Stomach hurts before menstruation - what does this mean? For what reasons does the lower abdomen hurt before menstruation and how to reduce discomfort. How to relieve abdominal pain during menstruation and whether it should be done

Nagging pain in the lower abdomen, cramps, nausea and indigestion - unfortunately, all these unpleasant symptoms are very recognizable to most women and poison our lives for several days every month... Is it possible to get rid of them forever and what needs to be done for this? Let's find out!

First of all, it is necessary to understand why the second phase of the cycle and the beginning of menstruation can be accompanied by such unpleasant and painful sensations. Of course, we know very well that the menstrual cycle is a subtle and sensitive mechanism by which a woman’s body prepares for pregnancy every month. To do this, the female reproductive system alternately produces certain hormones that contribute to the start of the cycle, maturation of the follicle, growth of the endometrium, thereby preparing the uterus for the appearance of a fertilized egg in it. However, in most cases, the egg does not appear, pregnancy does not occur, and the final phase of the cycle begins, which brings us so many unpleasant sensations.

During this period, the uterus prepares for the process of self-cleaning - in fact, menstruation. To do this, the uterine tissue produces large quantities of prostaglandins - special chemicals that stimulate its contraction and, accordingly, the release of dead layers of the endometrium.

It is the increased level of prostaglandins that leads to excessive tone of the uterus and, accordingly, to well-known symptoms: pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, cramps, dizziness and indigestion. Unfortunately, all this usually indicates problems with work. reproductive system And hormonal imbalance.

Is there any way to solve this problem? Of course! There are several approaches to solving it. The most common method that most women usually resort to is to relieve disturbing symptoms and forget about the discomfort for at least a month.

Indeed, warm compresses, herbal teas, yoga classes and, of course, pain pills allow us to breathe out and get through difficult days without much loss.

However, is it right to constantly mask the problem instead of addressing it?

The surest way to permanently get rid of the pain associated with the onset of menstruation is to restore the functioning of the reproductive system and normalize the hormonal balance in the body. At the same time, of course, you should approach the choice of means with which you plan to achieve the desired result wisely! Often many people immediately start with the “heavy artillery” - hormonal drugs(including contraceptives).

Such drugs really relieve many symptoms of PMS, but they do not restore the natural one, but create an artificial one. hormonal background. This leads to the fact that after their cancellation all problems may return.

Uncontrolled use can be no less dangerous. herbal preparations, which with their “naturalness” and natural composition can inspire confidence in their own safety. This is a very dangerous misconception!

Many herbs and plants included in such preparations (for example, angelica chinensis, chasteberry, sweet clover, wild yam, fenugreek, black cohosh, twig grass, soybean, red clover) are so-called “phytohormones” (“phytoestrogens”). This means that they have a hormone-like effect and in some cases can cause serious harm to health!

Like synthetic hormones, such drugs can only be taken after appropriate tests and consultation with a doctor.

Fortunately, scientists have already developed modern way normalize hormonal balance - so-called cyclic vitamin therapy. Despite the complex name, the essence of the method is very simple: you simply take a specially selected complex of vitamins and minerals for each phase of the cycle. An example of such a drug is the biphasic vitamin-mineral complex “Ciclovita”. It carefully and accurately maintains the hormonal balance of the body, without gross interference in the reproductive system. "Cyclovita" does not contain hormones (including phytoestrogens) and consists of two complexes, all tablets in which are numbered in accordance with the days of the cycle. Cyclovita -1 is responsible for the correct course of the first, follicular, phase, and Cyclovita -2 is responsible for supporting the body during the second, luteal, phase.

Just 3 courses of Cyclovits help normalize the balance of sex hormones, restore the regularity of the cycle and, of course, significantly alleviate all manifestations of PMS - including the pain symptoms that already poison our lives!

Moreover, if necessary, taking Cyclovita can be combined with your usual painkillers.

In general, from now on you no longer need to wait with fear for PMS and the onset of your period, hiding your bad mood and poor health. You can lead your usual lifestyle and feel free to make any plans, and sensitive issues just trust “Cyclovit”!

The female body is a fragile system that is constantly subject to internal transformation. So, once a month, every lady experiences a slight bleeding called “menstruation”. According to medical data, more than 50% of the fair sex experience pain 3-7 days before the expected start of menstruation. Question: “Why does discomfort occur before menstruation?” does not have a clear answer. Pain before menstruation can be caused both by features of the anatomical structure and by serious pathologies of the woman’s reproductive organs. Let's look at why a lady experiences pain in the lower abdomen and chest, and how to cope with this scourge.

