What does a person do every day? List of mandatory things to do every day

General condition a person directly depends on his health. Many people remember this only when they are faced with some kind of illness and pathological conditions, however, this is fundamentally not true. You need to systematically maintain your health at the proper level every day. And it's actually not difficult at all. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to exhaust yourself in the gym every day or eat exclusively according to some kind of diet. Even seemingly small ways that you can use every day can have a positive impact on your health. Now I’ll remind you of them so that it becomes clear what you need to do every day for your health.


If you have to sit in the office all day, try to get up and walk as often as possible. If your job does not give you this opportunity, try to walk for about twenty minutes every day after leaving the office or before going to bed. Also a good option for hiking there will be a refusal public transport. Leave the house ten minutes earlier and get to work on your own. Your body will thank you for this.

Forget about the elevator

If your office is not on the ground floor, make it a rule to get to it using the stairs. It may well be that at first such attempts will be quite difficult for you, but very soon you will notice that the ascent is becoming easier and easier. Stairs are a great cardio workout, so don't ignore them.

More water

Probably everyone has already heard that you need to drink at least one and a half to two liters of ordinary clean water every day. However, not all of us apply this recommendation in practice. And it’s completely in vain, because clean water can help our health by preventing the most various diseases and significantly improving appearance. Just carry a small bottle with you at all times so you can take a sip everywhere.

Don't forget to have breakfast

The first meal is the most important of the entire day. Even if you don't feel like eating, try to have a snack in the morning. And to wake up your appetite, drink a glass of water immediately after waking up. An excellent option for breakfast would be oatmeal with dried fruits and fruits or cottage cheese.

Come out into the sunshine

The sun gives us a lot of useful things, increases immunity and gives good mood. Go outside during your lunch break to catch some rays. And on the weekend, go to nature.


Your muscles are essentially elastic bands, and without stretching they become hard and tense. As a result, all parts of your body receive less nutrients. So if you sit at a computer or desk with papers all the time, don’t forget to stretch from time to time.

Ecological products

Probably everyone knows about the benefits of nutrition for the body and health. In this case, systematic environmental consumption plays an extremely important role. clean products. This food does not contain harmful chemical elements, therefore brings the maximum useful elements organs and systems. So teach yourself to eat at least one apple a day, and put a small bag of different nuts in your car.

Pay attention to your posture

Try to remember exactly how you walk down the street. Perhaps your head is down and your back is hunched? Train yourself to have proper posture - pull your shoulders back, push your chest forward, stretch your neck and breathe deeply. If you spend a couple of days constantly correcting incorrect body posture, you will soon be correcting yourself without noticing it.

Eating Habits

Of course, every person needs to eat to maintain vital processes. However, there are small, simple changes that can help you quietly change your bad eating habits to healthier ones. So, instead of a sandwich with mayonnaise, you can eat a sandwich made from whole grain bread with lettuce. You can also put not two spoons of sugar in your tea, but one and a half or even one.

Don't overeat

Eating food should not be the goal of eating to your heart's content; this is not particularly comfortable and can be harmful to health. If overeating becomes a habitual state for you, begin to gradually reduce your usual portions. At the same time, you will not remain hungry and will be able to live until next appointment food.

Get enough sleep

In order to stay strong and healthy, you need to devote enough time to sleep - at least eight hours a day. During this time period, your body will be able to fully recover, get rid of stress and gain strength for a new day. In addition, adequate sleep is an excellent method of preventing a variety of diseases.

Go barefoot

On our feet is huge amount various nerve points that are directly interconnected with all organs and systems. Accordingly, walking barefoot actively stimulates these areas, optimizing blood circulation throughout the body. Therefore, take off your socks or slippers and walk around without them.

Relax more often

Amid the hustle and bustle of life, we rarely find time to just sit and relax. Try to change your daily habits and find time to relax - read a book, lie relaxed in bed, spend time with your family. Even just a couple of hours of relaxation on the weekend can easily relieve stress and gain strength for the next work week.

Small good habits, given above, will help you maintain your health at a truly high level.

