Antioxidants (drugs). The most powerful antioxidants

When talking about the benefits of antioxidants, we mainly mean their ability to neutralize free radicals and thereby protect our cells from damage. But do our cells need such intervention if the body itself is capable of producing antioxidants without outside help? How dangerous are free radicals? How do they damage cells, and most importantly, where do they come from in our body and is it necessary to fight them?

What are antioxidants and how do they work?

Antioxidants are a group of compounds that can neutralize the oxidation process, thereby preventing damage to our cells by free radicals - oxidative stress. It doesn’t sound very intelligible, so let’s translate it into normal, “human” language.

Free radicals

There are such very active oxygen molecules - free radicals. Free radicals are distinguished:

— peroxide (RO 2 *)

- alkoxy (RO *),

- alkyl (R *)

— reactive oxygen species (superoxide anion).

You probably remember from your physics and chemistry course that a molecule has several electron shells, a kind of “orbit” in which the particles of a molecule rotate.

Free radicals have lost 1 neutron in the process of biochemical reactions and therefore now, at all costs, strive to find a “donor” and make up for the loss. This unpaired “lonely” neutron, and therefore incredibly active and eager to start a chemical reaction, has free radicals is located on the outermost of its electron shells.

So antioxidants become a donor of the missing neutron for free radicals, turning them into a stable molecule. And thus - neutralizing

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Therefore, he not only really “wants”, but can also easily “start” chemical reactions with all the structures that he encounters on his way in order to fill the missing particle at the expense of other molecules and become more stable.

The free radical, having received the missing neutron on the outer shell, “calms down” and stabilizes. Now it is no longer dangerous for our cells.

Any molecule can become such a donor for an unpaired neutron, including the molecules and structures that make up the cells of our body.

Our cell seems like an excellent “prey” for them. By borrowing a neutron from the structures of our cells, free radicals damage them. This process is commonly called oxygen damage to the cell - oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress, disease and aging

The discovery by scientists of the mechanisms described above was a real breakthrough in medicine. Researchers blame free radicals for the development of the aging process and diseases such as:

  • atherosclerosis
  • myocardial infarction
  • stroke
  • and many other chronic diseases, especially those associated with degenerative processes.

Free radicals enter into a biochemical reaction with all molecules that they encounter along the way, including our DNA, cell membranes and functional organelles inside them. This disrupts cellular respiration and normal cell division, because damaged DNA is no longer able to ensure complete transmission of genetic information during the formation of daughter cells.

In various tests, it has been demonstrated that it is free radicals that take away 2-3 decades of a person’s life, disrupting tissue regeneration at the cellular level, promoting the formation of defective molecules and structures.

Antioxidants as a marketing ploy

But at the same time, there has also been a clear tendency to attribute everything that biologists cannot explain in other ways to oxidative stress caused by free radicals. In each specific case, it is necessary to understand “where is the truth and where is the talent.”

Countless publications, interviews and statements by experts have presented convincing arguments for the miraculous properties of antioxidants, and insightful manufacturers, immediately taking this information into account, began to generously “reward” a wide variety of products with antioxidant properties, from green tea to shaving cream.

Coenzyme Q10 eliminates wrinkles and other advertising legends

At some point, it became very popular to add antioxidants to cosmetics. For example, the notorious anti-wrinkle cream with coenzyme Q10. However, its effect has also not been proven.

Yes, CoQ10 can prevent free radical damage to skin cells. But if you add it to a cream, it will mostly linger in the keratinized surface layer of the skin and reach living cells in minimal quantities, so you shouldn’t count on any noticeable biological effect. And the idea that coenzyme Q10 can fight aging and reduce wrinkles is only puzzling.

Clinical Trials Against the Myth of Essential Antioxidants

And only now the established “reputation” of antioxidants has been somewhat shaken. During clinical trials, which took place between 1998 and 2009, experts from Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA, found that the benefits and effectiveness of antioxidants in the fight for longevity and human health are largely exaggerated.

IN clinical experiment 783 volunteers took part, middle age which amounted to 65 years. They all lived in Italy, a region widely known for its wine production.

Resveratrol, an antioxidant found in chocolate, grapes and red wine, was chosen for the study. Its content in the blood of the subjects was assessed through urine analysis.

