How can you treat a cold? Treatment of colds at home: how to defeat the disease

As soon as we feel that we are starting to get sick, we immediately want to quickly recover from a cold. And this is natural, since no one wants to get sick, and there is no time for illness. Unfortunately, even the wisest pensioner may not know how to properly cure a cold what to do and what not to do under any circumstances.

Today we will look at the main signs of a cold, where to start treating a cold and what helps against a cold. I propose to start with current mistakes that are so often made not only by young people, but also by adults.

Now I will tell you how not to treat a cold and how to make recovery not only quick, but also enjoyable. Errors that occur most often:

  • The first mistake. Houses and walls heal

Curing a cold at home seems like a fun activity. Even though the temperature has been high for two weeks, you still need to sit and wait for recovery. Herbs – good doctor, if you take them not the way you want, but the way you need. Consult with healers or your grandmother - these are the people who probably know more about herbs than the new generation. Try to do your best at home. But if signs of illness and fever do not go away for more than three days, go to the hospital.

  • Error two. The bigger, the better

If you are sure that a wide variety of medications will help quickly cure a cold, you are not at all on the right track. Some drug interactions can be strictly prohibited and the results can be disastrous. If you are going to combine the use of several medications, be sure to study the instructions for each active drug.

  • Error three. Feed the wolf's feet

Feet feed not only wolves, but also diseases. It is easier to cure a cold when your body is in a calm state, rather than in constant movement. When a cold comes to you, the body weakens for a short time, since the immune system tries to cope with the virus itself, so it spends a large number of energy that needs to be replenished. If you are constantly on your feet during such a difficult period for the body, you may not expect a quick recovery.

  • Error four. Do you also take antibiotics at the first sign of a cold?

People who want it fast cure a cold , neglect the general condition of the body. The body is a house in which it should be clean, tidy, fresh and everything in place. Now imagine that a thief has broken into this house and is trying to take away only the blinds from the kitchen. You want to kill the thief, causing harm to your home. For example, with murder you will destroy half the kitchen and the entire living room. This is very figurative, but such a comparison makes it clear that antibiotics should be taken only in extreme cases. After all, antibiotics do not act locally, but throughout the body. In particular, on the intestines, stomach, liver and kidneys. The common cold is treated with tablets, powders and tea. The main thing is to start treatment on time.

The most active drugs, which will help you quickly recover from a cold, are near you. I will present to your attention the current products and medications that you should take first as soon as you are planning to treat a cold.

Foods to take when you have a cold:

  1. lemon, oranges, tangerines, grapefruits. In general, all citrus fruits should be added to the diet as soon as you realize that you have a cold. And in general, vitamin C should be taken not only during a cold, but throughout the year.
  2. ginger. Add ginger pieces to salad, soup and tea. Ginger is most effective when brewed with tea. Ginger will disperse blood throughout the body, which will provoke a quick recovery.
  3. honey. Honey will help you cure a cold with a bang. Honey is the first assistant for coughs and sore throats. And this is not surprising, because both children and adults love it for its sweet taste and usefulness.

stay home. To quickly cure a cold, try to devote as much time as possible to sleep and bed rest. If your work is busy and you need to keep in touch, do so, only at home. Now it is no longer a problem to work remotely. If you are in a leadership position, entrust your affairs to your deputy and stay online to manage the situation. If you are not the boss yet, take sick leave. Health is always more important than any job.

Who wouldn't want to cure a cold at home? I think each of us first tries to recover at home, and only then goes to the doctor. Or it doesn’t work, depending on your luck. It’s easier to treat a cold at home, because everything is with you. So, what can you do to cure a cold without leaving home?

Inhalations. Any kind thermal effect on respiratory system welcome. Possible options inhalations are a dime a dozen. I will only tell you about those that will help you cure your cold quickly.

  • Inhalation No. 1. Potato.

Potato decoction, or rather steam, helps cure colds at home. To do this, take 3 medium potatoes, add water and cook for 15 minutes. After that, open the lid of the pan and pour out the remaining water - you won’t need it. Then sit in a comfortable position over the potatoes and cover your head tightly (so that there are no gaps) with a towel. You must take at least 70 breaths. For inhalation effectiveness, you can add flavored oil. It's better to add orange oil or juniper.

  • Inhalation No. 2. Mustard.

Boil water and add a tablespoon of mustard. Also make yourself a “house” above your head and breathe deeply. Only the number of inhalations and exhalations should be no more than 50, since it is easy to burn the mucous membrane with mustard.

  • Inhalation No. 3. Garlic.

Garlic inhalation will help treat colds. Take the sprig that holds the garlic clove, dry it and light it carefully. Inhale and exhale this smoke that the garlic will release. Take about 30 breaths.

To cure a cold at home in one day, stay home that day. Or better yet, in your room and on your bed. Don't do anything on this day. You don't even have to make your bed. Take a day off from everything, from your ordinary life. The house will help get rid of colds.

