Center for the treatment of urological diseases. Clinic of Urology and Andrology

21.03.19 17:15:55

+2.0 Excellent

Dear readers of the site, this year I turned 79 years old. Until 2017, I did not have any illnesses serious illnesses, except for seasonal acute respiratory infections (occasionally) and minor injuries. Therefore, I also visited clinics only occasionally on an “outpatient basis” (in connection with industrial medical examinations, dressing injuries or dental treatment). But in the winter of 2017 I began to experience shortness of breath, and in May 2018 general analysis showed a hemoglobin level in the blood of 54 g/l (with the norm being 130-160 g/l), which could be a manifestation iron deficiency anemia dangerous (3rd) degree. By taking iron supplements and following an appropriate diet, I managed to increase my hemoglobin level to 102 g/l by August 10, 2018; the shortness of breath disappeared, but then its level began to fall again, dropping to 77 g/l by December 13, 2018. Attacks of constipation, vomiting, diarrhea and dizziness began. During the next attack on the evening of 01/07/2019, in a semi-fainting state, an ambulance took me to the Naberezhnye Chelny emergency hospital (at my place of residence), which works around the clock. After X-ray and MRI, surgeons diagnostic department They suggested that I have cancer in the right-sided ascending and transverse branches of the large intestine (colon) and in the sigmoid part of its left-sided descending branch. I was offered immediate (the very next day) extensive surgery to remove these sections of the colon. Having contacted my son in Moscow via cell phone, I decided to undergo this operation in the capital. In the morning he flew to Naberezhnye Chelny. I was discharged from the emergency hospital, and in the evening we were already at his house (in Moscow). 01/09/2019 we contacted the university clinical hospital No. 2 of the First Moscow State Medical University named after. Sechenova I.M. in KKMH, in which I (with clinical picture intestinal obstruction) were hospitalized in the coloproctology department for examination and treatment. An oncologist surgeon became my attending physician highest category in minimally invasive surgery (with 21 years of experience) Valery Mikhailovich Nekoval. It is primarily for relieving pain and temporarily improving intestinal patency, after necessary examinations, proposed a bloodless operation to stent a tumor in sigmoid colon. Starting from this operation under general anesthesia 01/11/2019, my torment stopped and that’s it further treatment in UCB No. 2 it was quite comfortable (according to my feelings). Taking into account my advanced age, a council of doctors decided on the need to hospitalize me on January 16, 2019 “to the cardiology department for examination of a cardiac disease in order to assess the probable risks from cardiovascular system" After thorough laboratory and high-tech examinations, according to the conclusion of January 23, 2019, by cardiologists (attending physician A. A. Timofeeva and M. R. Skhirtladze, head of the department) “... there are no absolute contraindications for the operation from the cardiological condition...”; “...a repeated oncological consultation was held and a decision was made to perform radical surgical treatment.” As stated in the discharge summary: “Operation was performed: 02/08/2019 combined laparoscopic-assisted intervention: anterior rectal resection with LAE D 3, right hemicolectomy with LAE D 3...” That is, those affected by cancer were removed (2/3 total length) thick colon(including its right ascending and sigmoid left descending parts); the remaining healthy parts are connected in series with the end small intestine, between each other and with the rectum. (This scheme allows you to maintain the normal functioning of the entire human gastrointestinal tract without installing any artificial channels or openings for feces removal). This treatment regimen for colon cancer has been known in the world for decades. But only the use of the most modern high-tech medical equipment, the golden hands and scientific knowledge of the most experienced surgeons of the department of coloproctology and minimally invasive surgery of the Moscow State Medical University clinic named after. Sechenov allows her team of operating personnel to carry out such a complex (more than three-hour) operation through just a five-centimeter vertical incision above the belly button and four small punctures that completely disappear after healing. This method compared to traditional autopsy abdominal cavity, allows (by orders of magnitude) to reduce blood loss, the risk is fatal dangerous inflammation abdominal organs (peritonitis), eliminate pain during the patient’s recovery period and aesthetics skin his abdomen after the end of treatment. As stated above, such a minimally invasive operation was performed on me on 02/08/2019. And already on 03/08/2019 I celebrated with my family (at my son’s house) with subsequent discharge after the holiday in order to “... further treatment... continue on an outpatient basis under the supervision of an oncologist, a cardiologist at a local clinic...” (in Naberezhnye Chelny). It goes without saying that what is described (in my amateurish understanding) in this review is of the highest modern level medical care and treatment of patients in the clinic of coloproctology and minimally invasive surgery of Clinical Hospital No. 2 of the First Moscow State Medical University named after. Sechenov I.M. was achieved and is constantly increasing thanks to the true devotion to the Hippocratic Oath of the Founding Fathers of the University and all generations of their followers. Therefore, I feel a sense of admiration, deepest respect and love for all the scientists, doctors and medical staff who saved me and are saving other patients of KKMH from deadly diseases with their dedicated work, talent, professional skill and highly scientific knowledge. I am eternally grateful to those who performed a unique high-tech, three-hour, complex, minimally invasive operation on me: my attending oncologist of the highest category, Valery Mikhailovich Nekoval; K. M. N, Associate Professor of the Department of Surgery of the MPF, Head. Department of Minimally Invasive Oncology Surgery Sergei Konstantinovich Efetov; K. M. N., associate professor of the department of anesthesiology and resuscitation, head. department of anesthesiology and resuscitation to Vitaly Ivanovich Stamov; to all medical staff of the teams of surgical and anesthesia and intensive care departments.

Urology clinics and centers specialize in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of genitourinary system disorders in men and women. In medical institutions, experienced specialists conduct consultations. urologists who understand the functioning and anatomical structure kidneys, ureters, urinary canal, bladder, as well as male reproductive organs.

Reason to sign up for a consultation at a private urological medical center may become It's a dull pain in the lower abdomen, pain when urinating, urinary incontinence or frequent delays when it is released. If you notice such symptoms in yourself or your relatives, consult a doctor immediately. Lack of timely medical care may lead to progression of the disorder.

Select a urology medical center in Moscow, the rating of clinics presented on our portal, the work experience of doctors in the field of andrology will help, inexpensive prices for services and good reviews patients. Please also pay attention to the list of related paid services- to confirm the diagnosis, you may be given a referral for CT, MRI, ultrasound, radiography, blood and urine tests.

What is urology?

Urology is a science that studies diseases urinary system, causes of diseases, their diagnosis and treatment, as well as ailments are the focus of study urinary system and adrenal glands of both women and men.

Where is the best place to treat diseases of the urinary system of men and women, as well as the male reproductive system?

In private paid centers of modern urology, as well as in state research institutes (research institutes) and urological hospitals.

All the best urological centers and clinics, as well as urology institutes are collected on our portal! You will definitely choose the right option based on location, prices, and the qualifications of the doctors.

How to choose a clinic?

Choice medical institution– it’s an extremely responsible matter. View information about the clinic’s specialists and equipment, and the range of examinations they perform. Pay attention to the location medical center, its rating and, of course, patient reviews.

Pay attention! The information on the page is provided for informational purposes only. To prescribe treatment, consult your doctor.