Antifungal eye drops instructions. Drugs to treat fungal eye infections

Eye drops are drugs local action, intended for the treatment and prevention of various pathologies of the anterior parts of the eyes.

All eye drops, regardless of the direction of their action, meet the same general requirements: special technologies purification and minimal content of active ingredients.

Types of eye drops

All eye drops can be divided into the following groups.

  1. and anti-inflammatory drops. The group of anti-inflammatory and antiseptic eye drops includes eye drops such as sodium sulfacyl (albucid), diclofenac, zinc sulfate, etc. The drops are intended to eliminate inflammation and redness of the anterior tissues of the eye. Used for conjunctivitis, keratitis.
  2. Anti-allergenic drops . Anti-allergenic eye drops include cromohexal, alomide, ketotifen. These drops are used for allergic reactions of the eyes, expressed in the form of redness, swelling, burning, itching, photophobia, and lacrimation. In severe cases, drops with corticosteroids are sometimes prescribed - hydrocortisone, dexamethasone (these drops are used exclusively on the recommendation of a doctor). It must be remembered that anti-allergy drops are not a remedy against allergies, they only eliminate the consequences of an allergic reaction.
  3. Eye drops that help improve metabolic processes in the eye tissues. Usually used to treat cataracts, dystrophic changes eyes, age-related changes. Drops can improve functional state eye and prevent progression age-related changes in the eyes. Among the drops of this group, the most popular are taufon, catalin, emoxylin, and catachrome.
  4. Therapeutic drops for glaucoma. They are prescribed only by a doctor. The action of drops of this group is aimed at reducing intraocular pressure. For glaucoma, drops of aceclidine, carbacholine, phosphacol, and betaxol are used.
  5. Antiviral and antibacterial eye drops. These include chloramphenicol, tsipromed, ophthalmoferon, tobrex, oftavix. These drops are used to treat various inflammatory eye diseases of bacterial and viral origin. Strict indications limit their use. Drops of this group can only be prescribed by an ophthalmologist.
  6. eye drops: Visine, Irifrin, Octilia. Their use requires caution, as long-term use addictive. Used for swelling and hyperemia of the mucous membrane.

Rules for using eye drops

1. Use only on the recommendation of a doctor.
2. You cannot cancel treatment on your own, replace one drop with another or change the dosage.
3. Follow the order of instillation of drops recommended by the doctor.
4. Before using the drops, you need to warm them up (under running water). hot water or in a hot palm), since cold drops are poorly absorbed and cause irritation.
5. Use any eye drops for no more than 4 weeks. If the drops have changed color, consistency, transparency, etc., they cannot be used.
6. Do not touch the eyelids and mucous membranes with your fingers or the tip of the bottle.
7. The same bottle cannot be used by different people.
8. Before instillation contact lenses needs to be removed.

The eyes are in constant contact with environment and are protected from its aggressive components only by a thin mucous membrane - the conjunctiva.

Inflammation of the conjunctiva - conjunctivitis - is the most common disease. It can be non-purulent, purulent and allergic.

Types of the most common eye diseases

  • Conjunctivitis is often complicated by inflammation of the eyelids (blepharitis) and cornea (keratitis). With blepharitis, damage to epithelial tissue is sometimes observed.
  • Inflammation of the conjunctiva and cornea caused by chlamydia is called trachoma. This disease causes scarring of the cornea, which can lead to vision loss.
  • Iridocyclitis is diagnosed with inflammation of the iris and ciliary body. Most often, the nature of the disease is viral or protozoal, but iridocyclitis is also caused by Borrelia, Salmonella, pneumococcus and other bacteria.
  • Scleritis is another serious illness; it causes inflammation of the sclera - the connective tissue membrane of the eye. With scleritis, the normal outflow of fluid from the anterior chamber is disrupted. As a result, an infiltrate mixed with blood and lymph is formed - an ideal breeding ground for bacteria. Advanced scleritis leads to complete loss vision.
  • Severe consequences are accompanied by uevitis - inflammation choroid. It leads to blindness in a quarter of all cases, and therefore requires extremely prompt treatment.

When inflammatory processes are caused by mechanical irritation or damage (hair, sand, steam burn or sunburn), the treatment is to eliminate the cause and consequences of the injury. Inflammation goes away after tissue hydration and regeneration.

Antibiotic treatment of various eye diseases

Quinolones, fluoroquinolones

A significant part of diseases is caused by bacteria of the genus chlamydia, strepto-, gono- and staphylococci. Other bacteria affect the eyes much less frequently, but are also capable of provoking purulent-inflammatory processes, causing pain, itching, burning, and lacrimation. Most often, patients are diagnosed with trachoma, conjunctivitis different types, blepharitis, keratitis. Conjunctivitis is much more often caused by viruses than by bacteria. Therefore, to prescribe adequate treatment, it is necessary to conduct tests to identify the pathogen.

Diseases on this list are successfully treated with antibiotics from the groups of fluoroquinolones, macrolides, and tetracyclines.