  1. Parte body. Fill the bath with hot water, add flavored oil, cinnamon and orange peels. You can also add bubble bath, but without strong smell. Any chemical exposure to the respiratory tract can have a negative effect and cause your body to become stuck in the middle of recovery.
  2. Desk legs. Fill a bowl with hot water and place a kettle with the same hot water next to you. For effectiveness, you can add a spoonful of mustard. As soon as you feel that the water has begun to cool, add hot water from the kettle. Sit like this for at least 20 minutes. Caution - if you have a high temperature, steaming of any kind is prohibited!

No less efficient process, which will help cure a cold at home - gargling. If you do not pay attention to redness and wheezing in the throat in time, this can develop not only into a cough, but also into bronchitis and so on. The most important thing is to remove viruses from the entire body at once. So to speak, strike all affected areas of the body.

You need to treat a cold not only with home remedies, but also with pharmaceutical ones. If you add powdered teas and antiviral tablets to healthy foods (fresh vegetables and fruits, homemade compotes and broths), the disease will subside in a matter of hours.

To cure a cold in one day, add sleep to all aspects of treatment (home and medication). Good sleep after delicious tea and steaming the whole body or legs will give you vigor and health. So, don't be lazy and do your best on the first day. Never delay to such an extent that you cannot do without a hospital.

Let's be honest: quickly curing a cold does not mean forgetting about it forever. The point is that fast safe treatment A lingering cold will harm the entire body even more than the cold itself. Firstly, never sit at home until the last minute, until it gets really bad. If you know that you cannot treat a cold at home, immediately call the doctor treating you at home. Or contact your nearest clinic.

Secondly, if you are allergic to certain substances, under no circumstances buy medications for treatment yourself. Be sure to consult your doctor. Doctors, as a rule, know more about the composition of medications and will be able to prescribe the correct treatment for you.

So that you can get rid of a cold relatively quickly, time the time you take your pills and tea. Take the tablets strictly according to the schedule, and drink the tea once every hour. This is how you deal the absolute blow to your illness.

What an adult can take for a cold is not always allowed for children. Thus, well-known drugs for treating children over 12 years of age have their own analogues for children. For example, in preparations for adults, a larger amount of paracetamol is used, which is not suitable for a child’s body.

Hit with vitamins. How can you cure a cold in a child without harming the baby? The best thing, of course, is all home remedies. It’s good to make teas from raspberry, blueberry and currant jam. You can add a thin slice of fresh lemon to this tea. This collection is an excellent combination of vitamin C, which is so necessary for colds.

Useful amulet. Buy your child a Kinder surprise to cheer him up and take a yellow box for a future amulet. Place a few chopped garlic cloves in it. Make two holes opposite each other in the yellow box, thread it and hang it on the child. The child will find it both interesting and useful - he won’t even notice how he will breathe in the garlic smell, which will help quickly cure a child’s cold.

Fresh air can treat colds in children. One hundred percent information, which, by the way, also applies to adults. The air that accumulates in the room where you stay during illness is saturated with viruses and germs. By inhaling them, they remain in the child’s body, which negatively affects the immune system. Ventilate the room in the morning and before bed for 20-30 minutes in warm seasons and 10 minutes in frosty seasons and rest assured about your baby’s health.

Milk will help cure colds quickly. You can drink it both at night and throughout the day. To make milk medicinal, bring it to a boil, add fat (butter will do) and sugar. Also, when the milk has cooled, you can add a little honey. You need to drink this solution before you are going to lie in bed for two hours. If you are going to run to the pharmacy for medications, postpone taking warm milk until later.

Wine as a first aid for colds. Warm wine helps cure a cold in one evening. When you first feel that you are starting to get sick, immediately warm up the red wine. I advise you not to waste money and not buy cheap wine, since powder is not what you need now. Mulled wine is the first drink taken when you have a cold. There are many delicious recipes. I will share some of them, the most delicious ones, with you right now.

  • Coffee mulled wine. For 6 servings: 2 cups of espresso, a third of a glass of cognac or brandy, a glass of sugar and half a liter of red wine. Mix all ingredients in a saucepan and place over low heat. As soon as the mixture begins to boil, remove.
  • Mulled wine with orange. One orange, a carton of orange juice, a bottle of red wine, a glass of sugar. This is a very vitamin and sugar-rich drink that will help you perk up. By the way, I didn't add Orange juice I liked it more too. I think this is due to the increased acid concentration found in juices.
  • Mulled wine "Christmas". Based on the name, you might think that this is an exclusively festive drink. Not at all, on the contrary, this is the most healthy and fortified cocktail. Why - you will now understand for yourself.

Ingredients: 300 ml. water, 300 ml. red wine, cinnamon, a tablespoon of honey, half a glass of sugar, two apples, two oranges, half a grapefruit, star anise, cloves, black tea and hibiscus - a tablespoon each.

You need to start with water. It needs to be brought to a boil, add fruit. Immediately turn the heat down, pour in the wine and add the spices. As soon as the mixture begins to boil, remove the pan from the stove. Let the mulled wine brew for about ten minutes, after which you can enjoy the excellent taste of the drink.

If you like soft drinks, replace the wine with pomegranate or cherry juice. But remember that blood-boosting wine will help quickly cure a cold.

