Fight acne - Baziron As for healthy skin. Gel Baziron AS: instructions for use for acne

Acne occurs in almost everyone at certain periods of life. Baziron AS, according to women's reviews, is prescribed by dermatologists to get rid of acne. The gel exfoliates dead particles of the upper layer of the epidermis, treats acne in 7-10 days, and makes the skin radiant. To get results, you need to know the rules for using the gel. Information about contraindications will help you avoid unpleasant consequences.

Baziron AS is a white gel substance. It is produced in different doses main constituent component. Benzoyl peroxide effectively eliminates rashes. The product is produced in the content of 2.5%, 5% and 10% of this substance, which is a subtype of hydrogen peroxide.

Baziron AS with any percentage of benzoyl peroxide content is packaged in 40 g tubes.


The drug contains the following ingredients:

  • water;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • glycerol;
  • propylene glycol;
  • methacrylic acid copolymer;
  • poloxamer 182;
  • carbomer 940;
  • disodium edetate;
  • sodium docusate;
  • silicon dioxide.

Pharmacological properties

Baziron AS (reviews from dermatologists confirm the material described below) prevents the proliferation of bacteria and staphylococcus, which affect the occurrence of acne. The tool creates unfavorable environment for the development of microorganisms. The rashes are caused by anaerobic pathogens that die in oxygen.

Baziron AS supplies the epidermis with oxygen molecules, thereby destroying harmful organisms.

By laboratory research it was found that after 7 days of using the gel, the number of bacteria decreases by 94%, after 28 days - by 99%. In addition, the gel improves blood circulation and controls the work sebaceous glands, moisturizes the skin.

Indications for use

Baziron AC is prescribed for rashes of varying severity. If there are only a few acne, you should give preference to a medicine containing 2.5% benzoyl peroxide. If acne covers the cheeks and forehead, you need to purchase Baziron AC 5%.

A product containing 10% of the main component is prescribed by dermatologists very rarely, in advanced cases and acne lesions on more than 70% of the face. It is prohibited to purchase and use a product with the highest concentration of benzoyl peroxide without consulting a dermatologist.

Many doctors agree that the first course of treatment should be carried out with Baziron AS with the lowest concentration of the main component, regardless of the number of acne. A dosage of 5% is recommended for use when secondary treatment. Therefore, it is important to visit a dermatologist for correct selection treatment regimens.

Contraindications for use

Baziron AC should not be used if you are allergic to any of the components of the drug. The product should not be used by children under 12 years of age.

Dosage and method of use for acne

Baziron AS (reviews from dermatologists can be read below) should be distributed over cleansed skin until completely absorbed after waking up in the morning and at night before bed. It is important to dry your skin with a soft paper towel before applying the product. If there are few rashes, the gel can be applied only in the morning or evening.

Baziron AC should be used for 3 months. The first results will appear after 7-10 days of regular use. Within a month, the skin will be completely cleared of acne, and after 3 months the therapeutic effect will last for a long time.

You should talk to your dermatologist about the possibility of repeating the course of therapy. If the rash disappears completely before 4 weeks, during the remaining course of therapy the drug should be applied not twice, but once a day.

For overdried, very sensitive skin The product must be used in a minimum amount. The gel can be used in for preventive purposes for oily, acne-prone skin only in the morning or evening for 3 months.

How to use Baziron AS during pregnancy

Baziron AS (reviews from dermatologists indicate a lack of laboratory studies of the safety of the drug for pregnant and lactating women) can be used by pregnant women only if the beneficial effect for the girl exceeds possible risk for the fetus.

Baziron AC has very low absorption through the skin, so it practically does not enter the bloodstream. Due to lack clinical trials Manufacturers do not write about the harmlessness of the gel in relation to pregnant women and nursing mothers.

The risk of Baziron AS affecting the fetus or infant is minimal.

Side effects

Adverse reactions Basirona AS are noted in changes in the epidermis. After drug withdrawal unpleasant symptoms disappear. Negative manifestations can be divided into several groups according to frequency of occurrence.

