Pain in the shoulder blades and its causes. Pain in the upper left shoulder blade

Today, back pain is a fairly common occurrence, both among the older generation and among young people. Moreover, such pain can manifest itself in completely different departments spine. In this article we will talk about one of the most common localizations of pain in the back - pain in the area of ​​the shoulder blades.

Soreness in the shoulder blades is a fairly broad concept. That is why it is customary to distinguish the following varieties:

  • Pain under the shoulder blade (left or right);
  • Pain between the shoulder blades;
  • Pain directly in the shoulder blades.

Why does my back hurt between and under my shoulder blades?

The causes of pain in the shoulder blade area can be all sorts of diseases. And they don’t necessarily have to be connected to the spine. Depending on the location of the pain and the presence of concomitant symptoms without special instrumental examinations one can only assume that the patient has some of the most common diseases.

Thus, pain under the left shoulder blade is often observed with the following pathologies:

Gastric ulcer

It is characterized by periodic, gradually increasing pain, seasonality, weakening or complete elimination pain immediately after vomiting, obvious connection with food intake, etc. The main localization of pain is the epigastrium, but it can also spread to the thoracic spine, behind the sternum, in left shoulder blade and left nipple. There are several types of pain depending on the connection with food intake: late, early, hungry. Almost ¾ of patients experience relief after profuse vomiting. Moreover, it is characterized by its appearance without previous nausea and at the very peak of pain. 70% of patients also experience heartburn. Other most common symptoms also include: belching, salivation and regurgitation.

Psychological problems

They are expressed in the following complaints: heat, heaviness, tingling, congestion, pressure, compression in the chest area. Such sensations can be acute or muffled, but in any case they are quite unpleasant for the patient. There are often cases when all these symptoms also affect the lower abdomen, or spread to the neck, arm, under the shoulder blade or under the collarbone. There may be a feeling of squeezing the heart or bleeding into it. Some patients say that the heart either freezes, then turns over, then falls, and it seems that it is about to jump out. At the same time, they experience a feeling of anxiety and inner excitement. One of the most unpleasant feelings for patients is the feeling of cardiac arrest (freezing). Taken together, all these symptoms are a kind of foundation for the development of hypochondriacal syndrome in the future. In rare cases, all of the above symptoms may be accompanied by a feeling of compression of the throat (or a lump in it) or lack of air.

Myocardial infarction

It is preceded by a severe attack of angina pectoris. At the same time, the patient feels sharp pain behind the sternum, often radiating to left side back, shoulder blades, neck, jaw. Such pain is not relieved by taking vasodilators (validol, nitroglycerin). Only narcotic analgesics(morphine). Most often, such attacks occur after physical or emotional stress.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

With this pathology, a person experiences aching, dull, often one-sided pain, which is localized just below the back of the head. They often occur in the morning, causing the patient to wake up. Pain increases with sudden flexion and extension of the neck, as well as with heavy loads to the cervical segment of the spine. The pain goes away if you apply heat to the damaged area, for example, by taking a warm bath. Very often, with this pathology, patients say that something hurts under their shoulder blades and is reflected in their head or arm. Paresthesia in the shoulder area and dizziness often occur.

Aching pain often appears with osteochondrosis cervical spine

Intercostal neuralgia

The painful sensations are of a paroxysmal, encircling nature. They intensify with palpation of the patient, physical activity, walking, deep breathing, sneezing and coughing. There is also a possibility of the following symptoms: excessive muscle tension (as a result, the disease is often accompanied by pain under the left shoulder blade, in the lower back, heart and back), burning, tingling and various disorders sensitivity.

Perforation of gastric ulcer

It is accompanied by sharp, unbearable pain, which often radiates under the left shoulder blade or to the supraclavicular region. The cause of this pain is said to be irritation of the endings of the phrenic nerve. This condition usually accompanied by nausea or vomiting. In this case, the person has a characteristic appearance: his face expresses obvious fear, his body is covered in cold sweat. In order to relieve pain, the patient takes a certain position of the body: on the back or on the right side, while pressing the hips to the stomach, which is tense from pain. It should be noted that the slightest movement leads to a sharp increase in pain.

