How to treat a burn with water. How to treat a skin burn from hot water

IN everyday life You often have to work with things that can cause burns. Having received injuries from oil, open fire, a stove or boiling water, first aid for burns is provided at home, even before the doctor arrives. The damage caused to health by thermal burns often depends on the correct actions taken. There are ways to quickly eliminate the effects of burns on the skin.

Hot water burn. First aid at home

When cooking or opening the tap unsuccessfully, you can easily get burned. First aid for burns hot water at home - eliminating the traumatic factor, if hot water gets on the surface of clothing, it must be removed, throw aside a towel soaked in water and leave the surface of the puddle if water has been spilled.
Immediately after this, the entire burned area of ​​​​the skin should be under the jet. cold water or any source of cold. If products from the freezer are used in this situation, they should be wrapped in a layer of cloth to avoid the traumatic effects of excessively cold objects.
And only later should an anti-burn antiseptic or burn remedy be applied, a loose bandage should be applied that protects from dirt, but does not injure the wound. After which you need not to delay the moment when you need to call a doctor.
You can often get various injuries in everyday life.

First aid for burns at home is always provided with knowledge of the necessary sequence of actions:

  1. Eliminating the source of the burn
    Removing the damaging factor from the surface of the skin is the primary task when receiving a burn. Remove all clothing soaked in boiling water, including accessories made from quickly heating materials or metal, and remove any scalding material from the surface of the body.
  2. Cooling the affected area
    If you damage the skin, treat it cold water from 10 to 30 minutes, sometimes taking breaks of about a minute in order to avoid hypothermia. The affected limb must be positioned higher than the rest in order to slow down blood circulation and reduce swelling, which will speed up recovery in the future
  3. Treatment, bandaging
    After the pain subsides, you should disinfect the wound with an antiseptic and, if necessary, use a local anesthetic. If you receive a mild thermal burn, first aid at home can be provided with an ointment or spray. If blisters form at the site of the affected tissue, this means a second-degree burn, in which case the choice is narrowed down to a spray, and the victim is given an anesthetic. When applying the spray, the can should be kept at some distance from the body, without touching it and also treating the area healthy skin around the wound.

After disinfection, one of three types of bandage is applied:

  • Dry dressing representing cloth applied to a burn
  • Wet-dry - the bandage is moistened in cool water or antiseptic
  • Ointment - consists of a gauze napkin or bandage and an ointment base applied previously.

In addition to bandages, you can use pentazol, which is a spray that, when sprayed, forms a waterproof film on the skin that prevents dirt and bacteria from entering from the outside. The aerosol dressing comes off on its own within two days, but if necessary, it can be easily washed off with water.

Oil burn. First aid at home

In everyday life you often have to work with vegetable oil, which in a boiling state can splash, causing considerable damage to health. First aid for oil burns at home is provided by cooling the injury with water for about half an hour in the manner described above. Then, after eliminating the burning effect, you can disinfect the burn using one of the following drugs:
Antiseptics such as dioxidin or furatsilin
Local anesthetics – novocaine, lidocaine, dicaine
Preparations containing dexpanthenol. For example, bepanthen, pantoderm or panthenol
Healing sprays that have a soothing effect, such as olasol
And after applying a sterile bandage, you should consult a doctor, since an oil burn is very serious in any case. Since the appearance of blisters is inevitable, which should not be opened, over time they themselves dry out and peel off.
It is important to know that if hot oil gets on the surface of the face, then instead of a bandage, apply a layer of panthenol or Vaseline.
There are also recipes traditional medicine to help with burns, they involve the use of things, most of which can be found in every kitchen, and the folk remedies themselves are quite diverse and, moreover, those that help in everyday life. Treatment at home conditions will pass quickly if you know what to do if you get burned.

Baking soda

If you get a burn, just wash the affected area and cover it with soda, and then wait for the water to dry so that the soda remains or apply a bandage. After cooling the skin, you can also oil it and sprinkle it with a layer of baking soda.
Baking soda can also be diluted in water or moistened with water after sprinkling it on the burn.

