A person who often suffers from colds needs to increase. Frequent colds in adults

— the diagnosis is not fatal, but terribly annoying. Being sick is unpleasant, being sick is inconvenient, especially if a person works. In addition to the fact that the victim does not feel well, he also infects his colleagues, and if he registers sick leave, immediately becomes disliked by his superiors.

Contrary to the opinion of the employer, it is considered acceptable if a person gets colds 2-4 times a year, during seasonal epidemics. But when this happens “not according to plan” and much more often, you need to act!

Reduced immunity and frequent colds

First of all, the cause of frequent colds is associated with weakened immunity. The body simply loses the ability to defend itself against aggressive foreign agents - viruses, toxins, and in some cases even its own cells changed due to disease.

The cause of decreased immunity can be anything: stress, poor nutrition, lack of physical activity and even excessive attention to hygiene, which completely relaxes the immune system and deprives it of its primary task - to protect the body from foreign agents.

In this case, the correct tactic would be, namely:

  • consumption of a complex of vitamins and minerals;
  • hardening;
  • physical training (fitness, yoga, etc.);
  • proper nutrition;
  • adherence to sleep and wakefulness;
  • avoiding contact with infection, especially during the spread of viral diseases.

Stress and frequent colds

Colds are often caught by people who are in... And if ARVI usually lasts about a week and can go away even without treatment, then in a state of nervous tension, independent recovery may not occur or may be delayed.

As a rule, in this case diseases of organs and systems are also associated. Here it is necessary medical examination and doctor's recommendations.

In this case, the following will help get rid of frequent colds:

  • avoidance of stressful situations;
  • complete rest;
  • nutrition;
  • healthy sleep.

Poor nutrition and gastrointestinal diseases

Loss of ability to resist viral infection is possible due to poor nutrition: large quantity simple carbohydrates, fatty and refined foods, carcinogens (smoked and fried foods).

When the body does not receive the necessary nutrients, vitamins (especially C, A, E, D, group B), minerals, not only worsens general condition, but the ability to resist viral infection is also lost.

Therefore it is important balanced diet with a sufficient amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals.

Useful in the fight against frequent colds, peppermint, oranges, lemon, grapefruit, parsley, celery, onion, garlic, cauliflower, products containing zinc, as well as water, natural juices, teas and infusions of medicinal herbs.

Drinking fluids prevents dry throat and nose and also removes toxins from the body.

For diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, pancreatitis, helminthic infestations etc.) are necessary medications treatment.

Quitting bad habits

In the fight against frequent colds, it is worth reconsidering your habits and taste preferences. It is known that smoking, alcohol, and drugs weaken the body’s immune system and suppress the functions of organs and systems. It's worth remembering that passive smoking just as harmful.

Electromagnetic radiation (mobile devices, computers), harmful noises also have a negative impact on health. Therefore, they should be eliminated whenever possible.

Medicines to prevent frequent colds

Natural adaptogens - eleutherococcus, ginseng, golden root, aloe, echinacea - allow you to avoid viral infections. It is enough to use them in courses 2 times a year.

You also need to take a course of complex vitamins and probiotics twice a year.

In times of stress, you can use means to maintain neuropsychic state- lemon balm or motherwort. And during seasonal epidemics, take homeopathic remedies to improve immunity.

The use of immunomodulators, which is also effective in the fight against common colds, is possible only after the recommendation of a doctor.

Why do I often get colds? This question arises for many adults. The norm is considered to be one to two viral diseases per year., if they take place during the season of increased activity of microorganisms that cause illness. More frequent colds in adults are a reason to think about the state of your own body, its defenses and their strengthening.

A small child can pick up viral infections quite often, when entering kindergarten or high school, if he was not in a preschool institution, he gets sick about 6 times a year, sometimes more, and this is considered the norm. With age, the number of colds decreases. This indicates strengthening of the immune system.

What is immunity?

The immune system has several lines of defense.