Why does the lower abdomen and chest hurt before menstruation: a medical point of view

Doctors answer why many ladies experience discomfort during PMS for three medically sound reasons. To understand why your chest and lower abdomen hurt during your period, check out the following theories:

    Hormonal - a few days before the death of the egg, processes occur in the body that change the hormonal background of a woman. In general, over the course of their entire lives, representatives of the fair sex are susceptible to various hormonal surges, regardless of the menstrual cycle, but before menstruation they reach their peak, as a result of which the lower abdomen and chest hurt;

    Water intoxication - in this case, the levels of serotonin, estrogen and melatonin increase in the blood. Data accumulation process chemicals causes excessive amounts of water to appear in the body. Therefore, in addition to pain in the lower abdomen, swelling of the face, legs, abdomen and other parts of the body is observed;

    Psycho-emotional - caused by lack of sleep, non-compliance with a normal daily routine, and poor diet. Agree, many of us sin with these important factors life and neglect their body. This affects the menstrual cycle: already a few days before the start of bleeding you feel severe pain in the lower abdomen, as well as the chest.

The above processes in the female body are considered absolutely normal before menstruation. However, do not forget that severe discomfort can be caused by serious diseases of the female reproductive system. To understand whether the sensations you experience before menstruation are normal, you should pay attention to the nature of the pain and the general symptoms premenstrual syndrome.

PMS symptoms: how does normal premenstrual syndrome occur?

Pain before menstruation can be caused by either anatomical structure uterus, and disorders in the female body. In the absence various diseases reproductive system the following symptoms are observed:

    Pain in the lower abdomen. Moreover, they should not be sharp - rather dull and tugging. Severe discomfort is noticeable in girls immediately before bleeding begins;

    Pain in the chest. Before your period begins, your breasts become swollen and sore, especially your nipples. Often it is even impossible to touch her - the lady experiences such uncomfortable sensations. However, due to the ovulation process, doctors believe that this is absolutely normal;

    Tearfulness, gloominess, depressed mood. These symptoms are usually caused by general change hormonal levels, or are simply a consequence of poor health during PMS time;

    Headache. As a rule, throbbing and dull pain covers the entire frontal area, and often radiates to the eyes. Discomfortable sensations resemble signs of chronic migraine, but they end after the end of premenstrual syndrome;

    Increased body temperature. Before menstruation, the thermometer often shows 37.0, but not higher. The temperature of the skin increases due to the maturation of the egg: the body spends a lot of energy on this process. Hence the increased temperature. Excessive sweating, shortness of breath, and rapid heartbeat are also observed.

As we can see, the symptoms of PMS are quite unpleasant, but banal: pain in the lower abdomen, depressed mood and general loss of energy. However, if you experience severe pain, or the signs of premenstrual syndrome differ significantly from the above, you should think about your health, because these symptoms indicate serious gynecological diseases.

How to treat premenstrual pain?

Discomfort before menstruation brings a lot of trouble and suffering to representatives of the fair half of humanity, and even knocks some out of their rut in life. But fortunately, medicine does not stand still, and therefore any lady can protect herself from pain. There are several ways to shorten discomfort PMS:

    Take painkillers. Regular No-shpa, Ibuprofen, Analgin, Ketanov and the like classical drugs have saved more than one generation of women from the terrifying symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. They have a triple effect on the body: they reduce fever, relieve pain in the lower abdomen and migraines;

    Exercise. Oddly enough, moderate physical activity help relieve pain from the lower abdomen, chest, and head. This is explained by the fact that during sports, blood vessels dilate, blood circulation increases, and then the pain decreases. The main thing is not to overdo it: during PMS, give preference to light fitness and not fast running;

    Drink chamomile infusion. Our ancestors also noticed that chamomile reduces cramps in the abdominal area. Why not use a time-tested recipe?


Painful symptoms of PMS, or premenstrual syndrome. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a specific complex of sometimes painful symptoms that occurs in the second phase of the menstrual cycle in some women. It is characterized by a disruption of the usual way of life in connection with this, and in severe cases - a disability. This painful PMS syndrome occurs cyclically - remission is replaced by exacerbation.

