What is needed for normal hematopoiesis? Science explains what our body needs to function normally.


Introduction ………………………………………………………… 2
Conditions for the normal functioning of the body... 3
Drinking water…………………………………………… 4
Nutrition ………………………………………………. 5
How to restore your health……………………. 6
Smoking and health………………………………….. 8
How to quit smoking………………………………….. 11
The influence of alcohol on the human body…………... 13
Drug addiction and substance abuse……………………….. 15
ABOUT proper nutrition ……………………………… 16
Conclusion…………………………………………... 20
Literature…………………………………………… 22


No matter what heights civilization reached in its development, there still remained and remains the fact of the appearance of diseases in humans, which ultimately lead everyone to death. According to many experts, currently protective forces The human body is at its limit. Medicine and, above all, hygiene, which studies the patterns of changes in human health under the influence various factors, they want to see a person healthy.
Health is such a physical and mental state of the human body, located in conditions of social and environmental well-being, in which he has a high, long-lasting performance in the family and in society, experiences complete satisfaction and evaluates this state as one of the manifestations of happiness. For each of us there is no greater value than health.
What factors influence human health:
- 20% - ecology;
- 20% - genetics;
- 10% - healthcare;
- 50% - lifestyle.
What is included in the concept of lifestyle. This is material well-being, living conditions, work, rest, everyday life, living conditions, food, sleep, marital status, relationships with friends, etc. The combination of these forms constitutes a way of life.
Every person is responsible for their own health. His health depends on him. No doctor can do for a person what a person should and can do for himself.

Conditions for normal functioning of the body

1. It is necessary to breathe as clean air as possible. There are no oxygen storage systems in our body. For a million years man had access to clean fresh air, it was natural environment habitat. A person can survive without breathing for only 5 minutes.
2. Our body is 80-85% water. Life originated in water, and our blood’s salt composition is very close to sea water. Therefore, proper drinking of water and generally varied contact with water - necessary condition our existence.
Water is also a natural habitat for humans. Lack of water for 5-7 days leads to death.
3. You need to move. Human body contains about 600 different muscles, the main integral part which is protein. This is a very valuable product for our body, and we are designed in such a way that muscle, and therefore protein mass, can be preserved and accumulated only with regular muscle contraction and relaxation. Everyone knows that muscles atrophy at rest. Muscle mass is capable of pumping up to 50% of the blood along with the heart. It is known that up to 1 kg is assimilated during a day of rest. muscle mass. Therefore, our lot is to move forever if we want to live long. And there are no means that can replace movement.
4. It is necessary to eat, but during the course of evolution, man has had to starve so many times that the body has developed the most perfect mechanism for protecting against death from starvation. Starting from the third day of fasting, only 200 g of your own fat per day is enough to fully provide the body with energy. The reserves of salts and trace elements in the body are sufficient for several months of existence. As a rule, the cause of death of people in the absence of food in extreme conditions is mental stress, not lack of food, unless, of course, there is water.
5. The fifth condition for human existence is a goal in life, no matter what social or personal significance it has. In other words, psychological stability is necessary.
6. It is necessary to promptly cleanse the body of all types of toxins. The optimal fulfillment of these six conditions in daily, weekly and other cycles will form a program of your specific actions. The highest culture of breathing, movement, nutrition, water and drinking regime, psychological preparation and cleansing developed by humanity over many millennia, and allows you to get rid of diseases without drugs with 100% success and maintain the vitality of the body without stimulants at such high level, in which the aging process is maximally inhibited.

Drinking water

Water can only be drunk on an empty stomach; you should not drink it during meals or 30 minutes after meals. “Drink whenever you want, but only on an empty stomach and never drink too much at once.”
How can you drink water when you are at the holiday table, where, due to circumstances, you not only have to mix proteins with starches and carbohydrates, fruits with proteins, but also eat a lot of salty, spicy, sweet foods? In this case, it is best to drink while eating, since diluting a concentrated harmful mixture with water is better than dealing with this food “dry”.
When you want to eat, but for a number of reasons you cannot eat or there is nothing to eat, you should slowly drink half a glass of water, and the feeling of acute hunger will disappear. This effect is based on the fact that the feeling of hunger occurs only when the stomach is empty, and as soon as you drink a little water, this feeling disappears, at least for as long as the water is there. For some time, this helps to forget about acute hunger.


To ensure harmony in life, great attention must be paid to nutrition. There is such a principle of a healthy lifestyle (HLS): “We eat to live, and do not live to eat.” Unfortunately, few people follow it. Therefore, all diseases come to us through the mouth.
What do we eat?
What nature offers us in its raw form.
What nature offers, and we process: we clean, cook, fry, dry, and so on.
What it offers food industry.
How, when and how much to eat?
You cannot eat before starting work or after it, when a person is cold, overheated, anxious, or full of fear. Anger, with fever, pain, when there is no feeling of hunger. You need to eat slowly, thoroughly moistening the food with water and chewing.
Our diet should be balanced, i.e. rational intake of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.
Proteins are natural organic compounds made up of amino acids. They are found in all animal products and plant origin: cereals, vegetables, fruits, flour, meat, fish, caviar, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese, nuts.
Proteins are a source of energy; they are not stored in reserve, so their daily intake with food is necessary. Without a sufficient amount of protein, vitamins and minerals cannot be absorbed. Without them, life, growth and development of the body are generally impossible.

How to restore your health?

One of the most remarkable properties the human body – the ability to recover. If, for example, you cut yourself, new tissue will soon replace the damaged cells and the wound will heal. If you have a broken bone, it will heal and become even stronger than before. Less obvious is the damage you cause to your body over the years by wrong image life. The body can recover quite well after a long neglectful attitude towards it if you spare no time and effort. However, don't expect an instant miracle. It takes time for the body to recover.

Basic three conditions for conservation healthy heart and increasing life expectancy.

