What has eyes but sees. One eye sees worse than the other: what to do? The diet should include

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We imagine your panic when you wake up in the morning and realize that one eye cannot see. No pain, discomfort, eye injury, fall, just the eye stops seeing in an instant. He may not be blind yet, but his fate depends on how quickly you receive qualified medical care. Ophthalmologists at the laser eye microsurgery clinic on Maerchak tell what to do if one eye cannot see.

First, let's look at the cause of the disaster.

Sometimes vision is temporarily lost due to vascular spasm. It is much worse if artery thrombosis occurs.

The main prerequisite for such a situation is atrial fibrillation left without treatment. Typically, with this diagnosis, anticoagulants are prescribed, which thin the blood. If a person does not take prescribed medications, blood clots form and eventually escape into the bloodstream. The “favorite” vessel for blood clots is ophthalmic artery. When a blood clot blocks an artery in the eye, vision suddenly disappears. The blood flow stops, the retina is left without nutrition. The retina is very sensitive to oxygen deficiency. The resulting blood clot will affect the eye in parts. If the resulting blood clot is small, one segment of the eye is thrown out. An area left without power ceases to function and soon dies. If you notice that some part of the image “falls out,” immediately contact an ophthalmologist.

The danger of this condition is the absence of symptoms, discomfort - everything happens instantly. We must act just as quickly.

If vision is partially lost, patients still hope that it will return on its own. Or they simply don’t pay attention, attributing the sharp drop in vision to fatigue. As a result, the changes become irreversible, and vision cannot be restored without a retinal transplant. Therefore, the first thing to do if one eye cannot see is to urgently contact specialized clinic. Your actions on the way to the hospital are equally important.

First aid if one eye is blind

To “squeeze” a blood clot out of the eye, you need to dilate the vessel. To do this, close the sore eye, rhythmically press on it and release. Another option to expand your blood vessels is to breathe into a bag. Carbon dioxide entering the blood pushes the blood clot.

The clinic will provide you with emergency assistance. To restore blood flow in the central artery, use vasoconstrictors, remove excess eye fluid.

Patients who have suffered acute retinal vascular obstruction should be constantly monitored by an ophthalmologist and therapist. They should not do heavy lifting physical activity, for a long time be in an inclined position. It's worth taking care of nervous system: rest more, try not to worry about trifles. After all, stress also provokes vascular spasms and aggravates cardiovascular diseases.

Warn vascular pathology— it is in your power, and in ours, to prevent complications and preserve your vision.

Any character who is determined enough to do so and has:

Any outdoor clock to keep time. And also at least two torture instruments from the list:

  1. A knife, or an awl, or a razor - something that can stab or cut
  2. Not too big hammer
  3. Ticks
  4. File

OR a stationary torture device (such as a rack).

How does torture happen?

  1. The victim is tied to a chair (“in life” there must be an opportunity to get free) or another reliably fixing object.
  2. If the victim is seriously injured, he must be cured before torture.
  3. The executioner prepares the torture instruments, minimum set described above. And demonstrates it to the victim, clearly explaining exactly what process is about to begin.
  4. The executioner asks the victim a riddle. He notes the time and begins the three-minute torture.
  5. During these three minutes, the victim has the opportunity to scream a lot under torture and answer the riddle. Executioner is obliged to accept the logically correct answer to the riddle, even if it does not coincide with his version. If the answer is correct, the torture stops. If the answer is incorrect, the torture continues until three minutes have passed.
  6. If during this time there was no correct answer to the riddle, the executioner asks a question, which the victim must answer as truthfully, accurately and in detail as possible. There is no need to fuss when answering - the victim had the opportunity to use his intellect to solve the riddle.
  7. After the torture, the victim is seriously injured and needs medical care(it doesn’t matter whether the riddle is guessed or not), you cannot torture her further (before treatment).
  8. The Executioner cannot use each riddle more than once on the same victim.
  9. Remember that both the executioner and the victim must act out the process. The executioner - the torture itself, and the victim - his reaction to it, pain, suffering, displeasure from the process and the executioner, etc.

What riddles can be asked and which ones can’t?

1. You can’t ask stupid riddles:

Mystery: What's the difference between a truck full of bowling balls and a truck full of dead woodchucks?Answer: Bowling balls cannot be unloaded with a pitchfork.

Mystery: What was the elephant doing when Napoleon came?Answer: Chewed grass.

2. Can you make a wish? clever riddles that can be solved by logic:

Mystery: Can't be seen, can't be touched, can't be heard, can't be smelled. Lives beyond the stars and under the mountains. Ends life and kills laughter. What is this?Answer: Darkness.

