Pain in the tooth under the crown when pressed. What to do if the tooth under the crown hurts? Medical error, or causes of toothache under a crown

After visiting dental clinic Most patients dream of forgetting about teeth and dentists for at least a few months, but what to do if the tooth under the crown hurts?

Why does a tooth hurt under a crown?

If the tooth under the crown began to hurt immediately after the crown was installed or the pain appeared the next day, this should not be a cause for concern. Such pain is considered normal and occurs due to residual inflammation and damage to the gums and bone tissue and go away on their own after a few days.

But if the tooth under the crown began to hurt a few weeks or months after installation, here without consultation and re-treatment can't get by.

Problems with teeth under a crown most often arise due to:
1. Failure to prepare the tooth before installing a crownquality training includes complete removal nerve fibers, thorough cleaning and filling of tooth canals. Pain under the crown can occur due to:
- preservation of the nerve ending - dentists often suggest leaving a “living” nerve in the tooth canal, since after removing the nerve fiber, the tooth is destroyed faster. But sometimes this provokes the appearance of severe pain under the crown, which occurs when biting, eating cold and hot food or sweets;
- not fully cemented canals - if the root canals of the tooth were not thoroughly cleaned and not completely sealed, inflammation develops again at the apex of the tooth root and the patient develops periodontitis;
- use of low-quality filling material - low-quality fillings do not completely fill the tooth cavity or gradually “sag”, voids form in the filling, into which infection easily penetrates and secondary inflammation forms under the crown;

2. Perforations root canal – the walls of the root canals of the tooth are not very strong and holes easily form in them. If the dentist is not sufficiently qualified, then when cleaning curved tooth canals, he can perforate the wall and create an artificial hole, which will become “ entrance gate"for infection. Within a few months after such treatment, the patient will feel pain in the root of the tooth, even if the canal is sealed along its entire length.

3. Incorrect crown installation– if the denture is installed incorrectly and does not fit tightly to the edge of the gum, food debris and pathogenic bacteria begin to accumulate between it and the tooth, which will cause inflammation of the tooth under the crown.

4. Not following the dentist's recommendations and insufficient oral hygiene - the average lifespan of a crown is about 5 years, after which the coating gradually wears out, inflammation of the gums near the tooth may occur, or the tooth under the crown may begin to ache. Often the cause of such pain is non-compliance with the dentist’s recommendations - poor care for the oral cavity, addiction to sweets, nuts and seeds, habit of opening lids with teeth, and so on.

A tooth hurts under a crown - what to do?

If the tooth under the crown begins to hurt, you cannot do without the help of a dentist. In most cases, it is necessary to take an x-ray of the root canals, remove the crown, clean the tooth and perform a re-prosthesis. At home, you can only relieve pain and slightly reduce the symptoms of inflammation, but this cannot replace specialized treatment.

Folk remedies for toothache

1. Rinse- rinsing the mouth with soda-salt solution, infusion of chamomile, sage, St. John's wort or furatsilin solution helps remove food debris and pathogenic bacteria and reduce inflammation. For toothache, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with a warm anti-inflammatory solution after each meal and before bed, at least 4-6 times a day;

2. Hydrogen peroxide– destroys bacteria and reduces inflammation; for toothache, you can rinse your mouth with water and hydrogen peroxide (30-40 drops per glass warm water) or make applications on a sore tooth; to do this, moisten a gauze pad with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide and apply it to the gum;

3. Homemade pain reliever– 10% solution of novocaine – 150-200 ml, mix with 1 fresh egg white, 1 teaspoon of salt and rinse your mouth thoroughly with the resulting solution. This solution numbs the tooth for several hours;

4. Calamus root– considered one of the most effective home remedies, for toothache, you can simply put small pieces of the dry root in your mouth or chew them. At severe pain you can pour boiling water over finely ground calamus root, leave for 30-40 minutes, cool and keep the infusion in your mouth for 15-20 minutes;

5. Garlic– to reduce pain, a cut clove of garlic is applied to the gum, near the diseased tooth, and the second part of the clove is tied to inside wrist, from the side of the diseased tooth. Garlic will be biologically irritating active points on the wrists and toothache decrease.

When using folk remedies for pain in a tooth under a crown, you should not count on long lasting effect, even if the tooth stops hurting, after a while the pain will return, since the cause of the pain has not been eliminated.

