What helps with pain during menstruation. How to overcome pain with special exercises? Tablets and drugs for pain during menstruation


Health 01/22/2018

Dear readers, it is not customary to discuss pain during menstruation so widely, and it is uncomfortable for women to talk about menstruation itself, but it would be worth it. After all, monthly bleeding occurs most of the young and active life: From about 13 years of age, discharge begins and continues for at least 3 days every month. It is not difficult to calculate how many years of life it takes to menstruate, and if it is still accompanied by severe pain, it becomes completely sad. But what if this is our nature? Is it nature?

After all, severe pain during menstruation is far from the norm. And we, girls, women, should not tolerate it. Why do you experience severe pain during menstruation and what to do in this case? The doctor will tell you about this highest category Evgenia Nabrodova.

Pain during menstruation is algomenorrhea or algomenorrhea. The last variant of pain syndrome during menstruation is accompanied by a pronounced deterioration in well-being. Many women are familiar with the desire to curl up, cover themselves with a warm blanket and stay at home. It seems that critical days occur too often, especially with a shortened cycle. But why do pain occur during menstruation? Let's look at the reasons.

Causes of pain

All women experience pain before and during menstruation, but the pain can be of varying intensity, and the reaction to it can also be different. Some people don’t pay attention to menstrual discomfort, others literally “climb the wall” and drop out of active life for at least 3 days.

So what are the causes of period pain? If you explain pain syndrome, which does not go beyond the physiological process, it is caused by an increase in the level of prostaglandins, which cause uterine contractions. They can be quite painful.

Also, pain in the lower back before menstruation and in the lower abdomen is caused by the rejection of the endometrium and the effect of the same prostaglandins on the nerves. The uterus has nerve endings, and the combination of the processes described above provokes the appearance of pain. Usually it is most pronounced in the first 2-3 days of menstruation, when blood is released more abundantly, and with it the enlarged endometrium - it should have been the basis for the fixation of the fertilized egg.

But severe pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation can also appear as a result of pathological reasons:

  • congenital or acquired anomalies of the genital organs;
  • bends of the uterine body, bicornuate uterus, cervical atresia and others pathological conditions which are accompanied by impaired outflow of menstrual blood;
  • chronic inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
  • adenomyosis (growth of the endometrium into the muscle of the uterus), endometriosis (growth of the endometrium outside the uterine walls) are the main causes of algodismenorrhea.
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • pelvic neuritis;
  • installation of an intrauterine device;
  • cicatricial narrowing of the uterus, abortions, miscarriages, poor-quality operations on the pelvic organs.

Despite the wide possibilities modern medicine, it can be very difficult to find out exactly why abdominal pain appears during menstruation. This problem is often associated with the psychological state of the woman and the degree of excitability of the central nervous system.

Often specialists do not identify any organic pathologies, hormonal disorders, but the pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation does not disappear anywhere and greatly torments the woman. In this case, it is necessary to carry out comprehensive diagnostics and pay attention to mental state.

Often women at an appointment ask the doctor: what to do and how to relieve pain during menstruation? After all, you don’t want to take analgesics for a long time, and sometimes menstruation lasts more than 5 days. A good specialist first of all studies the features of the cycle, finds out whether there are any diseases in the anamnesis that predispose to algomenorrhea, and, of course, always prescribes an examination.

What kind of examination should you undergo if you have severe pain?

Pain during menstruation is a reason to pass comprehensive examination. It may include the following procedures:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • hysteroscopy, laparoscopy;
  • laboratory diagnostics of blood and urine;
  • X-ray examination - hysterosalpingography;
  • CT, MRI of the pelvic organs;
  • diagnostic endometrial curettage.

If you have pain during menstruation, you should contact a gynecologist. The doctor will definitely conduct gynecological examination, will take a swab from cervical canal, urethra and vagina, after which he will direct the woman to additional research, including donating blood for hormones and genitourinary infections.

Additional symptoms

The onset of menstruation coincides with certain hormonal changes in a woman's body. Due to an increase in the amount of prostaglandins, not only muscle contractions of the uterus occur, but also other symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • increased heart rate;
  • chills;
  • headaches;
  • increased sweating.

Women with algodismenorrhea often suffer from premenstrual syndrome. There is a strong connection with him headache during menstruation and shortly before their appearance. Changes in the psyche are also characteristic: irritability, apathy, frequent mood swings and even aggressiveness appear. If we analyze all the cases conflict situations, arising in the lives of women, then at least half of them will occur during the premenstrual period and the first days of menstruation. This makes us think seriously about the importance of timely correction and truly effective assistance those who suffer from physiological processes in their body and hormonal fluctuations.

In this video, experts talk about the most common reason pain during menstruation (endometriosis) and options for solving the problem.

How to reduce pain and improve well-being

Women do not always understand that algodismenorrhea can be associated with serious diseases. Their main question to the doctor: how to reduce pain during menstruation and improve their well-being? Symptomatic treatment involves the use of analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that suppress the production of prostaglandin synthetase, which provokes pain even in patients without organic pathologies.

