The largest domestic cats: size matters. Big cats: overview of large breeds Cats are giant breeds

Many people, as children, dreamed of taming a wild animal, for example, making friends with a lion or a tiger. Of course, having matured, people understand that it is not so simple: to win the favor of a wild animal. However, there is a way to get a little closer to your childhood dream: to have a huge cat. For those who want to adopt an impressively sized fluffy cat, we offer the top 10 largest cats in the world, in which we will tell you about the largest cat breeds.

Norwegian Forest Cat

The Norwegian Forest Cat is a breed of semi-longhaired cat. Cats of this breed are usually slightly larger than female cats. An adult cat of this breed weighs approximately 5-7 kg. A Norwegian Forest cat reaches full development at about 5 years of age.

Carthusian cat

The Carthusian cat breed is also called Chartreux. This is a breed of short-haired cat. A representative of the Carthusian cat breed usually has a height at the withers of up to 30 cm. A cat of this breed usually weighs 6-7 kg. A Carthusian cat generally weighs 4-5 kg. This breed usually has orange or copper eye color, without any greenish tint. However, he does not become like this right away. Before this, he goes through several transformations. Kittens of the Carthusian breed are born with blue eyes. Then the blue eye color gradually turns into gray. And the gray shade is transformed into the final color: orange or copper.

Pixie bob

This cat breed is also called short-tailed elves. The pixie-bob breed was bred artificially, wanting to create a cat breed that looked similar to lynxes. The weight of a cat of this breed is usually 5-8 kg. The weight of a pixie-bob cat is generally 3-6 kg. Despite the second name of the breed (short-tailed elf), ordinary long-tailed cats are also found in the pixie-bob breed. Therefore, in order to determine that this is a pixie-bob cat, you need to know all the other criteria of the breed standard.

British shorthair cat

At maturity (that is, at about 2-3 years), cats of this breed usually weigh about 5-8 kg. Cats of this breed are smaller in size than males. There is a variety of this breed with semi-long hair: the British Longhair cat.

Maine Coon

Maine Coon cats originated from cats that lived in the United States, in Maine. Cats of this breed grow to their full potential size at 3-5 years of age. The height of an adult Maine Coon can be 25-41 cm. The weight of a Maine Coon cat is usually around 5.9-8.2 kg. The weight of a cat of this breed, most often, is approximately 3.6-5.4 kg.


This is a semi-longhaired cat breed. The average weight of cats of this breed is approximately 4-6 kg. The average weight of cats of this breed is approximately 6-9 kg.

Siberian cat

This cat breed is semi-longhaired. Cats of this breed are smaller in size than males. The weight of a Siberian cat is usually approximately 6-9 kg. The weight of a Siberian cat is generally approximately 3.5-7 kg.


The Ragamuffin breed is the result of crossing the Ragdoll breed and outbred purrs. What happened in the end? The appearance is basically similar to the Ragdoll breed, but the colors are much more varied. The character often resembles the Ragdoll breed. Ragamuffins have no hunting instincts. Cats of this breed are often larger than cats. Usually the weight of a ragamuffin is 5-8 kg, but there are cats weighing over 10 kg. Cats of this breed reach full maturity at approximately 4 years of age.


This breed of cat is also called Housie or Shawsie. She got her large size from a wild ancestor. The fact is that Chausie is the result of crossing domestic cat and a wild jungle cat. The breeders' goal was a cat with a "wild" appearance, but a "domestic" character. Chausie cats are larger in size than female cats. The height of a cat of this breed at the withers is approximately 40 cm. The weight of an adult Chausie is usually 10-15 kg.


This cat breed got its large size thanks to its wild ancestors. The fact is that the Savannah cat is a hybrid of a domestic cat and an African serval. Maximum size Cats of this breed usually reach around the age of 3 years. At the withers, Savannah cats are approximately 60 cm tall. The weight of a cat of this breed is about 15 kg.

When choosing what breed of cats you want to adopt, you should definitely study as much information as possible about what kind of care cats of a particular breed require, and about the character of the purrs of the breed you like. After all, when you find a friend in the face... that is, the face of a furry friend, you take responsibility for him.

Among the variety of cat breeds, domestic breeds are divided into special group. The peculiarity of these animals is that they get along with other pets and people, are not difficult to care for and feed, have an easy-going nature and are not dangerous for children. Compared to their wild counterparts, domestic cats are modest in size, but this group also has its own record holders. We will talk about big cats in our article.

