Damon Clear braces. Damon clear sapphire braces

Damon braces (Ormco) were developed American doctor Dwight Damon. This system has been on the global market of orthodontic structures since 2002, during which time it has managed to gain popularity among doctors from all over the world. These are self-ligating braces (ligature-free): wire or rubber ligatures are not used to fix the arches. The arc is secured in the grooves with the help of locks, which control the operation of the arc.

What is special about this system? This low level friction of the arc in the space of the grooves of the structure, which makes it possible to use weak forces to move the teeth to the required distance at all stages of correction. The system allows you to stimulate cellular activity without disrupting the blood supply to periodontal tissue.

Advantages of Damon braces systems

It’s not for nothing that Damon systems have gained trust huge amount doctors around the world, because they have a number of significant advantages:

  1. Minimum labor intensity of treatment - you need to go less often, and the duration of treatment is also reduced. On average, you need to visit a doctor once every 1.5 months. Replacing the arches occurs much faster than in traditional systems - this procedure will take the doctor approximately 10-15 minutes. This saves time for both the specialist and the patient.
  2. Teeth move faster, which reduces the correction time by 4-5 months.
  3. There is no need to use additional devices (palatal arches, expanders, face bows).
  4. There is less need for removal permanent teeth, since braces act on the teeth with weak force, delicately changing the shape of the dentition. This makes it possible to place all the teeth in one row.
  1. Scientific studies have shown that patients rarely experience pain or discomfort after installation of the system.
  2. The design can be used by patients over 12 years of age.
  3. Since there are no ligatures, the process of caring for the oral cavity is greatly simplified.

Types of Damon braces

Differences between simple braces and the Dimon system

Damon Q - a metal system of braces, which are made of medical stainless steel. Braces are deservedly considered one of the best among metal orthodontic structures. They have a number benefits:

  1. The braces are reliable, their lid opens easily and almost never breaks.
  2. The beveled shape of the groove entrance makes it easier to fix the arches.
  3. There are double grooves that allow you to use new elements, as well as update correction methods.
  4. The Damon set includes all the necessary options for a specialist:
  • additional horizontal and vertical groove,
  • wide range of torque options,
  • options for fixing low teeth with a special base,
  • guides for precise fixation.

Damon 3 – the system is half transparent, it is old version from the line Damon. Most often it is used when the patient wants to wear invisible braces. Install Damon3 This is only possible if the bite situation allows it. The system consists of metal and plastic parts. Braces are less noticeable than traditional metal braces.

Damon Clear – absolutely. Made from polycrystalline ceramics, they contain absolutely no metal elements. The groove and cover are also made of ceramic. From a production point of view, this is difficult, but this feature DamonClear makes them leaders among self-ligating braces.

Advantages DamonClear bracket systems:

  • Completely transparent braces
  • Provide a low level of friction during tooth movement,
  • Protected against staining and discoloration,
  • Replacing the arches is quick and comfortable for the patient.

The only negative is the fragility of the structure; ceramic braces break more often than systems with metal elements.

Sapphire locks are installed on the front surface of the teeth; their transparency makes them almost invisible. If you have chosen DamonClear, you should know some nuances:

  • DamonClear installed on several front teeth of the upper row, but not on all teeth.
  • All other teeth are fitted with locks from other series: DamonQ, Damon3.
  • Term orthodontic correction the specialist calculates individually for each patient.

The American company Ormco has been known in the orthodontic equipment market for over 45 years. All the developments in its arsenal were created by engineers and doctors who are its employees. This means that the company itself is responsible for the quality of the equipment. The product confidently occupies a leading position in the world ranking of orthodontic equipment. We're talking about braces different types, which have proven themselves to be one of the most reliable. Patients and dentists can choose metal, ceramic or sapphire structures and be confident in the effectiveness of treatment. Special attention deserve Damon Q self-ligating braces.


Features Damon Q

Among other brace systems, Damon Q is distinguished primarily by the absence of a ligature. The elements are attached to a wire arch made of elastic metal not with rubber bands and hooks, but with the help of existing grooves. They have 4 surfaces and an optimal depth for each orthodontic treatment case. The archwire moves freely in the slots, which provides gentler pressure on the teeth than with other braces.

Metal locks are firmly connected to each other, friction when interacting with the arc is minimal. All this has the best effect on correcting the position of organs.

The price for the pleasure of smiling beautifully ranges from 45,000 rubles for the upper row of teeth. It is worth considering that among Damon designs there are also more expensive ones, not to mention other brands. But with Damon Q you can save on visiting dental clinic, since you will have to go there no more than once every 2-3 months.