According to epidemiological studies, most often this syndrome develops in women who have a regular cycle with ovulation. PMS never occurs during menopause, only during reproductive age. The risk group includes the following categories of women:engaged in mental work; city ​​residents; cultural and social characteristics, suggesting the development of a stress reaction to what is happening.The prevalence of painful premenstrual syndrome among modern women ranges from 5-40%. The highest prevalence of PMS with pain is observed in the countries of the Mediterranean coast, Iceland, the Middle East and New Zealand.

Causes of painful PMS symptoms

Until now the reasonspainful symptoms of PMS and disturbances in general well-being on the eve of menstruation have not been fully clarified. Therefore, there are several prevailing theories. These include:

Impaired functioning of the regulatory system, which includes the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, ovaries and adrenal glands;

· Increased level prolactin in the body;

· Advanced education androstenedione in the adrenal glands;

· Increased synthesis of prostaglandins (this term refers to substances with biological activity that act at the sites of their synthesis, i.e. local “hormones”);

· Reduced levels of opiates in the body, which normally improve mood and have a positive effect on the menstrual cycle regulation system;

· Disturbed chronobiological (sleep-rest-activity) rhythms in the body, accompanied by changes in the level of biogenic amines responsible for the course of neuropsychic processes.Researchers have suggested that the clinical manifestations of PMS pain are not based on quantitative levels of sex steroids (they may be normal), but on their fluctuations throughout the menstrual cycle. This statement stems from the biological influence of estrogens and progesterone on many functions in the female body. It has been proven that these hormones actively affect the central nervous system. Their influence is not limited only to the regulation of reproductive functions. They also affect the centers that control mood and behavior (these are located in the limbic system). Moreover, both hormones have opposite effects. Thus, estrogens improve mood, and progesterone has a calming effect. Therefore, some women in the second phase (when the influence of progesterone is maximum) may show a tendency to depression.

Types of PMS

The classification of premenstrual syndrome takes into account various criteria. Taking into account the prevailing clinical picture There are 5 forms:psychovegetative;

· cephalgic;

· edematous;

· atypical;

· crisis.

According to the level of compensation, this syndrome is classified into 3 stages:

· compensated, in which there is no annual progression of the disease, and the existing clinical manifestations stop with the onset of menstruation;

· subcompensated, characterized by an annual worsening of symptoms;

· decompensated - in addition to annual progression, persistent symptoms are observed (they persist for several days after the end of menstruation). Marked by shortening of the “light” spaces when clinical signs there are no diseases.Within the framework of PMS, the American Psychiatric Association identifies premenstrual tension syndrome. This is the most severe type of premenstrual disorder, which is characterized by severe attacks of anger, internal tension and irritability. The prevalence of this syndrome is 3-8% among all cases of PMS.

Clinical manifestations of premenstrual syndrome are divided into several groups:

somatic, associated with functional impairment internal organs;

· neuropsychic;

· endocrine-metabolic;

· vegetative-vascular.

In different combinations, they can be observed in one form or another of PMS. The psychovegetative form is characterized by the following manifestations:

· irritability;

· tendency to cry;

depressed mood up to depression (more common in patients under 40 years of age)

increased sensitivity;

· aggression (more often after 40 years);

· feeling of numbness in the hands;

· decreased memory for upcoming events;

drowsiness during the day and insomnia at night;

Increased perception of sounds and smells.

In the edematous form the following are noted:

· swelling in the ankles, fingers and face;

· flatulence;

· itchy skin;

weight gain of several kilograms;

· soreness and engorgement of the breast;

· increase in shoe size due to swelling.

The main symptom of the cephalgic form is headache. It can have different severity and symptoms depending on the mechanisms of its development:

· migraine - attacks of a pulsating nature in one of the halves of the head;

· tension pain of a compressive nature (feels like the condition when a helmet is put on your head);

· vascular - attacks of bursting or throbbing pain, spread over the back of the head or the entire head. At the same time, there is redness or swelling of the face, and blood pressure may increase;

· combined option.

The crisis form resembles panic attacks. Its manifestations are:

· high blood pressure;

· feeling of constriction behind the sternum;

crawling on the limbs;

· increased heart rate;

· chills;

The attack ends with urination.

Atypical forms are rare. Their symptoms (appearing in the second phase) may include:

· increased body temperature;

Stroke-type hemiparesis (inability to move one half of the body);

· pathological increased drowsiness;

· ulcerative lesions mouth;

· bronchial asthma second phase of the cycle, etc.

