Prices for laser vision correction. Discounts on laser vision correction LASIK, FEMTO LASIK, PRK Laser vision correction discount coupon

Clinic named after Svyatoslav Fedorov, with the assistance of the Moscow government, is holding the campaign “Excellent vision is available to everyone.” As part of the promotion, the cost of vision correction is reduced by 50%.

Laser vision correction using Super Lasik technology is carried out using an ALLEGRETTO WAVE excimer laser unit (Wavelight, USA), which provides correction of myopia up to 15 diopters (determined individually), farsightedness - up to 5 diopters, astigmatism - up to 5 diopters. The operations are performed by leading refractive surgeon, Dr. medical sciences, Professor Sheludchenko Vyacheslav Mikhailovich.

Discounts on laser vision correction promotions

  • To receive a discount on laser correction However, you must print out the coupon and read the terms and conditions of the promotion.
  • Make an appointment by phone at the Clinic reception for preoperative diagnostics and consultation with a laser surgeon. The cost of a preoperative examination under the promotion is 4,500 rubles instead of 7,500 rubles.
  • Do not use contact lenses for 3-5 days before the examination and refrain from using them for 3-5 days before surgery.
  • After complete ophthalmological examination and consultation, the laser ophthalmic surgeon will give recommendations on preoperative preparation and set a date for laser vision correction.
  • A 50% discount on laser vision correction is provided only during the promotion period and is not extended after the end of the promotion.
  • The discounted cost of vision correction for both eyes using Super Lasik is only 36,000 rubles instead of 72,000 rubles.
  • Cost of postoperative examinations during recovery period included in the cost of vision correction. There is no need to pay anything extra.
  • You can use the coupon you took right now until September 23, 2018 inclusive.
  • In order to receive the best possible service, when ordering a service or product, be sure to indicate that you are using a Boombate coupon.
  • The coupon is valid only if you make an appointment in advance by calling the numbers indicated on the promotion page or in the coupon.

The coupon entitles you to a discount of up to 65% on laser vision correction for both eyes at the OphthalmoS ophthalmology center. You will pay:

  • 29900 rub. instead of 60,000 rub. for the Lasik technique.
  • 29900 rub. instead of 86,000 rub. for the SuperLasik technique.
  • The price includes:
    - preoperative consultation with a specialist about the possibility of performing the operation;
    - laser vision correction;
    - postoperative diagnosis(up to three requests).
    Duration of the operation: from 15 minutes. up to 30 min.
  • Additional terms:

  • The operation is possible with the following deviations:
    - myopia (from -1.0 D to -15.0 D);
    - farsightedness (from +1.0 D to +4.0 D);
    - astigmatism (up to 6.0 D).
  • Before laser correction, you must undergo a preliminary consultation with a specialist. ophthalmological center"OphthalmoS" - 2500 rub.
  • You must have tests for hepatitis B and C, HIV, RW with you. If tests are not available, they can be taken at the center - 3,000 rubles.
  • Additional charge diagnostic examination- 2500 rub.
  • Payment is possible in two stages: 50% during preoperative diagnostics and 50% on the day of surgery.
  • There are contraindications. It is necessary to consult a specialist.
  • How the coupon works:

  • The coupon is valid for one person.
  • You can take no more than 10 coupons for this promotion.
  • Coupon discount cannot be combined with other discounts and special offers.
  • To receive a discount, you must present a previously unused coupon, printed or received via SMS.
  • Pre-registration by telephone is required.
  • Opening hours: Mon-Fri: from 09:00 to 18:00, Sat: from 10:00 to 14:00, Sun: by appointment.
  • Services (goods) are provided by OFTALMOS LLC, OGRN 1025004065570.
  • What is laser correction

    Laser vision correction is surgery. Its method is based on changing the shape of the cornea and correcting refractive errors of the eye. Thanks to this, the image on the retina begins to focus as it should. This eliminates the need for patients to use contact lenses or glasses.

    Who conducts

    In Moscow, laser vision correction is performed in special microsurgical eye hospitals. Operations are carried out under the supervision of ophthalmologists and microsurgeons. The price of laser vision correction will depend on the level of the clinic and the method of performing the procedure. Modern devices and high level security made the operation accessible and simple.


    Vision correction is performed for the following diseases:
    • farsightedness;
    • myopia;
    • astigmatism;
    • presbyopia.

    Types of correction

    Modern installations make it possible to correct almost all degrees and types of visual impairment. Today at medical practice The following correction methods are used.
    Photorefractive keratectomy is a non-contact excimer laser treatment of the shallow layers of the cornea, without affecting other structures of the eye.
    Laser keratomileusis - during the procedure, a flap of the cornea is formed, which can be folded back. After which the cornea is evaporated with a laser and made more convex or flatter, depending on the disease. The flap is then returned to its place.
    The FLEx method uses only a femtosecond laser, which makes the operation safer and more effective.
    Femtolasik - the effect on the cornea is more gentle than with simple method Lasik, this allows operations to be performed on those patients who were previously denied due to contraindications: high degree myopia or thin cornea.

    How does the correction happen?

    The procedure takes place under local anesthesia, the laser operation process lasts only a few seconds. The patient does not experience any pain during the operation painful sensations. It is important to just lie down and look at the red dot, trying not to look away. A couple of hours after the procedure you will be able to go home.
    It is advisable to limit the first few weeks visual load, do not sleep on the side of the eye being operated on, avoid getting water and soap in the eye, and wear sunglasses.