How to use celandine for acne on the face. Celandine for acne and acne at home

The problem of rashes on the face bothers many people.

People's and official medicine Nowadays, a wealth of experience has been accumulated in treating acne, but getting rid of it completely is often difficult.

And many people choose alternative treatment– with the help of herbs.

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First place on the list of the most effective methods Celandine is used against acne.

This plant, which is considered a weed, received its name for a reason - when correct use it clears the skin of any rashes.

How it works

Celandine for acne on the face has been used for a very long time.

Decoctions, tinctures and oil with this plant are used for masks, compresses and face.

After just a few uses of celandine, the following result is visible:

  • redness, itching, swelling and pain disappear;
  • inflammation is relieved;
  • acne disappears;
  • the rash goes away.

Pros and cons

Celandine for acne is effective in any form.

  • He helps quickly and efficiently. Even if you use preparations from this plant only 2-3 times a week, it will work.
  • Celandine effectively dries out acne and prevents the appearance of new breakouts.
  • Numerous reviews note that the benefits this method treatment also includes the availability of this herb, its low cost (even pharmaceutical ready-made preparations are cheap) and ease of use.

But this tool also has disadvantages.

  • If used incorrectly or if the dosage is not observed, this plant can cause burns in people with thin and sensitive skin. It turns red, begins to peel and itch.
  • Even in small concentrations, celandine turns the skin yellow or green, which is very difficult to wash off.
  • In addition, with prolonged use it becomes addictive, and after a while it no longer works as effectively.

Is celandine effective for acne?

It’s not for nothing that this plant received its name – “celandine”.

His active ingredients actively fight inflammation, cleanse the skin of dirt and excess secretions of the sebaceous glands.

The effectiveness of celandine for fighting acne can be explained by its unique composition.

This plant contains the following active ingredients:

  • large number alkaloids that have bactericidal properties and destroy bacteria that cause;
  • Citric, malic and succinic acids additionally relieve inflammation and disinfect the skin;
  • vitamins C and A, essential for skin health, as they are involved in metabolic and regeneration processes.

Video: “How to get rid of acne and pimples quickly using folk remedies”


Before resorting to this method of treatment, you need to find out how to use celandine correctly.

  • You can simply collect the grass from the garden or forest, wash it, pass it through a meat grinder and wipe your face with the resulting juice.
  • Or use decoctions, tinctures and oil from this plant. The main thing is to accurately observe the dosage and follow the recommendations for use in accordance with your skin type.

You can also find it in the pharmacy new drug– Bee Celandine cream, which removes acne after 2-3 applications.


Masks with the addition of celandine work best.

Their remaining components soften its negative qualities and enhance the anti-inflammatory and cleansing effect.

To prepare masks, use the juice of the plant, its decoction or fresh crushed leaves.

Photo: you can prepare a mask with protein and honey at home

It is very important to choose one that suits your skin type, otherwise the mask will not work as it should.

  • For dry skin, it is better to use a yolk mask. For one yolk you need to take 10 drops of plant juice and a spoon olive oil. This mask gets rid of not only pigment spots, but also pigment spots.
  • If the skin is prone to drying, components that have a drying effect are used. For example, this mask is effective: chop celandine leaves and cucumbers, add vodka and leave in a dark place.
  • A mask is suitable for any skin type. Need to mix egg white with a tablespoon and add a spoonful of celandine decoction.


The simplest recipe for using celandine is a decoction.

  • To prepare it, you need to take dry herbs, purchased at a pharmacy or collected yourself, put it in a glass container and pour boiling water over it.
  • You need to leave the broth overnight and then strain. Use the resulting infusion for compresses and wiping the face.

Photo: you can prepare a decoction from the plant and wipe your face with it

How to brew celandine in a faster way?

You can boil the herb over low heat for 12-15 minutes and wrap it up. In one hour healing solution will be ready.


An excellent anti-inflammatory and wound-healing agent based on celandine is oil.

You can buy it at any pharmacy. Apply the drug to the skin for only 15-20 minutes, then wash off with warm water.