1. Normal weight.
2. Physical activity.
3. Proper nutrition.

1. Excess is always dangerous. It depletes the heart, causing heart attacks. Overweight destructive for beauty, youth, leads to illness and even premature death.
2. Daily exercise to maintain excellent health. Every day you need to find 1-2 hours for active physical activity. The simplest thing is brisk walking, preferably over rough terrain.

Physical exercise is the most important factor, allowing a person to avoid atherosclerosis and increase the flow of oxygenated blood through the heart and body.
Exercise is good for your kidneys. The kidneys act as a filter in the body. They are the most energetic working body. Exercises with bending and rotating at the waist help stimulate the kidneys, they begin to function more efficiently.

The dangers of a sedentary lifestyle.

Most of the body's waste products are excreted through the kidneys, and carbon dioxide through the lungs. There, the blood is saturated with oxygen and turns bright red again. It then returns to the heart and is pumped through arteries to various parts of the body. This cycle repeats thousands of times a day. That's why you can't sit in one place for a long time. With a sedentary lifestyle, blood circulation slows down and the blood stagnates. If you mainly sedentary work, then you need to get up every hour and move energetically. Remember! When you do exercises, poisons are removed from the body and blood circulation increases, improving the nutrition of all cells in the body.
And during exercise it happens strong discharge sweat. The purpose of excretion is dual: it helps rid the body of impurities and regulates body temperature. It is these secretions mixed with dirt located on skin, give sweat bad smell. If the skin is clean, all that remains is the smell. healthy body.
Dancing, walking, cycling, vigorous housework, any activity that makes you sweat, improves heart function and general condition. The intensity of the load will never cause harm to a healthy person.

Smoking and health.

Look at how, what and why we introduce into the body?
Air is sucked in through the ignited and slowly smoldering tobacco (its combustion temperature is about 3000C, and when inhaling it is 10000C). The same air that we constantly breathe. The same air, often poisoned with all kinds of toxins. The oxygen contained in this air passes through the smoldering tobacco and enhances its combustion. The so-called sublimation of combustion products occurs, in in this case– tobacco with all sorts of impurities. And we direct these sublimation products, along with the rest of the air, into our lungs. The first to take the poison (still hot - up to 50-600C) are the mouth and nasopharynx. And this heat immediately begins its destructive work. After all, along with warm smoke, we also inhale outside air, the temperature of which is lower than the smoke mixture. Such changes primarily affect the lip enamel. Everyone knows what kind of teeth a smoker has.
Warm smoke has a huge negative effect on the mucous membranes of the mouth and nasopharynx. As a result of the expansion of capillaries, the mucous membrane of the cheeks, palate, gums becomes inflamed, heat and chemicals substances in smoke, especially ammonia and acids, irritate the salivary glands.
Toxic substances from tobacco smoke, along with saliva, are sent to the stomach. Hence the loss of appetite and all kinds of diseases gastrointestinal tract.
Exposure to smoke respiratory tract It also affects the vocal cords: your voices become coarser, lose their richness, sonority, and purity. This is especially noticeable among girls, but vocal cords- that's not so bad.
Inhaled smoke contains large amounts of hydrocyanic acid. Penetrating into the blood, it seems to paralyze the cells, reducing their ability to absorb oxygen. Coming oxygen starvation. And since nerve cells They need oxygen more than others; they are the first and most affected by the action of hydrocyanic acid.
The impact of tobacco smoke on nervous system V medical literature described many times. It has been established, for example, that the effect of nicotine on the transmission of impulses from nerve to muscle is equivalent to the effect of curare poison, which paralyzes the muscular system.
The adrenal glands, which are responsible for many of the most important functions of our body, are especially affected by tobacco poison. Small doses of nicotine increase blood blood pressure, and large doses – suppression of the cardiovascular system.
For nicotine poisoning, it is not necessary to smoke, it is enough to be in a room where people smoke. Regardless of the way tobacco smoke enters the human body, it does its dirty work in it: it disrupts gas exchange, increases breathing, changes the rhythm of cardiac activity, accelerates the onset of fatigue, and causes a cough. It has been proven that staying a non-smoker for an hour in a closed, smoky room corresponds to smoking four cigarettes. So the smoker is not the only one who poisons himself; he should know and remember this.
Smoking depresses the sex glands. Nicotine causes sexual dysfunction. All this leads to the development of impotence (sexual weakness) in men. When you stop smoking, sexual function is restored. Few people know that smoking can cause infertility in men, which develops due to the inhibitory effect of nicotine on sperm development.
The root cause of lung cancer in smokers is the inhalation of one of the most active radioelements - polonium. US doctors have come to a depressing conclusion for smokers: those who smoke 20 or more cigarettes a day develop lung cancer 20 times more often than non-smokers. And according to the World Health Organization, 9 out of 10 cases of lung cancer occur in smokers.
But it's not just the lungs that are susceptible to cancer. The danger of malignant lesions lies in the mouth, pharynx and larynx, esophagus, stomach, pancreas (swallowing of poisoned saliva), kidneys, bladder, that is, all those organs that are affected by substances contained in tobacco smoke.
Tobacco smoke has a particularly strong destructive effect on the female body, which differs hypersensitivity to all kinds of poisons. Smoking is in many ways more dangerous for women than for men. Any woman naturally dreams of having healthy child. But the dream of becoming a mother may not come true if a woman continues to smoke during the periods responsible for childbearing. It should be remembered that the main indicators of a child’s health and longevity are laid down long before his birth and even long before his conception; they are largely determined by both the conditions of the formation of germ cells and the conditions of intrauterine development. Spermatozoa are capable of self-renewal almost every 3 months; in contrast, the life of female eggs is estimated at 12-55 years, i.e. they can be a “bank” for many toxic substances, including those of tobacco origin. In some cases, eggs poisoned by toxins lose their ability to fertilize.
Now, knowing the whole truth about tobacco, about its impact on all living things, think, as you pull out another cigarette from the pack, “What am I doing!?” Is this crappy, stinking grass worth the strength and health it devours?

