What is coenzyme q10. Protection against neurodegenerative diseases

Coenzyme or coenzyme CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant that is synthesized in the human body. It is found in many foods and is also available in dietary supplement form. CoQ10 performs a number of important functions in the body - providing cells with energy, transporting electrons and regulating levels blood pressure.

This antioxidant can be found in two forms: ubiquinol (the active antioxidant form) and ubiquinone (an oxidized form that the body partially converts to ubiquinol).

This coenzyme is a vital participant in the metabolic chain chemical reactions, which generate energy inside cells. Elevated levels of the coenzyme are found in organs with high energy needs (kidneys, liver and heart). It is found in every cell of the body, which is why it got its name ubiquinone (ubiquitous)

How does CoQ10 work?

Inside our cells are tiny organelles called mitochondria that consume fats and other nutrients and convert them into energy sources needed to perform body functions. They need Coenzyme Q10 to carry out this conversion process.

It is needed not only to produce cellular energy, but also to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. In addition, it may enhance the absorption of certain nutrients. For example, CoQ10 helps process vitamins C and E, further enhancing the benefits of vitamins and antioxidants already working in the body.

Coenzyme qu 10 - indications for use

As we age, coenzyme production decreases, as does the body's natural ability to convert CoQ10 to ubiquinol. This decline is most noticeable in people over 40, especially those taking statins. Decreased plasma coenzyme levels have also been observed in people with diabetes, cancer, and congestive heart failure.

For these reasons, Coenzyme Q 10 supplements are indicated for people with:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • high cholesterol levels;
  • angina pectoris;
  • high blood pressure;
  • prolapse mitral valve;
  • history of heart attacks or coronary heart disease.

This coenzyme is also used to treat patients with Alzheimer's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, joint pain and migraines, diabetes, fibromyalgia and other diseases.

The benefits and harms of coenzyme Q 10 - the opinion of scientists

Most medical studies demonstrate the benefits of coenzyme. It has a positive effect on the health of patients with neurological disorders and heart diseases. CoQ10 may also help fight certain types of cancer and protect against wide range age-related disorders.

Improving Cardiovascular Health

Coenzyme Q 10 has enormous potential in the prevention and treatment of heart disease, it improves cellular bioenergy by acting as an antioxidant and increasing the body's ability to get rid of free radicals. In a 2015 report published in Frontiers in Bioscience, scientists reported that "coenzyme Q 10 deficiency is associated with autosomal recessive mutations, mitochondrial diseases, oxidative stress associated with aging, carcinogenesis, and secondary effects of statin treatment."

Statins reduce enzymes in the liver, which not only interferes with the production of cholesterol, but also impairs the production of coenzyme q10. Therefore, supplementation of this coenzyme is necessary to restore natural levels in the body and protect against negative impact drugs.

Experts also note that taking CoQ10 is associated with:

  • Improving heart function and patient well-being (studies 2007-2009).
  • Blood pressure control (2009 systematic review).
  • More fast recovery patients after bypass surgery and heart valve surgery (according to a 2011 randomized controlled trial in which 117 people took part).

Slow down aging

ATP synthesis in mitochondria is an important function required to maintain rapid metabolism, muscle and bone strength, youthful skin, and tissue health. It is known that the level of coenzyme Q 10 decreases with age, due to which the functioning of mitochondria deteriorates and a decline in energy metabolism occurs. This negatively affects the health of internal organs and skeletal muscles and accelerates the aging process.

One 2005 study found that in animals fed a diet enriched with polyunsaturated fatty acids, supplementation with the coenzyme increased lifespan and protected against DNA changes. In addition, scientists believe that taking CoQ10 can rejuvenate the body, reduce loss muscle mass and signs of skin damage, and protect bones and joints.

Protection against neurodegenerative diseases

Many scientists have conducted preclinical studies to understand how oxidative stress and impaired mitochondrial function contribute to the neuronal cell death that characterizes Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and other neurodegenerative diseases. For example, a 2004 study published in the journal Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology showed how the herbicide paraquat affected neuronal death in vitro.

Scientists have found that this chemical damages mitochondria and increases the production of free radicals, which ultimately leads to the death of neuronal cells. However, pretreatment of cell cultures with CoQ10 inhibited mitochondrial dysfunction and free radical formation. Scientists have suggested that this coenzyme may be useful in the prevention and treatment of neurodegenerative conditions associated with environmental toxins.