The prosthetic procedure always brings some discomfort. There are many factors that cause toothache under a crown. All of them are associated with diseases of the hard tissues of the tooth, and in some cases, periodontal disease.

Pain when pressed

The most common cause of pain under a tooth crown is an incorrectly manufactured or placed orthopedic structure. In particular, when it is deeply immersed in the gingival sulcus, it will strong pressure on periodontal tissue. At long-term wearing may even form inflammatory process. While eating discomfort sharply intensify.

Another reason why the tooth under the crown hurts when pressed is. This is an inflammatory process localized in the area of ​​the root apex. The lesion gradually increases in size, exudate accumulates, and the slightest touch causes sharp pain.

Tooth reaction to irritants

Unpleasant sensations can occur when exposed to cold, hot or sour foods. This reaction comes from the pulp.

The reasons here are:

  • Pulp overheating during grinding . The doctor prepares the tooth carefully and thoroughly. The pulp is very sensitive tissue, and the slightest damage to it threatens with consequences, for example, the development traumatic pulpitis. However, even if all preparation rules are followed, problems may arise due to the peculiarities of the individual structure of hard tissues. For many, the enamel does not have sufficient strength and is not able to resist elevated temperatures during processing.
  • Deep caries . If all foci of the carious process are not removed before prosthetics, then it will continue to develop under the crown of the tooth. In this case, the material on which the orthopedic product is fixed will collapse, and proximity to the pulp chamber appears. After the irritant is eliminated, the unpleasant sensations subside. This is the main difference between caries and pulp damage.
  • Pulpitis . In this case, the pain may be constant ( chronic course) or paroxysmal ( acute course). The cause of pulpitis is poorly treated caries or its relapse.

Pain in the root system of the tooth

Usually this problem is associated with the presence cystic formation. At initial development There are no symptoms at all, which is why it is so difficult to diagnose. If the growth of education continues, very strong painful sensations. can be formed during the formation process dental system or is a complication of periodontitis.

Development of pathology during depulpation

Can a tooth under a crown hurt if the nerve has been removed from it? Such manifestations are possible, and they are recorded with a certain frequency. Very often, so-called “phantom pain” appears, which is observed in the absence of pulp.

But most often the dead tooth under the crown hurts due to irritation of the periodontal ligaments. These fibers weave around the root system of the tooth. After depulpation, nerve endings remain in them. When the crown is exposed to cold or hot hard tissues easily pass thermal irritants. And periodontal ligaments react to temperature effects.

There are reasons for the appearance of unpleasant sensations associated with poor-quality endodontic treatment.

These include:

  • Incomplete root canal filling . It is a common medical error, especially with curved roots. Poor insulation promotes the penetration of tissue fluid into the canal and the formation of an inflammatory focus. In addition, the filling materials themselves can cause problems. Poor quality of their manufacture leads to dissolution or subsidence. As a result, pores appear that contribute to the development of pathogenic microflora.
  • Perforation of the canal wall . An artificial hole in the root usually appears due to injury from endodontic instruments. This occurs mainly when the canals are severely curved. Modern instruments quite flexible and durable. Therefore, they can easily carry out processing even in difficult cases. Also, wall perforation sometimes occurs during installation.
  • Root filling with a broken instrument . As a result, the canal remains completely untreated, which provokes the development of pathogenic microflora.

Tool failure occurs for the following reasons:

  • violation of processing technology;
  • low quality of tool manufacturing;
  • inexperience of the dentist;
  • non-disposable use of endodontic instrument;
  • peculiarities anatomical structure root system.

Symptoms of inflammation under the crown

They directly depend on developing pathology. Some manifestations should be especially alarming.

You should contact your dentist if the following symptoms appear:

  • aching or sharp pain;
  • rise in body temperature;
  • severe periodontal hyperemia;
  • the appearance of discharge near the gums in the area of ​​the causative tooth;
  • pain reaction when pressing the crown;
  • tooth mobility;
  • the appearance of unpleasant sensations from thermal irritants;
  • formation of a neoplasm on the gum (fistula tract).

It is almost impossible to relieve toothache under a crown and eliminate the inflammatory process on your own. You can only reduce the manifestation of unpleasant sensations for a while.

What to do if the tooth under the crown hurts?

What to do if the tooth under the crown hurts? When it is not possible to quickly seek help from a doctor, a number of measures should be taken to alleviate the condition and prevent further complications.