Under the right shoulder blade

  • Most probable cause considered pain that is associated with muscle spasm of the gallbladder, or bile ducts. This is due to their blockage with a stone, as a result of which gall or hepatic colic. It is characterized by very intense and unbearable pain. Sometimes patients also describe them as stabbing, cutting, sharp, tearing, with the epicenter in the right hypochondrium. They often radiate to the right shoulder, shoulder blade, eye, neck and jaw. At the same time, the patient screams, constantly changes position, and all in order for the pain to calm down at least for a minute. Among other features, it should be noted that this condition is very often accompanied by vomiting and nausea;
  • Subphrenic abscess. Characterized by acute pain that intensifies with every breath. It often radiates to the right shoulder blade or shoulder. These symptoms are often accompanied by fever and leukocytosis;
  • Inflammatory kidney diseases (pyelonephritis, nephritis). Such diseases are always accompanied by pain in the lumbar region, which is also quite reflected in the area of ​​the right shoulder blade, in iliac region and in the hypochondrium. A specific symptom is frequent and painful urination;
  • At next illness back pain below the shoulder blades is a little less common, but we can’t help but talk about it. This cholelithiasis. The pain is cutting, very sharp and stabbing in nature. They usually spread to the right and upward, into the right shoulder, into the neck, under the right shoulder blade and into the jaw.

Back pain between the shoulder blades is often accompanied by a feeling of numbness, freezing and crawling. And they occur in the following diseases:

  • Coronary heart disease;
  • Hernia thoracic spinal column;
  • Kyphosis or kyphosclosis;
  • Intercostal neuralgia;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Protrusion of the disc of the thoracic spine;
  • Spondyloarthrosis;
  • Scoliosis;
  • Peptic ulcer duodenum and stomach;
  • Angina pectoris;
  • Diseases of the liver and gall bladder;

It should be noted that most often those who experience pain in the area of ​​the shoulder blades are those whose work in one way or another involves excessive tension in the muscles of the shoulder girdle. Such professions include: driver, designer, machinist, seamstress, doctor, etc.

Pain in the shoulder blades

In some cases, when a person has back pain in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, the causes are diseases that directly affect the bone (scapula) itself. These include:

  • Scapula injuries. They occur as a result of strong blows to the shoulder blades or when falling on them. Sometimes it happens that a fracture of the scapula is associated with an unsuccessful fall on the elbow or on a straight arm. Quite often, such fractures are complicated by displacement of the lower fragments due to the impact of nearby muscles on them. In this case, there arise severe pain, which tend to intensify with hand movement. Almost always such injuries are accompanied by swelling or swelling. Sometimes you can even visually notice some changes in the outline of the shoulder joint;
  • Pterygoid scapula. This pathology usually follows paralysis of the trapezius, rhomboids, or serratus anterior muscles, which may occur due to myopathy, nerve injury, or neuroinfection. There is also a traumatic pterygoid scapula, which develops after repeated bruises in the forearm or after damage to the long thoracic nerve. This pathology is most typical for athletes and circus performers;
  • Scapular crunch. With this disease, patients feel a crunch in the shoulder joint, which is sometimes accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and moderate pain;
  • Osteomyelitis of the scapula. It develops as a result of open bone injuries (from gunshot wounds) and is accompanied by symptoms of general intoxication.

From all of the above, it is clear that there are many reasons for the development of pain in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. And, accordingly, treatment can be very different. That is why you should definitely contact your doctor to prescribe the correct and effective treatment.

The shoulder blades are located in the shoulder girdle and are a flat bone. The pain that occurs in the shoulder blades causes movement to be limited to one degree or another. It all depends on the intensity of the pain. It is impossible to clearly name the cause of such pain. They may indicate serious problems with health. Prolonged pain in the scapular region is the reason for immediately contacting a doctor. The symptom of scapular pain in itself is not a disease; it may indicate more serious problems.

Today, the occurrence of pain in the shoulder blades is quite common. It's hard to say which one age group more susceptible to this symptom because it occurs in humans of different ages. Even children and young people are susceptible to it.