Keep this in mind!
According to WHO:
- the overall mortality rate of smokers exceeds the mortality rate of non-smokers by 30-80%;
- tobacco kills 4 times more people than car accidents;
- smokers have noticeably weakened memory;
- a smoker’s heart works 3-4 hours more every day. Just one cigarette smoked increases blood pressure by 10 mm. rt. Art.;
- y smoking women miscarriages occur 2-3 times more often than in non-smokers.

How to quit smoking?

The Small Steps program was developed by the Research Center for Preventive Medicine.

Small Steps Program

Buy cigarettes only one pack at a time.
When you take a cigarette, immediately hide the pack.
Use only filter cigarettes.
Keep your cigarettes in such places that every time you want to smoke, you have to make an effort to get them out.
If you are offered a cigarette, refuse.
If you run out of cigarettes, do not ask anyone for them.
Every time you smoke, empty the ashtray; Keep the clean ashtray away.
Before lighting a cigarette, take three calm breaths in and out.
After lighting, after the first puff, put out the cigarette. If you want to smoke again, you will have to light the match again.
After each puff, place the burning cigarette on the edge of the ashtray.
Smoke your first cigarette no earlier than after breakfast.
Immediately after eating, leave the table and get down to your business. There is no need to smoke after eating.
Don't smoke while walking.
Don't smoke in bed.
Don't smoke at the dinner table.
Don't smoke while reading a book or watching TV.
Try not to smoke at home.
Don't smoke when you're hungry.
Don't smoke while driving.
Don't smoke while working desk.
Don't smoke at meetings.
In general, try not to smoke during the working day.
Try not to smoke when you are waiting for someone.
Try not to smoke when people smoke in your presence.
Try not to smoke on holiday evenings.
Before you smoke, think about whether it is worth smoking, because you have decided not to smoke.
Train yourself to light up 5 minutes after you decide to smoke.
Try to smoke without inhaling.
Calculate how much money you've saved since you started smoking less and eventually quitting cigarettes completely.
By quitting smoking, you will improve your health and well-being!

The effect of alcohol on the human body.

Alcohol is one of the most dangerous enemies The most valuable asset of a person is health. Alcohol abuse is the cause of many serious diseases, causes premature aging and shortens life. The overall morbidity rate among men who abuse alcohol exceeds the morbidity rate among the adult male population by more than 10 times. The number of deaths among people who drink alcohol is 2-4 times higher than that for the general population. The life expectancy of alcoholics is 15-17 years less than that of non-drinkers.
Alcohol is a poison that poisons human life and human society. This position is deeply true both literally and in figuratively.
… “Humanity could achieve incredible things if it could stay sober.” (Goethe).
Functions are impaired when intoxicated various departments brain that controls certain processes. For example, even small doses of alcohol cause impairment of visual acuity, hearing, the ability to distinguish colors, and navigate in space.
Once in the general circulation, alcohol acts primarily on the circulatory organs, cardiovascular system. Small doses cause increased cardiac activity, large doses depress it, the walls of the vessels feeding the heart become tired, their nutrition is disrupted, and the muscles weaken.
Statistics have shown that cardiovascular diseases are 22 times more common in people who drink alcohol than in non-drinkers.
Those who regularly drink alcohol experience heart obesity, not only in obese people, but also in underweight people.
The dilation of blood vessels under the influence of alcohol and the feeling of warmth from the rush of blood gives many people the idea that alcoholic drinks help to warm up and lower blood pressure, but this effect of alcohol is very short-lived, followed by spasms that are even stronger and longer lasting.
Alcohol has an irritating effect on the digestive tract. Its high concentration causes a decrease gastric secretion, irritation and inflammation of the stomach lining, and this inevitably leads to various diseases. Most often develops chronic gastritis, which is often accompanied by colitis, hemorrhoids, and a sharp exacerbation of stomach ulcers. Symptoms of these diseases are heartburn, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhea, constipation, aggravated by further alcohol intake, and occur in a more severe form, leading to complete disability. Digestive diseases in people who drink alcohol are 18 times more common than in non-drinkers. As a result of systematic alcohol consumption, chronic gastritis and liver cirrhosis develop. Irritant effect Alcohol also has an effect on the kidneys: in small doses it causes increased urination, in large doses it can lead to severe kidney damage. Alcohol also has a detrimental effect on the respiratory system. The occurrence of pneumonia in alcoholics is observed very often, as a rule, it is severe and causes complications. It is known that alcohol also destroys lung tissue, causing emphysema, purulent bronchitis, pneumosclerosis and other respiratory diseases.
Drinkers are given the false impression that alcohol increases sexual desire. That is why some people consider it necessary to drink to gain “courage” and increase their male power. Ultimately, this leads to the opposite result - a sharp suppression of sexual desire.
Toxic effect alcohol is expressed not only in its effect on the cells that produce the male sex hormone, which provides sexual function men - phenomena similar to those observed during castration often occur.
In women, disorders in the sexual sphere under the influence of alcohol are observed mainly of a mental nature. Alcohol degradation in both men and women manifests itself in a decrease in intelligence, volitional qualities, loss of previous interests, and sometimes in aggressive behavior. One thinker said: “There is nothing more beautiful than a woman, but there is nothing more disgusting than a woman when she is drunk.”
Women are more likely to drink heavily, the period between binge drinking sessions is usually shorter than for men, and they last longer. Women are more difficult to treat than men.
Alcohol contributes to the progressive course of almost all diseases, a decrease in the body's resistance, infectious diseases.
Idleness, boredom, idleness are fertile ground for the flourishing of any bad habit, including the tendency to drink alcohol. On the contrary, active, creative work in any field, sports - this is best medicine against alcohol.

