What does it mean if a person has varicose veins? Who is at risk for the disease? Conservative treatment of varicose veins

Varicose veins is a disease accompanied by thinning of the venous wall, an increase in the lumen of the veins and the formation of aneurysm-like nodular expansions. Usually, when talking about varicose veins, they mean an independent disease - varicose veins of the lower extremities. Varicose veins manifested by a feeling of heaviness in the legs and their fatigue, swelling of the feet and legs, night cramps in the legs, visual subcutaneous dilation of the veins with the formation of venous nodes. The main way to diagnose varicose veins and its complications is ultrasound. Treatment can be conservative (drug therapy, sclerotherapy) or surgical.

Treatment of varicose veins

Three main methods are used in the treatment of patients with varicose veins:

Conservative treatment of varicose veins


An important preventive role is played by the formation of correct behavioral stereotypes (lying is better than sitting and walking is better than standing). If you have to stand or sit for a long time, you need to periodically strain the muscles of your legs and give your legs an elevated or horizontal position. It is useful to engage in certain sports (swimming, cycling). During pregnancy and during heavy work, it is recommended to use elastic compression products. When the first signs appear varicose veins veins, you should contact a phlebologist.


1. Contemporary issues varicose veins of the lower extremities (epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment) and its features in older people age groups/ Litynsky A.V. Polyakov P.I. Gorelik S.G. // Scientific bulletins of Belgorod state university. Series: Medicine. Pharmacy. - 2012.

2. Epidemiology chronic diseases veins/ Seliverstvo E.I., Avakyants I.P., Nikishkov A.S., Zolotukhin I.A.// Phlebology. - 2016 - No. 1.

4. Varicose veins of the lower extremities without chronic venous insufficiency: Clinical guidelines. - 2017.

ICD-10 code

The feeling of heaviness and pain in the legs, especially in the evening, is a familiar situation to many, especially women over 30 years old. However, not all patients hear the diagnosis “initial stage of varicose veins” from doctors. Swelling, pain, feeling of fullness in calf muscles oh, leg cramps occur due to various reasons. It is important to recognize the illness by the first symptoms in order to begin treatment correctly and in a timely manner.

People who lead a predominantly “sedentary” or “standing” lifestyle already in their young years notice swelling and pain in their legs. What is this, the consequences of ordinary fatigue or bad veins? Most are inclined to the first explanation. A visit to the doctor is seen as a last resort when the discomfort becomes completely unbearable. First signs initial stage varicose veins of the lower extremities:

  • A regularly occurring feeling of fatigue and heaviness in the legs, especially at the end of the day;
  • Feeling of tension, swelling in the calves of the legs after a long period of standing and sitting;
  • Swelling in the area of ​​the foot and lower leg, which appears in the evening;
  • Venous stars, spiders on the skin (optional);
  • Feeling of heat and pain in the calves;
  • Leg cramps at night;

Violations in the walls blood vessels arise already by the age of 20–25, and the first visit to doctors regarding venous insufficiency occurs after the age of 35. When treated late, varicose veins are more difficult to cure than at the initial stage. The functioning of the venous valves is disrupted, they themselves are modified, as a result, the reverse flow of blood in the veins begins, the walls of the vessels stretch and weaken.

How to treat varicose veins at the initial stage?

You can reduce the risk of dilated veins if you take action in time. If left untreated, the initial stage of varicose veins progresses. Dark blue superficial vessels become more noticeable, red-violet spiders and stars appear, bulging, convoluted varicose veins.

As complex therapy for varicose veins, medications are used to tone and strengthen the walls venous vessels, reducing pain and other symptoms. Selection of drugs and combination various means each other must be agreed with your doctor. Drug therapy no longer eliminates swollen veins, but helps to stop the changes that lead to severe stages of varicose veins. Phlebotonics, angioprotectors, microcirculation correctors for oral and external use:

  1. Capsules and gel Troxerutin, Troxevasin with active substance troxerutin.
  2. Aescusan solution with extract horse chestnut and vitamin B 1 (thiamine).
  3. Capsules, gel and cream Angistax with red grape leaf extract.
  4. Venitan gel and cream with horse chestnut fruit extract.
  5. Tablets Detralex, Phlebodia with flavonoid diosmin.
  6. Venarus tablets with diosmin and hesperidin.
  7. Ascorutin tablets with vitamin C and rutin.
  8. Venoruton capsules with rutosides.

The active components of medications from the list can help stop the distensibility of vascular walls and normalize the tone of the veins. The drugs reduce the permeability and fragility of venules, improve blood microcirculation, and relieve swelling. Thanks to treatment with phlebotonics, the arching pain in the legs goes away, and cramps practically do not bother me.