Salt and flour

After cooling for five to ten minutes, the burned area can be covered with salt. If you tolerate the burning sensation for about 20 minutes, the burn goes away quickly. The salt will begin to crumble, and when there is none left, you can apply a bandage.
In addition to salt, you can also use flour, producing the same actions, but burning sensation in in this case there won't be.

Starch and grated potatoes

You can grate clean raw potatoes without peeling them and apply them to the place where you received a fire burn; first aid at home will be practically provided. After half an hour, change to a new one, as you need cool potatoes. You can use two portions alternately by cooling them. And after 3-4 times finish applying. This method should prevent the formation of blisters and redness.
Instead of potatoes, you can use potato starch, which has similar properties, but there is no need to grate and wash the potatoes. In a few days the marks will disappear.

Alternative care for burns at home


Due to the lack of ointments for first aid at home, if any part of the body is burned. For burns at home, first aid can be provided with toothpaste. Having smeared it dense layer, you can eliminate the causes of redness and blisters. Using the paste, the burning sensation will go away much faster than usual, and after washing off the resulting crust after a few hours, you can observe the effect.


In case of a burn, first aid at home is also provided using soap. If damaged skin is immediately covered soap suds, then healing takes place much faster. In this case, you can use both household and toilet, the most important thing in this situation is not to wash off the remaining soap crust for as long as possible. Good remedy to the extent of its availability.

Zinc ointment

Zinc ointment has an adsorbent and disinfectant effect, prevents the appearance purulent formations and helps healing. Lubricate with zinc paste to speed up recovery, as it is one of the most effective means, which provide 1 assistance at home.


The dressing can also be prepared using slaked lime. To do this, you need to take several lime granules and fill them with water. After they are infused, the water must be filtered and a certain amount added. sunflower oil, equal to the volume of the resulting mixture. Then mix it all and shake until foam forms; the resulting mixture can be lubricated on the injured area. The surface of the skin should remain open. A standing mixture cannot be applied without shaking, as it separates very quickly, and it helps with burns only in a foam state, otherwise it risks complications.

When burned by boiling water at home, the most important thing is a quick reaction to the situation. It is the ability to adequately react and provide proper first aid after a skin burn with boiling water that subsequently determines how deep the burn lesion will be and to what area it will spread.

In most cases, such burns proceed favorably and do not cause severe consequences. In mild cases, they go away on their own within a couple of days.

What to do if you are burned by boiling water?

In case of a minor burn, you need to focus on general condition the victim. If a person scalded by boiling water is able to adequately perceive what is happening, the first thing to do is to cool the burn surface with cool water.

Keep the burn area under water for ten to twenty minutes. By this action you will prevent the spread of the wound surface and alleviate the condition of the victim. Third and fourth degree burns are serious injuries, so medical attention is needed immediately.

What not to do?

There is no need to pierce or cut through the resulting blisters, as this may lead to infection in the damaged skin tissue.

You cannot sprinkle the burned areas with starch, lubricate them with vegetable oil and burn them with alcohol, iodine and other tanning substances, as their effect slows down the healing process and increases painful sensations.

If the burns are too deep, you should not try to clean the wound yourself from fragments of clothing or other contaminants.

First aid for burns with boiling water

First aid measures for burns from boiling water should be truly urgent. The timeliness of their provision will determine the severity of the process and its consequences. No need to panic, no matter who this trouble happens to.

Only a clear sequence of actions can help in the fight against severe complications. It consists of the following activities:

  1. Immediately remove clothing that has come into contact with boiling water to prevent it from sticking to the skin and to avoid the burning sensation it produces.
  2. Place the area of ​​skin with a burn under a stream of cool tap water or in a container of water. This will relieve pain and prevent the burn from spreading.
  3. It is advisable to treat the burn site. If it is not in home medicine cabinet, then you should go to the pharmacy and buy it.
  4. If it is not possible to complete the previous point, then you should bandage the resulting wound with a sterile bandage. IN as a last resort use a different material, just be sure to iron it with a hot iron.
  5. For large or deep burns accompanied by severe pain syndrome taking painkillers is indicated.