Big cats: overview of large breeds

There are five breeds of domestic cats, the representatives of which are considered the largest.

Savannah (asherah)

Despite the fact that some consider them representatives of different breeds, the Asherah is different from the Savannah, much like a hippopotamus is from a hippopotamus. In fact, this is one animal with different names.

Savannah is the largest and most expensive domestic cat

The first kittens with breed characteristics of the modern savannah were born in 1986. They were the result of the work of American breeders who crossed the African Serval with a domestic cat. After 15 years, the breed was recognized as an independent unit. And after another 5 years, the Ashera “appeared”, which began to be positioned as the largest and most expensive domestic cat. It surprisingly resembled the savannah - not only externally, but also genetically. DNA analysis put a definitive end to this issue, and the names “asher” and “savannah” became synonyms for the same breed.

Savannah kitten

The truth was not revealed immediately, since the kittens received from a “wild” father and a “domestic” mother were crossed by breeders with representatives of the “father’s nationality” as they grew older. The more Serval blood flowed in the veins of the offspring, the more kittens outwardly they resembled a wild animal. Such animals were sold for huge sums of money, passing off as representatives of a completely new breed. Today, the Asherah Savannah remains the rarest and most expensive domestic cat.

The weight of the animal is 8-13 kg, but felinologists claim that there are individuals weighing up to 20 kg. The height at the withers can reach 1 m. The cat is a short-haired breed of the “sporting” type. At proper care she saves her whole life good shape, without overgrowing excess fat. It is better to keep a savannah in a spacious house with a garden. It is recommended to take him outside the estate on a leash.

Accustomed to it since childhood, the cat behaves like a normal dog when walking.

Interesting fact! Savannah is hypoallergenic, therefore recommended for those who suffer from hypersensitivity to the hair and skin flakes of domestic animals.

You can read more about this breed, its characteristics, care and maintenance of the Savannah Asher on our website.

Video - Interesting facts about the Savannah breed

WITH English name This type of domestic cat is translated as “Manx raccoon,” that is, a raccoon from the American state of Maine. Bright, luxurious giant cats make an unforgettable impression with their size, beauty of fur and wild look, which breeders dubbed the “wild look”.

The presence of such an animal can be seriously frightening if you do not know that representatives of the breed are distinguished by an unusually calm, even character and get along well with children and pets, even dogs. In part, they themselves are considered dogs, as these cats have high intelligence and are quite trainable. Maine Coons can be trained to fetch a paper ball and even slippers!

Furry giants are flexible and graceful. Adults appear huge due to their elongated body, long tail and thick fur. Their parameters inspire awe and respect, because:

  • adult males weigh up to 13-16 kg, and females - up to 8;
  • The “length” from the nose to the tip of the fluffy tail can reach 1 m, and the maximum officially registered length of a Maine Coon is 1 m 23 cm.

Interesting fact! Cats of this breed “rake” water before drinking. It is believed that they inherited this habit from their ancestors, who removed leaves and blades of grass from the surface of forest puddles.

Video - Maine Coon breed

The ancestor of all ragdolls is considered to be the Angora-looking cat Josephine, born in the 60s of the last century. She had a surprisingly flexible character. Her husband, cat B, also had a hand in the appearance of the breed. The offspring turned out to be unusually calm and beautiful. The name of the animals of this breed is translated as “rag doll”. And, indeed, ragdolls are extremely phlegmatic and good-natured.

A warm and cozy cat can be stroked, hugged and kissed, nursed in your arms, sat down and put to bed, and he will not mind. At the World Championship of Sloth, the ragdoll would become the absolute leader, receiving the entire prize fund. This is a living toy for children who must be able to properly handle the animal without causing it pain or harm.

Cat fur medium length Its color resembles the Siamese version, but this is where the similarity with the eccentric breed ends. Ragdolls are surprisingly sweet and good-natured, which is why they are very popular.

Body length of adult animals, including tail:

  • up to 80 cm in cats weighing up to 7 kg;
  • up to 1 m in cats whose weight reaches 10 kg.

Interesting fact! A representative of this breed, Ragtime Bartholomew, became the largest cat in the world, according to the Guinness Book of Records in 1986.

