Healing properties of alfalfa: medical indications, applications, precautions. Alfalfa

Alfalfa, whose beneficial properties have been known since ancient times, is successfully used in medicine as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent. It is also called zorka, honeydew, and lechuha. The beneficial components of the herb are used not only for preparing homemade medicinal recipes, but also in the creation of pharmacological preparations, dietary supplements, and in cosmetology.

The plant belongs to legumes. Its height is 85 cm. The shoot is straight and stable with small leaves and inflorescences of blue and blue flowers, reminiscent of tassels. Blooms in summer. The fruits of the plant are hooked beans.

Ripen in August. It has strong and thick roots. They can penetrate the soil 10-12 m deep, due to which they receive significantly more moisture and nutrients. Alfalfa is native to Asia. It grows wild in the Balkans and Russia. Grows near water bodies, in meadows, grassy slopes, and steppes.


Alfalfa substances, rich in vitamins and minerals, actively participate in metabolic processes and restore the body.

Carbohydrates are the main substances of metabolic processes:

  • vitamin A slows down aging, prevents the effects of free radicals on the body;
  • vitamin B5 promotes energy production by cells;
  • vitamin K strengthens bones, prevents bleeding;
  • vitamin D promotes the development and growth of the bone apparatus;
  • vitamin E– natural antioxidant. Has a beneficial effect on the genitourinary system;
  • vitamin B12 responsible for hematopoiesis;
  • vitamin B1 improves metabolism and neural exchange;
  • vitamin B2 responsible for restoration processes and cell function;
  • vitamin C acts as a stimulator of collagen production, improves immunity, promotes tissue regeneration;
  • acids responsible for acid-base balance;
  • minerals participate in all biochemical processes;
  • essential oils improve recovery and metabolic processes;
  • steroids stimulate protein synthesis;
  • flavonoids stabilize the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • anthocyanins are stimulants of the immune system and have a bactericidal effect.

Nutritional value of alfalfa:

  • 100 g of young foliage and stems contain 23 kcal.
  • 100 g of seeds – 300 kcal.

BJU per 100 g:

Useful properties

The benefits of alfalfa grass are that it:

  • improves metabolism;
  • is an antimicrobial agent;
  • increases energy levels;
  • promotes wound healing;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • enhances recovery processes;
  • strengthens the body.

You can use alfalfa in the form of an ointment, tincture, juice, or decoction. Green leaves and seeds are good to use as dietary supplements.

Indications for use

Due to its beneficial properties, alfalfa is used:

  • in surgery and dermatology for wound treatment;
  • during the treatment of gynecological pathologies. Used as a douche to relieve pain and inflammation;
  • during lactation it stabilizes the process of milk production;
  • with nervous or physical exhaustion;
  • for chronic anemia;
  • in case of nervous system disorders;
  • in situations leading to stress.

Benefits for men

Alfalfa decoctions are also beneficial for men. They tend to prevent impotence and prostatitis. Taking a decoction will help soothe pain when urinating and remove swelling. Using alfalfa at the initial stage of the disease can help get rid of the disease altogether; at a more advanced stage, it can prevent the possibility of prostate adenoma.

For women

It is useful for women to take alfalfa infusions during menstruation to reduce pain and improve mood. And also during menopause, when hormonal changes occur and imbalance occurs, which leads the body to a stressful state.

Therefore, the use of tinctures and decoctions will help calm the nervous system and cope with unpleasant sensations caused by hormonal imbalances.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Alfalfa contains calcareous substances that restore calcium in the body. Therefore, medicines made from it are useful for nursing mothers and pregnant women. Calcareous substances have a good effect on the child's growth and bone development, and vitamin K helps prevent bleeding in the mother and her fetus. Alfalfa is also useful for nursing mothers because it can enhance lactation.

For children

Alfalfa, the beneficial properties of which have a beneficial effect on the child’s body, will not be superfluous in use if the child is growing rapidly. It is better to only rub infants.

Alfalfa. has excellent beneficial properties, but it is better not to give it to infants, but to rub it.

For older children, the medicine can be given half a teaspoon. The dose for preschool children can be increased to 1 tsp, for schoolchildren - 1–2 tbsp. l. It is not recommended to give alfalfa to children under three years of age to avoid allergies.

Alfalfa for joint diseases

To treat joints, ointments are used for external application, which relieve inflammation, and tinctures are used internally, as an anesthetic and strengthening agent for the body. To prepare the infusion, you need to mix 40 g of alfalfa and half a liter of vodka.

Place in a dark place for 10-14 days. Before use, dilute 10 g of the resulting product with water (50 g is enough). Drink the infusion before meals. A compress of tincture with honey relieves swelling well.

To calm the nervous system

Alfalfa improves the quality of the nervous system. Taking the herb helps calm the nerves, energizes the body, and relieves irritation and fatigue. It is an excellent remedy for controlling emotions and improving mood during menopause in women.

To prepare the medicine you will need water - 300 ml and dry alfalfa - 100 g. Mix the ingredients and leave for 10 minutes. cook, leave for 3 hours. Drink the prepared product in the morning, at lunch and in the evening, after straining. Single dose: 100 ml.

For diabetes

Alfalfa, whose beneficial properties include substances that help get rid of residual sugar and cholesterol, is used in the form of an infusion or tea for diabetes. To get results, the medicine must be taken for 1 month.

To prepare tea that lowers blood sugar, add 50 g of dry alfalfa to a glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Single dose: 300 ml before meals.

To prepare the infusion, you need to pour 50 g of alfalfa with boiling water, then 20 minutes. keep in a water bath. Leave the resulting product to infuse for 1 hour. Divide the infusion into 6 parts and take within 12 hours.

For wound healing

Alfalfa grass enhances regenerative processes that promote faster healing of wounds and injuries. It is a bactericidal agent.

To quickly heal wounds, add a decoction of 5 g of the plant and half a glass of boiling water to the bath. Take 15 minutes. Duration of treatment: 2 weeks.

To lower cholesterol levels

Thanks to saponins and fiber, alfalfa helps reduce cholesterol and does not allow it to linger in the blood or on the walls of blood vessels. For treatment you need to take fresh herbs. To do this, young stems are cut and the juice is squeezed out. You need to drink it 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. For results to appear, take for a month. You can add fresh leaves to your food.

To increase immunity levels

Alfalfa, the beneficial properties of which contribute to the use of the plant in the manufacture of pharmacological preparations, stimulates increased immunity. In pharmacies today you can buy herbal teas, dietary supplements, medicines in the form of tablets, and nutritional supplements that contain lechuha.

Useful substances that enhance immunity are contained in the juice of the plant.

During the flowering period, young foliage is collected. The leaves are ground and squeezed. The resulting juice is filtered and mixed with carrot juice in an amount of 1 to 3. You can add young alfalfa leaves to salads. Their use reduces the risk of anemia, improves well-being, and helps to better absorb food.

For hemorrhoids

For treatment, it is recommended to use baths with alfalfa. They help relieve inflammation and relieve pain. To prepare the bath, you need to pour 1 tsp into a glass of just boiled water. dried grass. Leave to infuse for 20 minutes. and pour more into the vessel. Add 2 liters of water.

Depending on the temperature, the baths act differently:

  • warm ones relieve itching and discomfort;
  • cold and steam help relieve pain;
  • hot, due to their antibacterial properties, reduce inflammation.