After providing first aid, it is necessary to assess the degree of skin damage, this will allow you to understand how to treat a burn with boiling water at home, and select special ointments and other remedies for blisters.

Assessing the degree of burn

Official medicine divides boiling water burns into 4 degrees. Let's look at each of them:

  1. A first-degree burn is characterized by slight redness and swelling at the site of the injury, and small blisters may sometimes form.
  2. A 2nd degree burn is also characterized by redness and swelling; this is also a superficial burn lesion, but in the second degree, blisters almost always form and a thin scab forms.
  3. A 3rd degree burn is characterized by deep defeat, which can reach the muscles, a scab is always present, and the blisters burst instantly.
  4. A 4th degree burn reaches the bone, the superficial tissues and skin undergo necrosis. With such a burn, charring and blackening of body tissues can be diagnosed.

So, if the burn is degree 1 or 2, you can get by with treatment at home. But the extent of the burn should be no more than 1% of the body area (approximately no more than the area of ​​the victim’s palm).

If the hand, foot, face, or genital organs are affected, even with first and second degree burns, it is better to consult a doctor, since scarring of these parts of the body may cause problems. If the degree of burn is higher, you must call " ambulance"The faster the better.

Ointment for boiling water burns with blisters

Medicines prevent burns from spreading deeply into the layers of the skin, relieve swelling and pain. Among the drugs and ointments that have proven themselves for burns with boiling water are:

  1. – perfectly forms and restores damaged mucous membranes and skin, and also has metabolic and regenerative effects on damaged tissues. It relieves pain and burning sensation very well.
  2. One of the modern ointments for burns with boiling water is Sulfargin. It contains silver ions and works great on wounds. of various nature, quickly and painlessly.
  3. – applied by applying ointment to a gauze bandage, and only then directly to the burn. This dressing should be changed every 20 hours - during this time the swelling from the burn site will noticeably go away and purulent masses (if any) will be removed.
  4. Specialized centers have been using them for more than 30 years. This spray contains an antiseptic and anesthesin and helps to quickly cope with the consequences of a burn injury.

These products are intended for the treatment of 1st and 2nd degree burns. For severe burns, treatment is carried out exclusively by a doctor. It does:

  • anesthesia;
  • antiseptic treatment of the skin around the burn area;
  • removal of dead epithelium and remnants of clothing;
  • trimming bubbles large sizes to empty them and accelerate wound healing;
  • applying a bandage with bactericidal ointment, which should be changed every 2-3 days until complete
  • healing (this can be done at home).

For severe burns, anti-shock therapy is carried out, and, if necessary, surgical treatment, which includes excision of necrotic areas, closure of the skin defect and plastic surgery.

How to treat a burn with boiling water at home

Expensive ones are not suitable for everyone medical supplies. In such cases, good folk remedies for burns with boiling water will come in handy.

  1. Aloe lotion: take a few aloe leaves, chop them and squeeze out the juice. Moisten gauze or bandage and apply to the burn area. You can use the plant without squeezing the juice - simply by cutting the leaf lengthwise and applying it to the wound.
  2. Necessary beat chicken egg , and apply to the affected area. At first there will be a burning sensation, after a minute it will become easier. The method is valued because even if the burn is severe, there are no wounds or blisters after its use.
  3. Carrot juice. You need to finely grate the carrots or grind them in a blender. Place the mixture on a gauze pad and apply to the damaged area. The compress needs to be changed every 2 hours. The carrots will release juice. It is very important that it hits the burned area.
  4. Sulfur and propolis. Mixes 100 grams butter, unrefined vegetable, melted pork fat(internal), beeswax and another 10 grams of propolis, put on low heat. Wrap the sulfur in cheesecloth and put it in the brew. After 15 minutes, remove from heat and strain. Apply to the burn four times a day.
  5. Plantain. Freshly picked leaves are what help treat burnt skin areas. Before using the leaves, they must be washed with boiling water and cooled.
  6. Brew tea (black or green) and then cool it. Apply the cold brew to the burn site and bandage it with a gauze bandage soaked in the brew. Do this compress 7-8 times a day.

