What to anoint a child with a bruise on his face. Which children's ointments for bruises are most effective?

No one is immune from bruises and contusions, but children of all ages are most susceptible to injury. Almost from the first steps, babies, with their inherent curiosity, strive to explore the opening world, and bruises are inevitable. A to adolescence the number of bruises and bruises is countless.

Therefore, all parents are obliged to buy high-quality ointment for bruises and bruises for children. Modern market medicines offers a huge list of various gels and creams that quickly resolve hematomas, heal injured skin surfaces and relieve swelling.

When choosing a balm or cream that will help eliminate a bruise or scratch, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Please adhere to age restrictions. Some components included in the composition medicine, can negatively affect the baby’s health. It is also necessary to take into account that the strength of the medications is different for children of different ages.
  • Be sure to study the composition of the drug. If you have questions, contact your pharmacist to find the most effective remedy.
  • Before using the medicine, do an allergy test. If there is redness or itching at the application site, the product is not suitable for the child.

All creams and gels for bruises for children are used only according to the instructions.


A hematoma, injury or abrasion is inevitable in childhood, so you should know exactly what to do in this situation:

  • Damaged skin is treated bactericidal drugs. Suitable for these purposes: Chlorhexidine, Iodine solution, Hydrogen Peroxide, etc. similar drugs. The injured surface is treated with a healing agent only after the wound has dried a little.
  • Cold must be applied to the bruise. During an impact, blood vessels rupture, and the cold narrows them, thereby eliminating redness and swelling. By applying ice for 5-10 minutes, you will reduce pain in the child and reduce the area of ​​the future bruise.
  • If the blow hits the abdomen, chest or head, urgently take the child to a traumatologist!

You should be very careful with a baby who is less than a year old, since the baby cannot show where it hurts. If a bruise of any severity occurs, it is necessary to conduct a full examination.

Tools Overview

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most effective means, which in as soon as possible will relieve the consequences of bruises.

Active ingredient drug - troxerutin. Advantages of the drug:

The effective composition allows you to remove defects in a few days.

Traumatologists allow the use of the drug for children over 6 months of age.

Apply the product morning and evening.


Most parents recognized the effectiveness of the drug. Active ingredients – extract medical leech, pentoxifylline and ethoxydiglycol.

Action of the product:

  • Quick elimination of hematoma.
  • Stimulation of blood circulation.
  • Restoration of damaged tissues.
  • Relieving swelling.
  • Moisturizing the skin surface.
  • Rapid penetration of the drug.

The medicine is approved for children from six months of age. Apply up to 5 times a day.


  • Do not use if you have problems with blood clotting.
  • If you are allergic to leech extract, pentoxifylline, ethoxydiglycol or another component.

The drug contains active natural ingredients: olive and sea ​​buckthorn oil, calendula extract, ghee, beeswax, vitamins E and A, lavender essential oils, tea tree and rose oil.

Indications for use:

  • Inflammatory processes.
  • Ulcers.
  • Blunt injuries.
  • Hematomas.
  • Bruises.
  • Burns.
  • Can be applied before leaving the house in severe frosts.
  • Helps relieve itching from insect bites.

The drug can be used for serious soft tissue injuries.

Balm Rescuer is approved from any age, if there is no individual intolerance to any component.


An excellent product for children over 5 years old.

The drug contains: Sodium Heparin, Dexpanthenol, Dimethyl sulfoxide, water and auxiliary components. These ingredients help:

    • Relieve inflammation and swelling.
    • Removes decay products from damaged tissues.
    • Numb the injured area.
    • Penetrates deeply into tissue and is used to treat serious injuries.

Experts prescribe Dolobene gel for:

Dolobene is applied to the affected area 2 to 4 times a day. You need to wait a few minutes until the product is absorbed and apply a sealed bandage on top.

It is prohibited to use the drug if the patient has a history of:

  • Disorders of the liver and kidneys.
  • Heart diseases.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Breastfeeding a child.
  • Integrity violation skin at the site of the injury.
  • Age up to 5 years.


Used to treat children over 12 years of age.

Active components of the gel: Nonivamide and Nicoboxil. The ingredients have the same direction of action and enhance each other’s effect. Finalgon has a pronounced analgesic and relaxing effect.