Causes of pain in the shoulder blades

  1. During prolonged heavy physical activity and due to unsuccessful movements There may be aching pain, nagging pain that occurs in the tendons and muscles. This kind of pain can also be caused by peptic ulcer stomach. As a rule, this occurs when the ulcer is perforated.
  2. The pain is very strong and acute, accompanied by the inability to move, indicating the presence of a fracture of the scapula. Scapular pain can occur due to damage to the bones themselves. Often a fall on the elbow or straight arm causes a fracture of the scapula. The fracture site is characterized by hyperemia and edema. Changes such as pterygoid scapula occur when the muscles adjacent to it are paralyzed. Such changes are not uncommon for athletes and circus performers due to constant bruises and injuries.
  3. If the pain occurs in conjunction with a characteristic crunching sound, we are talking about a pathology with the same name - scapular crunch.
  4. Intercostal neuralgia also a common cause of pain in the scapular region.
  5. In rare cases, such pain occurs due to tuberculosis(this pain occurs only in adult patients) or malignant neoplasm, affecting the bone tissue of the scapula. Osteomyelitis also causes such pain.
  6. Soreness may be a sign of bursitis. With this disease, inflammation of the bursa occurs synovial membrane shoulder joint. Its location (under the scapula bone) explains pain in the scapula.
  7. Pathological abnormalities of the respiratory and urinary systems can also make the shoulder blades painful.
  8. Spasms that occur in gallbladder or in the biliary tract may also cause pain in the shoulder blades.
  9. Gallstone disease can cause pain in the right scapular region.
  10. Deviations of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus, in which the shoulder blades are painful, is noted among the so-called occupational diseases. Drivers, dentists, seamstresses, programmers, that is, people in those specialties who have to be in one position for several hours of working time, are often susceptible to this. This category is characterized by a dull and aching pain, noticeable at the end of the work shift. Such pain may go away without medical intervention after the person rests.
  11. In frequent cases, the cause of pain in the scapular region is caused by osteochondrosis. With this pathology, a number of reasons, such as, for example, staying in one position for a long time, can cause pain in both shoulder blades.
  12. Humeroscapular periarthritis capable of radiating to the scapular part of the back.
  13. Pain in the back and shoulder blades can also occur due to internal diseases. Sudden burning pain left subscapular region or in the interscapular space. This symptom may indicate myocardial infarction.
  14. Soreness in the shoulder blades may indicate lung disease. This may indicate pneumonia or pleurisy.
  15. Other possible causes include liver disease, pancreatic disease and herpes zoster.
  16. Oddly enough, stress or neurosis can cause pain in the shoulder blade area. People who have suffered severe emotional shock and people with painful nervous excitability are susceptible to this. It is typical that patients complain of variability clinical manifestations. The pain may be accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the chest, shortness of breath, a feeling of fear and other characteristic symptoms. The pain can radiate anywhere. Typically, such pain disappears after taking antispasmodics.
  17. Rare cause can be considered a subphrenic abscess. It can arise as undesirable consequence cavitary surgical interventions, wounds and injuries affecting internal organs. The cavity is filled with purulent contents, and against the background of hyperthermia in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, the pain becomes so severe that it causes severe suffering.

Only a doctor can determine the etiology of the disease, if necessary, diagnostic procedures or x-ray examination.
As can be seen from the above, possible reasons occurrence of pain huge amount. It is not easy to make a diagnosis even for a specialist. Therefore, self-medication may not bring the desired results, but may also harm the patient. If you ignore these manifestations, you may encounter more serious consequences in the future.

Age characteristics

Violations in spinal column can often be the cause of pain in children. This includes various postural disorders. It should be noted that osteochondrosis can also cause pain in the shoulder blades in children. If earlier this disease was considered to be age-related, today it is observed at a very young age.

A quarter of people over fifty years of age develop cuff degeneration. With this disease, deformation of the tendons and muscles responsible for rotating the shoulder can occur. Hence the occurrence of painful sensations in the area of ​​the shoulder blades.
In older people, the cause of pain may be rheumatoid changes and polyarthritis.

Elderly people who go to the doctor with such symptoms are subject to mandatory consultation with an endocrinologist. Patients are examined for sugar levels in the blood and urine. Sometimes these problems can occur due to malfunctions thyroid gland. The possibility of osteoporosis cannot be ignored.

Treatment of pain in the shoulder blades

Treatment of pain in the shoulder blade area is prescribed strictly individually. The diagnosis, age and clinical picture are taken into account.

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs are often used in therapy non-steroidal drugs, muscle relaxants and B vitamins. In some cases, Kuznetsov and Lyapko applicators can serve as a good help.
  • Physiotherapeutic treatment methods are widely used.
  • In the case of osteoporosis, calcium supplements, bisphosphonates and chondroprotectors are used.
  • If a myocardial infarction is suspected, urgent transportation to hospital is required and intensive care in a hospital setting.

As wide and varied is the list of diseases that cause scapular pain, so is the list of treatment regimens.

Folk remedies for pain in the shoulder blades

Folk remedies for scapular pain cannot replace visiting a specialist and full treatment. In some cases, self-medication can be extremely dangerous.

According to medical statistics, more than 80% of all residents of our country over 40 years of age periodically experience back pain in the lumbar region, and middle-aged patients more often complain of back pain in the shoulder blade area that occurs after a day of work or physical activity. Unfortunately, most patients do not take any measures to treat and eliminate the pathology, preferring to take painkillers or move less, without even trying to understand what causes the pain and how it can be dealt with.