The researchers compared the levels of resveratrol in the urine of the subjects and the incidence of cardiovascular complications and cancer among the participants.

It turned out that even with a high concentration of resveratrol in the blood of the subjects, the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and the cancer did not decrease at all. The content of this antioxidant in the foods consumed by the participants did not affect their health in any way.

Death rates from cardiovascular disease and cancer were the same for all participants, regardless of how much resveratrol was detected in their tests.

The best is the enemy of the good: why antioxidants are harmful

A healthy body regularly produces antioxidants for its own benefit and without outside help. In addition, it produces them precisely in the most active form, the benefits of which they love to talk about in advertising.

If from external environment, with food or special vitamin complexes, “load doses” of antioxidants begin to arrive, our body, as a self-regulating system, makes a “decision” to reduce our own production of antioxidants. Well, it's like an excess of imported goods. Too intense flow of “imports” from outside oppresses our internal “domestic producer”. Well, why do you need this, and even for your own money?

Total: believe it or not?

It would be stupid to deny the benefits of vegetables and fruits, which are so beneficial as antioxidants. Eat them and eat them with pleasure. Natural antioxidants The good thing is that it is quite difficult to “overdo” their use.

But to endow them with almost “magical” healing properties, and even more so, I wouldn’t pay exorbitant prices for packaging that says “contains antioxidants.” Well, it's not worth it. No one has tested or been able to prove that in such a “feed” antioxidants work in the same way as those that are formed naturally in our body.

Moreover, you will definitely live much longer and healthier if you eat foods rich in antioxidants, namely vegetables, fruits, and berries. But not because they contain so many antioxidants, but because then you will eat healthy, nutritious food, i.e. the best that you can offer your body from the outside.

But I would refuse additional “pills”, tablets and antioxidant “cocktails”. This is an unreasonable waste of your money, which, moreover, may well cause harm.

Debunking the myths: Antioxidants - how do they work and do you need them?, 4.4 out of 5 based on 7 ratings

Antioxidants are called a cure for old age and are added to every imaginable consumer product. But in order to choose truly useful ones, you need to understand what antioxidants are and how they work.

For three months, Rachel Hibberd, a well-known reflexologist and massage therapist in London, ate exclusively green food. Rachelle compiled her menu from spinach, cabbage, pears, watermelon, mangoes and limes. Every day she reported on the progress of the experiment on her blog, and upon completion she passed medical examination and took tests. It turned out that blood sugar and cholesterol levels decreased significantly, hormonal background normalized, and most importantly, the number of tumor markers - specific proteins and enzymes, which in high concentrations signal tumor processes, decreased.

Rachelle decided to experiment after a physicist friend suggested that she be tested on a special bioscanner that recognizes the percentage of antioxidants in the body. It turned out that her percentage was negligible. After a three-month “green” marathon, Hibberd literally consisted of antioxidants (this was confirmed by a bioscanner) and was absolutely happy. "Now I can't be afraid diabetes mellitus, obesity and cancer! - she wrote on her blog.

Hibberd is far from the only one caught in the antioxidant frenzy. According to Euromonitor, in 2012, global revenues from sales of antioxidant products (from food additives to creams) amounted to $34 billion, 43% more than in 2007. Antioxidants were hailed as a panacea for all ills and recommended to be eaten, drunk, applied to oneself, and even inhaled. Professor Richard Passwater, author of 46 books on antioxidants, said in an interview: “We can look to the future with optimism: antioxidants will make our lives longer and better.” Is this really true?

What are antioxidants and how do they work?

Only a child has not heard that antioxidants are useful and protect us from harmful free radicals. But not everyone knows how they actually work.

Iron rusts in air, cut apples quickly darken, and butter turns rancid. Free radicals (oxidants) are to blame for this - oxygen agents that trigger oxidation and decomposition processes. IN human body Oxidants destroy cell membranes, accelerate aging and undermine immune system. Free radicals are not the absolute evil they are usually portrayed as: they are produced in the body to digest food and fight pathogenic bacteria.

Antioxidants neutralize the effects of free radicals - save tissues from damage, speed up recovery from illnesses, help produce energy and get rid of toxic substances. They, like oxidants, exist in the body itself and are in strict harmony with them.