Drug addiction and substance abuse.

If alcohol or tobacco can still look innocent" bad habits“, then drug addiction and substance abuse represent an open social evil. They appeared not so long ago, but they are especially dangerous, since it takes some time to become an alcoholic; To become a drug addict, one (!) dose is enough narcotic substance. This is widely used by drug addicts to attract newcomers. In the campaign, a large dose of the drug is administered by choice or under duress, and if its effect wears off, the poisoned body requires an additional dose. And there is no way out anymore.
Thoughts about that are pure illusion. What you can “want and quit.” Desire may arise, but the will is already paralyzed. The drug becomes the meaning of existence. Hence the loss of interest in studying, alienation in relationships with people, constant concern about where to get money to purchase the next portion. Therefore, deception, selfishness, a tendency to commit crimes, and in the end complete degradation of the individual are the fate of drug addicts. None of them are old. They die at the age of 19-21, less often at the age of 30-35. At this age, death already picks up the remains - the body is destroyed at such a speed. Therefore, it is important to realize that those who have become addicted to drugs or toxic substances, return to normal life practically never happens.

About proper nutrition.

Food. What makes up a person’s diet day after day is very important for his health. Therefore, it is necessary to know what is good for our health, so that we can then do it ourselves without much difficulty. right choice.
Before talking about proper nutrition, you need to know what toxins and cleansing the body are.
Slags are toxins or harmful substances, which are present in the body normally, but they become enemies when they accumulate above the norm. Digestive juices of a healthy person are capable of destroying toxins formed during the digestive cycle. But due to the usual habits of overeating, improper combination of foods, hasty eating, poor chewing, eating during fever or any discomfort digestive organs weaken. This process is aggravated by the fact that we eat mostly boiled or other food. But cooked food. Such food loses its vitality (enzymes are destroyed at 470C, as well as many vitamins and microelements). Thus, a layer of waste gradually accumulates on the walls of the large intestine, like “scale.” Over time, this slag rots, the intestinal microflora is disrupted, and toxemia or self-poisoning with poisons occurs. This may manifest as a headache, bad smell from the mouth.
Constipation increases slagging in the body, so it is necessary to monitor the regularity of bowel movements.

Factors contributing to the removal of toxins and cleansing:
1. Optimal physical activity.
2. Avoid deterioration mental state. Be able to relax, switch, strive to create a good mood.
3. Eat food in a pleasant environment, with pleasure.

Helps cleanse:
1. Eliminate or minimize the consumption of refined foods, increase the proportion of foods with optimal fiber content.
2. Reduce the amount of meat.
3. Reduce the amount of sugar, trying to replace it with honey. Fruits.
4. Reduce salt intake.
5. Reduce the consumption of yeast flour products, as their consumption suppresses the intestinal microflora.
6. It is better to replace whole milk with fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk).
7. Eliminate alcohol, tea, coffee.
8. Chew food well, but do not eat too hot or too cold.

In winter, there is a shortage of fresh raw fruits. Therefore, it is necessary to include dry fruits in your diet. Such fruits should be used as a replacement for sugar and sugar products, including candies, cakes and other sweets. The body, especially a child’s body, weakened by some disease, requires all the necessary proteins, minerals and vitamins, i.e. varied diet.
Raw and dry fruits go well with cheese, nuts, and raw vegetables.
Vegetables. Unfortunately, vegetables, like fruits, are often viewed as food “add-ons”, as something that is placed on the edge of the plate, like a side dish. Many people believe that you can’t get enough of them, that they don’t have enough nutrients. The deepest misconception is that properly cooked vegetables contain a huge supply of nutrients. However, a big mistake when cooking vegetables is overcooking them, when their natural flavor and vitality evaporate, the vegetables only need to be lightly stewed. Lettuce, celery, spinach, parsley, Brussels, cabbage are the most valuable in terms of vitality content. They must be eaten every day in their natural form or lightly stewed. In summer they can be dried for future use.
Every day for one meal you need to eat some kind of salad from raw vegetables. All vegetables go well with protein foods (meat, cottage cheese, etc.). In addition, vitamin C contained in green vegetables destroys nitrates and saltpeter (a means for giving color to meat products).
Juices from fresh vegetables are an excellent source of vitality. They can be used with both therapeutic purpose and to maintain health.
Dairy products. They really supply the body with valuable protein and calcium. All varieties of sour milk and products made from it are very useful; they are rich in lactic acid and contain substances that promote digestion and cleansing of the body. Curdled milk, kefir, and yogurt are very popular in European countries. Butter and cheeses are very useful, but should be consumed in limited quantities due to their high fat content.
A person cannot live without proteins, it is a building material, a living material. Adults need it to renew cells of almost all tissues, muscles and nerves, bones and glands, blood and lymph. Proteins are especially needed by a growing body to recover from illness, to give strength and vigor. There are different types of proteins, they must be balanced in our body. It is recommended to get them as much as possible from natural (vegetable and dairy) products, and not from meat.
Nuts, beans, and garlic are an excellent source of high-quality proteins. 30-40 g of nuts with fruits or vegetables will be required quantity proteins per serving. Sunflower, pumpkin, poppy seeds - tasty and healthy. However, the seeds should not be fried or salted. Peas, beans, lentils, soybeans contain almost all the elements necessary for the body person. They are pre-soaked overnight, then stewed over low heat.
Breakfast from cereals several times a week is very useful for children and adults.
Bread is often called “daily bread.” IN old times it was true, bread was truly a wonderful food. Now it’s like that, but not quite. Having learned to produce white flour, people began to discard up to 80% of the nutrients and a number of valuable vitamins present in the shell and germ when grinding grain. A much more valuable product is bread made from wholemeal flour from whole grain, i.e. with bran. All over the world, it is customary to eat sprouted grains in the morning: wheat, rye, oats, barley.
Our ancestors also knew about the benefits of cereals. They took special food with them on campaigns, which “strengthens the entire interior and strengthens bodily strength.”
Sprouts restore the body's bioenergy, stimulate endurance, tone the cardiovascular and respiratory system, especially during heavy physical and mental stress. Such dishes prevent premature aging and are indicated for children and adults, with medicinal and for preventive purposes.
The grain is washed, spread between layers of cotton cloth, well soaked in warm water, and left at a temperature of 22-240C for 24-36 hours. The top fabric is moistened from time to time until sprouts appear (“pecking”). They are eaten with fruits, vegetables, cereals and other ready-made dishes. After drying, sprouted grains can be ground into flour. This malt flour is a good addition to salads and sauces. It should be remembered that the grains should not be allowed to “overgrow”.