Diagnostics premenstrual syndrome

Currently, the diagnosis of premenstrual syndrome has become much easier, because international society obstetricians-gynecologists developed diagnostic criteria. The first criterion is the dependence of symptoms on the cycle. So, they appear a week before menstruation, disappear completely or become less pronounced after it begins. The second criterion is the clinical symptoms themselves. In this case, 5 symptoms must be present. Four of them are mandatory:

1. emotional instability (suddenly appearing crying, irritability, anger or sadness);

2. constantly present irritability or anger;

3. pronounced internal anxiety or tension;

4. feeling of hopelessness and severe depression of mood.

These four signs must be combined with 1 of the following:

· decreased interest in usual work;

· increased fatigue and a feeling of lack of vital energy;

· inability to concentrate on something;

· increased appetite leading to excess weight;

· insomnia or drowsiness;

· somatic signs characteristic of one form or another of PMS (see above).

Special laboratory or instrumental studies depend on the clinical form. They are designed to exclude organic pathology of a particular organ from which symptoms appear. Thus, for the psychovegetative form, the following studies are recommended:

X-ray examination of the skull;

· consultation with a neurologist, psychiatrist.

· control of the volume of fluid secreted and consumed for 4 days in each phase of the menstrual cycle;

· mammography performed before the 8th day of the cycle (for the greatest information content);

· Determination of creatinine and urea concentrations in the blood to study kidney function.

In the cephalgic form, the patient’s examination program is as follows:

· ultrasound scanning brain;

· ophthalmoscopy (examination of the fundus of the eye);

· radiography of the cervical spine and skull, incl. and sella turcica;

· study of prolactin levels in the first and second phases.

The crisis form of PMS is primarily differentiated from pheochromocytoma (a tumor of the adrenal gland that occurs with a similar clinical symptoms). Therefore, the following studies are prescribed:

· measuring the volume of urine excreted;

· measuring pressure in the arteries with a tonometer;

· determination of prolactin and catecholamines in the blood;

Ultrasound scan of the brain;

· ophthalmoscopy;

MRI of the head;

Ultrasound scanning of the adrenal glands.

Treatment premenstrual syndrome

Therapeutic goals for premenstrual syndrome are:

blocking ovulation in the ovaries by medication;

· normalization of the interaction of female steroids with serotonin in nervous system;

· minimization clinical symptoms PMS;

· improving the quality of life of a woman.

Treatment of premenstrual syndrome should begin with lifestyle changes, i.e. from non-pharmacological measures. The main recommendations in in this direction are considered:

· reducing the consumption of sugars and other easily digestible carbohydrates;

· limiting tea and salt;

· exclusion of alcohol and caffeine;

· minimizing psycho-emotional stress;

· increasing the duration of sleep and rest, incl. and during the day;

· physical exercise lasting half an hour in the fresh air from 3 to 5 times a week;

general massage;

Neck massage (collar area).

Drug treatment is divided into 2 types:

1. non-hormonal Mabustin;

2. hormonal.

You need to start from the first. It includes:

· taking vitamin supplements, especially tocopherol, which exhibits antioxidant properties;

· magnesium (in combination with B-group vitamins);

· calcium;

· homeopathic medicines.

Mastopathy with a predominance of the cystic component

If these methods prove ineffective, then resort to hormone therapy. Its main task is to suppress ovulation and, consequently, the clinical manifestations of PMS. For severe mental disorders the use of antidepressants is indicated. They are prescribed only by a psychiatrist. For edematous form, diuretics are used.The effectiveness of the therapy is assessed using menstrual diaries, in which data is entered daily. Symptoms should be interpreted as follows:

· 0 points if there are no symptoms;

· 1 point - slightly disturbing;

· 2 points - moderate severity, not interfering with daily life activities;

· 3 points - significantly severe symptoms, which lead to anxiety and changes in usual life activities.

If during the treatment the level of 0-1 points is reached, then the therapy is regarded as successful. These medications must be continued long time depending on the individual characteristics of the woman. There is no standard answer to this question in gynecology.

Prevention of PMS

Effective primary PMS prevention not developed. However, patients at risk are advised to:

· normalize the psychological climate, avoiding stressful situations;

· avoid sudden climate changes (it is not advisable to vacation in hot countries during the cold season, and vice versa);

· exclude abortions;

· take combination hormonal drugs for contraceptive purposes (they will also be treatment drugs).

Women who have developed premenstrual syndrome should know and remember potential problems, and also minimize the likelihood of their development. These problems are:

· increased frequency of interpersonal conflicts (in the family, with friends, at work);

· reduced self-esteem;

· decreased self-respect;

increased sensitivity;

· increased likelihood of road traffic accidents;

· increased risk family divorces.