Those antioxidants that come to us from the outside (with food or dietary supplements) are absorbed into small intestine, and are then distributed to “destinations”. The body has an antioxidant system: all antioxidants regulate and support each other. For example, third-party vitamin E provokes increased production of its own vitamin E. Vitamin C instantly rushes into cells damaged by free radicals, while flavonoids work “in the rear”, increasing protective forces the body itself.

This became known only in the middle of the 20th century. Denham Harman, the world's most famous gerontologist and then an ambitious graduate of Berkeley, worked as a chemist for the fuel giant Shell Oil and studied the effect of free radicals on the properties of oil. Harman had always been interested in the issue of aging and suspected that oxidants could influence it. After leaving Shell Oil he received medical education at Stanford University and, after years of research, published a groundbreaking paper in 1956 on the connection between free radicals and human aging. And 10 years later he conducted a famous experiment on mice: it turned out that a diet rich in antioxidants increases their maximum lifespan by 45%.

In the late 1980s, on Merv Griffin's popular talk show, young gerontologist Dirk Pearson spoke about Harman's free radical theory of aging and antioxidants that prolong and improve life. The very next day, more than 100 thousand letters arrived at the studio, and soon “antioxidant madness” swept America, followed by the whole world.

The secret of popularity is simple: consuming antioxidants is affordable and easy way use serious scientific discovery V real life. After all, according to Harman’s theory, in order to get sick less, look better and stay young, you just need to get more antioxidants.

The market immediately responded to demand. There is no product that cannot be “enriched with antioxidants”: creams, shampoos, vitamins, drinking water, porridge, baby food- and they are all extremely popular. According to a large-scale study conducted by the polling company Packaged Facts in 2012, 49% of consumers in Europe and the United States chose vitamins high in antioxidants, and 29% ate only cereals and cereals additionally fortified with antioxidants.

You shouldn't expect miracles from antioxidants. Research conducted by the National Institutes of Health has shown that beta-carotene does not prevent diabetes, vitamin E does not reduce the risk of heart disease, and selenium supplements do not protect against prostate cancer. This, of course, does not mean that antioxidants are useless. They can make us healthier if chosen correctly.

IN recent years scientists compete to find best source antioxidants. And they regularly publish news like “Blueberries will save you from cancer” or “Eat a bunch of spinach a day and you won’t grow old.” Nowadays, superfruits are at the peak of popularity - fruits literally oozing with antioxidants, vitamins and fiber. For example, acai and goji berries, blueberries, papaya and pitaya. And a study published three years ago in the American Nutritional Journal found that herbs and spices contain 300% more antioxidants than berries and 600% more than nuts. Absolute champions - carnation, peppermint, thyme and rosemary.

The most important antioxidants:

  • Withania A (improves liver health, increases skin elasticity) - beef liver, cottage cheese, legumes, soybeans, peas, egg yolk.
  • Vitamin C (stabilizes the immune system, increases performance) - citrus fruits, sea buckthorn, black currant, strawberry.
  • Vitania E (strengthens nails and hair) - vegetable oils, seeds, wheat, nuts.
  • Flavonoids and polyphenols (maintain tone blood vessels, normalize intestinal microflora) - red grapes, tea, cranberries.
  • Lycopene (improves heart and kidney function) - tomatoes, watermelon, red grapefruits.
  • Lutein (improves vision) – broccoli, kiwi, spinach.
  • Lignan (normalizes work thyroid gland) - flax-seed, rye, oats, barley.
  • Carotene (mitigates the effects of factors environment) – carrots, parsley, apricots.

The truth is that the best source of antioxidants is natural foods. There is not a single study that clearly proves the benefits of dietary supplements with synthetic antioxidants. At the same time, on the website of the American National Center alternative medicine There is an official recommendation: if for some reason you cannot eat enough fruits and vegetables, take dietary supplements.

Choosing these supplements based on the label “contains antioxidants” is not enough: you need to know exactly which ones. There are many antioxidants, and they all serve different purposes. Resveratrol lowers cholesterol levels and relieves vascular spasms. Flavonoids fight cancer cells, vitamin E (some vitamins themselves are antioxidants) improves tissue elasticity, vitamin C blocks the effects of toxic substances, and vitamin A helps the liver function.