  • When an antigen penetrates, that is, cells hostile to the body, phagocytes begin to be intensively produced, which are able to capture and extinguish the activity of enemies of health.
  • The next line is humoral immunity. Special blood proteins (immunoglobulins) block the active molecules of the harmful virus.
  • Nonspecific immunity is the epidermis, a special structure of the mucous membranes. All this is designed to prevent hostile cells from entering deep into the body.
  • If it happens that the virus nevertheless penetrates the cell membrane, the interferon protein begins to be produced. It is at this moment that a person’s temperature rises.

Why does immunity decrease?

Constant colds are a sign that protective forces the body malfunctioned. Today this process occurs due to a number of factors:

  • Insufficient activity. The human body is designed for movement. A modern comfortable lifestyle, especially in the city, involves hours and days spent in a lying and sitting position, and labor automation. In such conditions.
  • Little time spent on fresh air. This is both a lack of oxygen and a lack of hardening, which negatively affects health.
  • Fatty, heavy, processed and refined foods that enter the body in abundance.
  • The stress associated with many activities, the urban rhythm of life.
  • Various kinds of electromagnetic radiation, incessant noise, inability to sleep at night in the dark (street advertising, street lights).
  • Alcohol, nicotine and other bad habits.
  • Recently, scientists have argued that the higher the sterility, the more a person uses antibacterial soap and wipes, and cleans up, the more often they get sick colds.
  • An imbalance of microflora in the intestines leads to a general weakening of the body.

How to determine the fact of decreased immunity?

Frequent colds are a serious signal to take care of your health. However, there are other signs by which this problem can be identified.

Firstly, a person constantly feels tired and drowsy. Many people complain that when they get up in the morning, “it’s as if they never went to bed.” All the time there is a strong desire to lie down, close your eyes, and don’t want to do anything.

The second sign is disturbances in the functioning of the digestive organs. This could be regular constipation or, conversely, diarrhea, flatulence, nausea, bloating, heartburn.

Allergy is a powerful factor in reducing the body’s defenses and, at the same time, its consequence. This phenomenon is a malfunction of the immune system when it begins to work against itself.

You should pay attention to the condition of your hair, skin, and nails. Dryness, fragility, dull color - all this indicates disorders that can lead to such phenomena as frequent ARVI.

Skin rashes also indicate a malfunction of the immune system.

If any of the chronic pathologies, this also speaks of problems and weakness of the body.

Methods to strengthen the immune system

The fact that an adult often gets sick is an unpleasant and dangerous phenomenon. It is important to find the reasons that have weakened the body, begin to eliminate them, and most importantly, figure out how to increase immunity. There are a number natural ways strengthening it to protect the body, however, they require patience, consistency and a certain amount of self-discipline.

  • Changing the power system. As you know, a person is what he eats. You will get colds less often if you exclude them from your diet. junk food or at least reduce the amount of fatty, fried, processed and fast food. The most conducive to stopping getting sick is a plant-based diet. Vegetables and fruits are not only a storehouse of vitamins that help resist colds. It is also fiber, which improves intestinal function, microelements necessary for beautiful and healthy skin and hair.

Pay attention to inclusion in the menu complex carbohydrates. Very often people believe that there is no difference between porridge that is diluted with boiling water and the one that has to be boiled. This is wrong. Real grains, especially for breakfast, provide a supply of energy for a long time and provide the body with necessary substances and help increase its protection.

  • Acute respiratory diseases, including rhinitis, always begin with a disruption of the nasal mucosa. The goblet cells that cover its surface dry out due to central or stove heating during the cold period, so viruses penetrate into the body. What to do to avoid getting sick? It is important to protect your home from harmful microorganisms. Buy an air humidifier, don’t be lazy to hang wet sheets on radiators, regularly ventilate your living space, and you need to create a draft once a day.
  • Why do people often get colds? Sometimes it’s enough to feel a little cold while standing at a bus stop or walking with a dog - and the disease is already right there. The point is the lack of hardening. Of course, such a procedure requires consistency and daily implementation, but the result is worth it. Hardening should begin with rubbing, then proceed to pouring cool water over the legs and arms, gradually increasing the area and lowering the temperature. Sleeping with the window open, at least in the next room, will play a big role.
  • People with high immunity do not neglect regular walks. It is not for nothing that parents and educators of young children kindergarten They try to take him outside every day. City residents are accustomed to thinking that the short period when they leave the room and get into a car, into public transport, or vice versa, is enough for them to walk. To boost your immunity, you need to be outside, and try to do it every day. A physical activity, combined with a walk, will bring double benefits to your body.