What is “varicose veins without varicose veins”?

Symptoms of the onset of varicose veins or stage 0 can be exactly the same as with “heavy” legs syndrome, phlebopathy, syndrome restless legs. During this period, there are still no visible changes in the veins, but heaviness and pain are already felt at the end of the day. Only a specialist will distinguish between pathologies that have a similar beginning. Each disease requires adequate treatment corresponding to the causes and mechanism of its development.

Attention! Phlebopathy or “varicose veins without varicose veins” is a condition in which symptoms of venous insufficiency appear, but an objective examination does not reveal pathology in the structure of the veins.

Unpleasant sensations in the legs occur with restless legs syndrome. The cause of its development can be approximately 15–20 diseases and conditions. First of all, it is chronic venous insufficiency, diabetes mellitus, deficiency of vitamins and microelements.

Stitching and bursting pains, cramps of the calf muscles with restless legs syndrome appear in the evening or at night. To relieve discomfort, the patient bends and stretches his legs and performs many other actions, which is why normal sleep is violated. Thanks to movements and rubbing, the discomfort goes away, but not for long.

How to deal with leg pain?

If you are concerned about the first symptoms of the initial stage of varicose veins, then in addition to phlebotonics, blood thinners are prescribed. They facilitate blood flow and reduce the risk of blood clots. Venolife gels, Lyoton 1000, Heparin ointment, and Cardiomagnyl tablets have these properties. To improve efficiency drug therapy It is recommended to use compression stockings at the same time.

Complex therapy for leg diseases includes the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - NSAIDs. For example, medicines Indomethacin and Diclofenac relieve pain, swelling and inflammation characteristic of the initial stage of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and a number of other diseases. The drugs are available in the form of injections, tablets, rectal suppositories and gels.

This is important! NSAIDs have negative influence on the stomach, so the use of external forms and suppositories is preferable.

You should give your legs rest more often during the day, at least briefly. In your free minutes, you can lie down, raising your legs 10–20 cm above the level chest. It is advisable to do the same during sleep. Thanks to the elevated position, venous outflow improves, pain and swelling disappear. It is useful to do contrasting foot baths before bed, and take relaxing baths with herbs and essential oils.

Many people simply do not pay attention to the subtle first signs of varicose veins, i.e., varicose veins, considering them a consequence of ordinary overwork. Such an unreasonable attitude towards one’s own health subsequently becomes the cause of many dangerous diseases and intractable problems. To avoid this, varicose veins need to be treated specifically early stages.

What are varicose veins?

Varicose veins most often affect large vessels (veins) of the lower extremities. This pathology is most often called varicose veins. Although this kind of disease develops in the veins of various internal organs. With varicose veins, the outer walls of these vessels become thinner, the diameter of the intravenous lumen increases, and various aneurysm-like neoplasms appear.

The disease begins mainly in people over 40 years of age. However, due to various reasons, for example, when doing weightlifting, can begin in youth.

Studying anatomical structure veins, their physiology and functional features deals with phlebology. This section of medicine also deals with the study of various kinds of pathological processes that affect these vessels.

Phlebologists treat varicose veins and other venous diseases. Unfortunately, phlebologists are rarely found in ordinary clinics. Therefore, if necessary, they should be looked for in special medical centers or in private clinics.

Main causes of varicose veins

Varicose veins affect women much more often than men. The main reasons for this:

  • constant wearing of high-heeled dress shoes;
  • frequent pregnancy;
  • difficult childbirth;
  • wearing a compression belt, bandage or corset.

In addition, varicose veins begin due to the following reasons:

  • daily long stay on your feet (during work);
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • intense sports activities;
  • overweight (obesity);
  • poor nutrition;
  • physical inactivity;
  • frequent lifting of weights;
  • venous circulation disorder caused by various pathologies internal organs.

Symptoms of pathology

At the initial stage, the symptoms of varicose veins are often ignored, hoping that after a little rest or reduction physical activity the problem will solve itself. This is a completely wrong opinion. After all, it is in the early stages that varicose veins, like many other diseases, can be cured completely and prevent the development of complications.

Therefore, the first signs of varicose veins are good reason to visit a specialist. It could be:

  • neurologist;
  • rheumatologist;
  • surgeon;
  • phlebologist.

On initial stage development of varicose veins, symptoms of this disease can be:

  • constant heaviness in lower limbs;
  • swelling;
  • It's a dull pain;
  • increase in calf circumference by more than 10 mm in the evening.