This is why you should consult your doctor before purchasing foods or medications containing antioxidants. Or at least carefully study their composition and action. For example, if you want to improve your eye health, you need to take a supplement that contains lutein, beta-carotene, and vitamin C at the same time.

In some cases, you need to create a whole “menu” of antioxidants. Traveling by plane is just that case. Jet lag, dehydration and dry air on board reduce the body's defenses and reduce oxidant resistance. And the radiation level at altitude is slightly higher than on the ground. According to a study published in 2009 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the right antioxidants absorb harmful effects free radicals during the flight by 73%.

The main helpers, according to scientists, are polyphenols. Regveratrol relieves the liver and kidneys, quercetin increases the formation of white blood cells, and catechin has antiviral effect. They need to be taken a week before travel, preferably in their natural form: eat 200 g of red grapes or cranberries, one large onion per day and drink 1-2 cups of good green tea. If you prefer synthetic supplements, make sure they contain 1.3-2 mg of resveratrol, 2-3 mg of quercetin and 10 mg of catechin.

Directly for travel, you need to include other antioxidants - vitamins C and E. betacarotene, betacryptoxanthin, lutein and zeaxanthin. According to the same study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, it is this combination useful substances Works best during a flight. It sounds scary, but in practice it is easy to do. On the day of your flight, eat a large bowl vitamin salad from oranges, carrots, spinach and sunflower seeds, filling it with good olive oil with paprika. This set will fully satisfy your daily requirement for the above-mentioned antioxidants.

Of course, you can’t take salad on board the plane, but an extra “ ambulance» of antioxidants would not hurt. Scientists recommend focusing on EGCG catechin, which powerfully activates the body's defenses and fights harmful external influences. There is no need to buy rare, expensive supplements: just take a bag of matcha green tea with you. And from the traditional “flight” tomato juice It’s better to refuse - alas, there are no antioxidants in it at all.

After experimenting with the green diet, returning to regular diet, Rachelle Hibberd admitted: she used to abuse fried foods, fast food and alcohol, and now she can’t live without fresh fruits and vegetables. This means that she will be guaranteed to receive her antioxidant norm - you can do without checking with a bioscanner.

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When studying the mechanisms of aging, scientists became interested in antioxidants - what they are and what their role is in preventing the destruction of body cells. It was found that thanks to its protective properties Antioxidants can rejuvenate the body and prevent the development of many diseases.

What are antioxidants?

Substances of natural or synthetic origin that can protect tissues from free radicals are antioxidants. In order to understand the role of antioxidants and what they are, you need to study the effect of damaging factors. Free radicals enter the human body:

  1. Under the influence of radiation.
  2. When smoking.
  3. When air and water are polluted.
  4. Under the influence of ultraviolet light.

When these conditions are present, the body begins to attack molecules that lack one electron (or several). To gain stability, they take this electron from healthy tissues. Under the influence of radicals, damage processes called oxidative stress begin. Antioxidants are able to donate their electrons to damaged tissues without losing stability.

What are antioxidants for?

The processes of organ destruction under the influence of free radicals have been proven for diseases such as:

  1. Oncological diseases.
  2. Alzheimer's disease.
  3. Parkinsonism.
  4. Arthritis and osteochondrosis.
  5. Varicose veins.
  6. Violation immune defense body.
  7. Allergic diseases.
  8. Arterial hypertension.
  9. Atherosclerosis, ischemic disease hearts.
  10. Cataract.

Experiments have been conducted to prove why antioxidants are needed. They are necessary for the restoration of the body and help in the treatment and prevention of many diseases of civilization. The use of antioxidant therapy for rejuvenating tissues, organs, and even preventing DNA damage in case of risk of developing hereditary diseases has shown its effectiveness.

Antioxidant properties

When studying biochemical reactions associated with the effects of free radicals, a connection was established between the aging of the body and changes in tissues due to atherosclerosis and cancer. These pathologies were classified as diseases of old age. Deposition of cholesterol in the walls of blood vessels, cell mutations in cancer and decreased sensitivity to insulin in diabetes have been associated with weakening in old age antioxidant protection. The mechanism of action of antioxidants in such cases is manifested in the restoration metabolic processes and protecting the body from damage.