Lifestyle choices should be your own, not a pattern imposed on those you spend time with. And since no one consciously wishes harm to themselves, there are no smart arguments in favor of tobacco, alcohol or drugs. Smoking does not help you succeed in business, alcohol does not make people friends, drugs do not make anyone happy. If you are a smart person, choose healthy image life. Being an adult means deciding for yourself and not creating habits that will decide for you.
The famous American physiotherapist Paul Breg in his book “The Formula for Perfection” advises: “Let your mind dictate your decisions to your body, because if the opposite happens, it means that if your body is controlled by your mind, you will turn into a slave.”
Remember that you are being punished by your bad habits. This is the law. Illness, pain and physical suffering are to a certain extent an indicator of who you are as a person. You are committing a crime against your body because you are not using the opportunity given to you to control it with your mind.
Think only constructively about health. It is entirely necessary for your spiritual life. If you are consistent in this, the health of soul, mind and body will be ensured.
Everyone should take such advice seriously.


1. Alexandrov A.A. and others. Prevention of smoking among children and adolescents. M., 1993.
2. Bolotov B.V. Immortality is real. M., 1992.
3. Vladislavsky V. Man is his own friend, his own enemy. Minsk. Higher school., 1988.
4. Gogulan M. Say goodbye to diseases. Minsk. International Book House, 1997.
5. Goren Michael. The path to health and longevity. M., 1992.
6. Novikov Yu. Nature and man. M. Education., 1991.
7. Holey J. The Mystery of Health. M., 1992.


Nutrients are biologically significant elements necessary for a living organism to ensure normal functioning. There are 5 types of nutrients, and all of them are essential for our body. Essential nutrients are not produced by the body, and therefore must be supplied through food and/or through dietary supplements. No product can fully provide the body with all the nutrients necessary for growth and development. All five types of nutrients can be divided into two groups - micro- and macronutrients. Macronutrients- these are substances that supply the body with energy, and they must be in our diet in large quantities every day to carry out all the functions of our body. These include: Carbohydrates; Fats; Squirrels

Micronutrients- nutrients needed by the body in microdoses for life and development are called micronutrients. These nutrients are necessary for the synthesis of hormones, enzymes and other substances, without which normal development and growth is impossible. This:



What is "energy balance"

Macronutrients provide the body with energy, usually measured in kilocalories (kcal, or simply “calories”). It is necessary for the normal functioning of all cells, tissues and organs. The need for such energy depends on the level physical activity. However, the body spends energy for its needs, even when we do nothing and sleep. As long as energy expenditure and calorie intake from food are balanced, weight remains stable. But as soon as the incoming energy becomes more than the body can expend, it appears overweight. To lose weight, on the contrary, it is necessary to create a deficit of energy supplied from food.


Squirrels consist of molecules connected in a chain by amino acid bonds. The body needs proteins as building materials for skin cells, hair, muscles, connective tissue and various organs. Proteins are essential immune system, as well as for the functioning of enzymes, hormones, antibodies and transport molecules, in a word, everything without which life is impossible.

Amino acids- these are the “building blocks” that make up proteins. Different types of proteins and amino acids have different effects on the functioning of the body. Scientists have discovered different types of amino acids in proteins, of which nine are recognized as essential, since they do not produce human body. For optimal nutrition, the body needs all amino acids in sufficient quantities.

Types of proteins

Squirrels They are divided into two groups according to their origin - animal and plant. Animal proteins, such as meat, eggs, fish and milk, are called complete proteins because they contain all nine essential amino acids. Most vegetarian proteins are incomplete because they may be lacking one or more essential amino acids. However, people who use exclusively vegetable proteins, can obtain the full composition of essential amino acids from food if the diet contains a variety of sources of plant protein.

Animal proteins generally contain more saturated fat than plant proteins. Consumption large quantity Eating red or processed meat increases your risk of heart disease, diabetes and colorectal cancer. Medical and nutritional experts from renowned scientific institutions such as the Harvard Institutes of Health recommend limiting your consumption of red meat and, if possible, avoiding processed meat products. The diet should be dominated by protein-rich foods containing fiber, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals and a minimum of bad fats.

Why are proteins needed?

Amino acids
, which are formed in digestive tract during the breakdown of proteins, they are used as energy, but most of them go to the construction of tissue cells and organs. Squirrels participate in the “construction” and “restoration” of skin, hair, muscles, connective tissue, and also participate in the implementation various functions body. For example, hemoglobin transports oxygen, insulin is a hormone, immunoglobulin belongs to antibodies, myocion and actin are involved in the mechanism of muscle contraction, keratin is a structural protein. Thanks to these enormous capabilities, proteins play a vital role in the development and growth of the body, especially in childhood and adolescence and during pregnancy.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body, including for brain function. They come from foods rich in sugars, starches and fiber. TO carbohydrate products include rice, pasta, potatoes, cereals, bread, fruits and vegetables, and sugar. Depending on their structure, carbohydrates are simple and complex.

