Alcohol-based celandine for acne. Celandine for acne: the effectiveness of treating facial skin

Since ancient times, celandine has been famous for its miraculous properties and was used to treat various skin diseases. It contains organic components and substances that have therapeutic effect on the skin. Celandine helps against pimples, acne, acne, warts and other troubles. Regular use of products based on this plant allows you to cleanse and transform your skin, making it healthier and more beautiful.

The herb ranks first in the fight against acne. Our great-grandmothers knew how to use celandine. Masks, lotions, creams, tinctures were made from it, providing positive influence on the skin. After just a few uses, inflammation goes away, itching and pain stop, and the number of rashes and allergic manifestations decreases. It is worth remembering that celandine helps against acne only at the time of its use, so it is necessary to treat not external manifestations, but to eliminate the causes of their appearance.

The secret of its excellent therapeutic properties lies in the composition of celandine, which includes several types of acids, beta-carotene and alkaloids. They allow people with skin problems to achieve excellent results.

In addition to rashes, the plant has a regenerating effect and removes traces of post-acne, such as red spots and scars, which can significantly spoil the appearance. Using celandine for acne on the back and face helps improve protective properties skin, helping it better cope with harmful external influences. Excellent for oily skin, as it has a gentle drying effect without leaving burns. By including celandine in your daily care routine, you can smooth out small expression lines and age-related wrinkles, prolonging your youth and blooming appearance.

Everyone who has already tried the effect of the plant on themselves notes a complete relief or reduction in the number of acne. Celandine also helps against acne on the back and other parts of the body.

In addition to the advantages, celandine also has several disadvantages that cannot be ignored:

  • improper use can cause chemical burn, the skin begins to peel and itch;
  • application in pure form even a small amount turns the skin yellow or greenish;
  • Long-term use causes addiction, and the drug ceases to act with its original strength.

Grass is available to absolutely everyone. In summer it grows on every corner; in the cold season you can buy drugs based on it at the pharmacy. Medicinal cosmetics They cook it themselves, but if you are not a supporter of such “cooking,” there are many ready-made celandine-based products on sale. There are many recipes and everyone can choose the right one for themselves.

Celandine for acne on the face, recipes

Application of herb in medicinal purposes very diverse. It is applied to the face in the form of juice, brewed, made into infusions or added to baths. You need to use celandine for acne on your face depending on your skin type.

The maximum benefit is provided by a freshly cut plant, which contains a high concentration of medicinal components. You can use celandine fresh, after first twisting it through a meat grinder, or include it in masks, decoctions and lotions.

Celandine juice for acne

Fresh plant juice is the easiest way to use it. During the flowering period, the grass is picked and wiped with a damp cloth. Preference is given to growing away from the city. The collected stems are ground in a meat grinder or blender and filtered through cheesecloth. The resulting mass is applied to problem areas and left for 15 minutes. Apply up to three times a day. Store the juice in a glass container in a cool, dark place. After the first applications, the number of acne may increase. So they resist fighting them, but soon the shortcomings will give up and begin to disappear.

For oily skin celandine extract is diluted with vodka in a ratio of 2:1. Sensitive skin is wiped with juice diluted with water in the same ratio. For dry and normal type prepare the fermented composition. Pour the juice into a plastic container, close the lid and allow the fermentation gases to escape several times a day until they are completely released. The fermented liquid is transferred to a glass container and sent to the refrigerator.

Celandine tincture for acne

Tincture based on celandine is prepared independently or purchased at the pharmacy. Use fresh or dry grass, as well as its root.

  1. Pour two or three tablespoons of crushed celandine into 350 ml of boiling water.
  2. Place the mixture in a vessel and leave for 7 hours in a dark place.
  3. Strain the infusion and use as a cleanser.

Celandine oil for acne

Plant oil helps reduce inflammation and heal small wounds. You can buy a ready-made drug at the pharmacy and apply it directly to the skin for 10 minutes, then wash it off with water.

It is not difficult to prepare celandine oil for acne yourself. The grass in the amount of 400 g is poured with refined sunflower oil (you can take olive, almond, peach) so that it covers the plant by a centimeter and infuses for two weeks. Periodically you need to shake the vessel. Strain, pour into a clean container and use as intended. The resulting oil is also added to daily cream. Three drops per application.

Despite the fact that during boiling some useful substances disappears, the effectiveness of the drug still remains high level. Before brewing celandine for acne, make sure you are not allergic to it.

  1. Pour 100 g of dry or fresh herbs into 450-500 ml of boiling water.
  2. Heat in a water bath for half an hour.
  3. Leave for 3 hours and strain.

The resulting decoction of celandine is used for acne in various ways. You can make compresses, lotions or add to the bath. The lotion can be left overnight without fear of burns. Bathing in this decoction helps get rid of pimples on the back.

Alcohol tincture of celandine and cucumber

Alcohol tincture is intended for oily skin types. It relieves inflammation and dries, reducing the secretion of sebum.

Place 2 tablespoons of the plant, 2 medium-sized finely grated cucumbers in a glass vessel and pour in 250-300 ml of vodka. Leave in a dark place for two weeks. Wipe your face daily with a cotton pad. You can apply a compress against acne, but only for a few minutes. After the procedure, lubricate the skin with a softening cream.

For dry skin, use the tincture only spot-on, otherwise excessive dryness and flaking may occur.

Celandine face mask

A celandine mask for acne on the face is suitable for any skin type, depending on the ingredients. For the dry type, combine a teaspoon of olive oil, 15 drops of juice and one yolk. Apply to face for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water.

For oily skin, mix whipped egg white, 0.5 teaspoon of liquid honey and 2 tablespoons of herbal decoction. Moisten gauze or a piece of cloth in the resulting mixture and apply it to the face for 10 minutes. Afterwards, wash off with warm water. The procedure is performed once a week.

Pharmaceutical product

Pharmacies sell a remedy called “Bee Celandine” for acne. This natural preparation in the form of a cream-gel. It contains a mixture of celandine, sandalwood and tea tree oils. Perfect for treating acne, pimples, acne and other skin blemishes.

Bee celandine – a natural preparation in the form of a cream-gel

Bee celandine for acne, as the manufacturer promises, relieves the disease after several uses. But as the reviews of those who have already tried say this remedy on yourself, there is little benefit from it and the drug only copes with minor inflammations, leaving more serious problems in place.


Celandine contains toxic components that can adversely affect health. Contraindications include:

  • plant intolerance;
  • vascular disease;
  • eczema, dermatitis of any type;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • mental disorders and epilepsy;
  • heart disease;
  • open wounds.

Experts know how to use celandine on the face. To exclude side effects It is recommended to consult a dermatologist before use.

If you have ever looked for ways to combat skin pathologies, then you know for sure that celandine is one of the most common plants used for these purposes. It is most often used to treat warts. The sap of the plant literally burns the formations on the skin along with the root, causing the cover to high probability completely cleared. But there is another type of use of the plant. Celandine for acne – enough effective way treatment if you know exactly how to use the plants correctly. By the way, there are several application options that need to be carefully studied.

As stated, the sap of the plant is aggressive. Therefore, celandine cannot be used in all cases. At a minimum, it is necessary to avoid situations where juice gets on open wounds and overly affected areas of the skin. In addition, not all acne can be treated. It all depends on what specific pathology explains the appearance of inflammation on your skin. Only a dermatologist can accurately determine whether celandine is suitable for you. See your doctor for a diagnosis and specific treatment instructions.

The use of celandine specifically for acne is not as popular as the treatment of the same warts. But in fairness, it is worth noting that our ancestors began to use the plant to eliminate common skin inflammations much earlier. The fact that even professional dermatologists still often recommend celandine only confirms the effectiveness of this method of treatment.

