Disease when eyes are large. Bulging or bulging eyes is a disease

Exophthalmos is a disease characterized by protrusion of the eyeballs forward and the creation of a bulging-eyed effect in a person. The main feature of this pathological condition is the white gap that appears between the iris and the upper eyelid. However, bulging eyes are not always a sign of a disease such as exophthalmos. In some people, this eye condition may be congenital.

Definition of disease

Exophthalmos is considered a syndrome characterized by forward displacement of the eyeball. Experts identify several types of such pathology, taking into account the reason that provoked it. Treatment for bulging eyes involves integrated approach and is carried out under the supervision of various specialists.

Exophthalmos develops as a consequence of various pathological processes, endocrine disorders, neoplasms of various types and brain thrombosis. Studies have shown that most often exophthalmos of endocrine etiology occurs in women, and post-traumatic protrusion of the eyes is diagnosed in men.

Pathology can develop at any age in both children and adults. Exophthalmos can affect one organ of vision or both at once. Most often, in case of eye pathologies, unilateral exophthalmos is diagnosed, and bilateral exophthalmos is mainly a sign of malfunctions. thyroid gland. Protrusion of the eyeball can be either barely noticeable or quite severe.

Classification of pathology

Highlight the following types pathologies:

  • imaginary exophthalmos is observed in patients with asymmetry of the orbits innate character, with normal development of the skull, severe myopia and severe glaucoma;
  • true exophthalmos appears as a result of inflammatory pathologies in the orbit and tumors, as well as in organ pathologies endocrine system.
  • unilateral exophthalmos is characterized by the fact that only one organ of vision is goggle-eyed;
  • bilateral exophthalmos is characterized by protrusion from the orbits of both eyes.

In addition, depending on the origin, there are:

The intermittent type of bulging eyes is characterized by the fact that the bulging of the eye is noted when bending forward. Often with this pathological condition, varicose veins around the eye are observed. With this form of pathology, pulsation of the eyeballs may appear, which is not a symptom of a pulsating disease.

What diseases are accompanied by bulging eyes?

One of the common causes of the disease is endocrine ophthalmopathy. It is characterized by damage to many systems and tissues as a result of a decrease in the body's defenses. With this disease, they initially swell adipose tissue in the orbital zone and the extraocular muscles are affected.

The main cause of bulging eyes is Graves' disease, which is characterized by the production of an increased amount of a hormone in the human body. This causes the immune system to work harder and increase the production of cells that put stress on the eye tissue. The consequence of this is thickening of the extraocular muscles due to edema.

Protruding eyes often appear in the following pathological conditions of the body:

  • thyroid disease and especially diffuse goiter;
  • tumors of various types localized in the orbital region;
  • injuries that cause bleeding behind the eyeball;
  • varicose veins localized in the orbital zone;
  • defeat blood vessels and vascular vasculitis in the orbital zone.

Often, bulging eyes become a symptom of eye pathologies such as advanced myopia, glaucoma and orbital vein thrombosis.

How to relieve symptoms

If bulging eyes are caused endemic goiter, then it is possible to alleviate the symptoms by correcting the functions of the thyroid gland. It is possible to achieve a positive effect of the treatment using glucocorticosteroid drugs.

For bulging eyes caused by inflammatory processes, the main emphasis is on antibacterial treatment or surgical intervention. Besides this, surgical treatment It is also indicated if the cause of bulging eyes is an oncological tumor. Usually, in combination with surgery, such patients undergo chemotherapy and radiation.

Eliminate compression optic nerve succeeds during surgical treatment, which involves partial removal of adipose tissue. If the corneal layer is damaged, the eyelids are completely or partially sutured.

It is possible to alleviate the symptoms of bulging eyes by following certain rules:

  • It is necessary to ensure normal eye moisture. You can achieve the desired effect with eye ointments, which should be applied before bedtime.
  • Use tinted glasses. With the help of high-quality glasses with darkened glass lenses, it is possible to protect the organ of vision from sunlight and wind, as well as hide the bulge of the eyes.
  • Limit the consumption of salty foods. The intake of a reduced amount of salt into the body leads to a significant reduction in fluid accumulation in the body. Accordingly, the fluid pressure on the organs of vision decreases.
  • When sleeping, the head should be in an elevated state. Sleeping in this position helps prevent the appearance of swelling of the eyelids, which increase the severity of bulging eyes.

In order to alleviate the symptoms of bulging eyes, it is recommended to use eye drops with anti-inflammatory effect. Keep in mind what they give positive effect only when used in the first 3 days. Abuse of this procedure can lead to the patient's blood vessels dilating even more.

Preventive measures

To prevent the development of bulging eyes, it is necessary to comply with certain preventive measures. It is imperative to protect the skull and organs of vision from various damages and injuries. In addition, it is imperative to maintain visual hygiene and promptly treat any identified diseases. Do not forget about the treatment of pathologies of the endocrine system and lesions of the nasal cavity.

It is possible to reduce the likelihood of developing bulging eyes by leading a healthy lifestyle. You should minimize the amount of drinks that contain alcohol in your diet. Rational nutrition and increased resistance to stress can not only prevent the appearance of bulging eyes, but also other pathologies of the visual organs.

Many pathologies are the result of a person’s inattention to their health. Exophthalmos is considered just such a disease, so it is important to constantly observe prevention and visit a specialist if necessary.

A normally located eyeball almost does not protrude beyond the orbital plane and is slightly shifted to the outer edge. If a person notices an abnormal pathological displacement of the eyeball in himself or others, this may indicate serious health problems.