All these symptoms intensify after any stress on the legs - walking, lifting weights, physical work etc. - and invariably disappear after a night's sleep or lying down. If varicose veins are not treated after the first symptoms appear, the disease gradually moves from the initial stage to the next stage of development. The patient's condition worsens, varicose symptoms become noticeably more complicated. The following symptoms appear:

  • increased swelling;
  • pain syndrome in the area of ​​the lower extremities;
  • blue venous nodules and stars;
  • the appearance of pigment spots;
  • leg cramps;
  • impaired tactile sensitivity of the lower extremities;
  • itching and burning in the affected areas.

Treatment of varicose veins

In order to find out how to treat varicose veins at the initial stage, you need to consult a phlebologist and undergo necessary examination. Based on the obtained anamnestic indicators, the phlebologist will draw up a course of treatment, give necessary recommendations regarding lifestyle correction, adherence to the regimen and proper nutrition during the treatment period.

At the initial stage of varicose veins, patients are prescribed:

  • therapeutic massage;
  • creams to increase the elasticity of the skin of the legs;
  • ointments for pain relief;
  • compresses;
  • physical therapy and walking.

Conservative treatment of varicose veins is carried out using the following drugs:

  • venotonics;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • restorative drugs;
  • drugs that normalize blood pressure;
  • analgesics;
  • cardiac drugs;
  • anticonvulsants.

If treatment for varicose veins begins at more than late stages development of the disease process, the patient will need the following treatment procedures:

  1. Sclerotherapy to restore damaged walls of the affected vein by intravenous administration sclerosing agent.
  2. Ozone therapy to eliminate stars and nodules inside a vessel by introducing ozone into the lumen of the vessel.
  3. Compression therapy, which involves wearing special knitwear to maintain intravascular pressure at the required level, bandages, and elastic bandages.

In particular dangerous cases in the treatment of varicose veins surgery. The following operations can be performed as part of anti-varicose surgery:

  • phlebectomy, i.e. removal of a damaged vein;
  • laser coagulation;
  • sclerotherapy;
  • radiofrequency coagulation.

Lifestyle change

In order for the treatment of varicose veins to be successful, in addition to performing all medical procedures and taking medications, it is necessary to make some changes in lifestyle, daily routine, and habits.

A patient with varicose veins must:

  1. Stop strength sports exercises, bodybuilding.
  2. Go swimming.
  3. Wear compression socks or stockings, correctly selected in size, and put them on while lying down.
  4. Compose correct mode nutrition to get rid of excess weight.
  5. Give up bad habits.

Women should avoid wearing high-heeled dress shoes. To ensure normal blood circulation and reduce fatigue while walking and standing, shoes should be wide enough to freely accommodate the foot and lower leg (in boots) with a stable heel. The maximum heel height allowed for varicose veins is 4 cm.

Dangerous complications of varicose veins

Neglected or untreated varicose veins, as a rule, cause trophic ulcers, blood clots and the development of thrombophlebitis. Trophic ulcers that occur with varicose veins cause severe pain, destruction of the skin and cause general infection of the body and blood poisoning.

Blood clots formed on internal walls veins (thrombosis), create a risk of blockage of blood vessels. This interferes with blood circulation and may cause oxygen starvation due to impaired breathing. A broken blood clot can cause death.

Other dangerous complication varicose veins - thrombophlebitis. This disease begins due to inflammation of the venous wall caused by a blood clot. These and other inflammations invariably make the sick person disabled over time.

Diet food

Patients suffering from varicose veins need to eat properly. It is best to eat up to 5-6 times a day in small portions. Fractional meals helps rapid absorption nutrients and reduces the risk of overeating and gaining excess weight. Nutrition should help thin the blood, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and relieve swelling.

The following products should be included in your daily diet:

  • fresh fruits and vegetables, especially sour apples and garlic;
  • cereal porridges cooked in water;
  • whole grain bread;
  • fresh juices and herbal teas;
  • beef liver;
  • dried fruits;
  • products of marine flora and fauna;
  • The best spices to use are curry, thyme, and ginger;
  • fresh fish.

To reduce swelling, mandatory control of the amount of fluid consumed is necessary.

If you have varicose veins, you should avoid the following foods:

  • sugar and confectionery;
  • pastries from butter dough;
  • fatty foods;
  • smoked meats, pickles, marinades;
  • strong meat broths;
  • black tea and coffee;
  • pasta;
  • alcoholic drinks.

Traditional medicine for varicose veins

Alternative medicine advises patients with varicose veins to take baths with decoctions of chamomile, hops, St. John's wort, clover, cedar cones, spruce, and pine.

