How to treat an incipient cold: effective remedies. The onset of a cold: what to do and how to treat it if you have a cold

03.09.2016 29366

A runny nose is enough unpleasant symptom, which indicates the development of a viral or allergic disease. There are various stages rhinitis who have characteristic features. Thus, in its development it goes through a reflexive, catarrhal and final stage. As a rule, all symptoms of the disease disappear within 7-10 days. But if a person has good immunity, possible initial stage. If immune system weakened, this symptom persists for a very long time - about a month.

Initial stage

If a runny nose appears, we are talking about the reflex stage. IN in this case rhinitis is a reaction to the influence of unfavorable factors environment. Symptoms of the disease appear especially clearly if a person enters a warm room from the street. The occurrence of such a symptom is sometimes provoked by strong aromas.

This stage of the development of a runny nose is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • increased dryness of the nasal cavity;
  • headaches;
  • burning and itching sensation;
  • congestion;

It is not always possible to identify reflex rhinitis in a baby, because children early age cannot talk about their feelings. Parents notice inflammation when it becomes more obvious.

The duration of this stage of a runny nose varies. For some people it is present for several hours, for others – for two days. Then rhinitis moves to the second stage, which is characterized by other symptoms.

Second stage

After the first stage of a runny nose, catarrhal disease develops in adults. She is present for several days. This stage is characterized by swelling of the nasal mucosa. When such a runny nose occurs, the following symptoms occur:

This stage of a runny nose in children is characterized by the appearance of severe lacrimation, which is the result of inflammation. The patient often has this, because the pathology also affects the ligaments.

Third stage

If a runny nose is not treated in time at the initial stage, there is a risk of developing. In this case, a person experiences viscous secretion from the nasal cavity. Its appearance is due to the massive death of bacteria. The third stage of rhinitis does not last long and ends with the person’s complete recovery.

Inflammation can provoke an increase in temperature up to 39 degrees. If treatment is not started on time or is carried out inadequately, the pathology becomes chronic.

Methods for treating a runny nose at the initial stage

Prevent runny nose early stage much easier than then fighting it negative consequences for health. It is important to start therapy as early as possible. It is not recommended to wait for nasal discharge to appear. Treat the initial stage.

To begin with, it is recommended to warm up the body well to give it strength to fight the viral infection. For this purpose, carry out water treatments with mustard. The water should reach the knee, and the temperature is recommended to be maintained at 40 degrees. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. After which you should drink hot tea. Drinks with added medicinal plants– linden, raspberry, rosehip.

If the procedure is planned before bedtime, it is not recommended to heat the water too much. After its completion, put on warm socks, to which you should add a little dry mustard. Thanks to this it will be possible to stimulate active points feet.

To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, take vitamin C. It helps fight infections and strengthens the body's defenses. Inhalations will help prevent the onset of a runny nose. Suitable for this purpose essential oils mint and lemon. Allergy sufferers are advised to take an antihistamine before the procedure.

If the body temperature exceeds 38.5 degrees, doctors recommend taking antipyretics.

The following medications will help prevent a runny nose:

  1. Moisturizers. They help alleviate the human condition, improve the removal of mucous secretions and restore nasal breathing. They are completely harmless and help prevent an incipient runny nose.
  2. Vasoconstrictor drugs. Are part of complex therapy rhinitis They eliminate swelling of the mucous membrane, expand the passages and restore breathing. use in the development of the atrophic form of the disease. Treatment of a runny nose two year old child by using similar means It is important to carry out as carefully as possible, since they can provoke complications. It is forbidden to use such drops for more than a week, as they negatively affect the sense of smell.
  3. Antiviral agents. Such drugs help prevent early stages. They are often prescribed to prevent viral rhinitis. The main task that these tools can solve is to suppress the reproduction of viruses. Such remedies are most effective for the first symptoms of rhinitis - sneezing and.
  4. Antibacterial agents. If the runny nose becomes more complicated bacterial infection, antibiotics are prescribed. Such topical products are produced in the form of aerosols, which help destroy bacteria and relieve inflammation.

