What to do if you overeat: symptoms, causes and preventive measures. What to do if you overeat: urgent help for the stomach and intestines

The most common cause of illness in children is discomfort in the stomach. They occur at any age and can be caused various factors Therefore, only a qualified pediatrician can accurately determine the nature of the pain.

Why does my stomach hurt?

Before trying to determine the cause of pain, it is necessary to find out how intense it is and where it is localized. In case of severe pain, babies, as a rule, prefer to lie down, taking not very comfortable positions. They turn and stand up, while the children are very careful, slowly. The symptom can be sharp (dagger pain), dull aching or stabbing.

To determine the cause of pain, it is important to track where its epicenter is located. So, left side peritoneum may indicate intestinal obstruction/inflammation. In addition, the pancreas is located on the left, which can also cause unpleasant symptoms. If there is pain on the right, this may also indicate problems with the intestines, but if the symptom is localized in this area, in addition, pathologies of the liver and gallbladder or tract are possible (for example, dyskinesia, cholecystitis, etc.)

If a child has a fever and a stomach ache, then an intestinal infection or appendicitis is likely. In any case, if such signs occur, parents should immediately call a doctor who can determine the cause of the baby’s illness. If, in addition to the main symptoms, there is blood in the child’s stool or vomit, this is a good reason to urgently call an ambulance.

In the navel area

The main causes of pain in the navel area are overeating or incomplete/untimely bowel movements. Treatment in this case is simple: it is necessary to reduce the amount of food given to the child, eliminate snacks between main meals, and remove fatty foods from the diet. If after this the baby still has pain around the navel, give him an enema (even if he has bowel movements often) - this will help alleviate the patient's condition. Alternative option– give your son or daughter mild laxatives.

Other diseases that are sometimes indicated by pain below the navel are:

  • intestinal hernia (it is provoked by constipation, diarrhea, dysbacteriosis, disruptions of the digestive process);
  • umbilical hernia(occurs in babies who often cry and thereby strain their tummy);
  • intervertebral hernia(sometimes pinched nerves in the spine cause pain below abdominal cavity);
  • appendicitis (this is possible if the child complains that his lower abdomen hurts, which is accompanied by fever);
  • gastroduodenitis (with prolonged pain below the navel, inflammation of the gastric mucosa can be assumed; the symptom often appears after eating).

Cramping pain

If in the background normal condition health, the child experiences attacks of abdominal pain, this may indicate intussusception (invasion of one area of ​​the intestine into another due to impaired peristalsis of the organ). Sometimes attacks are accompanied by vomiting and an increase in body temperature, while at the beginning of the disease the stool may not differ from normal. Acute cramping abdominal pain in children under 12 months is expressed by causeless crying/screaming, constant anxiety, bad sleep, pressing the legs towards chest.

With intussusception, the attacks subside as abruptly as they appeared: the children calm down, begin to eat and play normally again. Periodicity pain syndrome- this is the main sign of this disease. As the pathology develops, attacks become more frequent, becoming longer and more pronounced. As a rule, the disease affects children 6-12 months old, caused by improper introduction of complementary foods containing fruit/vegetable components.

Vomiting and diarrhea in a child

If these symptoms are not accompanied by fever, then the reasons that caused them may be huge amount. When a baby has a stomach ache and diarrhea, this does not necessarily indicate the presence of any pathology (only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis). The most common reason loose stool and nausea is E. coli, which manifests itself more often in the summer season. The reason for this is insufficient hand hygiene or eating dirty fruits.

In addition to diarrhea and vomiting, the child sometimes has a fever, dehydration begins, and sometimes there is an admixture of blood or mucus in the stool, and general condition will be sluggish. When infected coli Each meal ends with a bowel movement. Reason specified symptoms may be poisoning from stale food, poisons or medications (antibiotics). In this case, symptoms appear within a couple of hours after toxins enter the body.

Sharp pain

As a rule, colic or pain in the stomach in children occurs due to intestinal obstruction. The first pathology most often occurs in children 6-12 months old and is accompanied by nausea/vomiting, the second, as a rule, is diagnosed in infants under one year old. If 2 hours after the onset of pain the child’s condition has not improved and the tummy continues to hurt, the baby should be taken to a doctor for examination.

In the morning

If a child complains of abdominal pain that occurs in the morning, there may be several reasons for this. The most common among them are:

  • allergy;
  • intestinal infection;
  • upset stomach;
  • appendicitis;
  • helminthic infestation.

Sometimes children have stomach ache in the morning due to nervousness associated with their reluctance to attend kindergarten/school. The reasons for this are problems with teachers and peers, so parents should talk with the child and try to find out the causes, intensity, and location of pain. If it is very strong, and the baby takes unnatural positions lying down, slowly, carefully rises and turns over, you need to show him to the pediatrician. In some cases, these signs indicate appendicitis or peritonitis.