Discomfort with PMS

Throughout her life, a woman’s body is subjected to all sorts of tests and goes through a number of stages of its development, the main place among which is the menstrual cycle. Almost every representative of the fairer sex has experienced its painful symptoms of mastopathy, tried to cope with its seething emotions, called PMS, and struggled with annoying pimples. But there is little known facts about the piquant periods of life female body, which can hardly be read on the information stand in the antenatal clinic or learned at an appointment with your local gynecologist. Doctors don’t talk much about them, but very often women diagnose themselves with their manifestations.During menstruation, cognitive abilities decrease. A woman’s memory, attention, and thinking are directly related to her well-being. During menstruation, when the body experiences various types of discomfort, ranging from abdominal pain, headaches or back pain to nausea and dizziness, cognitive abilities are dulled. According to research conducted by American scientists in 2014, menstrual cramps especially affect the concentration and distribution of attention, which, in turn, reduces the level of thinking abilities. During menstruation, the sound of your voice may change.

Hormonal changes associated with a woman's PMS cycle

Affect the sound of her voice. Scientists have concluded that the cells of the larynx and vagina are similar in structure and have similar hormonal receptors, so changes in the sound of the voice are absolutely normal during menstruation. These assumptions were confirmed by an experiment in which male subjects easily identified menstruating women by their voices. During menstruation, a woman becomes less attractive to a man. Men are not only good listeners when it comes to changes in the sound of their voice, but they also have a keen sense of smell—at least when it comes to a woman's menstrual cycle. Animal studies have shown that a male's testosterone levels are influenced by the female's scent, especially when she is ovulating.

The journal "Psychological Science" for 2010 indicated that the level male testosterone increases significantly when members of the stronger sex are near ovulating women. And it decreases significantly when a menstruating woman is nearby. During menstruation, a woman may experience a surge of playful mood. Female hormone Progesterone makes its own adjustments to mood and is the main cause of both during the menstrual cycle. nervous breakdowns and sublime impulses. A decrease in progesterone levels entails a surge of calm, balance and a decrease in feminine energy, while an increase in its amount leads to a playful mood and an increase in desire for sex. opposite sex. The second theory for the emergence of “menstrual playfulness” is associated with the formation of pelvic congestion, which entails sexual arousal.During menstruation, the possibility of getting pregnant is quite high.The assumption that menstruation may be the best time for safe sex is quite wrong. It all depends on the length of the menstrual cycle. Women whose cycle follows the typical average pattern (28-30 days) are much less likely to get pregnant than the fairer sex, whose cycle ranges from 21 to 24 days. The former have, so to speak, a couple of “safe” days before ovulation, while the latter have ovulation “just around the corner,” which means they don’t have time for unprotected sex without risk. Such assumptions were made by scientists of the American Pregnancy Association, presenting the results of their scientific research to the world.On average, about one glass of blood is released during menstruation. Heavy discharge are characteristic only for the first two or three days, but their abundance is often perceived by a woman quite distorted. Most people think that the blood loss is very large, but in fact, in 5-7 days, from several tablespoons to one glass of blood is released (according to the New York School of Medicine). If the discharge is more abundant (one pad is enough for less than 2 hours), it is considered bleeding and requires immediate medical intervention.

Women may experience vicarious menstruation

As a rule, menstrual cleansing of the body is carried out through the uterus, but, as they say, exceptions to the rules are possible - vicarious menstruation. They are bleeding from the eyes, ears, mouth, intestines, mammary glands, bladder or wounds and are typical for women with amenorrhea (absence of menstruation for several menstrual cycles). For example, the Journal of the American Medical Association published a case report and indole one young woman who suffers from ulcers on her legs. Each menstruation is accompanied by profuse bleeding from her wounds and their terrible pain. In this case, the ulcers do not become inflamed and do not heal for 6-7 menstrual days. But as soon as menstruation passes, they drag on thinandrogenic skinuntil the next menstrual period.

Drawing, dull, cramping, sharp pains during menstruation is a fairly common problem among women of all ages. Most representatives of the fairer sex prefer not to pay attention to painful sensations, drowning them out with conventional painkillers.

Pain during menstruation can signal inflammatory diseases

However, doctors warn that pain during or before menstruation may indicate the development of inflammatory diseases, disorders in the body hormonal balance. Or it is a consequence of the stress experienced and the use of emergency contraceptive medications.