A runny nose in children and adults goes through several stages of development. To cope with this disorder, treatment should begin at early stage development. Therefore, at the first symptoms of rhinitis, it is important to immediately take the necessary measures.

In autumn and winter, colds are not uncommon. The symptoms of the disease are well known to every person: aching joints, stuffy nose, sore throat, watery eyes, mucous discharge from the nose and general malaise body. But a cold can be stopped at first if you know how. Let's talk about this.

Unfortunately, there is no way to completely stop a cold once you feel one coming on. This information will tell you how to stop a cold from starting, but it is not intended as a substitute for medical advice or treatment.

With the onset of cold weather, more and more people “go on sick leave” with a diagnosis of acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, which is popularly called common cold. How to stop the onset of the disease on your own? The symptoms of the disease are well known to every person: aching joints, stuffy nose, sore throat, watery eyes, nasal discharge and general malaise of the body. But a cold can be stopped at first if you know how. Let's talk about this.

Where does the cold come from?

Colds are caused by various viruses, and the body does not have permanent immunity to them, and therefore people suffer from colds throughout their lives.

There is no cure for the common cold as such. More precisely, there are many drugs against colds, but they all act the same way: they reduce the temperature due to paracetamol and the like, and feed the immune system with vitamin C. So why stuff your body with chemicals if you can be treated with no less effective folk remedies and get better faster?

Colds are caused by various viruses, and the body does not have permanent immunity to them, and therefore people suffer from colds throughout their lives.
That is why so far no vaccine against the common cold has been created.

Cold treatment

Treatment for a cold, at first glance, is simple. However, this is not entirely true. The first thing you need to understand when treating a cold is that the virus will not simply leave the body, and therefore you will have to try a little to recover faster. The main task in fighting a cold is to help the immune system cope with the disease. And if measures are taken in time, a cold can be stopped at the very beginning and prevent the disease from developing in full force.

Here are the most simple tips that will help you cope with the disease as soon as possible:

1. As soon as you feel the first symptoms of a cold, if possible, take sick leave - at least for a couple of days. At the very beginning of the disease, the body needs rest. Semi-bed rest and full sleep are required.

2. It is very important to strengthen the immune system at the onset of a cold; to do this, start taking immune-modulating drugs. Homeopathy also helps a lot.

3. When treating a cold, it is very important to drink plenty of warm drink. It is best if it is tea with lemon and honey, as well as cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks. Chamomile infusion is also useful - it has antiseptic properties.

4. Colds at an early stage are quickly stopped by aromatherapy treatments. Namely essential oils of eucalyptus, camphor and bergamot.

5. Don’t forget to rinse your sinuses with a salt solution: half a teaspoon per glass of warm boiled water. Carry out the procedure at least 3-4 times a day. After each nasal irrigation, drip interferon-containing drops. It is also important to gargle to prevent the infection from spreading further. Use an infusion of eucalyptus or chamomile.

6. Hot baths are an excellent solution, but only at the very beginning of the disease and in the absence of fever. Add to water sea ​​salt And pine extract. Salt has a general strengthening effect, and pine needles help you breathe easier.

7. Be sure to ventilate the room - clean air is necessary when you have a cold. Leave the room while airing.

8. Be sure to keep your feet warm, even if you have a fever.

9. Try to eat right: chicken and fish broths, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits, are very useful for colds. If it hurts to swallow and you have no appetite, drink freshly squeezed juice.

10. Well, and, of course, don’t forget about vitamin C. During colds it is literally “eaten” by the virus, and therefore it is very important to replenish ascorbic acid reserves daily. Grapefruits, lemons and oranges will come to the rescue here. The fight against colds also increases the need for B vitamins. There are a lot of them in nuts and oatmeal.

Is it possible to stop a cold?

There is probably not a single person in the world who does not catch a cold. Epidemiologists have calculated that we get sick with colds and flu 5 times more often than with all other infections combined. Our job is to protect ourselves. Colds at an early stage are quickly stopped by aromatherapy treatments.

