Why caries is dangerous - possible consequences. If it is a large tooth root cyst

Many people are in turmoil ordinary life do not notice obvious beginnings dental problems, resulting in caries complications. This is due to the fact that the tooth is destroyed gradually, and if caries is characterized by only superficial damage, then when the infection penetrates through the hard shells deep into the tooth tissues, more serious ones begin. inflammatory processes.

What is the danger of caries?

Carious formations on the hard surface of the tooth appear as a result toxic effect bacteria. They are able to break down carbohydrates into acids, which have a detrimental effect on the structure of the tooth. When highlighting the provoking factors of this phenomenon, we can focus on two fundamental points:

  • unbalanced diet with a predominant presence of large amounts of easily digestible carbohydrates.

Late visit to the dentist may also be a factor. After all, when lesions begin, the doctor will easily remove carious plaque, thereby preventing the development of complications.

If you do not take any measures to treat dental caries, the following consequences may occur:

  1. pulpitis;
  2. granuloma
  3. periodontitis;
  4. phlegmon;
  5. flux;
  6. osteomyelitis.

The most common type is tooth loss, however, this is not the worst thing when the carious process is advanced.

With pulpitis pathogenic microflora spreads through thinned dentin to the pulp, or otherwise into the neurovascular bundle. This is why the patient experiences severe pain. The inflammatory process is characterized by the gradual death of cells under the aggressive influence of bacteria and their toxins. As a result structural changes pulp tissue, the patient may experience severe, incessant toothaches, especially at night. If it worsens pathological process pain syndrome will intensify with chewing and talking. Infrequent aching pain develop into increasing pulsating ones, and then become very strong.

Once the nerve is destroyed, painful sensations will decrease. But this does not mean that the patient has recovered. In this case, the inflammatory process will affect not only the pulp, but the entire tooth as a whole. Complications are also possible during the treatment of caries, in particular pulpitis. This happens in a situation of unqualified actions of a dentist.

With untreated periodontitis in acute form further spread of infection and the appearance of granuloma occurs. Simply put, this violation is one of the manifestations chronic periodontitis. Exacerbations of the disease are possible as a result of the following situations:

  • hypothermia of the body;
  • blockage of the carious cavity of the tooth;
  • decreased immunity, etc.

As a result, a purulent sac forms at the base of the tooth, which can only be diagnosed using an x-ray. In many cases, granuloma does not show any signs, but during inflammation, purulent contents are released, acute throbbing pain is felt, and the tooth enamel darkens. At conservative method Treatment is not always possible to save a damaged tooth, but currently there are special pastes that are injected into the root canal for a certain period of time.

As a result of advanced caries, the consequences can be quite severe. Alternatively, this is the occurrence of flux. In medicine, a similar term is called periostitis. This disease is characterized purulent inflammation periosteum. Its complications are quite serious. If pus breaks through into the bloodstream, sepsis (blood poisoning) may develop. However, this is rare and most often occurs with phlegmon.
The disease can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • the presence of compaction and swelling of the gums, as well as the discharge of pus;
  • facial contours are changed;
  • the appearance of weakness and increased body temperature;
  • presence of symptoms of intoxication;
  • in the affected tooth the pain intensifies;
  • the patient does not want to talk or eat;
  • lymph nodes are enlarged, etc.

Such symptoms are an urgent reason to consult a doctor.


Periodontitis is not just a complication of caries, it is a rather advanced pathological process. When a patient, instead of visiting a doctor, prefers to take painkillers, over time, damage occurs not only to the dental nerve, but also to the ligaments that hold the tooth. According to statistics, this disease is recorded in approximately 40–50% of all registered cases. Such a violation can be noticed by a number of symptoms:

  1. when biting, tapping or pressing on a sore tooth, a person experiences sharp pain;
  2. possible sensations of “protrusion” of the tooth;
  3. the damaged gum is hyperemic;
  4. in case of accumulation of pus, the formation of fistulas is possible and, as a consequence, bad smell from the mouth;
  5. the pain is clearly localized in the inflamed area;
  6. if the disease is advanced, symptoms of intoxication of the body and an increase in body temperature are possible.

