Large pimple under the skin on the face. Internal acne on the face: causes, solutions, tips

Girls, tell me, do any of you get rid of subcutaneous pimples at home? Maybe you can recommend some ointments? So far I only have a red spot in its place, but the pimple itself can be easily felt. I can only go to a cosmetologist in about a week. But now it doesn’t look very aesthetically pleasing. I have a subcutaneous pimple like a lump, how can I get rid of it if the pus itself is not yet visible? Thanks everyone in advance for your advice.

Levomekol ointment. Smear this lump of yours, it will quickly ripen and come out.

I press hard on the place where the pimple is subcutaneous. Then I treat the area with toothpaste, and it goes away in a day.

Press subcutaneous acne It’s not possible, if anything. Apply oil to the area tea tree. And avoid drafts and hypothermia, especially under air conditioning. Otherwise it will blow your whole face off.

Talkers, such as cindol, are good for removing subcutaneous acne. Just smear this bump 2 times a day.

Iodine. You take an ear cleaning stick and apply it directly to the pimple. All.

What a problem!

Cauterize with iodine!

Try Vishnevsky, but it smells terrible! Smear the area where the pimple appears and then apply a cotton swab for a while.

Read what helps with acne, what reviews, and try it.

Well, apparently, I finished reading it, since I’m asking myself.

Toothpaste. Try.

Just don't push. It will pass on its own. It will either pass completely or come to the surface. In the meantime, you can safely paint over it with concealer.

Levomekol is smeared on an open place, in order for it to open, smear Vishnevsky or Ichthyolka, I don’t know what kind of stench people are talking about, it’s not that bad. But it helps a lot.

Not iodine. It burns the skin.

I save myself with Zvezdochka balm. I apply it to the spot.

Eye drops. It’s funny, but subcutaneous acne on the face goes away in a couple of days.

Use the following products to choose from: tea tree essential oils; special ointments aimed at drawing out the internal contents; cosmetic creams with retinol; injections with ozone (only in specialized clinics); ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky ointment; salicylic acid for cauterization, etc. Even smearing with regular iodine or brilliant green is a fairly practical and effective solution if a pimple does not go away.

First, figure out what caused the pimple. I found it on the internet and now I use this algorithm myself. Not everyone knows why exactly these subcutaneous pimples appear without an upper head. This type of inflammation is often associated with hypothermia and colds. Although this is rather a secondary reason, because other processes initially make themselves felt. If you determine the reasons for the appearance, then the most common ones are identified: increased fat content skin; allergic reaction to the use of cosmetics; cold or ARVI; hormonal changes in the body, etc. Before you think about how to get rid of subcutaneous acne, especially if the problem is systemic, determine why they appear. Either you have a cold, or you have problems with your liver, for example, or polycystic disease. This type acne, like any other, is largely related to a person’s hormonal background. Failures during adolescence, pregnancy or regular periods often lead to the face and other parts of the body becoming covered with acne and small pimples. Also significant reasons include disturbances in normal functioning gastrointestinal tract or in significant nervous tension.
Experts note that deep pimples on the chin often form due to problems in the intimate sphere. In particular, with polycystic ovary syndrome, subcutaneous formations appear, and the face becomes noticeably swollen and swollen. There is no need to guess on your own why such problems arise; instead, it is better to simply make an appointment with a doctor.

Don’t touch it at all, at all, it may never come out and remain subcutaneous, but it will go away within a week. And if it is a real boil, then the process is long, at least 7 days before ripening. You'll also have time to see the doctor.

Metrogyl gel for external use. Apply pointwise to clean skin 2 times a day.

It will go away on its own. Don't touch.

Salicylic acid helped me. The subcutaneous pimple, like a lump, stopped hurting and quickly went away. Only the skin can be burned with salicylic acid, so be careful with this method.

He goes through on his own. Vishnevsky ointment. Tar soap, pour alcohol or vodka.

It disappears on its own for me. Sometimes it happens, he jumps up. The main thing is not to touch it.

I cleaned for a cosmetologist. I noticed that no matter what I do, a professional does the best job, it heals faster, there is no inflammation.

It will resolve itself within a week.

Damn, how to remove a subcutaneous pimple? It's been dissolving on my chin for two weeks now! Damn, they appear all the time, on the chin!

Go to the gynecologist and have your ovaries checked. There may be polycystic disease, as mentioned above.

Do not push him under any circumstances! Give yourself a problem!

If it’s windy, try heating half an onion in the microwave and applying it. If it's hormonal, see a doctor.

Erythromycin. Or rub it with salt.

Ichthyol ointment helps a lot.

I don't even bother with toothpaste!

I have white subcutaneous pimples all over my chin, is this a problem with the ovaries?

It’s quite possible that you should go see a gynecologist.

It goes away on its own. You can try it with baziron, but the main thing is not to burn the skin.

Don't touch him. Especially if it’s on the face, in the so-called “Triangle of Death”. Clipping: “In this part of the face, the blood supply is very developed. There are many vessels of both the arterial and venous networks. In addition, the veins located here do not have valves, unlike veins in other parts of the body. This means that infections that occur V nasolabial triangle, for example, through boils or as a result inflammatory diseases, can easily penetrate the cavernous sinuses of the brain. The most tragic consequences are the death of a person or serious complications."

It doesn’t go away on its own, the pus will remain there. You just need to open it.

I had a large subcutaneous pimple go away in 2 days, I applied ichthyol. He stretched out and broke through. Disinfected the breakthrough with chlorhexidine.