Pills for period pain

For algodismenorrhea, combination drugs are actively used, which include both antispasmodics and analgesics. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs quickly relieve discomfort, but they are contraindicated for people with diseases of the digestive system, especially those who are prone to the formation of ulcers and exacerbation of gastritis. Therefore, take ibuprofen for menstrual pain, like other NSAIDs, with caution. It is better to first make sure that there is no inflammation of the mucous membrane digestive tract. Additionally, it is usually recommended sedatives or medicinal fees with a slight sedative effect.

Drotaverine (no-spa) is considered a classic option for pain relief. For monthly pain of low intensity, this antispasmodic gives good results. But if you have severe pain during your period on the first day, in addition to painkillers, it is recommended to use modern physiotherapeutic treatment.


Physiotherapy of algodismenorrhea includes the use of the following procedures:

  • phonophoresis;
  • electrophoresis using novocaine, magnesium sulfate;
  • use of diadynamic currents and ultrasound;
  • reflexology;
  • massage of the cervical-collar area, general massage;
  • physical therapy.

If specialists cannot determine the exact causes of pain during menstruation, they do not detect any chronic diseases, do not limit yourself only to antispasmodics and analgesics and do not try to put up with a pain syndrome that cannot possibly be physiological if it brings you such suffering. Reconsider your own lifestyle, start playing sports.

Yoga helps many women relieve period pain. And be sure to use high-quality and safe painkillers. They will help you endure painful menstruation without reducing your quality of life.

Hormonal contraceptives. Controversial issue or solution to a problem?

I really like the approach European women take to the natural manifestations of their bodies. They have long “crossed out” menstruation from life with the help of hormones - harmless and recognized in scientific world. They use COCs (combination oral contraceptives) and control menstrual bleeding themselves.

During hormonal contraception menstruation is a forced phenomenon. They are provoked by “empty” tablets that do not contain the hormone. During withdrawal, menstrual-like bleeding simply occurs. It does not play any role for female body. When taking oral contraceptives, the body “thinks” that pregnancy is developing, the eggs do not mature, and the ovaries rest. And skipping pills at the end of the cycle was invented specifically so that the woman would be calm: if she has her period, it means that everything is fine with her.

European women drink hormonal contraceptives without a break for 4-6 months, then they start a new pack with a break and they get their so-called periods. They menstruate only 2-3 times a year. Agree, is it convenient? And it's safe for health. COCs make the endometrium thin (prevention of hyperplasia and cancer, by the way), there is simply nothing to reject every month.

Personal experience

May some colleagues who work “the old fashioned way” forgive me, but personally, even without a break from taking pills, I don’t suffer from pain during my period, because I don’t have menstruation. As I already said, the endometrium on modern COCs becomes thin and is not rejected. For other women, their periods become “smearier”, and the pain actually disappears. But this simple solution to the problem is suitable for physiologically painful periods.

If we are talking about algodismenorrhea associated with women's diseases, treatment must be, and necessarily comprehensive. By the way, for some diseases, hormonal contraceptives are prescribed. For example, with endometriosis.

I have been taking the drug Zoely for many years now - modern COC, and I am very pleased with them. For women over 30 who no longer want to get pregnant, this is an ideal option. The prospect of suffering from even moderate abdominal pain and monthly bleeding, I think, does not appeal to anyone. And don’t believe the horror stories about weight gain: there’s simply no such thing if you choose medications latest generation with a minimum amount of hormones.

Men will never understand how much discomfort painful periods can bring. At the same time, we women have to continue working, taking care of children, and home. But in our country, neither many doctors nor the patients themselves understand that there is no need to endure pain. And the phrase “Be patient, you’re a woman” sounds blasphemous, considering that over 30-35 years of active hormonal period It takes at least 9-10 years to live with menstruation (painful in at least 60-70% of women)!

Some women cannot solve the problem of pain during menstruation for years. Combined oral contraceptives are one solution. For those women who do not have diseases, but do not tolerate menstruation well or simply want to feel freer. COCs do not accelerate the aging of the body and do not stop making you a woman, but rather, even the opposite. But if you wish, you can read about them freely online and on specialized medical websites.

Dear women, sick periods are a problem that needs to be solved. And you are the one who makes the decision. Check the information on which your women's health. Sometimes even experienced doctors make mistakes and do not see an obvious solution to the problem. And be careful with traditional methods Treatment of pain during menstruation: some herbs can disrupt hormonal balance and even lead to the growth of cysts and tumors.

Doctor of the highest category
Evgenia Nabrodova

And for the soul, we will listen today GIOVANNI MARRADI - And I Love You So I have already introduced you to this wonderful Italian musician. Who else wants to listen to something for the soul from the music of Giovanni Marradi, I invite you.

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Abdominal pain during menstruation is a very common symptom that every second woman of reproductive age experiences. Painful sensations are most intense in the first days of menstruation and begin to subside starting from the third day. The nature of the pain is usually nagging, but sometimes the pain syndrome can look like a sharp or stabbing pain localized in the lower abdomen. This phenomenon in medicine is called dysmenorrhea and is most often observed in nulliparous women, as well as those who have weight problems or suffer from bad habits.