It should be remembered that if you have an individual intolerance, the oil cannot be used.

But even people who don't have allergic reaction on celandine, it can cause an increase in the number of rashes at first. But after a few days, the skin will clear of acne.


For spot treatment of rashes, celandine tincture is effective.

Photo: tincture can be prepared at home

You can buy it ready-made at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself.

The simplest recipe is to pour the crushed leaves of the plant with vodka and place in a dark place for a day. This product can only be applied to the skin on a spot basis - apply it with a cotton swab to each pimple.

You can also prepare a milder tincture.

  • To do this, for 200 ml of vodka you need to take two chopped cucumbers and 3-4 branches of celandine.
  • Infuse the resulting mixture in a dark place for two weeks.
  • This infusion can be used to wipe the face or as compresses.


A regular decoction of celandine is used as a lotion for wiping the face.

The longer it is on the skin, the better it works.

  • After application, it is advisable not to wipe or wash it off for 10-15 minutes. Therefore, it is better to wipe the skin in the evening before going to bed.
  • The following regimen is recommended: apply the decoction to the face with a cotton swab.
  • Wait 3-5 minutes until absorbed and apply another portion.

After this, a pleasant warmth will be felt on the skin, and irritation will disappear.


Those who are looking for an answer to the question of whether this plant helps with acne on the face should take into account that it is poisonous.

Therefore, it is necessary not only to observe the exact dosage, but also to know when it should not be used.

Celandine is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • for vascular diseases;
  • for infectious skin diseases, for example, herpes;
  • people with dermatitis or eczema;
  • in the presence of individual intolerance;
  • if there are scratches or open wounds on the face.

It is no coincidence that celandine has this name: people have been using it since ancient times. medicinal plant to get rid of skin problems, including acne. How to use celandine correctly so that its components are beneficial in the fight for skin health?

  • alkaloids;
  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and beta-carotene (provitamin A);
  • organic acids (citric, succinic, malic, chelidonic);
  • flavonoids;
  • saponites.
  • Thanks to these components, when treating acne, the plant:

  • has an antibacterial effect;
  • blocks inflammatory processes;
  • accelerates skin regeneration;
  • provides a drying effect.
  • Supporters of traditional medicine actively use the healing power of celandine to get rid of acne on both the face and body. The plant is suitable for eliminating subcutaneous, pustular and acne rashes.

    When treating acne, celandine provides an exclusively cosmetic, temporary effect. Until the cause of the rashes is eliminated, they will appear again and again.

    Using the plant to treat acne

    When treating acne, celandine is used only as a means for external use.

    Celandine juice

    Video: How to get juice from a plant?

    Use in its pure form

    Preservation with alcohol (for oily and combination skin):

  • Pass the celandine (preferably with roots) through a meat grinder and squeeze the juice out of the raw material using gauze.
  • Pour the resulting product into a dark glass container and refrigerate for 2 days.
  • Carefully transfer the liquid into a separate container, and discard the sediment or use it for bathing.
  • Dilute pure juice with vodka good quality, keeping the ratio 2 to 1.
  • Alcohol-free preparation (for dry and normal skin):

    Allow the squeezed juice to ferment under a water seal, blocking the flow of air, or pour it into a plastic container, close the lid and allow the fermentation gases to escape 1-3 times a day until they stop escaping completely. Transfer the fermented juice into a dark glass container and store in the refrigerator.

    According to folk healers, celandine exhibits its maximum healing power during the flowering period. That is why this time is most suitable for treating acne.

    Apply the prepared or fresh juice of the plant directly to acne 1-2 times a day until the rash disappears. For sensitive facial skin, it is recommended to dilute the liquid clean water in a ratio of 2 to 1.

    Video: How to treat acne with celandine juice?

    Mask for dry and normal skin

  • Beat the egg yolk with a fork or whisk.
  • Mix olive oil (1 teaspoon) and 8–12 drops of fresh plant juice (than more sensitive skin, the less celandine you need to add to the mask).
  • The composition should be applied to previously cleansed and dry facial skin for about 15–20 minutes. Remove the mask soaked in warm water or herbal decoction with a cotton pad and then wash with clean running water. It is recommended to resort to the procedure once a week until acne gets rid of.

    grass plants

    To prepare home remedies for acne with celandine, you will need dry or fresh herb of the plant, as well as its roots.