Other animal studies have shown that coenzyme protects and reverses brain damage and nervous system, restoring the metabolism of the brain and neurons. Scientists also suggest that CoQ10 may be useful in treating serious neurodegenerative diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or Gehrig's disease. Typically, patients with ALS live about 2-5 years after diagnosis of the disease.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis affects motor neurons, leading to muscle atrophy and paralysis. The onset of the disease is characterized by chronic twitching, spasms and muscle weakness, but eventually the patient is unable to eat, speak or breathe. However, recent evidence suggests that CoQ10 may help.

A Japanese medical scientist agreed to participate in a study conducted by his colleagues. The 75-year-old man was diagnosed with ALS in 2000, and by 2005 the disease was already having a significant impact on his daily activities.

The scientist took ubiquinol 200 mg twice a day for 4 weeks, then 500 mg twice a day, after which he returned to the previous dose. He began to experience significant improvements - his motor activity and grip began to recover, and the rate of muscle weakening decreased. He was still alive in September 2012, when the study was published in The Open Nutraceuticals Journal.

As we can see, scientists will be able to cope with many serious diseases if they understand how to take coenzyme 10 and how much of this substance is necessary to achieve maximum effect.

Another study (in animals) found that taking CoQ10 may protect the area of ​​the brain where cells that produce the neurotransmitter dopamine are located. These cells die in Parkinson's disease, causing loss of control of movement and muscle tone.

Another study found that patients with Parkinson's disease who took high doses of coenzyme (1200 mg per day) had 44% less decline in mental function and motor abilities than patients who received a placebo.

Cancer Treatment and CoQ10

Back in the 1960s, it was found that patients with myeloma, lymphoma, and malignancies of the head and neck, breast, lung, pancreas, colon, kidney, and prostate had reduced levels of the coenzyme in the blood. Research has also shown that CoQ10 enhances the performance of immune system, so it began to be used as an adjuvant (auxiliary) method of cancer treatment.

Researchers have found that the coenzyme protects heart muscle from cell damage caused by the anticancer drug doxorubicin. This anticancer drug causes cardiotoxicity by interfering with the energetic biochemical reactions of cardiac muscle mitochondria. Scientists have proven that when taking coenzyme Q10, this cardiotoxicity is reduced in cancer patients.

There is evidence that this antioxidant may help against breast cancer. For example, in one study, three women with malignant neoplasm breast cancer, metastasizing to adjacent tissues, received 390 mg of CoQ10 daily along with traditional treatment. As a result, they experienced tumor regression and a decrease in the number of metastases.

Later, the same scientists studied 32 patients with breast cancer that had begun to spread to lymph nodes. Besides usual treatment women received a combination of nutrients consisting of vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, selenium, essential fatty acids(Coenzyme Q 10 was also included). After 18 months, 6 patients achieved partial remission, and no additional metastases were observed in any of the participants. None of the women died during the study period, contrary to doctors' predictions, which predicted four deaths.

Potential Coenzyme Q10 Benefits and Side Effects

Scientists suggest that CoQ10 may:

  • Protect against hearing loss.
  • Increase learning ability.
  • Prevent cachexia.
  • Help with muscle regeneration.
  • Increase sperm quality and sperm count.
  • Prevent complications associated with diabetes mellitus.
  • Slow down the development of early macular degeneration.

Side effects from taking CoQ10 are rare and tend to be mild. It could be:

  • Reduced blood sugar levels and decreased insulin requirements.
  • Mild insomnia, rash, nausea, upper abdominal pain, dizziness, sensitivity to light, irritability, heartburn and fatigue.
  • Reduced anticoagulant effect when taking statins.

What foods contain Coenzyme Q 10?

This useful substance can be found in the most common products. One of best sources Coenzyme Q 10 ubiquinone are:

  • Meat (beef).
  • Poultry (chicken).
  • Fish (herring, cardines, mackerel).
  • Beans.
  • Nuts.
  • Vegetables, fruits and berries (broccoli, cauliflower, oranges, strawberries).
  • Eggs.
  • Sesame seeds.
  • Peanut.
  • Soybean oil.

