What are the benefits of onions and honey for blood vessels and the heart? We enhance the effect of procedures

During seasonal colds and acute respiratory viral infections, children's immunity is often weakened, and illnesses come one after another. At such moments even common runny nose can “sink” into the lower respiratory tract and cause a prolonged, persistent cough. When medications prescribed by a doctor do not bring the desired effect, parents turn to old, time-tested folk remedies. One of these remedies is onions with honey for coughs, which can replace synthetic syrups and avoid the need to take antibiotics.

The healing power of onions and honey

From the first days of its occurrence, cough causes a lot of worries for both the child and the parents. Young fathers and mothers worry about their child, while the child cannot sleep due to another coughing attack caused by irritation of the nasopharynx. Cope with unpleasant symptom capable natural products, which are available to every family - bee honey and onions. What is the merit of these two ingredients that make up the folk remedy, and why exactly can they help treat colds? Let's try to figure it out.


Fresh bee honey, straight from the apiary, is a delicious delicacy that carries healing power nature itself. Natural honey is known for its antiseptic properties, and is ready to compete in effectiveness with expensive medicines. The benefits of honey colds and cough has been clinically proven, but even without evidence, each of us remembers a glass of milk with honey, after which we calmed down night cough and sleep improved.

Advice! Just a teaspoon of honey eaten on an empty stomach can cleanse oral cavity from the bacteria in it and soothe a sore throat during a cold.


“Eat an onion and all your illness will go away” - there was a saying in the East that is still relevant today. Despite its sharp bitterness, onions are natural antibiotic, capable of suppressing harmful microorganisms and providing antimicrobial effect. Fresh onion juice, when taken orally, cures sore throat, destroys pathogens and stops the growth of bacteria. Onions are a cheap and effective remedy for the prevention of flu and colds.

Note! Eating a quarter of an onion during exacerbations of acute respiratory viral infections will protect the body from viruses and strengthen the immune system.

Onions with honey - a folk remedy for colds

Treatment of cough in children will bring the greatest results if you start acting at the first sign of a cold. As soon as the child begins to complain of a sore throat, sneezing becomes more frequent and the temperature rises, it is necessary, without wasting time, to cook the onions with honey or sugar. The recipes are very simple, and the product is obtained with a lot of useful properties and great efficiency.

Homemade honey and onion remedy can be used for:

  • sore throat;
  • any type of cough (dry, wet, night);
  • pain when swallowing;
  • laryngitis/pharyngitis;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • runny nose;
  • general weakening of the body and immunity.

A mixture of onions and honey has no special contraindications for use due to the absence of chemicals and natural composition. Those who have individual intolerance to bee products may experience allergic reactions- in this case this remedy should not be used.

How to take onions with honey correctly

For any type of cough, productive and dry, onion juice mixed with natural bee honey helps well. This healing mixture can cure a cough that has lasted for more than a week in just a few days.

The prepared drug should be taken immediately after preparation.


  • for children 1+ years old – teaspoon/three times a day;
  • for children 3+ years old – dessert spoon/three times a day;
  • children 12+ years old – a tablespoon/three times a day.

The mixture does not need to be washed down with water, but if necessary, you can allow the child to drink a small amount of liquid.

The remainder of the honey-onion pulp is stored in a tightly closed container, always in the refrigerator. The shelf life of the product is no more than a day.

Cooking onions with honey for coughs - proven recipes

For children, the onion-honey mixture is most often prepared in three forms: ground gruel, syrup and a mixture of several ingredients. To prepare a cough remedy, you will need the most simple ingredients– onions and natural honey. Some recipes contain additional products, they are also completely natural and are intended to enhance the effect of the folk remedy.