  • Pour 300–400 ml of boiling water over the celandine herb (1–2 tablespoons).
  • Cover the container with a lid and leave in a dark place for 6–8 hours.
  • Strain the infusion through a sieve or cheesecloth.
  • The finished product can be used in several ways:

  • use a cotton swab to wipe the skin once a day (morning or evening);
  • soak gauze in the infusion and make lotions before going to bed.
  • The duration of use is determined by the condition of the skin. Usually the result is noticeable after 6-7 days of regular procedures.


    Fresh celandine herb is more suitable for preparing a decoction.

  • Pour 0.5 liters of water into 3 tablespoons of the plant.
  • Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 5-8 minutes.
  • Cool and strain the liquid through a sieve or cheesecloth.
  • The decoction should be used to wipe acne-covered skin 1-2 times a day instead of cleansing lotion until the rash disappears.

    Decoctions and infusions prepared from celandine can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2–3 days. After this period they lose their healing properties.

    Mask with decoction for normal and oily skin

  • Beat the egg white and add 0.5 teaspoon of honey to the resulting foam.
  • Pour 1-2 tablespoons of celandine decoction into the mixture.
  • Moisten gauze or a cloth napkin in the resulting composition and place on your face for about 10–15 minutes.
  • Remove the mask and wash warm water or herbal decoction.
  • The procedure should be carried out once a week until acne disappears.

    Infusion baths

    This method is suitable for treating acne on the skin of the body and especially on the back, since it is quite problematic to independently treat rashes using the products described above in this area.

  • Pour 1 liter of water at room temperature with 3-4 tablespoons of celandine herb or plant roots and let it brew for about 2 hours.
  • Bring the mixture to a boil and keep on low heat for 15–20 minutes, then cool and strain.
  • Pour the broth into a bathtub filled with warm water.
  • Take a bath for 15–20 minutes without using soap or shower gel. The procedure can be carried out according to one of the following schemes:

  • every day, the course of therapy in this case is 10 procedures;
  • every other day until the rash disappears;
  • Once a week until the skin clears.
  • Alcohol tincture (for oily skin)

  • Pour 3 tablespoons of dried celandine into a dark glass container.
  • Also place 2 thinly sliced ​​cucumbers in the container.
  • Pour the mixture with 250 ml of good quality vodka.
  • Close the container with a lid and let stand in a dark place for 2 weeks.
  • Use a cotton pad soaked in the resulting composition to wipe the skin with light movements once a day. The procedure is carried out until the acne goes away. After performing it, be sure to treat problem areas with a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

    Alcohol-infused celandine can also be used to treat acne on dry and combination skin, but in this case it can only be applied to spots.

    Lotion with propolis tincture

  • Pour a tablespoon of celandine herb into 200 ml of water, boil and simmer for 3-5 minutes.
  • Cool the broth to room temperature, strain and add a tablespoon of propolis tincture and 2-3 drops of essential oil tea tree.
  • Celandine oil

    The finished product is sold in pharmacies, but it’s easy to make it yourself:

  • Pour dry celandine herb into a dark glass container.
  • Pour unrefined vegetable oil over everything (it is best to use apricot, peach, olive or almond, but sunflower is also suitable) so that there is a layer about 1 cm thick above the raw material.
  • Close the container with a lid and place in a warm place for 1 hour.
  • Place the container in a cool, dark place for 7 days, shaking the container from time to time.
  • Strain the infused mixture and dilute it with the same volume of pure oil, mix.
  • It is recommended to store the finished product in a cool, dark place. You need to apply it to the rash for about 10-15 minutes, and then blot the remaining oil with a paper napkin. The duration of use may vary; it is recommended to use the product until the acne disappears.

    If you use it for cooking sunflower oil, then before use it is recommended to keep it in a water bath for about 1–2 hours.