First of all, self-help will consist of the following:

  • taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • usage folk remedies in the form of rinses and baths;
  • try not to chew food on the sore side of the jaw;
  • for severe pain, use analgesics;
  • use dental drops or cloves for applications.

If self-help doesn't work desired results, you should contact the clinic immediately. The dentist will eliminate the cause and tell you how to relieve discomfort.

Which doctor should I contact if my tooth hurts under the crown?

If a tooth begins to ache under the crown, you should first visit a dentist. There are cases that patients only associate their unpleasant sensations in the oral cavity with previous prosthetics. Upon examination by a therapist, a completely different disease is determined that is not related to the placement of the orthopedic structure.

When the cause is still a tooth underneath artificial crown, the therapist refers the patient to an orthopedist. The previously installed structure has to be removed in order to carry out therapeutic measures. If in a therapeutic way If the cause cannot be eliminated, the tooth is removed by a surgeon.

Basic treatment methods

In almost any case, if after installation of crowns there are unpleasant symptoms, it has to be removed. It will not be possible to install the same product again. It needs to be made anew.

But today, dentists can take several measures that will help eliminate the problem and keep the orthopedic product intact. For example, in the case of development, it is possible to artificially create a hole in the crown through which pathologically altered tissue can be removed and placed.

It will be more difficult to do this if pulpitis occurs. In this case, the perforation hole must be large enough to provide good access to the root canal orifices. It is worth considering that if the orthopedic product is made of metal, then the supplied filling will differ from it in structure and color. Zirconium products can be restored without affecting aesthetics.

When treating periodontitis, much depends on the method of filling the root canal:

  • When the root is filled with only simple material, there is a chance to unfill and clean it. You can relieve inflammation by creating an outflow of exudate from the apical tissues. To carry out medical activities in in full, you should visit your doctor several times. As soon as acute manifestations subside, the hole is closed with temporary material.
  • If the canal is sealed with pins, it will be more difficult to fix the problem. To get rid of the inflammatory focus, carry out minor surgery by resection of the root apex.

With the development of pathology on the gums associated with an artificial crown, all symptoms can only be alleviated. For this purpose, antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs are used. But in order to completely get rid of the inflammatory process, the structure must be removed and redone, and sometimes the tooth itself must be removed.

Traditional methods for pain under the crown

Together with traditional methods of healing it will go faster and without complications. But appeal to alternative medicine is permissible only after consulting a specialist.

Of these methods of influence, the most commonly used are the following means and recipes:

  • Decoctions of chamomile and sage.
  • Apply a cut clove of garlic to the affected area.
  • A good effect is observed when salty salt is placed on the problem area. lard.
  • It is recommended to rinse with a solution of salt and soda with the addition of a drop of iodine. This remedy is especially effective for gum inflammation.
  • Applying linden honey to the gums.
  • Applications with calamus tincture.
  • Placing a piece of raw beetroot in the mouth.
  • Application alcohol solutions lemon balm and valerian.

These remedies can provide long-term relief from symptoms. But this does not mean the treatment will be successful. Relapse can occur at any time.

It is more difficult to carry out therapeutic measures during pregnancy in women. Many folk methods there are contraindications here. If you experience pain during pregnancy, swollen gums, or purulent discharge, you should immediately contact your dentist.

Preventive measures

Why the tooth hurts under the crown can only be answered by a doctor after a thorough examination, during which he can detect caries, pulpitis or other inflammation. Also, the occurrence of these problems largely depends on him. Preparing for orthopedic treatment requires careful sanitation of the oral cavity, not to mention those teeth on which orthopedic structures will be placed.

The doctor must treat not only hard tissues, but also periodontal disease. Special attention must be given . Even leaving them insignificantly can lead to problems under the crown in the future.

A tooth can get sick at the most inopportune moment, even if all procedures are performed perfectly. This especially applies to the pulpless unit. You must understand that after such a procedure, enamel and dentin cease to receive useful substances which help strengthen them. In fact, the tooth remains protected only. Therefore, when wearing any orthopedic device, you should treat it with care.

Useful video about pain in a tooth under a crown

Sometimes after the prosthetic procedure, the patient begins to feel toothache under the crown. Discomfortable sensations may appear immediately after completion of the manipulations, and after some time. If a tooth hurts under a crown, we recommend taking a closer look at how to relieve pain at home.