Recipe 1. Onions with milk and honey

This recipe helps not only with coughs, but also with other cold symptoms: fever, hoarse throat and nasal congestion. Onions with milk taste pleasant and even kids take this folk medicine with pleasure.
Take 2 onions, 400 ml of milk and 2 tbsp. honey Chop the onion with a knife, place in a small saucepan and add milk. Place the container on the fire and boil. Then turn on low heat and simmer the onion with milk for 2-2.5 hours, stirring. Then turn off the heat, add honey to the product, leave for half an hour until it cools and you can take it.

Recipe 2. Onion syrup

With a wet, productive cough, onion syrup will help speed up the process of removing phlegm. It is very easy to prepare. To prepare the syrup you will need 1 large onion and 2-3 tablespoons of honey. It is better to choose mature honey. Linden honey is most beneficial for colds, but buckwheat honey is also suitable.

Line a deep container with gauze. Using a grater, chop the onion, place the resulting pulp in cheesecloth and squeeze the juice out of it with your hands. Add an equal amount of honey to the onion juice and mix well. Let the syrup brew for 10-15 minutes and give it to the child according to age after meals.

Recipe 3. Onion infusion with honey

Besides effective treatment cough, onions with honey have also proven effective against a runny nose. This simple recipe will help strengthen the body and eliminate colds in a couple of days.

Peel a couple of onions and cut into large rings. Place in a container, pour hot boiled water, cover tightly. Let the drug brew for an hour. Then strain the liquid, removing the onion from it, and add 3 tbsp. honey Mix thoroughly. Medicine ready for runny nose and cough.

The healing properties of honey leave no doubt in anyone's mind. Everyone knows perfectly well that this sweet delicacy not only has an excellent taste, but also brings considerable benefits. Many people also know that onions are also a healthy food.

Few people know that onion juice and honey combine to produce a particularly powerful effect, and even among those who have heard about it, very few people know what this shock mixture cures and how to prepare it correctly.

Let's tell you more about onions with honey - beneficial properties and contraindications should be known to every person. After all, often this simple medicine, which can be prepared in the kitchen, is more effective than those sold in pharmacies, and certainly less harmful.

How does this help?

Perhaps it’s not worth talking about honey - every person knows this. An amazing blend of nectar from thousands and thousands of flowers creates one of nature's most powerful medicines.

But it will be useful to tell you more about onions. In addition to the fact that this is an excellent addition to almost any dish, from soup to pie, it is also medicinal plant. Therefore, everyone should know about its advantages:

As you can see, even each of these products is in itself powerful medicine, which has a complex effect and virtually no side effects. Well, onion juice mixed with natural honey can become a reliable ally for you against a variety of diseases.

Complex effects are the main advantage of this powerful mixture. On the one hand, most of the pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

On the other hand, the immune system is strengthened thanks to the vitamins and microelements included in the medicine, and the body begins to effectively fight the remnants of the disease, protecting itself from relapse.

The list of ailments for which you should start taking a mixture of honey and onion juice is quite extensive:

Many diseases that cause a lot of trouble modern people, can be cured not only with the help of a medicine sold in a pharmacy and having a high cost, questionable effectiveness And side effects, but also thanks to a simple mixture. Now we’ll tell you in more detail about the methods of preparation and use.

Several useful recipes

Rarely does a winter go by without at least someone in the family coming down with a cold, ARVI or flu. But don’t rush to the pharmacy for aspirin and paracetamol. Better stock up on honey and onions to not only cope with a cold, but also provide reliable protection against viruses.

The easiest way is to take three tablespoons of honey and a small onion. Peel the latter and grate it into porridge on a fine grater. Combine with honey and mix thoroughly. Leave for several hours (no need to put it in the refrigerator) and take a tablespoon 4-5 times a day.

This will not only allow you to get rid of harmful bacteria, but also get good nutrition for the whole body. Experts know that the content of vitamin C, which is responsible for immunity, in onions is the same as in apples. Therefore, a not too pleasant taste and smell can be tolerated in order to quickly get rid of the disease.

But we should warn you right away - there is no need to prepare the mixture for future use. When crushed into pulp, onions quickly lose their beneficial properties. Therefore, it is advisable to take it during the day, and in the morning make a new portion, which will be enough for the whole day.