Antioxidants in products

Anthocyanins and flavonoids have the strongest antioxidant properties of natural origin. Moreover, the plants that contain them have an optimal composition for the body, allowing them to be completely absorbed, unlike synthetic substances. The following antioxidant products are highly active:

  • prunes;
  • raisin;
  • blueberry;
  • citrus;
  • grenades;
  • vegetables, fruits and berries: blue, black, red and orange;
  • nuts and seeds;
  • natural tea and coffee;
  • beans;
  • green.

At the same time, the activity of antioxidants in products may decrease during long-term storage, when boiling, baking and stewing for more than 15 minutes. Less destructive in in this case steam treatment. Therefore, they bring the greatest benefit raw vegetables and fruits, especially immediately after being picked. The more pronounced the color of the fruit, the greater the composition of antioxidants.

Antioxidants in spices

Greatest antioxidant protection from natural products spices exhibit, although their proportion in food recipes is small, the degree of ability to inhibit free radicals is hundreds of times greater than that of most plants. Many antioxidants are included in the following spices:

  • carnation;
  • saffron;
  • nutmeg;
  • cinnamon;
  • turmeric;
  • ginger;
  • oregano.

It imparts beneficial properties to such a spice as rosemary; the antioxidant in its composition is carnosolic acid. Rosemary preparations tone up, improve memory, vision, cerebral circulation. Rosmarinic acid and camphor strengthen the body after infections and injuries. The ability to resist free radicals is used in recovery period myocardial infarction.

Best Antioxidant Drinks

In order to protect the body from the effects of damaging factors, preserve youth and beauty, it is recommended to drink drinks daily that contain antioxidants. maximum quantity. Cocoa is the leader in this indicator; it contains twice as much of these substances as red wine and green tea. It is recommended to drink it every morning without sugar, hot with low-fat milk. In second place is natural bean coffee. Among tea leaves, green tea has the most antioxidants.

Wine, but only dry and natural, in a dose of one glass a day, prevents the formation of blood clots, improves the functioning of the pancreas, prevents obesity and aging, and has an anti-stress effect. In addition, it is useful to consume freshly squeezed juices from plants rich in antioxidants:

  • chokeberry;
  • grapefruit;
  • pomegranate;
  • mandarin;
  • apples;
  • orange.

Antioxidant herbs

Many medicinal plants, due to the presence of bioflavonoids, vitamins, organic acids and microelements, they act as powerful antioxidants. These properties are best studied in the following plants:

  • ginkgo biloba;
  • oregano;
  • thyme;
  • fireweed (willowherb);
  • yarrow;
  • chamomile;
  • clover;
  • golden root;
  • thistle;
  • marsh calamus;
  • clary sage.

Traditional medicine knows that antioxidants are effective remedy to restore the body, so they need to be taken for health and longevity. This is especially true in old age, when the use medicines gives a set side effects, and plant antioxidants act gently and gradually, normalizing metabolic processes.

Vitamins antioxidants

The best antioxidants among vitamin preparations– tocopherol (vitamin E), retinol (vitamin A) and vitamin C, or ascorbic acid. They are included in various products and medicinal herbs, but due to bad environment sometimes there are not enough of them to provide therapeutic effect Therefore, it is recommended to take vitamin complexes as an addition to the daily diet.

Vitamin E protects cell membranes from destruction, prevents skin aging, protects against cataracts and stimulates the immune system.

Vitamin A protects against radiation, restores skin and mucous membranes, strengthens the immune system, lowers cholesterol levels, and improves vision.

Vitamin C protects the brain, reduces vascular fragility and stimulates the production of interferon to protect against infections.

Antioxidants for weight loss

To improve fat metabolism and enhancing the effect of diets, antioxidants are used and weight loss occurs faster, while health improves:

Flavonoids promote fat burning and saturate the body with oxygen. They are found in tea, citrus fruits, the peels of apples, plums, and peaches.

Indole normalizes hormonal levels and fat metabolism; there is a lot of it in cabbage, most of all in broccoli.

Choline protects the liver from fat accumulation, reduces cholesterol; It is found in cottage cheese, liver and lentils.