Mystery: Who has an eye but does not see?Answer: (note the number of correct answers, each of which must be counted by the executor) needle, storm, potato.

The rules were kindly provided by MG “Good Company” and personally by N.L. Altman, for which we express our sincere gratitude and respect to them.

A pathology in which one eye sees worse than the other is called amblyopia. A disorder develops due to dysfunction visual analyzer, i.e. disturbances in the relationship between the brain and the organs of vision.


Amblyopia is a pathology that can be eliminated. However, first of all it is necessary to find out the reasons why it arose. These may include:

  1. Temporal arteritis. It is accompanied by compression of the optic nerve by the artery, as a result of which the eye perceives visual information worse. This disorder is dangerous because it can lead to complete loss of vision.
  2. Stenosis carotid artery(typical for elderly patients). The pathology is based on impaired blood circulation in the organ of vision.
  3. Optic neuropathy (the underlying cause may be high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, vascular atherosclerosis). At optical neuropathy no pain occurs. Precursors of the disease may be observed, manifested by temporary impairment of visual function.
  4. Retrobulbar neuritis. Inflammatory process, which is characterized by rapid development. Accompanied severe pain and “flickering” in the eyes. TO complete loss does not lead to vision.

Provoking factors

Factors that increase the risk of developing amblyopia include:

  • strabismus;
  • heredity;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • nerve compression;
  • eye injury;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • high blood pressure;
  • congenital pathologies of the visual organs;
  • eye diseases of an infectious nature.

Types of amblyopia

  1. Refractive. Occurs against the background of strabismus, myopia. It is a consequence of the systematic formation of a fuzzy image on the retina. It may develop as a result of refusal to wear corrective glasses.
  2. Dysbinocular. Often develops against the background of strabismus.
  3. Obscurational. The cause is genetic disorders. This form can be inherited.
  4. Anisometropic. The pathology develops gradually if one eye sees worse than the other by several diopters.

Treatment of amblyopia

You should contact a specialist when the first symptoms occur. Treatment of amblyopia is primarily focused on eliminating the cause that caused the disorder and enhancing visual function weak eye and achievements good level vision of both eyes.

The specialist may prescribe wearing glasses or corrective contact lenses. Treatment can also be carried out surgically. The operation is important in cases of strabismus or cataracts.

For recovery visual functions weak eyes use special visual exercises. They show the greatest effectiveness when used in early age. They also sometimes close one eye with good eyesight to activate the capabilities of the weaker. To do this, use bandages and cover them every day for several hours or for the whole day. healthy eye. This method is used for several weeks or months.

There are also special means, which can be applied in such cases. For example, a doctor may prescribe wearing opaque contact lenses or instilling atropine drops into the healthy eye, which will cause blurry images in it.

Other reasons why one eye sees worse than the other

Deterioration of vision in one eye may occur due to:

  1. Conjunctivitis. This is one of the most common infections that occurs in both children and adults. The inflammatory process usually affects one eye, but in the absence of hygiene and proper care may spread to the second one. Characteristic features are swelling, lacrimation, pain in the eye, blurred vision. During the treatment process they use special drops, often from the category antibacterial drugs. Self-medication is prohibited, as it can lead to serious complications.
  2. Herpes infection. The lesion is observed on the cornea of ​​the eye. Cases of the disease are more often recorded in the autumn-winter period. The occurrence of the disease is due to decreased immunity and lack of vitamins. Treatment is aimed at suppressing the activity of the virus.
  3. Cataracts. The cause of the disease is retinal detachment. The inflammatory process leads to blurred vision and pain. Restoration of impaired function in in this case is possible only by carrying out surgery, during which the damaged lens is replaced with a new one.
  4. Barley. Characteristic signs of its formation are compaction and hyperemia. A small abscess begins to form, which bursts after 5-7 days. It is advisable to consult a doctor at the first symptoms, since early stage treatment can stop the development of inflammation.
  5. Glaucoma. The development of glaucoma may be indicated by sudden painful sensations in the eye, eye hyperemia, the appearance of a “veil”. Attacks of nausea and vomiting may occur. The occurrence of such symptoms should be a reason to consult a doctor.

The reason why vision decreases in one eye may lie in cervical osteochondrosis. Pathology leads to compression of the aorta passing through spinal column and providing optic nerve complete blood circulation.

To avoid worsening the condition, experts advise adhering to the following recommendations:

  • perform eye exercises;
  • accept contrast shower(wash first with hot, then with cold water);
  • use drugs artificial tears to moisturize the mucous membranes of the eyes;
  • make compresses with parsley juice or black tea;
  • use hypoallergenic and natural cosmetics;
  • fulfill light massage eyes (patting, stroking, helping to improve blood circulation).