To quickly get rid of a cold, take everything you need, except people. People can serve as carriers of infection and unnecessary viruses without knowing it. When hosting people as a guest, tie a gauze bandage on yourself and offer to purchase the same bandage for your guest. This way, you will protect both yourself and your friend from a viral infection.

To cure a cold, take vitamins. Ask the pharmacy for an effective vitamin complex that will strengthen your immune system and help your body cope with the disease faster.

  1. Silvered. Oddly enough, silverware helps get rid of colds. Silver kills germs – fact. You can use silver everywhere. For example, sit down to eat soup - eat the soup with a silver spoon. Stir tea with a silver spoon, and eat salads with a silver fork. If possible, purchase a silver knife to cut food with. Be careful: citrus fruits cannot be cut with a silver knife - oxidation occurs and the silver will not be able to kill microbes. By the way, silver can turn black due to the influence of acid.
  2. Mustard plasters and ointments. Ointments smell unpleasant, but they have an effect and help treat colds. So, if you are not going to work tomorrow, apply warming ointment to your chest, feet, the area behind your ears and the wings of your nose. The ointment can be mixed with a few drops of flavored oil. Place mustard plasters overnight if you do not have a fever. They will help get rid of cough and wheezing in the throat.
  3. Nasal rinsing. A runny nose is the “first friend” of a cold. He always comes with her. To make a runny nose go away quickly, rinse your nose with a solution or regular warm water. Make a solution from soda and salt (half a teaspoon of soda + a teaspoon of salt per glass of warm water). This kind of solution will clean your nose well. After this procedure, wait 30 minutes and apply drops or spray to your nose.
  4. Gargle. Gargle with the same solution throughout the day. Especially remember to rinse before and after meals. Before eating, you need to rinse so that viruses that are in the oral cavity do not get inside with food. After eating, you need to gargle to clear your sore throat of food debris.

Water rescuer. If you want to cure a cold at home, don't forget about plain...water! Water is the source of healthy life. It is best to drink melt water. When you drink water, always think about pleasant things and say to yourself “I am healthy, I am the healthiest person.” This is not self-deception, but self-suggestion, that in Lately practiced in all seminars and lectures around the world.

Warm yourself up. Don't let your body freeze. Constantly monitor the air temperature in the room where you are. The body is weak and sensitive to any kind of changes in the air. If you get even a little cold, your cold may come back.

My voice has disappeared. A common occurrence during colds, which for some reason frightens patients. Vocal cords weaken with the mildest illness. The tonsils may become inflamed and become larger - do not be alarmed, this is the body’s reaction to a viral infection. Wear a warm scarf not only outside, but also in your apartment. Don't neglect the hat. The hat will protect your ears and head from the cold wind.

In this article, we looked at the most effective methods of complex treatment, looked at all the mistakes that people so often make, which hinders a full and speedy recovery. The most important rule for any disease: do not lose heart. All illnesses go away.

It is very important to remain calm and sober. Don't forget that nothing is more important than health, especially work. If you cannot work at full capacity now, work at ten percent. During a cold, the body spends energy fighting the virus. So, take a rest and get better!

A cold is an acute viral infection that can be cured if ARVI occurs in mild form, on average in 5 – 7 days. Home remedies can quickly cure a cold, but provided that treatment is started on the first day of illness, as soon as its symptoms appear.

It is not necessary to run to the pharmacy at the first manifestation of a cold. Moreover, sometimes, due to poor health, you don’t even have the strength to leave the house.

However, it is quite possible to quickly recover from a cold at home, both with the use of tablets and with the help of exclusively folk remedies.

You can speed up your recovery if:

  • to sleep a lot;
  • drink more warm medicinal drinks;
  • quickly eliminate inflammation - cope with a runny nose, sore throat, cough;
  • ensure the presence in the diet of:
    • vitamins – C, B12, folic acid;
    • animal protein;
    • chicken broth;
  • humidify the air in the room to 55-65%.

You should treat yourself only after you have been convinced that the cough, runny nose and other signs of ill health are caused by a cold and not provoked by the flu, pneumonia or bacterial sore throat.

It is necessary to visit a doctor when you experience:

  1. Sore throat without cough, runny nose with high temperature– possible with sore throat
  2. Fever > 39 °C with dry cough, chest pain - occurs with influenza and pneumonia.

If your body temperature remains at 38–39 °C for more than 3 days, you should definitely consult a doctor. It is very difficult to quickly cure a cold with a high fever without medical help, and wasting time on self-medication increases the risk of dangerous complications.

How to treat a cold without fever

Colds subside quickly self-treatment at home, if it is started in the very first days of the illness, when the first signs of illness have just appeared, and the temperature< 37 °C.

Symptoms of an incipient cold include:

  • apathy;
  • feeling unwell;
  • itching in the nose, sneezing;
  • watery nasal discharge;
  • sore throat;
  • feeling of sand in the eyes.

Colds are often caused by hypothermia. In this case, it is necessary to warm up the feet and hands well, for which you can use warm baths with the addition of mustard.