By the way, it’s true that subcutaneous pimples should never be squeezed. Just wait until it comes to the surface, and then gently squeeze it out.

Spread with ichthyol and cover with a band-aid overnight. In the morning, prick with a needle and squeeze out the pimple that has come to the surface. An awesome thing - ichthyol ointment.

If he is alone, these methods will do. If you have systemic breakouts or multiple subcutaneous acne breakouts at once, treatment should be from the inside.

Have you gone to a cosmetologist to remove a pimple? Are you completely armless or something? Squeeze it out and treat it with something, zinc paste, for example.

Maybe it's better to go to a cosmetologist. My sister squeezed out a pimple like that, then there was a boil, they cut it, antibiotics were dripped for a week, and there was a scar on her face.

They write - you can’t squeeze pimples!

Better to apply toothpaste.

Yeah, add some plantain, damn it!

In general, it is better not to touch such pimples.

It is good to treat an internal pimple with Vishnevsky ointment. And tsindol is also a theme!

You'll get yourself infected one day. All the pus goes under the skin.

In general, it is better to remove all the pus at once, otherwise the “disease” will spread. Well, I talked about infection.

In what place? I don’t see anything in this to remove a common pimple myself.

Subcutaneous. Acne. Delete it yourself. Great. Carry a knife.

How did people live without a cosmetologist before? And to remove a pimple you don’t necessarily need a knife, there are special pimple squeezers (sorry, I don’t know what they are called exactly), they don’t hurt and you can quickly remove any pimple, and then just disinfect it, and that’s it.

I understand that I myself had these in adolescence and nothing, there are no scars and I am alive and well.

Subcutaneous skin on the face is Russian roulette. You can do such nasty things to yourself!

And I saw such craftsmen later with furunculosis, and spread Staphylococcus aureus. Both small abscesses and a subcutaneous inflamed follicle are a huge difference. You described your actions when faced with a similar problem. But they may not suit the author. The best advice is not to touch or press. You can enlarge the lesion with pus and get a huge fistula instead of a micro abscess. I'll tell you a terrible thing.

There is one cream, incredibly cool and really working, made in Israel. Order for the future already. It conquers any acne. Deep subcutaneous lesions simply go away, literally in a couple of days, and the little things mature quickly and are easily removed.

Ichthyol under a patch or Vishnevsky ointment at night. Better than any Israeli cream.

Don’t torment your pimple, let it ripen, and then go to a professional. Otherwise you’ll come running here and ask other questions, like “how to get rid of marks and scars.” The question of how to treat subcutaneous acne on the internet is, to put it mildly, incorrect.

Go to the doctor.

How do you remove subcutaneous acne?

Subcutaneous acne is a neoplasm that looks like small nodules that are located under the surface of the skin. Such rashes have a dense structure and contain purulent masses. This category of acne is called internal, since it is almost impossible to remove them using conventional methods. Most often, this type of neoplasm is localized in the forehead, wings of the nose and lower jaw. In this article we will tell you how to get rid of subcutaneous acne on the face and consider the main reasons for their appearance.

Problem skin requires special care

People with problem skin often face various manifestations a disease such as acne. Both men and women suffer from acne. Experts divide pimples into several groups, each of which has its own characteristics and characteristic differences.

Lumps under the skin form gradually, and the rash itself can take more than one day to mature. Often, this process is complicated by inflammatory processes, the cause of which is the penetration of infection under the skin. Maturing acne can cause severe discomfort due to painful sensations when touching the irritated skin.

Before you begin to fight the rash, you should determine the reasons for its appearance. Most often, the formation of various growths and rashes is associated with impairments in functionality sebaceous glands. Active synthesis of sebaceous secretion leads to the fact that the sebaceous ducts and pores become clogged with a kind of plug. Against this background, favorable conditions are created for the life of bacteria, which are the main culprits of inflammation.

Subcutaneous pimples may be a consequence improper care for problem skin and when using inappropriate cosmetics. Often this problem occurs when there is a malfunction internal organs. In connection with all of the above, identifying the causes of internal pimples should be approached comprehensively. At this stage, it is very important to determine the cause of dysfunction of the sebaceous glands. You should also pay attention to those problems that led to disruptions in the functioning of local immunity. Let's look at the main causes of subcutaneous acne on the face:

  1. Increased amount of subcutaneous fat.
  2. Lack of hygiene or excessive use of certain cosmetics.
  3. Hormonal disorders. Most often, this problem is observed in adolescence, during pregnancy, and also with menstrual irregularities.
  4. Subcutaneous mites. Demodectic mange – dangerous disease from the field of dermatology. Subcutaneous mites are one of the most common causes of the formation of multiple pustules and inflamed rashes.
  5. The use of low-quality cosmetic products containing elements that negatively affect the surface of the skin. The application of low-grade foundations and blushes often provokes the development of inflammatory processes.

Subcutaneous acne appears with equal frequency as in adolescence due to hormonal changes body and in adults

In addition, such rashes can be the result of a careless attitude to cleansing the skin and the habit of touching your face with dirty hands. But it is important to pay attention to the fact that excessive hygiene can also cause the formation of pustules. Frequent use of soap not only dries the skin, but also destroys the protective layers on the surface of the skin. The destruction of this layer makes the skin more susceptible to bacteria and other pathogens.