The clinical severity of acute periodontitis was described above. The chronic course of the disease is characterized by a long asymptomatic period.


Complicated caries can lead to such a serious disease as phlegmon. Unlike an abscess, with this disease there are no seals that prevent the spread of pus throughout the body. In this case, the purulent contents become the cause of the development of many inflammatory processes in the human body.

Phlegmon develops very rapidly with rapid damage to healthy tissues. The patient may experience the following clinical picture:

  1. body temperature rises to high levels;
  2. the patient has hypotension (low blood pressure);
  3. observed severe weakness and decreased performance;
  4. shortness of breath and tachycardia are noted.

Treatment in this case is exclusively surgical with removal of purulent exudate from the damaged cavity. It is very important to consult a doctor in time, because such consequences of caries can lead to fatal outcome.

What happens with osteomyelitis? If we are talking about this disease, it means that the pathological process has started so deeply that the bone structures jaws. Destructive changes impose the following clinical severity:

  • there is pain when swallowing, and eating is very difficult;
  • a person cannot speak calmly due to pain;
  • sleep is disturbed;
  • muscle weakness appears;
  • purulent contents are released from the gum pockets;
  • There is an inflammatory infiltrate on soft tissues faces;
  • increased body temperature;
  • teeth are movable;
  • breathing is difficult;
  • you can feel it coming from your mouth putrid smell etc.

If the disease is treated on time, the prognosis is quite favorable.

Is caries dangerous during pregnancy?

Many women are concerned about the question: why is caries dangerous during pregnancy? There is an opinion that the disease begins as a result of rapid tooth decay due to the child’s increased need for calcium and fluoride. However, according to most studies, there is not a single validated study on this case. Caries in pregnant women most often occurs as a result of the following reasons:

  • insufficient oral hygiene or its complete absence;
  • changing food preferences and consuming large amounts of acids and carbohydrates, which promote the proliferation of pathogenic microflora.

What effect does caries have on the fetus? During its development, according to international studies, there is a clear relationship between dental caries and premature birth, as well as the birth of a child with low body weight. There are suggestions that such bacteria can stimulate the production of cytotoxins by the body of a pregnant woman. They cause expansion cervical canal and contractile movements of the uterus. Therefore, it is very important to treat teeth properly early stage.

What if caries is not treated? In this case, all the presented complications develop, which have the following negative impact on the fetus:

  1. With the development of a purulent focus and inflammation of the pulp, the released toxins are absorbed into the blood and spread throughout the pregnant woman’s body. Naturally, in this case, toxins reach the fetus, as a result of which its development may be disrupted.
  2. With severe toothache, a woman experiences strong psycho-emotional stress, which leads to the release of certain hormones. In particularly difficult situations, this can provoke premature birth and other unpleasant consequences.

It is best to consult a dentist before planning a pregnancy. The doctor will sanitize the oral cavity, eliminating all existing dental problems.

Prevention of complications

To avoid complications from caries, you must adhere to preventive measures. To do this, you should follow these recommendations:

  • timely treatment all carious formations on the tooth;
  • elimination of dental plaque;
  • carrying out daily hygiene measures;
  • contacting a doctor if any dental problems arise;
  • annual preventive examinations with a doctor;
  • compliance rational nutrition etc.

Regular inspection oral cavity will avoid both the occurrence of the problem and the complications of caries. Dental control and treatment at an early stage will avoid many unpleasant consequences.

Obviously, advanced caries will not disappear on its own. Moreover, rotting affects the nerve, moving towards the apex of the root. Therefore, the topic of timely seeking help is always relevant.


Initially, the disease occurs due to damage to the enamel by streptococcal bacteria. In the absence of proper oral hygiene, waste products of microorganisms destroy the protective layer of the tooth. Carious lesions tend to spread to neighboring tissues. And so, when the rotting process reaches the pulp, various complications begin.