What exactly is celandine useful for the face?

The name of the plant in Russian speaks for itself. This means that it began to be used in treatment even before it was given a specific name. Of course, the scientific name appeared much later. It is worth noting that most often celandine is used to treat various skin pathologies not in its pure form. It is part of many drugs, including tinctures, lotions, creams, masks and even medications. Naturally, all products are intended for external use.

Considering all the benefits of the plant, you need to understand that it is poisonous. That is, no matter how many advantages celandine has, any overdose can end negatively. Skin burns, wounds and ulcers are only a small part possible problems. The entry of plant juice into the digestive system must be avoided a priori. Therefore, when studying the methods of use described below, be extremely careful and attentive.

The secret of the product’s effect on the skin is explained by the large number of vitamins in the composition. This nourishes the cover and improves it general condition. But the main feature is the presence in the juice useful acids, which relieve you of problems in the form of pimples and blackheads of various levels of development. The following substances can be distinguished:

  • citric acid;
  • succinic acid;
  • malic acid.

These substances are often used separately in modern cosmetology. Together they give excellent results.

How to properly use celandine against acne

Specific instructions vary depending on what specific goals you are pursuing. More precisely, what types of pathologies are you trying to fight. Be sure to keep in mind that using the plant in its pure form for contact with skin (especially affected skin) is highly not recommended.

Let's consider the most common uses of the plant in cosmetology:

1. Tincture based on celandine at home

This product is sold in almost all pharmacies, but by preparing it yourself, you can be sure of the quality of the drug. Moreover, the right recipe allows you to make the ideal concentration of the juice itself, depending on your specific goals.

Standard cooking recipe:

  1. Pour a tablespoon of dried and pre-chopped herbs into a bowl.
  2. Flood the plant boiled water. 300-350 milliliters is enough.
  3. Keep the pot on the heat for 5 minutes and continue boiling.
  4. Pour the liquid along with the celandine into another container and leave for 6 hours in a cool place.
  5. Strain the tincture. You only need liquid.
  6. Every day before going to bed, soak the gauze in the infusion and use it as a compress.

The result of this procedure is visible within 7-8 days from the start of use.

Celandine tincture is not as aggressive as pure juice, however, it can also harm the skin. Consult your physician before use. IN as a last resort, the liquid can be used as a component for masks or lotion. The infusion also goes perfectly with fruit juices and essential oils.

2. Medicinal preparations based on celandine for facial skin

The positive properties of the plant are confirmed even by professional doctors who do not recognize folk remedies at all. Such experts will recommend that you pay attention to pharmaceutical drugs, based on celandine.

By the way, the same tincture is actively sold in pharmacies and is considered a pharmaceutical drug. In addition, the juice and even whole leaves of the plant are often included in a variety of ointments, creams and lotions produced by manufacturers medicines. IN lately Increasingly, celandine is the basis for the creation of cosmetic preparations. For example, masks made from this plant are widely available on the market.

Is it worth buying medications from celandine?

If the selected drugs exactly suit your composition, then you can rest assured of their quality. But the problem is that manufacturers often overestimate their offers. For example, the same tincture, as you already know, can easily be prepared independently at home.

But that's not all. Below are options for preparing more complex preparations. You can prepare any lotion, cream or mask yourself. If you strictly follow the recipe, the quality of the product will not differ from what you bought, but it will cost you several times less.

3. Masks based on leaves or decoction of celandine for the face

Celandine skin lotions and creams can be used on an ongoing basis every day. But cosmetologists say that masks are much more effective. With their help, you can get rid of acne and other types of inflammation on the skin much faster.

The advantage of this method is that you can use some types of masks very rarely and get good results. The disadvantage is that preparing the product takes some time. And before each procedure you will have to make a new mask, since most options are not allowed to be stored. Over time, they lose their positive abilities. Choose the option that suits you best and use it regularly until your skin is completely healed.

· Mask for dry skin based on celandine, vegetable oil and egg yolk

Typically, it is customary to add egg white to face masks. But in the case of dry skin, it is the yolk that has the best effect. So, to prepare, separate the yolk from the white and add a teaspoon of vegetable oil (preferably olive) to it. Add exactly 10 drops of celandine juice to the mixture and mix thoroughly again.

Apply the product to your face for 20 minutes before going to bed. After this, rinse and moisturize the skin with a special cream. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week, depending on the level of development of the disease.

· Mask for oily skin based on vodka, cucumber and celandine oil for acne

You can use ready-made oil, which, again, can be found at the pharmacy, but it is better to prepare the mask from scratch at home. The quality of the drug will be much higher.

This mask is made to dry the skin and prevent the recurrence of acne. Of course, thanks to the correctly selected composition, existing inflammations also gradually disappear from the skin.

It is necessary to prepare the product in advance. Place several celandine leaves in a deep bowl and add pre-chopped cucumber there. Pour all this over one glass of vodka. There will be no immediate effect. It is necessary for the oil to be released from the plant under the influence of vodka. Therefore, cover the dishes and place them in a cool, dark place for fourteen days. The mask will turn out to be a liquid, but it is not a lotion.

When the product has infused, soak several cotton pads in it and apply to your face. Try to avoid the area around the eyes and mouth. Keep the discs on for no longer than five minutes. After this, rinse your face thoroughly with cool water and moisturize your skin.

You can repeat the procedure 2 times a week. This will help keep your skin in good condition at all times.

Acne is one of the main, but far from the only problem that celandine will help you get rid of. The plant is absolutely universal, therefore it is used to treat a wide range of skin pathologies. By correctly selecting recipes for preparing celandine-based products, you can completely abandon medications. Naturally, only with the doctor's permission.

Watch the most common methods of using celandine in dermatology in the video below:

The correct methods of using celandine for acne will help you not only get rid of inflammation, but also avoid possible relapses.

For inconspicuous areas

Grade: 4

I have never tried to use celandine juice on pimples that can break out and the contents come out. For some reason it seems like it will only get worse. It already burns the skin a little, and I think it will burn even more on an open wound. I use it only to reduce nascent inflammations where the head has not yet appeared. And even then, if it is in a place that is easy to hide under clothes. After all, stains from milky juice are even worse than those from dandelions - sticky, and cannot be washed off with anything. But inflammations cannot resist celandine; for a day or two they pass without leaving a trace.

I only use the decoction

Grade: 4

I can’t even imagine how you can use celandine for acne on your face. In my opinion, they are only suitable for cauterizing pimples or pustules that have appeared in a place that will be hidden under clothing. Because undiluted juice is very hot, I once tried to burn a boil on my hand. The juice is initially whitish and thick, and when it hardens, it leaves indelible bright yellow spots. In addition, it causes the skin to peel off. But a decoction of the leaves, and not the most concentrated one, on the contrary, is good for cleansing the skin of all sorts of dirty tricks.
I do this: I pour a tablespoon of either a freshly picked or a dried plant from a pharmacy into a glass cold water, bring to a boil, settle, strain and pour into ice molds. And I wipe my face, neck, and décolleté with these cubes in the morning instead of washing my face with soap. And I get two beneficial effects at once: the skin is cleansed from this extract, inflammation goes away, ripe pimples heal. And the ice massage makes the blood vessels work, so the skin acquires elasticity, tone and a healthy color. They say you can also drink a decoction of celandine to fight acne from the inside, but I couldn’t - it’s a very bitter tincture.