For one procedure, 1-2 tbsp is enough. spoons of dry mustard into a bowl of warm water with a capacity of 3 - 5 liters. Keeping your feet in warm water with mustard for 15 minutes is enough. After which they wipe their feet, put on warm socks and go to bed.

You can cure a cold in an adult in a steam room, the main thing is to steam yourself properly at home, then the cold will quickly recede, literally in one day.

In the absence of fever, an effective home remedy is a bath with medicinal herbs. In the steam room you can use:

  • pharmaceutical essential oils - eucalyptus, cedar, fir, juniper;
  • decoctions of medicinal plants - linden flowers, chamomile, sage, currant leaves, raspberries, birch.

At the initial stage of a cold, deep inhalation respiratory tract, obtained in a steam room, softens mucus, improves its elimination and is a quick and reliable method of treatment.

The temperature in the steam room should not cause discomfort. It is not overheated air that is beneficial, but warm and moist air. And you should definitely put a felt cap on your head to protect it from overheating.

A bathhouse will not hurt not only when you have a cold, but also when serious illness respiratory system, such as bronchitis. Read how a bath can help with bronchitis on the page.

Warming baths

If it is not possible to steam in a Russian bath, then it can be replaced at the initial stage of a cold with a warming and relaxing bath with decoctions of medicinal plants.

The following warming bath additives will help you recover quickly and get rid of a cold in a few days:

  • decoctions of pine needles, fir;
  • infusions of sage, linden, chamomile, St. John's wort.

There are even special recipes for emergency recovery, the purpose of which is to cure a cold as quickly as possible.

Here is a recipe for a remedy that, in case of a cold at home, will get the patient back on his feet in one day. For the bath you need:

  • Grind 100 g of ginger, brew 0.25 mg of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes;
  • Chop 2 heads of garlic, place in a gauze napkin, tie tightly.

When everything is ready, fill the bath with hot water, put gauze and garlic into it and pour in the ginger infusion. Then wait until the temperature in the bath drops to a comfortably warm temperature.

To warm up well and heal, take a bath for 15 minutes, then drink warm milk or chamomile tea. After warming up, you need to get a good night's sleep, then the next day there will be no trace of the cold left.

When visiting a steam room or treating with other warming procedures, be sure to take into account contraindications. The group of diseases for which visiting a bathhouse is contraindicated includes:

  • hearts;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;

For patients with bronchial asthma, moderate moist heat is not contraindicated, but with the use of medicinal plants and essential oils you should be more careful.

An effective replacement for a Russian bath can be warm-moist inhalations, the behavior of which is described in the section.

Thermal treatments

At respiratory infections, occurring without an increase in temperature, are useful:

  • rubbing the back, chest, feet with alcohol or vodka;
  • mustard plasters, alcohol compresses on the chest and back;
  • mustard plasters on calves or feet;
  • warming the nose - with heated salt, boiled egg, boiled potatoes;
  • for ear pain - warming with a blue lamp.

How to treat a cold with high fever

At elevated temperatures, it is useful to drink decoctions of medicinal plants, do rubbing, and warm foot baths. It is imperative to observe bed rest, this will help to quickly cure a cold even with a high fever and severe symptoms runny nose, cough.

If the temperature< 38 °C, то можно лечить от простуды в домашних условиях лекарственными средствами, быстро сбивающими жар, такими как:

  • tea with forest raspberries;
  • decoction of berries, elderberry flowers;
  • infusion of viburnum with honey;
  • decoction of burdock roots, chicory;
  • red currant juice, blackberry with honey.

If the temperature is > 38 °C, and folk remedies do not help, you should not test your body’s strength. You should take an antipyretic drug - Aspirin, Paracetamol, Nurofen.

Do not allow the temperature to rise to 38.5°C and above. It is much more useful to quickly take an antipyretic medicine than to try to cure a cold in an adult, relying solely on the barrier properties of the immune system.

For a runny nose, wash the nose with saline solutions Aquamaris, Aqualor, Dolphin, Humer. In case of severe nasal congestion, you can instill vasoconstrictors at night - Nazivin, Otrivin.

But you cannot use vasoconstrictor nasal drops for more than 5 days. Otherwise, it will not be possible to quickly recover from both a runny nose and nasal congestion due to a cold, and the inflammation may spread to the maxillary sinuses.

For coughs and colds in adults, the following will help:

  • decoctions, syrups with expectorant plants - licorice, marshmallow, elecampane, anise;
  • medications that improve sputum discharge, containing bromhexine, ambroxol, carbocisteine.

Medicinal plants with anti-inflammatory properties and home remedies are used for gargling. The most effective rinses:

  • 3% peroxide solution – 2 tsp. for 50 ml of water;
  • soda or soda + saline solution;
  • furatsilin;
  • chlorhexidine.

How to eat when you have a cold

When you have a cold, pay close attention to nutrition. A person with a cold should not starve.

Of course, you should not force feed if you have no appetite. But it must be remembered that the immune system requires amino acids, minerals, vitamins C, B6, B9, B12 to produce immunoglobulins, activate leukocytes, and complement.

The diet must include light, lean poultry or fish. Separately, we can say about chicken broth, which is not without reason called a homemade antibiotic.