Why does my back hurt in the shoulder blade area?

Back pain in the shoulder blade area can be caused by the most various diseases internal organs, spine or nervous system. Of course, in 90% of cases, such pain is associated with osteochondrosis or neuralgia, but we must not forget about other pathologies in which pain in the shoulder blades can become the leading symptom.

The most common causes of back pain

  • Osteochondrosis- constant stupid nagging pain occurring in the back in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, above and below, are most often associated with dystrophy intervertebral discs. Due to poor circulation, the cartilage tissue in the spinal column is gradually destroyed, and the vertebral bodies shift, becoming a source of chronic pain. It is quite simple to distinguish osteochondrosis of the thoracic or cervical region - pain is one-sided, occurs in the morning or after a long stay in one position, intensifies with changes in body position, radiates to the shoulder blade, head and arm and is accompanied by dizziness, headaches, tinnitus and visual impairment. The cause of osteochondrosis is considered to be a sedentary lifestyle, overweight, metabolic disorders and lack of physical activity.
  • Pathology of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus– periodically appearing aching pain in the back in the area of ​​the shoulder blades are considered occupational disease drivers, computer technicians, seamstresses and representatives of other professions who are forced to spend most of the day in one position. Overstrain of the muscles, ligaments and tendons that hold the body together during the day causes dull or aching pain in the back, which appears towards the end of the working day and disappears on its own after rest.
  • Intercostal neuralgia– if dull pain in the back is most often associated with diseases of the spine, then acute attacks severe pain usually occurs due to inflammation or pinching of the intercostal nerves. To do this, it is enough to sit in a draft, get very cold, get wet, or simply turn around poorly. Intercostal neuralgia is sometimes confused with myocardial infarction, since the pain in this pathology is very strong, the pain “shoots” throughout the body and the patient is afraid to move - the symptoms of the disease intensify with every movement. Characterized by girdling pain, which subsides at rest and intensifies when bending and turning the body or walking.
  • Psychological problems– oddly enough, one of the most common causes of pain in the shoulder blades is considered to be stress, neuroses and others neurological problems. Such patients are characterized by the occurrence of unpleasant sensations after emotional stress or without any visible reasons. Psychological problems can be suspected in patients who have undergone major jar of Hearts characterized by increased nervous excitability and complaining of changing symptoms. Back pain is accompanied by a feeling of fear, heaviness in the chest, breathing problems, tingling, burning, a lump in the throat, trembling, and so on. The pain can radiate to any organs: head, neck, legs, arms and go away immediately after taking a painkiller or on its own.
  • Diseases of internal organs– sometimes back pain occurs due to a malfunction of the gallbladder, stomach or cardiovascular system, in such situations, it is very important to diagnose such conditions in a timely manner and immediately seek medical help.

    Stomach or duodenal ulcer– back pain in the area of ​​the shoulder blades on the left most often indicates problems in the stomach or duodenum. The pain of an ulcer can be very strong, sharp, up to loss of consciousness at the height of attacks (with perforation of the ulcer) or aching, dull with chronic course diseases. Typically, pain occurs 2-3 hours after eating, at night or on an empty stomach; patients complain of aching, dull pain to the left of the shoulder blades, which may be accompanied by heartburn, nausea and vomiting.

    Gallbladder diseases– a violation of the outflow of bile causes dull aching pain in the back in the area of ​​the shoulder blades on the right. Such pain most often appears after overeating, especially when eating fatty meat foods, and is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Blockage of the bile duct can cause hepatic colic, in which the pain becomes almost unbearable, the patient falls into feverish excitement, literally “climbs the wall,” and suffers from nausea and vomiting.

    Myocardial infarction– severe stabbing pain in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and sternum, a feeling of heaviness and tightness in the chest can occur during acute coronary insufficiency. Myocardial infarction is usually preceded by a severe attack of angina pectoris, the patient's heart rate increases, shortness of breath, fear of death, weakness and pain in the heart radiate to the shoulder blade, arm or back.

    Diseases urinary system – pain from below the shoulder blades can occur with pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis. Inflammation of the renal pelvis and tubules causes strong pulling, aching and cutting pains in the back, accompanied by urination problems. Diseases respiratory system– less commonly, back pain in the area of ​​the shoulder blades is caused by pleurisy or pneumonia. With these diseases, the patient feels weak, has an increase in body temperature, cough, increased sweating and pain behind the shoulder blades.

