How to replenish calcium in the human body. The role of calcium in the body, correction and restoration of its normal level

In the previous article we talked about signs of calcium deficiency, today we will talk about how to replenish calcium in our body.

And first of all, my friends and I will analyze folk remedies in order to replenish calcium in our body. As I said in the previous article, the main source of calcium in the body is the food we eat.

So, what foods can we use to replenish calcium in the body? Here are some thoughts on this topic:

  • It’s no secret (and they talk about it on every “corner”) that it’s easy to replenish the body with calcium; it’s enough to consume dairy products (including fermented milk), spinach (including any fresh greens), legumes and fish;
  • good sources of calcium are: dried apricots, almonds and hazelnuts, eggs;
  • Sesame seeds are considered the record holder for calcium content (can be replaced with sesame oil);
  • there is very ancient way To obtain calcium from egg shells, this is done very simply: hard-boil the eggs, wash them, take the shells (without film), dry them and grind them in a coffee grinder. To take, take 1/3 teaspoon of powder and add 2 drops of lemon juice. Take 3 r. per day or at one time 1 tsp. The usefulness of this method of obtaining calcium is that in addition to calcium, you also acquire: copper, fluorine, molybdenum, iron, phosphorus, manganese, sulfur, silicon, zinc and 18 more microelements necessary for our body;
  • in addition, in order for calcium to be better absorbed by the body, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of salt (leaches calcium from the body), coffee, Coca-Cola and other lemonades, canned food, sausages;
  • nicotine and alcohol also destroy calcium in the body;
  • Excessive consumption of table sugar also leads to many diseases, including osteoporosis;
  • low physical activity also an important factor;
  • you should take vitamin D, etc. which I already wrote about in the previous article;
  • it is believed that favorite treat for our bones (with the greatest content calcium) is a cheese made from vegetable persimmon;

There is an opinion that the process of calcium absorption by the body is negatively affected various diseases. For example, pathological phenomena in the gastrointestinal tract (for example, gastritis) can lead to calcium deficiency in the body and osteoporosis.

Eliminate the causes of calcium deficiency and the process of its absorption by the body will improve. It is necessary to replenish the body with calcium every day; it will not be possible to do this (as they say) for future use, this is how our body works.

With calcium deficiency, teeth deteriorate, nails become brittle and peel, and bones lose their rigidity and become brittle.

And so, friends, for today the topic of How to replenish calcium has been exhausted, if you decide to try using “ Ancient method”, then I recommend taking shell powder for breakfast and please do not add it to cottage cheese and porridge.

Good luck to you friends and health!

A person's daily need for calcium ranges from 800 mg to 1200 mg, depending on age and health status. The need is much higher for children, women, athletes and people engaged in heavy physical labor.

You can replenish calcium with a properly balanced diet. You just need to remember that you can’t stock it up for future use. Foods containing calcium should be eaten daily.

First of all, this is milk, cottage cheese, fermented milk products. Of course, it is desirable that they be homemade and natural. Hard cheeses contain a large amount of calcium; moreover, they are better absorbed by the adult body. The lower the fat content of dairy products, the more calcium they contain.

Eggs, dried apricots, almonds and sesame are rich in calcium. Sesame seeds are leaders in the content of this essential mineral. Instead of seeds you can use sesame oil. Greens contain a lot of calcium - spinach, parsley, green beans, celery and dill. There is a lot of calcium in broccoli, lentils, peas, cucumbers, carrots, and turnips. Salmon and sardines are excellent and affordable sources of calcium. Fruits and berries rich in calcium include currants, blackberries, cherries, strawberries, apricots, grapes, pineapples, peaches and oranges.

The most valuable products are those that, in addition to calcium, contain phosphorus, magnesium, C, D and group B. When these substances enter the body, they begin to interact and are absorbed together much better. Calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D compounds are found in beef liver, fish liver, crabs, shrimp, lobsters, and cabbage. There are these compounds in the yolk, butter, nuts, barley, sprouted wheat.

In addition to replenishing calcium in the body, it is also necessary to limit its “leaching”. Alcohol and caffeine have this effect.