3 ounces of roasted beef, for example, contains about 2.6 mg of CoQ10, one tablespoon of canola oil contains 1.3 mg, and 3 ounces of herring contains 2.3 mg.

You may be wondering how much CoQ 10 you need per day. The recommended daily allowance for CoQ10 is 30 to 200 mg for adults, but be sure to consult with your doctor before taking supplements. The dosage of coenzyme may differ from the average consumption rate, and depend on what kind of food you eat and what goals you are pursuing.

Based on materials:

  • https://www.drweil.com/vitamins-supplements-herbs/vitamins/coenzyme-q10-coq10/
  • https://nccih.nih.gov/health/supplements/coq10
  • http://www.lifeextension.com/magazine/2006/2/cover_coq10/page-01
  • https://draxe.com/all-about-coq10/
  • http://vitafive.com/blog-coq10-health-benefits/
  • http://www.naturalnews.com/038643_CoQ10_neurodegenerative_disease_prevention.html
  • https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/coq10-cancer/

Probably, in a spontaneous poll, 10 out of 10 respondents would not be able to answer the question of what coenzyme Q10 is, but they would definitely associate it exclusively with the cosmetic area. This is the merit of advertising, television and fashion magazines. But it turned out that this is an enzyme that is found in almost all living cells. A necessary component for the formation of energy directly in the cell and the regulation of its oxygen supply. Moreover, we have always known that our body itself produces only vitamin D, but it turns out that coenzyme Q10 is also produced by our cells.

Description and general characteristics

Ubiquinone, also known as ubidecarenone, coenzyme Q10, coenzyme Q10, CoQ10, a fat-soluble “vitamin” or vitamin-like coenzyme (in some sources) and also scientifically known as benzoquinone of the quinoid group.

Hence the designation Q - since it is a quinoid group contained in the coenzymes of the human body, and the index 10 indicates that only in humans ubiquinone works with 10 isoprene units, so to speak, 10-valent. Ubiquinone is translated from Latin as “omnipresent.”

The enzyme is synthesized in the body with the participation of mevalonic acid and derivatives of tyrosine and phenylalanine. A wonderful antioxidant and powerful immunomodulator. Inhibits cell aging through energy production and oxygen supply.

Did you know? Active study of the enzyme and its effect on human health began only in the second half of the twentieth century. In 1978, American scientist Peter Mitchell received the Nobel Prize for studying coenzyme and its properties. And already closer to the 2000s, a whole International Center on the study of "vitamin".

The highest concentration is in the cells of muscles, liver, kidneys and heart vascular system. Since they are the hardest workers in our body, they bear the main burden of providing energy and cleansing the entire body. In the body young man it is produced normally by default, ensuring its regular restart. When the body begins to experience disruptions in the natural biosynthesis process or genetic disorders (due to past diseases), it needs to be replenished. Well, in force age-related changes its deficit will be at least 30% by the age of 40, and more than 50% by the age of 60.

About the benefits and harm

Since the heart and cardiovascular system urgently need coenzyme Q10, its role is difficult to overestimate. The heart is a muscle tissue that works even when the rest of the body is at rest.

You can identify a group of people who especially need to monitor the presence of a sufficient amount of the enzyme:

  • people engaged in heavy physical labor, as goes big consumption and requires regular replenishment;
  • people in stressful situation, for example, students during a session;
  • in a state of any level of illness, from colds to major operations. It has been noticed that those taking CoQ10 recover faster after interventions and tolerate them more easily;
  • hypertensive patients and people with cardiac problems need enhanced support for the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • people suffering from osteoporosis and atherosclerosis;
  • people with positive HIV and AIDS results;
  • over 40 years of age, the deficiency is already difficult to compensate for through proper nutrition, it is necessary to include complexes containing ubiquinone.

The undoubted benefit of the enzyme is in the energy regulation of the body, in the fact that under its influence other enzymes begin to work even more productively. Its deficiency provokes dystrophy of the muscular system, problems of periodontal disease, diseases of the hormonal and endocrine regulation systems.

Important! Due to the peculiarities of hormonal regulation, the female body needs CoQ10 more than the male body.

Why is it useful?