Preventive measures

During the season of cold weather and illness, when a runny nose in an adult is common, you can help yourself with natural natural means. They are often much cheaper and more effective than store-bought vitamins.

Why does it hurt so many people? frequent runny nose? The point is overdrying the mucous membrane and disrupting the functioning of the villi, which do not allow viruses to enter. To restore their functioning, regularly moisturize your nasal passages by irrigating them with saline solution or sea salt sprays.

Drink plenty of clean, raw, still water. Its deficiency provokes a decline in immunity and weakness of the whole body. The norm for a healthy person who does not have kidney problems is from one and a half to two liters per day. This is approximately 8 glasses.

good preventive measure It will become a habit to add a slice of lemon, a spoonful of honey or a little fresh ginger to your water in the morning.. This drink will be a real vitamin blow to viruses, and in addition, it will improve the functioning of the intestines and make the skin and hair more beautiful.

It is good to drink rosehip decoction, which will give the body a boost of vitamin C and the strength to fight diseases. You can brew the berries with boiling water in a thermos overnight and drink them instead of tea throughout the day.

Instead of synthetic vitamins, you should use a mixture that is popularly called “Five Hares.” In a meat grinder or food processor, 200 grams of dried apricots are ground until smooth, walnuts, prunes, one whole lemon with peel and three tablespoons of honey. This aromatic and tasty medicine can be eaten one teaspoon per day by each family member. It is important not to overdo it because the mixture can cause allergic reaction and a considerable load on the heart muscle.

Don't forget about essential oils. If there are no infants in the house, and no one close to you has a reaction, get an aroma lamp or simply apply a few drops to home textiles - curtains, bed linen. It's good to use oil tea tree, eucalyptus or fir.

Replacement of regular teas and coffees herbal decoctions and natural fruit drinks will strengthen the body’s defenses, allowing it to resist various types of acute respiratory diseases.

Without strong immunity active is not possible full life. Only taking care of it and regularly strengthening it will allow you to do what you love, and not lie in bed many times a year. If we are talking about truly frequent colds in adults and their causes, then how to increase immunity is a question that definitely needs to be understood!

Statistics don't lie, especially when it comes to diseases and not politics. Colds are the most common in the world and account for 90% of all other infectious diseases. Every city person suffers from a cold several times a year.

It is worth explaining what a cold is. The mucous membrane of the nasopharynx is a sensitive organ that reacts to any change in the usual temperature. When we go out into the cold, it reacts with mild swelling to prevent hypothermia. But if a person is in the cold long time, swelling increases, and a sore throat and nasal discharge may appear. This is the beginning of the cold process.

Naturally, a significantly cooled body is more vulnerable to viruses. The man caught a cold, but next morningheadache, fever, cough, runny nose. Viruses have already tried their best here. Therefore, the common cold is considered globally, as part of ARVI. Among the viruses are adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, the well-known flu and many others.

Quite often viral infection provokes the development of a bacterial infection. In this case, they speak of a complication of a viral disease. The body is weakened, the immune system is no longer strong enough to fight, and bacteria easily penetrate the body. In addition, dormant bacteria already present in the body wake up and begin their work.

Many people do not understand the difference between ARVI and ARI - acute respiratory disease. In fact, there is not much difference. It’s just that doctors prefer to make a diagnosis of ARVI when they are confident that the original causative agent of the infection is a virus. ARI is diagnosed when there is no certainty that the virus is to blame, and there is a suspicion of bacterial infection 1 .

Causes of colds in adults

The source of the disease is a sick person who spreads the infection further. However, the routes of infection are different. The most frequent way is airborne 2. Next comes tactile infection, since viruses can remain on any object touched by the infected person.