Video - Ragdoll

Individuals of this species are among the top five not only the largest, but also the largest expensive cats peace. They have an exotic appearance and an interesting origin. The ancestors of the Chausie are considered to be jungle cats and domestic cats. The combination of different colors and characters resulted in an amazing animal with a wild appearance and an easy-going disposition. The breed was officially registered in 2003, and the cats rare beauty gained worldwide popularity. There are still few of them in Russia, but the prospects for chausie as an unusual pet, are obvious.

Chausie is one of the most expensive cats in the world

If we talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the breed, the first include:

  • exotic appearance;
  • good health;
  • sociability;
  • lack of fear of water.

As for the disadvantages, these are, of course:

  • high cost of a pedigree animal;
  • difficulties in breeding (crossbreeding with cats);
  • possible manifestations of a wild temperament, which are expressed more in the desire to “travel” around the upper tier of the apartment;
  • the habit of eating a lot, or rather, constantly. Chausie's appetite is excellent, but the tendency to gluttony leads to digestive disorders and excess weight.

The weight of a mature individual is from 10 to 15 kg, height at the withers is 40 cm. Males are larger than cats, but females are more active and mobile.

Interesting fact! Chausie cats have strong hunting instincts, so keeping them in the same house with domestic rodents and birds is dangerous for the lives of the latter.

Video - About chausie

Siberian cat

The origin of this breed is clear from the name; it is from Russian Siberia. Life in harsh conditions contributed to the fact that cats acquired a brutal appearance, a strong constitution and thick hair.

It is believed that the ancestors of modern “Siberians” came to the Russian expanses from Bukhara. It was from there that they were brought by merchants and travelers during the time of Ermak. The transformation of Bukhara mini-predators into Siberian ones took place over many years and, by the way, without human participation. "Visiting" cats naturally communicated with each other and with local murks. As a result, a new breed of animals appeared: with a noble appearance, wild color and confident character.

The “Siberians” have a strong backbone, a strong and muscular body. Despite their considerable size, these cats are playful and agile, they love to jump and fool around, especially in early age. Many of them are not afraid of water, so they don't mind swimming.

Cats are no less capable of becoming attached to humans than dogs. There are many stories about how mustachioed striped creatures saved people's lives by promptly reporting household gas leaks, fires and earthquakes. They happily live with humans, are unpretentious in food and care, adore their owners and are bitterly sad when alone.

Interesting fact! One of the most famous representatives of the breed is the cat Dorofey, owned by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. The politician's furry pet took part in the meeting« no ties" with family former president Barack Obama's USA and brought the American guests into indescribable delight.

Video - All about Siberian cats

Other big cat species

Concluding the list of the largest domestic cats, it is worth recognizing that it is not exhaustive. There are other varieties of furry pets that are distinguished by their beauty and impressive size. These include the following cat breeds:


British, whose homeland is England. This is a soft, plush bun cat that is incredibly cozy, but often has an independent personality. At the beginning of their acquaintance, she demonstrates royal restraint and composure, but soon becomes kind and affectionate. The more time she spends with her owner, the stronger her trust and affection. Adult weight british cat– from 4 to 8 kg.

You can read more about this breed, its characteristics, care and maintenance of British cats on our website.

Norwegian Forest Cat

From the name it is clear that its homeland is Norway. The breed is very popular in the countries of Northern Europe and has external similarities with Siberians, Turkish Vans and Maine Coons.

Norwegian forest cats are classified as long-haired breeds. They have a strong build and impressive size. These animals are distinguished by their kind character and good manners. “Norwegians” are not characterized by bad behavior. They are tolerant even of dogs and capricious children, and are reserved towards strangers. It is noteworthy that cats of the Norwegian breed become attached to a person, and not to a house, as is commonly thought. For all their friendliness, it is difficult to call these animals completely tame. “Norwegian women” do not like to be picked up, squeezed and sat on your lap, like a doll. But they love it when they scratch their back and behind their ears.

The weight of a Norwegian cat, like most breeds, changes noticeably as the animal grows older. Representatives of this species grow slowly, reaching full maturity only by five years. At this age, the female weighs about 5.5 kg, and the male weighs from 6 to 9 kg.