Constant abdominal pain

The reasons why a baby often has a stomach ache can be either serious pathologies or mild disorders of the digestive process. The most common factors causing the symptom, are:

Small children often have stomach pain, and the symptom quickly goes away on its own without causing serious consequences. Even an unwashed apple can cause pain. However, if a child has a fever and a stomach ache, this indicates the presence of a chronic or acute illness. At the same time, the children’s activity decreases, constipation or diarrhea begins, vomiting, nausea, weakness occurs, and the skin turns pale. Parents usually consult a doctor with such symptoms; they are typical for:

  • appendicitis;
  • pneumococcal or streptococcal peritonitis (inflammation of the abdominal mucosa);
  • acute diverticulitis (protrusion of the wall of the large intestine due to abnormal development organ);
  • acute cholecystitis(inflammation of the gallbladder, in which the stomach hurts in the upper right quadrant);
  • acute pancreatitis(inflammation of the pancreas, which is characterized by girdle pain and mild fever);
  • intestinal infection(starts severe diarrhea or constipation, the stomach hurts incessantly, the temperature rises);
  • various infectious diseases such as acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis, measles, whooping cough (with mesadenitis, the abdominal lymph nodes become inflamed and the tummy begins to ache).

When walking

After excessive exercise, vomiting, coughing, sometimes the abdominal muscles become strained, resulting in abdominal pain when walking and running. In this case, the child’s appetite remains normal and general health does not deviate from the norm. If the stomach begins to hurt after eating fatty/fried foods, the doctor suggests dysfunction of the biliary tract, in which children complain of pain in the right hypochondrium, which manifests itself while running or walking.

At night

If a child begins to experience abdominal pain in the evening, many pathologies can be assumed. Along with diseases digestive tract, pain syndrome can be caused by the following factors:

It is not uncommon for a child to have stomach pain at night during adolescence and preschool age due to neuroses that arise due to difficult relationships with peers. Conflicts with classmates or teachers serve as a strong stress factor neurotic character which provokes serious consequences such as sharp pain at night or early morning(before the start of the school day).

After eating

In children, such pain sometimes indicates the presence of an infection or inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract. Besides, characteristic symptoms for this is complete absence appetite, anxiety. If a child has a stomach ache after eating, be sure to show it to the doctor, since the disease will not go away on its own. In case of an acute abdomen, this should be done immediately (the symptom manifests itself as constant, severe pain). This symptom is typical for appendicitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, and others. dangerous pathologies.

In a newborn

Such phenomena are not uncommon in infants and, as a rule, there is no reason to panic. If a newborn has a tummy ache, he will tuck his legs in and cry loudly. Gases that are formed from carbohydrates often cause particular discomfort in infants. breast milk(especially a lot of them in the initial portions). During breastfeeding mothers need to plan their menu with special care to prevent the development of colic or food allergies in a child. In addition, a woman must:

  • reduce the consumption of sweets, potatoes, pasta to a minimum;
  • give up coffee, chocolate, hot spices, cocoa;
  • fill the menu with fresh fruits and herbs, while citrus fruits should be consumed to a minimum;
  • You should eat all red berries, vegetables, and fruits with caution;
  • It’s better to give up beans, eggplants, bread for a while, sauerkraut, grapes, sausages.

What to do if your stomach hurts

As a rule, parents are able to eliminate pain syndrome on their own, but this is acceptable only in cases where the symptom is not accompanied by fever or incessant vomiting. Often, a child’s tummy hurts due to increased gas production and the symptom goes away within a couple of hours after going to the toilet. In this case, there is no need to call a doctor; you just need to feed the baby liquid food and calm him down.

What to do if you have abdominal pain to alleviate your child’s condition? You cannot give any pills to your baby without a doctor's orders. It is better to give a boy or girl an enema (this does not apply to infants - they should not undergo the procedure without a doctor’s permission). If the cause of pain is constipation, supplement the child’s menu raw vegetables, apricots, apples.

If you have diarrhea, give your baby more fluids, small amounts and often. Neurotic pain is perfectly relieved by infusion of motherwort and valerian. In addition, your child should be given a glass of warm milk with honey before bedtime. To reduce stress, take your baby for walks in the fresh air more often, give him contrast shower, reduce the time you spend watching TV, and prohibit playing on the computer before bed.

What to give your child for stomach pain

Medicine for abdominal pain for children should definitely be in the first aid kit of parents. Treatment of colic and bloating involves the baby taking light medications. Their use must be agreed with your doctor. What helps with stomach pain:

  • Disflatil;
  • Espumisan;
  • Festal;
  • Enterosgel;
  • Mezim;
  • Lactovit;
  • Linux;
  • activated carbon;
  • No-shpa;
  • Furazolidone.