Apply baths for 5 minutes.

For anemia

Alfalfa (contains beneficial properties of chlorophyll, which improves oxygen saturation of the blood) is a good remedy for anemia and exhaustion of the body. To treat anemia, it is recommended to drink a drink made from nettle, horsetail and lechuha.

It helps overcome fatigue and improve blood quality. Pour a glass of water into the pan, add 1 tsp. alfalfa sprouts, 1 tsp. horsetail and 0.5 tbsp. l. green nettle. Cook for 5 minutes, cool and strain. Drink a cup of decoction 2 hours after breakfast.

For skin diseases

To treat skin diseases, a cocktail containing alfalfa juice is suitable. To prepare it, you need to rinse 100 g of oat sprouts with warm water. Wrap it in moistened gauze and leave it in the dark until the oats sprout. In general it takes 3 days.

Then grind the oats twice in a meat grinder. Mix the juices of pomegranate (150 ml), alfalfa (10 g), lemongrass berries (10 g) and carrots (1/4 cup). Add oats. The cocktail is ready. Take it for 10 days, 2 tbsp. l. Drink half an hour before meals in the morning and evening.

Alfalfa for weight loss

The plant reduces appetite, improves the functioning of digestive processes, promotes the rapid breakdown of fats, which helps in the fight against excess weight. In addition, alfalfa removes excess water from the body, as it is a diuretic.

To prepare a drink for weight loss, you need to pour 200 g of grass shoots with boiling water (0.5 l). Drink 200 ml per day. You can add alfalfa to regular tea. Due to its low calorie content (23 kcal/100 g), the plant can be eaten.

Alfalfa in cosmetology

Alfalfa contains vitamins, acids and essential oils that have a beneficial effect on skin and hair. Therefore, it is actively used for cosmetic purposes.

Mask recipes:

  1. For skin rejuvenation. Pour boiled water over the fresh herb powder and cool. The result will be a paste-like mixture. Apply the product to the face and neck and leave for 15 minutes, then wash. The water for washing should be warm. Nourish the skin with cream. Use the mask 1-2 times every 7 days.
  2. Mask with a rejuvenating effect. Pour 1 tsp into the container. alfalfa juice, water and honey. Mix thoroughly. Apply the resulting mixture to your face for 20 minutes, then rinse. Course of application: 10 times every 2 days.
  3. Soothing mask. Add honey to the alfalfa infusion (50 g of powder per 500 ml of boiling water). Moisten gauze in the resulting mixture and cover your face for 15 minutes. Remove the mask. Wipe the skin with a cotton swab soaked in warm water.

When the skin withers, it is recommended to wash your face with an infusion from the plant.

Alfalfa recipes for hair care:

  1. If your hair falls out, it is recommended to rinse it with alfalfa decoction after washing. To prepare it, pour 20 g of the plant into 0.5 liters of boiled water. Cool the broth and strain. Thanks to this rinsing, the hair becomes manageable and soft.
  2. To maintain hair color and prevent graying, it is recommended to drink juice from alfalfa, carrots and lettuce. Mix the ingredients in equal quantities and take several times a week.

How to prepare and consume sprouted seeds

  • Soak the seeds in water overnight.
  • Drain, spread the seeds on a cloth, and leave them to germinate.
  • Rinse daily with running water twice a day.
  • When sprouts appear, rinse again and place in a plastic container.
  • Keep refrigerated.

You can use sprouted seeds to prepare salads, cocktails, or eat them yourself. Alfalfa shoots are soft and therefore easy for the body to digest. The stems of a mature plant are tougher and harder, which is why it is not recommended to eat them raw.

And before use it is better to treat with boiling water. Young leaves, sprouts and juice of the plant are good to add to food in autumn and winter to strengthen the immune system.



  1. Chop the alfalfa. Pour 100 g of the resulting powder into a glass of boiling water. Cover and let cool. Drink 3-4 times within 12 hours.
  2. Chop the leaves, soak in vodka or alcohol (5 tbsp per 0.5 l). Leave for two weeks in the dark. Reception: 1 tsp. 2 times a day.



Grind fresh young alfalfa leaves with a meat grinder, place on cheesecloth and squeeze. Pour the juice into boiled water (1:1). Drink 50 ml in the morning half an hour before meals. Application period: 2 months. The juice cleanses the body and improves digestion.


You should not take alfalfa if:

  • cholelithiasis;
  • ulcers and other stomach diseases;
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • together with drugs that increase blood clotting;
  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • allergic reactions;
  • personal intolerance.

Possible harm and side effects

Alfalfa, which has a lot of medicinal qualities, can harm the body. Do not use grass that has grown in the field. It is treated with chemicals and poisons. It is better to use plants grown at home or in greenhouses.

But even grass sprouted under special conditions can in some cases cause side effects, such as:

Collection and storage

Alfalfa is a perennial plant. It blooms in June and July. During this period, the foliage is most filled with useful substances. It is better to cut the grass in the morning. Dry the harvested crop in places inaccessible to moisture and sunlight.

In the sun, alfalfa produces a lot of chlorophyll, which leads to a decrease in healing substances. Due to moisture, a dry plant can rot. The best time to collect seeds is August.

Do not pick them when they are green or overripe:

  • Seeds and dried grass can be stored for 2 years in a cool, dry place, placed in fabric bags.
  • Sprouted seeds are stored for 6 days in a closed plastic container in the refrigerator.
  • Keep fresh foliage and stems in the refrigerator in a plastic bag. Store for 3 days.
  • Despite the beneficial properties of alfalfa, before you start taking the herb as a remedy, you should consult your doctor. This is especially important to do if you have any diseases.

Article format: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about alfalfa

Useful properties and description of alfalfa:

This plant is considered the fundamental basis of health in China, and modern biochemist scientists are convinced that “its composition is the whole Universe.” It was this perennial herb that became the basis for the creation of the world’s very first dietary supplement, and it is also considered an inexhaustible source phytonutrients. Are you at a loss as to what exactly we are talking about? Meet alfalfa.

Beneficial and medicinal properties of alfalfa

Alfalfa is a perennial plant from. Its homeland is Asia, where it has long been used as food by people. In our country, alfalfa is traditionally considered a forage plant, and only relatively recently it began to be considered as a valuable food product and source of nutrients. What beneficial and medicinal properties does alfalfa have? Are there any contraindications for this medicinal herb?

Almost all organs and systems of the human body can become the object of the healing effects of alfalfa. In this case, the above-ground parts of the plant are subject to use for health purposes: leaves, stems and seeds. Sprouted alfalfa seeds are of particular value - they contain the absolute maximum of all useful substances.

Chemical composition

According to its chemical composition, alfalfa truly unique. It has not only significant nutritional value, but also a high content of vital vitamins and minerals. And all this coupled with a low calorie content - only 23 kcal per 100 g.
Name of vitamin or mineral Content per 100 g of product (in mg)
0,13 0,23 0,046 0,051
0,48 0,11 0,029 0,034
0,159 0,966 0,186 0,503
Vitamin B50,186 0,393 0,13 0,01
0,149 0,186 0,084 0,119
0,285 0,01 0,02 0,01
0,08 1,96 0,08 0,01
8,2 4,5 28,1 2,8
0,03 0 0,11 0,8
Sodium6 11 6 5
79 655 147 183
32 112 36 23
27 99 11 8
Phosphorus70 181 25 23
0,96 1,91 0,13 0,27

The use of alfalfa grass in medicinal and healthy nutrition

Ripe alfalfa greens does not have good taste, therefore practically not used as a food product. But sprouted alfalfa grains much tastier, they can and even should be included in a healthy diet. Due to their high protein content, these sprouts are particularly popular for vegetarians and raw foodists. People who are overweight can also include dishes with the addition of alfalfa in their menu - it helps remove toxins from the body and speeds up metabolism.