Traditional medicine in action

Grade: 5

The benefits of celandine for the skin have been known for a long time. I used it to remove acne when I was young, the effect is excellent. But it is worth noting that I did not use pharmaceutical products based on celandine, but collected it myself and made decoctions and lotions.
The fact is that celandine juice is poisonous. Therefore, ready medicines its concentration is low. This is done for safety reasons, but due to the individual characteristics of the body, the effectiveness of the universal recipe is reduced. And I just chose the optimal amount for myself. I made lotion for daily care. I took 2 tbsp. spoons of the dried plant, poured half a liter of boiling water, left for a day, filtered and wiped the face with cotton wool. There is no need to wipe it off; it should absorb on its own. Wiping time is about 10 minutes. In general, the longer the better.
I also made a mask with celandine. To do this, I took an egg yolk, mixed it with 1 teaspoon of olive oil and added 10 drops of plant juice. The mask should be kept on for about 20 minutes. It removes both pimples and blackheads, and at the same time brightens the skin, which is important for age spots. There is no irritation. The skin does not dry out, as when rubbing with alcohol.

Celandine alone will not help

Grade: 4

My opinion is that acne cannot be cured with celandine alone, but acute stages diseases, I have practically no hope for it, I use it for prevention, when “everything is calm”, to give the skin a break from antibiotics and other chemicals. The main thing to remember is that celandine is a poisonous plant and if its concentration is exceeded, you can easily get irritated or even burn the skin.
Therefore, I do not recommend using celandine in its pure form; it is better to add it to face masks or make a decoction for washing in the proportion of 2 tbsp. on the floor liter of water, water can be replaced with vodka, but this tincture is only suitable for rough or very oily skin, and then only with great caution. It is better to carry out any procedures with celandine at night, because it turns the skin a little greenish, and by the morning this trouble goes away.
I alternate celandine with other medicinal herbs, because even it is addictive and the effectiveness of its action on the skin decreases.
The main advantage of celandine is that it is an inexpensive folk remedy with moderate effectiveness; it is well suited for people who, for some reason, refuse to use antibiotics or do not trust pharmaceutical drugs.

Fresh celandine helps, but stains remain

Grade: 4

I know the celandine grass well: it grows visibly and invisibly in our dacha. You tear off a piece of the stem and you will see bright yellow juice. It can be used to lubricate warts, pimples, and rashes. All summer, I took advantage of the fact that I was on vacation, lubricating my pimples. Unfortunately, they cannot be removed that easily. It takes 3-4 days for the pimple to stop “puffing up” and then disappear. Celandine grass additionally leaves dark spot on the skin. Moreover, it is washed off only on the second day. You won't show yourself in front of people. So, I had to tinker with this weed. In addition, the grass can cause allergies.

Excellent product

Grade: 4

Now everyone has forgotten about the simplest thing. But everything ingenious is simple. Everything is around us. It took me a long time to convince my daughter to try it. Perhaps this is the fashion of our time to buy expensive acne products. They believe that this is more effective, but in reality it is not at all like that. All expensive remedies provide temporary relief and, in my opinion, are not at all designed for complete recovery in this area.
Try ordinary celandine. He once helped me myself and my daughter appreciated him. Even the name itself screams about it. And don’t listen to those who say that this weed is ineffective. Yes, it is cheap and will not bring you enrichment through sales, but the benefits are enormous.

The problem of rashes on the face bothers many people.

People's and official medicine There is now a wealth of experience in treating acne, but getting rid of it completely is often difficult.

And many people choose alternative treatment - with the help of herbs.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to action!
  • Can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS only DOCTOR!
  • We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

First place on the list of the most effective methods Celandine is used against acne.

This plant, which is considered a weed, received its name for a reason - when correct use it clears the skin of any rashes.

How it works

Celandine for acne on the face has been used for a very long time.

Decoctions, tinctures and oil with this plant are used for masks, compresses and face.

After just a few uses of celandine, the following result is visible:

  • redness, itching, swelling and pain disappear;
  • inflammation is relieved;
  • acne disappears;
  • the rash goes away.

Pros and cons

Celandine for acne is effective in any form.

  • He helps quickly and efficiently. Even if you use preparations from this plant only 2-3 times a week, it will work.
  • Celandine effectively dries out acne and prevents the appearance of new breakouts.
  • Numerous reviews note that the advantages of this treatment method also include the availability of this herb, its low cost (even pharmaceutical ready-made drugs are cheap) and ease of use.

But this tool also has disadvantages.

  • If used incorrectly or if the dosage is not observed, this plant can cause burns in people with thin and sensitive skin. It turns red, begins to peel and itch.
  • Even in small concentrations, celandine turns the skin yellow or green, which is very difficult to wash off.
  • In addition, with prolonged use it becomes addictive, and after a while it no longer works as effectively.

Is celandine effective for acne?

It’s not for nothing that this plant received its name – “celandine”.

His active ingredients actively fight inflammation, cleanse the skin of dirt and excess secretions of the sebaceous glands.

The effectiveness of celandine for fighting acne can be explained by its unique composition.

This plant contains the following active ingredients:

  • large number alkaloids that have bactericidal properties and destroy bacteria that cause;
  • Lemon, apple and lemon juice additionally relieve inflammation and disinfect the skin. succinic acid;
  • vitamins C and A, essential for skin health, as they are involved in metabolic and regeneration processes.

Video: “How to get rid of acne and pimples quickly using folk remedies”


Before resorting to this method of treatment, you need to find out how to use celandine correctly.

  • You can simply collect the grass from the garden or forest, wash it, pass it through a meat grinder and wipe your face with the resulting juice.
  • Or use decoctions, tinctures and oil from this plant. The main thing is to accurately observe the dosage and follow the recommendations for use in accordance with your skin type.

You can also find it in the pharmacy new drug– Bee Celandine cream, which removes acne after 2-3 applications.


Masks with the addition of celandine work best.

Their remaining components soften its negative qualities and enhance the anti-inflammatory and cleansing effect.

To prepare masks, use the juice of the plant, its decoction or fresh crushed leaves.

Photo: you can prepare a mask with protein and honey at home

It is very important to choose one that suits your skin type, otherwise the mask will not work as it should.

  • For dry skin, it is better to use a yolk mask. For one yolk you need to take 10 drops of plant juice and a spoonful of olive oil. This mask gets rid of not only pigment spots, but also pigment spots.
  • If the skin is prone to drying, components that have a drying effect are used. For example, this mask is effective: chop celandine leaves and cucumbers, add vodka and leave in a dark place.
  • A mask is suitable for any skin type. You need to mix egg white with a tablespoon and add a spoonful of celandine decoction.


The simplest recipe for using celandine is a decoction.

  • To prepare it, you need to take dry herbs, purchased at a pharmacy or collected yourself, put it in a glass container and pour boiling water over it.
  • You need to leave the broth overnight and then strain. Use the resulting infusion for compresses and wiping the face.

Photo: you can prepare a decoction from the plant and wipe your face with it

How to brew celandine in a faster way?

You can boil the herb over low heat for 12-15 minutes and wrap it up. In an hour, the healing solution will be ready.


Excellent anti-inflammatory and wound healing agent based on celandine - this is an oil.

You can buy it at any pharmacy. Apply the drug to the skin for only 15-20 minutes, then wash off with warm water.

It should be remembered that if you have an individual intolerance, the oil cannot be used.

But even people who don't have allergic reaction on celandine, it can cause an increase in the number of rashes at first. But after a few days, the skin will clear of acne.


For spot treatment of rashes, celandine tincture is effective.

Photo: tincture can be prepared at home

You can buy it ready-made at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself.