Treatment at home using traditional methods is carried out only for first-degree burns, since self-medication of more serious skin lesions is fraught with complications that will lead to an unsightly scar.

The concept of "burn" means acute injuries skin and tissue underneath. Lesions can be thermal, electrical, chemical, radiation. Most often, people scald themselves with hot water at home.

The severity of tissue damage depends on the area and location. The hands are often affected; less commonly, hot water burns affect the face, neck, inner shoulders and thighs. It is worth noting that in these areas, even due to short-term exposure to boiling water, the depth of damage will be significant.

The legs and back rarely suffer from boiling water and, if damaged, heal quickly. A facial burn is life-threatening as it can affect the eyes, mouth, respiratory tract. In order to avoid serious consequences, the victim must be given first aid.

Hot water burn severity

To determine whether a burn needs to be treated medical institution, you should learn to distinguish the severity of damage.

The depth of a hot water burn is classified as follows.

1st degree. The damage affects only the superficial layers of the skin; the affected area becomes red, slightly swollen and painful. The burn goes away on its own after 2-3 days. It is not necessary to take special medications.

2nd degree. Damage affects the superficial layers of the skin and partially the epidermis. The affected areas turn red, swell, and blisters filled with liquid form on the surface. The burn site is very painful. Spontaneous healing takes about 10 days, provided there are no infections. There are no scars left on the body.

3rd degree. Damage affects all layers of the skin and underlying tissues. Blisters with a scab form on the surface. After healing, scars and scars remain on the skin.

4th degree. Occurs due to prolonged contact with hot water. A black scab forms and the tissues become charred.

First degree hot water burn when not large area lesions (less than the palm of the hand) do not necessarily require going to the hospital. First aid can also be provided at home. If the damage affects the child, it is better to show him to a doctor. It is recommended to treat a second degree burn in the presence of infection and inflammation by special means. For injuries of the third and fourth degree, you should immediately go to the hospital, as they pose a threat to life.

First aid

If you are doused with hot water, remain calm and strictly follow the recommendations.


  • apply anti-burn agents immediately after dousing yourself with hot water - you need to cool the affected area;
  • apply irritants, such as iodine, brilliant green, alcohol, vinegar, onion, toothpaste and other substances that offer folk recipes;
  • use oil, as it clogs pores and interferes with healing;
  • pressing on the blisters or piercing them - such actions can cause infection;
  • apply sour cream, kefir, yogurt and other dairy products, they irritate the epithelium.

First aid includes the following procedure:

  • eliminate the source hot water, remove clothes if they are doused with boiling water;
  • cool the skin to avoid heating healthy tissue with an ice compress or cold water;
  • in case of minor damage, lubricate the skin with Bepanthen, Dexpanthenol, Pantoderm;
  • in case of serious damage, carefully cut off the clothing and cover the affected areas with an aseptic bandage;
  • If your face is affected, lubricate it with Vaseline.

If the burn is severe, call an ambulance immediately. Until paramedics arrive, ensure the patient rests and drinks plenty of fluids.

Treatment at home

Treatment of injuries involves applying bandages soaked in medicines. This type of therapy is called closed therapy. For first-degree burns, Bepanten ointment is effective. It should be applied under a bandage 2-3 times a day for a week. If a child is injured, make sure that he does not accidentally tear off the bandage.

In case of damage to a large area of ​​the second degree, assistance should be provided by a doctor. If a small area of ​​the body is injured, you need to numb the skin and clean it of dirt with an antiseptic. Apply bactericidal ointment (“ Levosulfate metacaine", "Streptomycin" or other means) under a gauze bandage.

In the third and fourth degrees, treatment at home using traditional methods is prohibited. The hospital provides therapy and surgical excision of necrotic tissue.