Culinary compatibility

Alfalfa is mainly used as a medicinal plant on one's own, not including in herbal teas.

  • with vegetables (arugula, bell pepper, carrots, etc.);
  • with herbs (,);
  • with cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice);
  • with mushrooms;
  • with nuts and dried fruits;
  • with meat and fish as a side dish.

Altai alfalfa cream and reviews about it

Many manufacturers of natural cosmetics use alfalfa as phytobases for anti-aging creams. Altai alfalfa is especially popular among cosmetologists, which, according to consumer reviews, has the miraculous ability to make facial skin several years younger.

At my pre-retirement age, I strive to look as young as possible. What haven’t I done for a toned face! As soon as I didn’t struggle with wrinkles! Various creams, cosmetic procedures, Botox - all this is a passed stage for me. All that remained was to decide on plastic surgery, but I saw an advertisement for a cream with Altai alfalfa - and decided to try it. I was pleased with the result, but not immediately: for the first 3 weeks it seemed to me that nothing was happening, but then I felt wonderful changes. The skin has become more elastic and beautiful. All my friends noted that I simply looked younger.

Olga Despite the fact that I am only 35 years old, thoughts about existing and possible future wrinkles do not leave me. On the advice of a friend, I tried cream with alfalfa - and a miracle began to happen before my eyes. Small facial wrinkles have smoothed out completely, new ones have not yet appeared. True, I used the cream for quite a long time - more than a month.

Diana I bought Altai alfalfa cream as a birthday present for my mother. At first my mother thanked me with restraint, and a month later she demanded another jar of the same cream: after all, it really helps fight wrinkles and restores youth and freshness to the face.


How to choose alfalfa

Some hypermarkets and health food stores already sell ready-made alfalfa sprouts, but this is rare. It is best to purchase alfalfa seeds and germinate them yourself. When purchasing seeds, it is important to clarify whether they have previously been subjected to chemical treatment. Ideally, the packaging should say “for germination.”

Dried alfalfa sold in pharmacies: it can be used to prepare herbal medicines. You can also purchase ready-made alfalfa tincture from pharmacists.

Medicinal raw materials can be prepared and on one's own. To do this, it is necessary to cut off the above-ground part of wild alfalfa during its flowering period and dry it in the shade in the fresh air.

How to use it correctly

The most common ways to consume alfalfa are sprouted seeds, water infusion and decoction, and alcohol tincture.

  • Sprouted seeds. To begin with, the seeds need to be soaked in water for a day, after which the water is drained, and the wet seeds are scattered in a thin layer on a wet canvas cloth and left to germinate. Before germination, the seeds must be washed twice a day with cool water to prevent mold from appearing. After green sprouts appear, they must be washed, then transferred to a plastic container and stored in the refrigerator, consumed as needed as an additive to salads, vitamin cocktails, or as an independent dish.
  • Decoction or infusion of water. A few tablespoons of alfalfa are poured into a half-liter jar of boiling water and left for several hours. After filtering, the infusion is ready for use. It is recommended to drink 50-70 ml of infusion three times a day before meals.
  • Alcohol tincture of alfalfa. 3 tbsp. dry alfalfa grass, pour a bottle of vodka and leave for 2 weeks at room temperature. Take 10 drops before meals several times a day.

Storage periods and features

Harm and contraindications

  • individual intolerance;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • phenylketonuria;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • children under 2 years of age;
  • exacerbation of ulcers.
At pregnancy Alfalfa can be consumed occasionally and only in the form of sprouted seeds. The same applies to children under 7 years old.

If you are a supporter of a healthy lifestyle, a fan of youth and beauty, and simply want to live 100 years, pay attention to alfalfa. The sprouted seeds of this herb on your windowsill are a guarantee that old age simply cannot sneak up on you unnoticed.

If you have your own unique experience of eating alfalfa, share it with other readers in

Ecology of life. Traditional medicine: Alfalfa is a perennial herbaceous plant with a bushy stem, densely leafy. Alfalfa leaves are alternate, trifoliate with oblong-wedge-shaped leaflets. The flowers are small, lemon-yellow, collected in 20-30 pieces. into capitate brushes.

Alfalfa is a perennial herbaceous plant with a bushy stem and dense foliage. Alfalfa leaves are alternate, trifoliate with oblong-wedge-shaped leaflets. The flowers are small, lemon-yellow, collected in 20-30 pieces. into capitate brushes.

Alfalfa is widely known as a fodder crop, and it is grown, of course, mainly for animal feed. But it is also known that alfalfa can and is very beneficial to eat.

For example, in England, alfalfa buds are placed in salads - it’s beautiful, tasty, and healthy. But what is most important for us is the medicinal use of this plant. Let’s say this: “From alfalfa grass collected during the flowering period, prepare an infusion of 2 teaspoons of crushed herbs per glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain and drink in equal doses throughout the day. This recipe is used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus and in cases of dysfunction of the thyroid and pancreas."

Alfalfa grass contains antioxidants that help improve metabolism and restore the normal state of the circulatory system. Alfalfa is useful for diabetes, heart pain and many other ailments. Nutritional supplements from alfalfa are also useful for the prevention of rickets and osteoporosis.

This is a natural orderly for the body, which cleanses the liver and blood. Alfalfa is also irreplaceable to strengthen teeth, nails, bones and hair. After all, it contains a lot of vitamins and microelements we need, primarily fluoride.

It turns out that young alfalfa stems contain much more protein, and the stems after flowering contain more cellulose and sugary substances. Alfalfa has deep roots, due to which it expands the amount of nutrients accumulated from the depths of the earth.

Alfalfa contains several types of proteins, chlorophyll, and the amount of vitamin C is twice as high as the content of this vitamin than in parsley and four times higher than in sour lemon. In addition, this plant contains vitamins B, D, E, K, provitamin A, which prevents the development of diseases such as night blindness, and vitamin K is useful for people suffering from bleeding.

Almost everyone already knows that if a person has diabetes, then his whole life turns out to be subject to a complex and rather unpleasant regime. But you can live with diabetes and fight it quite successfully. Many sufferers of this disease use medicinal plants that help normalize insulin production.

One of these life-saving medicines is alfalfa.. Here is one of many recipes: you need to thoroughly chop 1 tbsp. dry herbs, pour 1 cup of boiling water and leave for 40 minutes. Then, strain and take a quarter glass 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals.

You can take alfalfa to get rid of from the undesirable consequences of menopause. As a result, the nerves calm down, headaches and other unpleasant symptoms disappear.

With age, the vast majority of people experience, for various reasons, serious loss of strength. To cope with fatigue and restore high vitality, you need to act. One of these recipes is a preparation made from alfalfa: you need to take 1 tbsp. chopped dry alfalfa grass, pour 500 ml of vodka and place in a dark place. Leave this at room temperature. After 14 days the medicine will be ready. It is recommended to take the tincture 10 drops at a time 30 minutes before meals. Alfalfa restores the elasticity of blood vessels, thereby delaying old age. And it works very well on men.