If you do not like milk and eat little greens, as well as during periods of growth, during menopause, you need to take calcium. Unlike products, calcium tablets should not be taken constantly, but in courses. The criterion for choosing such drugs should be the doctor’s recommendations and study of the composition. Calcium citrate and calcium lactate are well absorbed, gluconates are worse.

Used to replenish calcium mineral waters. For example, a liter of Borjomi contains from 20 to 150 mg of calcium, and a liter of Narzan contains up to 300 mg.

Can calcium powder be made from eggshells. To do this, the shells are thoroughly washed, dried and ground into powder. Take a third of a teaspoon of powder, adding a few drops lemon juice. This homemade medicine helps replenish calcium in our body.

So, you set out to be healthy and replenish the lack of calcium in your body. After all, a sufficient amount of this mineral in the body is the key to healthy bones and teeth (and many other good things), and therefore long life. What is important is that this is the key to not just a long life, but a quality life. When you can not only walk creakingly to a nearby store for groceries, but also travel and be truly active.

What does the average person do to compensate for calcium deficiency?

There are two options:

  1. He goes to the pharmacy to buy a mineral complex, the price of which can vary significantly. Therefore, the cost of a future happy old age threatens to hit the family budget. And it is not a fact that pharmaceutical products will help, since not all forms of calcium from tablets are equally well absorbed. And in addition, many more conditions are required for the absorption of calcium. More on this below.
  2. It is particularly active on dairy products. After all, from childhood we were taught that milk and its derivatives are best source calcium. This is stuck in the head so firmly that new parents, by hook or by crook, stuff the cottage cheese into their children... And the rest are not far behind! People often contact me who hate cottage cheese, but FORCE themselves to eat it, “because you need calcium.” In addition, recent studies are pushing milk off store shelves, and not only the usefulness of dairy products has long been questioned - we are talking about real negative health consequences such as cancer and osteoporosis. Yes, you heard right - osteoporosis (decreased bone density). In countries with highest consumption milk per capita has the highest incidence of osteoporosis. For example, in Denmark. Therefore, a glass of milk three times a day is not an option.

So what to do?

How to replenish and increase calcium in the body

I offer you absolutely new approach to the issue of replenishing calcium reserves in the body. It consists of three parts.

Getting calcium from plant sources

Yes, yes! Don't be surprised. Nature has taken care of us, and many vegetables and grains are rich in calcium. And not only them. Many also contain magnesium and vitamin D, without which calcium is not absorbed properly. That is, we get a “3 in 1” product. Here is a list of the best plant sources of calcium:

  • tofu cheese;
  • white, red and other beans;
  • spinach;
  • rhubarb;
  • curly cabbage (grunkol);
  • Chinese cabbage (bok choy);
  • broccoli;
  • cilantro;
  • sesame seeds;
  • seaweed or seaweed;
  • canned fish (as they contain fish bones suitable for eating);
  • almond;
  • dates;
  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • oatmeal;
  • dandelion leaves;
  • hazelnut;
  • pistachios;
  • lemon juice (!).

As you can see, the list is impressive. And it can go on for a very long time. This is a selection of the most common and available products. Of course, you can’t get hold of dandelions in the winter, but in the summer...

Note. Data in all tables are based on calcium per 100 grams of product. And it’s great that calcium is found in the parsley we know and love. But eating 100 grams of parsley is not easy. But 100 grams of beans or oatmeal available to everyone. Even small children.

We do everything possible to ensure that calcium not only enters the body, but is also absorbed

For this, the following substances are needed: magnesium and vitamin D. We get vitamin D from the sun and from oily fish(salmon, salmon, herring, mackerel, etc.). Magnesium - from nuts and seeds, oatmeal and legumes.

We try to avoid factors that contribute to the leaching of calcium from the body.