Provoking factors for pain

When a tooth hurts under the crown immediately after prosthetics, this is normal. In such a situation, the specialist recommends rinsing your mouth with a soda-salt solution, thanks to which you can get rid of toothache. Normally, there should be no toothache under the crown. Why did the tooth hurt under the crown? One of the reasons is inflammation of the root canals inside the element. This phenomenon occurs if a specialist makes mistakes at the prosthetic stage. For example, if before installing the structure it was necessary to carry out pulp removal, but it was not performed. The result is that the root of the tooth becomes inflamed and begins to hurt.

Similar symptoms appear during the development secondary caries when the tooth canal under the crown becomes inflamed. This happens if the structure does not tightly wrap around the neck of the tooth, as a result of which pathogenic microorganisms and salivary fluid penetrate under it.

But sometimes pain may also appear when a tooth is depulped. This happens if the specialist made mistakes at the stage of prosthetics. Such errors include:

  • carrying out poor-quality treatment of the canals, pathogenic microbes remain inside them;
  • the pulp is not completely removed from the canals;
  • a fragment of the instrument remained in the roots;
  • perforation has occurred in the wall of the element or its root;
  • improper filling of the root system.

The result is the appearance of severe aching pain. Also, pain may only occur after pressing on the device. Another reason that a tooth hurts badly may be an incorrectly installed product. Sometimes it is not the tooth itself that ache, but the gums. This is due to the exacerbation of diseases of the soft tissues of the gums, and the edge of the prosthesis can rub the delicate mucous membrane. What to do if your tooth hurts?

If a tooth hurts under the crown, both pharmacy and folk remedies can help relieve toothache in adults.

Use of medicinal plants

If a tooth hurts under the crown, folk remedies will help eliminate the severity of symptoms. But we must remember that treatment by unconventional means will not eliminate the cause similar symptoms. Therefore, the effect of such treatment will be temporary; in the future, it is necessary to visit the treating specialist so that he can identify the cause and eliminate it.

Toothache under the crown immediately after dentures is normal. Such sensations should go away on their own after the gum mucosa adapts to foreign object. As a rule, this takes no more than three days. But if It's a dull pain very strong, painkillers or rinsing with herbal decoctions. Rinse oral cavity and using solutions based on salt and soda. It is recommended to use sage for rinsing. It helps relieve discomfort if you have a toothache.

To prepare an infusion for rinsing, you need to take a tablespoon of dry raw materials and pour boiling water over it. Let it sit for half an hour. Next, the infusion must be filtered and rinsed at intervals of half an hour. This method helps to calm discomfort if the cause of its occurrence is inflammation of the gums.

In the same way, you can prepare an infusion of St. John's wort, oak bark, nettle, chamomile or calendula. All these medicinal plants have an anti-inflammatory effect. They also act as antiseptics, which reduces the number of pathogens in the oral cavity and reduces the severity of unpleasant sensations.

One of the methods that also relieves pain is an infusion based on oregano. It helps if the gums become sore and irritated. To make an infusion, take two tablespoons of dry raw material and pour boiling water over it. Let it sit until it cools completely. After which it needs to be strained. Rinse five times within an hour.

You can prepare a mixture of herbs: chicory root, oak bark, chamomile, thyme, yarrow. Take dry raw materials in equal parts and pour a glass of boiling water. Let it sit until it cools. Strain and rinse 4-5 times a day.

Pour boiling water over the calamus root and place the container on water bath for 10 minutes. Remove and cool. Rinse several times a day - take the broth into your mouth and keep it on the inflamed side for at least 5 minutes. This remedy relieves the inflammatory process and reduces the severity pain syndrome. You can apply a slice of raw beets to a sore tooth.

The use of folk remedies

Many people numb a sore tooth with soda rinses. Thanks to baking soda, the intensity of inflammatory processes in the gums decreases, pathogens are eliminated, and the unpleasant sensation after rinsing gradually becomes less pronounced. Baking soda has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties and helps as a prophylactic to prevent gums from becoming inflamed.

To prepare a rinse solution, you need to take a teaspoon of baking soda and dissolve it in a glass of heated water. Use this product to rinse every half hour. It is recommended not just to rinse, but to hold the solution in your mouth near the diseased tooth for several seconds. After half an hour, repeat the procedure. After such manipulations, unpleasant symptoms usually subside after the first procedures.