The medicine is used to treat:

  • Painful sensations in muscles and joints.
  • Injury
  • Bruises.
  • Ligament damage as a result of high physical activity.
  • Radiculitis, neuralgia and neuritis.
  • Pathologies of peripheral circulation.

The ointment is applied to the injured area up to 3 times a day.


The drug provides comprehensive protection and restoration of the skin. The remedy is prescribed:

  • For abrasions, scratches and wounds on the skin.
  • For sports and household injuries and bruises.
  • For burns of various etiologies.
  • To prevent wound infection.
  • Relieves itching and swelling.

Apply Eplan cream 2 times a day.

It must be remembered that all remedies for bruises are used for no more than 10 days.

Publication date: 12-12-2019

What is the best ointment for bruises and bruises for children?

Today, pharmacies provide large selection medications, including creams, gels and ointments for bruises for children. But how to choose the most suitable one?

Basic rules for choosing a drug against bruises, contusions and abrasions

  1. When buying a product at a pharmacy, consider the age of the child. What can be used for bruises for a teenager can be dangerous for a little person.
  2. Before using the drug, it is necessary to conduct a test for tolerability of the drug and its components. To do this, it is enough to take a small amount of the substance and spread it not on the damaged area, but simply on a small area of ​​the surface in as thin a layer as possible. After one and a half to two hours, the smeared area should be inspected. If the skin does not turn red, no spots appear and the baby does not change in behavior, that is, he does not have a fever, does not itch, does not itch at the site of application of the drug, this indicates that your child does not have any allergic reaction to drug and can be used without fear.

Before applying gel or cream to the damaged area of ​​the skin, that is, the area of ​​abrasions, sprains, you need to apply something cold to the bruised area. It's better if it's ice. Thus, with the help of cold, the swelling that appears will subside. If the skin is nevertheless damaged and there is not just a bruise, but more serious damage to soft tissues, then in this case ice, of course, is necessary, but at the same time you need to immediately take your baby for examination to a traumatologist. Sometimes in a place with superficial wound Various infections enter the body. In this case, ointments alone will not do. The bruised area or wound on the surface of the skin must be treated and disinfected. This needs to be done in order to protect yourself and your son or daughter from troubles in the future. Injury in a child under one year of age should be taken especially seriously. However, you should not immediately smear the injured area. The surface of the skin should dry out a little and the bleeding should stop.

Popular medications for bruises and contusions for children

These are ointments for very small children, which always have the inscription “0+” on the packaging. If there is such a designation on a tube of ointment, cream or gel, this means that you are in possession of medical drug for the smallest category.

This product is safe, even if a child suddenly licks it or touches the smeared area and rubs his eyes.

So, the most the best drugs for bruises, Troxevasin, Sinyak-OFF, Spasatel balm, Dolobene, Finalgon, Liaton, bodyaga and, of course, heparin ointment are rightfully considered for children.

Troxevasin gel contains a specially developed medicinal substance, troxerutin, which has a strengthening effect on blood vessels and is the strongest of all existing species antioxidant. Most effective drug will only happen when it is applied to the site of the injury no later than 15 minutes. Otherwise, the swelling from the injury will disappear much later. The main thing is that there is no bruise with an open wound on the damaged area. You should not apply the drug to the wound, it will only cause harm.

Miracle drug – Bruise-OFF. Its composition is a substance obtained from medicinal leeches. This is an extract of hirudin, which acts on a bruise in almost the same way as heparin, only it is more actively absorbed by the tissue, which helps to dilute blood clots at the site of the injury. Bruise-OFF speeds up the healing process and disappearance of the hematoma several times. It also contains another very important component - pentoxifylline. Thanks to it, a unique process of gluing damaged platelets occurs. That is, its properties contribute to the disappearance of clots that have appeared and at the same time moisturize the skin at the site of the impact, which allows you to get rid of all kinds of cracking of the dermis during the healing period of the damaged area. Sinyak-OFF can be used even by infants.

True, some doctors still recommend the drug after six months of age. The main condition is to apply the drug to the damaged body up to five times a day. The effect will appear on the third day.