Dysmenorrhea can be accompanied by a whole range of symptoms: headache, nausea, lack of appetite, weakness, and fatigue. The most pronounced sign Dysmenorrhea is pain in the lower abdomen. Some women experience stomach pain so severe that they are unable to carry out household and professional activities. In such a situation, it is important to know what to do and in what ways you can reduce the intensity discomfort.

A nagging pain in the lower abdomen is caused by uterine contractions. The inside of the uterus is covered with mucous membranes containing large number blood vessels and capillaries. This lining is called the mucosal layer or endometrium. During the period of ovulation, the endometrium produces hormones necessary for the attachment of a fertilized egg to the walls of the organ and further development embryo. If fertilization does not occur, endometrial rejection occurs, accompanied by uterine bleeding. This period menstrual cycle called menstruation (the medical name is regula).

On the first day of menstruation, the uterus begins to contract intensively in order to cleanse itself of blood clots and blood accumulated in its cavity. Spasms of the uterine walls are the cause of pulling, painful sensations in the lower abdomen. They can have varying intensity and resemble weak labor contractions. About 35% of women experience very intense pain during their periods and lose their usual ability to work, so it is important for them to know how to deal with the pain quickly and effectively.

Pay attention! Intensity pain at the beginning of menstruation depends on the woman’s age, lifestyle, hereditary factor. Women whose mothers or grandmothers suffered from dysmenorrhea are more likely to experience a similar syndrome. Same clinical picture It is also observed in women with limited mobility or a sedentary lifestyle.

Frequency of dysmenorrhea in women aged 18 to 45 years

Do I need to take pills?

To get rid of pain caused by uterine contractions, it is allowed to take antispasmodics. This is a group of painkillers whose action is based on weakening spasms of smooth muscle fibers and blood vessels (when used systemically, the spasm stops completely). The most popular medicine in this group is “ No-shpa"(analogue - " Drotaverine"). To eliminate pain during menstruation, it can be taken in tablets (1 tablet 2-3 times a day) or placed intramuscular injections. For severe pain, it is best to use injection form drug, and after stopping acute attack switch to oral administration.

Another well-known and affordable antispasmodic is “ Papaverine" It is best used in rectal suppositories. Daily dosage is 1-2 suppositories, the course of use should not exceed 3-5 days. If the pain does not stop after the end of your period, you should consult a doctor. “Papaverine” helps to quickly alleviate a woman’s condition and restore her ability to work, but it will not be possible to get rid of unpleasant sensations completely in one day.

If your stomach hurts very much during menstruation, you can use combination drugs with anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and analgesic effects. These include complex drugs " Spasmalgon" And " Pentalgin" To relieve moderate pain, a one-time dose of non-steroidal drugs with anti-inflammatory action is allowed. These could be:

  • "Ibufen";
  • "Moment";
  • "Ibuprofen";
  • "Nurofen Express";
  • "Next".

Important! The exact dosage of any drug is indicated in the instructions. It is not advisable to use medications with antispasmodic and analgesic effects for more than 3 days in a row without consulting a doctor. Some, such as ibuprofen-based products, can cause severe side effects if long-term use, so they can only be used to relieve acute pain.

Herbal medicine for painful periods

Some medicinal herbs and the fees can help with painful menstruation, so before taking pills, you can try to get rid of the pain folk remedies. Experts recognize it as the most effective for dysmenorrhea. ginger tea. Ginger root contains many glycosides, esters and phytoncides - natural substances with antibacterial and analgesic effects. To prepare the drink, it is best to use fresh ginger, but if it is not available, dried spice will also work (1 spoon of fresh ginger = 0.5 spoon of dried root).

To prepare tea, you need:

  • grate or chop a small piece of ginger root (2-3 cm) with a knife;
  • pour a glass of boiling water;
  • add a little cinnamon;
  • leave for 7 minutes.

You can add a few mint leaves, a slice of lemon and a little sugar to the finished tea. The therapeutic effect occurs 15-30 minutes after use.

Important! Ginger drink is contraindicated for women with diseases digestive system(especially in the acute stage) and blood pathologies. If your periods are usually long and heavy, this method It's also better to refuse.

Peppermint tea with lemon balm

A mixture of mint and lemon balm has a pronounced analgesic effect. To make tea that will help get rid of pain during menstruation, you need:

  • mix 2 g each peppermint and lemon balm (you can use fresh or dried herbs);
  • add 4-5 drops of lemongrass oil and 250 ml of boiling water;
  • leave for 5-7 minutes.

If you don’t have lemongrass oil at home, you can use citrus zest: oranges, lemons, grapefruits (5 g per cup of drink). It is advisable to drink this tea every day until your menstruation ends. For prevention, you can drink one cup after waking up and 1-2 hours before bedtime.