Carthusian cat (chartreuse)

The Carthusian cat (chartreuse) is a French breed of unusually beautiful and equally jealous purrs with thick gray-blue fur and orange (bright yellow) eyes. There are different versions of the origin and history of the breed. According to one of them, Chartreux in the Middle Ages were considered cats of commoners. However, peasants and artisans valued them not for beautiful eyes and character, and for the fluffy skin and tender meat. Luckily the dark ones times have passed and Today, Carthusian beauties are purchased as pets. These cats are capable of becoming attached to people, but cannot tolerate the presence of other animals in the house. They are calm and silent, have a thin voice that they rarely demonstrate. They can tolerate loneliness normally if there is an interesting toy in sight.

The weight of a cat is 6-7 kg, and lighter cats weigh from 4 to 5 kg. Carthusians increase in size and reach maturity by 5 years, but fluffy Chartreuse ladies do not grow after 3 years.

Chartreux are calm and silent, have a thin voice

Diseases that affect large domestic cats

The health of domestic cats, including large cats, depends on genetics, as well as how they are cared for and what they are fed. If the set of hereditary diseases depends on the breed, then the consequences poor nutrition and maintenance for all cats is the same. They lead to pathologies such as:

Each variety of domestic cat has a predisposition to certain diseases.

Table. Breed diseases of big cats

Breed namePhotoPossible health problems
The breed does not have genetically determined pathologies, which is explained by the good health of its ancestor, the Serval. Possible inflammation of the urinary system
Joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis, osteoarthritis, dysplasia hip joints), skin pathologies (abscesses, phlegmon, ostiofolliculitis, eczema), disorders of the urinary system (nephritis, nephrosis, pyelitis, urethritis, cystitis)
Hip dysplasia, feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Digestive disorders, obesity
Food allergies, inflammatory eye pathologies (conjunctivitis and others), obesity

How to care for a domestic cat?

In order for a pet to demonstrate the best breed qualities, become the pride of the family and the envy of others, it is necessary to properly care for it. General principles feeding and maintenance of domestic cats, regardless of their type, are the same. Slight differences may be due to breed characteristics, such as coat length and quality.

In order for a cat to live happily in a family, it is important to remember the following:

  • Choosing a kitten is a responsible undertaking. It is worth buying a pet only from trusted breeders who are ready to document the breed and health of the animal;
  • cats need vaccination, especially if they go outside. The types and schedule of vaccinations can be clarified at your local veterinary clinic;
  • There are no trifles in pet nutrition. All the owner’s mistakes are reflected in the condition and appearance of the cat. The ideal nutrition system is the use of premium dry food, which can be purchased taking into account the characteristics of the breed. Contrary to popular belief, these compounds are not dangerous from the point of view of urate formation ( kidney stones). It is important to ensure that your cat always has enough fresh water. Followers natural nutrition should know that unbalanced diet worsens the condition, well-being and appearance of the pet. Vitamin and mineral deficiency will have to be replenished with special supplements;
  • Caring for a cat involves maintaining its neat appearance and normal condition health. Among other things, this includes brushing, infrequent bathing, trimming nails, cleaning ears and monitoring the condition of eyes and teeth;
  • the animal must have its own place in the house (apartment), where you can quietly retire without fear of interference in your personal cat space;
  • a small predator requires understanding and respect. This is more true when there are children in the house. Adults should explain to the child that an animal is not a toy, but a family member.

The largest domestic cats are popular and cost a lot of money. Such specimens are a real decoration for the family and home. However, the yard musk also has a chance of becoming a treasure. With good care, a purebred cat can easily grow into an intelligent and chic animal, which will be no worse than the top 5 people.

The domestic cats we all know and love have spread to every corner of the globe over the course of many millennia and have established themselves into distinctive breeds and categories. Hence, various breeds and types of cats differ significantly from each other, and have their own unique appearance and personality traits. One of these signs is their size. Today there are breeds that are heavier than even some dogs. Let's take a closer look at the most large breeds domestic cats.

10. Kurilian Bobtail

The Kurilian Bobtail began its history on the Kuril Islands. This is a cat with a strong build and a wide chest. Females of the breed weigh up to 5 kg, and males about 7 kg. The cat's head is wedge-shaped large size with ears that are tilted forward and enough big eyes. The Kurilian Bobtail's short pom-pom tail is its most distinctive feature.

9. Chartreuse

Among the largest domestic cat breeds is the Chartreux, a shorthaired breed now mainly originating in France and very rare in the UK where it is not recognized as a breed there due to its similarity to the British Shorthair. However, many studies prove that these two breeds have different physical and temperamental characteristics, as well as pedigrees. Chartreux is a rather massive cat with heavy bones and strong muscles; males can weigh up to 8 kg, females are slightly smaller.