Who is at risk?

During the seasonal cold spell, to avoid colds, you need to be especially careful. First of all, older people over 60 years of age. Their body copes worse with temperature changes, and hypothermia can also provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases. In second place are tired workaholics: after a long day of work, immunity decreases, and if you get caught in nasty wet snow, you can easily catch a cold.

Line of defense

To protect yourself from viruses, drink a glass of infusion daily, taken in equal parts of rose hips and viburnum, herbs lemon balm and sage: 1 table. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over a spoonful of the mixture, leave in a thermos for 2 hours, cool and strain. Drink for a month. Morning and evening, take 0.5 g of vitamin C, eating it with citrus fruits. They contain special substances - bioflavonoids, which help the body absorb healing ascorbic acid. Before leaving the house, lubricate the nasal mucosa with oxolinic ointment.

When a runny nose begins, as well as when coughing, the body needs a lot of fluid. Drink as much tea as possible with raspberries, honey and lemon. Warming foot treatments will also help. You can simply smear your feet with lard or warming balm at night, and make a hot foot bath. To do this, add 200 g of salt and 150 g of mustard powder. Stir and lower your legs to the shins, covering them with something warm on top. hot water it must be refilled regularly, it should not cool down. When your feet become red, rinse them warm water, wipe dry, put on wool socks and go to bed.

The main recommendation during the cold season: do not overcool, avoid drafts and strengthen the immune system with vitamins, and if you are already sick, do not be lazy and start treatment at the first manifestations of the disease. And one more thing: good mood, and a sense of humor - in themselves excellent vitamins for the body and at the same time always at our fingertips. So let's be healthy!

And finally: keep in mind that colds and FLU have very similar initial symptoms. clinical picture, and therefore at the first signs of a cold it is better to consult a doctor for a more accurate diagnosis.

Karpova Natalya, "Health": Save on social networks:

Text: Tatyana Maratova

The onset of a cold is the most elusive stage of the disease. Medicines have not yet been invented that would cure a cold immediately, as soon as the virus enters the body. Any cold will last several days, usually about a week. Is it possible to reduce this period?

The initial stage of a cold is often similar to the flu or allergies. Therefore, before throwing pills and mixtures into yourself, it is better to take a closer look at the symptoms.

The initial stage of a cold

Signs the onset of a cold are known to everyone: cough, sneezing, sore throat, runny nose and temperature above normal. However, it is important to distinguish colds from other diseases with which nature annoys to modern man. If, for example, you only have difficulty breathing through your nose, this may indicate allergic reaction: y cold runny nose and allergic runny nose different character discharge. Another symptom by which the onset of a cold is recognized is a cough. If you don't have chronic diseases, the cough will leave you alone in a week. It's another matter if you suffer from bronchitis or asthma. A cold can aggravate the disease and cause serious complications. Accordingly, cough needs to be treated differently, depending on the reasons that cause it. The temperature during a cold rarely rises above 38 degrees. If, nevertheless, the thermometer has climbed so high, most likely you have the flu.

How to treat in the first days of a cold?

To paraphrase Dovlatov, “we have a regime - if you get sick and lie down,” only one piece of advice can be given at the initial stage of a cold: at the first signs of a cold, lie down and rest, free up more resources for your immunity. Refer to the recipes of our grandmothers, adherents traditional medicine. Take infusions from medicinal herbs: chamomile, calendula, sage. You can add lemon juice and honey. Honey, it seems, was invented specifically to treat colds. Raw vegetables and fresh fruits will support your weakened health and immunity, and simply cure many diseases, like medicine. If this initial stage colds, cough treatment is much safer with the help of mumiyo and propolis than with drops and tablets. Antibacterial medications will also help with coughs. medicinal plants: birch buds, juniper and celandine.

A cold, especially in the cold season, exhausts your body, deprives you of strength, and aggravates the problems caused by vitamin deficiency. Maintain your immunity, play sports, at least do gymnastics in the morning. Spend more time outdoors, and you won't have to get sick.