First aid

If a child has a tummy ache due to impaired digestion, parents need to carefully monitor their child’s diet: exclude all gas-forming foods from the menu (milk, pickles, beans, bread, kvass, mushrooms), supplement it with fiber. What to do when it comes acute abdomen? First aid for stomach pain is to call an ambulance. Only a doctor is able to determine the cause of acute pain and select suitable treatment. Before the ambulance arrives, you are only allowed to apply an ice pack to the baby’s stomach to alleviate his condition.

What can you eat when your stomach hurts?

Each pathology requires a specific diet, which is selected by a gastroenterologist. If the cause of pain in a child is a digestive disorder or mild poisoning, it is not necessary to contact a specialist. What can you eat when your stomach hurts:

  • lean vegetable soups;
  • liquid porridge(semolina, oatmeal, rice, buckwheat);
  • boiled, steamed vegetables, except cabbage;
  • some crackers;
  • lean fish;
  • omelet, soft-boiled eggs;
  • lean meat (a week after poisoning);
  • herbal infusions, teas;
  • honey, jelly;
  • baked fruits.


Therefore, it is necessary to carefully study the problem and options for solving it, so that if an emergency situation arises, you always have the necessary medications with you (in the first aid kit).

The advice of traditional medicine will help in situations where the pain is minor and unnecessary consumption of medications is not very welcome.

Thus, it is necessary to be fully prepared when problems with your child’s health arise and know exactly what to give a child for stomach pain.

Important! If a child has pain in the abdomen for 3 months, then we can talk about the presence of a chronic gastroenterological disease.

Child under one year of age

What to do in a situation where a newborn baby has a stomach ache, how to treat it?

It is important to remember that excessive nervousness can only do harm and affect both the child’s well-being and the extent to which the right decisions will be made.

Most common reasons Abdominal pain in children under one year of age is colic.

People advise to use if pain occurs. « dill water» . You can buy it at the pharmacy or prepare it at home. Water prepared with dill helps relieve intestinal muscle spasms and also promotes gases and food.

Thus, thanks to this method, you can improve your baby’s well-being.

Supporters of the traditional treatment option can use means drug treatment . Medicines for colic can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription, but you still need to first consult a pediatrician.

List of things you can give your child for stomach pain:

  • Espumisan;
  • Plantex;
  • Bobotik;
  • Babycalm;
  • Bebinos;
  • No-shpa;
  • Drotaverine.
All of these drugs can eliminate pain and return a smile to your child’s face. But it should be remembered that consultation with a doctor after abdominal pain is necessary in order to understand the cause of the occurrence and prevent the occurrence of similar problems in the future.

Children aged 1 to 3 years

If pain occurs in the abdominal area, it is necessary to understand the cause (perhaps something new was eaten or the baby overate) and diagnose the nature of the pain.

And based on this data, give medications.

If the pain is short-term and caused by digestive problems, you can put the child on his back and stroke his stomach clockwise, thus reducing the pain with circular movements which will help relax the intestinal muscles.

Child from 4 to 7 years old

At this age, the child can already describe the nature of the pain or indicate the location of the pain.

If pain is caused by nutritional problems, parents should not allow the child to drink carbonated drinks or eat salty foods.

The first aid kit must contain Espumisan or Disphalitil– these drugs will be useful for bloating.

To fix this problem it will be suitable rice congee, for the preparation of which you need to pour one spoonful of cereal with water (two glasses) and cook over low heat.

The next step is to pass everything through a sieve and the resulting liquid should be taken half a glass three times a day. Peppermint tea also serves in a great way relieving pain in the abdominal area. You need to drink in small sips.

Children aged 8 – 11 years

At this age, abdominal pain can be quite common in children.

Therefore, it is necessary to monitor both your child’s lifestyle and adjust their diet and monitor compliance with food intake rules.

In case of pain, first aid should eliminate the problem of pain, therefore it is necessary to diagnose the nature and possible reason pain.

After this, you can select the appropriate drug that will help restore the child’s normal well-being. TO medications can be attributed Linux, No-shpu, Smecta.

Child age from 12 to 15 years

Sometimes abdominal pain may indicate an urge to have a bowel movement.

Therefore, before using any kind of medicine, you must first let your child visit the restroom.

Try to diagnose the pain and take appropriate medications that are available over the counter, for example No-shpa.

You can use folk remedies: to relieve bloating it is necessary bay leaf pour boiling water over it and let it brew for 10 minutes, then let the child drink in small sips.

