertheless prescribed, take care to restore the baby’s body as soon as possible after such powerful therapy. Ask your doctor to recommend the names of probiotics and prebiotics, drugs that will help you quickly and gently get rid of dysbiosis after antibiotics, restore the intestinal microflora for a healthy and healthy life child.
  • In case of hyperthermia, you should not put cups and mustard plasters on your child, bathe him in a hot bath, or resort to alcohol-containing compresses. Doctor Komarovsky
  • At temperature
  • How often to give

Some diseases cannot be cured without antibiotics. And the drug of choice is most often a drug wide range with a short course of treatment. Such therapy is easier to tolerate by patients, and it is less likely that treatment will end prematurely.

Relatively recently antibacterial drugs had to be taken for 7–10 days, often 3–4 times a day. This caused significant inconvenience to patients, and most sought to stop therapy as soon as possible.

Modern antibiotics compare favorably with their predecessors. Usually they are taken for no more than 5–7 days, 1–2 times a day. In addition, these drugs are mostly available in the form of tablets and capsules, rather than injection solutions.

Among them, the most popular are drugs containing azithromycin. The duration of therapy with this medicine is three, less often five days. If it is necessary to take antibiotics for 3 days, patients are more enthusiastic about treatment - confidence in the doctor increases, and the effectiveness of therapy increases.


Azithromycin belongs to the group of macrolides and is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. The short course of treatment with this drug is associated with the peculiarities of its pharmacokinetics.

Azithromycin remains in tissues for high level within 5–7 days after taking the last tablet. This concentration is sufficient for the manifestation of its full antibacterial action. And despite the fact that patients no longer take the medicine, azithromycin continues to be active in their body.

The drug is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, but if you take the tablets after meals, this process slows down.

The drug is stable in acidic environment and therefore is not destroyed in the stomach.

Sensitive microflora

The list of pathogens sensitive to the action of azithromycin is quite extensive. The group of gram-positive bacteria includes the following microorganisms:

  1. Staphylococcus aureus and epidermidis.
  2. Pneumococcus.
  3. Streptococcus pyogenes, as well as groups G, F, C.

The list of azithromycin-sensitive gram-negative microflora is even longer. It is most often used to treat diseases caused by the following pathogens:

  • Moraxella.
  • Haemophilus influenzae.
  • Bordetella.
  • Neisseria.
  • Gardnerella.
  • Legionella.
  • Clostridia.
  • Mycobacteria.
  • Mycoplasma and ureaplasma.
  • Chlamydia.
  • Pale spirochete.

Azithromycin usually has a bacteriostatic effect. However, when treated with high doses of this drug, the effect is bactericidal.

A significant number of microorganisms that are sensitive to it and a three-day course of administration make azithromycin the drug of choice for many diseases. Indications for its use may vary.


Azithromycin is effective for pathologies of the skin and soft tissues, ENT organs, respiratory and genitourinary system.

By taking this antibiotic, you can cope with the following diseases in 3 days:

  1. Pharyngitis and tonsillitis.
  2. Otitis.
  3. Sinusitis.
  4. Bronchitis and pneumonia. For pneumonia, azithromycin is usually prescribed in combination with a second antibiotic.
  5. Erysipelas and impetigo.
  6. Pyodermatoses.
  7. Lyme disease in the erythema migrans stage.
  8. Chlamydial urethritis or cervicitis.

Azithromycin is often combined with antibiotics penicillin series- for example, amoxiclav. In this case, the effectiveness of therapy increases significantly.

Reception features

How to take antibiotics that contain azithromycin correctly? Patients should know that only a doctor prescribes such a treatment regimen. It takes into account the type of disease, characteristics of the body, reactions that occurred during previous therapy.

If patients have previously taken these tablets, it may make sense to change the antibacterial drug to avoid developing drug resistance. However, only a specialist does all this.

Self-medication for a bacterial infection can lead to chronicity of the process, the formation of resistance of the microorganism, and the development of candidiasis.

Release forms

Azithromycin is available in tablets and capsules. Its dosages are different - 125, 250 and 500 mg. This drug is also sold in the form of a suspension. This dosage form is widely used in pediatrics, in children under three years of age.