Currently, it is almost impossible to find a person who has never suffered such a disease as acute rhinitis. And you shouldn’t sin on weak immunity modern people - this pathology is a normal and timely response of the immune system. The development of its symptoms means that the immune system has timely detected and stopped the advancement of pathogenic microorganisms - usually viruses.

IN easy handling Rhinitis of any origin is called a rather trivial name - runny nose. Unlike medical term, it immediately gives an initial idea of ​​the clinical course of the disease. Each person immediately recalls previously experienced sensations - nasal congestion, copious discharge, burning in the eyes, and other unpleasant manifestations.

Even people who are far from medicine sooner or later get the idea that their runny nose in each case has a stereotypical course. This is actually true - clinical course rhinitis in typical case goes through successive stages. Moreover, each of them has its own characteristics and flow mechanisms, on the basis of which specific therapeutic and preventive measures are carried out.

The main question that worries most patients is whether it is possible to prevent the development of rhinitis in its infancy? Moreover, they often give their own examples of the sudden disappearance of symptoms of a runny nose at the initial stage. But this does not mean that the disease stops completely - it only passes in their fast-flowing (abortive) form.

It’s just that their immune system has time to quickly restore strength and “deal” with infectious agents in the nasal cavity. Otherwise, the response occurs much later, as a result of which the disease proceeds sequentially:

  1. The initial stage is caused by a transient local and general decrease in immune defense. As a result, pathogenic microbes begin to multiply rapidly, irritating the mucous membrane of the nasal passages.
  2. The second stage is already a consequence of the damaging effect of microorganisms, the activity of which was not stopped in a timely manner by the immune system. Therefore, the result of their vital activity is damage to the mucous membrane, reflected by all signs of inflammation.
  3. The final stage develops after activation of mechanisms nonspecific protection, aimed at enhancing the inflammatory response and directly killing microbes. In this way the body gets rid of infectious agents, as well as from damaged tissues.

Each stage of rhinitis has distinctive clinical features, the occurrence of which determines the choice of the optimal treatment regimen.


Often people do not pay attention to the manifestations initial stage diseases, although it is during this period that preventive treatment is most effective. In most cases, the first manifestations viral infection begin with symptoms of rhinitis. Therefore, we should list some characteristic features inherent in the first stage:

  • The leading symptom is a feeling of discomfort in the nasopharynx. In each case, it has a different character - burning, soreness, sensation foreign body or itching.
  • Also noteworthy is repeated sneezing, not associated with the action of any irritating substances.
  • The intensity of manifestations can be varied - from episodic occurrence to constant and increasing symptoms.
  • The irritation stage does not last long - for several hours (maximum - up to a day). Partly because of this factor, timely preventive measures are not carried out.
  • If rhinitis occurs against the background of a developing cold, then usually there are general symptoms. These include chills, malaise, fever and headache.

The transition to the main stage of a runny nose usually occurs suddenly - in just minutes, nasal congestion develops with all the ensuing consequences.

Serous discharge

The rapid increase in inflammatory changes immediately affects the implementation of all functions performed by the nasal cavity. Manifestations become vivid, disrupting a person’s professional and everyday activities:

  • Due to swelling of the mucous membrane, the ventilation function of the nasal passages deteriorates. As a result, breathing through the nose becomes difficult and noisy. To inhale and exhale, a person has to make additional efforts.
  • Soon after congestion develops, liquid mucous discharge appears from the nasal passages. Their number gradually increases, and soon the patient only has time to change paper tissues.
  • The feeling of discomfort in the nose usually disappears on its own, but instead it develops a burning sensation in the eyes and continuous tearing. This is due to the transition of the process to the nasolacrimal duct.
  • Sometimes, when inflammation spreads to auditory tube, the patient develops a feeling of fullness or noise in the ears.
  • The duration of this stage depends on many factors - the type of infection, the state of immunity, the timeliness and completeness of treatment. Therefore, it can last from 2 to 5 days.