Alfalfa grass is usually given as a regular medicinal and preventive drink to weakened people with atherosclerosis, to relieve pain from arthritis, arthrosis, gout, heart pain, to relieve pain from rheumatism, liver intoxication, muscle cramps, to reduce cholesterol levels and eliminate toxins .

It improves appetite, is also used for constipation, acne, allergies, anemia, ulcers in the digestive system, removes uric acid, and normalizes water balance.

The use of Alfalfa, both as a separate drug and in combination, helps with bladder diseases, cystitis, nephritis, prevents caries, as it contains fluoride .

Fresh alfalfa juice helps lower cholesterol and restore alkaline balance in the body, prevents cardiovascular diseases and heart attacks, and has a general tonic effect of slow but deep action; stimulates the immune system, helps neutralize and remove toxins accumulated over many years, thereby strengthening physical health and vitality (which is especially useful in old age); contains a large amount of fat-soluble vitamins, which, unlike water-soluble vitamins, accumulate in the body, so taking alfalfa is only allowed for 2-3 months, followed by a break of at least a month.

In normal doses, alfalfa does not pose a health risk. However, excessive consumption of alfalfa preparations can stimulate the development of systemic lupus erythematosus, a disease resembling arthritis and accompanied by severe pain. Of course, consuming alfalfa if you have lupus erythematosus is not recommended.

Examples from traditional medicine:

For cuts, as a wound healing agent: Usually make a decoction of 1 tablespoon of alfalfa per glass of boiling water. The same decoction is used for douching for trichomonas colpitis. In addition, powder from alfalfa leaves is used externally for malignant neoplasms, and also as a hemostatic agent.

To strengthen your strength: You need to germinate alfalfa seeds to regularly add them to your food. A salad is made from 3-5 cm sprouts with a slight addition of any raw vegetables, which is very healthy and pleasant to the taste. Almost everyone feels an extraordinary surge of strength. Vigor, lightness, a pleasant feeling and mobility appear throughout the whole body, the skin becomes younger. Scientifically speaking, for anyone who strives to be healthy and active, it is very beneficial to use alfalfa sprouts as a dietary supplement.

It's very simple: you need to place the washed seeds on gauze or cotton cloth and spray with water from a spray bottle so that the cloth becomes completely damp. As it dries, repeat moisturizing regularly until sprouts appear. Eat them in crushed form (chewing thoroughly) 1-2 tsp. a day in the morning on an empty stomach or add to salads, cereals, and other dishes.

This might interest you:

To improve vision, especially with incipient cataracts (exotic recipe): early in the morning on Trinity Sunday you need to collect dew from the alfalfa grass. This is usually done by pipetting into a vial. Such dew is medicinal only when collected within three days: the day before Trinity, on Trinity and the next day. Everything that has been collected must be dripped immediately, 2-3 drops in the morning every day, until the entire collection is used up. Remember that you need to collect dew and drip only with a pure heart and with Faith. published

The common man will be attracted to alfalfa as a beautiful field grass. You might want to add it to a wreath or bouquet. But herbalists, farmers and even some chefs know much more about alfalfa - a seemingly simple herbaceous plant has enormous benefits.

If cows or goats graze in a field with alfalfa, then their milk will not only be tasty, nutritious, but also healing. Chefs in the West use alfalfa to decorate their dishes for a reason - it’s beautiful, but how healthy it is! In folk medicine, alfalfa is highly respected - many diseases and ailments can be overcome by enlisting its support.

For treatment, use field alfalfa (purple flowers) and crescent alfalfa (yellow flowers).

Benefits of alfalfa

For starters, alfalfa contains four times more vitamin C than citrus fruits! This is excellent support for the immune system - no cold will go away. It also contains other very valuable vitamins: beta-carotene, B6, E, K and U.

About the latter I would like to say that it protects well against the development of duodenal ulcers. Beta-carotene has a beneficial effect on the organs of vision, vitamin B6 - on the nervous system, E is a powerful antioxidant, the vitamin of youth and beauty, and K is necessary for the healthy process of hematopoiesis.

Of the minerals, the content of phosphorus, calcium, iron, manganese, copper, and zinc is especially high.

Beneficial substances are present in the green part of alfalfa, flowers and its seeds.. Medicinal tinctures and decoctions are prepared from different parts of this plant. Alfalfa will help those who want to restore their vision. This natural remedy can be used by both older people to stop the deterioration of vision, and young people to return to full vision.

There is evidence that alfalfa eliminates early gray hair. With its regular use, the number of gray hairs is significantly reduced, or even disappears altogether. Rejuvenation literally takes place “on the face”; alfalfa helps fight the signs of aging and helps smooth out wrinkles.

Alfalfa has a great effect on the circulatory system. It has the property of lowering cholesterol levels and removing it from the body., which is an effective prevention of atherosclerosis. Alfalfa has been noted to lower blood sugar, which is used today to combat diabetes.

Alfalfa is good at relieving various inflammations, both internal and external, of the skin. It is used to treat stomach ulcers, rheumatism, cystitis, and for various skin injuries - injuries and burns. Alfalfa helps relieve inflammation in joints and muscles, heal wounds and prevent the development of complications.

Alfalfa will also be useful for young mothers, because helps increase milk production and at the same time is a harmless natural product. Alfalfa is good for digestion. It allows you to forget what constipation is and pain due to improper functioning of the pancreas.

Alfalfa juice is used for anemia, loss of vitality, and severe fatigue.

A shock dose of chlorophyll is added to all the beneficial substances contained in the composition, which brings you to your senses and gives a charge of vivacity.

Alfalfa is used to prevent the development of cancer, as well as to normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Harm of alfalfa and contraindications

Fresh alfalfa is contraindicated for people with stomach diseases. But not because of any harmful properties, but simply because if you have such a problem, you shouldn’t eat any greens. Alfalfa should not be given to children under 3 years of age; if treatment is necessary, consult a doctor.

The use of alfalfa in folk medicine

Alfalfa for treating diabetes

To treat diabetes mellitus, an infusion or decoction of alfalfa is used. Pour two teaspoons of dry herb into a glass of boiling water, keep in a water bath for 15 minutes and then leave in a warm place for about an hour. Strain and drink throughout the day. Blood sugar control is needed.


2 tablespoons of dry crescent alfalfa are poured into 300 ml of water, boiled for 10 minutes, left for 3 hours in a thermos, filtered and drunk 100 ml three times a day. This remedy helps women in menopause keep their emotions and mood under control.

For the treatment of joints

5 tablespoons of alfalfa are poured into 0.5 liters of vodka and left for 2 weeks. 10 drops of tincture are diluted in 50 ml of water and taken half an hour before meals.

For wound healing

To heal wounds on the skin, take a decoction of alfalfa at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 100 ml of water or add the decoction to the bath.

To increase lactation

To increase milk production, it is recommended that a nursing mother add a quarter teaspoon of alfalfa to regular tea and drink it three times a day for 4-5 days.

Source: http://OnWomen.ru/lyucerna.html

Alfalfa is a plant, often a subshrub, of the legume family. Alfalfa is native to Central Asia, where it is still considered the queen of forage crops. It has long been grown in the Caucasus, Australia and the European part of Russia.