8. Pixie bob

An artificially bred cat breed. Males can reach 10 kg. This is a fairly large, muscular cat with heavy bones and a double layer of fur. The color is always spotted, predominantly brown, often with a reddish tint. The tail is short, from 5 cm to 12 cm in length. The Pixie Bob is a quiet and calm cat and although he is completely devoted to his owner, he is also very affectionate towards other people. He does not like to share his home with other cats and pets.

7. Ragdoll

Ragdoll does not like loneliness and can understand human speech and carry out basic commands. This is a large, long-haired cat with a sweet, calm and kind character. He is perfect as a companion for people who have a lot of free time and are ready to devote it to this beautiful breed. Females weigh 4.5-6.8 kg, and the standard weight of males is 7-9 kg.

6. Norwegian Forest Cat

The size of males reaches 5-9.5 kg, females - from 3.5 to 7 kg. A close relative of the Siberian cat, the Norwegian forest cat shares many of its traits. She is friendly and playful, patient and tolerant towards children and other pets. The cat loves attention and spending time with its owner, but it can also be safely left alone for a certain period.

5. Turkish Van

The Turkish Van is a very energetic and athletic cat that is not at all afraid of water and loves to play for a long time. Its body is of medium length, its hind legs are slightly longer than its front legs, and its neck is short. The male weighs up to 7.3 kg, while the female weighs from 5.4 to 6.4 kg. It takes at least 3 years for Van to reach full maturity.

4. Siberian cat

The Siberian cat comes from Russia and is one of the cat breeds that is suitable for people with allergies. It has a strong body of medium length, rounded paws and a wide tail. And its rather long and thick coat helps the cat keep warm during bad weather. The weight of the female is 4-5.5 kg, and the male, on average, is 7 kg or more. The breed reaches a height of 33 cm. The Siberian cat is very agile, strong and resilient and can easily jump and climb to high places.

3. British cat

The largest breeds of domestic cats represent one of the oldest breeds, the British Shorthair (British). The breed was originally known as the British Blue, as this was the cat's original color, but there are now over 100 different color variations and patterns. The weight of an adult British cat ranges from 5 to 10 kg.

2. Maine Coon

There are many legends associated with the origin of this breed. One story claims that the Maine Coon is a cross between a lynx and a raccoon. But in fact, this is a native breed that originated from cats living on farms in Maine (USA). The average weight of a cat is 8.5 kg, while a male cat weighs about 11.3 kg. These are wonderful family cats, very obedient and gentle. They can be true homebodies, sleeping during most of the day and waking up only for food and attention.

1. Savannah

It is considered not only the largest, but also the most expensive cat in the world. The Savannah is a cross between a domestic cat and a Serval (African wild cat). The size of this breed can vary significantly depending on how far it is from the serval in its ancestry, but the largest cats can weigh up to 20 kg and are the size of a small dog. Savannah also holds the record for the tallest domestic cat - 43.43 cm.

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Domestic or purebred, docile or with a harmful character, a cat usually appears to us as a small creature, comfortably curled up in a ball on the owner’s lap. There are many rumors about large cats. Like, they are clumsy, and you will have to forget about order in the house. What are the largest domestic cats? How does their size affect their lifestyle? Is a large cat capable of living in a standard Russian apartment?

All cats once lived in the forest. The domestication of forest savages began 10 thousand years ago. Among the more than 600 million animals living next to humans today, there are cats of different breeds:

The weight of female Kuril Bobtails is 3.6-5 kg, males – 6.8 kg. Although at first glance, this is not a very large, nondescript cat with a strange whisk instead of a tail and lynx tassels on the ears.

Originally from the wild, large Kurilian Bobtails are excellent fishermen and can even dive underwater for fish. At the same time, they know how to hold their breath. And local residents take cats for hunting instead of dogs, with whose duties they cope well.

The Kurilian Bobtail has short fur, which completely stops shedding when the cat is 1.5 years old, so there is no allergy to them. In addition, the cat does not mark its territory.

The character of the large Kuril cat is similar to that of a dog. The animal is infinitely devoted to its owner, loves to meet and sniff guests and run after toys. But he caresses like a cat - if he wants to.