Chamomile tea with raspberries

It is very important for this method to use raspberries, and not leaves. The fact is that raspberry leaves stimulate the contraction of muscle fibers and can lead to the opposite effect. Some pregnant women, wanting to speed up the approach of labor, drink a drink from raspberry leaves to trigger the onset of contractions.

To achieve relaxation of the muscles of the uterus, you need to prepare tea strictly according to the recipe below:

Chamomile tea with raspberries also has a general strengthening and calming effect, therefore it is recommended for women with severe clinical manifestations of PMS and disturbances in emotional stability during menstruation.

Thermal treatments

Take off muscle spasm Warming procedures help a lot, but they can only be done if there is complete confidence in the absence of an inflammatory or purulent process. You should not heat your stomach if you have an inflamed appendix, so it is best to consult your doctor before using any of the methods below.

Hot water bottle on the stomach

A heating pad on the stomach is the easiest way to warm up the muscles of the uterus

The easiest way to warm up the muscles of the uterus is to place a heating pad on the lower abdomen with hot water. Doctors advise replacing the heating pad with a warm diaper, which must be ironed on all sides several times. This method is considered more gentle and does not cause exacerbations if there are low-grade inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.

Keep warm for no more than 15 minutes and no more than 2 times a day. If the pain does not go away after this, you should consult a doctor to rule out gynecological diseases.

Warm shower

Taking hot baths during menstruation is not recommended, but a warm short shower will perfectly relieve fatigue, ensure body hygiene and help eliminate painful sensations. While showering, you can gently massage your stomach with a massage mitten or washcloth - this will relax the muscles and ease the spasm.

Warm massage

Abdominal massage can also reduce the severity of pain, especially if you add warm oil to the procedure. You can use industrially produced cosmetic oils with the addition of pepper and other warming additives, or any essential oil heated in a water bath to a temperature of 36°. Grapefruit, bergamot, and saffron oil can be used as antispasmodics. If they are unavailable, even baby massage oil or vegetable oil good quality.

Important! Under no circumstances should the oil be heated too hot, as this may cause skin burns.

Video - Painful menstruation

Video - Severe pain during menstruation: what to do?

The role of drinking regime in the prevention of dysmenorrhea

Sometimes painful sensations at the beginning of menstruation can be caused by severe dehydration. With blood, a woman loses a lot of fluid, and if during this period she does not receive enough fluid, the body will experience a lack of moisture, which is expressed in pain in the lower sections belly. It can be distinguished from uterine cramps by the nature of the sensations: with dehydration, the pain syndrome is usually dull or moderately acute. The intensity is rarely very high, but some women with low pain threshold It’s hard to cope even with such sensations.

It is better to choose as a drink during menstruation clean water, still mineral water, herbal teas and infusions, berry decoctions, dried fruit compotes. Vegetable and fruit juices are beneficial. But it is better to avoid alcohol, strong tea, cocoa and coffee during this period.

To ensure the least painful period possible, women are advised to follow the tips below. They will help improve your general condition and reduce the severity of discomfort.

  1. Physical activity should be daily even during menstruation. It is necessary to exclude jerking, heavy lifting and bending from the daily routine.
  2. A week before the start of menstruation, you need to include more in your diet. vegetable salads, leafy greens, fruit juices and fresh berries.
  3. 3

During menstruation, many women experience cramping pain in the lower abdomen, which can be almost imperceptible, not causing noticeable discomfort, or very strong and unbearable.

It may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, migraine, dizziness, diarrhea, and a slight increase in temperature.

Types of algomenorrhea. How to treat

It is necessary to distinguish between treatment methods, since algomenorrhea can be primary, when from the very beginning menstruation has always been extremely painful, and secondary - severe pain torments women over 30 years of age.

Secondary algomenorrhea occurs due to infections, hormonal disorders, surgical operations etc. Pain during menstruation may not decrease throughout the entire period of critical days. In this case, it is necessary to treat the underlying cause. Primary algomenorrhea often resolves after the first birth.

In any case, with dysmenorrhea, experts advise checking your health, because this condition can be a symptom of various serious illnesses.

How to reduce pain during menstruation for a healthy woman

Discomfort appears both immediately before the onset of menstruation and in the first hours of menstruation. Painful sensations last from several hours to 2-3 days.

Several recommendations on the topic “how to reduce pain during menstruation”

Preventive measures

Intense pain on critical days (algomenorrhea, dysmenorrhea) interferes with full work, communication and rest, disrupts the usual rhythm of life, so it is necessary to take measures to reduce pain:

  • Maintain a balance between work and rest, avoid overwork, try to go to bed no later than 23.00. A measured daily routine will help bring your work back to normal. nervous system, will have a healing effect on the entire body;
  • Don't get too cold. Any hypothermia can provoke inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, disrupt the cycle, lead to dysmenorrhea and problems with conception;
  • Eat right. It is necessary to minimize the consumption of flour, fried foods, and soda. It is advisable to cook by steaming or in the oven;
  • Consume clean (still) water in sufficient quantities: according to doctors' recommendations, you should drink about 2.0 l/day;
  • Stop smoking, reduce alcohol consumption;
  • Exercise. The modern fitness industry provides unlimited opportunities for sports activities; in every fitness club you can choose a hobby: strength training, aerobics, swimming, dancing, boxing. Walking is very useful;
  • Visit the steam room. The steam room significantly reduces the level of cortisol (stress hormone). Deep warming of the whole body relaxes, relieves tension, improves blood circulation, speeds up metabolism;
  • Practice yoga. Classes restore hormonal background, provide emotional relief, effectively relieve nervous tension, improve work endocrine system. Practice strengthens the muscles of the perineum, increases their elasticity, as a result of which pain during menstruation decreases. Before starting yoga practice, you should consult your doctor, as relative contraindications are: caesarean section, epidural anesthesia (high load on the spine);

    Some asanas will help reduce or completely eliminate pain during menstruation

  • Get a massage. Regular massage sessions have a positive effect on everyone's work internal organs, reduce stress levels, activate metabolic processes.
  • Do Kegel exercises. Intimate gymnastics increases tone and gives elasticity to the muscles of the perineum by improving blood supply reproductive organs the risk of inflammatory processes is reduced. Before starting Kegel exercises, you should consult your doctor, as contraindications include: heavy bleeding, malignant tumors;
  • Take vitamins: calcium, group B, vitamin E, Magne B6 and Supradin complexes. Vitamins should be taken in a course, then take a short break;
  • Physiotherapy. Effective procedure– electrophoresis with novocaine on the solar plexus area. The duration of the course is 6-8 sessions, the procedures must be completed before the start of menstruation.

How to reduce pain during menstruation with non-drug means


Doctors prescribe drugs of various mechanisms of action to reduce pain during menstruation.

  • Sedatives. If on critical days a woman becomes irritable, whiny, hysterical, depressive state, you should take motherwort tablets, valerian, sleeping pills (strictly as prescribed by your doctor).
  • Antispasmodics. The safest and most effective are No-shpa or its analogue Drotaverine, Papaverine. These drugs can be taken even during pregnancy.
  • Painkillers. Ibuprofen, Ketanov, Pentalgin help a lot.
  • In case of primary algomenorrhea, the gynecologist can prescribe hormonal contraception or drugs containing progestins.

Herbal decoctions to reduce pain during menstruation

  • Melissa– an indispensable remedy for a woman’s health, as it normalizes the menstrual cycle, relieves irritability and insomnia, and helps to get pregnant;
  • Raspberry– relieves pain on critical days, regulates the cycle. Raspberry leaves – 3 tsp. pour boiling water (250 ml), leave for 15 minutes, drink in 50 ml portions throughout the day;
  • Chamomile– calms the nervous system and strengthens the immune system. Essential oil chamomile has a pronounced analgesic effect;
  • Elecampane root– normalizes hormone levels, relieves painful symptoms of dysmenorrhea, is used to treat infertility (stimulates the function of the ovaries and uterus). 1 tsp pour boiling water (250 ml), leave for 1 hour, drink 1 tbsp. 3 doses per day;
  • Horsetail– used as an anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, diuretic, tonic, for intense and painful menstruation. 1 tbsp. Brew with boiling water (300 ml), leave for an hour, drink 50 ml/hour, increasing the interval as the pain subsides.

Exercises on the floor (on a mat)

By adjusting your lifestyle and choosing the right method, you can almost completely get rid of menstrual pain

Useful video materials on how to reduce pain during menstruation

Some tips to help reduce period pain:

How you can reduce pain during menstruation:

The manifestation of critical days in adult women and young girls of reproductive age may be different.

Some do not notice any negative signs at all, while others suffer from a lot of problems.

They are characterized by apathy, depression, nervousness, lack of appetite, dizziness and various pain manifestations. Sometimes the pain intensifies and reaches a critical point.

What this is connected with, what to do and why the stomach hurts during menstruation is worth understanding in detail.

How pain occurs during menstruation

Menstruation is a monthly manifestation of a natural nature that occurs in the body of every woman during reproductive age. They carry with them discomfort and a number of necessary hygienic measures.

For some female representatives, these are quite familiar manifestations of the body, and for others - a series of tests.

And if you can still cope with other symptoms, then the presence of pain simply knocks you out of strength, and sometimes completely blocks all physical activity.

Some women are convinced that pain is an integral part of menstruation, without finding out the reason, but in vain.

If everything hurts this period- this may indicate the presence of a serious gynecological disease.

Menstruation is a process of a biological and mechanical nature. The body is cleansed of everything unnecessary in the first days, which is not necessary for continued functionality.

All bad things come out through the genitals, thanks to the nervous system, which stimulates the muscles of the genitals. Through nerve cells impulses pass through and influence the entire process.

Sometimes the cells stop nerve impulses, which leads to corresponding pain. The reasons lie in the lack of nutrition of nerve cells.

In medicine, pain during menstruation is called algomenorrhea or dysmenorrhea. It is noted in the lower abdomen and occurs 1-2 hours before the onset of menstruation (or for many a day).