Cough also causes a lot of problems. How can honey and onions cope with it? If you are tormented by a cough, take five medium-sized onions, a tablespoon of honey, 500 ml of water and a head of garlic. Then proceed according to the following instructions:

By following these simple rules, in a few days you will forget about coughing. Moreover, not only the symptoms of the disease will disappear - you will get rid of phlegm, chest and throat pain.

A magic elixir will help in the fight for beauty

However, the mixture onion juice and honey will help not only if you want to get rid of a disease. It will also help preserve your beauty for many years. Thanks to the set of microelements that make up the onion, it seems like it was specially created for preparing a face mask. Judge for yourself:

Complex natural compounds that make up onions help fight various harmful microorganisms that worsen appearance skin. Well, honey, acting on cleansed skin, nourishes it and further cleanses it. The main thing here is to prepare the mixture correctly without making mistakes.

The mixture itself is quite simple to prepare. Take peeled onions and honey in a 2:1 ratio. Grind the onion in a blender or using a grater, turning it into porridge. Mix with honey, stir until smooth and apply to skin.

Almost every girl who used this mask thought during the procedure - how to get rid of strong smell onions that very few people like. Fortunately, this problem is easily solved. After washing off the mask, simply add any essential oil to warm water and wash your face with it several times. The smell will completely disappear. And healthy, elastic and smooth skin will remain for a long time.

Who should abstain?

Unfortunately, almost any medicine has both positive side, and negative. The benefits and harms of the honey-onion mixture are something that you definitely need to know about before using the medicine. After all, not all people can use it. What are the limitations here?

First of all, people who are allergic to honey and other bee products should refuse treatment - according to statistics, this is every twentieth person. You should not give the mixture to small children - it has a rather strong taste and smell. Therefore, children under 3-5 years old can only be given this medicine after consulting a pediatrician.

Of course, the mixture is completely contraindicated for people suffering from ulcers or gastritis. In general, it is extremely undesirable for them to eat onions and other foods that have a strong taste. This can lead to a serious exacerbation of the disease and the most dire consequences.

A person suffering from flatulence will also be forced to abandon honey and onion treatment. Onions are known to cause gas production. So you can end up in a very unpleasant situation.

For diseases affecting the urinary or gallbladder, liver and kidneys, treatment according to the above recipes is also undesirable - this can give the most unexpected and negative result.

Finally, even if you have excellent health, you should not abuse the medicine. An overdose of complex natural compounds can cause headaches, drowsiness, and even lead to kidney failure.

So, onions with honey, like any other medicine, should be used with extreme caution. Only in this case will you be able to get the result you expect and not put your health at risk.


It's over golden autumn, the last leaves are flying off the trees, in some places the first snow has already fallen, it’s dark and damp outside the window. In cold autumn weather, we and our children often catch colds, runny nose, cough - these are constant companions of late autumn with its rains and sleet. It is necessary to treat any cold, and especially cough, at the very beginning of the disease, without leading to serious complications. To do this, you can use simple home remedies that do not contain chemicals and are easy to prepare.

One of the effective and safe means is onions with honey in various combinations. This remedy has been known since ancient times, and even our grandmothers remember how they were treated with onions and honey for coughs. This home remedy It turns out delicious, children calmly accept it. And today, dear readers, we will talk about the benefits of onions with honey and look at recipes for preparing this medicine.

Onions with honey. Useful properties and contraindications

The beneficial properties of onions for medicinal purposes have been used at all times; it is rich in micro- and macroelements, including such important minerals for the human body as potassium, iron, phosphorus, fluorine, zinc, iodine and others. Onions contain a huge amount ascorbic acid, as well as B vitamins, vitamins E, PP, sugars, flavonoids, organic acids and essential oils. It is difficult to imagine our table dishes without onions; they add spiciness and a special taste to food and increase appetite. Onions are very widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of the most various diseases, and mixed with honey, it is most often used to treat colds.