It is worth noting that viruses tend to concentrate. This means that it is much easier for a healthy person to become infected indoors, rather than standing with a sick person “in the middle of a field.” Viruses reliably remain viable for several days, especially in an unventilated area 2 .

Once in the body, the virus begins to actively multiply, moving deeper and deeper. A person himself becomes a source of infection for other people. Especially for those who have problems with immunity, for the elderly, for children, for those with a cold or sick with other diseases 2.

How exactly does the virus manifest itself, and what stages does the disease go through? There are four main phases of infectious respiratory infection:

  • The pathogenic virus enters the body through the respiratory system and attaches to the cells of the mucous membranes. At this stage the person does not notice anything.
  • The pathogen enters the blood. The body feels the invasion, the immune system begins to work, symptoms of intoxication appear in the body - weakness, malaise, fever, etc.
  • The virus finds a place in the body in which it will be most comfortable and creates a focus of inflammation. At this stage, a person begins to have a cough, sore throat, severe runny nose and other signs.
  • The fourth stage marks the conclusion. Either the source of infection develops into a complication and another form of the disease, or the body copes with the virus. Recovery begins 1.

Cold symptoms in adults

There are many symptoms for each individual viral and bacterial infection. But there are general symptoms colds in adults, which can be used to judge the onset of the disease:

  • Runny nose. Everyone is familiar with a runny nose, in which it is difficult to breathe through the nose, running copious discharge. Often the cause lies in a viral disease, but it is also possible bacterial infection against the background of general weakening of the body. If you have a runny nose, you are diagnosed with rhinitis, sinusitis, or their various complications.
  • Cough. Also a familiar state. The cough can be dry or wet, severe or mild, accompanied by pain or tickling. This is an extremely varied symptom in which laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis and other diseases of the larynx, trachea or bronchi can be diagnosed.
  • Increase in temperature. Mild forms of colds can pass without fever, but this is not always good. The temperature shows that the immune system is fighting off invaders. But a temperature above 38ºC requires close attention from the patient and doctors. High fever is characteristic of influenza viruses.
  • General weakness and headache. They enter the process of intoxication of the body, which is considered a completely normal phenomenon during a cold.

Viruses tend to invade a specific location in the body and develop there. The initial source of infection may be in the mucous membrane of the nose or throat. This is where they start specific diseases respiratory tract- sinusitis, rhinitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and others 1.

Poor immunity is the main cause of colds

The question remains, why one person gets sick, and his neighbor on the desk or seat public transport stays healthy? It's all about immunity, its condition, readiness and performance.

For the development of a viral disease, three conditions are sufficient:

  • The virus is strong enough
  • Penetration into the body in one way or another
  • Inability of the immune system to cope with it

Immunity is the main protective barrier. It must prevent the penetration of viruses and bacteria, and when they penetrate, it must successfully cope on its own, without outside help. If this does not happen, the disease visits the person too often. This means that the immune system needs support.

Treatment of colds in adults

Often, when you have a cold, there is a risk of complications. This is why diagnosing a cold is necessary. Usually prescribed complex treatment, which includes drug therapy.

In the first days after illness, it is recommended to remain in bed. It is important to ventilate the room more often and reduce the ambient temperature so as not to infect healthy people, forced to also be there. Any virus requires consumption large quantity liquids. If the immune system is in order, then it itself is able to cope with the disease, the main thing is not to interfere 1.

For complications or dangerous viruses, for example, influenza, the body needs to be supported with medications:

  • Cough and sore throat are treated by gargling special solutions, expectorants and emollients
  • At high temperature prescribe analgesics and NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)
  • To combat viruses, special antiviral drugs
  • Immunostimulants are prescribed to help the immune system
  • For bacterial infection, use antibacterial drugs
  • For nasal congestion it is recommended vasoconstrictors and drugs sea ​​water
  • In especially severe cases, antibiotics are prescribed 2

How to treat colds in adults

You can treat a cold by various means. But don't forget about immunity. To activate local immunity, the drug IRS ® 19, containing bacterial lysates 3, can be used.