Heparin ointment. Contributes fast healing due to the absorption of damaged cells by undamaged ones. The ointment contains active ingredient benzocaine and nicotinic acid. Due to their impact, it is reduced painful sensation and blood vessels dilate. In a week, not a trace will remain of a bruise, contusion or abrasion. Recommended for use by children aged 7 years and older.

Traumeel S. This homeopathic remedy, with the help of which inflammatory process in the tissues, swelling and pain disappear on the third day. The main thing is to rub it up to five times a day into the skin of the damaged area. In addition, Traumeel S has no contraindications and does not cause allergic reactions and is recommended as a healing agent for children, adults and even pregnant and lactating women.

The well-known drug Dolobene promotes rapid healing, resorption of hematomas and is used for children under 6 years of age. Thanks to the dimethyl sulfoxide included in its composition, pain is reduced and liquefaction occurs. blood clots, and dexpanthenol present in the drug accelerates the recovery process. Apply the product to the damaged area at least 4 times a day.

You can also anoint the damaged area in children with Finalgon, which contains nicoboxil and nonivamide - substances that dilate blood vessels, accelerate tissue repair and simultaneously act as an anesthetic.

The pharmacy will offer you a lot of ointments and gels, the main thing is to choose the best option that will not harm your child’s health.

With the arrival of a child in a family, life changes dramatically. Not only parents, but grandparents want to be with the baby. Caring for a child requires a lot of time, walking fresh air, active games with other children and other activities. Often little fidgets get bruises and abrasions while studying the world around us. Ointment for bruises and bruises for children helps speed up the healing of injuries and reduces pain syndrome.

How to choose the right drug

Modern pharmaceutical market offers a very wide selection various means from bruises and contusions for children. Among the assortment of the nearest pharmacy, you can simply get confused. But at the same time, it is necessary to choose the best and safest remedy for treating the damage.

What a young mother should pay attention to:

  • Child's age. This is one of the main criteria by which an ointment for bruises is selected. Treatment of infants, students junior classes and adolescents differs significantly, as do the medications that can be used. Bruise relievers for older children usually contain stronger chemicals that can be harmful to a newborn.
  • Individual intolerance and allergies. Even if a child has never had signs of allergic reactions before, this does not mean that they will not appear in the future. Individual intolerance to individual components can make itself felt at any time. Before using ointment or cream for bruises or bruises, you should smear a small area of ​​skin and leave for a while. If you are not allergic, you can use this remedy for bruises on a large area of ​​skin.
  • Analogue drugs. For almost every medicine there is an alternative, which differs in price and additional components. When choosing medications, you should not rely on advertising; the best option is to consult a pediatrician.

When to use drugs

You can use ointment for bruises and contusions only in cases where it is really necessary. Medicines should not be used without sufficient reason. Even a cream or ointment based natural ingredients cannot be used unless there is any damage in children. Before treating bruises, you should carefully assess the situation. Ointment or cream can be used in certain cases:

  • If you receive a bruise or bruise on the skin, without damaging the skin. If you have open wounds, scratches or bruises, you should not use ointments.
  • In the absence of edema special remedy can be used for bruises and bruises. If there is severe swelling, you should see your doctor immediately.
  • Pain syndrome appears only upon contact with the affected area. For example, if you press on a bruise. If the injury causes severe damage and the child feels severe pain, you need to go to the clinic.
  • You can anoint a bruise or injured area if the affected area of ​​skin does not change. If the redness or bruise “spreads” and increases in size, you should stop using the ointment and consult a doctor.

Effective drugs

In childhood, falls, bumps and bruises often occur when playing sports, active games or when interacting with other kids. Ointments should be used only if they are age appropriate. As a rule, ointments for bumps and bruises for children are less toxic and contain a low concentration of potent chemicals. Drugs often recommended by pediatricians are presented below.

Troxevasin. This cream is suitable even for babies older than 6 months. The drug is based on an antioxidant that strengthens blood vessels, relieves redness, and promotes speedy healing of injury. To achieve the most effective effect, the drug should be applied 10-20 minutes after injury. On open wounds, scratches or other damage to the skin, the gel should not be applied. It should be borne in mind that there is another ointment based on the same active ingredient - Troxerutin. This product is characterized by a high concentration of active chemical compound, and cannot be used for children.