The eye may shift forward (exophthalmos or protrusion), backward (enophthalmos), and to the right or left (lateral displacement). The nature of the displacement is determined by the underlying cause—the disease.

Protrusion or exophthalmos is a displacement of the eyeball forward, and in some cases - forward and to the side while maintaining it normal size and shapes. Unilateral exophthalmos is characterized by protrusion of one eyeball, bilateral - both.

The causes of exophthalmos in one eye lie in problems of the visual organs, and in both eyes - in problems of the endocrine organs, respiratory systems and other diseases. Pulsating exophthalmos almost always indicates diseases of the blood vessels of the eye or periocular tissues. There is a visual pulsation of the bulging eyeball. The pulsation exceeds the normal fluctuations of a healthy eye several times.

How does exophthalmos manifest?

If you look carefully, you can even notice a barely beginning protrusion. Usually the sclera (the white membrane of the eye) between the upper eyelid is not visible, but with bulging eyes it is clearly visible. At the same time, the patient blinks less often, which creates the impression of a continuous gaze.

Protrusion of the eye can be noticed directly by the patient during self-examination with the help of a mirror, by others without special preparation and, of course, by the doctor at the appointment.

Due to infrequent blinking, the eyes are less hydrated, which is why exophthalmos is often accompanied by dry eyes, a feeling of “sand” in them, and irritation. When the eyeballs protrude greatly, the eyelids do not completely close the eyes during sleep. This creates problems with night sleep, especially at the stage of falling asleep, and is also fraught with mechanical damage to the cornea, including perforation.

Causes of exophthalmos

Exophthalmos itself is not a disease. It's more of a concomitant painful conditions phenomenon. Exophthalmos occurs due to pathological processes occurring in the orbit, skull, or some other diseases. In particular, the causes of exophthalmos are as follows.

What are the symptoms of exophthalmos

The symptoms of exophthalmos are as follows:

  • noticeable protrusion of one or both eyeballs;
  • pulsation in a pathologically located eyeball (not always);
  • inability to close the eyes completely (in advanced or severe forms);
  • dryness, pain, irritation, “sand” in the eyes;
  • double vision;
  • blurred vision.

The following symptoms are associated not so much with bulging eyes themselves, but with its causes:

  • pain when rotating the eyeballs;
  • difficulty controlling the eyeballs;
  • headaches;
  • noise and “whistle” in the ears;
  • dizziness;
  • fatigue and drowsiness.

Protrusion of the eyeballs occurs due to physiological disorders in the organs of vision. The pathology is caused by an increase in the volume of tissue in the eye orbits. People of different genders and ages face this problem.

Protruding eyes are one of the many symptoms of an ophthalmic disease called exophthalmos. But it can also develop due to other serious disorders in the body.

What is exophthalmos?

- this is a pathological mono or binocular protrusion of the eyeballs from the cavity of their orbits. Bug eyes can be straight or sloping in any direction. In medicine this is a disease included in the section on endocrine ophthalmopathy.

This is a process that develops against the background of disruptions immune system, leads to damage to tissues, organs and systems in the human body.

It is easy to notice bulging eyes in yourself or your relatives, because the disease occurs with a visible defect.

Women who are subsequently diagnosed with dysfunction of the endocrine system are more often faced with the problem.

In men, exophthalmos usually develops after an eye injury. Pathology covers everything age categories, starting with babies. There is evidence that the disease is directly related to tumors in the cerebellum.


The general clinical manifestations of the disease and their intensity depend on how far the eyeballs have left the orbital cavities. So, if the protrusion is weak and there is no excessive pressure on the optic nerve, then the person does not experience discomfort.

But progressive exophthalmos with strong rolling out causes obvious symptoms:

Most often, exophthalmos accompanies, in which the cornea of ​​the eye gradually loses sensitivity. In more complex cases, the condition of the visual organs worsens and keratitis develops. In this case, the cornea of ​​the eye becomes inflamed, and a characteristic thorn forms in its place.

Consequence long-term pressure the optic nerve may become permanently blind. It occurs after the death of the optic nerve, due to impaired blood flow and lack of impulse nerve fibers from the brain. Therefore, upon detection characteristic symptoms exophthalmos, you should understand the state of the body and identify factors that negatively affect the organs of vision.

Causes of protruding eyes

In most cases bulging eyes develop against the background of endocrine diseases, which disrupt the functions of all organs and systems in the human body. With this pathology, swelling of the fatty tissue and muscles in the eye sockets leads to scarring.

Most often, both eyes are damaged at once, but there are cases of unilateral exophthalmos. Exophthalmos can appear at any age; in infants, its symptoms indicate congenital diseases.

Less common causes of protruding eyes:

In addition, protruding eyes are detected in people who have congenital, severe inflammation of adipose tissue, and exophthalmos also develops against the background varicose veins veins in the organ of vision.

Exophthalmos can be a complication of another pathology - Graves' disease or diffuse toxic goiter. Pathology develops due to a lack of iodine in the body, it provokes the thyroid gland to produce increased amount thyroid hormones. They lead to swelling and swelling of the fat pad and eye muscles, causing the development of exophthalmos.

Types of disease

In medicine, this pathology is classified into 3 types:

Protrusion of the eyeballs can be acute or chronic.

Forms of the disease

There is also a division of the disease into forms:

Edema exophthalmos is diagnosed after removal of the thyroid gland; the development of the disease occurs due to hormonal imbalance. If you detect even a slight protrusion of one or two eyes at once, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Modern diagnostics

Differential diagnosis includes a visual examination in the ophthalmologist's office. It is accompanied by a questioning of the patient about concomitant manifestations of pathology. During the examination, the ophthalmologist evaluates changes in the fundus and refraction of the eye, which indicate the nature and severity of the pathological process.