Typically, azithromycin is actually taken for three days. This is sufficient for the development of a highly effective drug response. Do not forget that a certain concentration active substance remains in the blood for about a week.

On the third day, the effectiveness of treatment is assessed. The therapeutic course can be completed if the patient:

  1. Body temperature is significantly reduced or completely normalized.
  2. Feeling better.
  3. Unpleasant symptoms weaken or disappear.

If at this time we repeat the general clinical analysis blood, it will be possible to see normalization of the main indicators.

Trade names

Often in the pharmacy you can hear customers asking about an antibiotic for 3 days, the name of which they have forgotten. Most often, such people self-medicate, and this is unacceptable. Antibacterial drugs should always be purchased in accordance with your doctor's prescription.

It’s another matter if the pharmacy does not have a specific medicine. In such a situation, it is quite possible to use another one containing the same active substance. This antibiotic is known in pharmacies under the following names:

  • Sumamed;
  • Azitro Sandoz;
  • Azivok;
  • Azimed;
  • Asicin.

There are others trade names this antibacterial drug, because it is produced by many manufacturing companies.

However, these drugs are the most well-known and popular among both doctors and patients.

Complications of treatment

If patients take the medicine for 3–5 days, they rarely experience side effects. In most cases, this drug is well tolerated, although sometimes the following symptoms may occur:

  1. Nausea.
  2. Stomach ache.
  3. Diarrhea.
  4. Headaches.
  5. Visual impairment.

Occasionally, this antibiotic affects the blood system with the development of neutropenia, leukopenia and eosinophilia. Like other drugs in this class, it can lead to an exacerbation of candidiasis due to the destruction of normal microflora.

A contraindication to treatment with azithromycin is its intolerance.

During pregnancy and lactation, it is prescribed with caution, taking into account possible risks and negative consequences.

Combination with other drugs

Azithromycin can be prescribed simultaneously with antibiotics of other groups. The combination with penicillin drugs for community-acquired pneumonia has proven itself well.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which are also often prescribed for pathologies of the ENT organs and respiratory system, do not affect its metabolism and effectiveness.

An antibiotic “for three days” called azithromycin appeared on pharmaceutical market not so long ago, but very quickly established itself as highly effective and quite safe remedy for many diseases.

Antibiotics have been used for a long time and mainly when simple medications are not able to help. Many doctors, if a child has a fever for more than three days, immediately prescribe them to avoid complications.

Miracle Cure

Created in 1928, penicillin became a real panacea for many deadly diseases at that time. Fleming, who discovered it, was deservedly awarded Nobel Prize, and the consequences of experiments related to it gave impetus to the use of antibiotics in medicine. Anthrax, blood poisoning, puerperal fever and other diseases that previously ended fatal, began to respond successfully to treatment.

Today, antibiotics are used all the time, and their manufacturers promise maximum effect and safety of use. However, the negative consequences of this strong remedy, of course, exist, so not everyone can use it. The misuse of antibiotics is especially dangerous for a child.

What is it?

An antibiotic is a substance secreted by the body and modified by humans to destroy harmful microorganisms. The main purpose of the reception this tool treatment - fight against bacteria and fungal diseases.

Antibiotics can be of either natural or synthetic origin, depending on their purpose. The former can be produced by the same bacteria or fungi. The most famous of them are streptomycin, penicillin and tetracycline. IN medical purposes attempts are being made to modernize natural antibiotics, making them more effective and less harmful to human body. Prominent examples of such synthetic drugs are doxycycline and metacycline. Children's antibiotics are mainly produced in suspension or tablets.

How does it work?

Each antibiotic has its own unique spectrum of action. You should always carefully study the instructions for the drug or strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations. Penicillin will not save you from dysentery, but will help against streptococci, and polymyxin will be useless against gonococci, but is destructive for E. coli.

There are antibiotics, the harmful effects of which extend to many different organisms. These are so-called broad-spectrum drugs, which include chloramphenicol. A broad-spectrum pediatric antibiotic has a number of negative consequences for the body. Therefore, it is worth using more gentle means.