To make a compress with leaves white cabbage, you need to soap them generously with soap (toilet or laundry soap). Sprinkle generously on areas of damaged skin on the legs. baking soda and add the prepared leaves. Wrap your feet warm soft cloth, secure it and leave it until the morning. In the morning, remove the compress, wipe your feet with a damp cloth and put on fresh, warm stockings or knee socks.

To make a compress from Kalanchoe to reduce vascular nodules and stars, you will need fresh leaves this plant. They need to be thoroughly ground to obtain a paste. Pour alcohol and leave in the dark and warm for a week. From the resulting tincture you need to make compresses in the manner described above.

To ensure normal blood circulation traditional medicine recommends next remedy. Before going to bed at night, you need to thoroughly steam your feet in water with the addition of herbal decoctions. Warm socks prepared in advance should be moistened with vodka or alcohol and put on your feet immediately after steaming. Pull and secure plastic bags over the socks and leave until morning.

Preventive measures

It is quite possible to avoid the appearance of varicose veins. You need to take care of this in advance, especially for people at risk. This group includes people who stand a lot on their feet: hairdressers, teachers, salespeople, etc.

Another cause of varicose veins is physical inactivity. This problem often occurs among office workers, cashiers, and doctors. Therefore, in order to ensure normal blood circulation in the leg veins, you need to move more. Morning exercises, walking, jogging, and any feasible sports exercise will protect against the occurrence of not only varicose veins, but also other dangerous diseases.

Regular consultations with a phlebologist are necessary during your appointment hormonal drugs, at high blood pressure, liver diseases, cardiovascular system, kidney. Proper nutrition, avoiding heavy physical exertion and overheating, massage will also help strengthen the veins.

Varicose veins most often affect women, which is due to many reasons. The disease has several stages of development, at each of which the symptoms of varicose veins are different. At the initial stage, they are completely absent; patients are only concerned about cosmetic disorders.


What are varicose veins?

Varicose veins (varicose veins) are pathological process, characterized by expansion of the lumen of the veins and disruption of outflow venous blood from the legs. The venous system has special valves, thanks to which blood flows in one direction (up) and does not stagnate in the legs. Malfunction of these valves leads to reverse blood flow, causing stagnation of venous blood in the lower extremities and the development of symptoms of varicose veins.

Video: Varicose veins and the mechanism of its occurrence in Malysheva’s program “Live Healthy!”

Signs of varicose veins of the legs

As a rule, many of us imagine varicose veins in the form of dilated, swollen and protruding blue veins on the legs. This idea really refers to a disease, but a similar condition is observed in cases of severely advanced disease. In addition, such a manifestation of varicose veins is accompanied by pain, heaviness and fatigue, swelling of the legs and feet. It is not worth bringing the disease to such a state, since varicose nodes provoke blood clots and frequent infection. Against this background, vascular inflammation often occurs, which is often complicated by blood clots (thrombophlebitis). Along the course of the venous trunks, painful lumps in the form of strands, the skin loses elasticity and color, becomes dense and dark brown. The most minor injury can cause an ulcer. With varicose veins, a woman can become disabled at the age of 40.

Stages of varicose veins of the legs

Stage I of varicose veins – complete absence complaints and concern are caused only by cosmetic disorders;

Stage II of varicose veins - a feeling of heaviness, fullness appears, and cramps are added at night;

Stage III of varicose veins – swelling of the feet and legs, changes in skin(compaction on the skin and in subcutaneous tissue, pigmentation);

Stage IV varicose veins - disruption of tissue trophism, formation of ulcers.

Symptoms of varicose veins on the legs

Spider veins(telangiectasia).

Curvature, elongation of dilated veins that protrude above the surface of the skin.

Skin changes. At first it is simply excessively dry skin, then pigmented areas appear, which are soon joined by dermatitis of various natures, eczema and trophic ulcers.

Pain. Pain can be caused by a variety of reasons, and its nature can be different - it can be a hot throbbing pain, pain while walking, pain and aching in the legs general, itching in muscle tissue and cramps at night, pain along the venous trunks.

Edema. They mainly affect the area of ​​the feet and legs.

Feeling of fullness and heaviness in the legs.

Each stage of development of varicose veins has its own symptoms. At the initial stage (when pathological blood flow begins through the deep and communicating veins), the disease as such is difficult to diagnose independently, because its main symptom (varicose veins) is absent. At the same time, sometimes fatigue, a feeling of heaviness and minor pain in the legs can also be symptoms of the early stages of the development of diseases such as lumbar osteochondrosis, flat feet, and arterial diseases. In this situation, patients need to visit a vascular specialist, phlebologist, as well as an additional neurologist, osteopath, and surgeon. For an accurate diagnosis, ultrasound examination and phlebography.