In case of poisoning, the following recipe will be effective: pour a couple of tablespoons of flax seed into 450 ml of boiling water and after the broth has stood for 20 minutes, you need to strain it and drink it three times a day. Thus, flax will absorb all substances that are harmful to the body.

Helping children with abdominal pain


If the child is not very sharp pain in the stomach, you can have a little of it relieve with massage.

This is especially useful for babies small age who often suffer from colic and gas formation in the intestines.

Place the child in a comfortable position on his back, then rub a small amount of massage oil in your palms and after your hands have warmed up a little, start gently massage the stomach in a circular motion.

After some time, change the intensity and direction of movements. Also important is the child’s reaction - if he is pleased and you feel from the reaction that the pain is decreasing, then you are doing everything right.


In order to cleanse the intestines during constipation or in the presence of poisoning, this particular method is quite effective. In order to carry out the procedure correctly, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • purchase an Esmarch mug;
  • The container (rubber bulb) must be washed from the inside warm water or boiling water;
  • if the child is an infant, you need to put him on his back and raise his legs or lay him on his left side.

An oilcloth is placed under it.

  • it is important to lubricate the tip with Vaseline;
  • insert the tip of the bulb to a depth of 3-5 cm and slowly squeezing the bulb release the water;
  • the tip is withdrawn slowly, after which we hold the buttocks until the moment of bowel movement.

The volume of liquid is also important, so you should know the proportions that correspond to age:

  • 25 ml – children up to 3 months;
  • 60 ml – children from 3 to 6 months;
  • 100 ml – children from 6 to 12 months;
  • 200 ml – from 1 to 5 years;
  • 250 ml – age 6-8 years;
  • 400 ml – 9 years;
  • 500 ml – over 10 years.

Before the procedure, you need to talk with your baby and describe everything that will happen so that there is no unpredictable reaction. You should ask him to be patient, because everything that will happen is for his good.

Important! The most a clear sign"acute" abdomen requiring urgent surgical intervention, is tension in the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall.

What should you absolutely not do if your child has abdominal pain?

If you have pain, you should not leave yourself alone with the problem, because stress can serve additional reason increased pain.

There is also no need to give food or drink, use painkillers, place a heating pad in the abdominal area, give an enema or give drugs. Until a diagnosis is made, you should refrain from such actions.

In what cases, if a child has abdominal pain, is self-medication unacceptable and should you urgently call a doctor?

Immediately calling a doctor and refusing self-medication is provided in such cases:

Useful video

For more information, please watch the following video in which the doctor discusses in detail the many options for abdominal pain:

Overeating leads to bloating, pain, stomach upset (diarrhea, nausea and vomiting), heaviness in the stomach and general discomfort. After you overeat, you may experience one or more of the above symptoms within long period, but over time the pain and discomfort will go away on their own. If you do not intend to wait for relief and want to eliminate these unpleasant and painful symptoms, there are some natural remedies that can help improve your condition.

What to do if you overeat - natural remedies and methods will help

Here's what you can do to make life easier for yourself and your stomach.

Drink a cup of herbal tea

Peppermint tea is generally good for stomach pain associated with overeating and more in older children and adults (see 5 Health Benefits of Peppermint). Chamomile tea helps calm you throughout the time it takes your stomach to digest large quantity food, and this tea can also be drunk by small children.

Peppermint essential oil

Drop one drop essential oil peppermint onto a sugar cube and dissolve it. This will help improve your condition after overeating.

Apply warm

Apply something warm to the stomach area for 20 minutes, for example, you can use a heating pad, bottles of hot water or hot compress.

Take a rest

Lie down and rest for 30 minutes. Allow your stomach muscles to move some food further down your gastrointestinal tract. Breathe deeply to help relax contracted muscles as... their compressed state can contribute to stomach discomfort.

Take a walk

If you're still feeling full, taking a short walk outside can help digest your food and move it along, helping to relieve symptoms of overeating.

Homeopathic remedies

If you sometimes overeat, consult a homeopath about homeopathic remedies that may help treat your symptoms. For bloating, this is sometimes used homeopathic remedy, How Lycopodium. During discomfort arising from overeating or after consumption spicy food, use Nux vomica.


What should you do if you overeat and have a stomach ache, but the remedies described above do not help? You can also use antacids or carminatives, which can help relieve abdominal pain, discomfort, and other symptoms. But don't forget - synthetic medicines always have contraindications and side effects.

Time after overeating

If some time after overeating (for example, on next morning), you are experiencing an upset stomach and your gastrointestinal tract refuses to work normally, eating certain foods will help you normalize your digestive system. Here's what you need to do:

Eat a banana

Drink some orange juice

Indigestion can sometimes be caused by insufficient stomach acid, and the natural acids present in oranges can correct this. In order to eliminate an upset stomach with orange juice, you need to drink it before meals and not drink it along with carbohydrate-containing foods, as this can lead to increased gas formation.