Advantages of Damon Q over other braces

They force specialists to convince their patients to choose Damon Q braces to correct crooked teeth:

How does the Damon Q bracket system work?

These are vestibular braces, so they are secured to the outside of the teeth.

The installation consists of several stages:

  • Preparing the oral cavity for wearing braces. It includes treatment carious teeth, getting rid of plaque and stone;
  • Diamond-shaped Damon Q braces are attached to each tooth with a special adhesive. The orthodontist ensures that the vertical line exactly corresponds to the center of the organ;
  • An archwire is inserted into the slots and secured with a Sprin Tek lock on each bracket.

Then the system begins to operate. To understand how this happens, it is worth knowing that teeth, despite their strong position in tissues, have the ability
move in a given direction. Initially, this occurs when they erupt. But an incorrect position relative to other teeth can also be corrected, thanks to this ability. Damon Q's gentle but steady action puts pressure on them exactly where they need it to straighten. The hole is stretching in the direction of tooth movement. At the same time, her other side forms bone tissue and overgrows, not allowing the organ to take its former unsuitable place.

The first arc used in Damon Q is the softest of all. When the teeth take a position in which she is no longer able to move them further, put a new wire base, tighter. The muscles are largely involved in restoring the bite. This straightens the teeth naturally, which ensures long-lasting results. The periodontium is not injured, the load is distributed so that the greatest significance is experienced by the necessary areas of the organs.

Thanks to the features of the Damon Q bracket system, its force is not wasted on holding the clasps together, but is distributed to the teeth in the best way for their alignment. This makes treatment with Damon Q shorter by at least six months than with other structures of this kind. It also allows you to eliminate severe orthodontic errors of nature even in mature age. The results of this type of bite correction are more lasting and sometimes do not require subsequent wearing of a retainer.

Correction malocclusion the task is not easy. Moreover, a lot depends on the effectiveness of orthodontic structures. Among the many designs of braces, one can highlight a system that is widely used today. These are Daimon braces.

In the Russian version, the described braces have several names that differ in spelling. For example, braces Damon, Damon, Damon.

These braces are self-adjusting and ligature-free systems. They are comfortable for the patient and convenient for the orthodontist.

For the first time, the Daimon braces system was used in America. Doctor Dwight Dimon worked on its invention for several years. Its new designs and subsequent practice of use gave a new impetus to the treatment of malocclusion.

If we compare Daimon braces with traditional systems, the first feature is their non-ligation use. The arc is attached using clips. The alignment process is passive and less painful for the patient.

Daimon is able to shift into the correct position lateral incisors. The traditional system cannot do this.

The self-adjustment of the system allows the orthodontist to adjust the position of the braces. Therefore, the effectiveness of the alignment is guaranteed. Moreover, this will take much less time than in the traditional case.


The diamond braces system uses only individual arches that were specifically created for it. The composition of the arcs is special, the design is universal. The shape and size are the same and do not differ for the bottom and top of the jaw.

The undoubted advantage of the application is that, despite such similarity, you can still create the desired (not the same) shape of teeth. Interaction occurs everywhere: with the tongue, lips and cheeks.

Diamond braces expand the dentition so well that they simply do not need other (additional) structures.

Types of systems

Damon corrective braces have been constantly improved. Therefore, over time, several modified species appeared:

Braces Daimon 3МХ (Damon-3МХ)

The very first metal braces. They showed themselves well. But with the advent of other varieties, this system is gradually abandoned.

Braces Daimon 2 (Damon-2)

These are individual systems and they are manufactured separately for each person. The result that you get after wearing them is quite good. But there is a drawback: not all companies make braces; the delivery time for such systems is quite long (about three months). It turns out that the treatment itself is delayed for a very long and undesirable time.

Braces Daimon 3 (Damon-3)

One of the old systems. The structure consists of ceramic plastic and metal. As a result of the use of ceramics, braces have a translucent and less noticeable appearance. Advantages of Damon-3:

  • the material used does not wear off over time;
  • the material does not change color;
  • the contours of the structure are rounded;
  • there are no “extra” parts, so wearing the systems is more comfortable;
  • the design is practically not susceptible to external destructive factors.

Disadvantage of this generation:

  • fragility;
  • difficulty opening in the anterior lower jaw.

These braces look smaller than regular braces due to the transparent material. The third generation revolutionized medical technology braces. Their transparent material and stainless steel move teeth gently.