  • Injuries– if the patient has pain not in the back, but in the shoulder blades themselves, the possibility of injury must be excluded. It can be caused by falling on your back or on an outstretched arm, or by a strong blow to the back. Pain from injuries is constant, intensifying with every movement, and swelling and redness can be noticed at the site of the impact.
  • Subphrenic abscess– a rare complication that occurs after abdominal operations on organs abdominal cavity, injuries and injuries to internal organs. When a cavity filled with pus forms under the diaphragm, the patient’s body temperature rises and sharply worsens general condition and severe pain occurs in the area of ​​the shoulder blades.
  • Osteomyelitis, tuberculosis or tumor– extremely rarely, pain in the scapula area is associated with the development of these diseases. With tuberculosis of the bones, the pain is not expressed, but constant, the patient loses weight, feels general malaise and cannot lead a normal life. Osteomyelitis of the scapula develops due to the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into open wound at a fracture, gunshot wound and other similar injuries and is accompanied by increased body temperature, severe pain, impaired consciousness and other signs of intoxication. Malignant tumors shoulder blades are rare, patients complain of general weakness, constant malaise, headaches, then severe back pain occurs; in advanced cases, changes can be observed bone tissue shoulder blades

What to do if your back hurts in the shoulder blade area

If pain appears in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, first of all, you need to find out what caused it, only then can you begin treatment. Therefore, you can take some measures and self-medicate only if you know your diagnosis accurately and are sure that you will not harm yourself.

Before contacting a doctor, you can:

  • for acute back pain, the best thing you can do is to stay in bed, and you need to rest on a hard surface or an orthopedic mattress and without a high headboard. This will help cope with pain due to osteochondrosis, problems with muscles and ligaments and alleviate the patient’s condition with diseases of internal organs or injury;
  • in case of severe pain - intercostal neuralgia, osteochondrosis or pathology of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus, remove acute pain syndrome it is possible with the help of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: diclofenac, ortofen, ibuprofen, nemesulide, nise, movalis and others. In the first days, in case of severe pain, these drugs are recommended to be used intramuscularly, and after that - in the form of tablets;
  • to relax muscles - muscle spasms increase pain in almost any disease: osteochondrosis, injuries, spasms of the bile ducts or intercostal neuralgia. Drugs such as mydocalm or sirdalud, which can be taken intramuscularly or in tablet form for 3-7 days, will help reduce muscle tension;
  • massage and warming ointments - you can use ointments containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: diclofenac, fastum gel and others only if you know for sure that the cause of the ailment is osteochondrosis or pathology of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus. In this case, the use of ointments and daily massage will help the patient quickly get back on his feet;
  • warming compresses – any warming compresses for pain in the scapula area can only be done after consulting a doctor, since in case of purulent inflammatory diseases they can sharply worsen the patient’s condition. If the cause of back pain is not inflammatory diseases internal organs, after the main treatment you must immediately start doing special exercises to strengthen the muscles of the spine and back, normalize your weight and change your usual lifestyle - take breaks from work every 30-40 minutes, move more and play sports.

My back hurts and it's difficult to walk. It looks like someone drove a stake between the shoulder blades. You have to hunch unattractively and move slowly and carefully.

Back pain, and especially in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, is quite common today. True, it is impossible to characterize the group of people most often susceptible to back pain - pain in the shoulder blades can be observed in both old people and young people.

What to do if there is pain between the shoulder blades? What exactly hurts, how to treat it and how can it affect the functioning of the body? What leads to painful sensations and what suffers in this case? You will find answers to these and other questions in this article.

What are shoulder blades and where are they located?

Shoulder blades, as written in anatomy textbooks, are triangular bones connecting humerus with collarbones. There are two of them in the human body, they are located in the upper half of the torso from the back. There are 17 muscles attached to each shoulder blade.

Symptoms of pain in the shoulder blades

If pain in the shoulder blades does occur, it is interesting to determine what kind of disease this may indicate. Pain in the shoulder blade area is one of the most common symptoms with the development of such diseases:

  • kyphosis, scoliosis or kyphoscoliosis - types of spinal curvature;
  • spondyloarthrosis;
  • hernia or protrusion intervertebral disc in the chest area;
  • radiculitis of the upper body;
  • periarthrosis in the shoulder or shoulder blades;
  • coronary heart disease or angina pectoris;
  • neuralgia in the intercostal space;
  • pathology of the mediastinal organs;
  • infectious diseases;
  • pathology of the pleura or lungs;
  • bruises and other types of spinal injuries in the neck and chest area;
  • illnesses connective tissue in combination with the characteristics of professional activity.