Alfalfa is used as a medicinal and fodder plant, and is used to decorate gourmet dishes. For treatment, only purple (field) and yellow (crescent) flowers of the plant are used.

Chemical composition

The composition of alfalfa is rich in vitamins and minerals:

  • B, E, D, K;
  • ascorbic acid, beta-carotene;
  • organic acids;
  • carbohydrates;
  • phosphorus, copper, calcium;
  • magnesium, iron, zinc.

Benefits of alfalfa

Alfalfa is used to treat various types of diseases. Used in traditional and folk medicine. Infusions and decoctions are made from flowers, seeds and the green part of the plant. Has anti-inflammatory and strong bactericidal effect.

Alfalfa is a good remedy for treating diabetes as it effectively reduces blood sugar levels. Positively affects the circulatory system.

Contains fiber and chlorophyll, due to which it removes toxins from the body, cleanses the blood, and treats anemia.

The presence of saponins in alfalfa helps lower cholesterol in the body, which is the prevention of vascular atherosclerosis, the appearance of plaques, angina pectoris, hypertension, and impaired brain activity.

The juice obtained from alfalfa is consumed during times of severe fatigue and loss of strength. After all, the chlorophyll contained gives you vigor and brings you to your senses. Experts recommend drinking alfalfa juice for pneumonia, sore throat, colds, neuralgia, and decreased immunity. In combination with carrot juice, it can increase hemoglobin.

With its diuretic and laxative effect, it helps with constipation of varying degrees and normalizes the activity of the pancreas. Strong tea made from alfalfa is recommended for people who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases, gastritis, cystitis, and ulcers.

Alfalfa is useful for thyroid dysfunction and hormonal disorders. Used for the prevention of cancer. Excellently helps with insomnia, exhaustion, deterioration in performance, and relieves depression.

The plant improves vision. It will help older people to stop the deterioration of their vision, and for young people it will return the ability to see well and cure myopia. In women, it normalizes the menstrual cycle and dulls pain during menstruation.

Important! During pregnancy, it strengthens the bones of the fetus, however, before use, consultation with a doctor is required. For young nursing mothers, alfalfa will provide invaluable help. By adding it to food, you can increase milk production, make it fattier and more nutritious.

It also quickly relieves external and internal inflammation. A decoction of the green part of alfalfa is useful for stomach ulcers, cystitis, rheumatism, as well as injuries and burns of varying severity. Relieves inflammation in joints, tension and spasms in muscles, heals wounds.

It is good to rinse your hair with alfalfa tincture. Increases the intensity of hair growth, deeply cleanses, restores the structure of damaged hair, making it strong and healthy. Helps in the fight against hair loss. Some trichologists claim that alfalfa can get rid of early gray hair. Regular consumption of alfalfa decoction significantly reduces the number of gray hairs.

Cosmetologists advise using alfalfa in preparing face masks. After a mask based on this plant, the skin becomes smooth, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the complexion improves.

Harm of alfalfa

Despite the beneficial properties of alfalfa and its rich chemical composition, it can be harmful. People with acute and chronic stomach diseases should never consume fresh alfalfa. Preparation of decoctions, tinctures, tea is a must.

Alfalfa is widely used not only in folk medicine, but also in agricultural technology and the national economy. Can be used as a fodder crop.

Pastures are sown with the plant and livestock are driven out, so their milk becomes more tasty, fatty, nutritious and, to some extent, medicinal. Alfalfa is harvested as livestock feed.

For feed, the plant can be used in its natural form and in combination with other feed crops and cereals.

Use alfalfa in cooking. Add its green part to vitamin-rich salads, soup, and vegetable dishes. Decorate prepared dishes with twigs of the plant - it will not only be beautiful, but also useful.

Many biochemist scientists agree that a plant like alfalfa is a strong foundation for health. They are convinced that the components that make up it are the brightest representatives of the Universe.

Did you know that the world's first biological supplement was created based on alfalfa? This perennial herb is considered an inexhaustible source of vitamins and minerals.

This herb belongs to the legume family. Until recently, it was used only as livestock feed. After a detailed study of the composition of this flora sample, it began to be used not only for nutrition, but also for medicinal purposes.

Alfalfa has one very interesting property: it is able to extract useful substances from deep layers of soil. These are important vitamins A, B, K, P, E and mineral components. The microelements included in the composition are presented in an easily digestible form, so the human body is able to absorb them quite quickly and without much difficulty.

Consumption of alfalfa helps to maintain good health, energy, strength for many years, as well as increase the body's resistance to diseases of various types.

Alfalfa looks like a common field grass with yellow or lilac flowers. On the territory of our country it grows in fields, pastures and meadows, and this plant can also be found in the forest.

It can be sown or wild. For personal use, it is sometimes grown in summer cottages and garden plots. If necessary, alfalfa can be bought in pharmacies, where it is sold peeled and dried, in a word, ready for use.

Medicinal properties

Alfalfa can have a healing effect on almost all organs of the human body. This herb has a huge range of uses in medical practice. Healing decoctions, infusions and syrups are prepared from flowers, seeds, leaves and roots of alfalfa.

Alfalfa contains large amounts of calcium and magnesium. With their help, uric acid is removed from the body. If it is contained in excess, it can cause diseases such as gout and arthritis.

Beta-carotene helps restore poor vision. Vitamin B6 “protects” the nervous system. Raises the body's defenses - vitamin C, E - keeps the skin in proper condition, K - improves blood condition and is good for the liver, P - promotes the healing of stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Areas of medical use of alfalfa:

  • The anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties of the herb are used for urinary tract diseases.
  • With loss of vision.
  • If you have colds.
  • Arthritis, gout.
  • To improve lactation.
  • For diabetes mellitus.
  • The isoflavonoids found in alfalfa are used to treat many female diseases. During menopause, they help replenish the lack of hormones and thus relieve symptoms.
  • For chronic constipation.
  • With the help of alfalfa decoctions, conditions such as excessive nervousness, mental and physical fatigue, loss of strength and irritability can be overcome.
  • To improve digestive processes. Alfalfa helps break down and digest fats.
  • Young shoots of the plant help against heartburn and flatulence.
  • Expectant mothers and women who are breastfeeding should include alfalfa in their diet. The herb contains calcareous substances, which are necessary for the development and growth of the baby's skeletal system.
  • Fresh shoots contain a sufficient amount of fluoride, without which teeth become brittle.
  • With the help of potassium and vitamin D, the process of restoring broken bones is accelerated.
  • Saponins contained in alfalfa help reduce blood cholesterol.
  • Coumarin helps prevent the formation of blood clots, and this is an excellent prevention against atherosclerosis.
  • Alfalfa decoctions are useful for people suffering from hypertension, as well as tachycardia and ischemia.
  • Elderly people should include sprouted plant seeds in their diet. This is a kind of prevention against cataracts.
  • Alfalfa seeds, mixed with water to a paste, help with hematomas, bruises and bites of blood-sucking insects.
  • The plant contains chlorophyll. It is successfully used to combat bad breath. If you chew a small piece of a young alfalfa shoot, you can get rid of worries about this for a while.
  • Alfalfa is good for hair. Gargling with this herb will speed up hair growth.
  • Prevents the occurrence and development of cancer.
  • With the help of this plant you can significantly increase the body's resistance to various infections.

Japanese daikon radish: beneficial properties and contraindications for use.