What are simple carbohydrates

Simple – “fast” – carbohydrates are sugars that are quickly absorbed in the body. Glucose enters the blood almost instantly and gives a quick burst of energy. Foods rich in “fast” carbohydrates provide a lot of energy (calories), but few micronutrients. “Fast” carbohydrates are easily recognized by their characteristic white color products: bread, rice, sugar. Sweets and baked goods are also included in this category.

What are complex carbohydrates

Complex carbohydrates are foods rich in fiber and starch, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grain pasta and rice. They are also called "slow" because they digest slowly and release energy gradually, keeping you full for longer.

What is fiber

The most complex form of carbohydrates is fiber(dietary fiber), which is found in vegetables, fruits and grains. Fiber can be water-soluble or insoluble. Water-soluble fiber binds and removes cholesterol from the body. Other dietary fibers are not digested and do not provide energy, but they normalize digestion and are therefore very beneficial for health. Prebiotics such as inulin are indigestible fiber that stimulate the growth and activity of beneficial microflora in the digestive tract.

About Natural Balance products: http://cis.oriflame.com/NBS_factsheet.pdf


Fats are nutrients that contain energy in the most concentrated form. Fats are necessary for the normal functioning of the central nervous system and cell renewal, for healthy skin and hair, for the synthesis of hormones and control of inflammatory processes. Fat cells also form the largest reserve of energy in the body.


Fats are present in the body in the form of triglycerides, consisting of a glycerol molecule combined with three fatty acid molecules. Different types of fats contain different types of fatty acids: saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. Some polyunsaturated acids are essential and therefore must come from food.


Fats grouped according to the fatty acids they contain. Saturated fats consist only of saturated fatty acids; which are found in vegetable oils of tropical plants, for example, coconut oil, and also butter, milk, cheese and meat. Unsaturated fats contain mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids; They are rich in fatty fish varieties, traditional vegetable oils, for example, olive and rapeseed, nuts (almonds), avocado.

Glycemic index(GI)

Glycemic index is a way of classifying foods based on their effect on blood sugar. In other words, GI indicates how foods affect blood sugar levels caused by eating them. Glycemic index can be medium, low and high. Foods rich in “fast” carbohydrates are usually high-glycemic, as they cause pancreas instantly produce insulin, and the blood sugar level first increases sharply, and then decreases just as sharply, leaving a feeling of loss of strength and drowsiness. Foods rich in “slow” carbohydrates, as a rule, have a low GI, since the body needs more time to digest them, which means there is no sharp jump in blood glucose levels. Thus, "slow" carbohydrates help stabilize blood sugar levels and give saturation for more long time.

More information about the glycemic index: http://cis.oriflame.com/GI_factsheet.pdf
About Natural Balance products: http://cis.oriflame.com/NBS_factsheet.pdf

Fatty acids and health

For health, it is important not only the amount of fats received from food, but also their qualitative composition and ratio. A diet high in saturated fat increases the risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, obesity and some types of cancer. On the contrary, a diet containing higher amounts of unsaturated fats has the most beneficial effects on health. Two polyunsaturated acids are essential - Omega-3 and Omega-6, so named for characteristic features their chemical composition. Omega-3 is particularly beneficial for health, so a balance between Omega-3 and Omega-6 in the diet is of particular importance. Unfortunately, the diet modern man rich in Omega-6 acids and poor in Omega-3, which means this imbalance must be corrected by increasing the consumption of foods containing Omega-3, or taking additional Omega-3.


What are vitamins

Nutrients that the body needs in microdoses for life and development are called micronutrients - these are vitamins and minerals that we get from food. Vitamins and minerals do not provide energy, but work in tandem with macronutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) and are also necessary for the proper functioning of the entire body.

Why are vitamins needed?

Vitamins are inorganic substances, necessary in small quantities for life, growth and disease prevention. They help form bones and tissues, and also participate in the processes of converting carbohydrates and fats into energy. Deficiency of certain vitamins can cause various diseases. The body does not synthesize most vitamins itself, which means they must come with food.

Why are minerals needed?

– protozoa natural substances, without which the body cannot function normally. Minerals regulate numerous physiological processes - from the formation bone tissue before blood clotting. Most minerals are quickly consumed, so they must be constantly replenished by eating appropriate foods. Minerals can be divided into 2 groups - macro- and microelements. Read more about vitamins and minerals: http://cis.oriflame.com/Vitamins_Minerals_factsheet.pdf

What are antioxidants

are substances that protect healthy cells from oxidative stress by neutralizing free radicals. Thus, antioxidants can slow down internal and external aging processes, including premature aging, which is caused by bad habits, smoking, stress, etc. Examples of antioxidants are vitamins C, A, E, selenium, zinc, various polyphenols (such as anthocyanins), astaxanthin.

How do antioxidants work?

Antioxidants- protect cells from oxidative stress by neutralizing free radicals. Free radicals are formed in the body under the influence of inhaled oxygen, ultraviolet radiation, bad ecology, smoking, etc. These are unstable oxygen molecules with an unpaired electron that “steal” electrons from other molecules, thereby turning them into free radicals. Long attack free radicals triggers internal aging mechanisms, external manifestation which are wrinkles and development chronic diseases. Astaxanthin is a red pigment belonging to the carotenoid family, found in microalgae, salmon, and shrimp and is a powerful antioxidant with proven anti-aging, immune-stimulating and anti-inflammatory properties. Unlike many other antioxidants, astaxanthin crosses the blood-brain barrier and has beneficial effects on the nervous system, brain and eyes. Astaxanthin is 100 times stronger than vitamins C and E.

Oriflame Wellness products were originally developed over eight years to prepare patients for organ transplantation, as well as recovery after surgery.
The Iguellos Scientific Center studies issues of nutrition and healthy eating and has strong scientific connections with Lund University. The center is located in the Skåne region in southern Sweden. It employs doctors, technologists, nurses, nutritionists, and cooks; V Scientific center there is its own laboratory and certified clinic, equipped kitchen and guest rooms for patients. The Iguellos Nutrition Center is a special branch of the Scientific Center that deals with nutraceuticals and the development of new products. Professor Sten was personally involved in all studies, paying particular attention to the development of effective programs and products to minimize risk factors during the rehabilitation of patients after surgery, as well as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and obesity.