The most common reactions are:

Rarely found:

  • intolerance;
  • swelling of the face.

Special instructions

Before the first application of Baziron AC, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test. A drop of the product is rubbed into the wrist or inside of the elbow. Itching and others side effects talk about intolerance to one or more components of the product. In this case, the gel should be washed off with running water. People with allergies to any of the components are strictly prohibited from applying Baziron.

It is important to know that after the first application of the gel, there may be slight peeling of the skin, redness for 2-3 days and a slight burning sensation for a few minutes after application. It is important to monitor the severity of the symptoms described above.

With a normal reaction of the body, unpleasant symptoms disappear in 2-3 days and cause almost no discomfort. If you are allergic to the components of Baziron AS, the negative reaction manifests itself strongly, brings painful sensations.

Baziron AS (according to dermatologists) should not come into contact with the eyes, nasal mucosa and oral cavity. If the product gets on these areas, they should be washed with water.

Baziron AC is prohibited from being applied to open wounds and other damaged areas of the skin.

To minimize the possibility of negative consequences, after applying Baziron AC, you should not be under the sun. Therapy with Baziron AS is best carried out in winter time year. Ultraviolet rays may cause burning and irritation of the epidermis.

When Baziron AS interacts with dyed fabrics or hair, their color will change or discoloration will occur. Baziron AS does not affect brain function. The gel can be used before driving a car or before working with small details.


During treatment with the drug, you should stop using alcohol-containing products. Doctors prescribe such drugs to dry out acne and exfoliate the top layer of skin. Alcohol-containing drugs cannot be used simultaneously with Baziron AS.

Doctors often prescribe treatment with Baziron AC along with Differin. This medicine deeply cleanses the pores and causes peeling, which helps to quickly get rid of acne-affected layers of the epidermis.


Baziron AS (reviews from dermatologists and the rules for applying the product indicate that the medicine is allowed to be used exclusively on the skin) causes negative effects when applied more often than indicated in the rules for using the product. Applying Baziron AS in excessive amounts will not have any effect best result and will not speed up regeneration.

Too much frequent use remedies only increases the risk of negative manifestations. If itching or other negative effects occur, you should interrupt therapy with Baziron AS and visit a dermatologist who will prescribe special treatment.

Cheap analogues of Baziron AS cream

The minimum cost of Baziron AS in Russia fluctuates around 750 rubles. The price of the gel practically does not change regardless of the concentration of the main component. Cheap ointments with similar ingredients are produced in India, but they are not represented in Russia.

Benzoyl peroxide is part of the Ugresol spray. Its price is 140-170 rubles. The effect of using this drug appears after 8 weeks of use. It is not very convenient to apply, since the substance gets onto large areas of the skin.

Skinoren-gel has practically no side effects, only a slight burning sensation after application is acceptable. This drug is considered milder, but is not inferior in effectiveness to Baziron AS. Its price is 400-600 rubles.

Proderm - cheap Russian analogue Bazirona AS. It is effective only against a specific group of bacteria. To be effective, before using Proderm, you need to get tested to determine which bacteria are causing the rash. Its price is 120-140 rubles. Other analogues are produced in the USA by Persa and Neutrogena.

Terms and conditions of storage

Baziron AS is stored for 2 years. Before purchasing a medicine, it is important to familiarize yourself with the production date. Expired gel should not be used.

Baziron AC should be kept in a dark place away from children at a temperature of maximum 25 °C.

Price of the drug in Moscow, St. Petersburg, regions

Name Country of origin Pharmacy Price
Baziron AS gel for external use 2.5% France 862 rub. 785 rub.
Baziron AS gel for external use 5% Samson Pharma 828 rub.
ZdravZona 819 rub.

Product effectiveness

Often the occurrence of negative reactions is associated with improper use of the drug. The lack of positive dynamics in therapy may mean incorrect selection of the drug or concentration of the main component. Therefore, dermatologists advise using the drug only after prescribing the product on an individual basis.