The simplest recipe is to pour the crushed leaves of the plant with vodka and place in a dark place for a day. This product can only be applied to the skin in a targeted manner - apply it cotton swab for every pimple.

You can also prepare a milder tincture.

  • To do this, for 200 ml of vodka you need to take two chopped cucumbers and 3-4 branches of celandine.
  • Infuse the resulting mixture in a dark place for two weeks.
  • This infusion can be used to wipe the face or as compresses.


A regular decoction of celandine is used as a lotion for wiping the face.

The longer it is on the skin, the better it works.

  • After application, it is advisable not to wipe or wash it off for 10-15 minutes. Therefore, it is better to wipe the skin in the evening before going to bed.
  • The following regimen is recommended: apply the decoction to the face with a cotton swab.
  • Wait 3-5 minutes until absorbed and apply another portion.

After this, a pleasant warmth will be felt on the skin, and irritation will disappear.


Those who are looking for an answer to the question of whether this plant helps with acne on the face should take into account that it is poisonous.

Therefore, it is necessary not only to observe the exact dosage, but also to know when it should not be used.

Celandine is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • for vascular diseases;
  • for infectious skin diseases, for example, herpes;
  • people with dermatitis or eczema;
  • in the presence of individual intolerance;
  • if there are scratches or open wounds on the face.

Bright green carved leaves, yellow flowers- Probably everyone knows celandine. And everyone, one way or another, has heard about his outstanding healing abilities. How to properly use the properties of this plant to get rid of acne on the face and body? How safe is such treatment - after all, celandine is known to be poisonous.

Celandine for the beauty of face and body

The unpretentious plant celandine has long settled next to people and serves them faithfully. Many consider it a weed and mercilessly destroy it, but in vain! Celandine is endowed with the ability to heal even the most serious ailments, but what this close relative of the poppy can do best is take care of the purity and beauty of our skin, fully justifying its “talking” name. Even the ancient Greeks successfully used celandine to treat many skin diseases.

Other names of celandine are no less eloquent. Its scientific name is Chelidonium, which is translated from Latin as “heavenly gift.” And among the people, the plant has received many colorful nicknames, here are just a few of them: golden grass, herb of life, herb of victory, pure herb, miracle herb, warthog, cleanweed, Russian ginseng...

Unlike its eastern namesake, Russian ginseng is famous not for its roots, but for its tops. Healing properties The entire above-ground part of the plant is possessed, but the succulent stems of celandine are the most in demand for medicinal purposes. The thick yellow-orange juice is most effective when eaten fresh. It can be used from early spring until the first frost. In winter, the healing miracle herb is dried to be used for various preparations and procedures.

Properly collected and prepared celandine retains most of its medicinal properties and useful substances. Chemical composition This truly golden herb is represented by a unique complex of components. From this long list, we should highlight those that are most important for healthy skin:

  • organic acids (succinic, malic, chelidonic, citric and others);
  • alkaloids (chelidonine, chelirubine, chelerythrine, protopine, berberine, sparteine ​​and others);
  • vitamins A and C;
  • saponins;
  • flavonoids.

When applied locally to skin affected by pimples and acne, celandine actively exhibits the following properties:

  • relieves inflammation;
  • relieves pain;
  • destroys infection;
  • regenerates;
  • dries;
  • heals;
  • increases resistance.

Methods of use for acne and other skin blemishes

The active biological substances of celandine are so active that after just a few uses, acne literally disappears without a trace - without leaving even small scars or pockmarks on the skin.

Medical cosmetics

You can easily make all the proposed preparations from “Russian ginseng” in your own kitchen.

Fresh juice


  1. Pick fresh, non-woody stems of celandine and cut them into several pieces.
  2. Immediately treat acne on the face or body with the juice released from the cuts.
  3. Repeat the treatment three to five times a day every day until the desired result is achieved.
  4. To prepare a folk remedy for several days, grind the miracle herb in a meat grinder, squeeze out the juice and put it in the refrigerator.



  • crushed celandine - 2 tablespoons;
  • water - 2 glasses.


  1. Boil water and pour in the celandine herb, cut into small pieces.
  2. Cool the infusion and strain it.
  3. Wipe problem areas of the skin with lotion.
  4. After waiting for complete absorption, rub the lotion into the affected area again.
  5. After five to ten minutes, rinse the skin warm water.



  • celandine grass - 5 tablespoons;
  • chamomile or string herb - 1–2 tablespoons;
  • boiling water - 0.5 liters.


  1. Brew the chopped herb with boiling water. For oily skin, add chamomile to the infusion, and for dry skin, add a series.
  2. Infuse away from light for several hours - you can leave it overnight.
  3. In the morning, wash your face with fresh infusion. It is useful to make ice cubes out of it for morning rubdowns.



  • celandine (herb) - 2 tablespoons;
  • water - 2 glasses.


  1. Pour boiling water over the medicinal herb and place in a water bath.
  2. Simmer over low heat for five minutes.
  3. Remove from heat and cool to room temperature, strain.
  4. Use for wiping, lotions, etc.
  5. The effect of the decoction is softer and deeper than that of the infusion.
  6. Treatment is longer, up to a month.



  • celandine - 6 tablespoons;
  • fresh cucumbers - 4 pieces;
  • vodka - 0.5 liters.


  1. Wash the cucumbers and grate them on a coarse grater, cut the celandine with scissors.

  2. Pour the healing mixture with vodka.
  3. Infusion time is two weeks, away from a light source.
  4. Continue to store the strained tincture in the dark.
  5. Vodka tincture of celandine ideally relieves acne on oily skin.
  6. Problem areas are wiped morning and evening for two weeks.



  • celandine juice - 10 drops;
  • chicken egg yolk;
  • olive oil - 1 teaspoon.


  1. Mix and beat all the components of the mask.
  2. Apply immediately remedy on skin previously cleansed with lotion or infusion of celandine.
  3. After a quarter of an hour, thoroughly rinse off the mask with warm water.
  4. Treatment is carried out daily for a week. IN difficult cases the course can be extended up to two weeks.

Healing procedures

Home treatment that doesn't cost money but guarantees great results!



  1. Rubbing is done with tincture (for oily skin), infusion (for normal skin) or decoction (for dry skin).
  2. To enhance the therapeutic effect, the celandine extract is applied in several doses, then rinsed with water.
  3. Wipe problem areas on both the face and body.



  1. A gauze napkin or a special base for a mask is moistened in an infusion or tincture of celandine and squeezed out a little.
  2. Apply to the problem area of ​​skin for five to ten minutes.
  3. Do not cover with compress paper!
  4. For longer procedures, use a decoction of celandine - you can keep the lotion with it all night without fear of getting a burn.



  • celandine grass - 300 grams;
  • water.


  1. Rinse the whole plants with cold running water and place in a saucepan.
  2. Steam with boiling water and leave for two hours.

  3. Bring the infusion to a boil and heat for another twenty minutes.
  4. Pour the broth through a colander into a bath of warm water.
  5. Take a bath for twenty minutes; This procedure is good for acne all over the body.
  6. Do not use detergents. Do not rinse off with a shower.
  7. Take healing baths every other day for two to three weeks.

Pharmacy products

If suddenly celandine does not grow in your area or you simply forgot to dry it for the winter useful plant, drugs from the pharmacy will come to the rescue. They are inexpensive and very effective.

Bee celandine


  1. The gel-like drug is an excellent treatment small pimples on the face and body.
  2. The strong bactericidal properties of the cream-gel allow you to get the first effect within three hours.
  3. The product should be applied several times in a row, as it dries, to the locations of acne, rashes and irritations.
  4. Do not rinse off.