IRS ® 19 has been used for many years in the treatment of colds, acute respiratory viral infections or acute respiratory infections. Bacterial lysates activate local immunity, thereby suppressing microorganisms on the mucous membranes respiratory system. It becomes harder for new viruses and bacteria to enter the body. Treatment time for colds is reduced when using IRS ® 19 4 .

Prevention of colds in adults

Prevention is easier than cure - this expression is especially true for colds. It is possible to get off the list of frequently ill people. To do this, you need to keep your immune system in good shape, and then you can calmly smile at everyone who coughs.

To prevent colds, you should follow the same therapeutic recommendations:

  • Strengthen immunity through physical exercise and hardening
  • Keep your weight normal
  • Always maintain hygiene: washing hands after going outside has not been canceled
  • Ventilate the premises as often as possible and maintain a comfortable, slightly cool temperature

An additional remedy for maintaining immunity and protecting against colds can be a medicine - nasal spray IRS ® 19. Bacterial lysates, included in its composition, stimulate the immune system to counteract respiratory infections 3 .

Because the average person is ignorant and lazy. Are you offended? Then answer two questions:

— What is the difference between the signs of flu and colds?

— What health procedures do you regularly perform to avoid catching colds?

Based on the unity of the physical and spiritual body of a person, the causes of frequent colds need to be identified both at the somatic (physical) level and at the mental (psychological) level.

Here are seven of the most common reasons why why do people often get colds?

Physical causes of diseases:

1) Viruses transmitted by airborne droplets during contact with patients. The number of viruses and their activity increases sharply in autumn and winter periods, and especially during influenza epidemics.

However, even in such times, not every person gets sick. A combination of other factors contributes to the disease.

2) Hypothermia of the body in the absence of a person’s reasonable attitude towards clothing, taking into account weather conditions. You need to keep your feet warm, as the popular saying goes, and dress according to the weather.

Sometimes in cold weather of 20 degrees you see young people in light jackets, sneakers and autumn hats, or even without a hat. In windy weather, some people dress lightly.

3) because wrong image life.

Poor nutrition, mainly refined and carcinogenic foods, overeating, insufficient consumption of clean water.

Sedentary lifestyle: modern people in offices and at home they sit at the computer, in front of the TV they lie down. But the nature of our body is designed for significant motor activity. Only with physical activity do all our organs and systems work well.

Greenhouse living conditions: hot heating of the home, dry air, poor and insufficient ventilation.

Polluted environment: air with harmful impurities, electromagnetic radiation, household chemicals, chlorinated water, nitrates and harmful additives in products.

Bad habits: smoking, alcohol.

Constant tension due to stress regarding the financial support of the family, which leads to lack of sleep and chronic fatigue.

All of these unhealthy lifestyle factors reduce immunity and make the human body vulnerable to various types of viruses.

Mental reasons why a person often gets colds:

4) arising due to an incorrect assessment of life phenomena and oneself, attract bad things, make a person helpless and susceptible to viruses and microbes. This happens because fear interrupts the movement of energy in the human body.

The fear of getting sick during an epidemic creates a feeling of insecurity.

The fear of catching a cold causes a feeling of cold.

The fear of “they don’t love me” makes you feel like a sufferer who gets sick and requires increased attention and care from others.

Fear of life, distrust of life causes spasm of the respiratory tract.

Fear of openly expressing your feelings, opinions, desires provokes a sore throat, sore throat, pharyngitis, laryngitis.

The fear of losing money or not getting enough of it leads to tension, sometimes suffocation, and viral infections.

5) Malice settles where the movement of energy is interrupted by fear. A person will never admit that he is angry. Sometimes he gets angry not only at others, but also at himself, thereby expressing dissatisfaction with his appearance and actions. In this case, the subconscious sends a disease to a person in order to protect him from himself.

Anger can be recognized by five signs:

- pain - the anger of searching for the culprit;

- redness - anger, finding the culprit;

- temperature - anger, condemnation of the perpetrator. The most dangerous thing for health is the anger of self-blame, when a person blames himself for everything;

- swelling - the malice of exaggeration;

- discharge in the form of mucus - the anger of suffering.