Rescuer. This balm is a combination of natural ingredients, essential oils, milk lipids, echinacea, beeswax, vitamins A and E. Universal remedy to combat various injuries skin. The rescuer can be used both for bruises and contusions, as well as for cuts, abrasions and shallow wounds. The product is also used for insect bites, burns and frostbite. The versatility of this balm allows it to be used even for treating small children. An analogue of the drug is Ratovnik, which is produced in Poland.

Bruise-OFF. This cream can be used for children and adults. The drug will be useful in every home medicine cabinet. Used to treat bruises on any area of ​​the skin, including the face. The active ingredient of the drug prevents platelets from joining into clots on the treated skin area, which prevents the development of a bruise or hematoma. At the same time, the surface of the skin is moisturized, which reduces inflammation. We apply the drug to the bruise from the age of six months.

Unlike other products, Sinyak-OFF can be used 4-5 times a day.

Iodine. The use of iodine mesh is the most budgetary and accessible means. Any family medicine cabinet probably contains a bottle of iodine. With the help cotton swab a grid is drawn at the site of the bump or bruise. Usually this method is used at night, to improve vasodilation, improvement metabolic processes in cells and speedy healing. There are no age restrictions.

How to treat damage

Any medicinal product should be used strictly following the instructions for use supplied by the manufacturer. But before applying any drugs to the damaged area of ​​the skin, it should be treated. Every person should know simple instructions, especially if there is a child in the house.

  • Before anointing, the damaged surface should be cleaned and degreased. To do this, use a regular cotton swab or a piece of clean bandage soaked in a solution of hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine or iodine. After wiping the skin, it is allowed to dry. The ointment can be applied to a clean, dry surface.
  • First aid for bruises begins with applying cold. This method is effective only if the effect of the cold begins 5-10 minutes after the injury. Regular ice from the refrigerator or a bag of frozen vegetables wrapped in a clean, dry cloth will do. After 10 minutes of exposure to the bruise, the ice is removed.
  • If a child receives a serious injury in the area of ​​the stomach, abdomen or chest, first aid consists of immediately visiting a traumatologist or calling an ambulance medical care.

In a normal situation, bruises and contusions should completely disappear 4-7 days after starting to use a special ointment. The bruise may not go away completely, but clear signs of healing should be visible. In any case, special external medications can be used for no longer than 10 days.

Naturally active babies often bruise, and this is quite normal. The baby discovers the world, climbs somewhere, trips and falls, so don’t worry if a small hematoma appears on your knee - as a rule, the bruises go away on their own without medical intervention. However, if the child light skin, the bruises become too noticeable, and you want to quickly eliminate the consequences of the injury - especially if you are going out or have a special event. How can you quickly get rid of bruises?

Cold and ointments

After a fall, you should immediately apply cold to the injured area for 20 minutes, and only after a day you can use warm compresses and warming ointments - this is the most effective way so that the bruise does not appear or resolves as quickly as possible. If you don’t have ice on hand, you can use a cold spoon or coin, and only then apply the bruise to the area. If the injury occurred two hours ago, the cold will no longer help, and in this case you will have to treat the bruise directly, and not prevent its occurrence. Boro Plus cream, Dolobene ointment, Ai-Bolit, Deep relief, troxevasin, butadione, OFF bruise, Rescuer, heparin ointment, and thrombocide gel have proven themselves well. Of course, the age of the child should also be taken into account, so read the instructions for the drug.

Home remedies for treating bruises

If there are no medications, they will help warm compress or a heating pad. Vinegar lotions are very effective - to do this, mix 250 ml of 9% vinegar and 5 g of salt, moisten a cotton pad and apply to the bruised area. Instead of vinegar, you can use calendula tincture, cabbage leaves, beaten until juice appears, extract horse chestnut, beeswax, rosemary and tea tree oil. Iodine nets often help if the child is not allergic to iodine. All these remedies relieve pain, eliminate swelling, improve blood circulation and eliminate all signs of bruise.

When is an examination necessary?

If a child develops bruises out of the blue, and the hematomas take too long to resolve, you should tell the doctor about it and take a blood test. This happens when there is insufficient platelet content in the blood, which leads to a blood clotting disorder, but this disorder can be corrected by treatment, so don’t worry, but don’t delay diagnosis. Sometimes the tendency to bruise is a consequence of vitamin deficiency, so for vascular health you should take vitamins C, K and P, as well as selenium, cobalt and calcium, which strengthen vascular walls, improve blood flow and blood clotting. All this helps get rid of bruises and speeds up the healing of bruises.