The nature of the pain can be different: stabbing, aching, the presence of contractions. Often it goes to the kidneys and lumbar region.

There are three degrees of pain during menstruation:

First degree

The most common form, characterized by the presence of moderate pain. It is accompanied by mild discomfort that does not interfere with social and physical activity.

More common in teenage girls. Over time they go away, and after giving birth I may not bother you at all.

If after labor activity The stomach still hurts during menstruation, this is a serious reason to consult a doctor for advice, since the first degree can develop into a more complex one. That's why you can't ignore going to the gynecologist.

Second degree

Signs of this form, when the stomach hurts a lot, may include dizziness, chills, general weakness, nausea and headaches.

The woman's general condition worsens. She becomes mentally vulnerable, suppressed emotional state, depression appears and performance decreases.

Well-chosen tablets prescribed by your doctor will help you get rid of all manifestations.

Third degree

In this form, the stomach hurts severely during menstruation.

Pain is noted in the lower abdomen and lumbar region. It is accompanied by severe headaches, fatigue, malaise and general weakness.

Sometimes there is an increase in body temperature, heart pain, cardiac arrhythmia and vomiting. Fainting is possible. Tablets are not effective in this case.

This is the most dangerous form dysmenorrhea, as it can lead to bad consequences associated with menstrual irregularities and infertility. This may also indicate the presence of a serious illness.

Why does pain occur on menstruation days?

  • Causes associated with uterine contraction. This is main reason, why the lower abdomen and lumbar region hurt during menstruation. Contractions are sharp and prolonged, which are associated with the production of progesterone hormones. They provoke uterine contractions, resulting in rejection inner shell And bleeding. Such cramps cause pain and discomfort during menstruation. The intensity of contractions depends on the level of hormones, which affects the intensity and nature of pain.
  • Diseases associated with the reproductive system. Severe pain may indicate problems with the health of the female genital organs. This is how many inflammatory processes manifest themselves, such as uterine fibrosis and endometriosis. Pain during menstruation can signal both the presence of existing diseases and inflammatory processes, and past diseases associated with gynecology.
  • Lack of microelements. Disruption of the menstrual cycle, which can occur with pain during menstruation, often occurs due to a lack of calcium and magnesium in the female body.
  • Heredity. Signs of heredity also explain the causes of pain when menstruation occurs. Women whose female relatives suffered from pain during menstruation are at risk. It depends on genetics. Pathologies that can cause pain could also be inherited.
  • Others negative factors. The causes of menstrual pain may depend on an unbalanced diet, stress, poor circulation and other problems.

Causes of severe pain during menstruation

Having examined the main causes and signs of pain during menstruation, it is worth paying attention to those that cause severe stomach pain and why they occur.

In this case, even after taking the pills, the problem does not go away. If you notice such symptoms, you should consult a doctor, because this obvious signs women's health problems.

  • Development of endometriosis. This disease is characterized by the growth of the inner uterine lining.
  • Lack of calcium in the body.
  • Bend and displacement of the uterus.
  • Decreased levels of a hormone called progesterone.
  • The presence and development of ovarian cysts and polyps.
  • Inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.
  • Spontaneous termination of pregnancy.
  • The presence of stress, strong emotional experience, shock.

Associated symptoms with pain

In addition to abdominal pain, other signs of pathologies and diseases of the reproductive system may be present. For some women, these are habitual manifestations.

And in lately their number increased several times. These are young and nulliparous girls who lead wrong image lives, eat unhealthy foods and live in environmentally hazardous areas.

This manifests itself in the following symptoms:

  • Pain in the lower back and lower back.
  • Pain in the pelvic area.
  • Presence of nausea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Diarrhea and intestinal disorders.
  • Deterioration general condition and weakness.
  • Emotional instability and increased irritability.