Chicken bouillon:

  • thins mucus;
  • softens cough;
  • lowers temperature;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect.

And if you add a little black pepper, parsley, and dill to the chicken broth, it will have an antiseptic effect and supply vitamins.

The body needs a supply of complete animal protein containing everything essential amino acids that a person receives exclusively from food. Their consumption in the body is very high, but reserves are limited.

A diet enriched with vitamins will help cure a cold quickly. The most vitamin C needed to treat colds is found in:

  • citrus;
  • kiwi;
  • pears;
  • apples;
  • sauerkraut;
  • black currant;
  • carrot;
  • beet.

It is recommended to use garlic daily for colds. You don't have to eat a lot of garlic. The antimicrobial substance allicin, the precursor of which alliin is found in garlic, is effective even in small quantities.

What to drink when you have a cold

Warm drinks are helpful for colds. This could be weak tea with raspberry jam or pureed blackcurrant, dried fruit compote, jelly, fruit drink, milk with honey or a pinch of soda.

Ginger is a useful antimicrobial agent for viral infections. It can be:

  • Boil 1 tablespoon. ginger + a few cumin seeds in a glass of water for 15 minutes, leave for 10 minutes;
  • 1 tsp. l. grate, brew 1 tbsp. boiling water, leave for 15 minutes.

A good remedy for colds can be prepared by adding a little propolis infusion with water to a glass of milk. The medicine is taken at night.

Milk with the addition of soda will help cure OVRI. Some recipes recommend adding 1 tsp to a glass of warm milk. soda

This drink does not taste very pleasant, and the child can be offered milk with soda taken on the tip of a knife. There will be a healing effect, but there will be no tears or crying.

The total daily volume of liquid you drink during a cold should be about 2.5 liters. It includes soups, tea, and clean water, medicinal infusions or coffee.

The drink must be warm. Hot or cold drinks irritate the throat. Cold drinking constricts the vessels of the mucous membrane, slows blood circulation, and reduces the activity of local immunity.

Hot drinks burn, irritate pain receptors, and increase sore throat.

Contraindications and errors in the treatment of colds

You should not take antibiotics to treat a cold, since most often the illness is caused by viruses. Antibacterial drugs against respiratory viruses are useless in most cases.

Don't drink at your own discretion antiviral drugs. The properties of antiviral protection are poorly understood. Researching new medications on your own body with a cold without a doctor’s prescription is dangerous.

Alcohol intake

TO important rules A quick recovery may include a ban on drinking alcohol. You should not make exceptions when treating a cold at home, even for small doses of alcohol, since alcohol reduces the reactivity of the immune system, which impedes recovery.

Ethanol reduces the production of inflammatory factors, cytokines, necessary for the development of the inflammatory process, which normally should develop in response to infection.

Ethyl alcohol reduces the activity of alveolar macrophages - cells of the immune system responsible for local immunity pulmonary alveoli. But the pulmonary alveoli are the first line of defense of the respiratory tract in anti-infective protection.

What you won’t be able to do quickly when you have a cold is to recover from the infection, but to “catch” another one. respiratory virus, easy, since alcohol has a negative effect on the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi.

This occurs as a result of a decrease in secretion production by the mucous cells of the ciliated epithelium and a decrease in saliva production. These properties explain dry mouth after drinking alcohol.

In large doses, alcohol kills the liver. Because of this, vital chemical compounds do not enter the blood in the required quantities.

The benefits of drinking alcohol when you have a cold include: deep sleep after consuming, for example, such a popular home remedy like vodka with pepper. However, this folk remedy can easily be replaced with soothing tea with chamomile, motherwort or valerian.

Thermal treatments

When carrying out procedures in a Russian bath, you should try to avoid dehydration. The body loses especially a lot of fluid in the steam room. You can check how dehydrated your body is by looking at the color of your urine.

If it is transparent, straw-yellow in color, then there is enough water in the tissues. When the color of urine turns bright yellow, you should take care of replenishing fluid in the body

High body temperature is a contraindication for any thermal procedures. If you have a fever above 38 °C, you should not take warm baths, warm your chest or feet with mustard plasters, do foot baths or warm-moist inhalations.

Read about how to properly treat a cold with mustard plasters, medical cups, and inhalations in the section.

We are used to treating colds at home. So many natural remedies at your fingertips. Homemade recipes will bring the patient to his senses in an instant. And you don’t have to go to hospitals and spend money on expensive drugs. Some advantages. Are there any downsides? Is it worth being so confident in the healing effect of traditional medicine and treating colds so frivolously? What should adults take?

What are colds and flu

It is a mistake to consider a cold a disease. This is rather his reason. Although in the understanding of the average resident of our country, who does not have medical education, a cold is a runny nose, flu, ARVI, pharyngitis, and cough. ?

Hypothermia can only provoke infectious diseases, weakening the immune system. The body becomes more susceptible to the effects of pathogens.

Experts understand the common cold as acute nonspecific rhinitis. Cooling the body activates the activity of pathogenic microbes that cause inflammation of the mucous membranes. Treatment of vasomotor rhinitis is described in.