The enzyme is a preventive measure for cardiology problems. It should be especially noted that in the case of already existing disease, it significantly alleviates its course and the patient’s condition. All diseases of the cardiovascular system are characterized by deterioration of blood circulation and congestive manifestations of the vascular system, thrombosis. Coenzyme Q10 thins the blood, it is more easily filled with oxygen and nourishes all tissues and the heart muscle in particular.

  1. The results confirmed the ability of the enzyme to regulate blood pressure during hyper- and hypotension.
  2. An increased dose of CoQ10 shortens the recovery time after an ischemic stroke.
  3. The use of ubiquinone shortens the recovery period and significantly eliminates the risk of relapse and complications during a heart attack.

We have already said that coenzyme stimulates energy production in the cell by converting fat into energy. This improves blood lipid composition, glucose levels, blood properties and blood flow in the myocardium.

At the level of the body as a whole, this is expressed in improved respiratory function, reproductive functions. Thus, it enhances the key functions of the body and prevents diseases such as:
  • heart disease;
  • multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease;
  • arrhythmia;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • periodontal disease;
  • allergy;
  • hypotension;
  • hypertension.

Did you know? Even some experts believe that ubiquinone and coenzyme Q10 are synonyms. Not really. Three main reactions occur in the body that convert components one into another. Reaction 1: mevalonic acid + reagent (tyrosine, vitamins) = synthesis of Q10. The next two reactions produce reduced and oxidized forms of the starting material. Reaction 2: Q10 + reduction = ubiquinone (reduced form of Q10). Reaction 3: ubiquinone + oxygen = Q10 (oxidized form).

Possible harm

In principle, adverse reactions he has few, insomnia, heartburn, allergic skin manifestations and short-term gastrointestinal disorders are more common. But there are specifics to taking it for certain diseases.
Therefore, it is necessary to undergo an examination and, in consultation with a doctor, determine the daily dose of the enzyme you need if you have:

  • peptic ulcer;
  • acute glomerulonephritis (renal pathology, expressed in damage to the tissue of the renal glomeruli);
  • oncology;
  • problems in cardiology;
  • bradycardia, or heart rate (heart rate), is below normal, less than 50 beats per minute.
The main rule in medicine is to do no harm. The enzyme is not medicine, but self-medication is not an option; you still need to consult with your doctor.

Where is it contained?

The daily dose of coenzyme Q10 for the average person is 30-50 ml per day. If illness overcomes, the dose is doubled. If you do heavy physical work or have increased loads in the gym, we increase the daily norm by 4-5 times. For people with multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease daily dose equal to 1500 ml per day.

In youth, the enzyme is synthesized in the body in the full required volume. After 30 years, it is necessary to specifically plan your diet, taking into account products and catalysts for synthesis, and perhaps take them additionally.
During pregnancy, taking coenzyme does not cause any harm to either mothers or babies, but large-scale comprehensive research have not yet been carried out, therefore, when deciding on an appointment, answer yourself the question: what problem do you want to prevent or solve, and be sure to consult with your doctor.

After 40 you need to regularly take coenzyme-containing complexes, because due to age-related changes, even with proper nutrition, the body is not able to absorb or synthesize the required amount. We already need a regular source from outside.

In products

Coenzyme is contained in products, but let's not forget that at the stage of storage and heat treatment of products we already lose the lion's share useful substances.

The substance is found in red palm oil, there is a lot of it in fried peanuts, and fried beef and in general in fatty meats, pickled herring. But such a “fried” diet is not suitable for everyone. Including meat in your diet - lamb, rabbit (especially offal), beef and chicken, fatty fish and especially fish liver, for example, sardines and mackerel, cod, eggs, spinach, soybeans and brown rice, whole grain bread and bran, fruit and vegetables, we will get a maximum of about 15 mg of enzyme. This is not enough.
Yes, if our body has vitamins A, E and tyrosine, it synthesizes the enzyme itself, but if there is a deficiency of them in the body, then they will not cover the lack of CoQ10. Therefore, it is logical that sooner or later you need to choose drugs containing ubiquinone and additionally maintain your health. Because its deficiency leads to diseases and pathologies, which can then hardly be solved by taking only coenzyme.