Traditional medicine recommends using a clove of garlic cut lengthwise. He shoots sharply severe symptoms. Place it on the sore side. You should not apply any warm compresses, as this promotes the spread of infection and penetration deep into the tissues. You can make a paste that will relieve inflammation and reduce pain. Take garlic, 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide, salt and water. Squeeze the garlic juice and mix with the remaining ingredients. Brush your teeth with the prepared paste in the morning and evening.

Lard has medicinal properties. Place a piece of fresh lard on the affected side. Thanks to it, the intensity of the inflammatory process is reduced and acute pain is relieved. You can add a pinch instant coffee to the sore area. Gradually, the discomfort should subside.

What do dentists prescribe?

The use of tablets should be carried out only on the recommendation of the treating specialist. You can eliminate unpleasant symptoms like this: pharmaceutical drugs: ketanov, ketorol, nurofen, nise, tempalgin, analgin.

Miramistin or chlorhexidine can be used as antiseptics. Rinse your mouth with them. You can also rinse with hydrogen peroxide diluted in water. It also acts as an antiseptic and has bactericidal properties. Additionally, the doctor prescribes antihistamines(tavegil, claritin, l-cet). These medications help reduce inflammation and swelling.

Any medicines, their dosages and duration of use should be prescribed only by a doctor. Not recommended for use on your own medications. In addition, proper care is important. Clean the crowns in the morning and evening; be sure to use floss to clean the interdental space from food particles. Avoid eating too hard foods, do not bite your hands, nails, or crack nuts or seeds. If the pain does not go away after three days, visit the dentist.

Dental restoration is complete. A satisfied patient leaves the clinic in the hope that dental problems can be forgotten. But after a certain period of time, toothache and discomfort appear under the crowns. What to do? Attempts are being made to relieve discomfort with improvised tablets and folk remedies. Perhaps things will calm down for a while. But an alarm bell sounded: some kind of inflammatory process is underway. You need to run to the doctor. Only in the dentist's chair can you find out exactly why the tooth under the crown hurts and take measures appropriate to the situation.

To understand the nature of pain under crowns, let’s touch on some aspects of their installation.
The most important condition for high-quality prosthetics and restoration is tooth depulpation.
What is pulp?
The tooth is connected to common system own blood circulation vascular network, With nervous system– corresponding endings. Totality nerve endings And blood vessels is a pulp. It evenly fills the internal cavity of the tooth. It is the pulp that suffers most during inflammatory and infectious diseases. If a tooth hurts, the tugging pain is unbearable. But the tooth can still be saved, but the pulp must be removed. It is advisable to hide such a tooth under a crown.

This figure shows the removal of the pulp (nerve) of a tooth in order to eliminate inflammation or injury - depulpation.

The procedure for removing dental “nerves” is extremely painful, but it must be done. And here's why:

  • If a person needs dentures, it means his teeth are severely damaged and cannot cope with functional tasks;
  • As a rule, the nerve endings of a diseased tooth are no longer protected as in a healthy one: the pulp is partially exposed or is completely exposed. thin layer gums;
  • When treating the root part of the tooth for crowns, the pulp will be exposed in any case, and if it is not removed, it will act as a “gateway” to “infection,” resulting in inflammation.

Important! Depulpation involves widening the canal, removing the nerve process and subsequent filling. After this, the tooth is ready for restoration. But this already dead tooth, since it is deprived of blood supply and sensitivity.

If pulpitis develops after the installation of crowns, the pain of the tooth under the crown manifests itself sharply. " Little blood» you can’t do without:

  • the prosthesis or crown will have to be removed;
  • eliminate the source of infection;
  • make new crowns, since the old ones cannot be put “back” technically.

The durability of crowns or dentures directly depends on the quality of preparation of the patient’s oral cavity for high-tech work.

Causes of pain under dental crowns

Several reasons are to blame for the pathogenesis of inflammation and pain under crowns.
Violations in the technology of preparation for prosthetics, poor quality of work.
Bad depulpation

  • Unfilled cavities remain inside the tooth.
  • Even a small void is enough for pathogenic microbes and food microparticles to regularly penetrate there during the “operation” of the crown.
  • Such a “porridge” inevitably begins to rot, forming foci of purulent periodontitis.