The benefits of natural bee honey obviously, this is a real storehouse of trace elements and minerals, it contains fructose, glucose, essential organic acids, amino acids and large number enzymes that affect our digestion. The combination of onions and honey has a wide range of beneficial properties:

  • strengthens the immune system and improves the body's resistance to various infections;
  • improves physical
  • has activity against many viruses and bacteria;
  • thins and removes mucus from the bronchi;
  • regulates metabolism;
  • has a sedative effect;
  • improves appetite and digestion;
  • has a mild laxative and diuretic effect;
  • relieves swelling;
  • reduces blood cholesterol levels;
  • eliminates the symptoms of vitamin deficiency.

What is the best onion and honey to use to make our natural medicine?

You can also use regular onions, but purple onions are best; they contain less bitterness and the mixture of these onions with honey is not so spicy.

Onion with honey for cough. Recipes

You can find many recipes with onions and honey for coughs; I present for you the most famous and proven ones, which are easy to prepare at home.

Recipe with baked onions, butter and honey

Most soft action Baked onions do not irritate the stomach; they do not have the usual pungency, and when mixed with honey and butter, they turn into a healing delicacy. For a cold with a cough, the baked onion should be rubbed hot to make a paste, and, without allowing it to cool, mixed with butter and liquid honey in equal proportions. Take a teaspoon three times a day after meals.

It is best to bake onions for treatment in the oven; you do not need to remove the skins, but simply put the onion on a wire rack and bake until it becomes soft, 15-20 minutes is enough. You can also use a frying pan and bake onions in it with a little water. The onion should not burn, it should be baked

Recipe with added sugar

The most commonly used recipe is: chop a large onion finely, put it in a small enamel pan and pour in 3/4 cup of water, add a tablespoon of sugar, cook over low heat until the water boils away. The onion should boil to a thick paste. When the onion has cooled a little, add a tablespoon of honey and stir. This medicine should be eaten one teaspoon at a time throughout the day.

Recipe with milk

For colds, coughs, sore throats, grate one small onion and pour a glass of hot milk, wrap the container in a towel and leave for half an hour to infuse. Then strain and add a teaspoon of liquid natural honey to the mixture. Within 20 - 30 minutes, this medicine should be drunk warm in small sips. Cook daily until relief occurs.

Onion and honey cough syrup

Chop the onion; it is best to use a blender for this purpose. You can also grate it. Add approximately an equal amount of liquid honey, stir and let it brew at room temperature for several hours. Take a teaspoon 2-3 times a day after meals.

Wine recipe for adults

Mix 100 grams of chopped onion and 100 grams of liquid honey, place in a glass jar and pour in 1/2 liter of dry grape wine. The mixture should be infused in a dark place for 10 - 14 days, then filtered and refrigerated. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day for colds, coughs, and sore throats.

If within several days of treatment with onions and honey there is no improvement in the condition or the cough worsens, then you should definitely consult a doctor.

Onion juice with honey

Onion juice with honey has even more strong effect, is a powerful anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, expectorant that can cope with a cough in a matter of days. The medicine is prepared in two ways.

  • Finely chop 500 grams of onion or grind in a blender, squeeze out the juice and mix it with 100 grams of liquid natural honey. The mixture needs to sit for several hours with regular stirring. Store the mixture in the refrigerator and take 1 tablespoon after meals, diluting it in a glass. warm water. Water softens the pungency of onion juice and helps avoid irritation of the esophagus and stomach mucosa.
  • The second recipe recommends mixing 500 grams of chopped onion with 100 grams of honey and pouring a liter of boiled water hot water. After an hour, strain and put the mixture in the refrigerator. Take 2 tablespoons warmed 4-5 times a day after meals.

I suggest watching a video about the benefits of onions and honey for coughs and how to prepare this medicine.

Onions with sugar instead of honey

If you are allergic to honey, you can suggest making a simple onion recipe with sugar. Also an excellent cough remedy.