At adequate therapy The disease can usually be stopped at this stage, after which the healing process begins. But without treatment, inflammation becomes more aggressive.

Mucopurulent discharge

After the damaging effects of pathogenic microbes on the nasal mucosa, the own bacterial microflora also begins to actively reproduce. If this process does not stop in time immune protection, then conditions are created for the preservation of inflammation:

  • Nasal congestion decreases, but swelling of the mucous membrane still persists. As a result, breathing remains difficult - this is especially noticeable at night and in the morning.
  • The burning sensation in the eyes and lacrimation disappears, but instead the symptoms of discomfort return - a feeling of dryness and itching in the nose.
  • The amount of discharge progressively decreases - it becomes thicker and becomes heterogeneous. Their color can vary - from whitish or gray to greenish.
  • On average, without treatment, this stage occurs no earlier than the 5th day from the onset of the disease, and continues for several more days. Normally, symptoms gradually decrease, after which full recovery occurs.

In some cases, rhinitis at the final stage can cause complications - for example, inflammation paranasal sinuses nose (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis), or middle ear – otitis media.

Preventive assistance

In most cases, nonspecific measures taken when the first signs of a runny nose occur help transform the course of the disease into an abortive form. At the same time, the assistance methods are of a “home” nature, which will not require additional costs from the person:

  • It is necessary to begin treatment with warming and distracting procedures to speed up metabolic processes and stimulate the immune system. To do this, it is recommended to take a hot bath for about 15 minutes.
  • If this is not possible, you can replace it with local warming of the extremities (heating pads, baths), and application of mustard plasters.
  • After these procedures it is necessary drinking plenty of fluids– hot tea with raspberries or lemon, heated mineral water, warm berry fruit drinks.
  • Then the person needs proper rest - he needs to lie down, cover himself with a warm blanket, and get a good night’s sleep. However, if you experience a feeling of heat and increased sweating, it is not recommended to “open up”.

After warming procedures and good sleep signs of a cold go away in most cases, which is due to fast recovery protective forces immunity.

Early treatment

When the patient already has nasal congestion, rhinitis becomes relatively irreversible. Therapeutic measures in this case, they only allow to accelerate the course of the disease and prevent the development of possible purulent complications. For this purpose the following are used medicines and procedures:

  1. The main help is to use vasoconstrictor drugs(Sanorin, Galazolin, Otrivin, Tizin), which help reduce swelling of the mucous membrane. This provides a temporary reduction in nasal congestion, which improves the outflow of secretions from the nasal cavity. But it is recommended to use them for no more than 3 days to avoid the development of addiction syndrome.
  2. Additionally, in the absence elevated temperature body, local physiotherapeutic procedures can be used - UHF currents or ultraviolet lamp. But they should only be prescribed by a doctor.

Treatment of a runny nose at an early stage is completely symptomatic - normally the body copes with the disease on its own. Local antibiotics and antiseptics are not indicated for use in uncomplicated rhinitis in order to reduce the likelihood of the disease progressing to chronic form. Therefore, their use is possible only after a reasonable prescription by a doctor.

With the cold weather approaching The issue of combating colds and ARVI is becoming increasingly relevant. It is enough to walk briefly in the wet snow or freeze a little, and a runny nose, cough and fever will not keep you waiting. But all this can be completely avoided if you are prepared for the cold season. Many people believe that at the very beginning of the disease you can take a “miracle” pill and get rid of all symptoms in an instant, but this is not so.
Although there are many medications today, most of them are aimed at treating already existing diseases. In our article we'll talk about how to prevent (prevent) the occurrence of a serious illness.

1. Hygiene. First of all, you need to remember what hygiene is, as well as what the basic rules are. Of course, when everyone around you is sneezing and coughing, it is quite difficult to protect yourself from the virus, but nothing is impossible. Many of us go to public transport where they touch door handles and handrails. Then this dirt from the hands with food or just gets into the mouth, and then the process cannot be stopped.