There are several in dentistry inflammatory diseases with similar symptoms. When a tooth hurts, only an x-ray will help make an accurate diagnosis.
Also, pain under the crown occurs due to incomplete elimination of caries, when the doctor decides to leave the tooth alive. The development of pulpitis is caused by technologically incorrect work, when grinding is carried out without cooling the adjacent tissues and the root area.

Grinding the tooth, preparing the surface and shaping it for the crown.

It is very rare, but it happens that the nerve is not completely removed. Some part remains and bothers the patient. If a tooth hurts when pressed, it means that the process has moved from the acute phase to the chronic one.

Perforation of tissues and foreign objects

The qualifications of a dental therapist are extremely important. Perforation is a “bonus” for an incompetent doctor. In the process of work, a specialist inadvertently creates “unplanned holes.”

Attention! The use of low-quality equipment and instruments threatens to break during operation, detachment of small particles that remain in the tooth cavity and adjacent tissues, and begin to bother the person over time.

Poor fit of the crown to the tooth

A dental technician clumsily makes a prosthesis or crown. The doctor has difficulty installing the medical device. Most often, clients learn about problems when they return to the clinic, conduct trials and litigation. It is unlikely that employees medical center admit to making mistakes during the initial installation of crowns. This risks redoing the work at the clinic’s expense.
There is one way to avoid unpleasant situations: carefully choose an institution for prosthetics and dental treatment.

Improper care of crowns and dentures, poor oral hygiene

It is fundamentally wrong to attribute all problems to doctors. It happens that toothache under a crown occurs in careless and sloppy people:

  • The first time after a dental course, a person carefully monitors his teeth, excludes solid foods and dishes with sudden changes temperatures, brushes teeth regularly;
  • A habit arises for everything, and the owner of crowns simply gets tired of constantly limiting himself and following the rules of dental care.

Another reason for tooth decay under the crown is taking medications for serious illnesses, radiation, chemotherapy.

What to do if it hurts under the crown

If the tooth under the crown begins to ache, mandatory You should consult a dentist. The specialist will conduct X-ray examination and develop a treatment strategy.

X-ray examination is one of the procedures that will allow you to most accurately determine the existing problem.

  • If the problems have gone far and the prosthetic system needs to be replaced, you will have to stock up on time, effort and, most importantly, finances.
  • Let’s assume that radical measures are not needed, but a “living” tooth hurts. With a high degree of probability, the process of caries is underway. The therapist drills a hole in the crown and eliminates the lesion.
  • When a crown is installed incorrectly, the tooth underneath will begin to hurt soon after orthopedic work. In the vast majority of cases, the old structure is removed permanently.
  • Exacerbation of periodontitis pulpless tooth. The choice of treatment depends on the presence of a pin in the canal:
    o The pin is installed - a simple operation with access to the source of inflammation through the gum will be required.
    o The canal has just been filled - the crown is opened, the old filling is removed, the cavity is cleaned.

Course treatment. As soon as the situation returns to normal, you can update the filling and close the crown.
Why, is it so serious? This is a sign of transition acute process into chronic. It happens that problems immediately become sluggish. According to dentists, this development of the situation ultimately leads to tooth loss if the patient “gives up.”
Drug therapy
In difficult and advanced situations, you cannot do without anti-inflammatory and painkillers. Modern medicine favorably views the following analgesics:

  • Ketanov;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Ketorol;
  • Nise.

While effectively relieving pain, these drugs are practically powerless in the fight against inflammation. If within 3 days inflammatory signs don't go away, need a doctor. Before visiting the dentist, it is recommended to take diclofenac at home. All of the above measures are symptomatic treatment, which serious problem will not eliminate.

Traditional methods for relieving toothache

Be critical of proposed methods because therapeutic effect official medicine not proven.
Biologically active points. A well-known way to get rid of toothache at home is to apply a cut clove of garlic to the pulse point on the wrist of the hand opposite to the area of ​​pain. To avoid burns, the exposure time should not exceed 15-20 minutes.

Garlic is one of the widely known methods relieves toothache, is a good exterminator in the fight against microbes in the oral cavity.

Pressing on the submandibular area on the sore side helps.
Active areas are massaged for 80 seconds.
Gargling with herbal infusions. Sage, celandine, chamomile, and oak bark are used. Crushed formulations can be found at the pharmacy. Pour 15 grams of any herb (or mixture) into 250 ml of boiling water. Insist and carry out the procedures.
Another proven method is rinsing with solutions with active disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties:

  • soda-salt;
  • chlorhexidine;
  • furatsilin.