Causes of pain

So, why does your stomach hurt during your period? There are many reasons that provoke the occurrence of pain. Conventionally, pain syndrome in women can be divided into three stages: pain with PMS (premenstrual syndrome), pain during menstruation and pain in the lower abdomen after menstruation.

What are the main reasons for the development of pain? The most vulnerable category and most susceptible to pain during menstruation are young girls who have just begun menstruation. IN adolescence 30 to 50% of girls face this problem. Thin and overly emotional girls are more likely to develop primary algodismenorrhea (pain syndrome that occurs during menstruation). Such pain, as a rule, is not associated with changes in the genital organs, the development of diseases or other reasons. The pain syndrome will disappear as soon as the menstrual cycle is established.

In all other cases, women should be very attentive to their feelings and not rush to solve the problem with the help of antispasmodics.

Many girls and women wonder: why does the stomach hurt before menstruation? Especially if they led a normal lifestyle, were not overworked, did not use hormonal contraceptives and do not have inflammatory diseases. In such a situation, most probable cause The occurrence of premenstrual pain is hormonal stress. However, it is worth clearly distinguishing premenstrual pain caused by a hormonal surge from pain that indicates the development inflammatory process.

Premenstrual and menstrual pain have following signs: cramping pain that can radiate to the lower back and last no more than a day, general weakness, nervousness and insomnia, bloating, frequent urge to the toilet, fever, and in some cases even fainting. These symptoms indicate a hormonal imbalance that occurs during menstruation and is associated with the release of prostaglandins, which cause uterine cramps.

If your stomach hurts during menstruation and these pains are permanent, that is, they occur constantly from month to month, then you need to get professional advice from a gynecologist. Such symptoms may indicate the presence of diseases of the reproductive system, in particular adenomyosis, uterine fibroids.

During menstruation, women who have had abortions also experience stomach pain. The same sensations accompany a woman after childbirth during the onset of her first menstruation. If pain is constantly present during menstruation, this may indicate the development of endometriosis.

A missed period does not always indicate pregnancy

If your stomach hurts after menstruation, then this is a clear syndrome of a progressive inflammatory process or women's diseases. Quite often, pain after menstruation indicates the development of endometritis, adnexitis, and vulvitis. If pain after menstruation becomes habitual, you should consult a gynecologist in order to start therapy on time and prevent the risk of complications.

Separately, it is worth paying attention to such a problem as delayed menstruation. It is generally accepted that a delay in menstruation indicates pregnancy. However, the absence of menstrual flow does not always indicate conception. Constant stress can cause disruptions in the menstrual cycle. Being in a state of nervous overexcitation negatively affects hormonal levels.

Weight can also affect the absence of menstruation. Girls and women with extremely low or high weight are more likely to suffer from the absence of menstruation, and also complain of painful menstruation. This problem can only be solved after adjusting the diet and establishing a normal weight.

Also, the absence or delay of menstruation is affected by increased physical activity. Girls and women of childbearing age should avoid powerlifting or bodybuilding. But fitness classes, morning exercises, swimming will benefit the female body.

Separately, it is worth mentioning a problem that significantly affects the disruption of the menstrual cycle, such as uncontrolled intake medicines and emergency contraception. Long-term or uncontrolled use of antidepressants, antipsychotics, and anti-tuberculosis drugs has an extremely negative effect on the course of the menstrual cycle.

Do not get carried away with taking medications intended for emergency contraception. And here's why. The content of hormones that provoke the onset of ovulation in one such tablet exceeds the content of the same hormone in conventional hormonal contraceptives by 5–10 times. This dose can lead to disruptions in the menstrual cycle, which will have an extremely negative impact on general condition woman's health.

The reason for a delay in menstruation can be a sudden change in climate, heredity, refusal to take hormonal contraceptives, as well as abortions and miscarriages.

IN lately Another trend has established that negatively affects the course of the menstrual cycle and causes the absence or delay of menstruation. We are talking about intoxication. Drinking alcohol, drugs, or smoking can cause an imbalance in the body and, as a result, the genitourinary system will suffer first. In addition, work on hazardous production associated with inhalation of vapors chemical elements can also weaken women's health and the possibility of conception.

Treatment methods

For painful periods modern women they prefer to immediately take an antispasmodic tablet and continue with their daily activities. However, this is not a solution: the pain will return again. To eliminate and prevent pain, you should follow a few simple rules.

A heating pad with warm water

If your stomach hurts before your period, you can apply a heating pad with warm water to your lower abdomen. It is also worth giving up, temporarily or permanently, fatty and spicy foods, strong tea and coffee.