Eye drops with a broad-spectrum antibiotic are prescribed to prevent infection when removed from the cornea or conjunctiva foreign body, for physical or chemical lesions, before or after eye surgery.

A number of drops contain antibacterial drugs from the group of quinols and fluoroquinolones, which in the strict sense are not antibiotics - drugs of natural or semi-synthetic origin. Quinolones and fluoroquinolones are exclusively synthetic and have no natural analogues. They have very wide range actions, they are active against almost all aerobic bacteria and have no effect on anaerobic (not requiring oxygen) bacteria.


Antibiotics of the macrolide group are natural or semi-synthetic drugs with low toxicity. They have the mildest effect on the body with at the same time a high therapeutic effect. Macrolides have few contraindications; they are approved for use by children. In some cases, the macrolide group is allowed for pregnant and lactating women.

From this group an excellent remedy is erythromycin.

There are no drops based on it, but a highly effective ointment is produced. It is prescribed for infectious and inflammatory diseases of various etiologies. Azidrop is produced with azithromycin from the macrolide group as an active ingredient.


Brulamycin based on tobramycin gives excellent results. Effective when purulent inflammation; in small doses it inhibits bacteria, in higher doses it destroys them.

GCs dexatobropt, tobradex, tobrazone are made from dexamethasone with tobramycin, a strong aminoglycoside antibiotic. They act even in severe advanced inflammations and relieve pain well and eliminate swelling, promote more rapid recovery normal functions eye. Antibiotics with tobramycin are allowed for children from two months with mandatory supervision by a pediatrician. Drugs containing dexamethasone are allowed to be used to treat children over one year of age.

Gentamicin in the composition of HA (gentamicin, gentamicin-ferein), in addition to the infectious and inflammatory diseases listed above, helps with inflammation of the iris (iridocyclide) and lacrimal sac (dacryocystitis). Dex-gentamicin includes dexamethasone, which relieves swelling, inflammation and eliminates painful sensations; the indications for its use are the same as for other gentamicin drops. With neomycin, Maxitrol and Dexona are produced, eliminating swelling of the eyelids and periocular tissues, relieving pain and inflammation. Netilmicin is the active aminoglycoside substance of nettacin drops.


In the group of chloramphenicols, eye drops of the same name are produced. They are based on chloramphenicol and are effective against conjunctivitis, blepharitis, and keratitis. Levomycetin-dia, chloramphenicol-ferein and chloramphenicol-akos are added boric acid– a disinfectant that increases the antibacterial effect of drops.

For diseases caused by bacteria resistant to the above drugs, fucithalmic is prescribed based on the natural antibiotic - fusidic acid. It is especially effective for dacryocystitis.

Complex drops with two types of antibacterial substances (framycetin and gramicidin) have a qualitative effect on inflammation of the conjunctiva, iris, ciliary body, tunica albuginea, and episcleral tissue. The effect of Sofradex is enhanced by dexamethasone.

List eye drops for conjunctivitis with an antibiotic it looks something like this: floxal, futsitalmic, chloramphenicol drops, maxitrol, gentamicin.

Which is the best eye drop for adults and children?

The table below shows a comparison of the most popular drops

Name Tsipromed Levomycetin Albucid Tobrex Phloxal
Chloramphenicol, an antibiotic of the chloramphenicol group Bacteriostatic agent Antibiotic of the aminoglycoside group Fluoroquinolone, an antibacterial drug
Ciprofloxacin Chloramphenicol Sulfacetamide Tobramycin Ofloxacin
Indications for
Conjunctivitis, keratitis
Blepharitis and other inflammatory processes in the eyelid area
Inflammatory processes of the eyes Ulcerative lesions with the formation of purulent exudate of the cornea, conjunctiva, eyelids
Blennorea in newborns (prevention)
Eye infections (contains complex therapy) Conjunctivitis
Corneal ulcer
Chlamydia infections
Infectious complications of injuries and surgical interventions
Blood diseases, liver dysfunction, fungal infections, skin lesions such as eczema, psoriasis, tachycardia.
Hypersensitivity to chloramphenicol, thiamphenicol, azidamphenicol
Simultaneous use of drugs with silver salts Sensitivity to aminoglycosides Sensitivity to drugs from the group of quinolones and fluoroquinolones
For children After a year - drops. Ointment - after two years. After a year From birth Allowed From birth
pregnant women
Prohibited Prohibited Allowed Allowed Prohibited
Prohibited Prohibited Allowed Allowed Prohibited

Preference should be given to albucid (sulfacetamide) as the least aggressive but effective drug. If you need to choose an antibacterial drug for a child, it is best to use floxal.

Tsipromed and chloramphenicol are antibiotics for the eyes with a wide spectrum of action, approved for use in adults and very young children.

Other antibiotic eye drops for children: azidrop (after one year), fucithalmic, nettacin, brulamycin.

Rules for taking antibiotics for the eyes

Regardless of how the medicine enters the body, a number of rules must be followed to avoid undesirable consequences and complications of the disease.