All the above reasons are included in the group external factors influencing the appearance of subcutaneous pustules. However, when identifying the causes of acne, attention should be paid internal problems which may contribute to the appearance of a rash. Quite often, inflammation and aching pain indicate various violations in internal systems body.

White subcutaneous pimples on the face may indicate problems with hormonal balance. In addition, a similar symptom is characteristic of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Disorders in the digestive system are one of the most common causes of rash formation in various parts of the body. In order to get rid of such acne, you should take measures to remove toxins and waste from the body. In this situation, treatment with sorbents can give reliable and lasting results.

Diet also plays an important role in the development of rashes. The love for sweets, fatty, smoked, fried and spicy foods is most often expressed on the skin of the face. To restore your skin to a healthy and youthful appearance, you will need to stop eating the above foods and stick to a strict diet.

Since the appearance of acne is associated with disorders in local immunity, should be given special attention the state of your body. Lack of vitamins and useful microelements, excessive consumption of alcohol and tobacco products often affects the condition of the skin. In addition, the reason for the formation of pustules may be associated with the presence of chronic diseases in the acute stage. Genetic predisposition, disturbances in psycho-emotional balance and allergies play a significant role in this issue.

Experts from the field of dermatology say that if acne appears, you should definitely reconsider your lifestyle. Flaw physical activity slows down many processes associated with food absorption and excretion harmful substances from the body. An increased content of toxins and other toxic substances in the internal environment leads to the formation of various rashes on the surface of the skin. It is also important to pay attention to the fact that in addition to the skin itself, internal organs also suffer.

A white subcutaneous pimple is a subcutaneous pustule (a cavity filled with pus) formed under the epidermis layer.

This problem often occurs due to the use of a certain number of medications that contain chemically synthesized hormones. The action of these medications leads to inflammatory processes in the sebaceous glands, which impairs their functionality. There are more than a dozen various diseases internal organs that provoke inflammation of the sebaceous glands. That is why, before starting treatment, you should undergo a full diagnostic examination.

The type of rash in question can have both a large diameter and small sizes. Despite the fact that the nature of these neoplasms is the same, getting rid of large inflamed elements is somewhat more difficult. Since the capsule containing pus is located deep under the skin, it will take a lot of effort to affect the rash. Treatment of “subcutaneous lesions”, the diameter of which does not exceed one centimeter, does not require the use of potent medications. Quite often, such neoplasms disappear on their own, leaving no traces behind.

Subcutaneous acne and red pimples

When subcutaneous pimples appear on the face, photos of which are presented in this article, it is very important to determine which category of rashes the existing tumors belong to. Various types rashes may indicate specific pathologies occurring in the body. Pimples, the top of which is colored red, are the main sign of hormonal disorders.

It should also be said that this problem is more common in people at puberty. Changes in hormonal balance often affect the condition of facial skin. In order to reduce the severity of inflammatory processes, as well as prevent the formation of purulent capsules, due attention should be paid to caring for the epidermis. Otherwise, acne may develop chronic form, which is difficult to get rid of. Before taking measures to remove acne, you must consult a cosmetologist..

An internal red pimple is an inflamed area of ​​dermal tissue that, as a result of swelling, increases in size and rises above the surface of the skin.

Lumps on the surface of the face

Before talking about how to treat subcutaneous acne, you need to pay attention to subcutaneous growths that are not related to acne. Acne has many forms of manifestation, but there is a type of formation that has only an external resemblance to subcutaneous pimples. This type of subcutaneous growths is called wen. The main difference between subcutaneous acne and wen is that the latter do not cause discomfort or pain.

You should pay attention to the fact that independent attempts to squeeze out wen can lead to serious complications. Deformation of the capsule containing pus can lead to its rupture and the spread of purulent masses under the skin. The reason for the formation of wen is an increase in the size of the sebaceous glands. Therapy for this category of neoplasms is based on the use of special cosmetic techniques. In addition to the procedure of deep peeling and mechanical cleansing of the face, electrocoagulation and laser treatment can be used to remove fatty deposits.

Treatment of subcutaneous acne

It is quite difficult to cure a subcutaneous pimple, since many methods used to combat the usual manifestations of acne do not bring the desired result in this situation. In order to decide on a treatment strategy, you should visit a dermatologist who will tell you how to deal with internal rashes.

The correct strategy and regular use of medications are the key to a quick recovery and guaranteed protection against relapse.

One of the main rules of therapy for “subcutaneous” patients is the inadmissibility independent attempts squeezing out pus. Mechanical impact on a pimple can cause it to harden and increase the severity of inflammation. In a situation where acne is infectious in nature, it is necessary to direct treatment to eliminate the underlying disease. Only after it is eliminated will the tumors disappear on their own. In order to speed up the process of regeneration of epithelial cells, external agents are used, the action of which is aimed at reducing the severity of inflammation. Often experts prescribe complex treatment, which includes the use of several external agents.

Self-squeezing of formations can lead to damage to new areas of the skin, and in some cases to blood poisoning

More often complex therapy acne involves the use of special antibacterial ointments, mash, solutions and creams. In addition, dermatologists recommend taking time cosmetic procedures and physical therapy. The use of pharmaceutical medications can not only eliminate the rash, but also normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. For this purpose, you should use special gels and lotions designed to combat acne.

When treating subcutaneous acne, preference should be given to drugs that contain ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and extracts medicinal herbs. Zinc paste is perhaps the most effective remedy for subcutaneous acne on the face. In combination with this drug, medicinal gels such as Skinoren, Klenzit and Baziron AS should be used.