Ready solutions

The enzyme coenzyme Q10 is a fat-soluble “vitamin”. Therefore, manufacturers most often produce it in capsules that already contain a fatty component, and, as a rule, it plant origin. There is also a release form in the form of drops, powders, tablets and chewable lozenges; you will definitely need to snack on them with something fatty. There are offers that also include vitamins and microelements, for example, iron.

Important! Basically, the enzyme is available in a fat-soluble format; if you take statins - drugs that lower blood cholesterol levels, then the effect of a dietary supplement with coenzyme Q10 is negated. Since they also reduce the amount of coenzyme in the body. Hence the side effects from taking statins. But you can’t give them up: statins reduce the risk of cardiac relapse by 35-45%. To correct the situation, it is necessary to increase the dose of coenzyme Q10 to 200 mg per day.

The main form of release is gelatin capsules. Of course, it is best to purchase them in pharmacies. Let's consider several options that have already proven themselves in the pharmaceutical market.

Did you know? Ubiquinol has a direct therapeutic effect on the human body. But it is a chemically unstable element, so ubiquinone is included in the complexes, and when it enters the body, it turns into the active form ubiquinol.

Features of application

All the features of the application are related to the fact that the discovery of the benefits and properties of the coenzyme is a relatively young direction, and all its pros and cons have not yet been fully tested and studied.

And if in America they are already actively publishing materials and research results on the drug, our doctors are just beginning to learn about it and try to use it in their practice. The pioneers are most often physicians who combine traditional and alternative medicine.

In medicine

We have already touched on the target group of the drug and its side effects. In fact, life does not stand still, and there are already more full information in main directions. After a mountain of shoveled material, the second association with the word coenzyme is cardio.
Therefore, we will consider the main nuances of use in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Over the past 20 years, dozens of studies have been conducted on thousands of patients with different problems and degrees of heart disease.

After diagnosis, as part of a therapeutic complex, some patients showed striking improvement general condition heart, its functionality and size. In more severe stages of the disease, the condition of the patients also obviously improved, but 100% recovery was not recorded.

Important!A general rule of thumb, developed by practice: to avoid nausea as a side effect, if your daily dose of coenzyme Q10 exceeds 100 mg, divide it into 2-3 times.

No convincing arguments in favor of the coenzyme in the treatment of heart failure have been recorded. But a direct threat of disease has been identified due to low levels of coenzyme Q10. The largest studies were carried out in Italy in 1994. 2664 patients took part. For three months of taking the coenzyme in complex treatment returned to normal:

  • cyanosis in 78.1%;
  • swelling in 78.6%;
  • subjective feelings of patients with arrhythmia 63.4%;
  • insomnia in 66.28%;
  • dizziness in 73.1%.

Studies of patients with coronary heart disease have so far been conducted in small groups. Two groups of +/- 70 people. In one, a coenzyme was included in the treatment complex, in the second, a placebo. In addition to almost 2-fold improved post-rehabilitation results, the first group recorded no side effects. And, most likely, a mechanism for the positive work of Q10 in preventing the development of long QT syndrome (most often leading to death) has been obtained.
Steps have also been taken to study the specific effects of Q10 on patients with arterial hypertension. The research was considered unreliable because the group consisted of 12 people. Positive indicators are still recorded, and suggestions are made that coenzyme Q10 has potential as a blood pressure lowering agent.

But before the official recognition of the results of all research in medicine, the effectiveness of the enzyme was unanimously recognized within the framework of complex therapy previously mentioned diseases. And the effectiveness as an independent drug is still at the stage of proving. And this is an axiom.

Important! Doctors who claim that coenzyme is useless in cardiotherapy do not keep track of news in their profession and are dully stuck in the 90s of the 20th century. Perhaps you need to consult with several doctors and independently choose whose advice to listen to.

In cosmetology

A beautiful person is, first of all, a healthy person. If even every 10th woman had perfect skin, the cosmetology industry would go bankrupt. Skin is the main marker of well-grooming, age, our lifestyle and nutrition, availability bad habits. She takes the brunt of the blow both from the outside and from inside. One of the main enemies from the inside for the skin is free radicals, which do not have time to neutralize antioxidants.
In cosmetology, the use of Q10 is more widely advertised. It is included in cosmetic products for skin and hair. Ideally, combine this with taking a coenzyme-containing complex. Then comes complex therapy for the skin and the body as a whole and external support from the influence of aggressive factors. You can also add a few drops of enzyme to your day cream and hair product yourself. It will significantly enhance their effect.