To determine the form and degree of exophthalmos, the following studies are carried out:

The collected data makes it possible to determine the degree of the disease according to Baranov’s classification:

Pulsating exophthalmos is diagnosed using a phonendoscope. The doctor applies the device to the area above the affected eye and listens for pulsation. At the same time, gurgling systolic sounds are clearly audible through the phonendoscope. During listening, the carotid artery is enlarged, and the pulsation stops, but begins a sharp expansion outside the eyeball - in the neck, forehead, temples.

With grade 1 exophthalmos, the pathology almost always occurs without any pronounced symptoms. Most often, pathology is detected during examination concomitant diseases if the doctor suspects an unhealthy protrusion of the eyeballs. After all possible research After receiving the results, the ophthalmologist can send you for an appointment with a neurologist, ENT specialist, neurosurgeon or oncologist.


The treatment regimen directly depends on the cause that provoked the development of bulging eyes. Therapy should be determined based on the severity of a particular disease.

Protrusion of the eyeballs, which develops due to an excess of hormones in the body, requires treatment of the thyroid gland. For this purpose, glucocorticosteroid drugs are used, for example, Prednisolone.

In the presence of diffuse toxic goiter, the doctor prescribes an appointment Mercazolina, Diiodotyrosine, Methylthiouracil or other types of hormonal medicines. Radioactive iodine can also be used.

Possible steroid therapy regimen:

Depending on the type of exophthalmos, except steroid drugs, used for treatment:

Urgent hospitalization in a medical facility is necessary if the patient has ulcerative formations on the cornea, complete paralysis of the eyeballs has occurred or vision is completely impaired.

Successful cure for of this disease occurs when doctors managed to eliminate the inflammatory process, and the eyeballs returned to their place. At the same time, it is also important to stabilize hormonal background to prevent repeated eye rolling.

A person with such serious illness It is necessary to strengthen the immune system and nervous system. An appointment is made for these purposes. sedatives and vitamin complexes.

To eliminate severe symptoms, you can use the advice of specialists:

  • moisturize the mucous membrane of the eye using special ophthalmic ointments;
  • protect your eyes from the wind, dust and sun rays, glasses with dark lenses;
  • to reduce dryness and irritation mucous membranes of the eyes use;
  • head during sleep should be on a hill to reduce swelling;
  • remove salt from your diet, it retains fluid in the body, which in turn increases pressure on the eyes.

A person in the process of treating bulging eyes should stop driving a car. After all, the pathology is often manifested by blurred vision and double vision, which is dangerous to the health and life of not only the driver, but also pedestrians. With this pathology, it is very dangerous to try to use traditional medicine recipes; the result may be a deterioration in the condition of the eyes.


Because the etiology of eye protrusion may vary from case to case, prognosis will depend on:

  • diagnosis;
  • speed of identifying the cause of the pathology;
  • forms and severity of the disease;
  • treatment regimens;
  • individual characteristics of the patient;
  • accurate compliance with doctor's instructions.

Successful fight against the disease is possible if all the points described above are followed. But displacement of the eyeballs caused by malignant tumors in the area of ​​vision and head leads to irreversible consequences, and the disease has a poor prognosis.

After treatment of exophthalmos, it may be necessary to correct the appearance of the eyes, especially for women. Therefore, you will have to use the services of plastic surgeons.

Prevention of exophthalmos

The wide range of causes leading to protruding eyeballs requires serious preventive measures. First of all, they relate to lifestyle, preservation general health and nonspecific preventive measures.

To exclude the development of exophthalmos it is necessary:

In addition, it is important to regularly examine hormonal levels and the condition of the thyroid gland.


A defect in the form of protruding eyes is a consequence of insufficient attention to one’s health.

After all, many previous diseases made themselves felt with completely obvious symptoms, but the person simply did not want to change anything or did not have enough time to go to a medical institution.

In order not to lose your vision, you need to promptly seek help from an ophthalmologist and related specialists.

Through common efforts medical workers will carry out diagnostics and diagnose accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment. But still, it is better to prevent exophthalmos with a healthy lifestyle and a responsible attitude towards your body.

Thank you

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Today, the most popular in official medicine is the morphological classification eye diseases, taking into account the localization of the pathological process in the organ of vision.

According to this classification eye diseases There are diseases of the eyeball and diseases of the adnexal apparatus of the eye. Diseases of the adnexal apparatus of the eye, in turn, are anatomically divided into the following pathologies:

  • diseases of the eyelids;
  • diseases of the lacrimal organs;
  • diseases of the conjunctiva of the eye;
  • pathologies of the oculomotor system;
  • diseases of the eye orbit (socket).
Diseases of the eyeball are lesions of its membranes and pathology of the optical environment of the eye (cornea, lens and vitreous), such as:
  • diseases of the connective tissue membrane of the eye (sclera);
  • corneal diseases;
  • diseases of the eye lens;
  • pathologies of the vitreous body;
  • violations intraocular pressure;
  • diseases associated with dysfunction of the eye's focusing system (myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism);
  • diseases of the choroid of the eye (iris, ciliary body and the choroid itself);
  • pathologies of the retina;
  • illnesses optic nerve.
As a rule, injuries to the organ of vision are isolated separately, since in such cases combined lesions of different morphological structures are often observed.