The effect of antibiotics also varies. There are two well-known mechanisms of action. It is bactericidal and bacteriostatic. Antibiotics with a bactericidal effect destroy harmful microorganisms by destroying their cellular structures. The bacteriostatic mechanism is that the drug prevents the proliferation of microbes, allowing immune system independently destroy the organisms.

When is an antibiotic useless?

Contrary to stereotypes, antibiotics do not protect against viruses. Therefore, they are not prescribed for ARVI, flu or bronchitis. Thus, children's antibiotics for colds are extremely rarely taken. Also, these drugs do not stabilize body temperature. For example, for a doctor to prescribe an antibiotic for children, the sore throat must be at a stage when the body’s strength can no longer cope on its own.

It should be added that antimicrobial drugs are not used for the purpose of prevention and will not protect the child from the development of complications. They do not in any way prevent penetration harmful bacteria into the child’s body, and, given the possibility negative reactions their use can only worsen the situation. The only reason why an antibiotic can be prescribed by a doctor for the purpose of prevention is if you have recently had surgery.

When should it be taken?

There are a number of diseases for which children's antibiotics should be used. For children over 3 years of age, it is acceptable to use for otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear), tonsillitis (sore throat), pneumonia (pneumonia) and sinusitis (sinusitis).

Children's antibiotics for cough are prescribed only when it is caused by bacterial infections. After medical examination The doctor prescribes one drug or another depending on the diagnosis.

Children's antibiotics for sore throat and otitis are prescribed when acute form disease caused by streptococci. The most commonly used penicillins are Augmentin, Ampicillin and others. These antibiotics have low level toxicity, therefore they are often used in pediatrics.

For bronchitis and pneumonia, cephalosporins are prescribed, which have a good bactericidal effect. And with chlamydia and coli fluoroquinolones are used, which are currently the most non-toxic antibiotics (Tavanik, Tsifran, Tsiprolet).

There are also a number of drugs prohibited for children: Pefloxacin, Ofloxacin, Tetracycline and others.

List of the most popular antibiotics for newborns

Bronchitis and pneumonia in newborns are treated the following drugs: "Amoxicillin", "Flemoxin solutab", "Augmentin".

For various ENT diseases, certain pediatric antibiotics are used. Their names are as follows: “Cefuroxime axetil”, “Zinacef”, “Zinnat axetine”.

Admission rules

So that during treatment a children's antibiotic is given positive results, you need to follow the rules for taking the drug:

Negative consequences of use

After long-term use After a certain antibiotic, bacteria begin to adapt. They become less susceptible to this method treatment and more resistant to the destructive effects of the drug. You have to either increase the dose or use an analogue. Any repeated use of the same product increases the likelihood of an allergic reaction.

The doctor cannot predict the exact consequences of taking the drug he prescribed. The child may suffer from individual intolerance. Children's antibiotic a broad spectrum product is more likely to help, but the consequences may be more severe, such as dysbiosis, toxic reaction or immunosuppression.

Let's summarize and list antimicrobial drugs that can be used to treat children:

  • "Doxycycline"
  • "Metacycline"
  • "Augmentin"
  • "Ampicillin"
  • "Tavanik"
  • "Tsifran"
  • "Tsiprolet"
  • "Amoxicillin"
  • "Flemoxin Solutab"
  • "Augmentin"
  • "Cefuroxime axetil"
  • "Zinacef"
  • "Zinnat aksetin."

Sore throat is a disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets, so contact with patients can lead to infection of the baby. The infection enters the body by sneezing, coughing, sharing utensils, or through dirty hands. Not all parents know what it is dangerous disease. Untreated sore throat can cause serious disorders of the cardiovascular, nervous and urinary systems.

Sore throat is a disease whose treatment involves taking antibacterial drugs.

What is sore throat and how does it manifest in children?

Sore throat is infectious disease accompanied by inflammation of the tonsils. The causative agents of tonsillitis are streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci, spirochetes, adenoviruses, which are activated against the background of several provoking factors:

  • weakened immune system;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • cold drink;
  • inflammation in neighboring organs, for example with sinusitis, sinusitis, otitis media.

When is antibiotic therapy indicated for a child?