  • We don't use a lot of salt. Sodium, contained in even the healthiest sea or Himalayan salt, helps flush calcium out of the body. This does not mean that you should now stop adding salt to your food. No. Just try to do it wisely. And remember that even the most salty homemade food contains less salt than store-bought semi-finished products. Why aren't they salted? Because it's still full of sugar. So, if you want to be active for a long time, cook your own food. Or, at worst, go for a visit.
  • We limit coffee as much as possible. As soon as we can. It also helps flush calcium from the body. And this drink, on which billions of people depend, has a lot of negative properties. For example, it destabilizes hormonal background. Therefore, we switch to tea and other delicious drinks.
  • We do not lean on animal proteins (meat, fish, dairy products). It has been proven that their use in large quantities threatens acidification of the body. And this also promotes the excretion of calcium. Therefore, before you take the fashionable protein diet Dukan, think carefully. Maybe she should prefer something else?

These are the simple rules.

Metabolic processes in the human body depend on many microelements. With their participation, bone and muscle tissue are constantly updated (up to 20% per year). To maintain the balance of microelements, you need to get them from external sources. Calcium (Ca) is a building material for the bone skeleton and performs many other functions. Its deficiency may have negative consequences. Since it is not synthesized itself, you need to know how to restore calcium in the body.

The human body contains about 2.3% calcium. This element is present in two states - free and bound. When free reserves are depleted, the process of extracting the bound form from the bones begins. This leads to hypocalcemia, imbalance and severe consequences for all dependent systems.


  1. Acts as a building structural material that forms bones, teeth, nails, and hair. Its lack does not have the best effect. Bones and teeth become fragile, and the risk of their damage and destruction increases. The nail plates lose their shine and elasticity, the structure delaminates and becomes brittle. An imbalance can lead to a serious disease such as osteoporosis.
  2. Ensures stable operation cardiovascular system. Responsible for contraction of the heart muscle, stabilizes the heartbeat, regulates blood blood pressure and normalizes the circulation of intercellular fluid.
  3. From the central side nervous system its action is mandatory for broadcasting nerve impulses(synaptic transmission). This process ensures the release of neurotransmitters.
  4. Carries out transportation various substances through cell membranes, responsible for their permeability. Strengthens intercellular tissues. In combination with prothrombin (vitamin K), it takes part in hemostasis - supports normal amount platelets, responsible for blood clotting.
  5. Normal calcium content in cells promotes energy and fat metabolism.
  6. Reduces sensitivity endocrine glands to external stimuli.

During pregnancy, the need for calcium increases many times over. Forming a healthy fetus and maintaining balance in the mother requires more of it than before.

The main factors influencing calcium deficiency are the following indicators:

  • Poor nutrition. Hypocalcemia occurs when there is insufficient consumption of foods rich in this element. The cause may be fasting, following certain types of diets, strict vegetarianism, or constant use fast food.
  • Not healthy image life. The microelement is very quickly washed out of tissues due to the abuse of coffee, alcohol and smoking, without having time to fulfill its functions.
  • Pathological conditions. Diseases such as dysbiosis, thrush (candidiasis), pancreatitis do not allow effective replenish calcium in the body and absorb the full amount of microelement. Kidney diseases, thyroid gland, food allergies or lactose intolerance can also provoke its deficiency.
  • Micronutrient imbalance. An excess of magnesium, potassium and sodium promote rapid elimination.
  • Deficiency of vitamin D3, which helps the absorption and integration of calcium into the body's structures.

Some people are in a group increased risk. In elderly people, children at the stage of active growth and pregnant women, calcium absorption occurs in atypical form(too fast or slow). This is due physiological characteristics body.

The following signs may be a signal that you need to increase calcium in the body:

  1. External symptoms of deficiency. Manifested by dry skin, brittle nails and hair. Caries can quickly develop. Also noted excessive sweating, numbness and cramps of the face and limbs.
  2. Internal symptoms are expressed by fragility of bone tissue, cardiac dysfunction, poor clotting blood. Children may also experience rickets, bone deformations, changes in the lens of the eye, and increased excitability.

Daily norm

For normal level An adult needs about 1000 g of Ca per day. The table shows the recommended intake for different groups population.

It should be borne in mind that some diseases require adjustment of micronutrient levels. To do this, be sure to regularly medical examination. With hypocalcemia, the question arises - how to increase calcium?