  • If the use of several drugs is prescribed, then at least 15 minutes should pass between instillations. Then the drug will be completely absorbed and will not react with the next medicine.
  • Taking it even in the form of drops is not compatible with alcohol.
  • If a fungal infection begins to develop while taking antibiotics, you should consult an ophthalmologist about prescribing antifungal drugs: nystatin, fluconazole.

How else are eye diseases treated?


If the nature of the disease is allergic, then drops with azelastine (allergodil) and olopatadine (opatanol) act quickly and efficiently. They are allowed for children from three years of age, nursing mothers and pregnant women. It is effective against inflammation during the flowering period of plants, and also has an immunostimulating and immunomodulating effect of allergoferon-beta.


At viral lesions drops based on interferons are used, for example, ophthalmoferon. Interferon activates its own protective forces the body and contributes not only to healing, but also to strengthening the immune system.

Actipol with aminobenzoic acid in addition to antiviral action has anti-inflammatory, regenerating and healing effects. It is good to use when viral diseases and after physical injury and surgery.


Okomistin drops almost always help (this is an analogue of the widely known Miramistin). Okomistin fights bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa without causing discomfort when instilled and has almost no contraindications. It is approved for use by children over three years of age, and in cases of urgent need can be used by pregnant and lactating women.

If the nature of the disease is not bacterial, eye drops should first be chosen without antibiotics. Antibacterial drugs prescribed in the presence of purulent (bacterial) inflammation.

A drug based on indomethacin, Indocollir, helps with postoperative inflammation and relieves pain.

A number of highly effective drops are produced based on dexamethasone:

  • dexamethasone itself (including with the prefixes Bufus, Betalek, Lance, Mez),
  • dexamethasonelong;
  • dexapose (also has an antihistamine effect);
  • dexoftan (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose in the composition moisturizes the eyeball, and benzalkonium chloride has antiprotozoal and antifungal effects);
  • oftan.

Drops of taufon and taurine are produced with taurine (with the prefixes dia, bufus, SOLOpharm, akos). They stimulate regeneration processes and are indicated for injuries, as well as in combination with other drugs for ulcerative lesions, microcracks and other eye damage.

An excellent antimicrobial agent is sulfacetamide. It is not aggressive, unlike antibiotics, and is approved for use in children and adults in drops. The following drugs are produced with it: sodium sulfacyl with the prefixes dual, dia, mez. Sulfacetamide was formerly called albucid and was widely used in ophthalmic practice.

In advanced cases, it is carried out surgery, especially when there is no sufficient outflow of pus and the question is about preserving not only vision, but also the eye.

Purulent-inflammatory forms require more serious therapy with antibiotics. They are used in the form of eye drops. In severe cases or with large areas of damage, antibiotic injections and oral antibacterial agents are prescribed.

When treating with any drugs, it is also necessary to use drops with hypromellose - “artificial tears” - to soften and moisturize: pilocarpine, lacrisify, slezin. This reduces the feeling of grit, dryness and itching. For the same purposes, as well as to relieve minor swelling and eliminate irritation, drops with tetrizoline are recommended: visine, octylia, montevisine. Tetrizoline is also effective in mild form allergies.

Alternative treatments for eye diseases

Traditional medicine knows many ways to alleviate the condition of inflammatory processes.

  • Washing with infusions and decoctions of herbs:
  1. chamomile;
  2. tea rose;
  3. plantain.
  • Compresses made from cotton pads or napkins soaked in herbal infusions:
  1. yarrow;
  2. aloe juice;
  3. bay leaf;
  4. calendula.

Antibiotics for conjunctivitis in adults and children, if the disease is accompanied by the formation of pus, should be combined with eye washing with the above means for better separation of purulent exudate.

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Pharmacy windows delight us with a rich selection of medications for people with vision problems. They occupy a special place - the pharmaceutical industry offers a wide range of solutions for different purposes and price segments. How not to get confused and choose the right medicine, you will learn from our article.

This group includes several types of eye drops:

  • Highly specialized antibiotic formulations are intended to treat bacterial infections. Levomycytin has a low price (about 34 rubles), a wide range of applications and good digestibility. Tsipromed (about 154 rubles) is active against bacteria and microorganisms and can be used in postoperative care. Albucid (about 55 rubles) is effective in the prevention and treatment of inflammatory processes.
  • Antiviral agents. The most famous include Aktipol (about 150 rubles), Poludan (about 500 rubles), Okoferon (about 490 rubles). This group has a pronounced immunomodulatory effect and promotes retinal regeneration.
  • Antiseptic drops. They are characterized by a bacteriostatic effect (blocks the process of reproduction of microorganisms). Most often, doctors use Sulfacyl sodium (about 75 rubles), Miramistin (from 100 rubles, the cost depends on the volume), Ophthalmo-septonex (about 1600 rubles).

When selecting antimicrobial drops, the ophthalmologist takes into account several factors:

  • Age (no general contraindications);
  • Tolerability of the drug (sensitivity test);
  • Spectrum of action (what causes the disease);
  • Compatibility of drops with other medications taken;
  • Probability side effects;
  • Availability (cost and availability in pharmacy chains).