Drug treatment

Modern pharmacy offers many drugs against thermal burns. For first degree damage, you can use the ointment “Panthenol”, “Olazol”, “Solcoseryl”.

"Bepantneol" helps with various injuries skin – rehabilitation after exposure to boiling water, sun, abrasions and cracks. "Olazol" promotes pain relief, inhibition of the growth and reproduction of microorganisms, improvement and acceleration of healing. "Solcoseryl" helps with lesions from boiling water and after tanning in the sun. It is very convenient to use drugs that are available in aerosol form.

It is useful to purchase special anti-burn wipes with gel. They promote cooling, pain relief and localization of lesions, and the destruction of microbes. For severe pain, you can take Analgin.

Folk recipes

Some people, for their own reasons, prefer treatment with natural ingredients rather than chemicals. Young mothers, who try to treat their child with herbs and oils, are especially often concerned about safety.

There are many traditional methods treatment of thermal burns.

Raw potato and honey dressing

You need to grate two medium potatoes and add a spoonful of honey to them. Mix the mixture thoroughly and apply it to the affected areas of the body. Cover the wound with a bandage.


Cut a fresh leaf from the bottom of the plant, wash it, remove sharp edges and cut lengthwise. Lubricate the affected areas with juice 2-3 times a day for a week.

Mass with cabbage and egg

Chop a cabbage leaf and add raw egg white. Apply the mixture to the burn site and cover with gauze. Leave the mask on for an hour and a half.

Hot water burns are among the most common household accidents. A hot drink, tap water or boiling water from a kettle can cause burns if it comes into contact with your skin. This can happen to anyone at any time. If you learn to determine the severity of the burn, you can choose the appropriate treatment.


Part 1

Assess the degree of burn

    Pay attention to the symptoms of a first degree burn. If you spill hot water on your skin, you need to assess the severity of the burn. Burns are classified according to severity. The higher the degree, the more serious the burn. In the first degree, only the superficial layer of the skin is damaged. Symptoms of a first degree burn:

    Pay attention to the symptoms of a second degree burn. If hot water has been on your skin for more than long period time, this may result in a second degree burn. A second degree burn causes deeper superficial damage to the skin. Symptoms of a second degree burn:

    Pay attention to the symptoms of a third degree burn. A third degree burn occurs when long-term exposure boiling water on the skin. Third degree burns are accompanied by deep damage to the skin. Symptoms of a third degree burn:

    Note the fourth degree burns. A fourth degree burn is the most severe, regardless of the area affected. This is quite a serious injury. Symptoms of a fourth degree burn:

    Note the extensive burns. Regardless of the degree, a burn is considered extensive if it extends large area skin or located near joints. With extensive burns, there is a disruption in the functioning of organs and systems, as a result of which the person is unable to carry out everyday activities.

    Part 2

    Treatment of minor burns
    1. Learn to identify burns that require medical care. Although the burn may be minor, such as first or second degree, you may still need medical attention if you notice the following symptoms. If the burn affects not only the skin of one or more fingers, but also the tissue underlying it, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. The burn can cut off blood flow to the fingers, which can lead to amputation if not treated properly.

      Wash the burn area. Once you have determined the extent of the burn and are completely sure that your burn is first or second degree or a minor burn, you can begin treatment at home. First of all, wash the burn area. Remove any clothing that covers the burn area. Then wash the burned area with cool water. mild soap. Do not use hot water as this may cause further irritation.

      Cool the burn area. After you wash the burn area, cool it in cool water. Do not use ice as this may cause further damage to the skin. Place your hand under running water at room temperature. Keep your hand under running cool water for 15 - 20 minutes. Then soak a towel in cool water and apply it to the burn area.

      Prevent infection. To prevent infection, apply an antibiotic ointment such as Neosporin or bacitracin after cooling the burn area. You can do this with a clean finger or a cotton swab. Next, cover the burn area with a sterile bandage that will not stick to the burned area. Change the bandage once or twice a day and after you apply the ointment.