Making up for deficiencies

Replenish calcium in the body possible using the right products, by medication or by taking advice traditional medicine. Experts advise combining these methods. To successfully restore microelement balance, follow all recommendations of your doctor.

How to increase the level of calcium in the body if it is insufficient? Doctors and nutritionists recommend paying attention to what you eat. The diet must be balanced and the nutrition correct. Try to eat food regularly, do not overload yourself with fast food and snacks on the run.

The menu to restore calcium balance should include the following products:

  • Milk and its derivatives (cottage cheese, cheese, kefir, yogurt). The calcium content in 100 g is up to 240 mg.
  • Legumes (beans, beans, chickpeas, lentils) - from 40 to 80 g per 100 g of product.
  • Vegetables (carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, tomatoes) – from 20 to 150 mg/100g.
  • Nuts (hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds) – from 90 to 160 mg per 100 g.
  • Fruits (orange, apricots, figs). They contain from 10 to 80 mg per 100 g.
  • Oatmeal. It contains about 80 mg of Ca per 100 g.

There are special tables for correct and accurate determination of the quantitative content of Ca.

How to saturate the body with calcium using medications? There is a huge selection modern drugs. Based on their composition, three groups can be distinguished:

  1. Monopreparations, the main components of which are calcium salts (calcium gluconate).
  2. Combined preparations consisting of several types of microelements (Kalcemin).
  3. Multivitamins that contain a large complex of vitamins and minerals (Complivit).

INTERESTING! In order for calcium to be absorbed most effectively, the drug is prescribed in combination with vitamin D3. Best action has an aqueous solution.

Folk remedies

There are several ways to increase calcium in the body folk remedies. Some sources suggest taking finely crushed egg shells. According to one recipe, the dried powder is consumed with meals, 1 teaspoon. The course of treatment is designed for 2 months, once every six months. Another recipe suggests pouring vodka over the crushed shells. Leave in a dark place. Take 1 tablespoon tincture 2 times a day for 3 months. There is also an opinion that purified chalk can be eaten.

Eating calcium-rich foods and a healthy lifestyle helps maintain mineral balance. Regular supply of the element will not require its emergency replenishment.

Anna Koroleva

Reading time: 17 minutes


The role of calcium in the human body can hardly be overestimated. Thanks to this element, we can boast of strong nails and teeth, beautiful hair. Calcium is involved in the formation of skeletal bones, normalizes the functioning of the heart and nervous system, lowers cholesterol, participates in the process of blood clotting, prevents inflammation of the endocrine glands and supports the immune system in general.

Lack of calcium in the body - symptoms and causes

A lack of calcium in the body can lead to serious problems with health. Unfortunately, to discover its deficiency in initial stage difficult.

However, if you listen to yourself, you can notice the main symptoms of calcium deficiency:

  • Nails begin to break, hair falls out more than usual.
  • Bone fragility increases, frequent fractures are possible, and bones heal slowly.
  • Weakness and fatigue have become your constant companions.
  • You suffer from cramps in your legs, and every now and then you feel numbness in your fingers.
  • Suddenly you have become weather dependent - in bad weather you feel aching bones and chills.
  • Immunity is reduced, resulting in frequent colds and infectious diseases.
  • Tachycardia occurs.

The normal level of calcium in the blood depends on age:

  • In an adult person - from 1.5 to 2.15 mmol/l;
  • For a child – 1.75 mmol/l.

Age also affects daily norm Calcium intake:

A separate group includes pregnant and lactating women. This is due to the fact that they need to provide micronutrients not only for themselves, but also for the baby. For expectant and nursing mothers, the daily dose of calcium can reach 2000 mg.