    Contraindications and possible harm

    Contraindications to external use of celandine are:

  • individual intolerance;
  • chronic dermatitis;
  • infectious skin diseases;
  • open wounds;
  • vascular diseases.
  • It is not recommended to use celandine to treat acne during pregnancy and lactation.

    If used incorrectly, celandine can cause burns and poisoning. Therefore, while treating acne, they need to take the following precautions:

  • consult your doctor first;
  • before use, carry out an allergy test (apply a small amount of celandine to the elbow - if within 24 hours the skin does not react with any undesirable manifestations to such lubrication, you can begin treatment);
  • do not allow the product with the plant to come into contact with mucous membranes;
  • follow the recommended dosages.
  • Celandine juice may leave yellow or brown spots, so its use in pure form not always suitable for eliminating acne on the face.

    Can the plant be used against acne in children and adolescents?

    Celandine helps eliminate age-related rashes; for this purpose, the plant can be used in any of the ways listed above. However, it should be remembered that often acne in teenagers appears due to hormonal changes, occurring in the body, so treatment is not always effective, and the result may be temporary.

    It is not recommended to use to get rid of acne in young children. pure juice celandine, the most acceptable option is to use oil.

    Acne is a problem that can occur at absolutely any age, and it is quite difficult to ignore. Inflammatory processes on the face noticeably spoil the appearance and negatively affect self-confidence, but it is almost impossible to completely disguise them. In the fight against acne, a wide variety of approaches can be used, both home, folk, and more traditional - medical and cosmetological. We invite you to get acquainted with such a remedy for acne on the face as celandine - natural product plant origin, which, when used correctly, gives fairly quick results.

    Is it possible to wipe your face with celandine?

    The very name of this plant makes it clear about its properties - “cleanse the body,” that is, rid the skin of various signs ailments. Acne is not inherently simple cosmetic defect, but a manifestation of a disorder existing in the body, due to which the glands on the skin do not work as they should. Celandine is used externally for treatment skin face quite often, this remedy has gained popularity not only for its effectiveness, but also for its wide availability. Useful properties describe the actions that a plant can have:

    • anti-inflammatory property, which is extremely important when fighting acne, because they are nothing more than an inflammatory process;
    • antiseptic effect;
    • activation of regeneration processes;
    • light drying effect that does not harm the skin;
    • nutrition and toning of the skin.

    The simplest method of using the plant is to wipe your face with its juice. This can be done, and the result will not be long in coming, but it is extremely important to remember that celandine is a poisonous plant. The main risks arise when used internally, but external use in its pure form can also be dangerous. So, if the skin is too thin, you can get a pretty serious burn. That is why juice in its pure form is rarely used for rubbing, but various compositions are prepared on its basis, which also effectively help fight rashes on the face.

    Using celandine to treat acne on the face and body

    We suggest considering several recipes based on celandine, which will provide indispensable help in the fight against hated acne.

    How to brew herbs for washing

    For washing, a simple infusion is used - pour a tablespoon of celandine into a glass of boiling water, let the ingredients brew until they cool completely and filter. In order for washing to be given best result, you should follow these rules:

    1. You need to prepare the composition in the evening;
    2. the liquid for the procedure should be at room temperature;
    3. to improve the penetration of beneficial substances into the skin layers, before washing, it is worth steaming your face with steam or a warm compress;
    4. After the event, there is no need to wipe your face with a towel; it is better to let the broth dry naturally.

    How to prepare a decoction against acne and acne

    The main difference between a decoction and a tincture is that the plant material must not just be poured with boiling water, but held at boiling temperature for about 5-7 minutes, that is, boiled. This is a more aggressive way of extracting beneficial components from a plant; the product is less concentrated, but the effect is long-term. To prepare the decoction, you need to use the standard proportion - a level tablespoon per glass of water.

    Tincture recipe

    A very common recipe for celandine tincture in water; to prepare it you need to take just a tablespoon of dried herb and 300 ml clean water. The water is brought to a boil and the raw materials are poured in, tightly closing the container with the ingredients. After 6 hours, you can strain the composition and begin using it. It is recommended to use this composition as a lotion applied to problem areas at night.