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Many parents delay the use of antibiotics until the last minute, citing the fact that they negatively affect the intestinal microflora, thereby lowering the child’s immunity. However, local throat therapy with various tablets, syrups and sprays is not able to overcome the causative agent of sore throat - streptococcus or staphylococcus.

Purulent tonsillitis caused by these bacteria is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • increased body temperature to 38-39 degrees for more than 3-6 days;
  • plaque or pus on the tonsils;
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

Preferred forms of drugs

The most convenient form of medicines for treating the throat is a suspension (we recommend reading:). It is easy to drink for purulent sore throat, since swallowing tablets often causes discomfort for the baby. Children under 5 years of age are contraindicated in any other form of antibiotics, with the exception of powdered tablets, which are taken only in individual cases, agreed with the doctor.

At an older age, when the child is able to swallow the medicine himself, he can be given both tablets and capsules, and a suspension. There is no difference between their effectiveness; the effectiveness of a medicine is determined only by the pricing policy. Injections, as a form of antibiotics for treating children, are used much less frequently. IN modern pharmacology drugs in suspension form are no longer inferior to injections either in speed or effectiveness.

Categories of antibiotics used for sore throat

For tonsillitis, doctors usually prescribe antibiotics of various types. medicinal groups, the list of which includes:

  • penicillin drugs;
  • macrolide drugs;
  • cephalosporin drugs.

Penicillin drugs can kill bacteria by destroying their cell walls. They are a good antidote to streptococcus, which is why doctors recommend them first.

Penicillin antibiotics do not help cure a sore throat only if the child has an allergy or the causative agent of the disease is insensitive to it. Today, these antibacterial drugs are presented in pharmacies in a wide range, since they have high efficiency and little side effects. The best penicillins for treating children with tonsillitis:

  • Amoxicillin;
  • Ampicillin;
  • Amoxiclav;
  • Augmentin (we recommend reading:);
  • Ampiox.

Macrolide drugs are prescribed when penicillins have not brought the desired result. The advantage of macrolides is their speed of action. The child may feel better already on the second day after starting antibiotics, and visible symptoms of a sore throat disappear on the third day. The best representatives macrolide group are:

  • Azithromycin (we recommend reading:);
  • Erythromycin;
  • Sumamed.

Cephalosparin drugs are considered the most powerful in the treatment of tonsillitis. Doctors resort to them only in the most extreme cases when a child is allergic to macrolides and penicillins. The most universal among them:

  • Ceftriaxone (we recommend reading:);
  • Cephalexin (we recommend reading:).

List of effective drugs

The treatment regimen for angina has long been formed by pediatricians. Despite huge amount new medicines, doctors still trust proven traditional means. Their side effects were kept to a minimum, and their effectiveness was tested over more than one generation. They are the best in the fight against acute tonsillitis.


Sumamed is famous name broad-spectrum antibiotic, which is available in the form of tablets, suspension, syrup and capsules. The tablet version is indicated for adults and older children. Sumamed is quickly absorbed into the blood, so the course of treatment lasts from three to five days. The dosage of the drug depends on the child’s weight and is calculated in a ratio of body weight to the number of milligrams of 1:10.


This antibiotic is traditional in the treatment of sore throat in children. On pharmacy shelves, the antibacterial agent Amoxiclav can be found in 3 main forms: syrup (up to 12 years), tablets (after 12 years) or powder. The drug must be taken 2 or 3 times a day as prescribed by the doctor. Daily dose also calculated by the pediatrician taking into account the child’s body weight.


Azithromycin is highly resistant to the gastric environment, so its intake does not depend on food intake. The course of treatment with this antibiotic is on average 3-5 days. The drug is sold in the form of capsules and tablets, so if necessary, small children are prescribed Sumamed with a similar active ingredient. It is recommended to take the medicine once a day


The antibacterial agent Bicillin actively destroys the cell walls of pathogenic bacteria. This antibiotic is used only for injection when a child has a prolonged sore throat. It is produced in bottles with powder, which is diluted with saline and used for injection. Bicillin is able to destroy all bacteria in oral cavity 48 hours after the first injection.