Many antimicrobial eye drops have restrictions on age (up to the first year of life), the appearance of unpleasant “side effects” (burning, dryness, stinging) and the possibility of use for diseases of internal organs (for example, some medications are contraindicated for liver diseases).

Anti-inflammatory eye drops

Eye drops aimed at combating inflammatory processes are divided into several subtypes:

  • Non-steroidal drops. Used to relieve symptoms of inflammation during eye irritation and fatigue, as well as for various diseases (etc.). For example, Indocollir (about 350 rubles) is used to prevent inflammation after operations and wounds eyeball, as an addition to antibiotic therapy, as a means of constricting the pupil for cataracts.
  • Glucocorticosteroid hormones. Enough strong drugs designed to eliminate common inflammatory process. Such drops are not recommended for mycobacterial, viral and fungal infections. The most famous solutions are Prednisol (about 55 rubles), Dexamethasone (about 40 rubles), Prenacid (about 500 rubles).
  • Combined agents (non-steroidal components + corticosteroids + antibiotics or antivirals). Sofradex (about 160 rubles) has antiallergic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. Tobradex (about 280 rubles) fights against inflammation and bacterial infections. Oftalmoferon (about 300 rubles) has, among other things, an antiviral effect.

Hormonal eye drops are used with great caution. A contraindication is any suspicion of tuberculosis, viral or fungal infection(the hormonal component can aggravate the condition).

Among the indications:

  • Bacterial inflammation of the conjunctiva, eyelids or cornea (without epithelial defect);
  • (inflammation of the ciliary body and iris);
  • Prevention of postoperative complications.

The course of steroid treatment is limited to two weeks, otherwise there is a high risk of developing serious complications(steroid glaucoma, steroid, associated fungal infection).

Antiallergic drugs

Eye drops against allergies are divided according to the principle of action:

  • Membrane stabilizers are used in courses. Cromohexal (about 105 rubles) is effective in treating allergic conjunctivitis, visual fatigue and dry eye syndrome. Lecrolin (about 130 rubles) is considered the drug of choice in complex treatment seasonal allergies.
  • Antihistamines. The drugs combine antiallergic and anti-inflammatory effects. Among the antihistamine drops, Allergodil (about 320 rubles), Histimet (about 200 rubles), Opatonol (about 400 rubles) can be distinguished.
  • Vasoconstrictor drops. Drugs in this group are used as fast-acting remedy, relieving symptoms (swelling, tearing, redness). The drops quickly become addictive, so the maximum duration of use is 7-10 days. The most famous compounds are Naphthyzin (about 10 rubles), Vizin (about 150 rubles), Okumetil (about 170 rubles).

The selection of allergy drops depends on the severity of symptoms, seasonality of the disease, and tolerance of the components. The trial and error method can lead to complicated allergies. Some drugs can stop the manifestations of the disease, hiding the true cause. That is why the choice of eye drops should be trusted only to professionals.

Eye drops for glaucoma

  • M-choline blocker - Atropine (about 50 rubles), Cyclomed (about 400 rubles). The use of drugs causes dilation of the pupil, which can reduce visual acuity.
  • Alpha adrenergic agonists - Mezaton (about 30 rubles), Irifrin (about 320 rubles). The drops dilate and cause vasoconstriction at the same time.
  • Activators of metabolic processes - Taurine (about 35 rubles), Khrustalin (about 400 rubles), Quinax (about 450 rubles). The action of the drops is aimed at improving tissue regeneration and protecting the lens from negative influences.

Long-term use of drugs latest generation slows down or completely stops the development of cataracts.

Narrow action drops

Special eye drops are used only by ophthalmologists when performing various manipulations:

  • Anesthetics are intended to relieve pain during surgical interventions (Dicaine, Lidocaine, Tetracaine).
  • Diagnostic drops are used during examinations (for example, with the help of Atropine, the pupil is dilated to conduct fundus examinations).
  • Activators of metabolic processes restore corneal tissue after injuries and burns (Solcoseryl, Etaden).

Household eye drops

The most common group of eye drops are the so-called “household” products. They are aimed at eliminating symptoms of fatigue and improving nutrition of eye tissue. More detailed review you can read. We will list only the main drugs:

  • Moisturizing drops – Hilo-chest (about 550 rubles), Natural tear (about 200 rubles), Systane Ultra (about 450 rubles).
  • Vitamin drops - Ujala (about 300 rubles), Typhon (about 150 rubles), Vita-Yodurol (about 380 rubles).

Please note that the prices listed are for reference only. The cost of eye drops can vary significantly depending on the city and pharmacy chain.

Focus on the doctor's opinion

The selection of eye drops is the responsibility of your treating ophthalmologist. We categorically do not recommend relying on reviews in online communities or your familiar “users” of drops. The doctor prescribes each medicine individually, based on the diagnosis, possible contraindications and features of the course of the disease. The latest drops, purchased at an exorbitant price, may turn out to be absolutely useless (and may even cause harm!), while a cheap drug can work wonders if properly prescribed and used.