In order to ensure normal fruiting this year and to obtain shoots for fruiting next year, one or several fruit links are left on each of the branches of the bush.

Is the fruit unit the basis for good fruiting?

The fruiting link is the substitution knot and fruit arrow located on the two-year-old horn. A replacement knot is an annual shoot, on which 2-4 eyes are left when pruned. The fruit shoot is also an annual shoot, but much longer - 5-12 eyes or more are left on it.

Why cut the shoot short?

By cutting the shoot short, we force it, contrary to polarity, to develop lower eyes and produce good shoots from them.

Why are replacement knots needed?

If you do not leave replacement knots, then for fruiting you will have to annually select the best shoots from last year's shoot, and these, due to polarity, are usually the topmost shoots. As a result, fruiting on the grape bush is significantly removed from its base and caring for the plants becomes much more difficult.

How to prune?

During annual pruning, last year's fruit shoot with all the shoots that have developed on it is removed. And of the shoots that developed on the replacement knot, the lowest one, facing outward from the bush, is left again on the replacement knot, and the top one (one or two) on the fruit shoot. The cut areas must be treated with garden varnish.

Why is the replacement knot below the fruit arrow?

If a knot is left above the fruit shoot, the shoots on it will develop weaker than on the fruit shoot due to a lack of nutrients, and next year will turn out to be unsuitable for the formation of a fruiting unit.

Should the replacement knot face the outside of the bush?

With the annual formation of a fruit link and the leaving of a new replacement knot and fruit shoot, wounds are formed on the sleeve of the grape bush. To prolong the service life of the sleeves, it is desirable that the wounds are only on their upper side. Then the movement of nutrients will take place along the lower (living) side.

Why do you need to form sleeves of grape bushes?

Sleeves or perennial branches serve as a conductor for the plant of water and minerals from the roots to the leaves and fruits (upward current) and organic substances produced by the leaves as a result of photosynthesis and directed from the leaves to the roots (downward current).

Why do you need to replace grape bush sleeves?

To ensure longevity and high productivity of grape plantations, it is necessary to promptly and systematically replace aging sleeves. It is necessary to remove sleeves with weak, poorly matured growth, since they will not produce a good harvest. The lifespan of sleeves ranges from 4-6 years.

How to replace the sleeves of a grape bush?

To replace an aging or damaged sleeve, a strong shoot is left at its base, cut to the length of the sleeve (45-70 cm or more).

Time to trim bushes?

In areas where grapes are covered for the winter, the bushes are pruned in the spring before the buds begin to swell. In places with warm winters, this work is performed in the fall 2-3 weeks after the leaves have completely fallen off. First of all, fruit-bearing plantings of relatively frost-resistant varieties are pruned. Varieties with poor frost resistance and young plantings are pruned only in the spring. When pruning in autumn, a certain supply of buds is left in case possible damage them during wintering, and therefore at the end of May and beginning of June, excess green shoots are necessarily broken off.

You shouldn’t be late with pruning bushes.

Pruning should not be done after the eyes have developed. The exception is severe frost damage to the eyes. Late pruning leads to unnecessary consumption of nutrients and loss of eyes, which weakly adhere to the vine at the time of swelling.

What to do if you are late with pruning the bushes?

At the moment of swelling, the eyes do not hold firmly to the vine. A small shock is enough for them to start falling off. In this case, it is better to wait until 1-2 leaves appear on the green shoots.

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Many young mothers are concerned about the question: “How long does it take for a child to normal sleep?. The advice of your own and neighboring grandmothers, friends who already have children, children's doctors and just acquaintances differs from each other. So what to do in this case?

Features of sleep up to one year

Pediatric consultant doctors authoritatively believe: for each child there can be a different answer to this question! One child may sleep a lot, while another wakes up quickly. Infant sleep and its duration depend on the feeding regimen. With age, the duration and frequency of sleep in children decreases. A one-year-old sleeps in daytime happens twice, and in a year and a half - only once. Here are some sleep features infants:

- Many babies have a desire to play after feeding. In some cases, you can allow him to do this, but it is better to help him fall asleep;

— it is not necessary to maintain absolute silence while the child sleeps; sleeping with moderate household noise is acceptable. Otherwise, the mother will not be able to do things necessary for the family while the child is sleeping.

For some young mothers, the following question is also relevant: “What position should the baby have before going to bed?”, “What to do if the child suddenly wakes up?”

Let's consider common cases in this practice:

- the baby clearly wants to sleep on his tummy - gas formation at three months of age causes them great anxiety;

- placing the child on his back is also fraught with disadvantages: vomit regurgitated after feeding can enter the respiratory tract;

- if a child, lying on his back, turns his head towards the bright side of the room, adjust this part of the bed in the crib to prevent deformation of the head;

— Having gotten used to waking up a newborn at six o’clock in the morning, the young mother immediately runs to her already six-month-old child at the slightest rustle. Alas! After tossing around or even playing a little on his own, the child falls soundly asleep again - the desire to sleep longer at this age is stronger;

— a child who is accustomed to sleeping in the same room with his parents is difficult to teach him to sleep alone after a year. Therefore, whenever possible, you should place it in a separate room or place, making sure that you can hear it from there. After all, there are babies who, waking up at night, can lie silent and their parents cannot hear them. Any sudden movement or noise in the same room can frighten the child and traumatize his psyche;

- you shouldn’t put a frequently whining child in bed with you so that he can fall asleep - nothing good will come of it. Having become accustomed to parental reliability, he will stop going to sleep in his crib.

Normal children's sleep– guarantee of healthy development of the baby. Therefore, following our simple recommendations will help make this happen.