Prices for Damon-3 start at 15,000 rubles.

Damon Clear braces

Damon clear self-adjusting braces are aesthetically perfect. They have a transparent appearance due to the material used (polycrystalline ceramic). Production of such complex systems very labor intensive. It is necessary to achieve the complete absence of metal inserts. Accordingly, the price of the structure is quite high (up to 50,000 rubles per jaw).

In addition to financial investments, it will be necessary to regularly repair and change the design. The lack of a solid bond (namely metal) makes damon clear ceramic braces too fragile.

Self-regulating braces damon clear are best used by those categories of people for whom aesthetics is paramount. Smokers should avoid installation or quit the habit. Nicotine can cause darkening and pigmentation of the material.

Damon Q clear braces do not affect speech. As a result of wearing them, relapses rarely occur.

Damon Q braces (Damon-Q)

If the damon clear braces system is loved by patients who value invisibility, then damon q braces are preferred by those who consider comfort and durability paramount.

The devices are made of medical grade stainless steel. Therefore, damon q metal braces are quite durable.

Most patients, for good reason, prefer to install self-regulating braces damon q. These designs benefit in many ways. They are durable, compact and have a sophisticated design.

Among orthodontists, the damon q braces system has also gained respect. Their special design allows the installation of devices in the most difficult, individual, advanced cases, when precise fixation is paramount.

The described Damon braces cost from 15,000 rubles. If you compare them in price and reliability with ceramic bracket system damon clear, then the first ones are definitely better.


Damon ligature-free braces have the following positive aspects:

  1. Damon ceramic braces allow you to straighten your teeth without removing them. Traditional method deprived of this dignity. The fact of tooth extraction is still individual. There are times when visible problems simply require it. There is sorely not enough space in the human jaw to install such structures. But still this happens in very rare cases.
  2. The system does not require the installation of additional structures.
  3. Damon self-adjusting braces will take less time (only once every 10 weeks) than traditional systems (number of rooms: once every 4 weeks). This advantage concerns not only the number of visits, but also the time spent in the doctor’s chair. With traditional installation, you need to put an elastic band intended for this purpose on the braces. It's time. When installing damon you just need special tool open the system and install it on the teeth. The process is short compared to the first option; everything is done with quick movements. As a result, the time from open mouth» for the patient is reduced by about a third.
  4. The effectiveness of the application will be visible to the eye after two months.
  5. Daimon metal braces do not need to be cleaned for a long time.
  6. The design does not cause an oxidation process.
  7. Discomfort is minimal.
  8. Facial proportions become noticeably better.
  9. As a result of treatment, bone tissue is properly rebuilt.
  10. The design on the teeth looks aesthetically pleasing.

All Damon technology allows the body to independently determine the future position of the teeth. Rounded and smoothed edges allow the patient not to feel discomfort.

The doctor can easily adjust the position. This system allows you to achieve a strong four-sided support without actually installing it.


The orthodontist will definitely advise you on the correct care of the Daimon systems. Emphasis will definitely be placed on the following features:

  • You will need to brush your teeth after any meal.
  • Do not eat hard, viscous or sticky foods. These include toffees and chewing gum. To avoid harm, you must first cut hard vegetables and fruits into small pieces with a knife.
  • For cleaning, select a brush-brush.
  • Use dental floss. Clean the arch with it, and then the tooth spaces.
  • Be sure to clean the surface of the braces itself.
  • At the end of the procedure, go through with a regular brush.

You will have to use the rinse aid quite often. When purchasing it, pay attention to the constituent element triclosan. It is its action that stops the proliferation of bacteria in the oral cavity.


Vladimir, 32 years old, Voronezh

I wore braces for a year and a half. At the age of 28, I had (and still have) a good figure, I still wanted straight teeth. I read a lot. As a result, the choice was made. The doctor installed the damon system for me. I wouldn't say that everything was too expensive. But still... 44,000 rubles. This is the total price for two jaws. I did not experience the pain that many suffer. But my gums were bleeding. For some reason, plaque quickly accumulated on my teeth, and brushing my teeth was problematic. I decided to purchase an irrigator and my problems were solved. I don't regret choosing the damon system one bit.

Alexandra, 20 years old, Samara

My teeth are not naturally straight. As a girl, of course, I wanted to fix this. However, I was afraid. At the age of 17 I decided. Doctors advised Damon. This is a really good and promising system. My parents paid for the treatment and now, a year and a half later, I have the smile I wanted. But my teeth hurt terribly. I even took pills. It helped a lot. But I will say that it was worth it. After about three months, I noticed pleasant changes.