1. Donate half of your salary to charity.
2. Never lie once in a day.
3. Curtain the windows for a week and leave the house only at night.
4. Look at the earth from a hot air balloon.
5. Swim in the ocean.
6. Give a friend a gift for no reason.
7. Pick up a snake.
8. Dance blindfolded.
9. Plant a plant and care for it.
10. Try to catch a fish with your bare hands.
11. Draw a picture.
12. Sing your favorite song in chorus with someone.
13. Keep a diary for a month.
14. Ask stranger about help.
15. Make a pilgrimage.
16. Meet the dawn on the street, watch the city wake up.
17. Tell a story to a person with whom you speak different languages.
18. Ride a horse.
19. Don’t say “I” throughout the day.
20. Speak to an audience of more than 100 people.
21. Spend the day alone with yourself, turning off your phone.
22. Read a book in one sitting.
23. Correspond with a friend using paper letters.
24. Give someone a tour of your hometown.
25. Build a snowman.
26. Ignore your own birthday.
27. Visit Africa.
28. On a starry night, ride a boat or sit on the shore.
29. Spend the day with your children, trying to understand them.
30. Live in a hostel for a month.
31. Respond to evil with good.
32. Feed the fish.
33. Practice holding your breath.
34. Walk on ice without fear.
35. Learn a poem in a foreign language.
36. Give something made with your own hands.
37. Live for a day without food or drink.
38. Freeze at a randomly selected moment and do not move for 20 seconds.
39. Milk the cow.
40. Look at something through a microscope.
41. Take photos while lying down.
42. Take a walk in the underground labyrinth.
43. Work (for example, in a monastery).
44. Walk on a rope bridge.
45. Go to the bathhouse.
46. ​​Give your loved one a massage.
47. Try to write down everything that happened during the day.
48. Make a figurine of yourself from clay.
49. Dedicate a poem to your loved one.
50. Take part in a ceremony (for example, a tea party).
51. Adopt a homeless animal.
52. Delete from the phone book all numbers that you do not call.
53. Hug a tree.
54. Clap your hands while wearing mittens.
55. Sleep in a tent.
56. Make peace with your offender.
57. See the northern lights.
58. Learn to ride a bike.
59. Ride the waves.
60. Conduct a chemical experiment.
61. Do exercises in the morning for a month.
62. Fly a kite.
63. Caring for the sick.
64. Look at the top of a skyscraper.
65. Don’t look at the clock during the day.
66. Visit.
67. Come up with a fairy tale.
68. Write a plan for the year and tear it up.
69. Learn to find at least a few constellations in the sky.
70. Climb a tree.
71. Drink from a spring.
72. Cook food over a fire.
73. Enter an abandoned house.
74. Hear live throat singing.
75. Learn the history of your native language.
76. Don’t look in the mirror for a week.
77. Walk barefoot on sun-heated stones.
78. Do something good.
79. Pet the elephant.
80. Try to make your own shoes.
81. Take part in archaeological excavations.
82. Learn to write with both hands.
83. Cross the border on foot.
84. Dedicate a day to another person.
85. Clean up trash in the forest or park.
86. Get wet cold water.
87. Climb onto the roof of your own house.
88. Try to draw a map of some area.
89. Learn to hold an apple on your head.
90. Lie on the water of a very salty pond.
91. Find out your family history.
92. Make repairs yourself.
93. Hand feed a horse.
94. Spend the day in reading room libraries.
95. Smile at the sun.
96. Help a stranger.
97. Visit the factory.
98. Let your hair go.
99. Follow your own footsteps.
100. Think about God.

When we are little, our every day begins to the accompaniment of parental teachings: “Brush your teeth!”, “Eat porridge!”, “Put away the toys!” We are getting a little older, but caring parents do not stop their broken record, they simply change their repertoire slightly: “Get up, you’ll be late for class!”, “Throw the cigarette butts out of the ashtray!”, “Put on your hat!” And then we grow up, take life into our own hands and are confused to realize that now no one will tell us what to do, when and how. And here this list of mandatory daily activities comes to the rescue:

1. Show the people you care about your love and appreciation. Life is too short to waste it on gloom and anger. One smile kind word or a kiss in the morning can make the day wonderful not only for you, but also for your loved ones. Don't miss this opportunity.