Pain in the left shoulder blade

Pain in the left shoulder blade area may be caused by various factors and diseases. Most common reasons Doctors call the occurrence of unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the shoulder blade on the left:

  • heartburn – pain in the left shoulder blade appears during or after eating;
  • psychological problems resulting in pain, burning, squeezing of the heart, a feeling of burning in the chest. Pain may migrate to the arm or under the shoulder blade;
  • myocardial infarction - in this case there is a dull, aching pain in the scapula area. She can fight both under the shoulder blade and in the left arm, neck, back, jaw. If the pain does not disappear after taking medications with a vasodilator effect, such as nitroglycerin or validol, then most likely you have a myocardial infarction;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae - pain from the back of the head to the middle of the back, observed mainly in the morning after waking up;
  • intercostal neuralgia – paroxysmal pain, observed mainly in the intercostal spaces. Occurs during physical activity, as well as during active work respiratory tract;
  • stomach ulcer - when the ulcer opens, pain can be observed under both shoulder blades, as well as in the area of ​​the collarbones. The cause of pain in the area of ​​the left shoulder blade may be improper work nerve endings diaphragm.

Pain in the right shoulder blade

Just like pain in the left shoulder blade, pain in the right shoulder blade can be a symptom of various diseases. There are at least 4 diseases that are indicated by pain in the area of ​​the right shoulder blade:

  • spasm of the gallbladder or ducts - occurs due to blockage with a stone. Causes very strong pain, stabbing, cutting, tearing, which comes from the right hypochondrium. Soreness may radiate to the right eye, jaw, neck, shoulder, or shoulder blade. Nausea or vomiting often occurs. The patient tries to constantly change position to reduce pain, constantly screams;
  • subdiaphragmatic abscess - the symptom is acute, very severe pain in the area of ​​the right shoulder blade or shoulder. A rapid increase in temperature or leukocytosis may also be observed;
  • nephritis or pyelonephritis - pain is felt not only in the lumbar girdle, but also in the area of ​​the shoulder blade on the right, hypochondrium, and iliac region. Characteristic symptom also – frequent, painful or difficult urination;
  • cholelithiasis - severe pain in the area of ​​the scapula on the right as a symptom is less common here. However, the pain can be cutting, stabbing, sharp, spreading from right side back to jaw.

Pain in the shoulder blades - pain in the bones

Sometimes pain in the shoulder blades can be caused by problems in the bones themselves. Pain in the shoulder blades most often occurs due to back or neck injuries. Such injuries can result from falls, accidents and other troubles. The scapula can be broken as a result of a fall on the elbow or straight arm, and sometimes parts of the broken scapula can also affect the muscles. The pain in this case can be sharp, acute, appearing during movement or active work of the hands. If there has been a fracture of the scapula, the fracture site will be swollen and slightly swollen.

The change in the shape of the scapula is medically called pterygoid scapula. It occurs as a result of paralysis of the muscles - rhomboid, trapezoid or serratus anterior. Muscle paralysis occurs due to myopathy, neuroinfections, or other nerve damage. A pterygoid scapula can also appear as a result of persistent bruises of the forearms, scoring and other injuries to the long thoracic nerve. Such problems are most often observed among circus performers and athletes.

Sometimes pain in the shoulder blades can be felt in combination with crunching shoulder joints. This reaction of the body is observed in a disease called scapular crunch.

Also sharp pain in the area of ​​the shoulder blades is observed with open damage bones. For example - with a bullet wound. Accompanied by general intoxication of the body.

What to do if the shoulder blade area hurts?

Diagnosing pain in the shoulder blade area is not an easy task, since, as previously described, many diseases can lead to pain in this area. To determine the disease, you should still consult a doctor, since establishing an accurate diagnosis requires many studies. It is possible, as in most cases, that pain in the area of ​​the shoulder blades was caused by deformations (sprains or bruises) of the muscles, however, in order to avoid more serious diseases, the doctor needs to conduct an examination of the internal organs, the diseases of which can cause discomfort in the back.

Treatment of pain in the shoulder blades

Depending on the identified disease, treatment is, of course, different. However, pain associated with muscle work is still the most common, so it is worth considering treatment in this particular area.

With pain in the shoulder blades caused by muscle injuries, a burning sensation or heaviness is felt between the shoulder blades. Most often, to relieve such pain, you just need to make a few swings of your arms or a few circular movements shoulders. If such manipulations desired result they didn’t give it and the pain continues under the shoulder blades, and it also radiates to the heart area, then perhaps you have problems with the spine or with the heart itself and you should consult a doctor for help.