Nadezhda, 25 years old, Perm

My teeth were healthy, but crooked. I didn’t really want to spoil them with additional braces. Therefore, I decided to install clear ceramic systems. I liked their look. In the light, the locks looked like an interesting decoration. The invisible ones were not noticeable. And they were easy for me to care for. Now I have healthy, even and enviable teeth.

Veronica, 27 years old, Moscow

It’s so good that in dentistry there are such perfect systems as daimon. I've been wearing them for six months and am satisfied. The installation process was not long. The orthodontist talked about all the nuances of the system. I understood everything and I especially liked the short wearing time compared to other systems (for example, my friend wore braces for 2.5 years). They looked very aesthetically pleasing and were practically unnoticeable during conversation. I won't say what I experienced severe pain. Everything was tolerable. I will be able to walk with the system for another 4 months and my teeth will be perfect. Thanks to the doctor-inventor and my orthodontist.

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Ormco has been manufacturing and selling orthodontic equipment for almost half a century. Its most famous products are the Damon line of braces, which received its name from its creator Dwight Damon. It first began to be used in the 80s of the last century in US clinics. Despite the existence large number self-ligating braces, these designs soon became the most commonly used for straightening teeth in the world. Which is quite natural, because they have no analogues. And in the entire line, the most popular design is Damon clear. To understand why, it’s worth finding out what this bracket system is and why it is superior to others.


Damon clear: features

Like all Damon braces, this system is self-ligating, that is, the clasps attached to the teeth are connected to each other and to the arch without the help of additional devices. Each element has a groove through which it is threaded wire base. Its properties are such that no matter what shape the arc is given, it tends to the programmed form.

Damon clear has several wire elements, which replace each other throughout the treatment. Those with less rigidity are placed first.

Sapphire braces made of aluminum oxide. This is a durable transparent material that looks like natural color and texture of tooth enamel. That's why they are used for straightening 6 anterior teeth. Braces shape diamond-shaped and rounded, in the middle of each there is a vertical line that ensures alignment when gluing on a tooth. The side that is attached to it is processed in such a way that the adhesion to the surface is as reliable as possible. The braces are connected to the arch thanks to snap lock, which each of them has.

The Sprin Tek mechanism allows you to do this without much effort. An addition to the Damon clear bracket system are special pliers for removing it upon completion of treatment. Getting rid of the structure is painless and quick for the patient.

Damon clear sapphire braces are placed only on the top row of no more than 6 teeth. The rest are straightened using other structures. Despite this, their price is high and ranges from 80,000 rubles.


Advantages of Damon clear

The Damon clear sapphire self-ligating bracket system, due to its differences, has advantages unusual for other similar designs:

  • Aesthetics. Transparent clasps on the teeth are almost invisible, as are straightening arches. The material is not afraid of food dyes, does not darken, retains its shade and structure;
  • No contraindications. They are successfully used at any age to correct minor and very complex malocclusions;
  • Possibility of restoring the smile line without removing teeth. This allows Damon clear to be used by people with small jaw bones;
  • Speed ​​of treatment. Teeth become straighter six months earlier than when using other braces for the same purpose;
  • Easier oral care while wearing Damon clear. Thanks to the absence of ligatures, brushing your teeth is much easier. And the small size of the braces leaves a significant part of the surface open, which also contributes to quality care behind them;
  • Unpleasant sensations during treatment are reduced due to the peculiarities of the effect on the dentition, as well as soft and hard tissues near organs.
  • There is no periodontal damage;
  • Replacement of the arch wire is rare, which allows for savings on dental visits. This is also facilitated by the strength of fixation of braces, which practically eliminates their peeling off with proper care.

How the Damon clear system works

Her work to correct defects in tooth placement begins immediately after installation. Arc wire, which has the property of “shape memory,” tends to return to its natural position, moving the entire row behind it. Initial soft impact provides blood supply to tissues in the same capacity. It is aimed at stimulating the activity of the jaw bone.

Much of the work involved in moving teeth involves the facial muscles and other soft tissues. This happens due to the correct load on them. Free sliding of the arc in the grooves ensures low friction force.

The main pressure is aimed at correcting crooked teeth, rather than holding braces in place, which reduces the time it takes to wear them. At the end of treatment, it is sometimes possible to do without the use of retainers for securing. After all, teeth return to their normal position naturally.