When treating inflammatory elements with a large diameter, it will be necessary to provide an outlet for purulent masses. To do this, you should use Vishnevsky ointment or ichthyol ointment. To open the pustules, a single use of these agents is sufficient. It is best to use the above ointments in the evening. Before the facial treatment procedure, it is very important to disinfect your hands in order to avoid infection from entering the inflamed area.

With the right approach to treatment, subcutaneous acne quickly disappears without leaving deep scars on the body. If there are multiple rashes on the surface of the face, the patient may be prescribed antibacterial drugs. Among this category of medications, drugs such as Unidox-Solutab and Doxycycline should be highlighted.

Subcutaneous acne on the face is one of the most unwanted problems.

They are difficult to remove and can provoke painful sensations and discomfort, and also spoil the appearance.

They are called boils and are treated using various means.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to action!
  • Can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS only DOCTOR!
  • We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

What is this

A boil is the result of blocking the ducts of the sebaceous glands with so-called plugs.

As a result, an inflammatory process begins, pus accumulates under the skin, and a small bump appears on the skin, usually red.

Subcutaneous pimples are deep, and pain occurs when pressing on them. Over time, the problem becomes even larger as black sores and small pus-filled heads appear.

Sometimes boils go away on their own, but sometimes, in the absence of appropriate treatment, they become large and dense.

Reasons for appearance

Most often, acne occurs on the face, but sometimes they appear under the armpits or even.

Important! Do not squeeze boils, this will lead to swelling and redness of the skin.

To get rid of a problem, you need to understand the cause of its occurrence.

If you have small subcutaneous pimples on your face, then analyze your lifestyle.

Perhaps the reason for their occurrence lies in one of these factors.

  • Often boils are associated with changes hormonal levels. But if this reason is excluded, read the following possible prerequisites.

Photo: rashes can appear due to hormonal imbalance

  • Regular consumption fatty foods, white bread and semi-finished products gives an almost one hundred percent guarantee of the appearance of subcutaneous acne.
  • A sedentary lifestyle leads to decreased muscle tone. In the future, constipation is inevitable, and all the waste and toxins accumulated in the body cause skin inflammation.
  • Bad habits, in particular smoking and drinking alcoholic drinks, greatly reduce skin tone, which is also the cause of rashes.
  • Taking medications without a doctor's prescription can cause a mixture of vitamins that need to be taken separately. The result is boils.
  • This problem may be a side effect of colds.
  • If you can't get rid of all your pimples because they keep coming back, visit a dermatologist. It could be a common skin infection.
  • Finally, the cause of the appearance of boils can be a banal use of any cosmetic product.

Based on the above premises, we can distinguish several risk groups for the appearance of boils.

Risk factors

So, these categories of people are at risk.

Photo: rashes can appear when using low-quality cosmetics

  • Teenagers.
  • Presenters wrong image life.
  • People who eat a lot of unhealthy foods.
  • With a sedentary lifestyle and bad habits.
  • Patients who take large amounts medications.
  • Acne can appear in women who use cheap and low-quality cosmetics.
  • People who additionally take a lot of vitamins.
  • Patients whose diseases cannot be cured for a long time digestive system, are also at risk.

It’s not just the reasons for the appearance that you need to pay attention to.

If a problem occurs, you should know its symptoms. Otherwise, you risk treating the wrong disease.

Video: “Treatment of acne, acne on the face”


It is quite difficult to remove a subcutaneous pimple, since it is located in the thickness of the skin, so squeezing it will only worsen the symptoms to which they relate.

  • The size of the elements is from 1 mm to 1 cm.
  • White, reddish or yellow bumps usually appear.
  • There is no hole in the tubercles, as with ordinary ones.
  • Typically, pressing on the formations causes discomfort and often pain.
  • There are usually boils on the forehead and nose, and large ones on the chin.
  • If the problem is caused by a mite, then symptoms may include itching and flaking of the skin.

If you find yourself similar symptoms, you will probably want to squeeze out problematic formations.

This cannot be done, nor can one remain indifferent to this problem, since the consequences can be unpredictable.


Most often, the worst consequence is unattractive looking skin.

Photo: inflammation as a result of self-squeezing

But when a person begins to squeeze out pus, he must be prepared for such problems.

  • Severe skin inflammation
  • Appearance.
  • Blood poisoning.
  • Damage to new areas of skin.

To prevent the development of such consequences, you need to know how to properly treat subcutaneous boils.

How to get rid

It is possible to quickly cure a boil only with an integrated approach.

  • You can go to a beauty salon. In this case, you will not need to create a treatment program yourself.
  • You can also try to eliminate the problem on your face at home. But to do this, you need to know exactly the reason for the appearance of pimples.

So, below are effective ways to fix the problem.

At the beauty salon

Photo: in beauty salon may offer an ozone therapy procedure

Ozone therapy is an effective treatment method that is aimed at suppressing microbial activity.

If you resort to this technique, then even the boil will go away in a few days. Usually cosmetologists advise to avoid reinfection Once every 3 months, visit the salon and have your face cleaned with special ones.

Pharmacy drugs

If you are a supporter of medications, then use the following remedies.

Photo: Vishnevsky ointment will relieve inflammation and draw out pus

  • Tea tree essential oils.
  • Medicines designed to release pus.
  • Ointments containing A.
  • Vishnevsky ointment.
  • Zelenka.
  • Ichthyol ointment.
  • Salicylic acid.