Diseases of the eyelid (chalazion, stye on the eye, blepharitis) - causes, symptoms and treatment. What processes in the body put the eyelid at risk of developing chronic inflammatory reactions?

Eye disease chalazion (chalazion). Signs and treatment

The eye disease chalazion also has a popular name – hailstone, which perfectly describes its essence. A chalazion is the appearance on the upper or lower eyelid of an absolutely painless elastic-elastic compaction, which looks like a hailstone hidden under the skin, averaging about 5 mm in size.

The immediate cause of the development of this disease of the eyelids is blockage excretory duct meiobian gland, which leads to its overflow with subsequent breakthrough of the secretion, around the granules of which, as a result of aseptic inflammation, a connective tissue capsule is formed, delimiting the chalazion from the surrounding tissues of the skin and cartilage.

Blockage of the excretory duct of the meiobian gland is most often a consequence of a disorder metabolic processes in the body. Risk factors for the development of chalazion include pathologies such as diabetes mellitus, gastric ulcer and duodenum, various kinds allergic diseases.

In the early stages of development of the pathology, when a hard connective tissue capsule has not yet formed around the chalazion, they try to treat this disease of the eyelids conservative methods using local injections of glucocorticoids (Kenalog-40, etc.).

However, in the vast majority of cases they resort to surgical removal hailstones This is a relatively safe operation and is performed under local anesthesia.

The prognosis for such an eye disease as chalazion is favorable, but it should be taken into account that in case of difficult to eliminate metabolic disorders(severe forms of diabetes mellitus or serious allergic diseases) relapses are possible.

Common infectious eye diseases in adults and children: stye. Treatment and prevention

The disease, popularly called "styre on the eye", is infectious inflammation glands of the century. In this case, a distinction is made between external and internal barley.

External stye occurs as a result of an infectious-inflammatory process in the sebaceous and sweat glands located on the edges of the eyelids, and internal stye occurs as a result of purulent melting of the meiobian glands. So external stye it is easily determined visually in the form of an edematous nodule on the edge of the eyelid, and the inner one can be seen only by turning the eyelid out.

The duration of an eye disease such as stye is short - no more than a week. The disease begins acutely with a feeling foreign body in the eye and/or discomfort at the edge of the affected eyelid, then a pain syndrome appears, which intensifies as the swelling in the affected area increases.

On the second or third day, a purulent head appears above the inflamed gland, which opens by the fourth day of the disease. After spontaneous removal of the “rod” and pus, all symptoms quickly disappear on their own.

It should be remembered that in no case should you try to squeeze out the stye, since the process may spread, so that an innocent disease of the eyelids may be complicated by the development purulent inflammation fatty tissue of the orbit or even thrombosis venous vessels. The use of moist heat (lotion) is also contraindicated, since it is possible to “screen out” new abscesses.

Multiple and frequently occurring styes, as a rule, indicate a decrease in immunity and vitamin deficiency. Often, a recurrent form of this disease of the eyelids develops against the background of diabetes mellitus and/or chronic pathologies digestive tract.

Treatment of barley is conservative: dry heat, as well as drops or ointments with antibiotics. For recurrent infectious diseases of the eyelids, general restorative therapy is prescribed; the dietary supplement "Brewer's Yeast" has proven itself well.

Diseases of the skin of the eyelids - causes and treatment. Peeling of the skin around the eyes, itching, redness as the main symptoms of an eye disease such as blepharitis

If barley and chalazion represent a pathology of the eyelid glands, then blepharitis is a disease of the skin covering the edge of the eyelid. This is one of the most common eye diseases. Blepharitis, as well as other infectious eye diseases, are more common in older people and patients with reduced immunity.

As a rule, blepharitis is a chronic bilateral inflammatory lesion of the edges of the upper and lower eyelids eyes. The chronicization of the process is facilitated by overstrain of the organ of vision with inadequately corrected farsightedness or astigmatism, the presence of eye diseases such as chronic conjunctivitis and dry eye syndrome, as well as chronic lesions gastrointestinal tract, metabolic pathologies (diabetes mellitus), exposure to allergens (including medicines), dust, dry air, cigarette and industrial smoke.

This eye disease can be either infectious or non-infectious in nature. Infectious blepharitis is most often caused by bacteria, but viral and fungal diseases of the eyelid margins also occur. Non-infectious blepharitis in the vast majority of cases is associated with disruption of the eyelid glands (sebaceous and meiobian).

Symptoms of blepharitis as a disease of the eyelids include the appearance of visible changes (thickening of the eyelids, the appearance of pathological elements such as scales, crusts, ulcers, etc.), as well as the development of pain and itching in the affected area.

Treatment of blepharitis largely depends on its form (scaly, ulcerative, posterior (arising as a result of dysfunction of the meiobian glands), demodectic (tick-borne)) and includes local measures (treatment of the edges of the eyelids, the use of special drops and ointments) and general health measures (detection and treatment diseases of the digestive tract, correction of metabolic disorders, vitamin therapy, normalization of the immune system).

The prognosis is favorable only with long-term adequate treatment, since this disease the eye is characterized by a persistent course and a tendency to relapse.

Barley: symptoms, treatment and prevention - video

Red eyes are a symptom of what diseases?

The eye disease conjunctivitis is the most popular answer to the question: “what is the name of red eye disease?” Causes of inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane of the eye and eyelids, symptoms, treatment

Conjunctivitis is an inflammatory reaction that develops in the mucous membrane that lines the inner surface of the eyelids, as well as outer surface the eyeball, excluding the cornea (the outer layer covering the iris and pupil).