2. Devote 10-15 minutes to cleaning. You don’t need to try right away, you don’t need to run around with a rag after every speck of dust. But a little cleaning every day will help you keep your home clean and your head in order.

3. Drink a glass of water. Have you already had a drink? Repeat!

4. Every day take one step towards your goal. Constant forward movement in the right direction allows you to move quite far even with small daily efforts.

5. Learn something new. Brain degradation begins precisely on the day when you failed to learn absolutely nothing new. Try to delay the onset of this day as long as possible.

6. Do push-ups. Best exercise to keep your body in good condition. Instantly raises tone better than anyone else.

7. Try to praise at least one person every day(deservedly, of course). Thus, completely unnoticed, you will make 365 people happy within a year. Great result!

8. Organize five minutes of silence for yourself. At least five fucking minutes in the middle of all this madness.

9. Communicate. For real, not through monitors. Today it is so easy to isolate yourself from everyone via chat, social networks and email, that sometimes you realize that you have even less live communication than sex.

10. Meditate or at least just think about the positive things that are present in your life. Try every evening before going to bed, do a few deep slow ones, relax, tune in to a positive wave. This is combined with physical exercise in the morning will help you sleep better and be energetic all day long.

11. Engage in any type of physical activity. There is no need to strive for records or blindly follow all the whims of modern fitness fashion. But at least 30 minutes (preferably more) of daily walking, running, swimming, yoga, exercise equipment - choose what you like - will radically change your condition.

12. Pretend to be a superhero. Until you really become one.

13. Eat vegetables and fruits. Salads, stews, soups, desserts and other culinary products from gardens and vegetable gardens. It is a rare case when all scientists, even British ones, unanimously say that this is useful.

14. Spend time outside. Walk, ride a bike, walk the dog. In a word, take a break from the monitor and ventilate your poor lungs.

15. Just say thank you for another day of your life. Each new dawn brings with it the opportunity of a new life, and it is up to us whether we take advantage of this chance.

Similar answers have become the most popular among Reddit readers to the question about those actions that every person should do constantly and for the rest of his life. What list would Lifehacker readers make?

Readers of one popular resource have jointly compiled a list of the following mandatory daily activities:

1. Show the people you care about your love and appreciation.

To spend it on gloom and anger. One smile, a kind word or a kiss in the morning can make a wonderful day not only for you, but also for your loved ones. Don't miss this opportunity.

2. Devote 10-15 minutes to cleaning.

There is no need to try to clean the whole house at once, no need to run around with a rag after every speck of dust. But a little cleaning every day will keep your home clean and your head in order.

3. Drink a glass of water.

Have you already had a drink? Repeat!

4. Every day take one step towards your goal.

Constant forward movement in the right direction allows you to move quite far even with small daily efforts.

5. Learn something new.

Brain degradation begins precisely on the day when you failed to learn absolutely nothing new. Try to delay the onset of this day as long as possible.

6. Do push-ups.

The best exercise to keep your body in good condition. Instantly raises your tone better than any energy drink.

7. Try to praise at least one person every day (deservedly, of course).

Thus, completely unnoticed, you will make 365 people happy within a year. Great result!

8. Organize five minutes of silence for yourself.

At least five (only five!) minutes in the middle of all this madness.

9. Communicate.

For real, not through monitors. Today it’s so easy to isolate yourself from everyone through chat, social networks and email that sometimes you realize that you have even less face-to-face communication than sex.

10. Think about the positive things that are present in your life.

Try every evening before taking a few deep, slow breaths, relaxing, and getting into a positive mood. This, combined with exercise in the morning, will help you sleep better and be energized throughout the day.

11. Engage in any type of physical activity.

There is no need to strive for records or blindly follow all the whims of modern fitness fashion. But at least 30 minutes (preferably more) of daily walking, running, swimming, yoga, exercise equipment - choose what you like - will radically change your condition.

12. Pretend to be a superhero.

Until you really become one.

13. Eat vegetables and fruits.

Salads, stews, soups, desserts and other culinary products from gardens and vegetable gardens. It is a rare case when all scientists, even British ones, unanimously say that this is useful.

14. Spend time outside.

Walk, ride a bike, walk the dog. In a word, take a break from the monitor and ventilate your poor lungs.