How to eliminate pain and what to do

  • Presence of heat. Warmth can help ease and relieve pain on the day of menstruation. Place a heating pad or soaked in water on the lower abdomen warm water towel. Taking a warm shower will also be effective. But under no circumstances should the water and heating pad be hot. In this case, the opposite effect will work, which can cause increased bleeding. A mug of warm tea will help you relax and relieve pain.
  • Motor activity. This great way relieve and relieve pain during menstruation. IN free time It is recommended to attend sports training and the swimming pool. And on the day when your period is hectic, you can do simple exercises in the morning. But the exercises should not be difficult, without physical exertion, especially on the first day.
  • Get rid of negative circumstances. Since pain is observed during menstruation, you need to take maximum care of your condition. On this day, any physical activity that could lead to overwork is excluded. You should not overcool, overload yourself, but on the contrary, rest more. The diet includes fresh vegetables and fruits, excludes coffee and fatty foods. Meals are taken in small portions 5-6 times a day.
  • Relaxation and relaxation. To relieve period pain, you need to shift your attention to positive things. For example, you can read your favorite book or watch an interesting movie. Visit public place, which only causes positive emotions, would also be an excellent option. You can spend this time with your loved one or enjoy delicious and healthy food. And the presence of a full healthy sleep will benefit the entire body.
  • Light massage. It helps well every day with menstruation and severe pain. It is done with gentle circular movements in a clockwise direction. This will relieve tension and abdominal cramps.
  • Lie on the bed in a fetal position. Some women find this method very helpful. It is based on relieving spasms by relaxing in a certain lying position. To do this, bend your knees to your chest and fall asleep, or just lie down.
  • Dieting. It also helps relieve pain. Avoid fatty and meat dishes, smoked meats, pickles and marinades. It is better to give up strong tea, coffee drinks, alcohol and flour. In return, increase the amount of fresh vegetables and fruits and relaxing herbal teas.
  • Reception medicines. You can take an analgesic or antispasmodic. These tablets are aimed at having an analgesic effect. But drink any medicines It is possible only with a doctor's prescription. Tablets are used in cases where the stomach hurts terribly and no other methods help. They will quickly help you get rid of the problem and quickly return you to your normal life. But why are they recommended last? Most medications have contraindications and side effects.
  • Use of oral contraceptives. The necessary hormones contained in the drugs will restore normal balance. Several courses of medication are enough to minimize negative manifestations on critical days. Like all medications, they require consultation with a doctor and his prescription.
    Analgin and paracetamol during menstruation
  • Analgin. This is very strong tablets aimed at eliminating pain. Just a few decades ago it was used everywhere. Many women still use analgin as a pain reliever during menstruation, although they are now available modern analogues, designed specifically to suppress period pain. Analgin includes a number side effects, which manifest themselves in the form of bleeding and decreased production of leukocytes, performing protective function body from various infections. Analgin is also prohibited for use by children and adolescents under 14 years of age, and the duration of use should not exceed a week. Therefore, you can drink analgin only if other, gentler drugs are powerless. This usually happens on the first day of your period.
  • Paracetamol. He is considered effective means during menstruation. But it only helps with mild and minor pain. If the pain intensifies, he will be powerless. If paracetamol has an analgesic effect, it will be insignificant and short-lived.

You can drink it up to 4 times a day, 1 or 2 tablets. Some women continue to take paracetamol because it fast action, unlike its analogues.

These tablets, once in the stomach, are quickly absorbed and have their effect. Paracetamol reduces the intensity of discharge and helps for 4 hours. However, it is very important not to abuse it due to frequent hepatotoxic effects.

Special exercises to suppress pain

To avoid using pills, it is suggested to carry out special exercises. They are aimed at reducing the pain during menstruation and suppressing other associated symptoms.

Such exercises can be carried out every day and as a preventive measure.

  • Lie on your back, legs bent at the knees, and feet should rest on the floor. Hands are placed along the body, palms facing down. Make smooth bends in the abdomen for several minutes, accompanied by short breaths. Completely relax the muscles, you can do the task 4 times.
  • Lie on your back at a right angle. Buttocks rest as close to the wall as possible. Place your feet on the wall and bend your knees. Spend 4-5 minutes in this position.
  • They move away from the wall, one leg is pulled up to the chin, and the second leg remains on the floor. They spend 2-3 minutes in this position, after which they change their legs.
  • Stand on your elbows and knees, your head should be between your hands. Stand in this position for 2-3 minutes. This task can be done lying on the floor.
  • Yoga helps a lot. Lie face down on a flat surface, place your feet together, strain your knees. Exhale, lift your body up, throw your head back.

After several inhalations and exhalations, inhale again and lift the body, contracting the buttocks. Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds. Exhale again and return to the first position.

To get rid of pain in the abdomen during menstruation, you need to find out their causes and understand why they bother you. There are several ways to relieve abdominal cramps.

To do this, use all methods aimed at reducing the pain effect. Tablets are used in extreme cases when nothing else helps.

The first day may be accompanied additional symptoms, which may signal the presence of gynecological diseases.

You need to take care of your health and listen carefully to the whole body.

Every month, almost every woman encounters “these” days, or, as they say scientifically, menstruation. And many people endure this period painfully, with heightened feeling discomfort. Often the pain is very severe, but enduring it is by no means a solution to the situation.

How to get rid of stomach pain during menstruation?

Almost all women know about them. Many people experience abdominal pain during menstruation and have varying intensity and direction. Sometimes it's stabbing and cutting pains, sometimes continuous It's a dull pain or a sharp spasmodic attack. Depending on the location of distribution, it can be the entire abdomen or only its lower part. But in any case, this is a very unpleasant process. In addition, abdominal pain during menstruation may be accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, such as headache, nausea or vomiting, and diarrhea. There may be a state of general depression, fatigue, weakness, and weakness. The most important thing is that almost all women who experience such unpleasant sensations have come to terms with it and consider pain to be the norm.

To determine the causes of pain during menstruation, you need to undergo a series of examinations by a gynecologist, endocrinologist and other doctors. An ultrasound examination, blood tests, hormonal levels, etc. may be needed. Ways to solve this problem are very individual.