The second main cause of complicated dental caries is incorrect treatment. Violation of the rules of the procedure, inattention or inexperience of the doctor sometimes leads to the fact that the pathological process continues to develop in the sealed unit.

Endodontic treatment ends in complications in half of the cases. After all, the processing of channels and their filling is carried out almost blindly.

Why is this dangerous?

Complicated caries in dental practice- not uncommon. It often causes severe torment to a person:

  • The danger of untimely treatment of caries is that gradual death of the nerve occurs. A dead tooth becomes more fragile and darker.
  • The infection penetrates deep into the root, causing new problems. At its top appear pathological formations filled with purulent contents.
  • The infectious focus poses a threat not only to the oral cavity, but also to the entire body. Bacteria can multiply quickly, causing diseases of the gums, mucous membranes or multiple caries. All this is accompanied by oppression immune system. After all, every minute the body fights infection in the tooth.

Types of caries complications

Let's consider diseases that arise as a result of disease progression:

  • Pulpitis is last stage caries when the patient starts it. The tissue filling the tooth cavity is affected. The pulp is a bundle woven from many fibers pierced blood vessels and nerve endings. That is why the symptoms of pulpitis are expressed in acute pain.
  • Periodontitis - This dangerous pathology. The disease is expressed by an inflammatory process that involves the stabilization system of the tooth and adjacent tissues. Caries complicated by periodontitis leads to destruction of the ligament that holds the unit in the socket. She is losing her stability. Acute course the illness quickly turns into chronic stage, often occurring without obvious symptoms. Meanwhile, the disease progresses.
  • Granuloma is a limited inflammation of periodontal tissue. It is a rounded formation lined with dense connective tissue. Inside the cavity is filled with purulent contents. Most often localized at the apex of the roots. The danger of the disease is that it can develop for years without obvious symptoms. The formation begins to bother the patient only when it reaches 1.5–2 cm in diameter.
  • Flux popularly called inflammation of the periosteum of the jaw. In dentistry, the term “periostitis” is used. The pathological phenomenon is expressed as the formation of a tumor on the gum near the causative tooth, filled with pus. It occurs due to an inflammatory process at the root. Primary pus is formed in it. Subsequently, the liquid makes its way out through bone tissue periosteum and gum.
  • Phlegmon - This is a purulent inflammation. Only, unlike a granuloma or cyst, it is not limited to the sac connective tissue. Pus spreads throughout the tissues, freely passing into various facial sections. The pathology is expressed by a small swelling, which increases in size over time. It is important to do everything in a timely manner if you have phlegmon. therapeutic measures. Otherwise, the disease can lead to serious consequences.
  • Osteomyelitis counted among purulent diseases infectious and inflammatory nature. The pathological process covers all layers of the jaw, destroying them. The disease is severe, manifesting itself in the form of local signs and general symptoms. In addition to chills, the person experiences pain. Abscesses constantly form on the surface, transforming into fistula tracts.
  • Multiple caries - This acute illness, leading to the simultaneous destruction of 6–20 units. In this case, several stains or cavities can be detected on one tooth at once. Multiple caries appears against the background of severely weakened immunity, infectious, and endocrine diseases.

Complications of caries in children

Dentists warn that children's body all processes proceed rapidly. Minor damage to the enamel quickly transforms into acute caries. If it is not eliminated in a timely manner, complications will have to be treated.

The milk kit has the same structure as the permanent units. Accordingly, caries complications are similar to pathological processes in adult patients.

The only nuance is the fact that the nerve in baby tooth less sensitive. Therefore, during pulpitis, the child may not experience severe pain. Meanwhile, the pathology progresses, transforming into periodontitis, gumboil and other diseases. In such situations it is required immediate help. Some purulent processes can even cause death.

It is important to promptly treat complicated caries. Otherwise, the infection will quickly spread along the root and go beyond its limits, affecting negative impact throughout the baby's entire body.