Don't underestimate the role physical activity. If a woman spends most of the day sitting or lying down, then congestion occurs in the pelvic organs, which provoke painful PMS.

If the pain during menstruation is quite severe and it is simply impossible to endure it, then in such cases, of course, you can take medicine. This could be a tablet of a regular antispasmodic, such as “Nosh-pa” or “Spazmalgon”. However, you should avoid potent medications, one of which is Ketanov. This drug is quite irritating to the gastric mucosa and duodenum, and can also provoke the development of gastritis or stomach ulcers.

Folk remedies

To relieve pain already during menstruation, you can use traditional methods, which were known to our grandmothers. However, it’s worth noting right away what absolutely cannot be done. For example, a hot heating pad during menstruation is taboo: heating it will only increase bleeding. Also, you should not apply ice to the lower abdomen - there is a risk of colds of the uterus, ovaries and appendages.

You can use herbalist recipes and start drinking herbal teas and infusions two or three days before the expected menstruation. You can buy them at the pharmacy or prepare them yourself. To do this, just grind an equal amount of St. John's wort, daisy flowers, calendula and motherwort in a coffee grinder or blender. Mix all the ingredients and pour boiling water over the container in which the mixture will be brewed. After cooling, strain the resulting infusion and drink several times a day as tea.

In addition to herbs, the following methods will help relieve pain during menstruation:

— yoga, Pilates, bodyflex classes. During exercises, the organs are toned and massaged. genitourinary system. Regular exercise helps to resolve adhesions, stimulate ovulation, and also relax tense uterine muscles during menstruation;

- avoid hypothermia. Walking in short skirts in the cold season can provoke the development of an inflammatory process and lead to pain during menstruation;

- refusal poor nutrition and fast food, which provoke the development of pain because they have irritant effect on the intestines, which are located in close proximity to the uterus. A few days before the onset of menstruation, it is better to lighten your diet by replacing harmful products broths and vegetable juices.

In addition, it is necessary to combat stress, avoid overwork, regularly spend time in the fresh air, avoid frequent use of medications, and most importantly, avoid uncontrolled sexual intercourse and abortion.


Popularly known as “menstruation”, it is a natural process in the female body during which part of the endometrial layer, which lines the inner surface of the uterus, is shed. On the first day of regulation, which usually lasts about 30 days. But many young girls wonder why the lower abdomen hurts before menstruation, even a few days before it starts. The occurrence of these pains can be associated with various reasons, they have different character and may indicate certain changes in a woman’s body.

In order to understand the main cause of unpleasant sensations, it is best to contact a specialist in advance, as they may be a sign of inflammation, disorder or tumor. Let's look at the symptoms and try to understand what causes these pains.

What kind of pain can there be

Shortly before critical days, many women experience pain for various reasons, many of which have quite serious symptoms and may be an indicator of improper functioning of the body. For example, cramps are often a sign of injury, infection, hypothermia, or illness. gastrointestinal tract. They are felt more clearly before menstruation due to the increased sensitivity of the female body. For the same reason, tingling in the stomach or intestines, as well as heaviness in the digestive organs, may occur.

The nature of the pain syndrome speaks volumes; often it is pain that helps to detect a disease that was not previously diagnosed. For example, “”, a gynecological deviation, which is characterized by cramping pain and is a disorder of the menstrual function of the female body. Almost every second woman on our planet faces unpleasant sensations of this kind. Distention is also a sign of improper functioning of the female body during menstruation.

There are several types of pain of this type, here are the most common of them:

  • Cutting pain
  • Characteristic aching
  • Distension
  • Cramping
  • Spasm
  • Tugging feeling

The nature of the pain is often a clear sign a certain disorder in the female body. But according to gynecologists, every woman can have a stomachache before menstruation - this characteristic pain is not a symptom of any disease.

When your stomach starts to hurt

The pain syndrome usually manifests itself several days before the critical days, and at the same time a headache may begin to ache and the mood may deteriorate. All this accompanies - which happens to every woman before the start of the regime. During PMS, problems manifest themselves throughout the body, including the skin, hair, and psychological state. Moreover, pain during this period is considered a normal process, most often characterized by intestinal dysfunction, pulling sensations, aching feeling.

There are unpleasant sensations different intensity and duration, they can occur during different periods of PMS and are difficult to predict. That is why many girls, anticipating their occurrence in advance, prefer to have a certain one in their purse. Their choice depends on several factors: what are the symptoms, what are the causes of the syndrome, whether it is cyclical, what is its intensity and duration. In any case, before purchasing this or that medication, it is better to consult with your gynecologist.