Doctors note a decrease in the number and size of acne already after 7-10 days after the first contact of the drug with acne. The speed of onset of positive dynamics depends on the intensity of the disease. It is not recommended to stop applying the product earlier than 3 months after the first use to achieve a lasting effect.

At correct use Baziron AC helps get rid of acne

In addition to the positive results of therapy, Baziron AS sometimes causes negative reactions, so it is not suitable for everyone. Slight peeling of the epidermis and the appearance of red spots a few days after the start of treatment are common. In this case, the skin needs to be given time to adapt and stop using the gel for 1-2 days.

To avoid unpleasant situations, dermatologists do not recommend starting therapy with Baziron AS before important events.

Baziron AS is a medicinal product intended for the treatment problem skin and combating acne. The drug is produced by a French pharmaceutical company in the form of a gel of varying concentrations. There are many medications available to treat acne, but truly... effective means A little. One of them is Baziron AC for acne, but manufacturers warn that it is persistent positive result can only be achieved with long-term use medicine. Therefore, before starting treatment, you should be patient and not expect an immediate effect, since the course of treatment with Baziron takes three months.

The gel is produced in three varieties that contain different concentrations of the active substance. Dermatologists recommend starting treatment with 2.5% gel. This is especially true if you have dry, sensitive skin or have previously experienced allergic reactions to the use of medications. Let’s take a closer look at this drug and find out whether Baziron helps with acne and how to use the drug correctly.

Baziron AS is a disinfectant and antiseptic gel for external use. Designed to combat pimples and acne. The active ingredient of the drug is benzoyl peroxide. Thanks to it and its auxiliary components, the gel has an antimicrobial and keratolytic effect, effectively suppresses inflammatory process, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, normalizes metabolic processes in the skin, helps cleanse pores, and has a moisturizing effect.

Benzoyl peroxide acts as a powerful oxidizing agent and not only destroys pathogenic microorganisms, but also penetrates sebaceous plugs, dissolving them from the inside and eliminating the nutrient medium that promotes the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. Bacteria are not able to develop resistance to the active component of the drug, so it can be used long time without fear of loss of efficiency.

With acne and pimples, the infection develops in skin pores clogged with sebaceous plugs. As a result, comedones are formed, consisting of thick sebaceous secretions and dead epithelial cells. Regular use of the drug allows you to change the composition of the sebaceous secretion, its consistency becomes liquid, which allows the skin pores to cleanse and prevent the formation of plugs.

The basis of the drug is a complex of glycerol and acrylate, which allows you to control the production of sebum and eliminate its excess. As a result of these processes, glycerin is released, which has a softening and moisturizing effect on the skin.

When applied externally, the drug is practically not absorbed into the skin and does not accumulate in the body. Most of the active substance is transformed into benzoic acid, which has pronounced antimicrobial properties. Once in the bloodstream, this substance has no effect systemic action and is quickly excreted unchanged from the body in the urine. Benzoic acid is found in many gifts of nature, for example in cranberries or lingonberries, and cannot have any effect negative influence on the body.

The abbreviation AC in the name of the drug means that the gel contains methacrylic copolymer, which increases positive effect from the use of the medication, in particular enhances the effect active component, reduces sebum secretion and helps cleanse pores. This substance is tiny granules with high porosity, which allows them to absorb an amount of liquid 4 times their volume. Such granules effectively absorb excess sebaceous secretions and help regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Another positive effect of the acne remedy Baziron is the improvement of oxygen supply to the skin, which speeds up the healing process and promotes rapid recovery skin. When applied to the face and during absorption, the active substance is broken down to form an active form of oxygen, which has the most favorable effect on the course of metabolic processes in epidermal cells. This effect can be compared to the effect of hydrogen peroxide, only the gel affects the skin more strongly and purposefully.