Antioxidants in sports

Antioxidants in sports nutrition used in combination with vitamins, microelements in various complexes to increase endurance and improve athletic performance. After intense training in muscle tissue free radicals accumulate, contributing to the development of oxidative stress, and the use of antioxidants allows the body to recover faster, protects muscles and helps increase muscle mass.

Antioxidants - facts and myths

Since the idea of ​​stopping the aging process and curing serious illnesses has become very attractive, manufacturers of biological products have taken advantage of this active additives, convincing the consumer that antioxidants are a remedy that can be called a kind of panacea. In fact, these drugs can actually prevent damage in the body, but even the most best antioxidants they won't be able to turn biological clock back. And for the prevention of diseases and aging of the body, in addition to dietary supplements, it is necessary healthy eating And active image life.

The harm of antioxidants

Scientific studies of the effect of antioxidants on the human body periodically refute the initial hypothesis about their benefits. This is confirmed by statistical data on mortality in groups taking these drugs. Different approaches to assessing the impact on humans prove that antioxidants and health are not always interdependent parameters. And for a final conclusion, clinical studies need to be continued.

  • Antioxidants: what are they?
  • Why do humans need antioxidants?
  • Types of Antioxidants
  • Review of SkinCeuticals products

Antioxidants: what are they?

Antioxidants are substances that neutralize the attacks of free radicals - unstable molecules that enter the body from the outside, primarily from polluted air. Harmful free radicals are also formed in the body itself - if, for example, you eat poorly or get involved in sunbathing.

It is the unpaired electron that makes free radicals too active. They “cling” to other molecules, adding the missing one and thereby triggering oxidative reactions in the cells.

Of course, the body has its own antioxidant defense system. But over time, it weakens, the cells are damaged, and abnormalities accumulate in them. Then antioxidants in food, vitamins, dietary supplements and cosmetics come to the rescue.

Why do humans need antioxidants?

The role of antioxidants in our lives cannot be overestimated. They help limit the aggression of free radicals and repair the damage they cause. According to some reports, their effectiveness is 99%.

That's what antioxidants do.

  • They resist free radicals, interrupting the destructive oxidation process.
  • Strengthens the body's own antioxidant system.
  • They prevent the decomposition of products by microbes and bacteria, so they can be used as preservatives.
  • Mitigate the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.
  • Helps restore metabolism.

Types of Antioxidants

Antioxidants can be of natural origin and enter the body from food (primarily vegetables and fruits), as well as from plant extracts.

They can also be obtained by chemical synthesis. This is for example:

  • most vitamins;
  • some enzymes (superoxide dismutase).

Chemical origin is not a disadvantage. On the contrary, this allows you to create the most active form of the substance and achieve maximum concentration.

The most active fighters against free radicals are:

  • vitamins A, C and E, some researchers also include B vitamins;
  • unsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and -6;
  • superoxide dismutase;
  • resveratrol;
  • coenzyme Q10;
  • extracts of green tea, pine bark, ginkgo biloba;
  • whey.

What products contain them?

A diet rich in antioxidants is what you need to prolong youth and beauty. Let's figure out what products contain them.

Antioxidants in nutrition



Vitamin C

citrus fruits, rose hips, red sweet pepper (paprika), spinach, fresh tea leaves

Vitamin A

butter, fish oil, milk, egg yolk, fish and animal liver, caviar

Provitamin A (beta-carotene)

spinach, carrots, beets, pumpkin, apricots, peaches, red peppers, tomatoes

Vitamin E (tocopherol)

cereal seeds, vegetable oils (soybean, corn, cottonseed), egg yolk, vegetables, legumes, wheat germ oil

Vitamin B 2 (riboflavin)

milk, meat, egg yolk, legumes, yeast

Vitamin B 5 (pantothenic acid)

liver, peanuts, champignons, lentils, chicken eggs, peas, onions, cabbage, oatmeal

Vitamin B 6

salmon, sardines, sunflower seeds, sweet capsicum, bran bread, wheat germ


fish (salmon, tuna, sardines, halibut, pink salmon), fish oil, seafood


vegetable oils, nuts,sesame, pumpkin seeds

Coenzyme Q10

beef, herring, chicken, sesame seeds, peanuts, broccoli


black grape skins, red wine

Review of SkinCeuticals products

Antioxidants are found in almost all anti-aging skin products. But their presence alone is not enough. According to SkinCeuticals brand consultant Elena Lykova, their effect can be taken into account under such conditions.