Add some spices

While you may not be craving anything spicy after overeating yesterday, adding a little spice to your meals today can help settle your stomach. For example, cumin stimulates the liver to produce more bile, which helps with digestion.

Eat rice porridge or something else

Use rice porridge made from white rice, makes it possible to minimize the load on the stomach, due to the fact that such porridge is very soft and contains little fiber. Toast and boiled potatoes, like white rice, provide relief to an already sensitive stomach and also help stop diarrhea by absorbing liquid.

Drink apple cider vinegar

Natural apple cider vinegar helps improve digestion and relieve cramps. Try adding one tablespoon to a cup of water apple cider vinegar and honey. Consuming this composition helps calm the stomach. You can also add 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to a large glass of water. Its use may help relieve

Food has long moved from being a source of energy to a means of pleasure. Millions of people come home from work or school and eat away their stress with high-calorie food. Many people rush to the refrigerator, anticipating how they will enjoy a portion of ice cream, chocolate or cake. Since food gives you a feeling of joy and you want it to last as long as possible, cases of overeating are quite common. Along with it appear stomach pain, heaviness, discomfort and deterioration in well-being. What to do if you overeat, what are the main symptoms of overeating and is there any emergency method getting rid of heaviness in the stomach?

Causes of overeating

There is no point in fighting overeating if you don’t know the reasons why you want to put more and more food on your plate. So, among the main ones, psychologists and nutritionists identify the following:

  • Psychological dependence on food, when favorite dishes become the only or main means of obtaining pleasure. In this case, the glutton likes to eat alone and sits over the plate for a long time.
  • Hormonal disorders, lack of vitamins.
  • Increased appetite for festive table or in a hotel restaurant on an all inclusive basis, when you have access to an unlimited amount of food and it’s difficult to restrain yourself from trying all the dishes.
  • Eating problems and bad mood. Dislike for oneself and increased self-criticism leads to the fact that a person eats a lot just because food makes him happy, and he forgets about his experiences.

Knowing the cause of overeating and analyzing it, it is easier to find a way to get rid of it. bad habit. A psychologist can help someone, but someone - if overeating is accompanied by any health problems - should contact an endocrinologist.

Symptoms of overeating

To prevent obesity, it is important to immediately identify the symptoms of excess food in the body (this will allow you to take urgent action and eliminate the problem):

  • Increased gas formation due to a large amount of food in the stomach.
  • Malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, constipation or diarrhea, nausea may occur.
  • Absorption of food even in the absence of hunger, frequent snacking.
  • Uncontrolled process of food absorption, inability to determine the moment of saturation. Friendly conversation, watching TV - all this distracts from food, and it is consumed in immoderate quantities.
  • Stomach discomfort, pain, feeling of heaviness.
  • Weight gain.
  • Frequent depression due to overeating.
  • Sleep disturbance. This common symptom when overeating in the evening. When a huge amount of food enters the body, which the gastrointestinal tract is unable to digest, heaviness and discomfort prevent a person from falling asleep.

Prevention of overeating

In order to avoid overeating, nutritionists recommend:

  1. Eat slowly, chewing food thoroughly.
  2. Eat food strictly in the kitchen, without such external stimuli, like books, a computer or TV.
  3. Half an hour before meals you should drink a glass of water. The same procedure must be repeated before eating.
  4. Leave the table with a slight feeling of hunger, since the brain receives a signal of saturation only after half an hour, when the stomach is filled with food.

What to do if you ate a lot?

If you feel like you've eaten too much, you need to stop immediately and put the spoon aside. The following will help get rid of the feeling of discomfort:

  1. Warm tea with ginger, mint, always without added sugar, will help activate the digestion process. From drinking juices and alcoholic drinks should be avoided as they increase the stress on the body.
  2. Tea with vinegar and honey (1:1 per glass of liquid) to stimulate the production of gastric juice.
  3. In this case, chewing gum will not only cleanse your teeth of plaque, but will also promote the production of more saliva, which contains enzymes necessary for digesting food.
  4. As soon as the feeling of discomfort goes away a little, you can go to the dance floor. You can even walk a little, the main thing is to stay active, this will activate your metabolism and increase your calorie consumption.

What not to do when overeating

Many people believe that if you don’t eat the next day, the consequences of overeating can be avoided, but this is completely wrong. Most best option- this is a fasting day on kefir, buckwheat or unsweetened apples.

What to do if you overate too much? It is important to drink more water, ideal herbal teas no sugar and warm water with lemon.

Also, do not induce vomiting if there is no urge. Gastric juice negatively affects dental health, causing caries and damage to enamel.