For treatment to be successful, you need to know the following about wearing Damon clear:

  • At the first stage, the patient may feel discomfort from the presence of braces. This will disappear soon, but in the meantime you can take painkillers;
  • You should not eat viscous or hard foods during the entire treatment period, so as not to damage the structure and not to complicate teeth cleaning and care in general. It is better to cut solid food into pieces;
  • Impaired diction should not be expected, since braces are attached to the outer surface of the teeth;
  • When you start wearing Damon clear, you should not eat cold foods. They negatively affect the arch, reducing pressure on the teeth.

In the early 2000s, an American orthodontist developed a new braces system, which was later named after him. It was distinguished by its ease of installation and the absence of ligatures - special wires that secure the arch in the bracket groove. Such systems are called non-ligature systems. The operating principle of the design is based on passive self-ligation. Such self-ligating structures fix the arch with the help of special locking elements that work on the principle of a shutter. Thanks to this, internal friction is significantly reduced, and teeth move naturally, due to the inherent arc traction and the work of the facial muscles. This reduces the mechanical load on the teeth.

Main advantages of Damon system:

  • ease of use, ease of oral care
  • reducing the risk of caries
  • precise distribution of pressure on the teeth, physiological movement, safety for the mucous membrane
  • minimal treatment complexity, reduction in treatment time by 4-6 months
  • no need to use additional devices (expanders, palatal or facial arches);
  • ease of activation, correction, minimization pain after installation, almost complete absence complications
  • used in patients over 12 years of age

Indications for installation

Vestibular braces are indicated for excessive development of one jaw relative to the other, dystopia, and preparation for prosthetics. They eliminate gaps, bite problems, crowding of teeth in a row, help remove unerupted teeth, and improve facial aesthetics. Contraindications to correction are:

  • severe psychosomatic illnesses
  • cracks or defects in enamel, caries
  • a significant number of fillings or crowns
  • allergies to the materials used

Types of Daimon braces

Choice optimal system should be done after a preliminary consultation with an orthodontist, who will identify possible contraindications, will hold necessary diagnostics and draw up a competent treatment plan. Today, Ormco produces four lines of Damon braces, each of which has its own characteristics:

  • Damon q – self-ligating metal braces, characterized by smooth outlines, small size elements, as well as high efficiency. The first results will be noticeable 3-4 weeks after installation. An improved locking mechanism reduces the arc replacement time to 5-7 minutes, and the smooth external structure prevents injury to the mucous membrane. Suitable for all patients age categories, ensure comfort and safety of treatment. Eliminating the need to replace ligatures will save time and money.
  • Damon 3 – refers to semi-aesthetic brace systems. It consists of a metal and plastic (translucent) part, so it is less noticeable when worn. This type is installed according to certain indications.
  • Damon 3MX is an improved model of Damon 3, made entirely of metal. Suitable for patients with significant curvature of the dentition. It has grooves for positioning special hooks necessary for additional bite correction. They also do not have ligatures, which makes cleaning and caring for your teeth easier.
  • Damon clear - do not have metal parts, are made of polycrystalline ceramics. They are completely transparent and completely invisible on the teeth, which increases the aesthetics of wearing them. The material does not change color and does not darken over time. More often ceramic designs They are installed on several front teeth of the upper row, and on the rest - locks of other models.


Unlike the classic ligature design, self-ligating systems have a higher price, which consists of many factors and largely depends on the severity of the pathology, region, doctor’s qualifications, and the pricing policy of a particular clinic. For example, average price for ceramic Damon Q is from 50 to 80 thousand rubles (for one jaw), and Damon clear will cost at least 100-120,000.

Treatment before and after

Installation time takes on average one and a half to two hours. The frequency of control visits is determined by the doctor individually. Typically, an appointment is scheduled once every 30-45 days. A full correction requires quite a lot of time, so total duration wearing braces – 1.5-2 years. After removal of the structure, wearing a retention plate or installing a permanent retainer is indicated.

Most patients who have had their bite or teeth corrected with braces leave positive reviews about the result. Completely completed, qualified orthodontic treatment, as well as strict compliance with medical instructions guarantee the safety positive effect for life, will help avoid complications or relapse.

Installation of braces in Moscow

Capital clinics offer a range of orthodontic services, including assessment of the quality of periodontal tissue, orthopantomograms, CT scans and other procedures. Specialists will perform special preparation of the oral cavity: sanitation, professional hygienic cleaning, and also talk about the main characteristics of the systems, installation features, and select the appropriate solution for each individual case.