The most important stage in the prevention of caries complications is regular hygiene, timely treatment and regular examinations of the oral cavity by a dentist. In order to detect the disease at the very beginning of its development, it is enough to visit a doctor once every six months. And in childhood It is advisable to go to the dentist more often.

Useful video about caries complications

Pulpitis, periodontitis, granuloma and cyst - consequences of caries or a “horror story” from dentists?
Even the most hard fabric The body is exposed to a large number of bacteria found in the oral cavity.

A common disease, the causes of its formation lie in simple bacteria, and the consequences are not limited to tooth loss. Also, caries can cause the formation of cysts, which are dangerous to human health. Infections that enter the human body can progress to gastric tract and other organs of the human body.

Caries does not immediately lead to the death of a tooth; it has several stages of destruction. To prevent early, without health complications, mild stages of caries, it is important to visit your dentist 2-3 times. dental clinic to qualified specialists.

For regular visits dentist, caries is not the only reason for this; there are others, no less important: increased sensitivity teeth, their general condition, bleeding and inflammation of the gums. It is necessary to monitor the internal condition of the teeth, their structure and roots; it is highly advisable to take photographs 1-2 times a year.

Let's consider several stages of caries development and its consequences that are dangerous for the body:

The initial stage of caries is a carious spot, which can have either a white (different from the color of the teeth) or a darkish tint. Such spots are often mistaken for plaque. These formations are easily removed by remineralization of the enamel. It reduces the risk of developing caries and reduces tooth sensitivity, so the procedure should be carried out for prevention too.

The next stage is called superficial, which passes into the middle stage; in the process of tooth destruction, not only its surface is damaged, but also the inner layer - dentin. The stage of caries development is determined by the depth of the lesions, which results in damage and destruction of teeth and unpleasant pain. During the treatment, the affected area is removed dental tissue, then the tooth is filled.

High probability of development or acute if caries passes under the dentin. In other words, the infection reaches the root canal, the treatment of which may require an orthopedist, because In case of major damage, a tab will be needed.

What are the consequences of advanced caries:

  • spread of pain throughout the jaw and its echoes on other organs (eyes, ears, throat, pain in the temples);
  • inflammation in the oral cavity (bleeding/inflamed gums);
  • the occurrence of a rotting process penetrating lower and lower into the gums;
  • granuloma formation ( purulent sac), turning into a cyst, which leads to tooth extraction;
  • infection (from the root of the tooth) through saliva into the gastrointestinal tract;
  • infection cardiovascular system, joints;
  • increased allergic reactions.

Advanced caries brings with it a lot of diseases and lesions in the oral cavity; it can develop into pulpitis and acute periodontitis, can lead to the formation of both granulomas and cysts, which means tooth extraction is inevitable.

Complicated caries is a defect in which destruction occurs not only of teeth, but also of periodontal tissue. Treatment in professional dentistry makes it possible to get rid of the problem, restore damaged tissues and restore oral health. Use of modern equipment and materials, effective methods therapy allows you to achieve best results without pain and discomfort.

What is complicated caries

Any oral problem that is not resolved in time leads to diseases that require urgent treatment. is the result of a late visit to the dentist. Eliminate such a defect by early stage development is much easier, therefore, when symptoms of the disease are identified, it is necessary to undergo diagnosis and begin treatment.

Classification of the most common types of disease for patients of any age:

  1. Pulpitis, which is characterized by destruction of the pulp - nerve or neurovascular bundle. May be fibrous, hypertrophic, concretory or gangrenous chronic.
  2. Periodontitis when the tissues surrounding the cementum of the tooth root are affected.
  3. Multiple caries, which captures several teeth at once. Several cavities can form in each of them. This type of caries appears most often due to decreased immunity, hormonal imbalances, infections and other serious illnesses. Requires complex treatment.
  4. Cervical, or cervical caries– a defect that occurs at the border of the tooth and gum, near the neck of the tooth. It affects not only the health of the oral cavity, but also the aesthetics of the smile. It appears most often on the front teeth.
Presence of complicated caries (pulpitis and/or periodontitis)

The initial stage of the disease is usually fissure caries - a type of disease that affects fissures– natural cracks and depressions on the enamel surface of the tooth. This form most often appears in children on temporary or new molars. Characterized by darkening of the enamel.