Mountain celandine


  1. Inexpensive drug effectively removes not only acne, but also warts.
  2. You need to soak a gauze napkin folded in four with the balm and use it as a lotion.
  3. Apply to the sore spot for 15–20 minutes, then rinse with water at room temperature.
  4. Well medical procedures lasts from two to three weeks. It can be repeated after a week break.
  5. Typically, “Mountain Celandine” is used to treat problem areas on the body and limbs.

Celandine oil


  1. It is used as a wound-healing and anti-inflammatory drug in the treatment of acne of various origins, localized on the back and head.
  2. Use most effectively after a bath or shampooing.
  3. Apply the oil to a cotton pad and rub into the affected areas of steamed skin for 5–7 minutes.
  4. The procedure is repeated every other day, alternating with cauterization with an alcohol tincture of celandine, until the acne completely disappears.

Folk remedy from celandine for acne - video


When using folk remedies from celandine to cleanse the skin of the face and body, you should always remember: this plant is poisonous! Even when used externally, an overdose or too long use of drugs based on the miracle herb can lead to disastrous results - causing nausea and vomiting, digestive disorders, convulsions and even paralysis.

Before you start treatment with this plant, do a test to determine your individual tolerance - draw a small mark on your wrist with the juice of the plant or inside elbow. If after two hours there are no rashes, itching, redness, etc. unpleasant symptoms, then the folk remedy can be used. And consult your doctor first if you have been diagnosed with the following ailments:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • heart and neurological diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • mental disorders;
  • varicose veins;
  • dermatitis of various origins.

You need to be especially careful when taking a bath with a decoction of celandine. Indeed, with a large contact surface of the plant extract and elevated water temperature, biologically active substances from liquid and vapor have a stronger effect on the body. As you know, the skin is the largest human organ, and you should be careful about its extensive contacts with toxic substances - even in a solution of low concentration.

Pregnant and lactating women

During the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding, it is better to refuse any use of the plant or reduce it to a minimum - occasionally use it to cauterize one or two pimples. Baths with this folk remedy are strictly contraindicated.

Children and teenagers

Celandine works great on problematic teenage skin. Teenagers can easily use it, provided they follow the usual safety precautions. As for celandine baths for babies, healers do not have a clear opinion on this matter. On the one hand, in solutions of this herb, along with others medicinal herbs, since ancient times it has been customary to bathe newborns and small children. On the other hand, there are no studies or any statistics on this topic. It is unknown how such a procedure may affect the child’s health over time - especially since he may have diseases that have not yet been diagnosed, for which bathing is contraindicated... So, it’s probably better not to experiment - there are many other, no less useful, options for bathing babies and safer plants.

Does celandine help with acne, or what is the secret of the plant?

Interesting fact: since ancient times, celandine has been used to treat about 250 skin diseases. The beneficial properties of celandine are directly related to its composition. The main active substances of celandine are: alkaloids, succinic, malic and citric acid, vitamin C ( ascorbic acid), β-carotene (Vitamin A).

The brightest beneficial properties celandine:

  1. Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects are the main advantage of celandine. Celandine disinfects the skin, removes inflammation in pimples and promotes their rapid maturation.
  2. Regenerating property is the second argument in favor of celandine. Thanks to its regenerating properties, celandine is an excellent remedy for red spots, marks and scars after acne (post-acne).
  3. Resistant. Celandine strengthens the skin's immunity, helping it cope better with harmful effects environment.
  4. Mild drying effect. Celandine gently dries without the risk of burning or injuring the skin.
  5. Nourishing, tonic and light rejuvenating the action of celandine will help you maintain the beauty of your skin for many years.

You can buy celandine for pennies, or even get it for free - celandine grows in almost every yard.

There is a plant that has been a healthy competitor to celandine for many years. I advise you to read about why string helps against acne on the face no worse than celandine (sometimes even better!).

Use of celandine: acne - go away!

First of all, celandine is worth a try for those who do not trust modern medicine and pharmacology, but want to be treated with old, proven, and most importantly safe methods.

There are many options for treating acne with celandine and the choice of method depends primarily on your problem.

In front of you - best ways applications of celandine herb for acne, acne, spots on the face, wen and urticaria, which you can only find on the Internet.

Celandine juice - there is no simpler remedy for acne!

The most practical method of using celandine for the face. Naturally, to obtain juice we need a fresh plant.

Carefully cut off the stems, wipe with a napkin (if you wash, we will lose some of the beneficial substances) and pass through a meat grinder. Apply celandine juice onto pimples 3 times a day.

It is best to collect celandine during its flowering - this way you can extract maximum quantity useful substances.

Infusion of celandine for acne

One of the most popular ways to use celandine. The method is incredibly simple. You need to take:

  • Dry celandine herb.
  • Water.

In order to prepare an infusion of celandine, you will need 2-3 tbsp. l herbs, plants and boiling water (no more than 300-400 ml).

Find a vessel, pour boiling water over the celandine, close the vessel and let it brew for 6-8 hours in a dark place. The resulting infusion of celandine must be filtered with gauze.

The best way to use celandine infusion for acne is to wash your face in the morning.. From such washes, the skin will become much better within a week.

Decoction of celandine

It differs from preparing a tincture in that the vessel will need to be kept in boiling water for 5-8 minutes. Decoctions are a cruder way of obtaining nutrients from a plant.

Although decoctions act slower and weaker than infusions, they the action lasts much longer. It is very simple to prepare a decoction of celandine for acne. Let's take:

  • 3 tbsp. l. fresh celandine herbs.
  • 500 ml water.

Pour fresh celandine with water and put on fire. When the broth boils, it must be kept on the fire for another 5 minutes. After this, the infusion is allowed to cool and filtered.

Application : moisten a sponge with infusion and wipe your face 2-3 times a day for 5 minutes (best before bed). In addition, you can make lotions with this infusion for the whole night without fear of burns.

The infusion of celandine has a very gentle effect on the skin, helping to cleanse it. An excellent replacement for expensive tonics and lotions!

Both the infusion and the decoction for acne from celandine can be stored in the refrigerator for only 2-3 days. Decoctions and infusions quickly lose their beneficial properties, so they need to be used as soon as possible.

Alcohol tincture of celandine and cucumbers is the best solution for oily and problem skin!

The best solution for oily and combined type skin. To prepare an alcohol tincture of celandine with vodka for acne you will need:

  • 3 tbsp. l. dry celandine.
  • 250 ml vodka.
  • 2 medium sized cucumbers.

Preparing the tincture is very simple. Pour celandine into a vessel, chop 2 cucumbers into it and fill everything with vodka. The tincture must be infused for at least 14 days.

Application: moisten the sponge and wipe your face very carefully. The main advantage of alcohol tincture is drying the skin and reducing the secretion of sebum.

Be very careful not to cause burns. After using this tincture, it is recommended to apply a cream according to your skin type.

If you have dry skin, this tincture can only be used spot on!

Celandine face mask is the best option for dry and normal skin + from spots, marks and scars

If alcohol tincture While celandine is an excellent remedy for oily skin, this mask is suitable for dry and normal skin. So, we will need:

  • 1 tsp. olive oil.
  • 1 yolk.
  • 8-12 drops of celandine juice.

The dosage of celandine juice depends on the degree of sensitivity of your skin. Beat the yolk, add oil and celandine juice. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly.

Apply the mask to the face for 15-20 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water. A face mask made from celandine helps get rid of acne, makes the skin soft and smooth..

In addition, the mask brightens the skin, which is very necessary when fighting scars and acne scars.

Now let's see what it offers us pharmaceutical market, because they could not ignore this miracle plant.

Is bee celandine a panacea? Don't make me laugh!