Traditional healers also offer more extravagant methods, such as placing a piece of lard near the gums or alcohol lotions.
If the problem is due to a poor crown fit, incomplete removal nerve, traditional medicine in the question of how to relieve pain, she is powerless.

  • Warm the inflamed area: elevated temperatures provoke increased inflammation;
  • Delay in going to a specialized clinic;
  • Use antibiotics for a long time without prescription and supervision of a specialist.

Pain under the crown: easier to prevent
Dental problems are easier to prevent. You need to carefully choose a clinic for prosthetics. Advice from friends, reviews and information on the network, as well as word of mouth will do a good job in this matter.
You need to take care of crowns and bridges no less, if not more, than you take care of your own teeth. Clean your mouth gently at least twice a day. In this case, toothpastes are selected with a minimum composition of abrasives.
Fans of fast food and other unhealthy foods should reconsider their diet in favor of balance.
If a tooth hurts under the crown, only a doctor can determine the cause. After installing crowns, you need to undergo a preventive dental examination every six months.

1503 03/13/2019 6 min.

Crowns and bridges are installed on natural teeth or implants - artificial metal roots. In the second case, pain almost never occurs while wearing the structure, but the teeth may begin to ache, shoot and pulsate even if they have previously been thoroughly treated. There are many causes of pain. From this review you will learn why a tooth under a crown may hurt and what you can do about it. in this case. The main thing is not to waste time - advanced inflammation is much more difficult to deal with.


Most often, before installing a prosthesis, the doctor removes the nerve from the tooth - dead hard tissue cannot hurt, which increases the service life of the structure and minimizes the likelihood of unwanted problems occurring in the future. In situations where depulpation was not performed, sooner or later inflammation of the neurovascular bundle (pulp) may begin. If dead tooth, but pain is still present, the problem may be:

  • the gap between the crown and the stump;
  • poor quality endodontic treatment;
  • and periodontitis;
  • pathological changes in the tooth root.

A pulpless tooth, if it was treated correctly, will not hurt under the crown. But pain can come from the periapical tissues deep in the jawbone. Main causes of pain:

  • During filling, the instrument broke off. This happens due to the careless or inaccurate work of the doctor. The fragment cannot be removed, so it is left in the root system - the main disadvantage of this option is that foreign body does not allow for tight laying filling material. In a calm state, nothing will bother you, but when biting, pain may occur;
  • the nerve was not completely removed from the canal. This occurs due to the negligence of the doctor or the abnormal structure of the tooth (the root system may be tortuous, and some area remains unattended by the doctor). Remnants of nerve endings do not give sharp pain, but you are guaranteed constant discomfort;
  • The filling was performed poorly. If the root canal is not filled tightly, it can be penetrated pathogenic organisms. The result is the development of the inflammatory process and pain syndrome;
  • periodontitis. If periodontal pockets are a source of persistent infection, microbes will get inside the tooth. The result in this case is predictable - inflammation, swelling, pain and;
  • perforation of channels. With strongly curved canals, a violation of the integrity of their walls may occur, especially if the doctor works incorrectly or uses the wrong instrument;
  • cyst. At the top of the root various reasons a cyst may form - a sac of fluid or pus, which causes painful sensations in a calm state and when biting.

Thus, the tooth can hurt even under old crown as a result of the development of the inflammatory process, the progression of caries, the appearance of a cyst on the root, and under a new one, if the root was damaged during treatment, the nerve was not completely removed from the canal. A clear sign the presence of inflammation is not only pain, but also

After canal treatment, it is better to wait a little before installing the orthopedic structure - the tooth will calm down a little, and you will understand whether there are any problems with the removal of the nerve. A one-week interval is usually sufficient.

Dental treatment

Any tooth inflammation must be treated, otherwise it will progress. Painkillers provide only a temporary effect, so you can use them to alleviate the condition, but they will not replace full-fledged therapy. Consult a doctor for help as soon as possible - the sooner treatment is started, the higher the chances of saving the crown.

The sooner you seek help from a dentist, the higher your chances of saving the crown.