What does a woman need for the normal functioning of her body?

What is the key to ideal women's health? This question has interested medicine since the time of Eve. It turns out that it's all about integrated approach to diagnosis and treatment female body. You should pay attention not only to the symptoms of illness or disease, but also to consider the body as a whole. Interestingly, an important aspect in this case is the state of mind. So what is necessary for the female body to function harmoniously? About this in today's article.

1. Having a man

The long absence of a man in a woman’s life leads to the gradual destruction of her body due to the accumulation of unfulfillment. And it’s not at all a matter of the presence or absence of sex, although intimate life is extremely important for a person. Women need to realize a simple thing - men are not given to solve problems, but to point them out if a woman does not want or cannot notice them. Not a single man in the world is able to understand the intricacies of female nature and guess all the numerous desires and experiences. A man cannot make a woman happy.

He can make her life fuller, more meaningful and harmonious. And women should be grateful to them for this, and not accuse men of callousness and heartlessness.

2. Positive emotions

It is extremely important for a girl to constantly experience positive emotions. They can come from anywhere: from watching humorous TV shows to doing your favorite pastime. Surprisingly positive emotions have a tremendous impact on the general condition of the body. And since women are much more emotional than men, they should receive much more positive things.

3. Hobbies

Life in modern world can't be called calm. The news keeps telling us terrible things, bosses are always dissatisfied, illnesses, failures and other stresses do not make our lives more interesting. But not everything is so bad when stress can be relieved with the help of some favorite activity - a hobby. It is almost impossible to list everything that people are interested in, at least within the framework of a short article. It could be:
- swimming, gym classes, fitness, running, football, volleyball, tennis, cycling;
- playing musical instruments, passion for classical music;
- house plants;
- pet care;
- dancing;
- handicrafts: embroidery, origami, knitting things and toys, patchwork;
- modeling clothes, creating designer dolls;
- reading historical novels, philosophical books, classical literature, including modern ones.
But one thing can be said with full guarantee: a hobby is something that helps a woman make her life rich and varied. In addition, hobbies have a wonderful impact on psychological state. Scientists have long proven that passionate people suffer less from neuroses, cardiovascular diseases, and various hormonal disorders.

4. Communication

Communication for a woman is a way to establish contact with others. Connection is an emotional need. When a woman meets someone, she tries to find out as much as possible about the other person and, of course, willingly shares information in return.

Communication for a woman is not just for the pleasure of wagging her tongue or driving her husband crazy. For a woman, this is an opportunity to sort everything out, analyze the situation, her feelings, and ultimately see the light at the end of the tunnel - a solution to the problem. Unlike men who think silently and therefore do not understand the female need to tell everything.

Conversation for women is an opportunity to let off steam. The need to speak out helps a woman find peace of mind and calm down. Especially if the man who needs to act as a listener has the skill of listening to a woman. Which for many men is a serious challenge. Since many men feel that their wife is starting to blame them, they express doubts about him, and as a result, unknowingly, the man begins to behave very aggressively, instead of helping the woman calm down and feel relief. It’s good if there is a friend nearby who can listen.

5. Discharge

As you know, women are much more emotional than men. A woman has her own judgment or emotional reaction to everything. It is very difficult for them to restrain their emotions compared to men. So much rests on the shoulders of women: caring for children, husbands, cooking, cleaning, work. How can one not react to workload and fatigue? Very often she splashes out her emotions accidentally, in a fit of emotional impact on thoughts and feelings, and this can happen at a very inopportune moment. It is especially difficult to control yourself at work, where everyday life is monotonous and filled with problem solving and complex issues. This is precisely why emotional release is so important for women.

Every girl knows herself best and personal ways of relaxation. As you know, sport has a beneficial effect not only on health, but also on the nervous system. Going to the gym or fitness club will help you release excessive emotionality and also keep your body in good shape. For many girls, a long walk and reflection on the situation and problematic issues is a way out of the current emotional impasse. Many women resort to shopping as a method of lifting their mood. Buying something that will bring pleasure, and why not, if this is an opportunity to forget about problems and failures. A good conversationalist with a glass of delicious wine will also help relieve emotional stress.

6. Physical education

Inactivity leads to the appearance of many sores in a woman. At the same time physical exercise have much the same effect as antidepressants.

As a remedy for depression, the advantages of physical exercise over taking medications are obvious. Firstly, there are no adverse effects, whereas drugs cause so many side effects. Secondly, physical exercise does not require any special expenses, while antidepressants are not cheap. And finally, even very moderate physical activity immediately improves mood and improves the tone of the female body for a long time. And it’s not so difficult to allocate 15-20 minutes a day for gymnastics and still feel great.

7. Proper nutrition

Properly selected products included in a woman’s diet are an incredibly important factor in health. The ideal option is organic food. It is advisable for women to eat less meat than men, otherwise this will provoke aggression, unless the woman is engaged in heavy physical labor. And, accordingly, eat more vegetables and fruits. Sweets should be consumed in moderation, but not excluded from the diet altogether. After all, sweets, especially chocolate, are a source of happiness hormones!

8. Implementation of basic functions

A woman must realize her parental instincts - to give birth and raise children. Not everyone wants this, of course. A small percentage of women do not have such a need. There’s probably nothing wrong with that, that’s just the way they are designed. All they have to do is start pet. It’s so nice to realize that someone needs you.

9. Give warmth

A woman is kindness. She can't help but do good deeds. The more heat she gives to other people, the more she receives it back. It is extremely important for a woman to take care of others. How nice it is when everyone in the family is fed and cared for. Hurry to make the world a kinder place - this motto should be the motto of any woman.

10. Privacy

It is important for every person to spend some time alone with themselves. Thanks to this, he can think about certain events, make important decisions and make plans for the future.

Some people want to be in solitude longer, some less, but everyone needs personal space. And the weaker sex is no exception.