In reality, the pain does not appear alone - it is hidden behind temperature, redness, swelling or accumulation of discharge. Together these features form humiliated anger , which causes inflammation of the bronchi and lungs. The higher the concentration of humiliated anger, the more likely the formation of pus - unbearable humiliation.

6) Accusation – this is the denominator of all types of malice. Evaluation, comparison, guilt, all of it, with a slight difference, is accusation , which leads to a nervous atmosphere in the family, to quarrels, screaming, and ultimately to despair and fatigue from life.

Pneumonia and other lung diseases arise from the reluctance to live and “breathe deeply.”

In order to save himself from illness, a person only needs to consciously and voluntarily recognize the conflict that has arisen at the level of his consciousness. Forgive oneself for the error of judgment and the one with whom one is angry. Thus, let go of your anger on a mental level.

7) Resentment – cause of runny nose, nasal congestion. Often a person wants to seem better than others, and when he is criticized, “clicked on the nose,” he gets offended and gets a runny nose.

Nasal discharge is subconscious tears or internal crying, with the help of which deeply suppressed feelings of disappointment, self-pity, and regret about unfulfilled plans are brought out.

In children, a runny nose can be a kind of request for help if they suffer from a lack of love or threats from parents.

Nasal congestion occurs due to lack of recognition of one’s value and uniqueness.

The seven reasons given why do people often get colds? appear in each individual in a certain combination. This depends on the characteristics of his physical and mental levels of development.

But it is clear for everyone - the presence and simultaneous suppression of harmful, aggressive thoughts and emotions deeply experienced inside, in the subconscious and consciousness.

Illness serves as a signal of imbalance in the system that unites the mind, body and subconscious (Spirit) and at the same time, a subconscious protection of ourselves from our destructive behavior or thoughts.

Therefore, look inside yourself, try to understand what the disease is teaching you, ask yourself what your problem is, realize it.

Released fear, anger, resentment, accusations, envy, doubts of yourself and others will restore your natural harmony and allow you to quickly improve the health of your soul and body.

No one will help you to be healthy, since you create illnesses for yourself, which means you can heal yourself. Instead of taking pills and wanting to quickly get rid of pain and inflammation, try to find the causes of frequent viral infections.

Exercise : read more and think about your life, purpose, the laws of the Universe, your mistakes and ways to correct them.

Eat right, move more, drive healthy image life, take your time and don’t overload yourself, take loving care of your physical body.

And many others. But the question of increasing immunity still haunts many readers, and new questions arise. Today we will answer one reader, but many have this problem. “I constantly get sick with colds: how can I boost my immunity?” — a reader of my blog asked me this question. We'll figure it out!

We often ask the question: how to increase immunity, since many people have doubts whether they have good immunity?

Doctors characterize it as the body's protective forces. And today there is something to protect from! good immune system should be an insurmountable barrier to a variety of infections - viral, fungal, bacterial. What if this doesn't happen?

1. Signs of a weakened immune system

If viral diseases, such as influenza, acute respiratory viral infections recur more than 6 times a year, then your immune system is not just weakened, it is in the most terrible state.

Also, if it is difficult for an adult to recover from an illness, then this is another sign. Fungal, allergic diseases, dysbacteriosis are three more signs of weakened immunity.

Weakness, constant drowsiness, apathy, reluctance to do anything - they just shout - we need to increase our defenses, take care of ourselves!

2.I constantly get sick with colds: how can I boost my immunity?

2.1 Garlic, honey, lemon

You can take care of your health at home. I will tell you what remedies should be prepared to increase our defenses.

Honey-lemon remedy

An excellent helper for frequent colds:

  • - take two heads of garlic,
  • - 200 grams of honey (the honey must be real),
  • - four lemons.

Peel the garlic, pass it through a meat grinder, add chopped unpeeled lemons with peel to the mixture, mix everything with honey. Place the mixture in a jar, close the lid, and put it in the refrigerator. We take 2 teaspoons before each meal. Course - 12 days.