Carthusian cat is its second name. Large yellow-eyed cats of the native French breed weigh 6-7 kg, female cats are slightly behind - 4-5 kg. Females create a deceptive impression: due to their short limbs and compactly built body, they look small.

These big cats never lived in the courts of French kings. Their natural environment The habitats were streets and houses of common people. Big cats were valued for their hunting skills, because they saved the French from a rat invasion. In times of famine, cats served as food for people, and their skins were highly valued by furriers.

The short, fashionable coat of the big Frenchie cat has a blue-gray color of different tones, and the undercoat of the same color creates the impression of a double coat. Such a skin requires rare combing during the molting period. It will take time to bathe a Chartreuse cat - water has difficulty penetrating through the thick layer of fur.

Chartreuse cats are cats with a calm disposition. They will not panic if they are left alone for a long time. They rarely give voice and can purr when the mood strikes. They respond to the owner's caresses with a slight movement of the head, as if butting heads.

Chartreux cats are intelligent and unobtrusive. They do not have the habit of getting involved in conflicts, are not aggressive and have a philosophical attitude towards everything that happens in the house.

Another large cat, similar to a lynx. It has a characteristic short tail ranging from 2.5 to 15 cm in length and sometimes ears decorated with tassels. A miracle cat weighs 3-5 kg, males - 6-10 kg.

is the only cat breed that is officially allowed to have multiple digits. Large cats can be born with a fan of seven fingers.

North Americans began consciously breeding the breed relatively recently - about 30 years ago. Although earlier, the ancestors of Pixiebobs lived in Canadian forests located near populated areas, and descended from an ordinary domestic cat and a red forest lynx. The name of the breed was given by the first kitten bred within its framework, Pixie.

Pixiebob has excellent health and tolerates heat and cold equally well. But it is not recommended to export the breed outside of Canada and the USA. Therefore, big cats are rarely found on other continents.

But the lucky ones who manage to get Pixiebob into their family can fully enjoy his calm and affectionate disposition. Provided that he does not have neighbors - other animals. Cats of this breed are indifferent loners; they will never seek friendship with other cats and dogs. Although it is also not in their nature to stir up conflicts.

Long hair is the main decoration of the big Scandinavian cat. The cat's shaggy coat, long bushy tail, and distinctive neck collar make it seem incredible. Females usually weigh 3.5-7 kg, males - 5-9.5 kg.

The large forest ancestors of cats of this breed were excellent hunters and even knew how to get fish from under the ice. In addition to the name, Scandinavian cats got their powerful flexible body and hunting instinct from them. They will enjoy playing a real mouse hunt. If there are no mice in the house, a regular one will do. rubber ball or a rustling bow.

Like most northern animals, the Norwegian Forest has a freedom-loving and at the same time calm disposition. Education and good manners are in the blood of these big cats. They will never allow themselves to take revenge, especially in such a primitive way as shitting in their slippers. And they will endure even the most unflattering treatment.

Norwegian Forest cats do not immediately accept new people. Having looked a little closer and realized that a person can be trusted, big cats become affectionate and greet him every time like an old friend. They have no favorites in the family; they will be equally happy with all its members - even naughty children.

This large cat is one of the most ancient and rare on the planet. The length of an adult male from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail can reach 120 cm, and the height at the shoulders is 40 cm. A large Turkish cat weighs 6-9 kg.

Muscular, with large, graceful paws, Vans have a not very long chestnut-red tail and white lime-colored fur. There are cats tortoiseshell color, cream or chestnut red with white. The head is decorated with white ears. Eyes – blue or light yellow, sometimes different: blue and yellow.

The Turkish Van loves to splash in the water. Its fur is waterproof. The ancestors of big cats settled along the banks of streams and rivulets, in which they fished, completely immersing their paws under water. The fishing technique of these cats resembles that of a bear.

Large cats of the Turkish Van breed do not know how to be sad. They will always find something to do; lounging on the sofa in the folds of a warm blanket is not in their nature. Mobile and active cats do not tolerate confined spaces and spend a lot of time near the window. So walking is a vital necessity for them. It is best to walk animals near bodies of water, where they will be most familiar. Walking around the garden or lawn will also lift their spirits.

For a long time it was believed that the most large breed cats are . According to legend, these animals first appeared in Maine thanks to the sin of a large domestic cat and a female raccoon, from which the breed allegedly inherited a bushy tabby tail.