Recently on Russian market acne gel “Bee Celandine” appeared. According to their creators, after using their product, acne and pimples of any severity disappear in 2-3 days.

It is this statement that is alarming and suggests that Bee Celandine is just another campaign to lure money out of the pockets of gullible people. The price for a tube of Bee Celandine is approximately 100-150 rubles.

Having tried it on myself and read the reviews of other people, we can say that the product, although it has some positive effect (it can be dealt with a couple small pimples), but more often than not, people are very disappointed in the product.

Bee celandine is not a panacea, so you should not expect strong and radical results. If you decide to use bee celandine, read the instructions very carefully to avoid serious consequences.

Mountain celandine

Another pharmaceutical product, but without promises of an immediate effect. It is worth noting that the Mountain Celandine balm was originally created to combat warts, which it deals with quite effectively.

But, in addition, mountain celandine can also help with acne. Try it, mountain celandine costs a penny (about 30-40 rubles).

Celandine oil

Celandine oil has antibacterial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, celandine oil promotes wound healing and skin regeneration.

The spectrum of action is wide: celandine oil is used for acne on the back, blackheads, acne and boils, as well as for eczema, seborrhea and many other skin diseases. Celandine oil can be bought at a pharmacy, or made at home.

The price is simply ridiculous - you can buy celandine oil for 45-60 rubles.

Will celandine help against wen?

Celandine also fights against wen, and even quite well. To treat wen with celandine, we need its juice (we have already talked about how to get it). Apply celandine juice to the wen.

You need to smear the wen with celandine every day for a week. The result will not be long in coming.

Will celandine cope with hives?

Celandine for urticaria has been used for a very long time, it’s a pity that old recipes are forgotten over time.

For urticaria, as additional treatment, baths with celandine and other herbs help.

To do this, you must first prepare a decoction of celandine, sage, chamomile and string according to the same principle as a decoction of celandine (the preparation method was described above). Take a bath with this decoction for no more than 15 minutes every two days for 2 weeks.


But it should be remembered that celandine also has contraindications. Among them:

  • Chronic dermatitis.
  • Vascular diseases.
  • Open wounds.
  • Intolerance to celandine (allergic reaction).
  • Infectious skin diseases.

Some people experience skin adaptation over time. The consequence is that the celandine loses its potency and a break is required.

Celandine has almost zero chance of side effects.

Celandine for acne on the face: reviews

An entire article is not enough to describe how wide the spectrum of action of this plant is. Reviews of the results of using celandine for acne and acne on the face are positive and optimistic and encourage everyone to try the plant in the fight for clear skin.

Many people notice positive results already on the second day. In addition, they are joined by those who treated wen, urticaria, eczema and skin diseases. And finally, reviews.

What is the effect of using celandine?

The use of celandine is widespread; it even helps to slow down the growth of tumors. It is prescribed to drink after operations, and is used in the treatment of gynecological diseases, hemorrhoids, and intestinal polyps.

If there are problems with oral cavity– stomatitis, gum disease, candidiasis. Removes inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx.

To treat dry calluses, pimples and warts, use fresh celandine juice. He also performed well in the fight against age spots and blisters on the lips from herpes.

The composition of celandine allows you to effectively fight various inflammations on human skin. Celandine herb contains organic acids (about 4%) and alkaloids (about 2.3%).

This plant is used to treat acne fits better everything. The herb also contains a large amount of vitamins, which are so necessary for the skin and citric, malic and succinic acids. We can find the use of precisely these acids in many anti-acne products.

Among the skin problems that celandine can cope with are:

  • calluses;
  • herpetic rashes;
  • psoriatic plaques;
  • eczema;
  • removes warts;
  • lichen;
  • acne.

Relieve pain from burns, soothe and soften sensitive and irritated skin.

The range of uses of celandine is so wide that there is simply no point in listing everything. You can read the information in the instructions for its use in more detail.

We make anti-acne masks at home. When used regularly, masks are very effective.

Recipes for acne masks with aspirin:

Methods of using celandine against acne

The variety of celandine-based products these days is amazing. From celandine you can make an acne tincture, decoction, lotion or mask. It all depends on your skin type and purpose of use. Here are some methods:

Recipe No. 1 Acne lotion with celandine.

2-3 tablespoons of dried celandine herb are poured into 500 ml of boiling water. Leave to brew for 3 hours, then strain. Application: used to treat subcutaneous acne.

It is necessary to wipe the skin with a cotton pad soaked in lotion. It is recommended to use every day, rubbing for 7 minutes three times a day.

It is absorbed very quickly, within one minute.

After application, wash with not too cold water.

Recipe No. 2 Mask for dry skin. (suitable for more problem skin)

Mix 1 teaspoon of olive oil, 10 drops of celandine juice and 1 egg yolk. Application: this version of the mask will soften the skin and actively fight pimples and acne. It is not only nutritious, but also has additional properties, such as getting rid of age spots that appear after acne.

Recipe No. 3 Mask for oily skin types.

Put a handful of fresh herbs into a jar, add 2 chopped small cucumbers and pour a glass of vodka. Leave for 2 weeks in a dark place. Application: apply cotton pads soaked in the composition for 5 minutes every day. After application, moisturize the skin with cream.

Recipe No. 4 Tincture of celandine against acne.

Pour one tablespoon of celandine herb (fresh) into 1.5 glasses of water and boil for 5 minutes. Leave for 6 hours, then strain. Application: apply lotions at night. The result is already noticeable after a week. It is recommended to add fruit masks to your morning routine.

To avoid unnecessary consequences, contraindications should be taken into account when using celandine.

If you have anything from the list below, try to use celandine less actively.


  • open wounds on the face;
  • dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • vascular diseases; individual intolerance (smear the skin of the wrist and see the reaction before applying to the face);
  • infectious skin diseases.

Whatever option you use for using celandine, the effect on the skin will be noticeable and inflammatory processes will decrease.

Reviews prices for celandine

Cosmetologists believe that the main result is provided by alkaloids, which cleanse the skin by killing bacteria on it. Even more often you can hear positive reviews from people who have used celandine not only in the fight against acne, but against more serious diseases.

In the modern pharmacy market, the leader in celandine-based products is “Bee Celandine”. Dermatologists most often try to advise it to people suffering from acne. If you look at customer reviews, then after the first times of using this cream, significant changes are already noticeable.

You can buy celandine at any pharmacy. Its price allows everyone to use it. Average price celandine in pharmacies is about 50-60 rubles.

And the Bee Celandine cream is a little more expensive, about 100-150 rubles per pack. No matter how easier it is to buy a ready-made cream and use it, it is better to give preference to traditional proven recipes.

You can find the best moisturizing face masks on our website.

Deep cleansing face masks:

Possibilities of a medicinal plant

The antibacterial and antimicrobial activity of celandine is based on the presence of the alkaloids berberine and chelidonine in the herb. They exhibit an inhibitory effect on groups of microorganisms, including coli, dysentery bacillus and staphylococcus. The latter is treated selectively, so treatment staphylococcal infections may take place with different indicators productivity.

For oily skin

The use of celandine in cosmetology is primarily associated with its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. In folk medicine, it is considered a good remedy for solving oily skin problems.

It is characterized by:

  • large, noticeable pores;
  • increased sebum secretion, which manifests itself as an oily sheen in the forehead, cheeks and chin;
  • clogged pores, visually noticeable as blackheads;
  • the formation of focal inflammations - pimples, the incorrect removal of which leads to the formation of scars and traces of post-acne.

