Anti-stress products. Anti-stress diet: nutrition during periods of high stress

You can find a lot of advice on nutrition during times of stress on the Internet. With the help of a certain diet, it is proposed to replenish vitamins and microelements, which, under strong emotional stress, are consumed with a vengeance. But, unfortunately, the “special” menu in this situation is not always effective. Why?

Special Tactics

First of all, because food alone cannot compensate for major micronutrient deficiencies. And if you can, you will have to eat a huge amount of “anti-stress” foods. And this is already overeating. For example, under severe stress huge quantities B vitamins are consumed (their main source is cereals). Can you imagine how much whole grain bread or cereal you need to eat to make up for their deficiency? This is certainly fraught.

The lack of vitamins and microelements during periods of strong emotions can only be compensated with the help of pharmaceutical drugs, in which the dosage of micronutrients is increased. What medications are needed first? B vitamins, vitamin D and C and magnesium. You can take single drugs or complexes.
When the “peak” of stress has passed, you can already increase your resistance to stress by including foods containing anti-stress substances in your diet. First of all, these are B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids(fish) - they will help prevent depression. Magnesium is needed for removal muscle tension. And antioxidants (vegetables, fruits, greens) - to combat the damage that cortisol (stress hormone) causes to brain cells.

Appetite is under control

It is important to control the feeling of hunger during times of stress. Based on their reaction to stress, people are divided into two categories. The first has a hypophagic reaction. Because of their worries, such people cannot eat at all (but eat later when they calm down a little). But people belonging to the second category (hyperphagic reaction) sweep away everything they find! This is due to the fact that under stress, a lot of cortisol is released, which increases insulin synthesis. If stress is prolonged, cells lose sensitivity to insulin and insulin resistance develops. All this leads to severe hunger and overeating. Try to eat only when you are hungry. Don't forget about daily pleasures for yourself that don't involve food. It can be creativity, handicrafts - anything! The main thing is to devote at least 15–20 minutes a day to them.

What's on the menu?

  • Breakfast: whole grain toast with salmon, green salad and egg. Half a cup of berries or any fruit.
  • Lunch: salad of cabbage, apples, carrots and walnuts with vegetable oil dressing.
  • Dinner: mushroom soup, vegetable stew with chicken.
  • Afternoon snack: low-fat cottage cheese with sesame seeds and a little honey.
  • Dinner: vegetable salad with tuna, apple.

The ancient Chinese sages warned: “Avoid excessive joy and excessive anger.” Later, when the concept of “stress” was introduced, the wisdom of this advice was scientifically confirmed.

The body copes with mild episodic stress on its own, defeating it or adapting to it. This kind of stress is even useful, as it trains protective forces body. But the body suffers greatly from severe episodic or prolonged chronic stress, depleting its defenses.

The psychotherapist will relieve the psychological and emotional stress, will prescribe a course sedatives, will advise the necessary physical exercise, but all these activities will have little positive effect if a person does not change the nature of his diet.

There are products that help make the human nervous system more resistant to stressors. And there are those that will provoke nervous excitability, even aggression.

Anti-stress foods: bananas, plums, kiwi, tomatoes, walnuts due to the content of a special hormone - serotonin. When the hormone is low, a person becomes depressed. Serotonin from food will not relieve depression - it will be destroyed long before it reaches the brain. But there is a substance from which serotonin is formed in brain cells. This essential amino acid tryptophan. But there is not enough of it in food proteins.

To facilitate tryptophan's access to the brain, it needs folic acid and carbohydrates. Folic acid belongs to the B group of vitamins. It is contained in dark green salads, vegetables, and various greens (it is advisable to eat as many of them as possible and in fresh). Folic acid promotes the absorption of tryptophan from meat foods, which confirms the combination meat dishes with herbs and vegetables.

Tryptophan's access to the brain is facilitated by the hormone insulin, produced by the pancreas when we consume carbohydrates. Their sources are bread, pasta, rice, sweet berries and fruits, honey.

Tryptophan produces two hormones in the brain, similar in structure but opposite in action. In the morning, certain areas of the brain are tuned to produce serotonin, the hormone of joy. In the evening, tryptophan produces melatonin, the sleep hormone. Equally needed and smooth good mood And sound sleep. Therefore, a classic European breakfast consisting of scrambled eggs with bacon and a slice of wholemeal bread is rational. And in order to have a sound sleep, it is advisable to drink a glass of milk or kefir with honey or sprouted wheat bread at night.