The main symptoms of this eye disease are signs of an inflammatory process in the conjunctival cavity, in particular:

  • redness of the whites of the eyes and the inner surface of the eyelids;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • sensation of itching and/or discomfort in the eyelid area;
  • gluing of eyelashes after sleep;
  • purulent and/or mucous discharge accumulating in the area of ​​the inner corner of the eye;
  • visible enlargement of the conjunctival glands (follicles and papillae on the inner surface of the eyelids).

The reasons for the development of conjunctivitis are very diverse, so acute inflammation mucous membrane of the eyelids and eyeball can be caused by:
1. Bacterial infection, among which the largest clinical significance have:

  • staphylococcal conjunctivitis (acute and chronic);
  • acute conjunctivitis caused by a stick of blue pus;
  • acute gonococcal conjunctivitis (blenorrhea);
  • diphtheria conjunctivitis.
2. Viral infection, causing such eye diseases, How:
  • epidemic keratoconjunctivitis (an inflammatory process that simultaneously affects the conjunctiva and cornea);
  • adenoviral conjunctivitis;
  • epidemic hemorrhagic conjunctivitis with characteristic multiple hemorrhages in the mucous membrane;
  • herpes viral conjunctivitis.
3. Chlamydial infection, which causes eye diseases such as
  • trachoma, often leading to severe irreversible changes the mucous membrane of the eyelids and eyeball, as well as damage to the cornea of ​​the eye with the formation of a cataract;
  • paratrachoma, characterized by a more benign course.
4. Reactions allergic type leading to the following eye diseases:
  • vernal keratoconjunctivitis (spring catarrh), which is a childhood allergic eye lesion, prone to a persistent, chronically relapsing course;
  • drug allergic conjunctivitis;
  • hay fever conjunctivitis that occurs during the flowering period of certain grasses, cereals, and trees;
  • chronic allergic conjunctivitis, often associated with constant contact with “household” household allergens (fish food, common house dust, pet hair and dander, household chemicals, etc.);
  • allergic conjunctivitis associated with contact lens use;
  • large capillary conjunctivitis, which is specific reaction mucous membrane upper eyelid to a foreign body ( contact lenses, sutures after cataract extraction, scleral fillings).
Treatment of an eye disease such as conjunctivitis depends on the cause of the disease. So, for example, drugs prescribed for allergic conjunctivitis, are strictly contraindicated for inflammation of the conjunctiva of bacterial origin and vice versa. Therefore, if you suspect acute conjunctivitis, you should seek professional medical help.

Chronic inflammatory processes in the conjunctiva, as well as chronic inflammatory diseases of the eyelids, may indicate the presence of the following unfavorable factors:
1. Other eye diseases (uncorrected farsightedness or astigmatism, etc.);
2. Chronic pathologies of the whole body (diabetes mellitus, diseases of the digestive tract, immune disorders, hypovitaminosis);
3. Failure to comply with basic sanitary and hygienic measures in everyday life and at work (increased dust in the premises, non-compliance with the work and rest regime during work associated with increased eye strain, etc.).

Therefore, in the presence of chronic persistent conjunctivitis, it is necessary to conduct a detailed examination of the eyes and the whole body, as well as take all measures to protect the eyes from adverse environmental factors.

Eye disease keratitis (inflammation of the cornea): redness of the eyes, watery eyes, painful spasm of the eyelids

Redness of the eyes is also observed with an eye disease such as keratitis (inflammation of the cornea), which, like conjunctivitis, is a whole group of inflammatory pathologies caused by various reasons.

So, depending on the reason, they distinguish:
1. Bacterial keratitis , which, as a rule, are caused by pneumococci, staphylococci or streptococci that have entered the tissue of the damaged cornea and are manifested by such severe pathology as a creeping corneal ulcer (often leading to purulent damage to the vitreous body (endophthalmitis) or all membranes of the eye (panophthalmitis) with extremely unfavorable preservation of vision prognosis).
2. Marginal keratitis , which are a complication of inflammatory diseases of the eyelids and/or conjunctivitis and have a relatively favorable prognosis (scars formed at the site of marginal corneal lesions, as a rule, do not affect vision function).

3. Fungal keratitis , which are rare lesions of the cornea by mold, radiant or yeast fungi, occurring after minor injuries with the introduction of a fungal infection (work in rural areas or contact spread from skin lesions).
4. Endogenous or deep keratitis , which are “ocular” manifestations of diseases not related to the organ of vision, such as:

  • congenital or acquired syphilis;
  • damage to the first branch trigeminal nerve(neuroparalytic keratitis);
  • hypovitaminosis (lack of vitamins A, B1, B2, C, PP and/or E).
5. Keratitis of unknown etiology (rosacea-keratitis, recurrent corneal erosion, etc.), characterized by a persistent chronically recurrent course.

The clinical picture of eye diseases, collectively known as keratitis, largely depends on the cause of the pathology. However, there are also general symptoms characteristic of corneal inflammation of any etiology, such as:

  • photophobia;
  • lacrimation;
  • painful spasm of the eyelids (blepharospasm).
The mechanism of occurrence of the above symptoms, called corneal syndrome or corneal triad, is associated with a large number of nerve receptors located on the cornea.

Corneal syndrome masks another obligatory symptom of corneal damage - decreased vision caused by a violation of its light-conducting function.