Periodically treat the affected area of ​​skin with one of the preparations; after a while the boil will disappear.

At home

At home you can cure small boils on the forehead and chin.

If the pimples become too large and cause severe discomfort, you need to consult a specialist.

Photo: it is useful to use chamomile tincture at home

An effective home remedy is chamomile in alcohol.

Use a cotton pad dipped in liquid to wipe your face. But the most effective home method is preparing masks.


When preparing masks, make sure that you are not allergic to one of the components.

This will lead to complications.

The most effective mask recipes for subcutaneous acne.

  • Turn the boiled onion into a paste and apply the mixture to your face. Place cling film on top and keep the onions in this position for 60 minutes.
  • Mix the boiled onion pulp in equal proportions. Apply the mask to your face, leave for 30 minutes, then rinse with water.
  • Mix honey with crushed and apply on face for half an hour.

Even if you regularly use one of the above recipes, without the right one you will not be able to get rid of the problem.

Proper nutrition

A healthy diet will not only help eliminate subcutaneous boils, but also strengthen immune system and normalizes weight.

Photo: it is necessary to include a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits in the diet

To get rid of acne, follow these recommendations.

  • Eliminate carbonated drinks, too spicy, sweet foods from your diet.
  • If possible, eat less fried foods.
  • Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Pasta must be made from durum wheat.
  • Replace regular chocolate with dark chocolate.

Of course, you need to watch your portion sizes and not be for a long time in a hungry state.

Regularity in eating food should be above all else.

How to remove a subcutaneous pimple yourself

It is prohibited to get rid of subcutaneous acne on your own!

Photo: how to remove it yourself

Only pimples can be removed small size on the body.

In this case, the following recommendations must be observed:

  • Treat your hands and the affected area on your body with an antiseptic.
  • Using a disposable medical needle, pierce the skin in the most prominent place in the affected area.
  • Using gentle finger movements, squeeze the pus out. Do not squeeze the skin too much to avoid injuring it.
  • Treat the affected area with alcohol.

If you do not follow these instructions, there may be much more acne on your body. The worst consequence is blood poisoning.

Folk remedies

In addition to the above methods, you can use the following traditional methods.

Photo: using a salt bath will dry out the rashes

  • Take baths with the addition of sea salt.
  • Mix the juice of half a lemon with 200 ml of water. Wipe your face with the resulting liquid as a lotion.
  • Mix salt and soda in equal proportions and add a little alcohol to the mixture. Soak a cotton pad in this paste and wipe your face. After the procedure, wash with clean water.
  • Wipe your face alcohol tincture calendula.

You can use one of the listed methods, or several at once.

But at the same time we must not forget about the correct lifestyle.

Whatever treatment method you choose, the following recommendations will always be relevant.

  • If a subcutaneous pimple appears on your nose, you should not try to remove it yourself. This will lead to skin injury. Seek help from a specialist.
  • If you cannot get rid of the boil on your own, wait until it matures and consult a doctor.
  • Remove a subcutaneous pimple before going to bed so that the redness resulting from the procedure goes away overnight.
  • Be more careful when choosing cosmetics. Poor quality products can contribute to dermatological problems.
  • Strengthen your immune system with vitamins selected by a specialist.
  • If an infectious disease begins to develop in the body, it must be eliminated immediately.
  • Avoid touching pimples with dirty hands. You risk getting an infection.

It is not enough to simply get rid of the boil; you must also follow the recommendations regarding the prevention of re-infection.


Preventive measures

To ensure that subcutaneous acne no longer bothers you, follow these prevention methods:

  • Eat regularly and balanced.
  • Give up bad habits.
  • Take daily walks outdoors.
  • Do aerobic sports.
  • Choose skin care products according to your skin type.
  • In case mechanical damage treat the injured areas of the skin with medications.
  • Avoid hypothermia.
  • Treat infectious diseases in a timely manner.
Thus, it is possible to get rid of subcutaneous acne.

But for effective treatment Follow the instructions strictly and do not squeeze out the boils yourself.

Do not forget also about preventive measures, which in some cases is more important than the treatment itself.

Video: “How to treat teenage acne”

Acne, or acne vulgaris(acne) develop against the background of seborrhea, that is, excessive secretion of sebum with altered properties. They appear in areas skin, the richest in sebaceous glands. On average, there are 900 glands per 1 cm2 of skin on the face, upper back and chest, while in other areas their number does not exceed 100.

To the reasons causing the formation acne include not only excessive secretion of the sebaceous glands, but also hormonal imbalance, infection of the skin by bacteria, and pathology of the hair follicle (for example,). This condition is most often observed in adolescents, but adults also often face this problem. Acne is one of the most common skin diseases.

The peak incidence occurs between the ages of 13 and 18 years, and acne appears earlier in girls, but disappears faster. In young people, acne can take severe forms, causing significant cosmetic defect and worsening the quality of life, primarily due to psychological problems. In men, the pathology acquires chronic course and by the age of 30-40 it turns into late acne.

The first signs are increased sebum secretion (seborrhea) and microcomedones. You should consult a doctor already during this period to prevent the development of severe forms of the disease.

Main types of acne

Depending on external manifestations there are the following types acne:

  • comedones;
  • papular;
  • pustular;
  • inductive;
  • abscessing, or suppurating indurative;
  • phlegmonous;
  • drain;
  • conglobate.

The choice of treatment methods for inflammatory skin processes depends on their severity. In mild cases, home remedies are sufficient. With a large number of rashes, their deep and merging forms, the help of a dermatologist is necessary.