How to protect your eyes from adverse factors

  1. When performing any work, reading, writing, you must ensure that there is sufficient lighting.
  2. The light should fall on what you are reading.
  3. It is not recommended to read while lying down or while driving.
  4. When working at a computer, you need to monitor the distance from your eyes to the monitor - it should be at least 70 cm.
  5. Be sure to remove makeup before going to bed and do not use it unless necessary.
  6. You can only touch your eyes with clean hands so as not to provoke infection.
  7. Recommended preventive examinations an ophthalmologist at least 2 times a year.
  8. It is not recommended to look at the sun or bright light sources without eye protection.
  9. Avoid lifting heavy objects suddenly.
  10. Any inflammatory infectious diseases in the body must be treated promptly.
  11. Time spent in front of the computer and TV should be measured.
  12. It is recommended to spend more time outdoors.

Diet to improve vision

Scientists call the products regular use which helps maintain eye health. These include foods containing vitamins A, B and C.

The diet should include:

  • carrot;
  • parsley;
  • spinach;
  • fish oil;
  • currant;
  • apricots;
  • cottage cheese;
  • pumpkin.

Video: how to restore vision at home

Son of man, you live among a stubborn tribe that has eyes to see, but does not see, and has ears to listen, but does not hear.

Transtherapeutic philosophy.

Son of man, you live among a stubborn tribe that has eyes to see, but does not see, and has ears to listen, but does not hear. Ezekiel, 12.2.

Instead of obsession with God, he received peace of conscience, instead of pleasure - pleasure, instead of murderous heat - a temperature pleasant to the body. Hermann Hesse. "Steppenwolf"

If a shaman of the Wahaerama tribe of the Mitteltseramsa people is visited by spiritual power, he must thank Alahagala, the creator god, for when he descends from the middle threshold of the house, his shadow falls on the shaman... (Roeder, 1948,71) .

I titled the last chapter “Shadows of All Things.” The first shadow is the idea of ​​a shifted world, a world of schizophrenics and shamans who are indistinguishable from each other. In this chapter I consider the world of shadows as a truly real world; in my model the world is turned upside down. The second shadow is the fool, the idea of ​​the shaman as a holy fool living in a paradoxical plane of existence, in an inverted world. It is both “antimatter” and a “black hole”, which exist both as a world of shadows and as a phenomenon that determines our visible real world. The third shadow is the energies of life, the invisible moving basis, finely structured spiritual substances, the original material, the primary matter (“Prima Materia”). So, the idea of ​​the shadow as a metaphor that reveals the ancient origins of existence is the central image of my work. This chapter discusses the level of elaboration and exploration of the concept of “shadow” by us and searches for the opportunity to be heard by that “healer who is in each of us.” Let's remember the children's story about Peter Pan, who tried to catch his shadow - this is the story of the healer.

The shadow behind all things reveals our true nature. After all, indeed, the shadow is the body itself, life itself, the visible. It is only out of ignorance that we have mixed up the core and the shell in order to make our life less burdened, devoid of dual interpretations.

Healing does not come from visible world, it is given by the invisible world of the shadow." This world belongs to a finely structured part of our body, our energetic body, the visible manifestation of which is the physical. "The land of shadows is the homeland of the shaman, here he “operates,” gives “injections,” and gives “medicines.” We know little about this country, the “quantum realm of the saint.” What the shamans themselves tell us about this, their metaphors and pictures, all this has already been passed through the brain and polished.

I would like to dwell on those human efforts that are aimed at achieving pleasure not in the Freudian sense, but at gaining complete freedom, at enlightenment, at the desire to be absorbed in the “shining world.” Destroying the status quo normal condition consciousness seems to me to be a true transcendental impulse, the impulse of any evolution of culture at any level and any mental orientation. Play, dance, singing, joy, love - all these are manifestations of the search for a state of ecstasy. Ecstasy destroys this sense of time, when everything is divided into fragments; he “cancels” such time. In a state of ecstasy, the boundary-setting space also disappears. Ecstasy, trance, enlightenment, shamanic journeys into the other world cancel time. Time is our greatest enemy, the most dangerous of all illusions. But once again: what is a game, a meeting with friends, art? Each form of concentration is an attempt inherent in us from birth to capture a moment, a momentary state, a moment of being. A moment has no time, an attempt to extend it to the limits of eternity is a trance; prolonging this state further, they come to enlightenment, when human existence fades away completely. Then a person turns into a “spiritual volcano,” bubbling constantly, close to eruption. The bubbling is our world: the hidden forms of the transcendent in the visible part - mundane and ordinary, but in reality, holy and sacred. But how to understand “sacred” - here I leave room for interpretation...