Bioparox is a local medicine designed to relieve inflammation and destroy pathogenic microbes in the oral cavity. The antibiotic comes in the form of a spray. Doctors recommend several injections into the mouth 3-4 times a day. The course of therapy with this drug should not exceed 7 days.


Amoxicillin is a penicillin antibiotic that is most often prescribed for persistent sore throat. For children under ten years of age, doctors recommend a suspension that should be taken 3 times a day. For older children, capsules or tablets are prescribed. The dosage of the drug is calculated according to the baby’s body weight.


Ampiox is used in the treatment of sore throat in children of any age category. It is produced both in capsules and in injection bottles. Injections with this antibacterial drug are carried out both intravenously and intramuscularly 2-3 times a day. The duration of therapy with Ampiox is 7-14 days.


Klacid is modern antibiotic, which is produced in different dosage forms, starting with tablets and ending with powder. Children are recommended to take the drug 2 times a day. The duration of treatment with Klacid takes at least 10 days. For severe tonsillitis, pediatricians recommend trying Klacid injections.

Flemoclav Solutab

This antibiotic is sold in two forms - tablets and suspension. Reception this drug should be carried out strictly one hour before a meal or 3 hours after it. If the disease is mild, the duration of treatment is no more than 10 days. The daily dose of the drug is usually divided into 3 doses.


This antibacterial agent is effective bactericidal effect. The drug is recommended to be given simultaneously with meals. Tablets intended for children over 12 years of age are taken once a day. The suspension is indicated for babies over three months of age. Its daily dose is also divided into 2 doses.


Suprax is an expensive antibacterial medicine that is easily tolerated by the child's body. The antibiotic is available in three main forms - granules, syrup and capsules. It is aimed at treating inflammatory processes in the ENT organs. The daily dose of the drug is calculated taking into account the child’s weight and is divided into two main doses.

Features of the treatment of sore throat in children of different ages

An important factor to consider when choosing antibiotics is age. The disease is most difficult in infants under one year of age. This is due to the fact that there are many restrictions regarding the choice of medications for children early age. At the same time, everyone knows that only timely and effective therapy- the key to a quick recovery of the baby without accompanying complications.

Features of treatment for children under 2 years of age

Any infectious disease is dangerous for babies of the first and second year of life due to the risk of intoxication syndrome. Besides, purulent sore throat can provoke very serious complications if treatment is untimely or unsuccessful. Bacteria spread very quickly in neighboring organs, which leads to sinusitis, otitis and others inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx and ear.

Antibiotics for sore throat in children under 2 years of age are prescribed in the form of a suspension or intramuscular injections, since a child at this age cannot swallow a pill on his own.

Most often, pediatricians resort to the use of drugs from the penicillin or macrolide group, which include:

  • Sumamed is an antibiotic used for acute forms of throat diseases, otitis media or sinusitis;
  • Augmentin is a medicine that eliminates infectious inflammation in acute or chronic form in ENT organs;
  • Azithromycin is a drug aimed at combating pathogenic microorganisms;
  • Ceftriaxone is an antibiotic that accelerates the synthesis of pathogenic cells, resulting in their death;
  • Amoxiclav is a drug that prevents the proliferation of bacteria in the oral cavity (more details in the article:).

Treatment of children 3-4 years old

Along with antibacterial therapy, sprays and aerosols for local throat irrigation are also recommended for children 3-4 years old. From this age, the child can be treated with medications such as Lugol, Ingalipt, Tantum Verde, Angal S.

Antibiotic therapy includes:

  • Amoxicillin, Amoxiclav, Bicillin, which belong to the penicillin group;
  • Pancef is an antibiotic of the cephalosporin group;
  • Erythromycin, Zitrolide, Sumamed, Hemomycin are drugs of the macrolide group.

Antibiotics for children 5 years and older

From the age of 5 years, a child can use antibiotics in any form, be it suspension, capsules or tablets. Medicines, recommended by pediatricians, remain the same, only their dosage changes. Parents can choose the form of antibiotic release themselves, based on their financial capabilities. Injections are given only in extreme cases when there is a threat to the child's life.