The final chord of development complicated caries is pulpitis and/or periodontitis:

  • pulpitis– a complication in which the carious process has affected the pulp (“nerve” of the tooth, or neurovascular bundle);
  • periodontitis– a complication in which the tissues surrounding the tooth (periodontal) are damaged.

In advanced cases, the described problems can occur simultaneously, causing discomfort, pain and inflammation of the oral cavity, often leading to the need for tooth extraction.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnose complicated caries simple enough. The first symptom is pain in the tooth area. If for superficial or even for deep caries painful sensations may be uncharacteristic, but with an advanced, acute problem, pain and sensitivity are the main signal that requires immediate consultation with a doctor. For a more reliable and accurate diagnosis, a single image is taken, or an orthopantomogram, thermal diagnostics, and inspection of surfaces using special tools.

Features of treatment. Prevention

The treatment method for complicated caries is as follows:

1. Filling a carious cavity. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • occlusal points are determined;
  • To relieve pain, dental anesthesia is performed (treatment can also be carried out under anesthesia);
  • the surface is cleaned of food deposits;
  • an insulating system is applied;
  • preparation or grinding of teeth is carried out using a drill, which is used for drilling;
  • treatment of carious cavity with antiseptics and other drugs;
  • application of dental adhesive;
  • closing the treated area with a filling or installing a composite material;
    grinding, polishing surfaces.

When treating pulpitis, the sequence of actions also includes work to remove the nerve (depulpation).

2. Laser treatment complicated caries– therapy using diode laser radiation, which has high bactericidal properties. Provides the elimination of bacteria and thorough laser treatment of dentin. Main feature This technique consists of a minimal amount of pain for the patient.

In order to prevent the development of complicated caries, preventive measures should be taken:

  • regular oral care;
  • minimal sugar consumption;
  • cleaning tooth enamel with fluoride toothpaste;
  • compliance with oral cavity cleaning technology;
  • using dental floss for minimal cleaning of spaces between teeth;
  • rinsing with 0.1 - 0.2% chlorhexidine solution and special rinses;
  • usage chewing gum containing xylitol;
  • fluoridation.

We perform treatment, restoration, prosthetics, implantation, sedation, removal and other procedures that result in healthy teeth and a snow-white smile.

Caries is relatively slow developing pathology hard tissues of the tooth, which is characterized by the formation of a defect in the enamel, and later - dentin and cement. Caries is the most widespread human disease. According to the World Health Organization, the incidence rate is 93%. 80-90% of children have dental caries in their primary dentition.

Causes of caries development

Caries is considered as a polyetiological disease, i.e. its development is influenced by a number of reasons. There is a hereditary (genetically determined) predisposition to this disease. It can often be observed that members of an entire family retain strong, healthy teeth into old age. But more often the situation is the opposite: if the mother has repeatedly suffered from caries, then the child has lesions on his baby teeth. The main reason for the formation of hard tissue defects is tooth demineralization in combination with damage to the organic matrix. Important:A wide variety of strains of organisms can be found in the mouth, but lactobacilli also play a leading role in the formation of dental plaque, where demineralization of enamel begins. As a result of the vital activity of microorganisms in large quantities acids are synthesized. The local pH shift to the acidic side is due to the process of aerobic and anaerobic fermentation of carbohydrates. Exposure to microbial waste products contributes to the leaching of basic inorganic compounds. Softening and damage to the enamel allows bacteria to penetrate deep into the tissue, which further aggravates the process.
The level of mineralization of teeth is greatly influenced by saliva. Great value have its buffering properties and the level of immunoglobulin content. The possibility of fixation of microorganisms to the membrane covering the tooth, the “pellicle,” depends on the quality and quantity of saliva. The development of caries is also affected by the general immune status. The weaker protective forces organism, the more favorable conditions are created for loss inorganic substances enamel. One of the reasons is errors in nutrition, i.e., excess carbohydrates, but small amounts of proteins, vitamins and mineral salts in the diet. Important:Of the carbohydrates consumed by humans, sucrose undergoes the most active fermentation. Fructose and glucose pose less danger to teeth. Xylitol and sorbitol pose virtually no threat. Some experts point to a connection between mental and physical health and the progression of dental caries.
An important role is played by the level of fluoride content in drinking water, on which the natural mineralization of dental tissue depends. Caries very often affects women during pregnancy. Cavities appear even in those patients who had no dental problems before conception. This is understandable: the formation of the fetal skeleton requires huge amount inorganic compounds that are “taken” from the expectant mother. When carrying a child, you need to be especially careful about keeping your diet balanced.