Release forms

Baziron AS gel is produced in plastic tubes with a volume of 40 g and in three varieties, differing from each other in the concentration of the active component:

  1. Baziron AS (2.5%) – in 1 g of the drug - 25 mg of benzoyl peroxide
  2. Baziron AS (5%) – in 1 g of gel – 50 mg benzoyl peroxide
  3. Baziron AS (10%) – in 1 g of the drug – 100 mg of benzoyl peroxide

The instructions for use of the drug recommend starting treatment with a gel that has a minimum concentration of the active substance. In this case, you should monitor changes in the skin and, if any unfavorable symptoms appear, discuss the issue of further use of the medication with your doctor.

If allergic reactions to the drug do not occur and the number of acne does not decrease, you should use a gel with a higher concentration. In this case, you need to monitor the condition of your skin.

The doctor prescribes the gel with the highest concentration (10%) for extensive skin lesions and multiple rashes. In addition, when prescribing drugs, the specialist takes into account possible contraindications and skin type, since the use of high concentration gel for dry and sensitive skin can lead to the development of irritation. Therefore, choosing the optimal remedy It's better to trust a specialist.

Who is Baziron indicated for?

Baziron AC is used in the following cases:

  • To eliminate acne
  • To combat inflamed acne
  • To normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and reduce oily skin
  • To get rid of comedones (blackheads)

Baziron AS effectively suppresses the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and staphylococci, which are the main pathogens infectious process and the appearance of acne. Thanks to its keratolytic effect, the drug helps exfoliate the upper layer of the epidermis and quickly dry out acne, accelerating the healing process. Baziron dissolves comedones and reduces skin oiliness, which allows you to get rid of the nutrient medium that promotes the growth of bacteria. In addition, the use of the drug helps eliminate post-acne (marks on the skin left after acne).

Instructions for use of the drug Baziron for acne

Baziron AC gel should be applied to clean, dry skin, treating the affected areas twice a day. It is best to apply the treatment in the morning and evening, before going to bed. The gel is applied thin layer, rubbing soft in a circular motion. At the beginning of treatment, you should use a minimum amount of the drug, as the skin must get used to its action; if you immediately apply the gel generously, this can lead to irritation and dry skin. If there are few pimples or blackheads on the face, then it is better to apply the drug to the rashes pointwise.

After application, the gel should remain on the skin for 2 hours, after which it can be washed off warm water. Then dry the skin with soft paper towels. At the beginning of treatment, it is recommended to apply the gel once a day, in the evening, this will help the skin adapt to the action of the drug. If after three days of treatment there is no irritation or other discomfort, the drug can be applied before bed and left overnight. It is recommended to monitor the condition of the skin for a week and if there is no redness or peeling, you can apply the gel twice a day. The gel should not be used if the skin is damaged.

To prevent possible irritation and excessive dryness skin, after the remnants of the gel have been removed from the face, it is recommended to apply any natural oil(olive, peach, rose, almond) or a moisturizer that suits your skin type.

The visible result is not immediately noticeable, it is permanent healing effect occurs after 4 weeks of using the drug. A total duration The course of therapy is three months. At the same time, Baziron AS is prescribed as monotherapy for mild and medium degree severity, with extensive skin lesions and multiple inflamed acne The drug is recommended for use in combination with other medications, both locally and in the form of tablets for oral administration.

There are very few contraindications for using the cream. This suggests that the drug is completely safe, has low toxicity and does not have a negative systemic effect on the body.

Baziron should not be used in case of individual intolerance, during pregnancy and lactation and in childhood(up to 12 years old). In all other cases, you can use Baziron acne cream.

Side effects

Adverse reactions to the drug are manifested by skin irritation at the site of application, excessive dryness and peeling of the skin, and a burning sensation. In such cases, the dermatologist may advise reducing the frequency of application of the gel and applying it once a day, treating the rash in a targeted manner.

In rare cases, an allergic reaction may occur, which occurs in the form contact dermatitis, that is, redness and swelling appear on the surface of the skin, and blistering rashes form. During development allergic reaction You should stop using the drug and consult a doctor to change the medication.