Chocolate lovers know that after eating it, a feeling of joy appears. The feeling of pleasure from chocolate is associated with the substance anadamide, so a cup of cocoa in the morning or a few shares of dark chocolate will help normalize the nervous system and calm stress.

Even more important are products that will make our nervous system generally insensitive to psychological stress. Relaxation can help reduce stress deep breathing and meditation.

All our organs and cells work according to the principle: excitation, tension - inhibition, relaxation. Calcium ions are responsible for excitation, and magnesium ions are responsible for inhibition.

Rich sources of magnesium include all seeds, all nuts, all legumes, cocoa powder, dark chocolate, all grains, bread whole grain or from sprouted wheat. To the important food sources Magnesium includes green vegetables and herbs because it is a component of plant chlorophyll. Good source magnesium - seaweed, squid, fish. There is less magnesium in meat, liver, eggs, milk.

Try to have whole grain bread in your daily diet, eat a handful of any seeds or nuts, two teaspoons of flax and sesame seeds, a teaspoon of seaweed. Prepare legume dishes twice a week, do not forget about buckwheat and oatmeal porridge and tea and coffee. Alternate them.

Still, whatever one may say, diet was and remains the basis for weight loss. No matter how hard you do physical training, if your body receives systematic poor nutrition, That extra pounds will not be able to leave your body.

It is for this reason that you should be prepared for the fact that weight loss must certainly begin with the right choice diet. It should also be noted that, as a rule, during times of stress a person begins to eat much more than usual, which naturally leads to disastrous consequences. Naturally, these stressful situations cannot be eradicated from our existence, which means that we should definitely remember that in such moments we should use special food, which brings joy back to life and does not harm your figure.

It is not difficult to find information about how to lose weight on the website today. A very significant number of resources have appeared that provide us with the opportunity to find a lot of information on choosing the right and rational diet, as well as physical activity.

Question: how to get rid of belly fat is already very difficult, and if you are still stressed, then all your efforts will be thrown into the abyss. This is very sad, but the “anti-stress” diet can certainly become your ideal assistant in stabilizing psychological state and formation of weight loss.

This diet is based on a balanced diet. It does not have any special restrictions, however, it does not accept strong excesses. It is for this reason that it is the best option proper nutrition not only in stressful situations, but also when you have a desire to reduce your weight. By following this diet, you can actually get vitamins and balanced diet, which also lifts your spirits.

So, what foods are considered anti-stress? Grapefruit, apples, bell pepper and avocados are ideal foods to lift your mood. Among other things, your diet should definitely include nuts, zucchini, fish products, celery, and mushrooms. The menu should be compiled in such a way that all the listed products are on it daily.

Please note that at the moment you can certainly find a very significant number of recipes that are based specifically on the use of these products. Thus, you will certainly be able to give yourself a sea of ​​​​great opportunities for a rational and balanced diet, which will also have excellent taste.

Remember that your daily diet should also include bananas, fresh greens, eggs, dairy products and nuts. Fermented milk products can also be consumed without special restrictions. Please note that sardine, mackerel, trout and shrimp are considered unique anti-stress products. Seafood will actually allow you to quickly restore your psychological balance.

Naturally, during the anti-stress diet, you should completely give up sweets and starchy foods. Please remember that these products may become the basis new problem– obesity. If you want something sweet, treat yourself to a milkshake with natural fruits and fruit salads. Believe me, very soon you will forget about flour, buns and other unhealthy sweets.

We can say with considerable confidence that proper and balanced nutrition is the ideal way to create a beautiful, slim and sexy figure.

Anti-stress products– products that reduce stress, increase emotional well-being, relieve chronic fatigue and energize.


It is no exaggeration to say that these days almost every resident of a metropolis needs anti-stress food. The frantic pace of life, overwhelming tasks, constant lack of time, sedentary lifestyle - all this deprives us of strength and joy. The result is a vicious circle. On the one hand, we do not eat properly and balanced enough to prevent stress, development chronic fatigue. On the other hand, we try to eat away this very stress with the help of unhealthy food. It is not surprising that this attitude towards nutrition has led to the fact that obesity affects everyone. more people, and people have been unsuccessfully struggling with excess weight for years.