Science or art, play or love - these are all manifestations of one single original need. We could go further in this direction. Let's take the simplest feeling, the desire for comfort - and here we can see the germ of the search for concentration, aspiration within oneself, towards a life based on inner peace. However, this is all very difficult to express...

The word itself cannot give us anything, but it contains a formula that must be followed with lightning speed. Let’s take the concept of “passion.” This is a task set for yourself. This is a search for a breakthrough under the cover of passion for science, art, family life. The very first form of passion, whether we like it or not, is liberation from our own “I”, the ability to dissolve in everything. There are only one fetters: the consciousness of one's own “I”. The search for freedom is “spread out” over all manifestations of life, it is hidden under an invisible cap, squeezed into a straitjacket. It turns into either a movie show, or a theatrical performance, or a mad ride on a motorcycle, or a rocket rushing into the sky, in a word, it is in any form of intoxicating state. Even if we don’t want to agree with this, the fact remains that Datura does not know ambivalence, the dualism of good and evil. Datura chooses its own life principle, free from any evaluation, it is neutral in relation to the concepts of good and evil. There is only one continuum: increasing self-concentration. The brighter the light from the “Jupiters of consciousness”, the stronger the craving for dope, for the disintegration of one’s own “I”, the greater the evolutionary advancement of a person, the more developed his perception, the perception of one freed from space-time boundaries. It has to do with the sense of time. As soon as there is freedom from the flow of time, there is a feeling of cosmic freedom, which is the goal human existence, every individual will and every individual development, whether consciously or unconsciously. This is the basis for the emergence new psychology- precisely the recognition that the psyche is a hologram outside of time, every individual impulse is a reflection of all existence, and every action, every thought, every feeling is an expression of the most accurate universal experience. If we subject human society to analysis from the point of view of this principle, we are sure to arrive at a truly transcendental anthropology and sociology. But the great in the small remains hidden from us; as before, the small appears to be worldly, everyday, which is a false conclusion of traditionalists - in fact, there is nothing worldly, but everything is just a manifestation of the holy, the great.

Since the Enlightenment, developing science has condemned everything that lies at its origins, calling it primitive, and the entire past - archaic. Today we discover that the “primitive” is the fundamental principle, the source, the eternally imperishable, only the future is archaic. The past and the future are in a vicious circle, connected by one chain. Shamanic psychotherapy is therapy for the personality as a whole, the energy of the body. What shamans express in color pictures - manifestations of their existence in nature - many physicists and researchers express in the form of tables and curves. But both of them do not mean exactly the same thing, since we are still at the very beginning of the study of the rich structure of the shamanic worldview, his journeys through countless spiritual worlds unknown to us. There are many universes of spiritual and physical nature, and we are only one of them. The healing of shamans belongs to other spaces, other time, other energy dimensions; if we are willing to follow these pictures, we can make our way to these other spaces. However, the further we follow the shaman, the sooner he moves away, takes positions on the other side of the horizon of our understanding, envelops us completely, suppressing narrowed thinking within our “I”, our thirst for knowledge. Probably, some of the readers may think that I have already said something about healing here - you are mistaken, this is only the very beginning, only a preface to entering the area of ​​healing, which remains hidden here, devoid of a true name, which, as far as I know that no one has ever studied it before and which no one has yet described. This is the story of the beginning of the world, the creation of man, the development of the basic law of human existence, the emergence of illness and death in the form in which myths tell about it. Here we “attack the trail” of true shamanic knowledge. Ancient shamans worked at the beginning of time, when true demiurges still existed, who were in contact with all living beings, things and deities. It’s quite strange, but today, when the culture of shamans, mediums and the healing power itself has completely declined, we decide to make a new beginning. Modern shamans and physicists grasp at the stars, at other universes, and establish a connection with the “gods.” This is a universal, planetary process in which our destroyed and dead culture and science begin to operate again. The ancient shaman stood at the beginning of the development of humanity. And he will stand at its end, even in the garb of a physicist. By using technical means, with the help of paraphysics and quantum mechanics, we comprehend the paralogical, paradoxical processes of all living things, we encounter here old shamanic symbols and wisdom, they come to light in a new guise, within the framework of a culture determined by the intellect.