A cleansing enema and laxative are not the best option to combat the consequences of overeating, since the latter disrupt the microflora of the stomach, and an enema only cleanses the intestines, but does not improve the functioning of the stomach as a whole.

What to do if your child has eaten too much

Treatment of a child with overeating has the following scheme:

  1. If the baby doesn't feel well, let him lie down for a while.
  2. You need to make sure your child drinks plenty of fluids. Chamomile or any other is suitable as a drink herbal tea, water with lemon.
  3. If it does not improve, you should take an enzyme preparation.
  4. The next day you need to follow a gentle diet, eat cereals, fruits and vegetables, excluding sweets, fatty and fried foods.

If after measures taken the baby is not feeling better, you should consult a doctor.

What to do if you eat a lot at night

It is very important not to go to bed with a full stomach; it is better to take a walk before going to bed, and if you feel well and have time, you can even go for a light jog. Fresh air and small physical activity capable of performing miracles. But what to do if you overeat at night? If you do not want to take medications with enzymes, you can drink freshly squeezed lemon juice, which provides relief and helps with digestion. Coriander, cumin and anise seeds will also help with this function. They are first chewed and then washed down with water.

After some relief has occurred, before going to bed you should do a small abdominal massage, which will help the bolus of food pass from the stomach to the intestines. You need to stroke it with your fist, pressing lightly, clockwise. First, massage movements are carried out in the lower abdomen, and then above the navel.

What else should you do if you overeat at night? You can also stimulate digestion with the help of special breathing exercises. Their job is to do internal massage abdomen, first filling it with air and then exhaling it. In this case, the stomach should be “pulled” to the spine as much as possible.

What to do if you ate a lot and your stomach hurts

What to do if you overate and have a stomach ache? In such a situation, you should not rush to take medications, because sometimes folk remedies can save you. So, among the most effective ways getting rid of the consequences of overeating is called mint and chamomile tea. Homemade mint candy will also help - you need to drop a drop of peppermint essential oil on a sugar cube. The lollipop must be slowly dissolved, and relief will not be long in coming.

A warm heating pad can also help relieve abdominal pain and should be applied for 20 minutes. You can also use a warm water bottle instead of a heating pad.

If you feel that your stomach is starting to hurt because of overeating, you need to lie down for a while. It is necessary to breathe deeply, as intense work of the abdominal muscles promotes rapid digestion of food.

What to do if you overeat and feel sick

Nausea often occurs due to eating large amounts of fatty foods. So, a large portion of kebab at night or fried meat with sauce can cause nausea. What to do in such cases?

Some people believe that by inducing vomiting they will be able to get rid of nausea, but this can only make the problem worse because acid balance, which can only be restored over time with the help of special lactic acid bacteria. However, if you understand that you cannot solve the problem differently or alcohol poisoning has occurred, vomiting is very effective way getting rid of nausea.

If you overeat at night and feel nauseated, taking special drugs, the main purpose of which is to facilitate the digestion process. Such drugs include “Pancreatin”, “Mezim”, “Gastal” and “Almagel”. If you overuse fatty foods, activated charcoal can also help. Drink it with others medicines does not make sense, since coal, being a sorbent, neutralizes the effect of all medications taken.

The next day, it is best to do a little unloading for the stomach, consuming only low-fat kefir. If the stomach continues to hurt, begins to swell, and increased gas formation appears, you can do a cleansing enema.

What to do if you eat a lot of sweets

Magnificent holidays always end with a sweet table, which also amazes with its diversity - here and chocolates, and cakes, and cookies. How can you resist and not start trying everything? What to do if you have too much sweets?

In this case, the next day the diet should be more than gentle; it is best to either eat apples or drink kefir all day. It is also important to drink plenty of water. This is due to the fact that it is necessary to restore the functioning of the pancreas and liver, which took the “brunt” of the abuse of sweet foods.

What to do to avoid gaining weight after overeating

Eating too much food can cause weight gain, but there is a way to avoid it. extra pounds. If you overeat, what should you do to avoid gaining weight? First, you should try to stay active after your meal. If you feel well, you can take a walk or dance. You should not go to bed at night with a full stomach, it will be difficult to fall asleep, and in the morning your condition will be terrible.

Secondly, the next morning you must definitely arrange a fasting day. You should refrain from a hunger strike, as it will become additional stress for the body. In the morning, to start your metabolism, you need to drink water with lemon. You should have breakfast no earlier than you feel hungry, but you must follow a diet - you cannot eat anything sweet, fatty or starchy for three days. Best to eat buckwheat porridge or oatmeal.

Get things going gastrointestinal tract maybe kefir with bran. You should exercise for 3-5 days. It may be feasible physical activity, such as ab crunches, light cardio, or running. In your diet, you should give preference to unsweetened fruits, since the fiber they contain effectively removes all toxins and waste from the intestines. The serving size should not exceed 300 grams. The last meal should take place no later than six hours.