The causes of calcium deficiency are different character, the key factors include:

  • Consumption of food low in calcium, fasting, unbalanced diet.
  • Smoking and excessive coffee drinking - both cigarettes and coffee speed up the process of removing calcium from the body.
  • Low levels of vitamin D3 in the body, which contributes to the absorption of calcium and maintaining its concentration in the blood. Daily dose D3 for children and adults – 400-800 IU, for pregnant women – up to 1500 IU. The vitamin is found in most seafood: cod, herring, halibut, salmon, red and black caviar. Mushrooms, chicken, and dairy products will also help compensate for the lack of vitamin D3.
  • Excess of substances that promote the active removal of calcium from the body - magnesium, lead, iron, phosphorus, potassium and others.
  • Taking medications.
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol - it interferes with the absorption of calcium by the body.

Also, do not forget that there are natural ways removal of Ca from the body, for example, with urine. Therefore, if diuretics or laxatives are used, the amount of element loss will increase significantly. You can check the level of calcium in the body and take preventive measures in time through a blood test.

How to replenish calcium deficiency - foods and drinks that will help

  1. Calcium is removed most actively too salty foods, smoked foods, oatmeal in large quantities, alcohol, strong tea and coffee.
  2. The best conductor of calcium into our body is considered plant food- in first place in this list soybeans, beans, lentils and green peas. The second position is deservedly occupied by animal products - eggs, fish and meat. In addition to calcium, this food is rich in protein, and fish is a source of phosphorus.
  3. Large amounts of calcium found in milk and dairy products. Surely, many people in childhood heard phrases like “drink milk, otherwise you won’t grow up.” And indeed, there is a scientific basis behind these words.
  4. Fruits and vegetables also contain calcium. Let the element enter the body through such food in small doses, but in a stable manner.

Foods and drinks that will help replenish calcium deficiency:

Product Ca content per 100 g of product (in mg, approximately)*
Poppy 1438
Unpeeled sesame 975
Chia 631
Flax seeds 255
Vegetables and greens
Dill 1516
Basil 177
Parsley 138
Broccoli 47
White cabbage 40
Lettuce leaves 36
Radish 34-35
Carrot 33-35
Cucumber 16
Potato 12
Tomato 10-14
Fruits/ dried fruits
Dried apricots 55
Raisin 50
Date 34-64
Kiwi 34
Apricot 28
Citrus fruits (from grapefruit to kumquat) 22-62
Grape 14
Pineapple 13
Dairy products
Hard cheeses (especially Parmesan) 800-1200
Processed cheeses 600-700
Cow's milk 125
Cottage cheese 100-150
Sour cream 90
Fish and seafood
Canned sardines 380-420
Crabs 90-100
Shrimps 90-95
Oysters 62-82
Carp 50
Rabbit 18
Chicken 14-28
Pork 4-14
Veal 6-12
Orange juice with added milk powder 200
Ryazhenka 124
Low-fat yogurt 110
Kumis 100-120

*According to USDA - Department agriculture USA.

What substances promote calcium absorption?

Effective absorption of calcium by the body is possible by combining the mineral with phosphorus, vitamins B9, C, D. Let us remind you that phosphorus can be found in large quantities in fish, which is also rich in vitamin D3. Element B9 is present in parsley, lettuce, cabbage, mint and other greens. In addition to seafood, a successful combination of calcium with phosphorus and vitamin D3 is observed in seaweed and beef liver.

White cabbage, wheat, green peas, cottage cheese, hard cheese, beans and beans are distinguished by a harmonious combination of calcium and phosphorus. The substance carotene also has a positive effect on calcium absorption.

You can restore the balance of microelements in the body by taking special vitamin complexes, which are sold in pharmacies, but you should consult your doctor before purchasing!

Lack of calcium during pregnancy

Most women experience a lack of calcium in the body during pregnancy. The fact is that the fetus during development needs a large amount of the mineral, which leads to a lack of the element in expectant mother. As a result, poor health and possible problems With intrauterine development baby.

The deficiency of calcium in the body of the expectant mother can be replenished by following a diet in which foods containing the element will predominate. For example, 1 glass of milk, 50 g of hard cheese and 200 g of cottage cheese will help replenish the daily requirement of calcium. Another way is to take calcium tablets designed specifically for expectant mothers. Again, it is important to understand that such issues should only be resolved with your doctor!

Lack of calcium in children during growth

A child's growing body needs many minerals, especially calcium.