    It is worth noting that there is also a recipe for an alcohol tincture, but its use is not recommended - alcohol is too aggressive and can dry out the skin, which will not lead to a positive result.

    How to use the oil

    Celandine oil also actively helps to cope with such unpleasant problem like pimples on the face. You need to use it as follows: just apply it pointwise to problem areas, and after a quarter of an hour, carefully remove the residue with a napkin.

    Lotion with celandine juice

    Celandine juice is a very active and concentrated product, and it is used extremely rarely in its pure form. To minimize risks, when used as a lotion for wiping the face, you can dilute fresh juice with water in a ratio of 1 to 2. In any case, before use, you need to test for skin reaction by applying the composition to a small area for a quarter of an hour, observing the reaction.

    How to make masks at home

    There are also a lot of recipes for skin masks with such an ingredient as celandine, and the specific recipe is usually selected depending on the type of skin. Let's consider several popular mixtures:

    • for dry skin, a mixture of yolk, a teaspoon of olive oil and 10 drops of celandine juice is suitable;
    • oily skin requires a drying effect, and this can be achieved using a mixture of celandine decoction (two tablespoons), whipped egg white and a small amount of honey.

    The compositions are applied to the skin for a third of an hour, after which they are carefully washed off with warm water.

    Bee celandine for acne

    Bee celandine is pharmaceutical drug, which is used specifically to eliminate acne and acne. It contains a plant analogue salicylic acid, essential oil sandalwood, tea tree, manuka, kukui, celandine, etc. The product gives fairly quick results - elimination individual areas inflammation occurs within a few hours. It is very easy to use - you just need to apply a small amount of cream to the pimple itself and leave it to absorb.

    Contraindications for use

    Restrictions on the external use of celandine-based products are insignificant, although they must be taken into account. So, you should avoid using the composition in the following cases:

    • availability in the processing area open wounds;
    • dermatitis;
    • active phase of infectious skin diseases;
    • problems with blood vessels;
    • identifying individual intolerance to a plant component.

    Taking into account all the existing restrictions and rules for using products with celandine, they will not cause any harm, but will only help to significantly improve the condition of the skin and get rid of ugly acne quite quickly.

    Celandine can become an indispensable aid in maintaining the beauty of the skin. This effective remedy in the fight against acne, it is easy to use at home.

    Contents of the article:

    Acne treatment for many people is actual problem. Today there is a large variety of modern medicines, designed to combat acne and pimples. But many of them give only temporary results and after stopping their use, acne appears again.

    Today, the use of effective and completely safe folk remedies in the fight against acne continues to be popular. One of the most effective and popular is simple celandine.

    Celandine for acne: features of composition and application

    This herb has gained popularity due to its ability to cleanse the skin of various defects - for example, pimples, blackheads, freckles, age spots etc. Celandine easily adapts to different weather conditions, therefore it grows in any area. It is thanks to this that the plant is accessible. In case correct use celandine, its properties can surprise anyone.

    Thanks to the rich chemical composition are determined and medicinal qualities celandine. The plant contains:

    • selenium;
    • resinous substances;
    • carotene;
    • bitterness;
    • flavonoids;
    • alkaloids;
    • zinc;
    • vitamin E;
    • organic acids;
    • vitamin C, etc.
    It is the composition of celandine that helps to cope with a variety of diseases, including getting rid of acne. The plant has the following effects on the skin:
    1. It turns out that it has a disinfecting effect on the skin, since celandine contains organic acids - citric, malic, succinic.
    2. Vitamin A and ascorbic acid help accelerate the process of skin regeneration.
    3. The chemical components of the plant have high bactericidal activity, and at the same time, all pathogenic microorganisms that take part in the formation of acne also die.
    4. The use of this plant accelerates cell renewal and gently removes all dead particles from the surface of the epidermis.
    5. After using celandine, a protective barrier is formed on the surface of the skin, preventing the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the inner layers.
    Celandine helps cleanse the skin of the face and body from acne, but this effect can only be achieved if the plant is used correctly. It is worth considering the fact that celandine is one of the poisonous plants, therefore, its high concentration should not be allowed, otherwise there is a risk of getting a serious burn.