To do this, you need to finely chop the onion and cover it with sugar in a 1:1 ratio. Close the container and place in a dark place at room temperature for 4-5 hours. This juice will taste like honey. It tastes sweet and drinks quite pleasantly. It can also be given to children. Adults take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day half an hour before meals. Children also take a teaspoon 3 times a day. This is one of the most simple recipes in preparation. Very effective. And it is good for those who are allergic to honey.

We enhance the effect of procedures

And to enhance the effect of these recipes, you can rub your chest with vodka, alcohol, badger fat, and star balm. It's also a good idea to warm up your feet. Give a massage, put on socks, pouring dry mustard powder into them.

Onions with cough honey for children

When it comes to children, treatment folk remedies you need to approach it thoughtfully and carefully. Children's body susceptible to various allergic reactions, some of which are very severe.

Children can be given onions with cough honey only if these components are not available. hypersensitivity. Honey can cause allergic reactions in young children, so it is not recommended to give bee products to children under 3 years of age.

As a medicine, onions with honey should be given to older children in smaller quantities, starting with 1/4 teaspoon, and always with water, so as not to irritate the child’s sensitive stomach.

To prevent the development of a serious illness in a child, it is necessary to show him to a doctor if he has a cough; onions with honey are used as aid, accelerating recovery.

Onions with honey for a runny nose

Onions with honey are successfully used to treat a runny nose; even doctors recommend this remedy if the runny nose is severe. The recipe is like this

  • For medicinal drops, chop the onion as finely as possible, pour a tablespoon of onion mass with hot boiled water so that the onion is slightly covered, and leave to infuse for 30 minutes. We filter, we get diluted onion juice, to which you need to add 1/4 teaspoon of liquid honey. Place 2-3 drops into each nostril 2 times a day.
  • To treat sinusitis, you need to make a more concentrated mixture of onion juice and honey, for which you squeeze the juice from the onion and mix it with an equal amount of honey. We instill 2 drops of this mixture into both nostrils several times a day. If it burns too much, you need to dilute the mixture with warm boiled water.

You still need to use such drops very carefully. Never drip pure juice onion in the nose! You may burn your nasal mucosa.

Onions with honey for vessels. Recipe

Onions with honey are used in folk medicine to treat and prevent atherosclerosis, as this mixture reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. To prepare the medicine, mix the juice onions with liquid honey in equal proportions. Take the mixture 1 tablespoon 3 times a day after meals. The course of treatment is long, at least a month, after which you need to take a break for a week and repeat the course again.

onion juice with honey

Onion juice helps normalize blood sugar levels, remove waste and toxins, cleanse respiratory tract from mucus. It is an indispensable general strengthening natural remedy.

Onion juice is widely used as a diuretic and decongestant. Onion juice is also used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, used as an expectorant and anti-influenza remedy, as a prophylactic for strengthening teeth and improving vision.

Drinking onion juice with honey will help stop the development of atherosclerosis. Drinking onion juice is especially beneficial for a combination of atherosclerosis and diabetes mellitus, and also when elevated level blood cholesterol levels.

According to allegations traditional healers onion juice has the healing property of cleansing the blood. Onion juice has a calming effect on nervous system, allows you to cope with insomnia. Regular consumption of onion juice helps prevent recurrent heart attacks.

In addition to the fact that onions have excellent wound-healing properties, they are a proven remedy for the treatment of insect bites (wasps, bees, mosquitoes, gadflies). Timely smearing the insect bite site with onion juice twice a day will help to significantly reduce the feeling of pain and relieve swelling. For numerous bites, applying compresses of onion juice to the bite sites will provide effective help.