This recipe is contraindicated for ulcers and gastritis.

This mixture is good because it saves us from infection even when we are close to someone with the flu. This remedy is made by my family, all my friends. Helps a lot!

Activates defenses very quickly nut tincture. Take two glasses of crushed pine nut shells, fill it with a bottle of vodka, and leave it in a dark cupboard for 60 days. You should drink half a teaspoon before each meal. Course - 21 days. Three such courses need to be done.

2.2 Compote with herbs, products, propolis

Strengthening the immune system folk remedies based on herbs. For the healing compote you need to take the following components:

  • - take herbs, all in the 1st part - lemon balm, mint, chestnut flowers, fireweed - mix,
  • - take 5 tablespoons of the mixture, pour one liter of boiling water,
  • - Leave for 2 hours, strain,
  • - add compote of currants, cranberries, cherries, viburnum, prepared without sugar in 2 liters of water,
  • - drink 0.5 liters daily.

To the question: what foods increase our defenses? I will answer: garlic, onions, carrots, ginger, radishes, celery, parsley, cranberries, citrus fruits. Everything is very simple, most importantly, accessible!

Watch a video on this topic with Elena Malysheva:

There is an opportunity to buy pharmaceutical drugs, for example, propolis tincture. It is taken 25 drops per small amount of water. Drink within 30 minutes. before meals. The tincture contains vitamins and a lot of microelements.

2.3 Drugs that enhance immunity

If you catch a cold, medications will help you, you just need to know which ones.

Let's see which medications have earned the trust of doctors and patients.

Immunal. Its basis is echinacea extract. You need to take it from 1 to 8 weeks, then take a break, then repeat the same course. There is also Dr. Theiss's echinacea tincture, which is also a good medicine.

Eleutherococcus extract. Effective, inexpensive natural medicine, giving strength. Particularly useful during times of great mental, physical activity. Tincture of ginseng, as well as Chinese lemongrass, has the same abilities.

2.4 Immunostimulants of bacterial origin

These substances contain enzymes that cause certain diseases, so they will help the body create protective bodies, thereby strengthening the immune system.

  • Ribomunyl. Used for respiratory diseases. Absolutely harmless.
  • Broncho-munal. Prescribed for the treatment of the upper respiratory tract. Even children can take it.
  • Lycopid. An excellent substance that strengthens the defenses, can be taken for frequent, sluggish, chronic diseases.
  • Imudon. A substance prescribed to treat infections oral cavity and throat.

Can you name other drugs that help with infectious diseases, these are Viferon, Grippferon, Arbidol, Anaferon, Cycloferon.

3. Why is increased immunity dangerous?

It turns out that immunity can also harm a person, working in the opposite direction!

Excessively strong immunity, as well as prolonged exposure to immunostimulants on the body, often leads to serious side effects, which become an intractable problem for anyone who abuses them.

So called diseases increased immunity, they are also brought to a doctor who will prescribe the drugs that will stop the overly raging “defenders”.

Therefore, I always advise that before taking strong pills, you need to consult a doctor. Only he can say whether this or that composition can be taken.

It is worth noting that those people who constantly take drugs such as adaptogens can develop diseases of increased immunity. Why is this happening?

Native immunity will become lazy, as it receives continuous medicinal assistance, so he no longer wants to fight on his own.

As soon as a person stops drinking them, the bacteria and microbes that inhabit us immediately attack the defenseless body, the person gets a disease such as pneumonia, sore throat, allergies, and these diseases are difficult to treat. And all this is due to an overly strong immune system!

It's better to take natural preparation, knowing that it increases immunity, but slowly and smoothly, without exerting harmful effects on the body.

I am sure that natural immunostimulants will help restore our protective bodies even after antibiotics.

Finally, I would like to wish all my readers, do not overdo it with medications, even such useful ones as for increasing protective antibodies.

Today I answered a reader’s question: “I constantly get colds: how to increase immunity? How did you like the article? If yes, then be sure to share it on social networks, subscribe to blog updates and wait for the continuation.