The enzyme compound in cosmetic products works at the cellular level. Improves mitochondrial function. Improves cell elasticity, protects against overdrying, and retains such important hyaluronic acid. This significantly reduces the depth and number of wrinkles. And vitamin E is beneficial both for the body as a whole and for the skin, and as a bonus it enhances the effectiveness of the coenzyme.

During training

In sports, the use of coenzyme also has its pros and cons. There just isn't a lot of information on these pros that is publicly available, otherwise Q10 supplement companies wouldn't be making tens of millions of dollars a year.

So, what will an experienced trainer tell you and what will a pharmacist remain silent about?

The coenzyme is normally synthesized in the cell during reactions with mevalonic acid. That is, normally our body heals itself (subject to proper nutrition).

Did you know?In Japan, where productive employees are highly valued, you may not even be hired if you do not support your body by taking CoQ10 supplements.

The drug is vital for the cardiovascular system. But the field is relatively young, clinical studies are not 100% confirmed and are subject to serious and justified criticism, since most of them are sponsored by interested parties.

If you do strength sports, you use an anaerobic method of energy recovery, that is, without oxygen, such as lifting weights. If you overdose on CoQ10, metabolism in the mitochondria is activated. As a result, this will lead to the fact that muscle fibers switch to the aerobic method of glucose oxidation instead of the anaerobic one needed for strength. In general, this is not bad for an athlete. At the cellular level, this will be expressed in the degradation of part of the muscle protein, a decrease in cell size and a drop in its strength indicators. What a bodybuilder needs, but not a bodybuilder.

The benefit of drugs with coenzyme is their ability to restore ubiquinone. And thereby balance energy exchange processes in the body. Ubiquinone deficiency in the body increases with age. And it is expressed in the aging process. Compensate for the shortfall and delay old age.
The antioxidant properties of coenzyme are unique. To understand what is unique about the coenzyme, let’s look at the essence of the harm caused by free radicals. The substance contains an unpaired electron. To become full-fledged, it, moving freely, looks for someone to take another electron from and complete itself. And it takes it away from the cell membrane, thereby destroying it. Nature has provided for this, and vitamins in our body work as antioxidants. Especially vitamin E. They, taking this free electron, are destroyed and neutralized.

But coenzyme works on a different principle. It freely accepts an unpaired electron, neutralizing it, and does not destroy itself. By realizing its antioxidant function, it preserves itself and retains its properties. That is, acting as a “hunter of the hunter” by blocking oxidation and maintaining its antioxidant function, ubiquinone prevents the breakdown of intracellular protein. And the more protein is retained after training, the better.

Paracelsus said a wonderful phrase: everything in the world is poison, and everything is medicine, the main thing is the norm! Do not exceed any physiological norm vitamin-like enzyme. It has its own specifics of administration, side effects and medicinal properties. There is already a lot of groundwork, and experience continues to be accumulated. But this is not a magic pill “for all diseases.” It is better to carry out prevention than to treat existing diseases. An integrated systematic approach to an issue will always be more effective than single “shots”.

    Coenzyme Q10 is a substance that is produced by human cells and supports its vital functions. Its deficiency is fraught with the development of serious pathologies. In this case, it becomes useful to saturate the body with nutrients from the outside, from biologically active additives and food products.

    Therapy with such means increases endurance, slows down the processes of decay and aging, helps in the fight against AIDS, cancer, cardiovascular and many other pathologies.

    What is ubiquinone and what are its properties?

    Ubiquinone is an oxidized form of a coenzyme found in mitochondria, which are the respiratory and energy center of every cell in the body. It promotes the production of energy in them in the form of ATP, and participates in the electron transport chain at the cellular level.

    In general, ubiquinone performs the following actions:

    • antioxidant – neutralizes free radicals and bad cholesterol, slows down the aging process;
    • antihypoxic – the effect is to improve oxygen circulation in the body;
    • angioprotective – strengthening and restoration of vascular walls, normalization of blood flow;
    • regenerating – restoration of cell membranes and acceleration of injury healing;
    • immunomodulatory – regulation of the functioning of the immune system.