The first thing you should do when you learn that your child is complaining of abdominal pain is to calm down and not panic. Next you need to identify the symptoms. Depending on the causes, abdominal pain can be varied: dull and aching, sharp and cramping, stabbing and cutting. It can be constant or occur periodically, be localized in the upper or lower part of the abdomen, extend to one of the hypochondriums or, alternatively, to one of the sides. Determining the causes of pain is the first step in the fight against it.

The child's stomach hurts. What can be given if pain occurs as a result of poor nutrition?

In a situation where a child complains of pain in the abdomen, the first thing parents think about is how to save him from suffering. If the problem is poor nutrition baby, you need to carefully review his diet. It is necessary to exclude milk, mushrooms, kvass, any carbonated drinks, salty and smoked foods, as they cause active gas evolution. Vegetables and fruits, on the contrary, need to be added to the diet, because they help improve the digestion process.

So, if a child has a stomach ache, what to give at home should be decided based on the causes of the illness. If there are complaints of bloating and flatulence, you should immediately give the tablet “Disflatil” or the well-known “Espumizan”.

If a child has a stomach ache, what can be given to cure it is easy to decide. When unpleasant sensations appear after eating, Mezim, Enterosgel or Festal will help.

You observe that your child goes to the toilet frequently. Perhaps he has diarrhea, then Laktovit or Linex will help.

Prolonged pain is a signal to call an ambulance

If a child has a stomach ache, what can be given must be decided only after finding out the origin and causes of the pain. Painful sensations, lasting more than half an hour in a row, especially if they are accompanied by symptoms such as nausea and/or fever, are a clear signal to call an ambulance.

The causes of pain are extremely varied. Usually they are not serious and harmless, but there are also those that require immediate intervention, and it is impossible to eliminate them without the help of a specialist. The true cause of abdominal pain cannot be found out simply by interviewing the child; it will become obvious only after consultation with a certified specialist: after examination, examination and carrying out the necessary tests.

Drugs most often found in prescriptions for pediatric gastroenterologists

To relieve painful spasms, you can turn to analgesics. Also, if a child has a stomach ache, you can give Noshpa. If there is no increase in temperature, nausea and/or vomiting, treatment can be temporarily stopped, taking a wait-and-see approach. Provided that after the end of the medication the pain does not recur, nothing more should be done. But if the pain returns, moreover, intensifies, and new symptoms appear, you should definitely seek advice from a gastroenterologist.

Any further treatment must be carried out exclusively in accordance with its recommendations. If a child has a stomach ache, what can be given should be decided by the doctor. The most common drugs found in prescriptions are:

  • For complaints of diarrhea and diarrhea - “Gastrolit” and “Regidron”.
  • If a child has a stomach ache and vomiting, what can you give? 6 years is the age at which indigestion occurs quite often. In this case, they give activated carbon, Polyphepan, Enterodes and Smecta.
  • For bloating and heartburn - Almagel, Rennie, Maalox and Phosphalugel.
  • For heaviness in the stomach area, a feeling of overeating - “Festal”, “Creon” and “Mezim”.
  • For illnesses genitourinary system, kidneys, and stomach, “No-spa” will help perfectly.

Traditional medicine will help cope with the disease

If a child has a stomach ache, traditional medicine can also tell you what to give. There are many remedies that will help eliminate discomfort and cope with the cause of the disease.

Dyspeptic disorders

Such disorders tend to develop in the absence of a sufficient amount of enzymes necessary for digesting food in the intestines. In such cases, children experience a feeling of fullness in the stomach, and belching, nausea and even vomiting are often observed. Often, disturbances in the functioning of the stomach are accompanied by abdominal pain and abnormal bowel movements. In such cases, the child can be cured by radically changing his diet. First of all, you need to immediately eliminate solid foods, soda, caffeine, sweets, fruit juices and milk. Give a few tablets of activated carbon or Mezim.

If a child has a stomach ache, what to give? 7 years - school and first lunches in the cafeteria

Common among young children school age is food poisoning. The cause of the disease is the consumption of food that is unusual for the child or spoiled. Most often, cases of poisoning of children are observed during their first visits to the school canteen. In addition to abdominal pain, malaise can cause a pre-vomiting state and directly vomiting and diarrhea. Quite often, the result of indigestion in children is general intoxication of the body and elevated temperature. The first thing to do is to do a gastric lavage and an enema. If a child has a stomach ache, what to give? 7 years is the age at which a child’s body is already able to cope with such an illness as mild food poisoning. In this case, he should be given to drink as much pure, non-carbonated, unsweetened water as possible. And if the abdominal pain is accompanied by diarrhea, you should give him activated charcoal and Furazolidone.