Complications of caries

As the structure of dentin changes and becomes infected, inflammation of the pulp develops (pulpitis), which manifests itself sharp pains. Pain is possible not only with pulpitis, but also with deep caries, since the pulp chamber in this phase is covered only by a thin layer of affected tissue, through which mechanical pressure is applied to the neurovascular bundle when eating. Painful sensations are also possible with average caries, since nerve endings are present in the area of ​​the enamel-dentin border.
Deep penetration of infection often becomes the cause of periodontal complications that threaten the loss of a dental unit. The development of abscesses is also possible, which poses a serious threat to the health and even life of the patient. Please note: Experts note that the incidence of caries is somewhat lower among people living in the equatorial zones of the Asian and African continents. The rate of development of the pathological process depends on a number of endogenous and exogenous factors, the leading of which is the intake of calcium and fluorine compounds into the body. As a rule, in permanent teeth the cavity is formed within 3-4 years. With a low level of hygiene, a high presence of carbohydrates in foods and a low level of fluoride in drinking water, caries develops rapidly - literally within a few months.

Classification of the disease and symptoms of various types of caries

Now dentists use several classifications of the disease.
Among specialists, it is customary to distinguish two stages of caries – early ( initial caries in the stage of a white or pigmented spot) and late - with the formation of a defect (superficial, medium and deep caries). General classification according to WHO:

  • enamel caries;
  • dentin damage;
  • damage to cement;
  • odontoclasia (resorption of the roots of temporary occlusion teeth);
  • suspended caries;
  • unspecified.

By localization (classes according to Black)

  • I – fissure caries (cavities in the area of ​​the grooves between the masticatory cusps);
  • II – cavities are present on the contact sides of premolars and molars;
  • III the defects are localized on the contact areas of the incisors and canines (the cutting edge is not affected);
  • IV the process involves the contact surfaces of the anterior group of teeth with a defect cutting edge; incisors and canines with defects in the cutting edge and corners;
  • V cervical caries

According to the refined classification, class VI is also distinguished. This type of disease is characterized by an atypical arrangement of cavities. In particular, on the chewing cusps of molars and premolars.

Based on the depth of the process, uncomplicated and complicated forms are distinguished.

Uncomplicated caries

  1. Initial stage is caries in the spot stage. The enamel surface remains smooth, and the demineralization process is just beginning. At this stage, it is possible to eliminate the stain without resorting to preparation of hard tissues. An indispensable condition successful treatment is remineralization therapy, which involves local application of solutions of calcium and fluoride salts, as well as coating of all tooth surfaces with fluoride varnish.
  2. At the stage of superficial caries the stain becomes rough, and the tooth reacts to temperature stimuli, as well as sweet and sour foods. Treatment involves gentle grinding of the damaged enamel fragment and remineralization therapy. If the lesion is localized in the area of ​​the grooves, then a full preparation with a filling is required.
  3. For average caries the process affects the enamel-dentin border. Most patients complain of pain of varying intensity. Therapy requires careful removal of the affected enamel and dentin, medicinal treatment of the cavity and placement of a filling.
  4. Deep caries penetrates into the area of ​​dentin directly covering the pulp chamber. Treatment of deep caries requires complete removal of softened and infected tissues, medical treatment of the tooth and tissue restoration filling material. In some situations, depulpation may be required, i.e. removal of the neurovascular bundle of the tooth. Untreated deep caries leads to complications in the form of inflammation of the pulp and periodontal ligaments.