Colds are united not only by the cause, but also by common symptoms:

  • Runny nose.
  • Watery eyes.
  • Sneezing.
  • Sometimes elevated temperature bodies.
  • Lethargy, weakness and malaise.

Treatment with folk remedies

The exclusion of “chemicals” from the diet and everyday life can be called a modern trend. An equally popular alternative official medicine with tablets, syrups and injections - traditional medicine. But the knowledge of our ancestors has been enriched by new research. We now know that if you have a cough, under no circumstances should you go to warm up and take a steam bath. We will not put honey drops in the nose or smear honey on the throat. After all, both folk recipes activate the growth of bacteria.

But today we take only the best from folk, home, and medicine - everything that helps strengthen the immune system.

The modern approach to home treatment means listening to your body and not interfering with the natural functioning of the immune system. How to do it right?

  1. Do not lower the elevated temperature if it is less than 38 degrees. An increase in temperature is a sign of the body's fight against infection.
  2. Drink plenty of water to flush out mucus and improve circulation.
  3. Maintain bed rest and sleep as much as possible.
  4. Don't force yourself to eat if you don't feel like it.
  5. Use A complex approach in the treatment of colds: drink herbal teas and decoctions, and do foot baths.
  6. Start when the first symptoms appear, do not start the disease.
  7. Eat foods high in vitamins that will support your immune system in the fight against disease. The leader, of course, is vitamin C.

Treatment of the disease

How to configure the body to uncompromisingly fight the disease? How to make your immune system invigorate and protect you from it? Pack a cold first aid kit. Put a lot of lemons, raspberry jam, honey, ginger, cranberries, herbs in it and decorate it with a pine twig. It is also an important component; it has a calming, analgesic and antispasmodic effect. But seriously? What to do with such wealth? Medicines for the common cold are collected in.

Vitamin fruit drinks

What to drink? The recipe can be chosen to suit every taste:

  • From: cut the lemons into pieces, add warm water and add honey to taste.

Honey in hot water loses its beneficial properties.

  • From cranberries or currants: crush the berries by hand or chop with a blender, add water and strain.
  • Brew restorative and immunostimulating teas and decoctions.
  • With ginger: grate 6-7 cm of ginger root, pour 2 liters of boiling water and let it brew for 1-2 hours. You can add half a lemon and 1 tsp. cardamom
  • With raspberries or strawberries: just add hot water, but if it dried berries, then boil for 2-3 minutes and let it brew.
  • WITH lime color: Brew 1 tbsp. dried linden flowers 200 ml of water, close the container, wrap it in a towel and let it brew.
  • With dandelion: 1 tsp. Brew the crushed plant with 1 cup of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour.
  • With viburnum or sea buckthorn: brew the berries with water (1 tablespoon per 1 glass, boil over a fire for 4-5 minutes and drink in small sips while hot.

Teas have anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and diaphoretic effects. You can improve its taste with honey, which is healthier to eat as a bite.


For pleasant procedure buy an aroma lamp or aroma pendant. It is useful to grind oils and even add them to tea.

Recipes for aromatherapy:

  • For inhalations: in the morning – 3 drops of eucalyptus oil, in the evening – 3 drops of lavender.
  • For rubbing: add to baby cream 5 drops mint, 2 tea tree, 2 eucalyptus, 1 fir and rub into the chest and back area.

The danger of essential oils is that they are very allergenic. Test them before use.

Warming up your feet

The most popular and effective recipe foot baths - with mustard. You just need to pour hot water over mustard powder and warm your feet.

You can warm your feet in this way only in the absence of elevated temperature.

Bed rest

The regime includes not only sleep, but also nutrition. But what kind of food are we talking about if you don’t feel like eating at all? Chicken broth and warm milk with honey will help. It is useful to ventilate the room, because pathogenic bacteria accumulate in the air of the room.

Treating symptoms at home in adults

You need to apply homemade drops 2-3 times a day, 4-5 drops in each nostril.

Nasal rinsing

Traditional recipe for - saline solution: 0.5 tsp. for 1 glass of water. Stand over the basin, tilt your head parallel to the floor and begin pouring saline solution into one nostril so that the water flows out of the other nostril.

For sore throat

To get rid of a sore throat, you need antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs.

  • Rinse. The most popular home recipes are warm milk with soda (1 glass and 1 tsp) or butter, a decoction of chamomile or calendula (1 tablespoon of herbs per 200 ml of water) and saline solution.
  • Teas and decoctions. The most effective teas, relieving inflammation - from chamomile, calendula and mint. Oatmeal broth is no less effective.

For stuffy ears

At home, otitis media is treated with juniper tincture. Dip a cotton swab in it and place it in ear canal. Of course, not everyone has juniper tincture. Warmed vodka is suitable to relieve inflammation. To reduce pain - lavender oil.

  • Warming up. Usually, warming up the house is carried out with mustard plasters or pepper plaster. If they are not there, then there is no need to despair. Rub on your back and chest fir oil and cover yourself with a blanket. Warms up very well badger fat and a compress of grated horseradish.
  • Breast fees. Traditionally, the breast collection includes linden, coltsfoot, mint, plantain, pine buds, oregano, thyme, calendula and lungwort. It can be bought at a pharmacy. The sap of birch leaves helps with coughs.