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When a baby begins to explore the world on his own, he often falls and needs effective ointments from contusions, bruises and sprains. Therefore, parents should take care of purchasing them in advance.

It is important to know the composition and contraindications of the medication before purchasing.

We will review the most effective and fast-acting pain-relieving ointments and gels for bruises, bruises (hematomas), abrasions (cuts, wounds and scratches) and sprains, and the specifics of using children's medications for children under one year of age and older in our material.

Can it be used in childhood?

No matter how hard parents try to protect their baby from falling, sometimes he unexpectedly gets injured. Then he needs a remedy for a hematoma or sprain.

Many parents are concerned about the question: at what age do children use ointments for injuries (abrasions and bruises)?

There are drugs that are used for very young children under 1 year of age, but this fact must be indicated in the instructions for the drug.

At this age, the ointment form of the drug is preferable because it does not cause discomfort during use and effectively eliminates swelling and promotes rapid tissue regeneration.

Not every ointment can be used from the very birth of the baby. Many of them are allowed only after the first year of life. It is important to pay attention to the instructions, which indicate the age.

For children one year and older, you should use ointment for bruises for preschool and school age.

If there is an age limit of 6 years, the medicine may negatively affect a three-year-old child. These facts must be taken into account and mistakes should not be made.

Operating principle

Ointments for children are effective when used correctly.

They provide:

  • tissue regeneration - the ability to quickly heal a bruise;
  • relieving pain;
  • elimination of swelling at the site of injury.

Gels with the same principle of action may have different compositions. In case of injuries in children, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions for the drug.

During selection drug therapy In the pharmacy you need to follow the recommendations:

  • It is important to take into account the age of the baby and know that medications for teenagers may contain potent substances that cause side effects. negative reactions in young children.

    Therefore, consultation with a doctor is mandatory.

  • You need to make sure the medicine is safe. Many children are allergic to the incoming components.

    To do this, apply a little gel to a small area of ​​the child’s body and wait a few minutes. If allergies do not manifest themselves, then you can use the purchased ointment.

  • Before applying the medicine, apply ice to the injured area. This will reduce the extent of the bruise and help distribute the medicinal composition evenly.

Effective drugs

Medicines that can eliminate bruises and scratches are used by most parents as therapy for bruises and injuries. Many of them are easy to purchase as they are sold in city and online pharmacies.

Before purchasing a medicine it is necessary to study its composition, effect on the skin, presence of contraindications for childhood.


Bruise-off is effective for therapy against hematomas formed after a contusion. The composition contains a unique component - an extract from a medicinal leech, called hirudin. The substance affects swelling, gradually reducing it, has a beneficial effect on tissues, promoting their regeneration.

In addition to the leech extract, the composition contains pentoxifylline, which prevents the connection of platelets that form clots. It also prevents the formation of hematomas. The next component is a substance for moisturizing the skin surface. This effect is important for preventing cracks in the damaged area of ​​the skin.

The drug rarely causes adverse reactions, but it has contraindications:

  • allergic reaction to individual components included in the gel;
  • in case of bleeding disorders, the gel is contraindicated;
  • For children under six months of age, the drug is not prescribed, but if the pediatrician allows it, then use is possible.

Apply the gel 5 times a day. It is important to ensure that it does not get into your eyes.

The approximate price of the gel in the Russian Federation is 113 rubles.

  • not recommended for use on bruises or other injuries traditional methods which are often useless. It is better to trust medications;
  • for young children, medications are chosen for plant based, with fewer harmful substances;
  • if the pain from a bruise intensifies, then, in addition to ointment, doctors recommend using tablets that relieve pain. You can learn about them from your doctor;
  • Some injuries are a medical emergency, so don't hesitate. It is important to call quickly Ambulance or consult a doctor yourself.

Children often fall and get hurt. Many injuries are accompanied by swelling and pain, which are difficult for the baby to bear.

Therefore, there are ointments with a safe composition that can have a positive effect on wound healing and speed up recovery.