However, among those who still fight, there are also many victims. The fact is that a strict diet is also not an option. It takes away the joy of life and can develop into nervous breakdown. The concept of “dietary depression” appeared in psychiatry. As you might guess, the victims are mostly women. However, the diagnosis is not so rare among men. The brain of a person who is obsessed with losing weight and dieting is not getting enough nutrients and, as a result, sends signals of tension and anxiety. A person develops apathy, the joy of life disappears, dissatisfaction with himself and loved ones arises, which leads to a deterioration in family relationships. As they say, bulimia and anorexia are somewhere nearby. If you think that a mono-diet is an excellent option for getting rid of excess weight, and it does no harm, then you are deeply mistaken. Even a diet like this useful product, like kefir, causes metabolic disorders, accumulation, ketone bodies, depleting the brain and undermining heart health.

We'll announce the list

A way out for both the physical and the mental health one is to start eating right. This will allow you to effectively resist stress, improve your mood, be more energetic, and therefore successful. What products will help us with this?.. So, anti-stress products include the following:

  • tomato, sweet and regular potatoes, rutabaga, Brussels sprouts, pumpkin, zucchini, zucchini, asparagus, radishes, squash, peppers (sweet, chili), turnips, beets, spirulina, onions, celery, mustard greens, parsley;
  • apple, pear, plum, cherry, pineapple, apricot, watermelon, grapefruit, orange, tangerine, banana, strawberry, raspberry, mango, peach, papaya, guava, fig, grapes;
  • dried apricots, dried dates;
  • mushrooms (tubular, chanterelles and others);
  • fish, seafood, seaweed;
  • sprouted wheat, oats, whole wheat flour, buckwheat;
  • pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, yellow mustard seeds;
  • almonds, pecans, other nuts;
  • whey, butter;
  • chocolate (all types except white, bitter is the most effective).

How does this work

It is not for nothing that the British, who practically all year round suffer from lack of sun, eat oatmeal for breakfast. The fact is that rolled oats contain endorphins - “hormones of happiness”, which allow you to enjoy life even in such climatic conditions. By the way, endorphins also contain endorphins such as chocolate. It’s unlikely that anyone will doubt the latter’s ability to improve mood.

The rich composition of honey makes it not only a remedy for many diseases, but also a mental stimulant and an anti-aging agent.

IN lately It has become fashionable to produce products containing selenium - for example, to enrich chicken eggs. And not in vain. The action of selenium is akin to an antioxidant. It promotes the production of a special enzyme that stimulates the breakdown and removal of oxidation products from the body. For the same reason, selenium is effective in preventing depression. Natural sources Selenium is zucchini, asparagus, celery, squash, as well as mushrooms (it is important to cook them without adding vinegar), oats, sprouted wheat, walnuts, cashews.

A fruit and vegetable diet, in general, is very effective in getting rid of sadness and melancholy. It’s not for nothing that the Mediterranean diet, which involves daily use vegetables and fruits, claims to be the most effective system nutrition to get rid of depression. Bananas, grapefruits, green apples, and avocados hold the lead in their ability to improve mood. Vegetables such as tomatoes and sweet red peppers can help relieve stress. Thanks to the composition regular use These products reduce nervous tension. Peaches and apricots are known for their ability to relieve irritation. And radishes, sorrel and spinach will help get rid of fatigue and tension.

Fatty (and therefore containing high level Omega-3 acids) fish also helps drive away apathy. The fact is that these acids actively participate in lipid and hormonal metabolism and help maintain emotional stability at the biochemical level. We are talking about salmon, tuna, trout, sardines, mackerel, herring. Among seafood, shellfish are the most valuable for the psyche.

Be healthy and cheerful!


  • How to strengthen your nerves
  • Food against stress social network for losing weight
  • Ice cream against stress and insomnia, news portal

Not only your health, but also your mood directly depends on what you eat. Below is a list of anti-stress products that contain substances that help the body produce the “happiness hormone”!

1. Fish

Fatty fish (herring, sardines, mackerel, salmon, cod, salmon) are very rich in omega-3 fatty acids, thanks to which fish has become a remedy for bad mood. Besides this, fatty fish contains a large amount of vitamin B6, which improves mood and strengthens immune system. It is advisable to eat fish at least three to four times a week, at least 100-150 g. And if daily, then 50-70 g. Try not to fry it in large quantities of flour and butter, but to simmer, salt, and bake.