Pain in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, associated with dysfunction or position of the muscles, occurs most often in people leading a sedentary lifestyle, as well as in those who, due to the specifics of their work, spend most of the day in the same position - these are office workers, banks , programmers, seamstresses and so on. As a result daily work, the back muscles of these people weaken, I lose elasticity, which leads to poor posture.

Curvatures of the spine are fraught with the development of other, more dangerous deformations of internal organs. Because, best treatment in this situation it is worth calling daily exercise, as well as performing simple exercises to warm up the shoulder girdle throughout the day. Also, if possible, go swimming or visit gym to strengthen your muscles and keep them toned.

None of the above diseases, unfortunately, can be cured at home and you will still have to seek help from medical workers, which will install accurate diagnosis and will prescribe a complex of physiotherapeutic and medical procedures and medicines.

You may be prescribed therapeutic procedures such as electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, various methods of electrotherapy, ultrasound therapy, manual or reflexology, sanitary-resort treatment. All these methods are aimed at relieving the main symptoms and pain, but do not remove the root cause of pain in the shoulder blades.

If you suddenly have pain in the shoulder blades, you should initially consult doctors such as a traumatologist, cardiologist, rheumatologist and neurologist. They will indicate the cause of back pain. When diagnosing a disease and prescribing treatment, you may need the help of a chiropractor or massage specialist.

How to prevent pain in the shoulder blades?

Most effective prevention pain in the area of ​​the shoulder blades experts call management active image life, sports. It is also important to monitor your own emotional state, hormonal levels, food. Maintain your posture, don't hunch over.

Remember that it is very important to monitor your own body, exercise, habits, and so on, in order to avoid most diseases. To ensure that pain in the shoulder blade area never appears in your life, also watch your sleep - always go to bed at the right conditions, preferably on a hard surface that does not bend.

Often in medical institutions They began to complain: “my back hurts in the area of ​​the shoulder blades.” According to statistics, more than half of citizens have encountered this problem. This often happens after a busy day at work or physical activity. Unfortunately, not all people pay attention to this problem. To relieve pain, they resort to taking painkillers, reducing physical activity and do not want to determine the root cause of its appearance: what kind of disease could it be?

Main reasons

Why does my back hurt in the shoulder blade area? The following main reasons for this phenomenon should be noted:


For of this disease Characterized by the appearance of continuous pain around the shoulder blades and neck of an aching or pulling nature. As a result of impaired blood circulation in the spine, systematic destruction occurs cartilage tissue, as a result of which a shift of the vertebrae occurs. All this causes constant chronic pain. It is quite simple to differentiate this disease - one-sided discomfort occurs in the morning or as a result of staying in one position long period. If you change your position, they intensify and can spread throughout the body.

With osteochondrosis, the following signs are observed:

  • vision problems;
  • migraine and headache;
  • tinnitus;
  • possible dizziness.

The disease affects people leading a sedentary lifestyle, with impaired metabolism, and those suffering from overweight.

Intercostal neuralgia

Characteristics here severe attacks acute girdling pain, which subsides when at rest and intensifies with any movement. These sensations are caused by inflammation of the intercostal nerves.

The main causes of this disease can be noted:

  • got windy after sitting in a draft;
  • freezing;
  • getting wet in the rain;
  • after the flu;
  • bad turn.

In this case, aching pain of a periodic nature is observed. These pathologies affect workers who work without changing their body position (at a sewing machine, behind the wheel or at a computer). As a result, the ligaments, muscles and tendons are greatly overstrained and pain occurs at the end of the day, which disappears after rest.

Psychological disorders

Often, unpleasant sensations around the shoulder blades appear as a result of previous stressful situations, nervous disorders and others psychological problems. They can spread to others neighboring organs, radiate to the limbs, disappear spontaneously or after using medications.

Psychological problems are usually accompanied by:

  • trembling throughout the body;
  • feeling of heaviness in the area chest;
  • feelings of anxiety and fear;
  • breathing problems;
  • burning or tingling;
  • feeling of a lump in the throat.

Various diseases of internal organs

Impaired functionality of the gallbladder and organs cardiovascular system, stomach can cause unpleasant discomfort in the spine.

If it hurts on the right side of the shoulder blades? Most often, the cause of such sensations is painful conditions gallbladder. Impaired outflow of bile leads to aching dull pain on the right of the shoulder blades. Such sensations can usually occur after overeating, abuse of fatty foods meat dishes. When the duct is blocked, hepatic colic and almost unbearable pain occur.