    Celandine juice has unique healing properties and helps you get rid of inflammation, pimples, ulcers and acne at home. After using this plant, the skin of the face becomes soft, and there is also a slight brightening effect.

    Before using celandine, it is worth remembering that it does not radically solve the problem and to treat acne, you must definitely consult with an experienced dermatologist.

    Contraindications to the use of celandine for acne

    Celandine can be used in the fight against acne at any age, but you need to take into account the existing contraindications:
    • eczema;
    • diseases of the circulatory system;
    • dermatitis, which is in advanced form;
    • ulcers on the surface of the treated skin;
    • the presence of open wounds, abrasions, cuts, etc.
    Before you start using celandine against acne, you first need to do a sensitivity test:
    1. Apply a small amount of fresh celandine juice to the back of your hand.
    2. The product is left on for approximately 15–18 minutes.
    3. After the specified time, you need to look at the skin reaction.
    If during the procedure no discomfort(redness, itching, burning, irritation, etc.), which means that celandine is tolerated normally and can be used to eliminate acne.

    Provided when it appears strong burning sensation or redness, a lot cold water the remaining celandine juice is washed off, you can use mild soap. The skin is lightly wiped with a towel and any moisturizer is applied. If the burning sensation does not go away, you should apply ice to the inflamed area of ​​​​the skin, which will help relieve irritation.

    How to use celandine in the fight against acne and pimples?

    The basis of acne treatment with celandine is the use various means prepared from this plant. Such compositions are easy to make yourself at home, but you can also purchase them already ready-made product at the pharmacy. In each case, the composition is selected individually, taking into account the skin type and the severity of the problem.

    Decoction with celandine

    This tool has a gentle effect, so the decoction is recommended to be used only on initial stages problems.

    1. You will need to take fresh celandine herb (0.5 tbsp.) and pour boiling water (1 l.).
    2. The composition is placed on the stove and brought to a boil.
    3. The finished broth is filtered through gauze folded in several layers.
    4. The product is left to cool to room temperature.
    5. A cotton swab is moistened in the decoction and the skin of the face is wiped - you can treat not only problem areas, but also healthy skin.
    6. The product should be used twice a day.
    Celandine tincture

    This remedy is one of the most effective and efficient in the fight against acne and acne. To strengthen useful action, celandine tincture is recommended to be combined with berry and fruit masks, which you can prepare yourself at home.

    1. Celandine grass is taken and crushed.
    2. 1 tbsp. l. raw materials are filled with water (1.5 tbsp.).
    3. The mixture is placed on the stove and brought to a boil, boiled for 5 minutes.
    4. The composition is left for 7 hours in a dark and cool place.
    5. The infusion is filtered through cheesecloth and used for lotions.
    6. The product should be used before bedtime for 10 days.
    Celandine lotion

    A lotion containing celandine is an effective and easy-to-prepare remedy for combating pimples and acne in a neglected state.

    1. Pre-dried celandine herb is crushed (2 tbsp.) and poured with boiling water (500 ml.).
    2. The product is left for about two hours to infuse well.
    3. The lotion must be filtered through cheesecloth.
    4. A cotton swab is soaked in the product, after which the problem areas are treated.
    5. After 8–11 minutes, the remaining product is washed off with plenty of cool water.
    6. You need to use the lotion once a day, preferably before bed.
    7. The full course of treatment is 10 days.
    Ice with celandine

    It is very simple to prepare cosmetic ice, and its scope of application is very wide:

    1. First, a decoction of celandine is prepared, as described above, after which it is cooled to room temperature.
    2. The liquid is poured into ice molds.
    3. After the ice has hardened, it can be used to wipe the skin of the face, while special attention focused on problem areas.
    4. You should not use this ice more than once a day.
    5. The full course of treatment lasts until acne is completely eliminated and the skin is clear.
    Mask with celandine