For local treatment of mycoses of the organ of vision, lacrimal apparatus, conjunctiva or cornea, antifungal eye drops are used. The frequency of such pathologies is relatively low. Taking into account the degree of damage, the type of fungus, and the specific location, treatment is prescribed. For eye fungus, systemic medication may be indicated.

Types of eye drops

The goals and causes of pathology are determined by the following groups of eye drops:

  • Antimicrobial - group includes bacterial, viral and antifungal drugs.
  • Anti-inflammatory - aimed at treating pathologies of non-infectious nature. The group includes antiseptics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and hormones.
  • Antiglaucoma - drugs to reduce eye pressure, increasing outflow intraocular fluid, reducing the production of aqueous humor.
  • Antiallergic.
  • Used for cataracts.
  • Moisturizing.
  • Diagnostic.

Causes and routes of infection

Ophthalmomycosis, although uncommon, does occur. Entrance gate for fungal flora can be both the eyes themselves and foci of chronic fungal infection on the skin, nails or in internal organs. Pathogens enter the eyes due to poor personal hygiene, refusal to treat an existing fungus on any part of the body, as well as through unwashed hands after treating other affected areas. Pathogenic fungi that affect the organs of vision are considered:

How does it manifest?

Infections have specific signs, localization, nature of the flow. Time period from introduction of the fungus to development clinical manifestations is 1-30 days. The process is sluggish and quickly turns into chronic form, not prone to self-healing. External signs of the lesion are characterized by redness, the presence of mucous or purulent secretion, swelling and the formation of ulcers. Also possible:

  • formation of nodes on the eyelids, conjunctival membrane, dermis of the orbit, vascular bed;
  • formation of fistulas (pathological holes);
  • formation of stones in the lacrimal glands and ducts;
  • yellow crumbly infiltrates.

What eye medications are used for fungus?

By chemical structure

By method of influence

Fluconazole is widely used for fungal diseases of various etiologies.

It disrupts the permeability of the fungal wall and causes its death. Indicated for infection with cryptococci, candida, microsporia, trichophyton. High level distribution in tissues and body fluids. It accumulates in the visual structures in sufficient therapeutic intensity. Local use significantly reduces the possibility of developing undesirable effects.


The mode of action is based on the ability to disrupt the permeability of the cell wall of fungi. Effective in cases of infection by yeast fungi, candida, aspergillus, cephalosporium, fusarium, and mold. It is practically not adsorbed from the surface of the skin or mucous membrane. No cases of resistance have been recorded. Absorbed by the cornea if used topically, but does not enter the anterior chamber fluid.


Disturbs the metabolism of the pathogen. It is integrated into the genetic structure and acts on protein synthesis. Applicable against cladosporium, cryptococcus, candida, aspergillus, rialofora. Candida is relatively resistant to the drug. It is well distributed in body fluids, including the spinal fluid. Periodic repetition of the pathogen sensitivity analysis is recommended.

Read the official information about the drug, instructions for use of which include: composition, action, contraindications and indications for use, analogues and reviews. The text is provided for informational purposes only and cannot serve as a substitute for medical advice.

Eye drops are solutions medicines, intended for instillation into the eyes. A drug such as eye drops, the instructions for use of which are below, may be based on aqueous or oil solution. All eye drops are sterile and isotonic solutions. The effect achieved by their use depends on the active substance included in their composition. Drops can be prescribed both to treat eye diseases and to eliminate individual symptoms.

Types of eye drops

Depending on the type of action and their application, all eye drops can be divided into several groups:

  1. drops used for treatment infectious diseases eye:
  • with content antiviral agents, are used to treat viral infections (Poludan, Aktipol, Berofor, etc.);
  • Antibacterial drops are intended to treat eye infections caused by bacteria. The drug can use various antibiotics and there are many antibacterial eye drops - Tobrex, Tsipromed, Vigamox, Normax, Levomycytin, Maxitrol, etc.;
  • eye drops containing antifungal agents, are used in the treatment of fungal infections. For these purposes, a 5% suspension of natamycin, a solution of Ketoconazole, Nystatin, Fluconazole, Miconazole, etc. can be used;
  • eye drops containing antiseptics - Miramistin, Ophthalmo-Septonex, etc.;
  • eye drops containing sulfonamide agents. These eye drops are used to treat both viral and bacterial eye infections (the best known drug based on sodium sulfacyl is Albucid).
  • Anti-inflammatory eye drops:
    • containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Using drops for removal acute symptoms inflammation in various eye diseases. Among such drugs are Naklof, Voltaren Ofta, Indocollir.
    • containing glucocorticoid hormones (Betamethasone, Dexamethasone, Prednisolone, etc.);
    • combination drugs, which may contain antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antiviral components, hormones or other substances (for example, Tobradex - has an antibacterial effect due to the antibiotic included in its composition and anti-inflammatory due to the existing hormone).
  • antiallergic drops can be used to prevent the development of allergic reactions, and for the treatment of existing ones. They differ in the content of the active substance:
    • drugs in which antihistamines act as actively acting (Histimet, Allergodil, Opatonol, Azelastine, Antazolin, etc.);
    • eye drops with membrane stabilizers (Lodoxamide, Cromohexal, Alomide, Lecrolin);
    • eye drops with vasoconstrictors (Oxymetazoline, Tetrizoline, Phenylephrine, Allergophthal, etc.).
  • drops to reduce intraocular pressure (use for the treatment of glaucoma). They differ in their mechanism of action:
    • drugs that promote better outflow of intraocular fluid (Carbachol, Pilocarpine, Xalatan, Travatan, Latanoprost, etc.);
    • eye drops, the action of which is aimed at reducing the formation of intraocular fluid (Betaxolol, Clonidine, Dorzolamide, Azopt, Proxofeline, Cosopt, etc.);
    • eye drops with neuroprotectors that support the work optic nerve and do not allow its swelling (Emoxipin, Erisod).
  • drugs used to prevent and treat cataracts. Divided into several groups:
    • alpha-adrenergic agonists (Irifin, Mezaton);
    • M-anticholinergics (solution of homatropine, atropine, scopolamine);
    • eye drops aimed at improving metabolic processes in the lens (Taufon, Taurine, Quinax, Oftan-Katarkhom).
  • drops containing anesthetics - used to relieve pain in certain diseases, as well as during surgical or diagnostic interventions(Dicaine, Tetracaine, Lidocaine, Oxybuprocaine, Inocaine).
  • drops to moisturize the surface of the eye. Can be used for dry eyes due to any disease or condition. This group of eye drops is also called “ artificial tear" These include Oftagel, Systane, Vidisik, Oksial, Hilo chest of drawers.
  • eye drops used for diagnostics, which dilate the pupil and allow better examination of the fundus (Mydriacyl, Atropine, Fluorescein).
  • Eye drops aimed at restoring the normal structure of the cornea. They activate metabolic processes in eye tissues and improve nutrition. These include Erisod, Etaden, Solcoseryl, Taufon, Emoxipin, etc.
  • eye drops used to treat hemorrhagic and fimbrinoid syndrome, which can occur in various diseases. Such drugs are Gemaza, Histochrome, Collalysin, Emoxipin.
  • drops vasoconstrictor effect. Use to relieve redness of the eyes, watery eyes, swelling, which appear against the background of certain diseases. They do not provide therapeutic effect, but only relieve the above symptoms. Among such drops are Octilia and Visin.
  • Medicines containing nutrients(vitamins, amino acids, minerals). Among them are Taurine, Ophthalm-catachrom, Catalin, Taufon.
  • Antibacterial eye drops instructions for use

    Indications for the use of eye drops

    This group of eye drops is intended for the treatment of diseases of the eyes and their appendages caused by bacteria. Most often, these drops are used to treat blepharitis, conjunctivitis, keratitis and other diseases of a bacterial nature. They can also be used as an auxiliary remedy for viral diseases. For example, with adenoviral conjunctivitis, there is a high probability of secondary bacterial infection, therefore in in this case Your doctor may recommend additional use of antibacterial eye drops. They can also be assigned to postoperative period when surgery was performed for glaucoma, cataracts, laser correction vision, etc. Another indication for use antibacterial drops are eye injuries (for example, foreign body entry).

    Of the entire group of drugs intended for the treatment of infectious eye diseases, antibacterial drugs can be called the most numerous. After all, bacteria are often the cause of many eye problems. The most common diseases for which antibacterial eye drops can be used include the following:

    • conjunctivitis;
    • blepharitis;
    • keratitis;
    • meiobite;
    • dacryocystitis;
    • uevitis;
    • corneal ulcer;
    • postoperative and post-traumatic purulent lesions.

    According to its active substance this group drugs can be divided into:

    • products containing antibiotics;
    • eye drops with sulfonamides.

    In antibiotic products, the main active ingredient may be compounds of semi-synthetic or synthetic origin. Moreover, in the group of drops containing antibiotics, several subgroups can be distinguished depending on the antibacterial agent used. Most often used for eye diseases the following antibiotics in eye drops:

    • levomitin (Chloramphenicol drops);
    • aminoglycosides (Tobrex drops, Dilaterol);
    • fluoroquinolones (Tsipromed, Tsiloxan, Tsiprolet, Floxan, Signecif).

    Drops based on sulfonamide drugs began to be used earlier compared to those containing antibiotics. But they have retained their relevance and can be prescribed for the treatment of certain diseases. The most famous of this group are Sulfacyl sodium eye drops (albucid).

    Selection of antibacterial eye drops for use

    Assign antibacterial agents should the doctor. In doing so, he can focus on the following main points:

    • the spectrum of action of this drug is taken into account;
    • its tolerability by patients;
    • the severity of the disease and the patient’s condition;
    • patient's age;
    • the expected resistance of the pathogen to this agent is taken into account;
    • use with other medications;
    • possible side effects are taken into account.