In case of an overdose of the drug, when too much gel is applied to the skin, severe irritation may develop. In this case, the drug is discontinued and symptomatic therapy is carried out.

Baziron during pregnancy

It is not recommended to use Baziron gel during pregnancy and breastfeeding. This is due to the fact that active substance can penetrate the placental barrier to the fetus or through mother's milk to a newborn baby. To eliminate the risk negative impact for a child, the use of the gel during these periods should be abandoned.

If the medication accidentally gets on the mucous membranes (mouth, nose, eyes), they should be immediately and thoroughly rinsed with a sufficient amount of water.

During treatment with the drug, you should avoid exposure to direct sunlight, as exposure to ultraviolet radiation can lead to skin irritation.

The drug should not be applied to the face if there is damage to the skin. Baziron cannot be used simultaneously with gel. cosmetics with a drying, exfoliating or irritating effect. These products include lotions, alcohol-based tonics, perfumes or eau de toilette.

The gel should not be applied to thin and delicate skin around the eyes; after each treatment, hands should be washed with soap. Baziron AS does not interact with other drugs, so it can be used in combination with other drugs to treat acne. But a dermatologist should select a treatment regimen and dosage.


Among the structural analogues of Baziron containing the same active substance are the following drugs:

  • Proderm
  • Desquam
  • Eclaran

In addition, there are many analogues that have similar therapeutic effects. Let's list just a few of them:

  • Aknekutan
  • Biseptol
  • Delex Acne
  • Diana
  • Doksal
  • Zenerite
  • Klindovit
  • Curiosin
  • Rozamet
  • Skinoren
  • Eplan
  • Yarina plus

The attending physician should decide which drug to use in your case. If allergic reactions occur when using Baziron, the gel can always be replaced with one of the anti-acne drugs, which are presented in a wide range on pharmacy shelves.


How much does Baziron AC cost for acne? The medication can be purchased at the pharmacy chain at the following prices:

  • Baziron AS (2.5%) – from 600 rubles
  • Baziron AS (5%) – from 650 rubles
  • Baziron AS (10%) – from 700 rubles

In this article:

The drug Baziron As is one of the best and effective topical drugs to combat acne. This cream appeared on the cosmetology market relatively recently, but has already established itself as a product that ensures the purity and beauty of the skin. We will discuss how to use Baziron for acne, its pricing policy and reviews in this article.

General characteristics

Baziron As began to be produced by the pharmacological company Laboratoires GALDERMA, produced in France. The product is intended for the treatment and elimination of acne. Release form: gel (cream, ointment).

Gel composition

The drug Baziron As is available in a pharmacological gel texture. Many people prefer to call the drug an ointment or cream. Cream, ointment and gel Baziron As are the same thing pharmacological agent from acne.

The drug is available with different concentrations of the active substance - benzoyl peroxide. In most cases, these designations look like this:

  1. Baziron Ac 2.5% - cream containing the active substance, concentration 2.5% per 1 g of the total mass;
  2. Baziron Ac 5% - cream containing the active substance, concentration 5% per 1 g of the total weight;
  3. Baziron Ac 10% is a cream containing the active substance, a concentration of 10% per 1 g of total mass.

Different percentages of benzoyl peroxide are needed to apply to different degrees of acne severity. The more severe the degree, the greater the concentration of cream used for treatment. And also the degree of concentration of the active substance affects the cost than more concentration, the higher the price.

In addition to the active substance benzoyl peroxide, the composition includes auxiliary components that have exactly the same composition in all concentrations of Baziron. Excipients provide the cream with good absorbent properties and allow the main active ingredient to be evenly distributed throughout the preparation.

Baziron Ac includes such excipients as:

  • Glycerol;
  • Acrylate copolymer;
  • Propylene glycol;
  • Disodium edetate;
  • Carbomer 940;
  • Distilled water, etc.

Therapeutic effect of use

Baziron As cream was created to treat acne and such skin rashes like acne, comedones. Based on reviews from people who have tried the effects of this remedy, we can conclude that it fights all these problems quite effectively.