    A mask containing celandine is recommended for dry skin that is prone to acne:

    1. Olive oil (1 tsp) is mixed with one egg yolk.
    2. The components are mixed well until a composition of homogeneous consistency is obtained.
    3. Fresh celandine juice (10 drops) is added to the mixture.
    4. The finished mask is applied to previously cleansed facial skin.
    5. After 10 minutes, you need to wash your face with cool water.
    6. It is recommended to use this mask for a month 2-3 times a week.
    Mask with celandine against acne on the back

    Many people are faced with such an unpleasant problem as acne on the back, and getting rid of this problem can be very problematic. If treatment is not started in time, simple pimples develop into quite serious acne, which is accompanied by severe pain.

    To combat pimples and acne on the back, you need to use the following remedy:

    1. Take two fresh cucumber, crushed on a grater.
    2. The cucumbers are transferred to a non-metallic container, celandine herb (1 handful) and vodka (1 tbsp) are added.
    3. The container is covered with a lid and placed in a cool and dark place for 14 days.
    4. After the specified time, the product is filtered.
    5. A cotton pad is moistened with the resulting composition, then problem areas are treated.
    6. After half an hour, the remaining product is washed off with cool water.
    7. A small amount of moisturizer must be applied to the treated area of ​​skin.
    8. You need to use this mask every day for two weeks until your skin is completely clear.
    Celandine can help quickly get rid of pimples and acne, but only if it is used correctly and continuously. We must not forget about existing contraindications and precautions so as not to aggravate the situation.

    For more information on how to use celandine for acne, see below:

    Celandine is herbaceous plant, used since time immemorial in folk medicine. Known for hundreds of years wonderful properties celandine, ridding the skin of various formations: warts, papillomas, acne, and other dermatological diseases.

    Composition and action of celandine

    It is not for nothing that the plant has such a name in Russian. In addition, it is often called: yellow milkweed, warthog, Adam's grass. People have long noticed that the plant copes remarkably well with skin diseases, and besides, it is poisonous. Celandine contains the following components that help fight skin diseases:

    • Vitamins C and A, which enhance the regenerative properties of the skin, due to which damaged areas of the epidermis are restored faster.
    • Flavonoids are plant-derived polyphenols that have antioxidant properties. Flavonoids also have a detrimental effect on viruses and have an anti-inflammatory effect.
    • Alkaloids are compounds of organic origin with a strong bactericidal effect. They are able to easily cope with microorganisms that cause inflammatory processes and provoke the appearance of acne.
    • Organic acids: malic, succinic and chelidonic – disinfect areas of the dermis where there are problems.

    The action of all these substances in combination has a beneficial effect on cleansing the skin of pimples, blackheads and other formations. When taken orally, the product has choleretic and diuretic properties.


    Yellowmilk, in various forms, such as: decoction, tincture, oil and fresh juice, is used to treat diseases such as:

    • acne, warts, condylomas and papillomas;
    • scabies and scrofula;
    • lupus erythematosus, leprosy;
    • pruritus and scabies;
    • psoriasis and eczema.

    It is noteworthy that in ancient times, the healing properties of this plant were used in the treatment of more than 250 diseases, including diseases internal organs. Special formulations were prepared, including warthog herb, which had to be drunk.


    Does celandine help with acne? Firstly, treatment with this popular folk remedy, should be prescribed by a doctor who will evaluate: the condition and type of skin, what stage of development the acne is at, whether there are other factors that cause this type therapy undesirable. Only after medical consultation, you can use celandine against acne, the treatment of which, according to numerous reviews from people, is quite effective.

    Note - before using warthog-based products, you must make sure that you are not allergic to this plant. To do this, you can do a simple skin test: apply a product, for example a decoction, to the wrist area. If after 2-3 hours, no reactions in the form of rashes and redness appear on the skin, then you can use celandine without fear.


    Before brewing the herb, you should know that during the preparation of the decoction, some of the beneficial components of the plant evaporate or are destroyed. For this reason, to treat acne, it is necessary to take a longer course.