Why does the archaic re-emerge today from the fog that obscures the beginnings of history? Because after a long journey along a confusing path, we again found our way to home. We are approaching the goal and the point of departure, we are returning to our native origins. The sails are raised and the turbines are running, powered by spirit rather than by mechanical engines. Now everything will be possible...

I would like to demonstrate just a few modern physical sketches of the development of the universe in order to contrast them with the picture of the world of shamans and to show how close our science is becoming to the ideas of shamans. When and where the two worlds of ideas will finally meet and unite is still unclear, but it is absolutely clear that this will happen.

Laureate Nobel Prize Englishman Brian Josephsen talks in 1975 about the possibility of the existence of parallel worlds that are not in contact with us, which, from his point of view, we do not perceive, since they are “filtered” by normal consciousness; however, thanks to certain techniques, they can become visible. The picture of a world with six dimensions is developed by theorist Burchard Heim. It is based on both the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. They call higher dimensional structures that can penetrate our world “synthropods” or shadows of multidimensional structures. The French naturalist and philosopher Teilhard de Chardin is of the opinion that on the other side of the material universe there is a “psychic cosmos” that is beyond our sensory perception, a kind of non-measurable universe, within which galactic cultures more advanced in development than ours can be found the path to higher, not limited time and space dimensions. John Archibald Wheeler from Princeton University speaks about the opening of a path to a time-neutral superspace, as well as about the so-called cosmic “wormholes,” which are 20 orders of magnitude smaller in size than the elements of atoms. All space, according to him, is permeated with holes that connect us with superspace that exists side by side with us. According to Wheeler's model, our world, our mental universe, lies on the rim of the wheel, on its curved surface. The hole in it is superspace. This idea was already taken into account in the Einstein and Rosen bridges, the so-called Einstein-Rosen bridges, where we are talking about space-bending tunnels through which distance can be covered without taking into account time.

Astrophysicist John Gribbin settles our universe on the surface of an inflatable balloon, which he believes stretches, which explains the fact that the galaxy is moving away from its center at a speed close to the speed of light. The reflection of the outer shell of the balloon on which we are located exists with its inside a universe, a kind of anti-world, which differs from ours by the opposite charge and the inversely directed arrow of time. Nikolai Kozyrev, one of the most prominent Soviet astrophysicists, also recognized the existence of worlds that mirror us, but which, however, fully retained the category of causality. In addition, Kozyrev wanted to show with his experiments that time has a certain quality of not only a subjective, but also an objective nature. He talks about the density of time, its intensity and energetic qualities. And if this is indeed the case, then this quasi-material time also influences material structures. Thus, mental structures exist not only in time, but also with the participation of time. Things thus influence each other through time. Thanks to each material interaction, time is stretched or compressed again, which Kozyrev is trying to prove with his experiments. He comes to the conclusion that time is stretched due to internal reasons, and accelerates due to external influences. Information exchange between systems occurs with the participation of time, namely time standing at zero. In his opinion, knowing this, one can explain such manifestations of the psyche as telepathy. The same views are shared by Charles Mezet, an American theoretical physicist, who suggests that time is the cause of the release of all energies.

In short, “one day, when science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will advance more in a decade than in all the previous decades of its existence,” according to Nikolai Tesla, one of the greatest geniuses among physicists. This is probably where physicists and shamans will meet. And such a diverse paradigm of the Western spirit, the idea of ​​human evolution will completely dissolve in the philosophy of the future. Friedrich Nietzsche viewed man as a bridge, as a connecting link, and not as a final authority, and Dogen, the great Zen master of medieval Japan, expressed this even more unequivocally: “You climbed to the top of a hundred-meter pillar - and now you move on.” Where should we move next if, according to Nietzsche, we cross the human bridge or, when the pillar, according to Dogen, the first step to enlightenment has already ended? According to Nietzsche, into the superhuman, according to Dogen, into the air, into the immaterial.

I argue: evolution is a historical paradigm. The idea of ​​evolution as a three-dimensional concept becomes meaningless as soon as we leave the realm of the visual. Evolutionist thinking proceeds from a single time, from a single true existence that permeates the entire universe of time. This naive idea was debunked in his time by Lewis Carroll, when he gave his Alice the opportunity to experience all the great paradoxes of time,

“But in our country,” said Alice, apparently with difficulty catching her breath, “they usually end up in some other place when they run for a long time as fast as we are doing now.” “A strange kind of country,” the queen remarked. - With us, on the contrary, you have to run with all your might if you want to stay in the same place. And if you want to go somewhere else, you have to run twice as fast” (1963, 44).

Holger Kalweit - Shamans, healers, healers. transtherapeutic, .