Treatment for pain under a crown usually comes down to making a small hole in the tooth through which the damaged area is removed. dental cavity or a nerve. You can put it in the resulting cavity. When the treatment is completed, the tooth is filled. This allows you to solve the problem with minimal financial costs. If the inflammation is severe, the doctor may decide to remove the crown or bridge, in some cases along with the tooth.

In most cases, removing a crown involves sawing it. So, after treatment, the crown will have to be re-installed.

To avoid the development of a serious inflammatory process, visit the dentist once every six months, even if nothing bothers you. Careful daily hygiene is important, but it does not guarantee 100% protection against bacteria, which professional cleaning provides. In addition, the dentist will promptly detect existing diseases and help avoid serious inflammation.

Doctors usually try to save both the tooth and the prosthesis, but this is not always possible. Most likely, you will still have to remove the crown and only then treat the tooth, because:

  1. There may be a pin fixed in the canal that has perforated and broken the root. In this case, the only way to solve the problem is to delete it. More details about possible complications and read about how to relieve pain after tooth extraction.
  2. Complete high-quality filling of the canals is only possible again if the old filling material is completely removed. After removing the paste, root canal treatment is required.

Carrying out an operation without removing the prosthesis and injuring the root canals is only possible if the inflammation is localized in the upper part of the tooth. Your doctor may also prescribe anti-inflammatory medications for you. non-steroidal drugs, rinsing special solutions(salt, novocaine, baking soda), lotions with hydrogen peroxide to the gums.

First aid at home

If you have a very painful tooth under the crown, and you can’t get to the doctor right now, try to alleviate your condition by using folk remedies or chemical drugs. Main options:

  • Novocaine – half a glass of 10% novocaine is mixed with 5 grams of salt and egg white, used for rinsing;

  • non-steroidal drugs - they stop the inflammatory process, relieve pain, but for long-term use not intended;
  • lotions with peroxide - moisten a cotton pad generously and apply to the gum.
  • rinsing with baking soda solution – a teaspoon per glass of water.

Brushing your teeth with garlic helps a lot - chop a clove, add it to salted water, add a little peroxide and use it to brush your teeth. You can apply a piece of raw beets or fresh lard or ground coffee to the inflamed gum.

All first aid remedies provide temporary relief. Don't waste time, consult a doctor.

Possible complications

Pain in a tooth under a crown may indicate the most various diseases And pathological conditions. Basic:

  • – pathology of hard tissues. Accompanied by a change in the shade of the enamel, its demineralization and destruction with the formation of a cavity defect. The main causes of caries development are plaque bacteria;

  • – inflammation of the pulp, that is, the internal tissues of the tooth. Most often, pulpitis is a consequence of chronic caries;
  • granuloma– a purulent sac of granular tissue on the root of a tooth. If left untreated, a granuloma, the diameter of which usually does not exceed 5 mm, can develop into a cyst - a fibrous formation consisting of dead cells. Over time, the cyst increases, and a fistula may form;
  • periostitis- inflammation of the periosteum. It occurs as a result of complications of the periodontium, parodontium, or dental hard tissues. If these pathologies are not treated in a timely manner, the inflammatory process enters from the periodontal gap under the periosteum;
  • flux– acute periostitis, purulent. It is characterized by increased body temperature, swelling of the gums, pain, and inflammation of local lymph nodes. The abscess can open on its own.

The simplest option is caries, but if it is not treated, then the matter can lead to inflammation of the nerve, development purulent formations(cyst) at the root apex. In complex cases (periostitis, pulpitis), treatment is long and expensive; cysts in most cases drug treatment(they are repeatedly placed into the tooth canals medicinal pastes) are not subject to, and it may be necessary to remove the tooth.


Follow the rules of oral care - brush your teeth regularly, use dental floss, irrigator, mouthwash, forget about the habit of chewing hard objects, reduce the amount of sweets in your diet. Visit your dentist regularly - let him conduct preventive examinations and promptly eliminate inflammation, tell you about the rules of hygiene and help prevent the development of serious complications.


More useful information about the causes of toothache under a crown, watch the video


A tooth under a crown can hurt for various reasons - it’s possible, and if it was removed, then parts of it could remain in the canals, the doctor pierced the root during treatment, a cyst formed, the filling was performed poorly. People with gum disease need to take special care of their dentures. In most cases, the crown has to be removed for treatment, but if the inflammation is localized in the upper part of the root, then you can try to save the prosthesis.