Systematic constipation

If a child complains that he wants to, and at the same time he is tormented by abdominal pain and nausea, the first ambulance that parents can provide is in this case are laxatives for children or enemas. Next, in order to avoid recurrence of such situations, you should change the child’s diet. More unsweetened non-carbonated liquid, vegetables and fruits, more movement. Less spicy, fatty and heavy foods.

If you approach the problem of constipation from the point of view of traditional medicine, then it is solved this way: for two weeks you should drink flax seed brewed according to a special recipe. The recipe is as follows: pour 1 tablespoon of seeds into 150 ml of boiling water, leave for half an hour, stirring every 10 minutes. To others in a good way To get rid of constipation, you can drink tea made from dried apples, fresh cherries, decoctions of mint, plantain, cumin, and fennel. You can drink yogurt. It is also an excellent laxative.

Flatulence and colic

One common cause is the accumulation of gases. If similar symptoms appear in infants under six months of age, which means that the nursing mother is not eating properly or the formula that is fed to the baby is not selected correctly. If a child has a stomach ache, traditional medicine can advise what you can give him. In this case, the first aid will be a tummy massage, and if it does not help, then most likely you need to change the mother’s diet or start feeding the baby with a properly selected formula. It is often recommended to give to the baby dill water- decoction

There is also more dangerous reason flatulence and colic in a baby are congenital pathology in the intestinal area.

This disease is a problem not only for infants, but also for adolescents. If a child complains of symptoms of flatulence adolescence, you can try to help him with folk remedies. For example, dull ache and heaviness in the stomach can be relieved by taking dandelion decoction half an hour after eating.

Diseases of the small and large intestine

With intestinal diseases, the child experiences pain in the lower part of the left side, he goes to the toilet irregularly, and complains of either diarrhea or constipation. wonderful folk remedy, soothing irritable intestines, is an infusion of oregano flowers. To prepare it, pour 20 grams of flowers with one liter of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes and give to the child before eating.


With this disease, the child experiences pain in the left hypochondrium, radiating to the navel or lower back. To reduce discomfort, you need to give the child "No-shpu" or an active analgesic. But remember, this is not a treatment, but only the elimination of symptoms!

helminthic infestations

If a child (3 years old) has a stomach ache, what can be given must be decided based on the causes of the pain. If symptoms such as accumulation of gases, flatulence and pain in the stomach are observed simultaneously, they signal the occurrence of helminthic infestations, that is, that there are worms. This disease is accompanied poor appetite, allergies, anemia (pallor) skin. To cure a child of worms, you need to give him grated carrots, onions, garlic and walnuts and, of course, pay close attention to hygiene. Traditional medicine also recommends the following recipe for treatment of helminthic infestations: 1 tsp. Stir flower buds with the same amount of honey. The resulting product should be given to the baby on an empty stomach. After that, do not give the child anything to eat for two hours and repeat the medication. The final stage treatment will be a laxative. Glauber's salt can be used as a laxative. It should be given to a child at the rate of 1 gram per 1 year of life. The child should remain calm throughout the treatment, and a warm heating pad placed in the stomach area will help reduce pain and speed up recovery.

Stress and anxiety as a cause of abdominal pain in children

Most often, abdominal pain is due to increased anxiety and stress experienced are observed in children under 10 years of age. In this case, parents ask the following questions: what should the child give? 10 years is the age when children are already able to thoroughly and consistently explain the causes of anxiety and stress and successfully deal with them.

Children under 10 years old can tell what exactly is bothering them only with the help of parents asking leading questions. Abdominal pain that occurs under the influence of stress disappears after eliminating the causes that caused the child to feel restless and anxious. Under no circumstances should he be allowed to withdraw into himself. In such a situation, parents should establish maximum contact with the child and help him deal with his fears. The previously mentioned analgesics and No-shpa will help you from painful spasms.

How to prevent pain from occurring?

There are a number of rules to help prevent abdominal pain in children. If they are followed, the chance of such illnesses occurring is reduced to a minimum.

  1. It is imperative to ensure that the child drinks plenty of fluids (anything except carbonated drinks). It is desirable that it be clean water.
  2. You will have to exclude from your diet everything salty, fatty, fried, smoked, spicy and very sweet.
  3. Ensure that the child’s diet consists exclusively of fresh, high-quality products.
  4. Ensure that the child washes his hands after returning from the street and before each meal. Require him to wash all fruits, vegetables and berries that he intends to eat. It is prohibited to pick up anything edible from the ground on the street.
  5. Prevent your child from feeling hungry.
  6. Feed the child at least three to four times a day in small portions, excluding cases of overeating.