15. Just say thank you for another day of your life.

Each new dawn brings with it the opportunity of a new life, and it is up to us whether we take advantage of this chance.

We all want to find one universal way to become happier, more active and healthier. Unfortunately, it doesn't exist. However, every day you can take one small step towards feeling better, getting rid of fatigue and living your life to the fullest.

1. Become a perpetual motion machine

Obesity after smoking– the most common reason cancer, so do it physical activity integral part everyday life. In the summer, ride a bike, in the winter, skate and ski. Do Nordic walking at any time of the year. Walk and walk more.

If you don't like sports and fitness clubs, just try to be more active. Take the stairs up and down instead of the elevator, get off public transport one stop early and walk, park in the farthest part of the hypermarket parking lot, carry shopping bags in your hands instead of using a cart, organize regular general cleaning at home - in a word, come up with any physical activity. The main thing is not to sit still.

2. Meditate

Make it a rule to devote 10 minutes every day to meditation. Let this be a sacred time for you to breathe, think quietly, or read something inspiring. Just not social networks. Hunching over a smartphone causes headaches and back pain. Try to spend 10 minutes on positive thoughts - listen to your inner voice, think about how to become better and help others. Change your negative perception of the world and others to a positive one. Thank the world, friends and loved ones for all the good things that happened to you.

Meditation has been proven to help fight depression and reduces risk heart attack by 15%. Try yoga. You can study at home and spend the same 10 minutes on it. The practice of relaxation clears the mind and promotes positive thinking. A few simple asanas (Sun Salutation or Downward-Facing Dog) will strengthen your muscles and help you maintain flexibility.

3. Eat right

Healthy eating requires a thoughtful approach. Most diet failures occur due to the fact that there was no food at hand. useful way satisfy your hunger. Let there always be fresh fruits and vegetables in your refrigerator, and nuts and dried fruits in your desk drawer. Don't order pizza or sushi for a social gathering. Instead, buy healthy snacks - berries, carrots, celery and hummus, farm cheese and whole grain bread.

Eliminate store-bought sauces from your diet semi-finished products, sausages and carbonated drinks. Clean, unprocessed foods are better absorbed, provide more energy and a longer feeling of fullness. Switching to healthy eating, you will notice that you sleep better and concentrate easier. The complexion will become fresh and radiant, and extra pounds will go away on their own.

4. Look for benefits

In addition to refusing junk food, you need to fill your diet with healthy foods. For example, fatty fish, rich in omega-3, protects blood vessels from aging and cares for youthful skin. Legumes and whole grains activate the synthesis of the happiness hormone serotonin, thereby resisting bad mood and apathy. Dark bitter chocolate (contains magnesium) fights irritability.

5. Sunbathe

Try to spend at least 15 minutes a day in the fresh air. Vitamin D, which is synthesized in the body under the influence of sunlight, has been proven to protect against depression. UV rays pass through clouds, so a cloudy day does not exempt you from obligatory walks. Well, in sunny weather, do not forget to use a cream with an SPF filter to protect your skin from premature aging.

6. Go to bed earlier

Lack of sleep makes us feel groggy in the morning. It is useless to try to trick the body with coffee and chemical energy drinks with high sugar content. They give a temporary surge of strength, and then the opposite reaction occurs.

Lack of sleep has a bad effect not only on performance, but also on the immune system, leading to colds, obesity, heart disease. Try to go to bed no later than 11 pm, our natural biorhythms require this. Before going to bed, do not surf the Internet or watch TV. Make your bedroom a digital device-free zone.

7. Take a digital detox

Social networks and virtual communication will not replace real ones. Try to use your smartphone less on weekends, always turn off your phone during lunch and dinner and when meeting with friends. Think of something you can do with your loved ones and family members in the evening. For example, play board games, cook something together or discuss books you’ve read. This is better than sitting in different corners with tablets and laptops.

For those who obsessively check their email every five minutes, There are applications that completely block the device for a selected time - 30 minutes, 2 hours, a day, a week or even a month.

About the expert

(Emma Woolf)– television presenter, journalist, critic, columnist for The Times and author of books about proper nutrition And healthy way life.