Redness of the eyes due to keratitis is associated with paralysis of the vessels supplying the cornea. These vessels are located much deeper, so this kind of redness (the so-called deep or pericorneal injection) has its own characteristics:
1. The intensity of redness decreases in the direction from the cornea to the periphery of the eyeball;
2. The redness has a purple tint;
3. Unlike the redness of conjunctivitis, it is almost impossible to distinguish large vessels in a pericorneal injection.

Since the treatment of keratitis depends on the cause that caused the inflammatory disease of the cornea, and delayed or inadequate therapy can lead to irreparable loss of vision, it is extremely important to seek help from an ophthalmologist when the first signs of keratitis appear.

Chronic eye diseases, when redness of the eyes requires emergency medical intervention - glaucoma

Redness of the eye may be one of the signs of an attack of glaucoma - chronic illness eyes, characterized by periodic and/or constant increases in intraocular pressure.

Delay in receiving medical care during an attack of this eye disease can lead to irreparable loss of vision, since as a result of a sharp increase in intraocular pressure, severe circulatory disorders occur in the retina of the eye, which can cause necrosis of the optic nerve head.

Meanwhile, making the correct diagnosis of an attack of glaucoma is not so easy. The fact is that the organ of vision is closely interconnected with the central nervous system, therefore, a significant increase in intraocular pressure causes so-called cerebral symptoms (excruciating headache, nausea, vomiting).

However, pain in the affected eye may go unnoticed due to a severe headache, so the redness is extremely important symptom. In doubtful cases, doctors advise comparing the consistency of the healthy and affected eye and focusing on this characteristic symptom acute attack glaucoma as a “rock-hard eye.” Suspicion of an acute increase in intraocular pressure is an indication for immediate hospitalization in the ophthalmology department of the hospital. Before doctors arrive, you can try to soften the attack with a hot foot bath ( similar procedure will cause blood to flow out of the head and reduce the intensity of cerebral symptoms of glaucoma).

Conjunctivitis: causes, symptoms, treatment - video

Fundus diseases

Signs of retinal and optic nerve vascular disease visible by fundus ophthalmoscopy

The fundus is the part of the inner surface of the eye that is visible using a special device, an ophthalmoscope, and includes:
  • Retina of the eye– consisting of ten layers inner shell eyes, responsible for the perception of visual images;
  • Makulu or yellow spot– the area of ​​the retina located in the central part of the fundus of the eye, responsible for the best zone of vision;
  • Optic disc , with the help of which information from the retina is transmitted to the brain to the central part of the visual analyzer, located in the occipital lobe;
  • Large vessels choroid, visible through the thin layers of the retina.
Often the initial stages of pathology of the choroid, retina and optic nerve are practically asymptomatic and are detected at stages when there is very little hope for complete healing. Therefore, fundus examination plays a primary role in preserving the vision of patients with many eye diseases.

In addition, diagnostic ophthalmoscopy is a necessary condition for many operations on the retina. By using this survey it is possible to determine the number of retinal breaks and their location, to detect the most thinned places where further onset of retinal eye disease can be expected.

Vascular diseases of the retina. Fundus of the eye in diabetes and hypertension

Retinal vascular diseases are most often associated with systemic diseases body, such as:
  • hypertension;
  • carotid artery stenosis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • late toxicosis of pregnancy;
  • severe renal failure;
  • severe anemia (anemia);
  • conditions that occur with a change in blood composition and an increase in its viscosity and create a threat of embolism of the central retinal artery.
According to statistical data, the most common reasons Retinal vascular diseases become such pathologies as hypertension and diabetes mellitus.

Thus, an eye disease such as diabetic retinopathy often leads to complete blindness in patients with diabetes mellitus. The fact is that elevated blood sugar levels have an extremely adverse effect on the condition of small arteries (arterioles) and veins (venules). As a result, tissue nutrition is disrupted, hemorrhages occur, which ultimately leads to irreversible changes in the retina and optic nerve head.

At hypertension changes in the fundus often appear earlier than pronounced symptoms from other body systems. Therefore, ophthalmoscopy plays an important role in the diagnosis of this pathology.

The most early changes Fundus changes in hypertension are functional in nature and consist in expanding the lumen of venules and narrowing the diameter of arterioles. With further progression of the pathology, pronounced organic changes appear, such as hardening of the arterioles, the appearance of small hemorrhages in the retina, and pallor of the optic nerve head.

Clinically, these lesions manifest themselves as an eye disease, characterized by decreased visual acuity, the appearance of a veil before the eyes, narrowing of the visual fields, and subjective complaints of deteriorating visual function.

Bulging eyes disease

Are protruding eyes always a disease? Diagnosis of Graves' disease

Protruding eyes are one of the characteristic symptoms of Graves' disease (thyrotoxicosis). However, everyone knows that many absolutely healthy people have naturally protruding eyes.

Graves' disease has several names - Graves' syndrome, diffuse toxic goiter, thyrotoxicosis. It should be noted that the term thyrotoxicosis in translation means poisoning of the body with thyroid hormones. Data biologically active substances play a leading role in the body, regulating energy metabolism, therefore a change in their concentration causes systemic disorders, many of which are easily identified at the first consultative examination.

Medical tactics depend both on the severity of the “bulging eyes” symptom and on the activity of the autoimmune process. In this case, the following activities are mandatory:

  • quitting smoking;
  • protecting the cornea from drying out with drops" artificial tear";
  • sleeping with a blindfold (with poor eyelid closure);
  • protecting your eyes from bright light (using tinted glasses);
  • drug correction of the concentration of thyroid hormones in the blood.
At mild degree endocrine ophthalmopathy, medical tactics are limited to the measures listed above. With moderate severity of the “bulging eyes” syndrome during the active phase (severe pain, swelling of the eyelids, redness of the conjunctiva), hormonal anti-inflammatory therapy and/or X-ray irradiation of the orbital zone are prescribed.