Physiological reasons

In a woman’s body, every month a process occurs during which the body begins to prepare for conception; for this purpose, certain changes occur in it, creating the most comfortable conditions for the successful fertilization of the egg. 2 weeks after the start of the menstrual cycle, the ovulation period begins, during which a gap occurs dominant follicle, and the egg, ready for fertilization by sperm, moves to fallopian tube. Then women's sex cell moves deeper into the uterus, where it waits to meet the male, attaching to the mucous membrane of the endometrium.

If the cell has not been fertilized, then after a certain amount of time, according to the influence various factors, the egg is rejected by the uterus along with the mucous surface. This results in an open bleeding wound that takes several days to heal. It is this process that causes nagging pain in the uterine area.

Premenstrual syndrome

PMS occurs approximately 3-4 days before initial stage regul. Premenstrual syndrome primarily affects psychological health women and leads to changes in mood: unreasonable aggressiveness, anxiety, depression, insomnia, irritability, tearfulness. But others may also arise unpleasant phenomena: peeling skin, hair loss, increased sweating. In addition, many women note other changes during premenstrual syndrome:

  • The occurrence of headaches
  • and loss of appetite
  • Painful condition of the mammary glands on the chest
  • Gastrointestinal disorders
  • Abdominal pain

Gynecologists consider premenstrual syndrome a disorder, since it is directly a sign of insufficient endorphin synthesis. If a woman receives a little “happiness hormone” over a long period of time, then premenstrual syndrome can develop into a serious mental illness - menstrual psychosis, which cannot be controlled. drug treatment and will lead to inpatient procedures involving a psychiatrist or psychologist. This is why experts recommend consulting with

Pathological causes

Usually the reasons are not physiological and are accompanied by a delay; they are a sign of pathological changes in the woman’s body. Pain before menstruation can occur simultaneously with a delay for the following reasons:

  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Inflammatory process in the uterus or vagina
  • Pregnancy
  • Ovarian diseases

But not only serious pathologies are accompanied by pain; pain can often occur as a symptom of stomach or intestinal diseases. That is why you should not self-medicate, and if pain occurs before menstruation, consult a gynecologist for advice.

Timely contact with a specialist is important, since any painful sensations that arise may be a symptom of uterine fibroids, a benign tumor. This formation is intertwined myocytes, which, when contracting, cause unpleasant sensations and cutting pain. Fibroids occur in different parts of the uterus:

  1. Cervical tumor – this fibroid is located in the cervix;
  2. Intermuscular tumor - develops in the muscle tissue of the uterine wall;
  3. Submucosal fibroids - can occur in the vaginal tract, cavity or cervix;
  4. Interligamentous – in lower section lateral ribs of the uterus;
  5. Abdominal fibroids - on the outside of the uterus.

All types of benign tumors, uterine fibroids, cause nagging pain. In this case, pain and discomfort intensify at the beginning of the period and in the middle of the menstrual cycles. Benign tumor treatable. If fibroids are detected early, they can be treated with medication. In rare cases, the tumor cannot be treated and must be removed through surgery.


If, shortly before the onset of menstruation, severe pain begins to appear and this happens every time during PMS, this is a sign of algomenorrhea. This disorder occurs in half of women. Most often, the symptoms of this disease in the female body appear 7 days before the start of the procedure. The pain is characterized by contractions, an aching sensation, and the stomach begins to pull.

It should be understood that algomenorrhea is a common female disorder that occurs due to a disturbance in the outflow system menstrual blood. This disease can also occur as a consequence gynecological surgery, in this case, a week before your period, the lower abdomen and lower back feel tight, this is a sign of the presence of an inflammatory process.

This disorder is not serious illness, but the unpleasant sensations that its occurrence leads to have a very negative impact on the psychological state of a woman, so experts recommend dealing with the manifestations of the resulting pain using conventional painkillers.

Acyclic pain

It happens that your stomach hurts for reasons not related to premenstrual syndrome. Acyclic pain - its causes lie in improper work circulatory system, it may arise due to varicose veins veins or blood stagnation. This syndrome can be eliminated by using medications, it does not have any cyclicity, it can either manifest itself or not show itself for several years. Treatment of another type of pain can lead to serious consequences, so before you deal with the unpleasant syndrome on your own, you should contact your treating gynecologist.