The formation of different types of acne occurs in stages. Initially, this is a blockage of the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands due to increased secretion of sebum, caused by the hypersensitivity of cells to sex hormones. This creates a breeding ground for microorganisms, in particular Propionibacterium acnes. As they multiply, they break down fat to form fatty acids that damage the skin surface. As a result of chemical irritation, an inflammatory process is formed.

Video: 10 Types of Acne and What They Mean


The most common type of acne, localized mainly on the face. They form in the hair follicle, which becomes clogged with dead skin cells and excessive quantity skin secretion. turn into small elevations (papules) with white or black dots in the center.

This type of acne can be caused by certain food products– rich in animal fat, fried, spicy, salty. They are called comedogenic.

"Black dots"

The black plugs on the surface of the papules that open onto the skin are filled with excess oil and skin cells. Their color is not due to the accumulation of dirt, but to improper reflection of light rays from clogged hair follicles, as well as changes in the color of sebum when exposed to air.

Sometimes the appearance of pathology is associated with improper use of cosmetics based on oils and moisturizing components. Pollution and high humidity matter environment. Additionally, blackheads can appear due to excessive use of soap and other cleansers. Dry skin leads to increased sebum production and clogged pores.

Open comedones often form on the forehead, chin, and nose. Over-the-counter acne medications are usually sufficient to treat them.

"White heads"

If the excretory duct of the sebaceous gland and hair follicle completely clogged, pimples with white purulent heads appear - closed comedones. Their contents do not reach the surface of the skin, accumulating under its top layer and causing the formation of a bubble. Since sebum does not come into contact with air, it does not darken. Such acne can also be combated with the help of cosmetics.

Non-inflamed comedones are not accompanied by redness and swelling of the skin. They respond quite well to the use of salicylic acid. This substance exfoliates dead cells, opening the exit for excess sebum. Salicylic acid is included in special lotions, toners and moisturizers.

Pimples with white heads are less treatable. To eliminate them, in addition to salicylic acid, retinoids are used, in particular.


When inflamed, comedones turn into papular acne. The process is associated with the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria in the sebaceous glands, which cause inflammation and the formation of pus. Small, soft pink or red bumps form on the skin surface. The skin around them is often slightly hyperemic. These pimples may be sensitive to touch and may be slightly itchy. Squeezing out the contents intensifies the inflammatory process and subsequently leads to the formation of scars.

A large number of papules is a sign of moderate to severe acne and requires treatment by a dermatologist. Pimples inflammatory in nature are less treatable than comedones. To eliminate them, agents based on benzoyl peroxide, topical and oral antibiotics, and isotretinoin preparations are used.


These are pustules, often developing from comedones with white heads. A red, inflamed rim appears around the lesion. Self pathological formation filled with white or yellow pus. It may have an irregular shape; pustular acne often merges with each other and protrudes above the surface of the skin. Typically, the appearance of pustular elements is not associated with severe bacterial infection.

You should avoid squeezing pimples, which causes dark spots (hyperpigmentation) or scarring on the skin.

Indurative or nodal

A type of subcutaneous pimples that look like large, painful bumps or nodules. They appear when the sebaceous gland duct is completely blocked, irritation and inflammation of the surrounding skin tissues.

These are dense formations to the touch. Acne penetrates deep into the skin structures and is often painful. When such formations appear, the help of a doctor is necessary. Usually enough drug treatment Isotretinoin preparations for internal use within six months.


When indurative acne suppurates due to the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, cystic formations– abscess acne. They are filled with purulent contents and resemble. The formations are painful, usually soft to the touch, and after their opening deep atrophic scars form.

The course of the disease is relapsing. The help of a dermatologist is necessary, and often consultation with other specialists is required, for example, an endocrinologist or immunologist. Isotretinoin is used for treatment. can be removed surgically.

Nodular and abscessed acne often appears when hereditary predisposition. They can be observed simultaneously with comedones, occur with the progression of papular or pustular forms, and also combine into nodular abscess formations.


They appear when inflammation penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, resulting in the formation of tiny cavities filled with purulent contents. On the surface of the skin this is manifested by the appearance of widespread lumpiness. Gradually, the phlegmonous cavities merge into large foci, forming nodes of a red-violet hue.

Phlegmonous formations gradually break through and the purulent contents, often mixed with blood, come out through several holes. The course of the disease is long, it is very difficult to treat.


This is one of the most severe forms of acne. Conglobate acne often appears on the back, neck, chest, and buttocks. They represent many inflamed follicles that merge with neighboring areas of inflammation.

Such acne appears on the body of an adult, usually in men. They may be associated with testosterone intake or anabolic steroids. Another name for them is fulminant. The onset of the disease can occur as arthritis, followed by profuse formation of acne throughout the body. For adequate treatment of the condition, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist.

Acne conglobata may accompany genetic disease– Klinefelter syndrome (trisomy XXY). In this case, they can occur on any part of the body above the knees. The pathology is accompanied purulent lesion joints and kidneys.

Degrees of severity and principles of treatment

What pimples and in what quantity are observed with different severity of acne:

  • mild: less than 20 blackheads or white heads, less than 15 papules or pustules, and total number acne no more than 30;
  • moderate severity: from 20 to 100 comedones, up to 50 inflamed acne or total quantity lesions up to 125;
  • severe: there are several abscessed blackheads of a dark red or purple hue.

How to deal with them?