Complicated caries Complicated caries refers to pulpitis, periodontitis and other complications from the periodontal tissues. There are also:

  • primary caries (develops on an intact tooth);
  • secondary (the process appears on previously filled teeth).

Classification according to the severity of the process

According to the severity of development, the following forms are distinguished:

  • compensated, which is typical slow formation pathological cavity.
  • subcompensated– the process develops at a speed corresponding to average indicators;
  • decompensated (acute)– characterized by extremely high intensity of the process. In some cases, with acute caries, cervical caries of most of the dental units develops.

The diagnosis is made by the dentist based on the patient’s complaints, external examination data, and instrumental research. Probing is used to examine cavities. For large cavities, radiography is considered a very informative method of instrumental examination. It is possible to identify caries in the chalk stain stage by applying a solution of fuchsin or methylene blue to the enamel. Demineralized areas become intensely colored. Superficial caries should be distinguished from the following non-carious enamel lesions:

  • fluorosis (caused by excess fluoride);
  • congenital hypoplasia;
  • wedge-shaped defect;
  • erosive lesions (occur due to contact with aggressive substances).

Treatment of caries involves eliminating the affected tissue, creating a cavity for optimal fixation of the replacement (filling) composition, placing a filling and its treatment. Before starting the manipulations, the points of occlusion (closing of teeth) are determined. Then local (or general) is carried out. Isolating devices – rubber dams – are placed on the gums. Then the overhanging edges of the enamel are removed with a bur and complete removal affected tissues. After preparing the cavity, it is treated with antiseptic solutions based on chlorhexidine (2%) and thoroughly dried. Please note:when treating deep caries and preserving the pulp, it is applied to the bottom healing pad, preventing the development of pulpitis. Then a filling made of cement, composite or photopolymer is placed. The finished filling is ground and polished.

Important:An alternative to preparing a tooth using a drill is to introduce carious cavity melanocyte-stimulating hormones. There is evidence that in this way it is possible to stimulate the growth of dental tissue cells. Enzymes can also be used to remove soft tissue, but there is a risk of recurrence if this method treatment is quite high.
The principles of treatment of caries of primary teeth in children generally do not differ from the treatment of lesions permanent teeth. The difference is that when root resorption has already begun (i.e., preparations are underway for changing teeth), it is not advisable to preserve a temporary tooth. In this regard, they often resort to extraction (removal). The so-called “bottle caries” most often affects the incisors and canines in the cervical area. The disease is typical for children under 3 years of age. In the literature you can find another name - “ milk caries" The reason for the development of this pathology is an incorrect diet combined with insufficient high level oral hygiene. This type of caries is often caused by sucking sweet (including milk) drinks from a bottle at night. At night salivary glands The baby produces relatively little secretion, as a result of which the most favorable conditions are created for the proliferation of streptococci and lactobacilli. Bottle caries dangerous because it causes early loss teeth, as a result of which the formation of a permanent bite is disrupted.

Prevention of dental caries

Prevention of damage to hard dental tissues involves eliminating the cariogenic situation in the oral cavity and increasing the resistance of enamel to the effects of cariogenic factors. The most important areas in caries prevention are:

  • high level of oral hygiene (which includes correct selection toothbrush);
  • the use of toothpastes with the addition of fluoride compounds;
  • flossing;
  • use of rinses with antiseptic components;
  • reducing the consumption of “fast carbohydrates”;
  • passing preventive examination see a dentist at least once every six months.

It is also important general health improvement the body, in particular - strengthening the general. Plisov Vladimir, dentist