Read in this article about the medicinal properties of sunberry and the use of the plant in folk medicine.

About the benefits of honeysuckle for the health of the body - http://netlekarstvam.com/narodnye-sredstva/lekarstvennye-rasteniya/zhimolost.html

Nutritional value and calorie content

100 grams of young leaves and shoots of the plant contain 23 kcal.

  • Proteins – 4.8%.
  • Fats – 1.08%.
  • Carbohydrates – 1.64%.
  • Dietary fiber – 9.5%.
  • Water - 3.6%.

100 grams of seeds contain about 330 kcal.

Harm and contraindications

Alfalfa has some contraindications for use. It should be used with extreme caution by people who have an individual intolerance to some of the components that make up the herb.

It should also not be used by patients with autoimmune diseases, those with increased blood clotting, exacerbations of gastric ulcers, or phenylketonuria.

Contraindication is children under 3 years of age.

When diagnosing a disease such as lupus erythematosus, alfalfa in any form should not be used.

Alfalfa has long been successfully used in folk medicine. There are many recipes that include this perennial herb. We will look at the most popular and effective of them.

  • For diabetes take a decoction, which is prepared as follows: take 2 teaspoons of dried and crushed herb, place it in an enamel bowl and pour one glass of boiling water. Then put the composition in a water bath for 20 - 25 minutes. Then let it brew for 1 hour, filter and consume in small portions throughout the day. During therapy, do not forget to monitor your blood sugar levels.
  • For joint pain. Prepare a medicinal concentrate: pour 5 tablespoons of dry herb with vodka (0.5 liters). We insist 2 - 2.5 weeks. The finished product should be stored in a dark glass container in a dark, cool place. Directions for use: add 10 drops of the product to half a glass of water and drink a few minutes before meals.
  • Alfalfa is used as wound healing and rejuvenating agent. The decoction is prepared at the rate of half a glass of boiling water and 1 tablespoon of dry herbs. The prepared brew is added to the bath when bathing. By applying dry grass to the wound, you can stop the bleeding. To speed up the resorption of hematomas, tampons soaked in alfalfa decoction are applied to them.
  • During menopause An alfalfa-based drug is used as a sedative. Take 200 milliliters of water and place 1 tbsp in it. a spoonful of crushed dried raw materials. Boil the product for several minutes, then let it sit for at least 3 hours. The medicine is taken 3 times a day, half a glass a few minutes before meals.
  • To boost immunity Young leaves of the herb are used in salads. Thus, the risk of anemia is reduced, the overall tone of the body increases, and food is better absorbed.
  • Improve lactation You can use freshly squeezed juice from young shoots. Nursing mothers can drink 25–30 ml of it daily.
  • Lucerne used in dietary nutrition. A decoction of this herb will help reduce appetite. Take 200 grams of young shoots and pour two glasses of boiling water over them. Let's wait until it cools down and take one glass 15 minutes before meals.
  • Heal for hemorrhoids You can use baths prepared with one teaspoon of dry stems and a glass of boiling water. The product will be ready in 20 minutes. It must be strained before use.

Method for properly preparing sprouted seeds:

First, soak the seeds in clean water for 24 hours. After this, drain the water, and spread the seeds in a thin layer on a clean canvas rag and leave them until they germinate completely.

To prevent the seeds from becoming moldy before germination, they need to be washed 2-3 times in running water every day. As soon as green sprouts appear, the seeds are washed again and placed in a plastic container.

Sprouted alfalfa seeds are stored in the refrigerator. They can be added to salads, vitamin cocktails, or eaten as an independent dish.

Medicinal raw materials are sold in pharmacies, but if desired, you can prepare it yourself.

For medicinal purposes, you need to cut off only the above-ground part of the plant during the flowering period. The grass is dried in the fresh air, in a place where there is no access to direct sunlight.

The shelf life of dry grass and seeds in fabric bags in a cool and dry room is up to 2 years.

Sprouted seeds - refrigerate in a closed container - up to 6 days.

Fresh stems and leaves - in a plastic bag in the refrigerator - no more than 3 days.

If you have no contraindications to the use of alfalfa, include it in your diet and thus you will improve your well-being and prevent the occurrence of many diseases.

Source: http://netlekarstvam.com/narodnye-sredstva/lekarstvennye-rasteniya/lyutserna.html

Alfalfa: beneficial properties and contraindications. How to use?

Alfalfa is a perennial plant belonging to the legume family. The beneficial properties of alfalfa are explained by its unique composition: it contains 8 amino acids and a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

Alfalfa is useful not only for people, but also for animals, and it is also grown as green manure. The plant enriches the soil with nitrogen, is characterized by phytosanitary properties and rids the area of ​​weeds.

Means for prevention and treatment

High concentrations of calcium and potassium help eliminate uric acid, which helps prevent arthritis and gout.

Alfalfa has a pronounced diuretic and laxative effect. This improves digestion and removes excess fluid from the body. Therefore, alfalfa can be used to prevent arthrosis, cellulite, diabetes, rheumatism, edema, and gout. All these diseases are in one way or another associated with water retention in the body.

The diuretic effect of alfalfa in combination with an anti-inflammatory effect is advisable to use for prostatitis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, and urolithiasis.

Advice! Preparations based on alfalfa are used when it is necessary to strengthen the immune system: due to their high saturation with vitamins and amino acids, they increase vitality. They are used by those who want to get rid of chronic fatigue, who are worried about nervousness and loss of strength.

Vitamin K contained in alfalfa is beneficial for the liver. It also increases blood clotting.

It should also be said about the positive effect of the plant on the cardiovascular system. Alfalfa helps strengthen the myocardium, restore normal heart rhythm, and eliminate spasms in the heart.

It has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels: their walls strengthen and become more elastic. The plant is used to lower blood pressure, prevent and treat tachycardia and ischemia.

Alfalfa significantly reduces the risk of cataracts and farsightedness; sprouted seeds of the plant are consumed for this purpose.

Alfalfa is characterized by antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. These properties are important in the treatment of many diseases. For example, it is recommended to take it for tuberculosis. It prevents the development of pneumonia and reduces the activity of the tuberculosis bacillus.

It is also good to use the plant for wet coughs. The mucolytic effect allows you to clear the lungs of viscous sputum.

Eating alfalfa promotes the death of fungi and viruses. Therefore, the plant is often used to treat fungal and viral diseases, although in severe forms it will only be an addition to traditional medicine.

Also, the use of young shoots of alfalfa allows you to get rid of dental problems, strengthens bones, and accelerates their fusion after injuries and operations. This effect is provided by calcium, fluorine and vitamin D, which are part of alfalfa.

This plant is characterized by antitumor effects. The use of alfalfa allows you to stop pathological processes in the body, promotes the resorption of benign tumors, and does not allow them to transform into malignant ones.

In addition, with the help of alfalfa they treat:

  • acne, furunculosis;
  • female diseases: colpitis, erosion;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • lesions of the stomach and duodenum;
  • anemia.

Advice! You can make a home remedy from alfalfa that will help get rid of bruises, bruises, and remove traces of insect bites. To prepare this paste, the seeds of the plant are crushed and mixed with a small amount of clean water. The paste is applied to the affected area and kept until the pain goes away. The same remedy can be used against edema.

For digestion

The consumption of alfalfa has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, accelerating the processes of breakdown and digestion of fats. This plant will help people who suffer from flatulence, heartburn or stomach ulcers.