At mild degree It is enough to use special cosmetic lotions for 2 months. Medium severity lesions require medication. Treatment lasts several weeks, and often the severity of acne even increases in the first time after it begins.

In the severe stage, the main goal is to reduce inflammation and scarring. The doctor can prescribe a variety of medications and physical procedures that improve the appearance of the skin and the condition of the sebaceous glands.

Video: Acne remedies, review

Topical therapy is used to treat different types of acne. These are medications applied directly to the affected area - various. They contain substances such as benzoyl peroxide, resorcinol, salicylic acid, derivatives of sulfur, zinc. Prescription medications, such as antibacterial creams and ointments with retinoids, are also used.

For systemic therapy, tablet medications are used. Antibiotics are prescribed - tetracycline, doxycycline, erythromycin. They destroy bacteria that cause inflammation and suppuration of acne. If necessary, the doctor prescribes other medications:

  • oral contraceptives to normalize hormonal levels in women;
  • spironolactone;
  • antiandrogenic substances;
  • isotretinoin (vitamin A derivative).

Isotretinoin preparations are very effective in the treatment of acne. However, due to the sufficient quantity side effects and contraindications, they should be prescribed only by a doctor.

Lightning acne

This is a serious complication of ordinary inflammatory diseases. In the background stable flow illness, the temperature suddenly rises, signs of intoxication appear. Pustules appear on the skin of the entire body, with the exception of the head, quickly necrotizing with the formation of ulcers and subsequent scarring.

Acne fulminans most often affects adolescents 15-18 years old with concomitant diseases digestive organs, for example, colitis or Crohn's disease. It is assumed that irrational treatment of acne with antibiotics, retinoids, and hormones plays a certain role in their appearance.

Tropical acne

Appears mainly in young women after using sunscreen cosmetics and exposure to the sun or in a solarium. It is caused by the comedogenic effect of such cosmetics, associated with blockage of the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands with oxidized cocoa, sea buckthorn, and coconut oils contained in it.

The face, neck, shoulders, and arms are affected. White-headed comedones, papules and pustules appear on the skin. The rash appears in summer and disappears in winter.

This type of acne is a complication of common acne in people with neurosis obsessive states, more often in women. Having noticed a pimple, they immediately begin to squeeze it out, scratch it and damage the skin. As a result, joins bacterial infection, purulent elements appear that heal with the formation of scars.

Acne caused by endocrine diseases

Part of the pathogenesis of acne is a disturbance in the metabolism of hormones, primarily sex hormones. Therefore, many diseases accompanied by hormonal imbalance, accompanied different types acne. These include:

  • adrenogenital syndrome;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • adrenal tumor;
  • Itsenko-Cushing syndrome;
  • some pituitary tumors;
  • diabetes mellitus and others.

Rare forms

  • Keloid acne appears in young men who shave their heads. The reason lies in the damage to the hair follicles. If such a pathology occurs, you should stop washing the scalp with shampoo and begin treatment with benzoyl peroxide, glucocorticoids, and sometimes antibiotics.
  • Many bacterial skin diseases are accompanied by acne. However, it is not acne vulgaris. In this case, the main complaints of the patient are other symptoms - itching, burning, redness.
  • Incorrect treatment of acne with antibiotics can be complicated by gram-negative folliculitis. The disease manifests itself as a pustular rash resembling acne, as well as the formation of deep abscesses.
  • Facial pyoderma is a severe form of acne that only affects women under 40 years of age. It is accompanied by the appearance of nodules and pustules on the face, which then open to form small ulcers followed by scarring. The disease begins suddenly, often in women who have never suffered from acne, and progresses quickly. Isotretinoin and systemic glucocorticoids are used in treatment.

What to do if acne appears

Acne of any type requires long-term treatment. Sometimes improvement occurs immediately, but more often the skin condition does not change during the first weeks or months. The patient should not take too many medications at once. This can cause dry skin and the body's response in the form of increased sebum production.

If any skin formations appear, an examination by a dermatologist is necessary. This is necessary in order to distinguish acne from other skin diseases, such as:

  • milia;

Subcutaneous acne on the face causes a person a lot of discomfort and inconvenience in an aesthetic sense. But you should worry about this not only in case of discomfort, since such formations on the skin are considered a consequence of the existing inflammatory process in the area sebaceous glands against the background of purulent concentrations in the subcutaneous tissues. And such conditions are favorable for the growth of bacteria.

Not only young people have the problem of subcutaneous acne on the face, the cause of which lies in the inflammatory process. Almost half of the entire adult population of the planet suffers from a similar disease. The inflammatory process occurs in the sebaceous ducts, which are located deep in the skin. This is also due to an increase in the level male sex hormones in the body, which is why sebum is produced in large quantities, which, in turn, accumulates in the outlet of the sebaceous ducts, attracting various bacteria that feed on this sebum and multiply intensively.

Against the background of all this, inflammation begins to develop. The keratinized epithelial layers or dead cells on the surface of the skin begin to clog the outlet of the sebaceous glands, and the ongoing inflammation of infection of the affected areas begins to lead to the formation of reddish, hard-to-touch seals, which are called subcutaneous pimples.

In addition, there may be other reasons for the formation of painful acne on the face:

The formation of subcutaneous purulent pustules externally manifests itself in the form of small hard growths of white or reddish color that rise above the surface of the skin. As they mature, these seals appear in the form of a bright red tubercle, pressing on which causes severe pain. The size of these red subcutaneous pimples can range in diameter from 1 millimeter to 1 centimeter or more.