  1. 1

    They form an active and stable working formula.

  2. 2

    Present in the product in the required concentration.

  3. 3

    Penetrates quite deeply into the skin.

  4. 4

    They work in it for the required time.

Highly effective antioxidant serum for dry and normal skin CE Ferulic

A complex of pure L-ascorbic acid, alpha-tocopherol and ferulic acid neutralizes free radicals. The result is increased skin elasticity by stimulating collagen synthesis, reduction of wrinkles, and lightening of age spots. In addition, the skin recovers faster after laser procedures. Apply 4-5 drops of the product in the morning to cleansed skin.

Serum in gel Phloretin CF Gel

This product has maximum penetration depth and is suitable for women and men. L-ascorbic (10%) and ferulic acids, phloretin fight the signs of aging - wrinkles, age spots. Attention men: try applying to skin after shaving. Requires 2-3 drops.

Night antioxidant care Resveratrol BE

Helps the body's own antioxidant system work as in youth. Antioxidants resveratrol, baicalin and alpha-tocopherol successfully fight free radicals, strengthening internal protection. The product is suitable for men's skin.

Highly effective antioxidant serum for all skin types Serum 10

The formula of pure L-ascorbic and ferulic acids neutralizes free radicals and protects against ultraviolet radiation. As a result, collagen production increases, fine and deep wrinkles smooth out, and paleness appears. age spots. Helps restore skin after cosmetic procedures.

Reduces the signs of aging of the delicate skin around the eyes: swelling, dark circles, « crow's feet" Gives the skin a natural glow, fresh look. The depth of penetration is facilitated by the unusual texture - serum in gel. Contains L-ascorbic and ferulic acids, phloretin.

Unique substances necessary for human body– antioxidants. They have the ability to resist oxidant molecules, neutralizing their negative effects. Substances contained in special drugs or food.

What are antioxidants for?

Beneficial substances - antioxidants - contribute to accelerated recovery cells destroyed as a result negative impact free radicals. Few people know why antioxidants are needed, but they only have a positive effect on the human body:

  • This is a unique natural and completely natural antioxidant that helps restore tissues and cells damaged by free radicals.
  • The process of photoaging slows down, cells are reliably protected from damage ultraviolet rays.
  • Main positive attribute– the inflammatory reaction that appears during prolonged exposure to the sun is minimized.
  • The activity of aging processes decreases.
  • The free radical is neutralized, oxidation in polyunsaturated cell membranes is stopped fatty acids.
  • One more thing useful property– the risk of developing cancer is minimized.

Impact of free radicals on the body

Free radicals are molecules that have the ability to gain another electron. The molecule has one unpaired electron, so it easily enters into chemical reactions that fill existing voids. As a result of attachment, the molecule becomes completely safe. Chemical reactions, provoked by free radicals, have a certain effect on the human body.

If the amount of these molecules is within normal limits, the immune system can control them. A substance such as an antioxidant will help prevent oxidation in the body. Free radicals control the following functions:

  • activation of certain enzymes;
  • the process of destruction of bacteria and viruses;
  • hormone production;
  • energy production.

As the number of free radicals increases, these molecules become more actively produced, which causes serious harm to the body. A change in the structure of proteins begins, a method for encoding genetic information and transmitting it from cell to cell. The human immune system perceives pathologically altered proteins as foreign material and begins to destroy them. Under heavy load, immunity decreases and may develop serious illness(renal, heart failure), oncology.

What are antioxidants

Molecules that have a negatively charged electron are antioxidant substances. They have great benefits, because they help prevent the development of cancer and cardiovascular diseases, help remove toxins from the body, and speed up the healing process. Oxidants and antioxidants must be present in the human body, because they ensure its functioning.

Almost every product includes a unique antioxidant. Doctors advise eating fresh fruits and vegetables. Any natural antioxidant neutralizes the harmful effects of the environment on the body (smoky streets, ultraviolet radiation, frequent stress), bad habits(smoking, alcohol abuse). They are used to slow down the aging process of the body.