Eating young shoots will make the walls of the stomach more elastic, which will significantly improve your health.

In case of ulcers, due to the anti-inflammatory effect, the regeneration processes of the affected area are accelerated.

The plant stimulates intestinal motility, therefore quickly and effectively solves the problem of constipation. Another positive effect is that metabolism accelerates, which means alfalfa will help you lose excess weight.

For women

Doctors recommend including alfalfa in the diet of pregnant women. The presence of calcareous substances in the plant will have a good effect on the growth of the baby’s bones. It is important to know that the plant does not have a stimulating effect on the uterus. The plant’s ability to enhance lactation has been known since ancient times, so alfalfa will also be useful for nursing mothers.

For men

The benefit of alfalfa for men is that it can be successfully used to treat prostatitis. It eliminates swelling and reduces inflammation. It is also important that taking medications with alfalfa reduces the likelihood of prostatitis transforming into adenoma. If you start taking alfalfa at the initial stage, you can completely get rid of prostatitis.


The drugs may cause harm to people diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus. The standard contraindication is the presence of an allergic reaction to the plant. All alfalfa-based products must be prescribed by a doctor.

How to use

  • To prepare a remedy for the treatment of diabetes, brew 2 teaspoons of the dry plant with a glass of boiling water and place in a water bath for 20 minutes. Then remove from the heat and let it brew for an hour. The resulting decoction is drunk throughout the day, divided into 6 servings. The duration of the course is not limited - the medicine is taken until the sugar returns to normal.
  • To alleviate the condition of a woman during menopause, prepare the remedy according to the following recipe: pour 150 ml of water into a tablespoon of herbs and bring to a boil, then keep on the fire for another 5 minutes. The product should sit for 3 hours, after which it is filtered. The finished medicine is taken 3 times a day, half a glass before meals.
  • Joint pain is treated with alfalfa tincture. 5 tablespoons of the plant are poured into a glass bottle and poured into 0.5 liters of vodka. The product should be infused for 2 weeks in a dark place. Apply the product 3 times a day before meals, 10 drops, previously diluted in half a glass of water.
  • To improve the condition of the cardiovascular system, prepare the following infusion: 6 tablespoons of the herb are poured with half a liter of boiling water and infused for 6 hours. Strain the infusion and take a quarter glass 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is 1 month.
  • To prepare a sedative based on alfalfa, 2 tablespoons of the dry plant are poured into 300 ml of water and boiled for 10 minutes. After this, the product should sit for 3 hours.
  • In case of injury to the skin, in order to speed up the healing of the damage, take a decoction prepared based on the proportion of 1 tablespoon per 100 ml of water. It can not only be taken orally, but also added to the bath.
  • To improve lactation, you can add a small amount of alfalfa (a quarter of a teaspoon) to regular tea. Drink it 3-4 times a day for 4-5 days.

Other uses

In addition to preparing infusions and decoctions, alfalfa can be used in the following ways:

  • add to soups and salads;
  • make freshly squeezed juice from the shoots;
  • Grind the seeds into flour and use for baking.

Eating alfalfa sprouts will also have a positive effect. They are saturated with valuable fats and amino acids. You can not only buy ready-made sprouts, but also germinate the seeds yourself.

Source: http://PolzaTeevo.ru/rasteniya/lyucerna.html

Alfalfa - beneficial properties and contraindications

Alfalfa is often called lechukha, zorya or medunka. It grows mainly in Asia Minor and the Balkans, and is found on forest edges, pastures and steppes. It contains many minerals and other beneficial substances that the plant absorbs from the ground with its long roots.

depositphotos.com. ildi_papp.

Alfalfa treatment

Americans use it to treat jaundice and improve blood clotting, and in India, for example, they actively use the medicinal properties of alfalfa, which are effective for diseases of the kidneys and joints. Other areas of medical use:

  • acne and ulcers, furunculosis;
  • rheumatism, arthritis and gout;
  • colpitis;
  • periodontal disease;
  • erosion;
  • urethritis and cystitis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • constipation;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • anemia;
  • arthrosis;
  • ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

Read also: Muraya, its medicinal properties, benefits and harms.

This is a good laxative and diuretic that helps improve digestion and also rids the body of excess fluid. Hence - successful cases of use for the prevention of arthrosis, rheumatism, cellulite, diabetes, edema and gout. After all, the listed diseases often develop precisely because of water retention in the body.

Diuretic properties combined with anti-inflammatory properties are useful in the treatment of pyelonephritis, prostatitis, cystitis and urolithiasis.

In gynecological practice, isoflavones (isoflavonoids), which are part of alfalfa, help treat endometriosis and other hormonal diseases. They are also useful during menopause to relieve symptoms and overcome the lack of hormones in the female body.

Improves the absorption of food in the gastrointestinal tract and, accordingly, digestive processes. The breakdown and absorption of fats occurs faster.

If you suffer from flatulence, heartburn or have a stomach ulcer, make it a rule to regularly eat young shoots of alfalfa. In this case, the walls of the stomach will become more elastic, which will benefit your well-being.

It is also advisable to add this product to the diet of pregnant and nursing mothers, since it contains calcareous substances that are beneficial for the development and growth of the baby’s bones. But be sure to consult your doctor first.

Fresh shoots strengthen teeth due to their fluoride content. Vitamin D and potassium accelerate bone recovery and promote healing of fractures, fighting osteoporosis.

Vitamin K is useful for the liver and improving blood clotting. If there is a lack of this vitamin, even minor physical impact may cause bruises to appear on the body.

Saponins reduce cholesterol levels in the body. And coumarin prevents the formation of blood clots in the arteries - an excellent preventive and therapeutic agent for atherosclerosis. In addition, alfalfa is recommended for people with hypertension, tachycardia, ischemia, and also as a prevention of these diseases.

To prevent cataracts and farsightedness, older people are advised to add sprouted plant seeds to their diet.

For bruises, hematomas or insect bites, alfalfa seeds should be mixed with water to form a paste. Apply it to the affected area and the pain will subside. This easy-to-prepare remedy will also help reduce swelling.

Used to combat bad breath. The plant owes this property to a large dose of chlorophyll, which is often used in breath fresheners. A small piece of juicy young shoot will help cope with the unpleasant odor and relieve you of worries about it.

Benefits of alfalfa for hair

You can even speed up hair growth with the help of alfalfa. Brew 4 tbsp. l. herbs with a liter of water, boil for 10 minutes and leave to cool. After washing your hair, rinse your hair with warm broth. This product works better than store-bought mouthwashes and does not contain chemicals.

Traditional medicine recipes

Young shoots should be used in dishes; mature ones are too tough to eat without additional processing. Usually, before cooking, alfalfa is scalded with boiling water to soften the plant fibers.

You should undergo treatment and add dishes and products from alfalfa to your diet only after you have read the contraindications. In some cases, admission is possible only after consultation with a doctor.

If you suffer from nose and vaginal bleeding, drink 25 g of juice from the leaves twice a day.

A decoction will help reduce appetite. Pour 200 g of young shoots with boiling water (2 cups), wait until it cools, and then take a glass a quarter of an hour before your next meal.

To get rid of skin redness and swelling, and at the same time improve your complexion, you can make a 15-minute mask of a decoction with honey.

It is not difficult to protect yourself from colds and scurvy - just add fresh alfalfa leaves or its juice to your diet. Such plant materials contain large amounts of vitamin C.