Rules for taking antibiotics

Antibacterial therapy should be carried out taking into account several basic rules:

  • Treatment should not be interrupted. When prescribing antibiotics, the doctor specifies the duration of the course of therapy. At the first improvements, parents, as a rule, arbitrarily suspend their use. Untreated sore throat is fraught with serious consequences, so the benefit of interrupting antibiotics is zero, but the harm is colossal.
  • The doctor may prescribe another antibiotic after three days if there is no visible improvement in the baby’s well-being.
  • All parents complain about the effect antibiotics have on the intestinal microflora, causing dysbiosis and other disorders gastrointestinal tract. Pediatricians therefore usually advise giving children pribiotics (Lactiale, Subalin, Biovestin, Linex), which should not be neglected.

If the intended beneficial effect from antibiotics exceeds negative impact antimicrobial agents on children's body, the doctor prescribes antibacterial therapy. The form in which the drugs will be prescribed largely influences the mood of the child during treatment.

If taking medications turns into a painful procedure, unpleasant and tasteless, it will be difficult for moms and dads to explain to the baby that the doctor is good man, and the medicine prescribed by him will help the baby recover.


Antibiotics in the form of a suspension are often called “children’s antibiotics” by parents. Indeed, medications in this form are very convenient to give to newborns, infants, and older children. After all, a child, even at 5-6 years old, cannot always swallow a pill on his own, and caring parents naturally do not want to give injections to children, if there is a worthy and gentler alternative.

If the doctor does not insist on injections, then it makes sense to ask him whether it is possible to purchase the prescribed antibiotic in the form of a suspension.

Manufacturers grind the solid substance into powder or crush it into granules in factories. This product is then packaged in bottles.

It is very simple to prepare a suspension at home: just add chilled boiled water to the mark on the bottle into the pharmacy bottle. Moreover, first you need to fill half of the required amount, mix thoroughly, shake, let stand for a while, and then top up to the mark and mix thoroughly again so that there is no sediment left at the bottom of the bottle. Measure the resulting substance using a measuring syringe or spoon to the desired dose.

Usually, modern suspensions have a rather pleasant smell and fruity taste; the child does not need to be persuaded to take such medicine for a long time.

Antibiotic drugs in the form of a suspension are created primarily for children. They are intended for infants, infants, children under 5-6 years of age, and sometimes older if the child is capricious and refuses to take the pills on his own. From the age of 12, children are allowed to take capsules.

For the convenience of parents, suspensions are produced various dosages, i.e. The concentration of the active substance in the dry preparation varies.


Antibiotics in the form of a suspension can be prescribed to children for various ENT diseases, for intestinal infections caused by bacilli and bacteria, for dental diseases, for inflammation of the genitourinary system, during rehabilitation after operations.

At viral infections– influenza, ARVI, acute respiratory infections, scarlet fever, chickenpox, measles, mononucleosis, antibiotics should not be taken!

The need to take antibiotics should be decided by a doctor, especially since since that year antibacterial drugs can no longer be purchased freely; the pharmacist will definitely ask you for a prescription.

Review of drugs


A strong and effective antibiotic of the cephalosporin group is prescribed for neglected form illness, if it is severe or if antibiotics are weaker ( penicillin group or groups of macrolides) had no effect. The drug will be prescribed for bacterial infections respiratory tract, for pharyngitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis, for diseases urinary tract caused by microbes, such as cystitis. A child may be prescribed Suprax for otitis media.

The pharmacy will offer you a children's version of the antibiotic - granules for preparing a suspension. It needs to be done in two stages. First add 40 mg chilled boiled water. Shake and let sit. Then add the rest of the liquid to the mark on the bottle. Shake again so that no undissolved particles remain.


A powerful third-generation cephalosporin antibiotic will be prescribed to children with complex pharyngitis, tonsillitis, and tonsillitis. The drug is effective in the treatment of sinusitis, acute or chronic bronchitis, purulent otitis. In pharmacies, Pancef is available both in granules for diluting the suspension, and in powder, which is used for the same purposes. Capacity – 100 mg.

The suspension should also be prepared in two steps, adding water and shaking until the substance is homogeneous.

The dosage of the drug is calculated according to the formula, depending on weight, age and severity of the disease.

The suspension is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 14 days.