Recommendations and preventive procedures at the first signs of a cold

To avoid colds, you need to avoid hypothermia. Dress appropriately for the weather. During epidemics of infectious diseases, try not to visit crowded places. Wash your hands with soap when you arrive home. Feel free to wear a mask.

Cough into your elbow to reduce the spread of infection.

There is no longer any way to treat the flu with medications.

People do not always turn to a doctor for help. Treatment usually takes place at home, but how to quickly treat colds and acute respiratory infections at home? The main rule is to start on time, because if you miss time, then a cold can greatly harm the body, and then without help qualified specialist not enough.

Where to begin

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="man-flu1" width="277" height="284" srcset="" data-srcset=" 292w" sizes="(max-width: 277px) 100vw, 277px"> !} Most often, ARVI is diagnosed in the off-season. It is at this time that the immune system is weakened due to a lack of vitamins and sunlight. Moreover, weather conditions are favorable for the development of various infections. To prevent flu and colds, it is enough to take care of the immune system in advance, strengthen it with a vitamin-mineral complex, and take immunomodulatory drugs. But if the disease does begin to develop, how to treat acute respiratory infections?

The first symptoms of a cold are: runny nose, sore throat, headache, joint and muscle pain, increased fatigue, weakness and general malaise. As soon as such signs appear, it is necessary to begin treating the cold at home. The most common means include:

  • herbal preparations;
  • compresses;
  • lotions;
  • baths;
  • inhalation;
  • washing;
  • warming up.

Jpg" alt="image1" width="232" height="154" srcset="" data-srcset=" 300w" sizes="(max-width: 232px) 100vw, 232px"> !} You can choose any suitable method which one you like better. It is especially worth paying attention to water procedures, as they help fight infections that affect the nasopharynx and the entire body. Hot baths will help destroy pathogenic bacteria and the body recovers faster. In order to carry out the procedure, just pour hot water into a basin and steam your feet. To enhance the effect, you need to add mustard powder to the water. After finishing the water procedures, you need to wipe your feet dry and put on woolen socks, then go to bed.

It is recommended to visit steam rooms, saunas and steam baths for a quick recovery. It is good to steam in a bathhouse with oils of fir, cedar, lemon and orange, and use birch brooms. Such procedures help speed up blood circulation and cure colds.

Ice water will help patients with chronic tonsillitis. It will strengthen the body, improve immunity and prevent the development of sore throat. In order to carry out the procedure, you need to apply a dry cloth to your throat, then an oilcloth, and then a napkin soaked in ice water on top. Then you need to wrap your neck with a thick cloth and leave for 15 minutes, after which the cold napkin needs to be replaced. Such manipulations need to be done within 1.5 hours. The patient should remain in a warm bed throughout. This home treatment is quite effective if started in a timely manner. The more time has passed since the onset of symptoms, the more difficult it is to overcome a cold without medication.

Recipes for healthy nasopharynx

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Treating a cold at home is impossible to imagine without medicines, prepared from natural products, herbs and berries. They will quickly and effectively restore strength, improve immunity, and help the body cope with illness. If applied folk recipes in combination with steaming your feet and taking baths, the cold will quickly subside. Relief from the condition will be noticeably felt within 1-2 days, and if you start treatment as soon as the first symptoms appear, you can prevent the development of ARVI.

Read also: Symptoms and quick treatment of colds, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections in adults

If there are pathogenic bacteria in the throat that cause pain, soreness and appear as a white coating, it is good to use gargles:

  1. Add 1 tsp to hot water. soda, 1 tsp. salt and 3 drops of iodine. Mix all this and gargle 3 times a day after meals. After rinsing, do not drink or eat food for at least 1 hour.
  2. Brew 1 tsp. horsetail in a glass of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes, dilute with hot water and gargle 2 times a day, morning and evening.

Jpg" alt="promyvanie-nosa-11" width="242" height="202"> !} You can rinse the nasal cavity with infusions of horsetail, water with a drop of iodine, or a solution of water and sea salt. Fast treatment colds accompanied by a runny nose, perhaps with the help of special turundas that kill bacteria in the nasal cavity. To prepare turunda, you need to mix honey, onion juice, Vishnevsky ointment. You need to dip a cotton ball in the mixture and insert it into the nostril, like a turunda. After some time, the mixture will provoke sneezing.

You can rinse your nose with a solution of onion, sugar and water. The mixture needs to steep for about half an hour, then it is ready for rinsing.

Such a phenomenon as adenoids is a consequence of reduced immunity. People with this diagnosis suffer from ARVI 2 times more often. Treatment of such a disease can be carried out using silver water and sea ​​buckthorn oil or mumiyo. Washes are made with solutions of these components.

If adenoids cause a lot of trouble, then they must be removed surgically. Such problems most often appear in children, but adults can also develop this disease. Traditional healers recommend actively practicing hardening, which will help restore the body's immune functions.