      • Do not puncture the blister.
      • If you experience itching, which is a sign of healing, do not scratch the affected area. Scratching your skin can cause infection.
      • You can also use products to help relieve itching, such as aloe vera, cocoa butter, and mineral oil.
    2. Take painkillers. Minor burns can be very painful. After cooling, if possible, elevate the affected area of ​​the body above the level of the heart. This will help reduce swelling in the burn area as well as painful sensations, which is very important for the speedy healing of the wound. Medicines such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil and Motrin) may help relieve pain. Take the tablets several times a day as directed for as long as you feel pain.

      • The recommended dose of acetaminophen is 650 mg every four to six hours, with a maximum daily dose- 3250 mg.
      • The recommended dose of ibuprofen is 400 to 800 mg every six hours, with a maximum daily dose of 3200 mg.
      • Be sure to read the instructions for the selected drug, where the recommended dosage is indicated. This is important to do because the dosage may vary depending on the manufacturer of the medicine.

    Part 3

    Treatment of serious burns
    1. Seek medical attention immediately. If you think you have a serious third or fourth degree burn, you should seek medical attention immediately. These are quite serious burns that cannot be treated at home. Third and fourth degree burns should only be treated by a physician. Be sure to seek emergency medical attention if the burn:

      Provide proper care to the person who is burned. If your loved one is burned, stay with them after you call an ambulance. If he does not respond or there is a risk of shock, be sure to notify the ambulance service.

      Take off your clothes. While you wait for the ambulance, remove the victim's clothing and jewelry that is on or near the burn site. However, do not touch clothing or jewelry that is stuck to the burn area. Otherwise, it may worsen the situation and lead to more serious damage.

      Cover the burn with a sterile bandage. After removing clothing from the damaged area, cover it with a sterile bandage to prevent infection. Do not use material that may stick to the burn. Instead, use thin gauze or a damp bandage.

One of the most common household injuries is a burn from boiling water. This is thermal damage to the skin and mucous membranes caused by exposure to boiling liquids or their steam. Not every person knows what to do in case of a burn with boiling water at home and how to properly treat the victim. emergency assistance.

The most important thing in such situations is not to panic, but to concentrate and competently provide assistance in case of thermal injury. The depth of spread of the burn and the area of ​​the skin affected by it depend on the timeliness and correctness of actions.

Self-help for burns

Burns are quite serious injuries that can result in serious consequences. And self-medication is not acceptable in every situation. How to treat a burn with boiling water at home and in what cases can you help the victim yourself?

Treatment at home is acceptable if:

In the presence of more extensive and severe damage in mandatory you need to seek medical help.

What determines the severity of a burn?

In most cases, a burn from boiling water does not cause serious consequences and proceeds favorably. The depth and extent of damage to skin tissue depends on a number of factors:

  • liquid composition and temperature. For example, boiling brine or syrup has a much greater damaging effect compared to clean water;
  • on the area of ​​contact of boiling water with the skin and its volume;
  • the wound from a burn with boiling water becomes larger and more complex the longer the hot liquid acts on the surface of the body;
  • pressure and fluid flow rate affect the complexity and depth of the injury;
  • location of the injury. If your palms are burned with boiling water, then the skin on them is more resistant to high temperatures, and if the stomach is exposed to boiling water, the damage will be more severe.

The conclusion is obvious: the longer the thermal effect on the skin and the hotter the liquid, the more dangerous and severe the consequences can be.

When qualified medical assistance is required

It is necessary to seek qualified medical assistance for household thermal injuries in the following cases:

  • if the burn affects more than 4.5% of the body surface of the 2nd degree of complexity and more than 9% in the 1st degree;
  • if deep wounds have formed and bleeding is observed;
  • a visit to the doctor is mandatory for burns of the eyes or mucous membranes;
  • When the wounds on the skin do not heal for more than 3 days and the state of health noticeably worsens, only a doctor will be able to properly treat wounds from burns with boiling water.