This is a macrolide antibiotic that is often prescribed for bronchitis, pneumonia, pharyngitis and otitis. Effective for skin infections. The pharmacist can offer you powders for preparing a suspension in 125 mg and 250 mg packaging. "Klacida" has distinguishing feature. This suspension can be given to the child with, before or after food. It doesn't have of great importance. In addition, the suspension can be washed down with milk (it is usually contraindicated to take antibacterial drugs with milk).

It is worth paying attention to the concentration of the drug. When using Klacid 250, in 5 ml. The medicine will contain 250 ml. antibiotic. It turns out that 150 mg. the medications needed for a child weighing 20 kg will be contained in 3 ml. suspensions.

The finished suspension should be stored for no more than 14 days.


The first generation cephalosporin antibiotic is used to treat children with the most various diseases upper and lower respiratory tract. The doctor will recommend Cephalexin for bacterial diseases genitourinary system – for cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, etc.

The pharmacy will offer you suspension powders of different “calibers” - 125 mg, 250 and 500 mg. As well as granules, from which you can also prepare a suspension in a 250 mg bottle. You should take the prepared suspension about an hour before meals.

The prepared suspension should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 weeks.


This strong and universal broad-spectrum antibiotic quickly copes with microorganisms that cause tonsillitis, tonsillitis, including purulent tonsillitis, otitis, and atypical respiratory diseases caused by chlamydia and mycoplasma.

The drug will benefit the child with skin infections and some stomach ailments. Azithromycin suspension is available in concentrations of 100 and 200 mg. The drug is not recommended for children under six months of age.


A worthy representative of the macrolide group can be recommended by a doctor for bronchitis, even chronic, otitis media, sinusitis, pneumonia, diphtheria and whooping cough. The medicine can be purchased in the form of a suspension, or rather in the form of dry granules for further dilution.


A macrolide antibiotic that is quickly absorbed and quickly eliminated from the body without accumulating in tissues. It is recommended for a child suffering from bronchitis, pneumonia, otitis, including purulent otitis media. The drug is very effective for sinusitis, sore throat, tonsillitis, as well as for some inflammations bladder, ureters. A suspension of this antibiotic can be made from ready-made pharmaceutical powder.


Common in pediatrics antimicrobial drug of the penicillin family helps cope with respiratory infections and ENT diseases. It has proven to be equally effective in treating a number of urinary tract infections, as well as infections of bones and joints. In pharmacies, pharmacists have three concentrations of dry matter for preparing the “children's form” - 125 mg, 200 mg and 400 mg.

Children weighing more than 40 kg are given doses, according to the instructions for use, similar to doses for adults. The prepared suspension should be stored for no more than one week.


Perhaps the most popular antibiotic. It is prescribed for children for tonsillitis, pneumonia, otitis media and bronchitis. Very effective against pathogens of cystitis and pyelonephritis. May be the mainstay of the treatment regimen typhoid fever, cholecystitis. It is prescribed for meningitis and salmonellosis. The suspension is available in granules for subsequent dilution in a single concentration of 250 mg.

The prepared suspension can be stored for no more than two weeks.


Also quite a popular antibiotic of the penicillin family. Prescribed for various ENT diseases and respiratory ailments. Can be prescribed for the treatment of cystitis, urethritis, bone and muscle infections. There are three options - bottles of dry matter are available in pharmacies at 125, 250 and 400 mg.

The prepared suspension should be stored in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container for no more than one week.


A penicillin antibiotic is often prescribed by pediatricians for the treatment of otitis media, pneumonia, bronchitis, including chronic, skin infections and soft tissue diseases caused by microbes.

Available on pharmacy shelves large selection substances for the preparation of Ospamox suspensions. This is a dry substance in concentrations of 125, 250 and 500 mg and granules of 125 and 250 mg.


The suspension cannot be washed down with milk!


A second-generation cephalosporin antibiotic can be prescribed by a doctor to a child for the treatment of pneumonia, bronchi, complex lung abscess, tonsillitis, otitis, infectious skin ailments. Copes perfectly with microbes that cause cystitis and pyelonephritis. In pharmacies, among other forms, it is available in granules for self-diluted suspension.

Infants under 3 months of age are not prescribed antibiotics.