Due to the fact that oily skin is prone to inflammation, and celandine for acne reduces these inflammations, it is logical to include the product in your daily care. But using medicinal herb, as with caring for problem skin, not everything is so simple.

It is believed that if you have oily skin, acne will definitely bother you. But when proper care you can minimize the risk of their occurrence.

There are many reasons for the decrease in the activity of local immunity - from hormonal changes to the habit of squeezing out blackheads with your hands.

That's why the right decision Proper and regular cleansing is essential for caring for oily skin. By washing away oily secretions every day using a special foam or gel, you reduce the risk of its accumulation and the development of inflammation. You can use celandine for acne as an additional remedy to reduce the severity of inflammation.

For problem skin

Consult with a cosmetologist about the choice of cosmetics for everyday care or opt for medicinal cosmetics, which can be bought at the pharmacy. Your basic routine should include morning and evening cleansing, toning and moisturizing. With this approach, the condition of the skin will improve significantly, and the rash will bother you much less often.

For existing rashes, use anti-inflammatory, sebum-regulating agents. At home, you can use celandine, following the following recommendations.

  • Do not apply pure juice to your skin. “If celandine gets on healthy skin, a burn may occur,” notes dermatovenerologist Tigran Galstyan. “This violates the integrity of the skin.” In such areas, infection actively develops, since local immunity reduced, microorganisms easily penetrate the epidermis and the underlying layer of skin. Its areas become inflamed, and if there are injured and thinned areas of the epidermis in the immediate vicinity, the infection spreads further. Injured areas are also susceptible to hyperpigmentation. Signs of photoaging and the formation of age spots are especially pronounced under the influence of the sun.
  • Use alcohol solutions pointwise. It is believed that celandine tincture is most effective against rashes and acne. But you can only use it locally, carefully applying it directly to the pimple with a cotton swab. The alcohol has a drying effect, and the extract medicinal plant inhibits pathogenic microflora - the source of inflammation and redness. It is absolutely unacceptable to wipe your entire face with this product. Alcohol disrupts normal work skin, literally erases the outer protective covering from it. This provokes increased fat content, as the epidermis tries to restore the protective barrier. At the same time, the skin becomes dehydrated, looks dry, and fine wrinkles quickly appear on it. But acne remains, there are more of them, as the epidermis loses local immunity and the ability to cope with infection.
  • Do not steam your face or apply exfoliants. You can often find recommendations for steam baths with celandine against acne and blackheads, after which you need to rub the skin with sea or table salt. Such procedures are a direct path to total inflammatory process, which will affect all areas of the face without exception. In the form of a steam bath, celandine is useless, since its active substances do not come into contact with the skin. At the same time, the steaming process itself stimulates the spread of infection to healthy areas of the skin, which completes and aggravates scrubbing with a harsh abrasive. Sea salt, sugar and other substances with sharp scrubbing particles cause microscopic damage to the epidermis. They serve as new gates for infection and the next foci of inflammation.

Cosmetics based on celandine are on sale. IN home care for active rashes, you can include “Bee Celandine”, which contains essential oils, salicylic acid, and silver ions. In the complex, the substances have an anti-inflammatory effect and suppress the development of acne and pimples.

Rejuvenation product

“There is a universal recipe for prolonging the youth of the skin and refreshing the complexion,” says cosmetologist Elena Tselkovskaya. - Take a sprig of the plant, pour one and a half glasses of water, heat and boil for about five minutes. Then leave the infusion for an hour, cool.”

According to Elena Tselkovskaya, this recipe can be used to treat skin diseases, including acne and dermatitis. And as a tonic, rejuvenating agent.

However, it is not entirely correct to position celandine for the face against wrinkles. An aqueous infusion of a medicinal plant really improves skin health, as it normalizes microflora, eliminates inflammation and prevents the formation of new ones. But it has nothing to do with the formation or, conversely, reduction of wrinkles.

To eliminate wrinkles, regular moisturizing of the skin and procedures that involve the deep layers of the dermis are required. Celandine in any form works only on the surface of the epidermis, and will not help cope with either facial wrinkles or signs of skin aging as a result of dehydration.

Fighting pigment spots

“After using celandine, traumatic skin pigmentation occurs at the site of its impact,” says Inna Voloshchenko, chief physician of the Kyiv Institute of Beauty. “If a person comes to me for an appointment who has tried to get rid of spots on the skin in this way, we send him for a consultation with an oncologist, since the skin has suffered extremely severe trauma in this area.”

It is unacceptable to use pure celandine juice to combat age spots. They do not eliminate the problem, but on the contrary, they make it worse. The solution to the problem of pigmentation can only be cosmetic products based on acids, while the mechanism of action of this medicinal plant is completely different.

In the form of solutions or celandine oil, the plant does not have a significant effect on the epidermis and does not stimulate the exfoliation of the stratum corneum, in which the natural pigment is retained. It is futile to expect any skin whitening in this case.

Home Remedies Recipes

Using celandine to combat facial rashes will be safe and effective at home. You can use the infusion in its pure form or combined recipes with other medicinal plants.

Anti-inflammatory infusion

Use for multiple inflammations on the face, neck, décolleté and back. The infusion has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.


  1. Place four tablespoons of dry herb in a thermos.
  2. Leave to brew for one hour, strain.

To prevent the infusion from spoiling, keep it in the refrigerator. Pour the product into a small jar from which you can apply it to a cotton pad without dipping the swab into the anti-inflammatory toner.

Acne celandine, according to cosmetologists, can serve as an additional care product for oily and problem skin. It reduces the appearance of acne, but cannot do anything about blackheads. Only regular cleansing procedures and masks based on fruit acids will help get rid of them.

Chamomile infusion

By combining celandine with chamomile and sage, you will enrich the composition of the healing tonic for problem skin and increase its anti-inflammatory effect.


  1. Mix dry herbs of celandine, chamomile and sage, two tablespoons each.
  2. Pour boiling water in a volume of five hundred milliliters.
  3. Leave it to sit for an hour.
  4. Strain.

It is recommended to use the infusion for exacerbation of acne and active spread of acne. After cleansing the skin, wipe it with a cotton pad soaked in the infusion, apply day or night care cream.

Anti-inflammatory mask

The technique of preparing an anti-inflammatory mask based on celandine and chamomile will help cope with the development of acne and stop rashes on the face.


  1. Grind the dried celandine herb and chamomile flowers.
  2. Mix two tablespoons at a time.
  3. Pour a tablespoon of alcohol and leave for three hours.
  4. Squeeze out the mass and remove the liquid.
  5. Mix the cake with a teaspoon of honey.
  6. Add two tablespoons of lanolin cream.

The resulting composition must be stored in the refrigerator. It includes several active, anti-inflammatory components. Before use, you need to take a tablespoon of the product and melt it in a water bath, since when cooled the mass is viscous and thick.

Apply it two to three times a week to cleansed skin. Leave for 15 minutes, then rinse and apply toner and cream.

Paste with sage for hair

It is useful to use celandine for hair. A water infusion or a pulp of brewed herbs is applied to the roots. The composition is soft irritating effect, resulting in improved blood supply to the scalp and nutrition of the hair follicles.


  1. Pour a tablespoon of chopped celandine herb into a container.
  2. Mix with sage leaves in a volume of three tablespoons.
  3. Pour in fifty milliliters of hot water.
  4. Simmer in a water bath for 20 minutes.
  5. Cool.

Rub the resulting pulp into the roots 2-3 times a week. Leave the product on the skin for forty minutes, then rinse and wash your hair as usual. Use the product within one month.