2. Vegetables and fruits in bright colors

Vegetables with bright colors (beets, eggplants, carrots, sweet peppers, persimmons, tangerines, oranges and other colorful vegetables) will also help lift your mood. Bright colors themselves are capable of driving away melancholy and energizing based on a psychological effect.

But in the case of vegetables and fruits, this is not only the case. Fruits and vegetables of rich colors contain special substances that improve blood circulation in the brain. As a result, the brain receives more oxygen, and you begin to feel noticeably better, and informs us about this in a good mood.

3. Chicken broth

Chicken broth has a calming effect on us, it excellent remedy from grief. Once in the body, chicken meat is processed into serotonin - the same “happiness hormone” that affects our mood.

Also, don’t forget that chicken broth is an excellent remedy for colds and flu. To extract from it maximum benefit, you should add onion, celery and parsley to the broth, but it is better to exclude salt.

4. Sea kale

Sea kale is very rich in B vitamins, which promotes the production of adrenaline, the lack of which can cause chronic fatigue, resulting in worsening mood.

It is better to buy seaweed that is not canned. And then season it yourself with spices and other ingredients (carrots, mushrooms, sesame seeds, etc.). For the lazy ones, there are plenty of recipes on how you can prepare seaweed yourself at home.

5. Bananas

Bananas, in addition to serotonin, contain vitamin B6, which, as we already know, is necessary to lift your mood. In addition, bananas are enriched with the alkaloid harman, which can cause a feeling of euphoria, that is, this is another stimulus for the production of serotonin. These fruits are also useful for chronic fatigue and blues. And remember about the positive color yellow!

This mood-enhancing fruit is also very convenient and healthy to use as a snack at work or on the road - because it does not need to be washed or cooked, and it can be stored for quite a long time without refrigeration.

6. Nuts

All nuts, like fatty fish, are a source of omega-3 fatty acids, which can ensure the proper functioning of brain cells and help eliminate symptoms of depression. Nuts are also rich important mineral- selenium, also necessary for a good mood.

You can eat up to 30 g of this anti-stress product per day. But don't forget that nuts are very high in calories, and a handful of nuts can contain all your energy. daily norm calories, so you need to eat them quite carefully, with an eye on your diet, so as not to ruin your mood even more.

7. Chocolate

The fact that chocolate helps lift your mood is not an invention of those with a sweet tooth. Cocoa beans, from which chocolate is obtained, contain a substance that promotes the production of happiness hormones in the body - endorphins. They are the ones in increased quantity are developed by lovers. And people in love, as a rule, are happy, like children. Cocoa beans also contain magnesium, which helps reduce stress.

But it is worth knowing that only dark chocolate has all of the above qualities.

8. Cheese

Cheese contains amino acids that help maintain a good mood: tyramine, trictamine and phenylethylamine. Cheese of any kind can lift your spirits.

Hard cheeses are an excellent caries prevention; use hard cheese even in small quantities has a beneficial effect on general condition body: it relieves stress and calms, has a positive effect on sleep, normalizes blood pressure. Mozzarella helps fight insomnia. Soft blue cheeses contribute proper operation gastrointestinal tract. And gouda, epuas and emmental are beneficial due to their high calcium content.

9. Eggs

The egg contains many nutrients and consists of a complete set of easily digestible proteins. It is a source of useful folic acid, biotin and choline. Eggs contain essential fatty acids and vitamins A, E, D, as well as tryptophan, carotenes and B vitamins, the deficiency of which can lead to depression. So even ordinary scrambled eggs can improve your mood.

10. Oatmeal and buckwheat

Like chicken, oatmeal and buckwheat contain the amino acid tryptophan. These products also contain carbohydrates, which, being slowly absorbed, normalize blood sugar levels, preventing them from going beyond normal limits.

Oatmeal promotes normalization nervous system, calms, balances her, oatmeal have a beneficial effect on the health of hair and nails, skin and metabolic processes in our body, give a feeling of fullness for the whole day, due to large quantity complex carbohydrates.

Remember that the key to health is a balanced diet that helps us look beautiful, feel great and be at our best! In addition to antidepressant products Bad mood and stress can be overcome with massage.