    You can brew celandine in the following way:

    • Take 3 tbsp. l. yellow milkweed and place in a container (preferably enameled).
    • Fill the grass cold water(0.5 liters), and bring it to a boil.
    • Boil the contents for about 5 minutes. over low heat and set aside to cool.
    • After 30 minutes, the broth can be filtered.

    A decoction of celandine for acne on the face is used to wipe problem areas using a cotton swab or pad. It is recommended to carry out this procedure 2-3 times a day, and you can leave the lotions on at night without fear of getting burned.

    Also, the decoction can be drunk for certain diseases of the internal organs, observing the exact dosage calculated by the doctor, since the plant is poisonous.


    Medicinal herbs can not only be brewed. In folk medicine, celandine oil is often used for acne. You can buy it at the pharmacy, and it costs about 50 rubles per 30 g. But you can prepare the oil at home, according to the following recipe:

    • You will need to take 250 g of yellow milkweed herb in pharmaceutical packaging or dry it yourself, and 0.5 liters vegetable oil. You can use regular sunflower oil. But it is better if it is olive or corn oil.
    • Pour the raw material into a jar and fill it with oil so that it covers the grass by 2 cm.
    • This mixture must be heated in a water bath for 15 minutes. After this, you should put the container in a dark place.
    • The oil should be infused for 7 days. Every day, the container must be shaken.
    • When the extraction is complete, the oil should be strained into a clean vessel and placed in the refrigerator or in a cool, dark place for storage.

    Celandine oil is applied to problem areas (pimples, blackheads), trying not to involve healthy areas of the dermis. This can be conveniently done using cotton swab. After application, leave it for 15 minutes, after which the product can be gently blotted with a napkin. Warthog oil can be used not only for acne on the face, but also for acne on the back.

    Essential oil of celandine (it is impossible to obtain at home) is used in a preparation such as “Bee celandine for acne.” In addition to this, the cream-gel contains 10 more components of plant origin. This product perfectly cleanses pores, eliminates inflammatory processes and helps prevent the appearance of rashes.


    Alcohol tincture celandine for acne is mainly used for oily skin faces. It dries well, reduces the secretion of subcutaneous fat, eliminates inflammation and has disinfectant properties.

    The tincture is prepared simply:

    • Place 3 tbsp in a glass container. l. warthog, 2 small cucumbers (cut into slices);
    • the whole mixture is filled with vodka (250 ml);
    • container with contents, placed in a dark place for 14 days;
    • After 2 weeks, strain the contents of the vessel.

    Celandine for the face, in the form of a tincture, is applied to areas of the skin where there are acne with a cotton swab. The skin should be wiped with light movements to avoid causing burns.


    You should know that yellow milk extract is a rather aggressive agent. It is used mainly to remove papillomas and warts. Using celandine in this form for acne on the face requires great caution. It is applied pointwise using a cotton swab.

    The recipe for preparing the extract is very simple:

    • You will need 100 ml of freshly squeezed plant juice and 50 ml of vodka.
    • These components must be mixed.
    • After a day, the extract can be used.

    Fresh sap, such as that released from a broken grass stem, can cause burns to the epidermis. Therefore, it can only be applied to spots (acne, warts, papillomas), avoiding healthy areas of the dermis.


    • You need to take 1 yolk, add 1 teaspoon of olive oil and 10 drops of fresh warthog juice.
    • Mix all ingredients well and apply to face, avoiding the area around the lips and eyes.
    • After 15 min. The mask can be washed off with warm water.
    • This procedure cleanses dry skin with small pimples very well.


    When treating acne with celandine, there are cases when its use is prohibited:

    • for angina pectoris and other heart diseases;
    • open wounds and dermatitis;
    • vascular diseases, for example, varicose veins;
    • childhood;
    • period of pregnancy and lactation;
    • infectious diseases of the dermis;
    • plant allergy.

    Thus, celandine, in various forms, be it oil or extract, tincture or decoction, is successfully used to treat acne on the face and other parts of the body. But you need to be careful when treating, since this plant is still poisonous, and without consulting a doctor, it is better not to use it.