    If there are any contraindications to the use of certain medicines, then the choice of antibacterial agents may not be large. In this case, the most common contraindications are the patient’s age (when there are certain restrictions) and his state of health. For example, children in their first year of life are usually not prescribed antibacterial eye drops. And drugs containing sulfonamides cannot be prescribed to a patient if he has severe liver damage. In the presence of neuritis auditory nerve Eye drops with an antibiotic from the aminoglycoside group cannot be used (due to the fact that the most common side effects caused by these antibiotics is their ototoxicity).

    In some cases, the limitation may be the availability concomitant disease and the drug taken for this reason. For example, the presence of chloramphenicol in eye drops may contribute to the development of aplastic anemia if they are prescribed simultaneously with cimetidine, which reduces the acidity of gastric juice.

    Instructions for use of eye drops with antiviral effect

    This group of drugs differs in their mechanism of action and therefore can be distinguished:

    • drops containing virucidal chemotherapy drugs ( chemicals, killing the virus);
    • interferons (immune substances that destroy the virus);
    • interferon inducers (stimulating protective forces).

    Use of virucidal eye drops for treatment

    Virucidal chemotherapy drugs can be used to treat eye diseases in both adults and children. They are most often used for herpes infections. An example would be Oftan Idu eye drops. The indication for their use is herpetic infection cornea. In rare cases, individual intolerance may occur this tool. Side effects may occur, including local reaction(redness, lacrimation, burning), as well as headaches.

    It is not recommended to prescribe these drops simultaneously with glucocorticoid drugs, and their use during pregnancy is also undesirable. When using these drops, you should remember that virucidal drugs are antimetabolites and therefore can inhibit the healing process of the cornea after an infection.

    Eye drops with interferon - instructions for use

    Interferons. Drugs in this group contain interferons, which have immunostimulating, antiviral, and antitumor activity. The most famous representative of this group is Oftalmoferon. Interferons in ophthalmology can be used to treat various diseases cornea, conjunctiva inflammatory in nature, the causative agents of which are adenoviruses, as well as herpes viruses.

    This group of drugs has its own contraindications. In particular, they are not recommended for use in the presence of liver, kidney, or severe pathology cardiovascular system, for diseases thyroid gland, as well as in case of hematopoietic insufficiency (thrombocytopenia, leukocytopenia). Also, these drops are not prescribed during pregnancy and lactation.

    Possible side effects include fever, headache, weakness. Most often, these symptoms disappear after discontinuation of the drug.

    Eye drops based on interferon inducers - application

    Interferon inducers. Their mechanism of action boils down to the fact that they stimulate the body’s natural forces, as a result of which the production of antibodies that fight against viral infection. Representatives of this group include Aktipol and Poludan. These drugs can be prescribed for inflammatory eye diseases caused by herpetic or adenovirus infection.

    Contraindications to their use are pregnancy, breastfeeding, availability autoimmune diseases and severe damage to the kidneys and liver. Possible side effects include decreased blood pressure, fever, dyspeptic disorders (nausea), joint pain, allergic reactions, inhibition of the hematopoietic process (leukopenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia).

    Instructions for use of antifungal eye drops

    Fungal eye infections are relatively rare. Most often, the cornea, conjunctiva or lacrimal gland may be affected. A similar pathology can be observed in patients who have been long period steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are taken over time, as well as in severely weakened patients.

    In the presence of fungal eye pathology, treatment is not limited to topical application of the drug (Vitabact). It is also mandatory general treatment– ingestion of fungicidal drugs.

    Using hormonal eye drops - instructions

    These drops are also called steroid drops; they are used as anti-inflammatory therapy, exerting their effect at the cellular level. Indications for their use are often inflammatory diseases eyes, which are based on autoimmune or allergic reactions. They can also be used after burns and injuries to prevent the proliferation of connective tissue.

    Quite often, hormonal eye drops are not used in pure form, but are drugs containing both an antimicrobial component and hormonal substances. Among the well-known such combination drugs is Sofradex, which contains antibiotics (gramicidin C and neomycin), as well as a hormonal component (dexamethasone). The antibiotics contained in the drops complement each other, resulting in a wider spectrum of action of the drug. And the presence of dexamethasone increases anti-inflammatory effectiveness and reduces the likelihood of allergic reactions.

    There are other combination drugs with a steroid component. Among them are Tobradex, which contains dexamethasone and the antibiotic tobramycin, as well as Maxitrol, which contains two antibiotics (polymyxin B and neomycin) and dexamethasone.

    Indications for the use of hormone-based eye drops

    Among the indications for prescribing combined hormonal eye drops are the following:

    • inflammatory diseases of the conjunctiva, cornea, eyelid lesions, which are based on bacterial flora (in the absence of epithelial defects);
    • inflammatory lesions of the anterior chamber of the eye (ciliary body and iris);
    • as a prophylaxis after surgery or eye injuries.