Onion juice can significantly reduce a runny nose and prevent or alleviate the flu. For this purpose, at the first symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to place tampons soaked in onion juice in the nasal cavity 3-4 times a day for several minutes. For lung problems and purulent diseases effective means treatments are inhalations containing freshly squeezed onion juice.
Treatment with onion juice
Onion juice for eyes

A mixture of onions and honey in a 1:1 ratio will help prevent the development of eyesores. For this purpose, you can also dilute the juice of one medium-sized onion into 200 g. boiled water and add a dessert spoon of honey to it. 1-2 drops of solution are instilled 2-3 times a day for 2 weeks.
Treatment of purulent and fungal skin diseases

Apply a mixture of onion juice and natural honey to infected skin areas 2-3 times a day. Compliance with hygiene requirements is an important condition to avoid reinfection skin fungus. The course of treatment is quite long, sometimes reaching several months.
Onion juice for toothache

Decrease toothache Massaging the dental area of ​​the diseased tooth with a brush dipped in onion juice helps. This massage is repeated several times throughout the day.

Onion juice - powerful medicine, accessible to absolutely every person. Before the advent of traditional medicines, with the help of this natural healer, people treated many diseases and used the juice and onion pulp as a preventive measure.

Composition and beneficial properties of onion juice

Freshly squeezed onion juice contains a record amount of vitamins (A, C, K, group B), micro- and macroelements (calcium, iron, iodine, phosphorus, potassium, zinc), essential oils, enzymes and polysaccharides. Main active ingredients– phytoncides – reliably protect the human body from ARVI viruses, streptococci, dysentery bacilli and tuberculosis.

For what diseases is onion juice used?

Onion juice is used for the following diseases:

It is important to use freshly squeezed juice, as during storage it loses its beneficial properties. The juice is taken in small quantities, so it is prepared immediately before use. To do this, peel the onion and grind it in a blender or meat grinder; you can use a regular grater. The resulting pulp is squeezed through gauze.

Onions are stored until the next harvest, so you can treat with onion juice all year round. There are many varieties of onions and they all have healing properties. Varieties with purple and red bulbs are considered a little more active against microbes, and they are also able to strengthen the walls blood vessels. Juice white onion has a mild taste, but white varieties do not last long, so most often ordinary yellow (onions) are used to make juice.

Healing recipes with onion juice

  • If a cough starts: chop a few onions, sprinkle them with sugar and let it brew. Drink the released juice one tablespoon up to five times a day.
  • Freshly squeezed juice mixed in half with honey, take 15 ml up to 4 times a day at bronchitis. This mixture is also drunk when sore throat, prostatitis, vascular atherosclerosis.
  • For treatment dry cough take the juice from one medium-sized onion and combine it with a chilled decoction of oats (100 g per 1 liter of water). The mixture is taken up to 5 times a day, one tablespoon at a time.
  • Mixed with goose fat, onion juice is rubbed into the skin chest at cough.
  • Onion juice, diluted in half with water, is dropped into the nose when runny nose. The juice of non-hot onion varieties need not be diluted.
  • Freshly squeezed juice is rubbed into the hair roots in case of excessive hair loss, brittleness, dandruff. Rubbing is carried out every other day, total quantity– about 20 procedures. An hour after application, the hair is washed with regular shampoo.
  • Another recipe for restoration of hair structure: a mixture of onion juice, burdock root decoction and cognac (1:6:4) is rubbed into the hair and left for a couple of hours, after which the hair is washed as usual.
  • Nutritious face mask: onion juice, liquid honey and cooked in water mashed potatoes mix in equal quantities, apply to the face and wash off after 15 minutes.
  • Rub with fresh juice freckles, lubricate infectious cracks in the corners of the mouth.
  • For treatment helminthic infestations the chopped onion is poured with a glass of cold boiled water and left for 8 hours. The juice obtained in this way is filtered and drunk on an empty stomach; the procedure is performed within 3–4 days.

Contraindications to the use of onion juice

  • Diseases digestive tract in the acute stage.
  • Children under 3 years of age.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Tendency to bronchospasm due to strong odors.

At cardiovascular diseases onion juice is taken in limited quantities.