As clinical experience shows, with endocrine ophthalmopathy of moderate severity, a significant reduction in the symptoms of eye disease is possible after the activity of the autoimmune process subsides. If this does not happen, moderate ophthalmopathy during the inactive phase is corrected surgically: operations on the eyelids, extraocular muscles, decompression of the orbits.

Severe endocrine ophthalmopathy poses a threat of irreparable loss of vision function, therefore, in such cases, surgical decompression of the orbits is carried out under the cover of pulse therapy with glucocorticoids (increased doses of powerful anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed at short intervals).

What is the eye disease astigmatism? "Lazy Eye" How is eye function corrected for astigmatism?

Astigmatism is an eye disease caused by a defect in the shape of the lens, cornea, or the eyeball itself, when the patient loses the ability to focus the eye clearly. This type of eye disease cannot be corrected with conventional spherical lenses and often remains unrecognized.

Symptoms of astigmatism, which appear already in the early stages of the disease, are:

  • decreased visual acuity;
  • rapid eye fatigue during work associated with visual strain;
  • headache;
  • curvature, splitting of objects in the field of vision.
In cases where patients with astigmatism do not seek medical help, chronic eye fatigue leads to complications such as inflammatory diseases of the conjunctiva and strabismus.

In case of inadequate treatment of congenital or arising in early childhood Astigmatism causes lazy eye syndrome, which is characterized by a sharp, poorly correctable decrease in visual function.

In such cases, blindness is associated not with anatomical defects in the structure of the organ of vision, but with a violation normal development the central part of the visual analyzer, located in the occipital lobe of the cerebral cortex.

Treatment for astigmatism is constantly wearing glasses with special astigmatic lenses. Advances in modern optics make it possible to use contact lenses for correction.

Today they are especially popular latest methods laser correction vision with astigmatism. This technique consists of correcting a defect by changing the curvature of the cornea using a laser beam.

Dry eye disease (dry eye syndrome)

Dry eye syndrome is a combined disease of the conjunctiva and cornea (keratoconjunctivitis sicca), caused by a decrease in the production of tear fluid and a violation of the stability of the tear film formed on the surface of the eyeball.

This eye disease is relatively rare in young people, but with age the number of patients with dry eye syndrome increases significantly. In women, the impetus for the development of pathology is often menopause.

The first symptoms of eye disease in keratoconjunctivitis sicca are:

  • sensation of a foreign body behind the eyelids;
  • burning and pain in the conjunctiva of the eyes;
  • poor tolerance to smoke, wind, bright sunlight;
  • increased eye fatigue.
Subsequently, signs of inflammation of the conjunctiva and cornea appear (redness of the mucous membrane of the inner surface of the eyelids and eyeball, photophobia, lacrimation), erosions form on the surface of the conjunctiva and cornea, and in severe cases, a dangerous complication for the eyes such as a corneal ulcer may occur.

The diagnosis of an eye disease such as dry eye is established using special tests designed to assess tear production and the stability of the tear film.

Since the mechanism of development of pathology in dry eye syndrome still remains not fully understood, exclusively symptomatic treatment has been developed (therapy aimed at eliminating signs of the disease).

Patients are prescribed artificial tear drops, which can be used 3 to 8 times a day. If there is an allergic component, desensitizing drops (Lecrolin) are used. In case of damage to the cornea, appropriate treatment is prescribed (Taufon).

In severe cases, resort to surgical intervention(blockage of the nasolacrimal duct through which tear fluid"runs away" from the eye).

Are different eyes a disease (meaning different colors of the iris)? If yes, what is the name of the disease of different eyes?

Different eye colors in the language of science are called heterochromia. This phenomenon is not uncommon in the animal world. So, for example, among Angora cats there are quite often individuals with with different eyes(blue and amber, blue and green, etc.). This congenital feature is more common in light-colored animals and is inherited.

In humans, heterochromia can be either congenital or acquired. Congenital heterochromia is not an eye disease. Many babies born with eyes of different colors are absolutely healthy.

Previously, people with different eye colors were viewed with great suspicion (it was believed that Satan had eyes of different colors). And today there are still superstitious citizens who are confident that eyes of different colors can cast the evil eye. However, this prejudice has no basis in reality - different color iris does not in any way affect a person’s mental state and does not award any special abilities.

Sometimes heterochromia can be one of the signs of severe congenital anomalies. Such, for example, as congenital hearing loss with Waardenburg syndrome. But in such cases, patients have other visible to the eye deviations, in particular, the appearance of patients with Waardenburg syndrome is very specific (displacement of the inner corner of the eye, wide bridge of the nose, fused eyebrows, gray hair on the forehead).

Acquired heterochromia is usually a sign of pathology. The fact is that eye color is caused by the deposition of melanin in the iris of the eye, and some pathological processes can contribute to hypo- or hyperpigmentation.

So, for example, increased melanin deposition in the iris of one eye can be caused by a tumor, and a decrease can be caused by damage to the nerve that stimulates the process of melanin formation (Horner's syndrome).