All this is due to the fact that the drug has a fairly wide range of effects, namely:

  • Anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Antimicrobial action;
  • Improving oxygen supply;
  • Decreased sebum production;
  • Preventing pore clogging;
  • Moisturizing effect.

The cream also actively prevents the proliferation of bacteria and staphylococci, which provoke purulent inflammation.

The main active substance is distinguished by its ability to exhibit antimicrobial activity. The action of benzoyl peroxide causes the destruction of various microorganisms found in the skin. These microorganisms do not develop resistance to the drug and die. Baziron As also has antioxidant properties, which prevents the skin from aging.

Glycerin, which is part of Baziron, provides moisturizing and softening of the skin, and in combination with the excipient acrylate eliminates excess quantity sebum. This effect prevents clogging of pores and the appearance of blackheads.

The cream helps nourish tissues and improve the supply of oxygen to the skin. This ability expands the functionality of the drug, allowing it to be used as a treatment trophic ulcers.

Why is Baziron so effective?

The main substance of Baziron is benzoyl peroxide. This substance has shown excellent results at all stages of acne formation, eliminating negative factors, which lead to their formation. The effectiveness of the use of Baziron is also proven due to such therapeutic effects as:

  • elimination of microorganisms that cause inflammation;
  • obstacle to the inflammatory process;
  • helping to reduce skin oiliness;
  • preventing the formation of blackheads.

Baziron actively reduces skin oiliness due to the fact that it contains benzoyl peroxide, which reduces the concentration fatty acids. To put it another way, this drug changes the composition of sebum. Ultimately, the use of the cream leads to a reduction in the sebaceous glands and also reduces the rate of cell growth.

Horny scales that form on the surface of the epithelium, interacting with sebum, form the so-called “acne plug”. This plug, in turn, is securely fixed by a film formed by bacteria. Medicine Baziron is able to destroy this film, destroying all bacteria, preventing the formation of comedones.

All these are not empty theoretical statements and opinions. Effective therapeutic effect cream against acne has been proven in practice - in most cases, the medicine has successfully passed the test, completely curing pimples and blackheads. This is proven by numerous positive reviews.

Instructions for use

The cream is applied in a thin layer using gentle, smooth circular movements, rubbing the product into the skin. Before use, the skin must be cleaned and dried. The number of approaches is 1-2 times a day. Baziron can be washed off with any cleanser you are used to using.

The full course of acne treatment lasts 3 months. Throughout the course, you need to continuously apply the product to the affected areas of the skin. After 1 month, clear signs can be observed therapeutic effect, the condition of the skin is much improved.

The drug is perfect for treating acne of varying severity: from mild to severe. Only for mild to moderate severity, Baziron can be used as the only drug, and in case of high degree severity, the drug can be used as complex therapy. If necessary, the course of treatment can be completed again.

Special instructions:

  • Avoid contact with eyes, mouth, nose. In case of contact, rinse immediately with plenty of clean water;
  • It is not recommended to use Baziron for acne in combination with exfoliating and drying medications;
  • You should also try to avoid direct sunlight on the skin areas treated with the drug;
  • If irritation occurs on the skin after application, then you should stop using this drug.

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications include the following cases:

  • Children under 12 years of age;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Sensitivity to the components of the drug.

For external use no side effect from the body was not detected. Quite rarely, dryness and redness may occur at the application site.

There are now many medications available to treat acne, both topical and general action. But, unfortunately, not all of them are as effective as we would like, and not all are safe. Therefore, the choice of a remedy for acne treatment should be taken very seriously, and today we will look at Baziron acne cream.

Already for a long time To solve this problem, a substance such as benzoyl peroxide is used. It is this, as well as a fairly low price (around 500-700 rubles) that is the basis of the popular acne cream Baziron As, which has many effects.