Quite often, with large purulent accumulations, the growth of acne begins to increase. In advanced cases, large nodes make the skin lumpy with an unhealthy reddish tint. These neoplasms are most often localized in areas that are most susceptible to the development of inflammatory processes:

Subcutaneous red pimples may not form purulent pustules for a long time, which are accompanied by unpleasant itching, as well as pain when pressed.

If the main reason for the formation of a subcutaneous pimple is subcutaneous mite, then the bright red subcutaneous lumps will be multiply distributed and accompanied by severe peeling of the skin and itching.

The success of treating subcutaneous acne will depend on the correct identification and elimination of the main cause of their formation.

Acne negatively affects the external condition of the skin, adding to its owners many complexes about this. In addition, when improper treatment Scars and blemishes may remain.

You should never squeeze pimples! This can lead to the spread of pathogenic bacteria and damage acne new areas on the body, and sometimes this even leads to blood poisoning, since when squeezed out, the purulent contents go directly into blood vessels, distributing it throughout the body.

It is also worth noting that any type of cosmetic cleansing of the skin is also prohibited, since the procedure itself is squeezing out pimples.

Treatment of subcutaneous pimples on the face

Ways to get rid of internal acne on the face will depend on the degree of damage to the skin. If there are up to 10 such elements on the face, then therapy should be exclusively external. In this case, you need to use cosmetics, whose actions are aimed at reducing sebum, fighting microbes, and eliminating hyperkeratosis. Such cosmetics include mattifying and cleansing tonics and gels.

If acne has formed, you can use Differin topical gel. Any cosmetics and medicines should be selected by a cosmetologist and dermatologist.

The average degree of skin damage by acne is characterized by the presence of 10 to 40 elements. With this degree of development of the disease, external and internal treatment is indicated. External treatment in this case consists of using the same external drugs as for mild illness. And for internal treatment, a specialist must individually select hormonal agents contraception, the actions of which are aimed at combating moderate or moderate acne. It is worth noting that the contraceptive can reduce the level of male sex hormones.

Antibiotics are additionally prescribed internally, for example, Doxycycline, which must be taken for three months. This is due to the fact that the process of skin cell renewal occurs once every four weeks. Three such updates should take place for the facial skin to become smooth and clean.

In the third stage of skin lesions, there are more than 40 neoplasms on the face, while almost the entire face is covered with white or red pimples. In such a situation, treatment should be more serious. A retinoic acid preparation is prescribed for oral administration. The only such remedy is Roaccutane. With this degree of skin damage there is no external treatment. The drug is able to block the release of sebum and sebaceous glands, while depriving microbes of “food”, causing dry skin. The use of this drug should only be prescribed by a qualified healthcare professional. Only in this case can you count on an effective result.

There are also other methods of treating and eliminating the effects of pimples on the face. These methods of therapy include the following:

Traditional medicine recipes

Home methods for treating subcutaneous acne on the face are relevant for mild lesions.

During the cleansing procedure, you can make steam baths based on a decoction or infusion of celandine, chamomile, mint, calendula, and sage. It is also useful to use such decoctions of medicinal herbs for daily washes or use as lotions, rubbing your face several times a day.

To prepare the infusion, you need to take a tablespoon of raw material, pour 200 ml of boiling water over the herb, let it brew for half an hour, and strain.

To prepare the decoction, do the same as for the infusion, only the brewed herb is additionally simmered over low heat for 5 minutes, after which it is cooled and filtered.

Quite strong natural antibiotic Tea tree oil is considered. It is applied directly to existing pimples several times a day.

Iodine can be applied pointwise to individual pimples. This is done carefully and quickly. For application it is best to use cotton swab. Care must be taken here, otherwise you may get burned.

Ichthyol ointment is capable of drawing out purulent exudate well, for which purpose the pimples are lubricated in a targeted manner.

Synthomycin emulsion together with warm boiled water in equal proportions will serve as a good tonic that speeds up the healing process. You need to wipe your face with this tonic 2 times a day.

Tar soap has an excellent antibacterial effect; it should be used instead of cosmetic cleansers.

To speed up the release of purulent contents from acne, It is recommended to use aloe. For this fresh leaf The plant is cut in half and applied to the new growths overnight. After 2 days, all the pus comes out.

For mild damage to the skin, it is recommended to lubricate acne with calendula tincture in alcohol, which is sold at the pharmacy.

Aspirin relieves inflammation quite well, and it also improves the condition of the skin. To do this, you need to lubricate the tumors twice a week with a mixture of aspirin and water. After this, the mixture does not need to be washed off.

A decoction of birch buds helps reduce pain and inflammation. To prepare the decoction, you need to take 10 g of birch buds, brew them in 250 ml of boiled water, put on fire, and after 5 minutes remove and wrap well. Let it brew for 3 hours, then strain. This decoction is used every day. You can also apply lotions on inflamed areas 3 times a day.

Prevention measures

To speed up the treatment process, as well as prevent the formation of acne, you need to: mandatory lead healthy image life, eat balanced and healthy, exclude everything bad habits, play sports and commit hiking in the fresh air.

By following these simple rules of prevention, you can prevent the formation of acne on the face and other parts of the body.

Under no circumstances should you fight and try to remove small or deep diseased pimples on your own at home. All drugs and medicines must appoint and select only qualified specialist. When using traditional methods treatment, it is also mandatory to consult a dermatologist.