Effective ways to reduce lower abdominal pain during menstruation

Almost all women experience pain during menstruation. The intensity and direction of pain varies. Some people have cutting pain, some have aching or sharp pain. Painful sensations can spread to the entire abdomen or only to its lower part. They can often be accompanied by nausea and vomiting, severe migraines, diarrhea, weakness, and aching pain in the lumbar region. Many people believe that this condition during menstruation is normal, but this is absolutely not true. Your period should be painless. Everything else is a deviation of the disorder, so it’s worth contacting a gynecologist.

Heat is a universal helper. Using a warm heating pad or taking a warm bath will relieve pain and relax the body.

Moreover, we must also remember that general relaxation is also very useful. To get rid of stomach pain during menstruation, conduct a meditation session, relax your nerves, and give yourself a day off on such a day. Massage, both general and abdominal, will be very beneficial.

Very important proper nutrition during menstruation. Eat healthy and try to include as many fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet as possible. During menstruation, it is advisable to adhere to a certain diet. A week before menstruation, give up “heavy foods”, that is, dairy and meat products, and during the period – fats and any oils. If the pain is very severe, try drinking mint or raspberry infusions. You can also brew and infuse the roots of valerian officinalis. Never endure pain, it is very harmful.

If you feel extreme discomfort, take a pain reliever tablet. It has been statistically proven that sports can reduce pain during menstruation. Move more, walk. Be cheerful, active, take care of your health.

If the pain is very severe, you can do several exercises. The first of them is performed in a Turkish pose. Sit on the floor, bring and spread your knees slowly, without straining, for about 5 minutes. Or, on all fours, lower your head and shoulders as low as possible, while doing circular movements pelvis.

When none of the above remedies help, severe pain lasts for about a day, and the discharge is accompanied by blood clots, you should consult a doctor immediately.

How to reduce pain during algomenorrhea during menstruation?

The cause of pain during menstruation is excessive contractions of the uterus, as well as excess hormones that lead to these contractions. Many women prefer to ignore the pain, not even to reduce it, but this is not entirely correct. The intensity of the discomfort can vary from mild discomfort to very severe pain, making it even difficult to move. This could all get worse general malaise, headache, nausea, fever and even gastrointestinal upset. It is also worth paying attention to the length of a woman’s menstrual cycle; if it lasts more than 28 days, this is not entirely normal.

Such pain can be a symptom of serious diseases. Doctors call it algomenorrhea. It can be primary and secondary.

Primary algomenorrhea occurs with diseases of the nervous system or unusual structure of the female genital organs. For example, if a woman has an underdeveloped or incorrectly located uterus. Most often it occurs in girls under 30 years of age, when the hormonal balance is not yet fully adjusted and the psyche is shaky. When a girl is overly nervous and very excitable, menstruation can often lead to depression, reduce satisfaction with sex life, and cause especially severe pain during menstruation.

Secondary algomenorrhea occurs when inflammatory processes genital organs, the presence of a cyst, etc. To eliminate it, the disease itself must be treated and the pain will go away with the onset of recovery.

Effective ways to cope with pain from algomenorrhea

During the menstrual cycle, the walls of the uterus begin to bleed, everything “unnecessary” comes out of the uterus due to contractions caused by bloody discharge. As a result of receptor sensitivity abdominal cavity When the uterus contracts, abdominal pain during menstruation can be felt quite strongly. The uterus is capable of producing and stimulating hormones called prostaglandins, and they, in turn, affect the sensitivity of these same receptors. The more of these prostaglandins, the stronger the uterus contracts, and therefore the pain too.

As a result of these hormones, other hormones appear unpleasant symptoms. Therefore, if you have severe abdominal pain with algomenorrhea, you need to be examined by a gynecologist and endocrinologist, and conduct a thorough examination, including hormonal tests.

The diet also helps with stomach pain. It should be used a couple of days before the start of the cycle. You need to consume a lot plant food, fruits, drink natural juices, water, green tea, take vitamins high content calcium and magnesium. And, of course, a woman who cares about her health must definitely monitor her menstrual cycle.

It would also be a good idea to prevent pain during these unpleasant days by giving up food of animal origin and leaning on vegetables, fruits, freshly squeezed juices and fish.

How to get rid of pain through exercise?

If, for some reason, your wife did not get to the doctor, then there are ways to reduce the pain yourself by physical exercise. You don’t need to lie down, but rather force yourself to move, overcoming the painful sensations.

A few exercises that can relieve pain:

Lie on your stomach, place your palms on the floor and straighten your elbows. The chin is raised up, the chest is laid back;

lie on your back, bend your knees, gradually lift your pelvis, first up, then down. It is recommended to perform the exercise a day, five or six times.

During menstruation, many people lie on the sofa in the so-called “fetal position” and try not to make any sudden movements.

You need to do everything exactly the opposite. Exercise relieves abdominal pain during menstruation. It has been repeatedly proven that women who actively engage in sports have almost painless menstruation. Therefore, you should not feel sorry for yourself, lie on the couch and hate everyone and everything. Do at least a little warm-up. Even five minutes of vigorous exercise, such as lifting, supine position pelvis or legs, will bring tangible relief and help reduce pain.