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Exophthalmos or bulging eyes is a pathology of the eyeball in which it protrudes forward beyond the level of the orbit, and sometimes to the side. Typically, this condition is a symptom of other diseases - ocular or non-ocular, therefore, if exophthalmos appears in a person, one should urgently consult a doctor and undergo examinations to determine the causes of the development of the disorder.

among the people this pathology called bulging eyes, and it can be a congenital feature of a person. In this case, congenital exophthalmos is bilateral in nature and does not differ severe symptoms, while the acquired one can be either one- or two-sided, and its manifestations are quite clearly expressed. Bug eyes can progress over years, with increasing symptoms, or develop in just a few weeks, and both men and women of any age, and even children, can suffer from the disease.


Protruding eyes indicate the presence of certain congenital or acquired diseases in a person. In cases where the violation is caused eye diseases, bulging eyes develop predominantly on one side, and if bilateral exophthalmos is noted, this usually indicates the presence of problems with the thyroid gland. Mostly, a person develops exactly this kind of endocrine exophthalmos, that is, protrusion of the eyeballs due to the presence of pathologies of the endocrine system.

The disease develops due to excessive growth of tissues of the orbit of the eye in the retrobulbar space. In turn, the tissue begins to grow due to traumatic injuries, inflammatory processes or processes of a neurodystrophic nature. At the same time, according to the nature of the prevalence of the process, bulging eyes can be:

  • local;
  • diffuse.

At local form inflammatory or traumatic injuries directly ocular orbit. In diffuse cases, bulging eyes are a consequence of pathologies such as:

  • hypothalamic syndrome;
  • lymphadenosis

The most common factors, which provoke the development of such a disorder are also:

  • paralysis of the eye muscles;
  • injuries with hemorrhage in the orbit;
  • congenital;
  • tumor in the eye socket;
  • inflammation of the sinuses and lacrimal glands;
  • varicose veins of the orbital vessels or some others.


Before describing the symptoms of a pathology such as bulging eyes, you should understand what forms of it are found in modern medical practice. There are four such forms.

The first one is imaginary exophthalmos, which develops due to abnormalities in the structure of the skull and orbit, as well as due to congenital pathologies such as glaucoma or severe.

Second form - true goggle-eyed. It is spoken of in cases where the disease is caused by endocrine disorders or tumor-like and inflammatory processes in the orbit.

Third form - intermittent. It occurs when a person tilts his head - this occurs as a result of damage to the vessels of the orbit, for example, with varicose veins.

The fourth form of such a pathology as bulging eyes is pulsating. It is manifested by a pronounced pulsation of the eyeball, which at its peak strongly protrudes forward, and then returns to the confines of the orbit. This condition occurs in people who have an orbital aneurysm or suffer from cavernous sinus.

Special attention should be paid to such pathology as edematous exophthalmos. This disease develops mainly in people after 40 years of age and has a malignant course, characterized by severe symptoms with impaired mobility of the eyeball and a decrease in the quality of vision, up to its complete loss due to compression of the optic nerve by edematous tissue. Develops with diffuse toxic goiter as a consequence of hormonal imbalance in the body.

Edema exophthalmos is expressed by strong protrusion, up to dislocation, as well as excessively pronounced pain syndrome– pain in some cases cannot be relieved even with narcotic drugs. Treatment of such a disease should be surgical - in most cases, decompressive trepanation of the orbit is indicated in order to return the eye orbit to its place and stop pain and other severe manifestations.

Symptoms of the disease depend on the stage - a barely noticeable protrusion does not cause discomfort to a person and may not even be visible naked eye and can only be determined using special instruments. When bulging eyes are pronounced, it gives a person not only physical, but also psychological discomfort, since the eyes are in plain sight, and others always pay attention to them when communicating with a person, which is why the patient experiences awkwardness and other negative feelings. Therefore than more like a person seek medical help, the faster you can cure the disease and return to normal life.

If the disease is advanced, exophthalmos progresses and the following symptoms develop:

  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • decreased vision;
  • redness of the sclera;
  • double vision.

Another symptom characteristic of bulging eyes is the inability to close the eyelids, which causes the conjunctiva to dry out and develop inflammation. dystrophic changes in it.

In cases where the patient has unilateral exophthalmos, there is a high probability that it is caused by a tumor in the orbit. Restricted mobility of the eyeball or its complete absence is characteristic feature tumor pathology. If the pathology is not cured at this stage, compression of the optic nerve may occur, resulting in symptoms such as impairment, and then total loss vision without the possibility of recovery.

Diagnosis and treatment

To cure a disease in a person, it must be diagnosed in a timely manner. Of course, it is easier to treat bulging eyes at the initial stage, when there are no pronounced dystrophic changes or decreased vision. However, it is rare that a disorder can be diagnosed, because initial symptoms may not be visible to the naked eye. In general, making a diagnosis in the case of this disorder is not difficult, because all the symptoms are visible. In addition, exophthalmometry is performed - examination of the eyeballs using special mirrors.

Treatment for bulging eyes should consist of eliminating the root cause that caused the disorder. In particular, if the cause is a malfunction of the thyroid gland, then the person needs to contact an endocrinologist who will prescribe appropriate therapy, namely drugs that correct the function of the thyroid gland - glucocorticosteroids.

In cases where the pathological condition in a person is caused by inflammatory processes, treatment of exophthalmos will include taking anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs wide range actions. Sulfa drugs and vitamins are also prescribed. And if the disease is caused by a cancerous tumor, surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy according to individual plans.

Treatment of exophthalmos with severe symptoms, when there is a risk of compression of the optic nerve, requires surgery. In general, surgery in many cases becomes the only option to return the protruding eye to the socket. Note that folk remedies It is impossible to cure the disease, so you should not waste precious time looking for a “miracle cure”, but rather seek medical help as quickly as possible.