Important! For third and fourth degree burns, you should immediately seek medical help. Self-medication for such injuries can lead to dire consequences. Medical intervention is also necessary for thermal injuries of degrees I and II, when more than 30% of the skin of the entire body area is damaged.

Classification of boiling water burns by complexity and depth

Before providing assistance for a burn with boiling water at home, it is necessary to determine the percentage of damage to the area of ​​skin and the degree of injury. All thermal damage is divided into four degrees of complexity. The symptoms and assessment of each of them are presented in more detail in the table.

Burn severity Nature of the lesion Duration of treatment
1st degree Only the superficial layer of skin is damaged. There may be redness at the burn site and minor swelling may occur. The victim feels a burning sensation and pain With injuries of this nature, healing occurs within a few days. Special treatment not required, skin restoration occurs independently
2nd degree Not only the upper layer of the epidermis is affected, but also the subcutaneous tissue. The skin immediately turns red, swelling appears, and thin-walled blisters filled with liquid form. There is severe pain at the site of injury Proper and timely assistance for burns with boiling water at home with degree 2 severity speeds up the healing process. It is usually extended for 10-14 days. Scars do not form with such wounds. If the burn wound becomes infected, medical attention will be required.
3rd degree Due to thermal effects, not only the upper layer of the epidermis, but also the deep tissues. Additionally, such burns are divided into:
  • A-degree. Blisters with thick walls appear, followed by the formation of a scab;
  • B-degree. Arises purulent inflammation, tissues become dead
Healing in grade A occurs due to the survivors hair follicles, secretory glands and skin cells. In stage B, regeneration of the skin occurs after the wet wound has healed. A scar remains at the burn site
4th degree This is the most complex consequences burns. They mainly occur in areas of the body where there is quite thin layer subcutaneous fat tissue. There is charring and a black scab appears. The skin restoration process is long. It depends on timely medical care and strict adherence to prescribed medical therapy.

If after a first and second degree injury the skin recovers on its own, then treatment of a severe burn with boiling water should be carried out by a doctor in a hospital setting.

How to independently determine the area of ​​skin lesions

Accidentally spilled boiling soup or any other hot liquid on yourself? Before using any remedy for boiling water burns, you should evaluate the severity of the skin damage.

You can determine the burn area yourself as follows:

  • Glumov's method. This method is otherwise called the palm rule. Here, the size of the victim’s palm is taken as 1% of the total area. The affected area is measured using the palms of your hands;
  • Wallace's method, another name is the rule of nines. Here, of the total surface area of ​​the body, each of its individual parts is characterized by a certain percentage, namely: the surface of the body (front and back), head - 18%; one leg - 18%, one arm - 9%, groin area - 1%.

Knowing such simple rules, it will not be difficult to independently assess the area of ​​skin damage in percentage and determine the need medical care or how to treat a burn with boiling water at home.

How to provide first aid to a burn victim with boiling water

As a result of a burn, not only the surface of the skin is damaged, but also the subcutaneous tissue. Help for thermal injuries should be urgent, since the severity of the consequences and the speed of the epidermal restoration process directly depend on its timeliness.

What actions should be taken in case of a burn with boiling water at home? The first thing to do is to eliminate the impact of the source as quickly as possible high temperature. When boiling water is spilled on areas of the body under clothing, for example, the stomach, it is necessary to remove clothing. If clothes are stuck to the body, then you cannot tear them off by force, but only carefully cut them off.

Quickly cooling the area burned by the hot liquid is the second step. Even if on the surface of the skin strong burning sensation is not felt, then the destructive effect of the burn on the internal tissues continues and must be stopped. You can do this in the following ways:

When feeling severe pain the victim should take painkillers.

It is also important to treat the wound with special disinfectants to prevent infection. To do this, you can use hydrogen peroxide, antibacterial soap (only if there are no burst bubbles and open wounds), a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Of the alcohol-containing preparations for burns, only brilliant green and vodka are allowed to be used.

In case of serious and extensive damage to the skin, you need to call an ambulance or go to the doctor yourself. When a child is injured, even with minor injuries it is advisable to seek medical help.