  1. Suppression of the growth of pathogenic bacteria;
  2. Oxidation and absorption of sebum;
  3. Prevents the formation of acne and clogged pores;
  4. Improves oxygenation (oxygen access to cells);
  5. Moisturizes the skin;
  6. Inactivates free radicals.


Contraindications and precautions

  1. Age up to 12 years;
  2. Predisposition to allergies;
  3. and the period of breastfeeding.

If the cream accidentally gets on the mucous membranes, rinse them with water. Remember to avoid exposure to direct sunlight immediately after applying Baziron, as this will cause irritation. Do not use or irritants(containing alcohol), as well as perfumes.

In case of overdose, irritation may occur. In this case, you should stop using the cream for several days and try not to dry out the skin.

Baziron As does not interact with other drugs, so it can be used in combination with other drugs, but it is better to decide on this after consultation with a cosmetologist.

Baziron AS is a modern medicinal non- hormonal drug, produced in the form of a cream or gel intended for external use. It helps in the treatment of demodicosis and acne, and also, according to reviews, it perfectly cleanses the face of acne and blackheads called comedones. Its manufacturer is the French company GALDERMA, whose pharmaceutical products are certified in our country. Below we will look at all the possibilities in the treatment of acne and pimples that Baziron AS provides, the instructions for it have been studied in detail and outlined in this article, and we will also find out whether it has analogues or not and what is the method of using it would be better suited in terms of efficiency and price.

Pharmacological properties

On the shelves of Russian pharmacies you can find Baziron with different contents of its active component, which is benzoyl peroxide. Namely:

  • Cream Baziron 2.5.
  • Cream Baziron 5.
  • Cream Baziron 10.

Regardless of the dosage, all of the above remedies have the same therapeutic effect With varying degrees its severity, and which method of application will be better, cannot be said. The choice of the appropriate medication for a particular case should be made by the attending physician, depending on the severity of acne, a photo of which allows you to see the rashes characteristic of it. As for the additional substances included in the drug, intended to enhance the effect and ease of application to the skin, these include:

  • Glycerol.
  • Carbomer 940.
  • Distilled water.
  • Acrylate copolymer, etc.

Baziron and its analogues are intended for external use. For internal reception similar means No. After application to the skin, its active ingredient benzoyl peroxide is converted into benzoic acid, which penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and has a local therapeutic effect there:

  • Destroys pathogenic microorganisms living in the dermis.
  • Helps relieve the inflammatory process.
  • Reduces the formation and severity of acne.
  • Normalizes sebum production.
  • Narrows enlarged pores, preventing the formation of comedones.
  • Promotes better exfoliation of keratinized epidermal cells and cleansing of facial skin.

In addition, Baziron AS gel is able to change the composition of sebum, reducing the concentration of fatty acids in it after reducing the amount of its production, but does not change hormonal background person. This will better reduce oily skin and reduce the risk of acne. The acrylic copolymer included in its composition absorbs excess sebum, reducing the size of the glands that produce it. Another regular method of application, which is correctly used to treat rashes on the face, enhances keratolytic activity, which breaks down the scales of dead epithelial cells that clog skin pores due to insufficient facial care, resulting in the formation of unpleasant black dots called acne plugs.

This, as reviews say, allows you to quickly eliminate comedones and prevent their recurrence, which analogues of this medicine cannot boast of. The best way There is simply no way to get rid of acne. No matter how many of them there are on the face, they will all be cleansed. The effect of how this helps non-hormonal drug, can be appreciated in the before and after photos.

Well, as practice shows, the use of this drug will also be effective for demodicosis, since its active substance actively suppresses the activity of the demodex mite, which is the culprit for the appearance of severely inflamed acne on the face, as in the photo. The question of which is better to use - Baziron or Zenerit - is not even worth raising. Because for this disease, it is correct to use Baziron as part of complex therapy along with other ointments that are effective in getting rid of acne. These two medications are highly compatible and can help suppress subcutaneous mite, which causes demodicosis, and also restore the skin after treatment.