    Contraindications to the use of eye drops will be the presence (or suspicion) of a viral, fungal, or tuberculosis infection. They are not prescribed during pregnancy either. The course of treatment with such drugs is usually limited to 2-3 weeks, since long-term use of hormonal eye drops can develop steroid glaucoma, steroid cataracts, and also increases the likelihood of a fungal infection.

    How to use eye drops correctly

    The effectiveness of eye drops largely depends on their correct application. Before this procedure, you should wash your hands and prepare a piece of clean cotton wool or gauze. The instillation procedure itself should take place in a supine position.

    With the thumb of one hand, you need to slightly pull down the lower eyelid, and with the other hand, drip 1 or 2 drops of the drug into the conjunctival sac. If a small amount of drops leaks out, then they need to be carefully blotted using pre-prepared gauze or a piece of cotton wool.

    When instilling, it is important to remember that the pipette or dropper bottle does not touch the eyelashes. All eye drops are produced sterile and therefore it is important to prevent microorganisms from getting from the eye onto the pipette, which will subsequently lead to secondary infection.

    After application (instillation), you need to lie down for a while (about 2 minutes), while closing your eyes. To reduce the likelihood of side effects, it is recommended to press lightly with your finger at this time. inner corner eyes.

    Instructions for use of eye drops for children

    Does not exist for children special drugs, the same ones are used as for adults, only in a different dosage. There are also certain age restrictions in which some eye drops cannot be used.

    The following groups of eye drops are not prescribed for children under 3 years of age:

    • funds for diagnostic procedures(Fluorescein, Atropine);
    • vasoconstrictors (Octilia, Visin, Spersallerg, Allergoftal);
    • drops for the treatment of glaucoma;
    • alpha-adrenergic agonists (Irifrin, Mezaton).

    Under the age of 15 years, drugs that contain the following active ingredients are not prescribed: active ingredients:

    • levofloxacin (Oftaquix, Signicef, L-optik, Levofloxacin);
    • ciprofloxacin (Tsipromed, Ciloxan, Tsiprolet, Tsifran, Ciprofloxacin);
    • lomefloxacin (Lofox, Okacin);
    • moxifloxacin (Vigamox, Moxifur);
    • norfloxacin (Chibroxin drops);
    • ofloxacin (Floxal drops).

    There are also drugs that require careful use in children of all ages. This applies to drugs containing hormonal substances. Eye drops containing glucocorticoid hormones (eg, Betamethasone or Dexamethasone) should always be used with caution in childhood.

    Allergy to the use of eye drops

    In some cases, an allergic reaction may occur when using eye drops. It usually appears within an hour after using the drug. In this case, the following local symptoms may be observed:

    • redness of the conjunctiva;
    • swelling of the eyelids;
    • stinging and painful sensations in the eye;
    • spasm of the eyelids.

    Also, when using the product, it may develop general symptoms, among which we can note:

    • rashes on the skin of the body;
    • sneezing;
    • runny nose;
    • attack of bronchial asthma;
    • development of anaphylactic shock.

    If you have any of the above allergic reactions, you should note eye drops and consult your doctor about selecting another treatment. As first aid for allergies, antiallergic drugs (allergodil or lecrolin) can be dropped into the eye, and should also be taken orally antihistamine(eg loratidine).

    Analogues of eye drops

    Eye drops are a kind of dosage form of the drug, which involves local use. After applying them to the surface of the eyeball, they are gradually absorbed, due to which their therapeutic effect. To maintain a relatively constant concentration medicinal substance tissues require regular use of the product - as a rule, they are recommended to be used at regular intervals (for example, every 3-4 hours).

    As analogues of the product we can name products that are also intended for topical use. These include others dosage formseye ointments, films, gels. These drugs may contain various active substances, which provide medicinal effect. The most commonly used ointment is Tetracycline (containing antibacterial agents). Films with Albucid are used, as well as gels aimed at tissue restoration (for example, Solcoseryl). Most often, ointments and gels are recommended to be used at night. These forms can be prescribed simultaneously with eye drops as part of complex therapy. In this case, it is recommended to use them with a time interval - first, as a rule, the product is used, then wait about 20 minutes, after which the ointment is applied.

    Eye drops - review of use:
    07/01/2017 at 13:29:59

    There are a lot of different drops, for a variety of cases - diseases and other things. If something serious is bothering you about your eyes, it’s better to see a doctor, out of harm’s way. Here's how it happened for me: out of the blue, terrible dryness began in my eyes, to the point of stinging and a feeling of sand in my eyes that lasted for days, from morning to almost evening. I went to the doctor, it turned out that all this was a consequence of taking me hormonal drugs(and I myself didn’t even connect this with each other) They recommended Artelak Balance drops to me for my problem with my eyes - they are very good at relieving me of any discomfort in my eyes thanks to hyaluronic acid in the composition, special protector, which increases the period of hydration, and vitamin B12. And there are also Artelak Splash drops - they are well suited for those who are bothered by discomfort in the eyes relatively rarely, a couple of times a day - these drops perfectly moisturize the eyes, my sister uses them