Facial celandine can be used at home. Medicinal infusions based on it are used to reduce inflammation, eliminate foci of infections on the skin due to acne, acne. But it is not allowed to use the juice in its pure form, and alcohol compositions should only be applied pointwise. An aqueous infusion of a medicinal plant has an active anti-inflammatory effect, which should be used regularly as a tonic after washing in the morning and evening.

Useful properties of celandine

The composition of the plant includes:

  • alkaloids;
  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and beta-carotene (provitamin A);
  • organic acids (citric, succinic, malic, chelidonic);
  • flavonoids;
  • saponites.

Thanks to these components, when treating acne, the plant:

  • has an antibacterial effect;
  • blocks inflammatory processes;
  • accelerates skin regeneration;
  • provides a drying effect.

Supporters traditional medicine actively use the healing power of celandine to get rid of acne on both the face and body. The plant is suitable for eliminating subcutaneous, pustular and acne rashes.

When treating acne, celandine provides an exclusively cosmetic, temporary effect. Until the cause of the rashes is eliminated, they will appear again and again.

Using the plant to treat acne

When treating acne, celandine is used only as a means for external use.

Celandine juice

Video: How to get juice from a plant?

Use in its pure form

Preservation with alcohol (for oily and combination skin):

  1. Pass the celandine (preferably with roots) through a meat grinder and squeeze the juice out of the raw material using gauze.
  2. Pour the resulting product into a dark glass container and refrigerate for 2 days.
  3. Carefully transfer the liquid into a separate container, and discard the sediment or use it for bathing.
  4. Dilute pure juice with vodka good quality, keeping the ratio 2 to 1.

Alcohol-free preparation (for dry and normal skin):

Allow the squeezed juice to ferment under a water seal, blocking the flow of air, or pour it into a plastic container, close the lid and allow the fermentation gases to escape 1-3 times a day until they stop escaping completely. Transfer the fermented juice into a dark glass container and store in the refrigerator.

According to folk healers, celandine exhibits its maximum healing power during the flowering period. That is why this time is most suitable for treating acne.

Apply the prepared or fresh juice of the plant directly to acne 1-2 times a day until the rash disappears. For sensitive facial skin, it is recommended to dilute the liquid clean water in a ratio of 2 to 1.

Video: How to treat acne with celandine juice?

Mask for dry and normal skin

  1. Beat the egg yolk with a fork or whisk.
  2. Mix olive oil (1 teaspoon) and 8–12 drops of fresh plant juice (than more sensitive skin, the less celandine you need to add to the mask).

The composition should be applied to previously cleansed and dry facial skin for about 15–20 minutes. Remove the mask soaked in warm water or herbal decoction with a cotton pad and then wash with clean running water. It is recommended to resort to the procedure once a week until acne gets rid of.

grass plants

To prepare home remedies for acne with celandine, you will need dry or fresh herb of the plant, as well as its roots.


  1. Pour 300–400 ml of boiling water over the celandine herb (1–2 tablespoons).
  2. Cover the container with a lid and leave in a dark place for 6–8 hours.
  3. Strain the infusion through a sieve or cheesecloth.

The finished product can be used in several ways:

  • use a cotton swab to wipe the skin once a day (morning or evening);
  • soak gauze in the infusion and make lotions before going to bed.

The duration of use is determined by the condition of the skin. Usually the result is noticeable after 6-7 days of regular procedures.


Fresh celandine herb is more suitable for preparing a decoction.

  1. Pour 0.5 liters of water into 3 tablespoons of the plant.
  2. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 5-8 minutes.
  3. Cool and strain the liquid through a sieve or cheesecloth.

The decoction should be used to wipe acne-covered skin 1-2 times a day instead of cleansing lotion until the rash disappears.

Decoctions and infusions prepared from celandine can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2–3 days. After this period, they lose their healing properties.

Mask with decoction for normal and oily skin

  1. Beat the egg white and add 0.5 teaspoon of honey to the resulting foam.
  2. Pour 1-2 tablespoons of celandine decoction into the mixture.
  3. Moisten gauze or a cloth napkin in the resulting composition and place on your face for about 10–15 minutes.
  4. Remove the mask and wash with warm water or herbal decoction.

The procedure should be carried out once a week until acne disappears.

Infusion baths

This method is suitable for treating acne on the skin of the body and especially on the back, since it is quite problematic to independently treat rashes using the products described above in this area.

  1. Pour 1 liter of water at room temperature with 3-4 tablespoons of celandine herb or plant roots and let it brew for about 2 hours.
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil and keep on low heat for 15–20 minutes, then cool and strain.
  3. Pour the broth into a bathtub filled with warm water.

Take a bath for 15–20 minutes without using soap or shower gel. The procedure can be carried out according to one of the following schemes:

  • every day, the course of therapy in this case is 10 procedures;
  • every other day until the rash disappears;
  • Once a week until the skin clears.

Alcohol tincture (for oily skin)

  1. Pour 3 tablespoons of dried celandine into a dark glass container.
  2. Also place 2 thinly sliced ​​cucumbers in the container.
  3. Pour the mixture with 250 ml of good quality vodka.
  4. Close the container with a lid and let stand in a dark place for 2 weeks.

Use a cotton pad soaked in the resulting composition to wipe the skin with light movements once a day. The procedure is carried out until the acne goes away. After performing it, be sure to treat problem areas with a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

Alcohol-infused celandine can also be used to treat acne on dry and combination skin, but in this case it can only be applied to spots.

Lotion with propolis tincture

  1. Pour a tablespoon of celandine herb into 200 ml of water, boil and simmer for 3-5 minutes.
  2. Cool the broth to room temperature, strain and add a tablespoon of propolis tincture and 2-3 drops essential oil tea tree.

Celandine oil

The finished product is sold in pharmacies, but it’s easy to make it yourself:

  1. Pour dry celandine herb into a dark glass container.
  2. Fill everything with unrefined vegetable oil(it is best to use apricot, peach, olive or almond, but sunflower is also suitable) so that there is a layer about 1 cm thick above the raw material.
  3. Close the container with a lid and place in a warm place for 1 hour.
  4. Place the container in a cool, dark place for 7 days, shaking the container from time to time.
  5. Strain the infused mixture and dilute it with the same volume of pure oil, mix.

It is recommended to store the finished product in a cool, dark place. You need to apply it to the rash for about 10-15 minutes, and then blot the remaining oil with a paper napkin. The duration of use may vary; it is recommended to use the product until the acne disappears.

If you use sunflower oil for cooking, it is recommended to keep it in a water bath for about 1–2 hours before using it.

Contraindications and possible harm

Contraindications to external use of celandine are:

  • individual intolerance;
  • chronic dermatitis;
  • infectious skin diseases;
  • open wounds;
  • vascular diseases.

It is not recommended to use celandine to treat acne during pregnancy and lactation.

If used incorrectly, celandine can cause burns and poisoning. Therefore, while treating acne, they need to take the following precautions:

  • consult your doctor first;
  • before use, carry out an allergy test (apply a small amount of celandine to the elbow - if within 24 hours the skin does not react with any undesirable manifestations to such lubrication, you can begin treatment);
  • do not allow the product with the plant to come into contact with mucous membranes;
  • follow the recommended dosages.

Celandine juice may leave yellow or brown spots, therefore, its use in its pure form is not always suitable for eliminating acne on the face.

Can the plant be used against acne in children and adolescents?

Celandine helps eliminate age-related rashes; for this purpose, the plant can be used in any of the ways listed above. However, it should be remembered that often acne in teenagers appears due to hormonal changes, occurring in the body, so treatment is not always effective, and the result may be temporary.

To get rid of acne in young children, it is not recommended to use pure celandine juice; the most acceptable option is to use oil.