Only a professional specialist will accurately prescribe a remedy for a boiling water burn to a child that will not cause harm. children's health. Children's skin is very delicate and sensitive, and negative consequences can occur even from the simplest injuries.

Follow-up treatment at home

It is important not only to be able to provide emergency care correctly, but you also need to know how to help with a burn with boiling water at home in the future. Not every home medicine cabinet has special anti-burn products. medications. Injuries like this don’t happen every day, and medications have a certain expiration date. Therefore, it is not advisable to constantly buy them.
If thermal damage to the skin suddenly occurs from boiling water, you can use improvised remedies for burns.

Folk remedies for burns

If, after thermal exposure to the skin, no signs of infection are observed, then to speed up their recovery, you can use folk remedies for burns at home. Exists huge amount recipes to speed up the healing process and quickly eliminate pain.

Some of the simplest products include:

These are just the most simple products alternative medicine. In fact, there are many other recipes, the use of which allows you to eliminate the consequences of a burn without medications and without negative consequences.

Pharmacy anti-burn products

On modern pharmaceutical market There are a variety of preparations for burns from boiling water that can be used at home. The most convenient to use are aerosols, ointments and creams.

The table shows the most popular and effective pharmaceutical drugs.

Name Active substances Therapeutic effect
Panthenol Dexpanthenol This is one of the best and the first remedy for burns of medicinal origin. The spray is available in different forms, each of which is designed to treat burns of different degrees. Accelerates the process of regeneration of skin cells and tissues
Olazol Levomycetin It has antibacterial, antiseptic and analgesic effects. Depressing inflammatory processes. Available in aerosol form
Furaplast Perchlorovinyl resin, furatsilin After application to the wound, it forms a strong protective film, thus preventing infection. Has healing and anti-inflammatory properties. Cannot be used for suppuration
Solcoseryl Bovine Blood Extract Speeds up metabolism, thus providing fast recovery skin cells. Available in gel and ointment form
Bepanten Vitamin B5, dexpanthenol Due to the natural composition and high efficiency The drug is well suited for treating burns at home for a child. Has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and healing properties
Rescuer Consists entirely of natural ingredients Has good medicinal properties. You can use it as additional remedy for thermal skin damage

In addition to sprays and ointments, you can also use solutions. For example, Chlorhexidine has high disinfecting and antiseptic properties. They can be used to wash wounds or apply as compresses.

Before treating a burn from boiling water with medications or folk remedies it is necessary to take into account everything possible contraindications, and also pay attention to the composition of drugs or recipes. If the victim has an individual intolerance to any components, then such remedies cannot be used.

What actions are contraindicated for burns from boiling water?

How to properly treat a burn with boiling water, what can and cannot be done at home? In order to really help the victim without causing harm, you should remember what actions are prohibited in case of thermal household burns:

If you don’t know how to act in cases where there is a burn with boiling water, what to smear the resulting wounds at home, then the best solution will seek help from doctors. This will prevent negative consequences and help provide correct and safe treatment.

Incorrectly provided care for burns: why is it dangerous?

Before treating a burn from boiling water using a variety of remedies, you should carefully analyze their safety and possible negative consequences. Not everyone folk product or medicinal can be used for treatment. Incorrectly selected means, as well as incorrect actions, lead to the following:

  • the risk of infection getting into the wound increases to the maximum;
  • the process of cell regeneration and wound healing significantly slows down;
  • pain increases;
  • on skin Unsightly post-burn scars remain.

We must not forget that very serious and dangerous injury is a burn with boiling water, treatment at home with folk or medicines this requires utmost attention and relevant knowledge. If you are not sure about the effectiveness and safety of any drug, then you should not use it without first consulting your doctor.

You should also always remember about preventive measures. Extreme caution must be observed when preparing food; do not place dishes with hot liquid on the edge of the table or stove. This is especially true for those who have small children in the house.

If you follow safety rules, you won’t have to look for answers to the questions “I got burned or burned my hand, what to do at home.”