If the pain is localized in the area of ​​the shoulder blades on the left, the cause of their appearance may be pain in the stomach or duodenum. At the same time, the back in the area of ​​the shoulder blades hurts very much, and the person may lose consciousness. Chronic diseases digestive organs occur with sensations that are aching, dull in nature.

Usually with pathologies gastrointestinal tract pain occurs:

  • a couple of hours after eating;
  • on an empty stomach after sleep;
  • at night.

Signs of intoxication are observed.

Myocardial infarction is characterized by severe stabbing pain in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and chest, a feeling of constriction and heaviness in the chest. Typically, this disease occurs after an attack of angina pectoris: there is rapid heartbeat, pain in the heart, fear of death, shortness of breath, and general weakness. Sensitive pain on the left radiates to the arm, shoulder blade or spine.

Important! If such pain occurs, consult a doctor in a timely manner to avoid negative consequences.

Organ diseases urinary system occur with severe pain of various nature in the spine area below the shoulder blades. There is impaired urination.

Pain in the spine between the shoulder blades is observed with bronchitis. Similar symptoms can be observed with a cold. The temperature rises noticeably, general weakness, increased sweating, and pain when coughing appear.


The likelihood of injury is excluded if only the shoulder blades hurt and not the back. Pain may occur after strong blow on the back or falling on the back. They are permanent and intensify with the slightest movement. Swelling or redness may be visible in the area of ​​injury.

Tuberculosis, tumors or osteomyelitis

These diseases rarely occur with pain in the area of ​​the shoulder blades.

With tuberculosis, mild pain of a constant nature is observed. The patient loses weight, feels weakness and general malaise.

Osteomyelitis occurs after the penetration of microbes into an open wound due to any damage. For of this disease characteristic high temperature body, severe pain, clouding of consciousness.

Malignant neoplasms of the scapula are quite rare. The disease occurs with the following signs:

  • constant malaise;
  • general weakness;
  • frequent headaches;
  • then severe pain appears in the spine.

Subphrenic abscess

The reasons for the development of this disease are strip surgery on the peritoneal organs. A cavity forms under the diaphragm and fills with pus. The disease occurs with such characteristic features: sharp deterioration condition, high body temperature, severe pain in the shoulder blade area.


About 50% of women experience back pain during pregnancy. The reasons for this phenomenon: hormonal changes and weight gain. IN for preventive purposes Pregnant women are recommended to wear a bandage to support the back muscles on all sides.

Many women experience back pain near the shoulder blades after childbirth. It is recommended to consult a doctor to determine the root cause of their occurrence.

If the spine hurts in the area of ​​the shoulder blades in children

In a child, the causes of pain are exactly the same as in an adult. For this reason, it is very important to consult a doctor if you experience the slightest back pain. preventive examination.

Who will help?

If you experience back pain in the shoulder blade area, which doctor should you go to? If you feel severe pain near your shoulder blades, you should contact a therapist for an initial examination. Depending on the results of the survey, he may refer the patient to the following specialists:

  1. Physiotherapist. This specialist will develop individual exercises for the treatment of osteochondrosis in the early stages.
  2. Chiropractor. This specialist will help when pain is caused by various injuries and there is a suspicion of displacement of intervertebral discs and vertebrae. With the help of a massage, the doctor will relieve the disease.
  3. Neuropathologist. This specialist will help when the pain is caused by neuralgia or osteochondrosis, and will prescribe painkillers to eliminate the causes of the disease.


What to do if pain occurs in the spine in the area of ​​the shoulder blades? To avoid complications in case of pain in the shoulder blades and if you have difficulty breathing, it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately. Determine the root cause of pain, make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment Diagnostic methods will help the doctor:

  1. X-ray. This method allows you to record various changes in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and spine.
  2. Magnetic resonance or computed tomography allow detection of abnormal changes in tissues.
  3. Laboratory research. This method allows you to determine the presence of inflammatory processes.
  4. Ultrasound examination. This method is used to determine diseases of the biliary tract, liver and other internal organs.
  5. An electrocardiogram helps detect myocardial infarction.

To make a diagnosis, the doctor also asks the patient about his lifestyle and labor activity. After determining the root cause of pain, the doctor determines how to treat the disease.

Important! At home, it is almost impossible to determine the cause of pain. Self-medication is unacceptable! To exclude dangerous consequences you need to urgently call a doctor.

How to get rid of pain?

To relieve pain in the spine near the shoulder blades in the hospital it is prescribed complex treatment which includes.