Thus, after each visit to the toilet or outside, it is imperative to wash your hands well. The more often you do this, the less likely you are to contract the flu.

2. Fitness. The second way to prevent colds is to be as active as possible in life. Much has already been said about the benefits of jogging in the morning, but only a few decide to take such a step. A person wants to have a solution without bothering himself too much. A sedentary lifestyle can not only lead to frequent colds, but also to a number of others unpleasant diseases. You need to play sports. If you dedicate at least 30 minutes a day to physical activity, then the likelihood of getting sick is significantly reduced.

At the same time, you can do anything - swimming, cycling, yoga, karate, fitness, bodybuilding and so on. It’s enough just to choose the type that is closest to your soul. Active people get sick much less; they are not afraid of viruses and infections.

3. Treatment from the first days. Third way - timely treatment. If the first signs of the disease begin to appear, then it is categorically undesirable to postpone treatment. If your throat hurts, act immediately. Can be purchased good pill from the throat or remember the good old method of gargling with a soda solution.

In fact, it's being released today. huge amount effective and inexpensive drugs, so this problem can be solved at the inception stage.

4. Taking vitamins. The fourth step is to give the body as much as possible more vitamins. Of course, winter is a wonderful time, but it is during this period that the human body most often lacks vitamins. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to replenish the supply, then it is imperative to take advantage of it. Vegetables, fruits, greens - all this is very necessary for the body.

You need to eat as much as possible natural products- persimmons, apples, pumpkin and so on. If vegetables and fruits are really tight, then take supplies out of the basement.

The onset of a cold is the most elusive stage of the disease. Medicines have not yet been invented that would cure a cold immediately, as soon as the virus enters the body. Any cold will last several days, usually about a week. Is it possible to reduce this period?

We usually associate the onset of a cold with the appearance of a runny nose, cough and headache. If you overcome all these symptoms at an early stage of the disease, then it is likely that the cold will end where it started.
The initial stage of a cold is often similar to the flu or allergies. Therefore, before throwing pills and mixtures into yourself, it is better to take a closer look at the symptoms.

The initial stage of a cold

Everyone knows the signs of the onset of a cold: coughing, sneezing, sore throat, runny nose and temperature higher than usual. However, it is important to distinguish colds from other diseases with which nature plagues modern man. If, for example, you only have difficulty breathing through your nose, this may indicate an allergic reaction: a cold and an allergic runny nose have different discharge patterns. Another symptom by which the onset of a cold is recognized is a cough. If you do not have chronic diseases, the cough will leave you alone after a week.

It's another matter if you suffer from bronchitis or asthma. A cold can aggravate the disease and cause serious complications. Accordingly, cough needs to be treated differently, depending on the reasons that cause it. The temperature during a cold rarely rises above 38 degrees. If, nevertheless, the thermometer has climbed so high, most likely you have the flu.
How to treat in the first days of a cold?

To paraphrase Dovlatov, “we have a regime - if you get sick and lie down,” only one piece of advice can be given at the initial stage of a cold: at the first signs of a cold, lie down and rest, free up more resources for your immunity. Refer to the recipes of our grandmothers, adherents of traditional medicine. Take infusions of medicinal herbs: chamomile, calendula, sage. You can add lemon juice and honey Honey, it seems, was invented specifically to treat colds.

Raw vegetables and fresh fruits will support your weakened health and immunity, and simply cure many diseases, like medicine. If this is the initial stage of a cold, treating a cough is much safer with mummy and propolis than with drops and tablets. Antibacterial medicinal plants will also help with cough: birch buds, juniper and celandine.

A cold, especially in the cold season, exhausts your body, deprives you of strength, and aggravates the problems caused by vitamin deficiency. Maintain your immunity, play sports, at least do gymnastics in the morning. Spend more time outdoors, and you won't have to get sick.

In any case, even a schoolchild knows that the disease is much easier to prevent. But, unfortunately, this is very effective rule Rarely does anyone use it in real life.