You can get rid of hemorrhoids using sitz baths. Stir 1 tsp in a glass of boiling water. dried tops, leave to brew for 20 minutes and pour into the bath.

Are you interested in the beneficial properties of tops of various plants? Then be sure to read the article about the benefits and harms of carrot tops.


Cannot be used in any form if you have systemic lupus erythematosus.

If you are taking anti-blood clotting medications, ask your doctor first to see if you can add this herb to your diet. The vitamin K contained in alfalfa may interfere with treatment.

In case of autoimmune disorders, exacerbation of gastric diseases and allergies to legumes, you should ask your doctor for permission, otherwise taking it may cause significant harm to your health.

These are all the main contraindications regarding the use of alfalfa for medicinal purposes. All that remains is individual intolerance, which, however, is extremely rare.

Before use, it is advisable to take a course of drugs with lacto- and bifidobacteria. With their help, the stomach will more easily accept the large amount of fiber contained in alfalfa, and there will be no unpleasant gastrointestinal reactions such as flatulence, diarrhea or constipation.

In general, alfalfa will be useful to almost everyone who has no contraindications. After all, it not only heals, but also helps to improve well-being and protect against diseases before they occur. Add alfalfa to your salad more often and you will feel much better.

Alfalfa is a perennial plant belonging to the legume family. The beneficial properties of alfalfa are explained by its unique composition: it contains 8 amino acids and a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

Means for prevention and treatment

High concentrations of calcium and potassium help eliminate uric acid, which helps prevent arthritis and gout.

Alfalfa has a pronounced diuretic and laxative effect. This improves digestion and removes excess fluid from the body. Therefore, alfalfa can be used to prevent arthrosis, cellulite, diabetes, rheumatism, edema, and gout. All these diseases are in one way or another associated with water retention in the body.

The diuretic effect of alfalfa in combination with an anti-inflammatory effect is advisable to use for prostatitis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, and urolithiasis.

Advice! Preparations based on alfalfa are used when it is necessary to strengthen the immune system: due to their high saturation with vitamins and amino acids, they increase vitality. They are used by those who want to get rid of chronic fatigue, who are worried about nervousness and loss of strength.

Vitamin K contained in alfalfa is beneficial for the liver. It also increases blood clotting.

It should also be said about the positive effect of the plant on the cardiovascular system. Alfalfa helps strengthen the myocardium, restore normal heart rhythm, and eliminate spasms in the heart. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels: their walls strengthen and become more elastic. The plant is used to lower blood pressure, prevent and treat tachycardia and ischemia.

Alfalfa significantly reduces the risk of cataracts and farsightedness; sprouted seeds of the plant are consumed for this purpose.

Alfalfa is characterized by antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. These properties are important in the treatment of many diseases. For example, it is recommended to take it for tuberculosis. It prevents the development of pneumonia and reduces the activity of the tuberculosis bacillus.

It is also good to use the plant for wet coughs. The mucolytic effect allows you to clear the lungs of viscous sputum.

Eating alfalfa promotes the death of fungi and viruses. Therefore, the plant is often used to treat fungal and viral diseases, although in severe forms it will only be an addition to traditional medicine.

Also, the use of young shoots of alfalfa allows you to get rid of dental problems, strengthens bones, and accelerates their fusion after injuries and operations. This effect is provided by calcium, fluorine and vitamin D, which are part of alfalfa.

This plant is characterized by antitumor effects. The use of alfalfa allows you to stop pathological processes in the body, promotes the resorption of benign tumors, and does not allow them to transform into malignant ones.

In addition, with the help of alfalfa they treat:

  • acne, furunculosis;
  • female diseases: colpitis, erosion;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • lesions of the stomach and duodenum;
  • anemia.

Advice! You can make a home remedy from alfalfa that will help get rid of bruises, bruises, and remove traces of insect bites. To prepare this paste, the seeds of the plant are crushed and mixed with a small amount of clean water. The paste is applied to the affected area and kept until the pain goes away. The same remedy can be used against edema.

For digestion

The consumption of alfalfa has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, accelerating the processes of breakdown and digestion of fats. This plant will help people who suffer from flatulence, heartburn or stomach ulcers. Eating young shoots will make the walls of the stomach more elastic, which will significantly improve your health. In case of ulcers, due to the anti-inflammatory effect, the regeneration processes of the affected area are accelerated.

The plant stimulates intestinal motility, therefore quickly and effectively solves the problem of constipation. Another positive effect is that metabolism accelerates, which means alfalfa will help you lose excess weight.

For women

Doctors recommend including alfalfa in the diet of pregnant women. The presence of calcareous substances in the plant will have a good effect on the growth of the baby’s bones. It is important to know that the plant does not have a stimulating effect on the uterus. The plant’s ability to enhance lactation has been known since ancient times, so alfalfa will also be useful for nursing mothers.

For men

The benefit of alfalfa for men is that it can be successfully used to treat prostatitis. It eliminates swelling and reduces inflammation. It is also important that taking medications with alfalfa reduces the likelihood of prostatitis transforming into adenoma. If you start taking alfalfa at the initial stage, you can completely get rid of prostatitis.


The drugs may cause harm to people diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus. The standard contraindication is the presence of an allergic reaction to the plant. All alfalfa-based products must be prescribed by a doctor.

How to use

  • To prepare a remedy for the treatment of diabetes, brew 2 teaspoons of the dry plant with a glass of boiling water and place in a water bath for 20 minutes. Then remove from the heat and let it brew for an hour. The resulting decoction is drunk throughout the day, divided into 6 servings. The duration of the course is not limited - the medicine is taken until the sugar returns to normal.
  • To alleviate the condition of a woman during menopause, prepare the remedy according to the following recipe: pour 150 ml of water into a tablespoon of herbs and bring to a boil, then keep on the fire for another 5 minutes. The product should sit for 3 hours, after which it is filtered. The finished medicine is taken 3 times a day, half a glass before meals.
  • Joint pain is treated with alfalfa tincture. 5 tablespoons of the plant are poured into a glass bottle and poured into 0.5 liters of vodka. The product should be infused for 2 weeks in a dark place. Apply the product 3 times a day before meals, 10 drops, previously diluted in half a glass of water.
  • To improve the condition of the cardiovascular system, prepare the following infusion: 6 tablespoons of the herb are poured with half a liter of boiling water and infused for 6 hours. Strain the infusion and take a quarter glass 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is 1 month.
  • To prepare a sedative based on alfalfa, 2 tablespoons of the dry plant are poured into 300 ml of water and boiled for 10 minutes. After this, the product should sit for 3 hours.
  • In case of injury to the skin, in order to speed up the healing of the damage, take a decoction prepared based on the proportion of 1 tablespoon per 100 ml of water. It can not only be taken orally, but also added to the bath.
  • To improve lactation, you can add a small amount of alfalfa (a quarter of a teaspoon) to regular tea. Drink it 3-4 times a day for 4-5 days.

Other uses

In addition to preparing infusions and decoctions, alfalfa can be used in the following ways:

  • add to soups and salads;
  • make freshly squeezed juice from the shoots;
  • Grind the seeds into flour and use for baking.

Eating alfalfa sprouts will also have a positive effect. They are saturated with valuable fats and amino acids. You can not only buy ready-made sprouts, but also germinate the seeds yourself.