Treatment without pills

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="1314654268_88cd85484ae94223-large1" width="133" height="173" srcset="" data-srcset=" 231w" sizes="(max-width: 133px) 100vw, 133px"> !} How to cure a cold at home without using pills? The sooner treatment is started, the greater the likelihood that folk remedies will help get rid of the disease. If the symptoms include a cough, runny nose and elevated body temperature, then first of all you need to steam your feet. This can be done simply in hot water or in water with the addition of herbs and essential oils. It is good to do procedures with eucalyptus oil. Eucalyptus vapors can affect the sinuses and respiratory system, relieve congestion and cough spasms.

A runny nose can be treated with inhalations. This procedure is good because it has a minimal allergic effect and a great healing effect. Thanks to this procedure, useful and necessary substances fall into the sinuses, which helps to quickly cure a cold at home. Such manipulations should be carried out in a well-ventilated room, but at the same time warm enough. The duration of one procedure is 10-20 minutes. Can be used as steam from potatoes or regular hot water, and special solutions using herbs and essential oils. To prepare the solution usually use:

  • chamomile and calendula;
  • buds of coniferous trees;
  • honey and milk;
  • potato;
  • citrus zest;
  • garlic and onion.

Read also: What to do if your ears hurt due to a cold

All of the above products have a powerful antimicrobial effect, relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane, and relieve nasal congestion. Treating colds and acute respiratory infections with home remedies helps to quickly cope with all manifestations of the disease. At the very beginning of the disease, a contrast shower helps a lot. It is useful to take it 1-2 times a day, and then drink tea with lemon and honey. After any procedure you need to lie down. If you follow all the recommendations, you can do without taking pills.

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For people with reduced immunity, dousing and wiping should definitely be included in the daily routine. cold water. Such procedures can be carried out from a very early age. Today, the hardening technique is recognized as quite effective and is used from the first days of a child’s life. All this allows you to strengthen your immune system, which will allow you to do without pills, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. But if the disease does strike, then treating acute respiratory infections at home will be much easier, since the immune system itself will cope with pathogenic bacteria.

Teas and decoctions

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The most popular home remedies for colds are teas and infusions. Firstly, they are very tasty, and it is a pleasure to be treated with them, and secondly, they are healthy and effective. They help to recover from illness in just enough time a short time. At the same time, they act on the body carefully and gently; both adults and children can take such folk remedies.

Taking a large amount of liquid is a mandatory rule, as it helps reduce intoxication of the body, wash away mucus and pus, cause increased sweating and warm up the entire body. Such methods will allow the body to quickly cope with the infection. You can use the following recipes:

  1. Tea with raspberries. This recipe is familiar to everyone since childhood. Tea with raspberries has been taken at all times as the best remedy from a cold. Raspberries are rich in vitamins and microelements that can fight diseases. It has a general strengthening and antiseptic effect, antipyretic and analgesic effect. Be sure to take the tea before bed, and after taking it, you need to lie down and sweat. You can use fresh raspberries, frozen, raspberry leaf or jam.
  2. Rosehip decoction. Rosehip has always been famous for its medicinal properties. This fruit is rich in vitamin C, which helps improve protective functions body. It is better to brew the fruits in a thermos and leave them for several hours. You can add sugar to taste. For oral administration, you can use rosehip syrup, which is sold at the pharmacy. However, this medicine contains a large amount of sugar, so you need to read the instructions before use, and also listen to the recommendations given by your doctor.
  3. Mineral water. Therapeutic mineral water contains calcium, magnesium, and chlorine ions, which can free the body from infection and cure the disease. Mineral water normalizes water-salt balance in organism.
  4. Kalina. This berry was known and widely used in ancient Rus'. The viburnum berry is glorified in songs and fairy tales because it has powerful healing properties. She can get rid of the most severe illness which is acute in nature. You can eat the berries fresh along with sugar, cook compote or brew tea.

You can drink all these decoctions and teas in unlimited quantities. The more fluid enters the body, the faster it will cope with the disease, especially if it is respiratory in nature.


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It happens that a person needs to go on a business trip, but he gets sick. How to quickly cure acute respiratory infections if it is not possible to use folk remedies or buy pills? In this case, acupressure will come to the rescue. It's fast and effective remedy against colds and ARVI, which does not require much time and any special devices. It can be done anytime and anywhere. Massage promotes the outflow of liquid secretions from the nasal cavity. After the massage movements, the condition improves even in emergency situation. How to get rid of a cold with massage?

  1. Forehead massage. It is necessary to rub your forehead with your palm from the middle to the sides, you need to do the movement 12 times.
  2. Massage of the wings of the nose. It must be done on both sides at once with your index fingers. You don’t need to squeeze too hard, do it 10-12 times.
  3. Massaging the corners of the nostrils. It is necessary to carefully massage the points under the wings of the nose using index fingers. You need to perform 9 circular movements.
  4. Sinus massage. This place needs the most attention. Treatment of acute respiratory infections depends specifically on high-quality massage of the maxillary sinuses, which are responsible for the condition of the nasopharynx. It accumulates in them greatest number pathogenic bacteria. Massage movements must be repeated 12 times.