Antioxidant activity

Medicine has not fully studied the effect these substances have on the human body. Experimental data remain contradictory. Some studies show that antioxidant drugs have no effect on the development of lung cancer in smokers, but vitamin C in combination with A helps prevent precancerous polyps in the stomach.

The activity of the substances helps prevent the onset of colon and prostate cancer. A person can maintain the required level of antioxidants and improve their own health through food. The second option is to use a special vitamin complex. It is imperative to seek help from a doctor who will prescribe medications that will contain the required amount of the beneficial substance.

The benefits and harms of antioxidants

Any strong antioxidant is beneficial for the body. However, not all substances have a positive effect. It is important to know the benefits and harms of antioxidants, and what foods contain them. Food should be varied. The main thing is to observe moderation and adjust the menu. Not only women should do this, expectant mother, but also a man.

If you constantly consume a product that contains a large amount of antioxidants, there is a risk of provoking their negative effects, even leading to the development of cancer. There are also substances that are not able to neutralize free radicals: they will not work correctly, helping to accelerate the oxidation process. This happens if you use one often herbal product, where contained in large quantities vitamin A and C.

Your doctor may prohibit you from consuming foods that contain vitamin E, otherwise you may cause serious harm to your heart. The diet should be balanced, and the food should be completely natural, because then the positive properties of these substances will be exerted on the body. The benefits are clear:

  • aging is prevented;
  • beneficial substances help preserve beauty and youth for a long time.

Where are the most antioxidants?

It is useful to know where antioxidants are found and in what quantity, because they are useful when their quantity does not exceed permissible norm. The pharmacy provides a wide selection of drugs that contain the right vitamin. However, just one tablet will not help solve the existing problem. We must still try to lead healthy image life and get rid of existing bad habits.

Antioxidants - drugs in pharmacies

If the body lacks nutrients, one proper nutrition not enough. In such cases, the doctor may prescribe an antioxidant drug, but you cannot select them yourself. List of the most useful means contains:

  1. Lipin is an antioxidant, lyophilized powder that supports the immune system.
  2. Coenzyme – enhances the body’s defenses. Free radicals are removed and blood circulation is activated.
  3. Glutargin is a strong antioxidant drug used for liver diseases and to eliminate the effects of alcohol intoxication.

Vitamins antioxidants

Vitamins with antioxidants, which contain a complex of minerals and nutrients, may be prescribed. A strong antioxidant effect is exerted by:

  1. Vitrum is an antioxidant – protects the body from the destructive effects of free radicals.
  2. Vitrum-forte – slows down premature aging and wear of organs and systems.

Antioxidant products

Food is of paramount importance for the human body. Natural antioxidants are contained in the right quantities in foods such as:

  • coffee;
  • beans;
  • apples;
  • carrot;
  • black wild currant;
  • strawberries;
  • prunes;
  • cranberry;
  • raspberry;
  • boiled artichoke;
  • blackberry;
  • spinach;
  • rose hip;
  • potato;
  • sweet pepper;
  • apricot;
  • seafood;
  • milk;
  • cabbage.

Antioxidants in cosmetics

Cosmetology cannot do without this valuable substance, which simultaneously performs several functions. Any antioxidant stops skin degradation, restores the content of nutrients, and protects cells. Antioxidants in cosmetology play the role of stabilizers. When making a cosmetic product, vitamin E, C, A and others are added. Cosmetics and creams must contain substances in the required proportions. Thus, C is very unstable; when administered, 5% does not produce an effect, and from 5 to 15% of the vitamin is contained only in serum.

Antioxidants - what are they in medicine?

The use of antioxidants in medicine continues to cause a lot of controversy and controversy. These substances in the body must be contained within normal limits, then they can:

  1. prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases and oncology;
  2. eliminate problems associated with kidney function;
  3. improve overall well-being.

Antioxidants for oncology

The prescription of antioxidants for oncology is used by many doctors. After confirming the diagnosis and determining the severity of the disease, medications containing the desired substance will be selected. Nutrition correction is carried out, because the diet should contain foods rich in antioxidants. In each case, therapy is carried out strictly on an individual basis.

Video: what are antioxidants