Usually, a woman begins to sound the alarm when thin blood vessels begin to clearly appear under the skin of the thighs or legs, or when ugly red or bluish veins or patterns “suddenly” appear, and their appearance is not necessarily accompanied by discomfort. Subsequently, the vascular pattern on the skin intensifies, the skin changes, becomes cyanotic and unattractive. Hoping to get rid of the unpleasant cosmetic defect women visit a specialist.

Video: How not to miss the first symptoms of varicose veins of the lower extremities in the "Other News" program

Only the appearance of the main symptom of the disease - protruding varicose nodes (or nodes) on the inner surface of the legs or thighs - begins to make a woman think that something is wrong with her veins. But the moment has already passed, the disease is developing and progressing. Standing for a long time during the day or walking for a long time causes the appearance of other symptoms of varicose veins - fatigue, heaviness, a feeling of fullness, usually in the calf area, pain in the area of ​​dilated veins of an acute or aching nature. To these symptoms of the disease are added swelling (in the evening, disappears by morning) and night cramps of the calf muscles. At first, such symptoms occur periodically and disappear after have a good rest. There is no point in hoping for recovery; the disease will only progress if left untreated. In general, remember, once varicose veins have occurred, it is impossible to cure them forever, you can only prevent complications from developing and delay or prevent surgery, which, by the way, is also not a guarantee of getting rid of the disease forever, but it gives a long-term effect.

As the disease progresses, everything listed symptoms begin to appear more often and are more acute in nature, and then, familiar to our eyes, convoluted intradermal veins of a dark blue color appear, protruding above the skin of the legs and feet in the form of bunches of grapes. The pain becomes bursting, heat is felt, swelling becomes commonplace.

Further, the symptoms of the disease are accompanied by changes in the skin, it becomes excessively dry, acquires dark color, and a little later trophic disorders begin to be observed (eczema that does not heal for a long time, ulcers). The pain at this stage becomes unbearable. The disease is considered very advanced, treatment of varicose veins on my feet in in this case usually of an operational nature. Which technique will be used is decided by the phlebologist and vascular surgeon individually in each case. Non-surgical treatment methods are used at earlier stages of the development of varicose veins with minor skin changes.

Causes of varicose veins in the legs

  1. Genetic predisposition.
  2. Patient's gender.
  3. Pregnancy.
  4. Taking hormonal medications and contraceptives.
  5. Excessive intense or frequent physical activity.
  6. A profession that involves sedentary work or standing for long periods of time.
  7. Not healthy eating.
  8. Overweight, obesity.
  9. Wearing uncomfortable, tight clothes and shoes.
  10. Physical inactivity.
  11. Congenital weakness of the vascular wall.
  12. Immune and endocrine disorders.
  13. Disturbances in the functioning of the valve apparatus of the venous system.
  14. Blood flow disturbances.

When should you see a doctor immediately?

When the following symptoms You should contact your doctor immediately:

  1. If the pain in the leg has intensified, making it impossible to stand up, the skin is hot to the touch.
  2. If shortness of breath suddenly occurs, there is not enough air, weakness appears.
  3. If blood oozes from the affected area of ​​the skin.

Consequences of varicose veins on the legs

Dermatitis and eczema.

The inflammatory disease occurs against the background of stagnation of venous blood in the lower extremities. Appears on the skin in the form of foci of redness, which have uneven edges and are accompanied by severe itching, as well as the appearance of minor cracks and bubbles.

Trophic ulcer.

It occurs against the background of eczema and is characterized by the appearance on the leg of a painful, non-healing single wound, at the bottom of which weeping may be observed. The heaviness in the legs increases, the patient cannot stand for a long time.

Acute thrombophlebitis.

It is expressed in inflammation of the wall of a varicose vein, accompanied by the formation of a blood clot in its lumen. The disease is characterized severe pain in any position, redness, increased body temperature, compactions along the subcutaneous vessels. Sometimes blood clots resolve, but more often it happens that the lumen of the vein is completely blocked, creating a risk of obliteration and sclerosis of the affected vein.

With further progression of the disease, prerequisites are created for the development of ascending varicothrombophlebitis and lebothrombosis, the latter affects the deep vein system, causing thromboembolism pulmonary artery. If left untreated, blood flow may stop and gangrene may develop.

Rupture of varicose veins.

Manifests heavy bleeding, requires immediate medical intervention.