Interest in unusually large cats and subsequent genetic studies showed that the breed was formed gradually in the harsh climate of the American prairies.

The most famous Maine Coon cat is Stewie. He has his own page in the Guinness Book of Records, where he is recorded as the longest representative of the cat world. Its length from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail is 123 cm.

Savannah - wild beauty

Not long ago, American pride had a serious competitor. The Savannah breed, as often happens, received its name from the name of the first kitten, which was born completely by accident.

Breeder Judy Frank did not expect to get offspring from a simple Siamese cat and an African serval crossed by her. The amazingly beautiful cat soon became a mother herself. Among Savannah's kittens there was only one female. She became the successor of the breed of cats, so strikingly similar to African servals in appearance and just as strikingly different from them in disposition.

Savannah is:

  • a small head with huge wide ears, the distance between which is minimal. Specks on the ears indicate the purebred of the breed;
  • long, powerful, athletic body;
  • slender, sinewy legs with small oval paws;
  • rough, dense wool with a soft undercoat.

Compared to the previously listed large domestic breeds, Savannah is the largest cat. She weighs about 15 kg and grows to 60 cm at the withers. Despite its impressive size, it is a very active animal. Savannah loves to frolic, and it is unlikely that an ordinary Russian apartment will be suitable for her games. This cat is inventive and smart; she can easily overcome a height of three meters and restore order on the mezzanine.

The first two generations of Savannah cats are not very sociable and strongly resemble their wild relatives. But now the third generation behaves more friendly and calmly perceives others.

A large cat does not require special conditions content. Unless you just need space for games, and a large brush if the pet has long hair. And attention and love will make the big cat a great friend for the whole family.

Typically, a cat weighs between 4-6 kg, is short and small size. There are, of course, individual specimens, but even they are not as impressive in size as big cats. What are the largest cat breeds? Let's figure it out.

The biggest cats: top 5 largest

Animals of this breed have a large, well-developed body. Females reach 6-7 kg, females grow up to 12 kg. Wool Siberian cats thick and long, the tail is fluffy, and the color can be very diverse.

These cats are great for people who are allergic to animal fur. The character of these fluffies is quite capricious. They are not the type to purr while lying in their owner's arms for hours. They are excellent hunters, so the absence of rats or mice in the house is guaranteed. The price of Siberians ranges from 150 to 3000 UAH (600-12000 rubles).

Read also:

2. Norwegian Forest Cat

Similar to Siberian cats. It seems large and even cumbersome due to its “double” water-repellent coat. The coat color is very diverse.

Males weigh up to ten kilograms, and cats are relatively small - about four to five. These are very sociable, playful and sociable cats. Despite their large size, animals of this breed are very elegant and graceful. The price for kittens, on average, is from 200 to 9,000 UAH (800-36,000 rubles).

It will be interesting:

3. Maine Coon

These domestic big cats evoke admiration and affection. They are particularly large in size. The weight of cats can be more than 12-13 kg, cats weigh between 5-8 kg. The body length of adults, as a rule, reaches one meter or more.

Due to the presence of pronounced tufts at the tips of their ears, cats resemble a lynx. Despite their impressive size, Maine Coon cats are very neat, graceful, especially affectionate and friendly. The price for such kittens is from 2,500 UAH to 10,000 UAH (10,000-40,000 rubles).

The translation of the name of this cat breed sounds quite interesting “”. And the breed received this name for a reason, because Ragdoll cats are especially phlegmatic, and their phenomenal ability to relax their muscles as much as possible is almost legendary.

But, be very careful and especially watch your pet, because these cats are unable to fall on their paws from a height and this is due to muscle relaxation.

The characteristic features of the breed are Blue eyes and very soft wool, most often light or white color. These are the kindest, kindest, absolutely non-conflict and very friendly cats. A kitten of such a large breed will cost from 800 to 7,500 UAH (3,200-30,000 rubles).

5. Savannah

This is the largest cat breed in the world. Savannah at the withers reaches 50-60 cm, and the weight of an adult animal can reach 15 kg or more.

These are large domestic cats that amaze with their dissimilarity to cats, yes, yes, you read everything correctly, and I wrote everything correctly. The thing is that in some of their habits these cats resemble dogs - they are easy to train, will happily go for walks on a leash, and also love all kinds of water treatments.