When to use

Baziron is a modern medicine wide range action, the cost of which corresponds to the quality. The main indications for the use of Baziron will be as follows:

  • Symptoms of demodicosis.
  • Eliminate acne and comedones together.

In addition, it can be used in the treatment of trophic ulcers, excessive oily skin, staphylococcal infection. Benzoyl peroxide, which is its main active substance, destroys most pathogenic microorganisms, no matter how many of them are localized on the surface of the skin. Moreover, even after prolonged use, it is not addictive. Resistance in bacteria is also not observed, as well as side effects on the skin. And Baziron, according to reviews, is used in various types of anti-aging procedures; it gives the face freshness, which makes the color better, and also restores youth and beauty.

Contraindications to the use of this drug consist, first of all, in individual intolerance to its components. This could be an allergy, urticaria, etc. Just like its analogues, it is not used to treat children under 12 years of age, during pregnancy and breastfeeding. There are no other contraindications for use. The drug is not addictive.

Overdose of this drug has been reported with excessive application of the gel to the skin. Severe hyperemia of the skin, as well as irritation and subsequent dryness, was noted, as in the photo. Therefore, it is important to stop the treatment course at the first signs of the development of a local allergic reaction, which can be associated with the use of this remedy. After the symptoms of overdose disappear, treatment should be continued. If the allergy occurs again, it will be necessary to choose another drug. How much gel is needed for a one-time application to avoid side effects is reported in the annotation, which lists all the indications and contraindications for use. It is also recommended to avoid contact of the gel with the eyes and mucous membranes of the nose and mouth.

Variations in the cost of the product

The price of Baziron is quite high, as, indeed, of any other modern drug local action, which has a pronounced effect. Its analogues are no less expensive. Average price drug in Russian regions is given in the table.


Price (RUB)

Baziron cream 2.5% 40 g

Baziron cream 5% 40 g

The cost of its most common analogues can be seen in the following table. All of them have their contraindications and are intended for external use, but the final choice of drug for the treatment of acne, demodicosis and other skin problems should be made by a qualified doctor.

Other analogues of this drug, such as Zinerit, sulfur ointment, Differin, differ from Baziron in their composition, but are similar in action. They will be slightly cheaper, but just as effective. A successful therapeutic combination of Differin and Baziron will be especially effective. They are also used to treat demodicosis, acne and blackheads on the face. They cost about the same as the product discussed in our article. Cheaper products with the same active action against acne, as reviews confirm, no.

How to use

The use of Baziron as the only therapeutic agent is indicated for the treatment of mild to moderate acne. If severe acne is diagnosed, then this cream or its analogues will be used as part of complex therapy as an effective local drug that better acts directly on the affected areas of the skin. At the same time, it is possible to use retinoid topical agents, but the use of drugs that dry out the skin is undesirable. Baziron AS during pregnancy is used only in extreme cases and only after the 12th week of gestation. And if an allergy occurs, then its use should be stopped immediately.

In the treatment of demodicosis, acne, etc. skin rash This ointment should be applied in a thin layer to all problem areas of the skin, after cleaning and drying them. As a rule, twice a day is sufficient. During therapy, it is advisable not to expose the gel-treated skin to direct sunlight. If there is any damage to the skin in the problem area, it is better not to use it. You can wash off this drug with any suitable means. No additional care is required.

The duration of the therapeutic course with this drug is on average 3 months. Moreover, the first result will be clearly visible after 30 days of use. Therefore, dermatologists recommend using a 2.5% gel for the first 3-4 weeks, and using a 5% ointment for the rest of the course. A 10% remedy is indicated for severe course demodicosis and acne.

Today Baziron AS is considered effective drug against large quantity skin ailments, characterized by the appearance of a pronounced skin rash on the face - pimples, blackheads and comedones. It and its not very cheap analogues belong to medicines new generation, which is distinguished by ease of use, strong effect and reasonable cost. Regular use throughout the entire therapeutic course provides visible results and long-lasting effects, as well as a low risk of relapse of the disease.