    The history of the use of the nutrient dates back to 1955-1957, when it was first studied with the definition chemical structure. Ubiquinone received this name because of its ubiquitarity, that is, its ubiquity. At the same time, the development of drugs based on it began, which were used in practice in 1965 for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

    Ubiquinone combines well with other substances that affect mitochondria. It is responsible for the production of energy, the processing of which involves carnitine and thioctic acid, and creatine promotes its release. In this regard, the enzyme is used for the following purposes:

    • stabilization of the cardiovascular system;
    • slowing down the course of Parkinson's or Alzheimer's disorders;
    • planning training or long-term exercise;
    • therapy for gum diseases;
    • prevention of cancer;
    • support for immune pathologies.

    The sources of saturation of the body with coenzyme are: food products How fatty fish, some meats and organ meats, whole grains, rice, soybeans, eggs and greens. At the same time, it is worth balancing the diet for their parallel intake in order to avoid a deficiency or excess of nutrients, otherwise there is a risk of incomplete absorption of ubiquinone.

    Mechanism of action

    The role of coenzyme Q10 is to trigger a series of chemical reactions that accelerate the breakdown of food and its conversion into energy.

    The description of the mechanism of action begins with the synthesis of ubiquinone, which is formed in cells from mevalonic acid, metabolic products of phenylalanine and tyrosine. It participates in transport and energy processes, capturing protons and electrons from complexes I and II of the respiratory chain. So it is reduced to ubiquinol, more active substance with increased bioavailability and penetrating ability.

    The resulting element transfers 2 electrons to complex III of the respiratory chain, participating in the formation of adenosine triphosphoric acid (ATP) in mitochondrial membranes. It directly affects free radicals, providing an antioxidant effect on cell-damaging elements.

    Impact on life expectancy

    The ability to synthesize ubiquinone is highest in at a young age and if there is a sufficient amount of vitamins A, C, group B and the aromatic amino acid tyrosine in the body.

    Over the years, its amount rapidly decreases, and the risk of diseases increases, among which the most common are the following:

    • fibromyalgia is a chronic musculoskeletal pathology;
    • cardiovascular diseases and their complications, such as post-infarction syndrome;
    • genetic disorder Prader-Willi in newborns;
    • parkinsonism, accompanied by slowness, unsteadiness of gait and hand tremors;
    • infertility in men;
    • depression, frequent migraines, etc.

    A coenzyme Q supplement may be prescribed to prevent such pathologies or treat existing problems. Despite the fact that it does not prolong life, the nutrient provides a good anti-aging effect, maintaining human health.

    Effect on the body

    Being a fat-soluble coenzyme, coenzyme is easily absorbed by tissues and organs when it enters them from the outside. Its functions are similar to vitamin compounds, which is why it is called a pseudovitamin or vitamin Q10. IN maximum quantity found in organs that incur the greatest energy costs, such as the heart, kidneys and liver.

    Additional nutrient intake triggers the following processes:

    • increases endurance in athletes;
    • improves physical activity in old age;
    • reduces dopamine loss, partially preserving reflex functions in Parkinson's disease;
    • strengthens tissues and prevents the destructive effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin, improves its elasticity and regeneration;
    • reduces damage to the heart muscle and increases the lifespan of other organs;
    • by dilating blood vessels, lowers blood pressure and increases blood flow if it is obstructed;
    • increases the ratio of insulin and proinsulin, reduces the amount of glycohemoglobin in the blood, reducing the risk of diabetes complications;
    • increases protein activity in muscle tissue, reducing fatigue and increasing endurance during intense contractions.

    Coenzyme in sports

    Coenzyme Q10, produced in the form of a dietary supplement, is often used by athletes to improve the quality and duration of training, as well as eliminate the effects of physical activity. The dietary supplement reduces hypoxic tissue damage caused by a lack of oxygen. This property is especially important when performing anaerobic training and climbing to high altitudes.

    The daily dose of the drug is 90-120 mg. For bodybuilding purposes, it is optimal to use about 100 mg in combination with vitamins C and E. This will serve as an additional energy source.

    Indications for use

    Indications for the use of ubiquinone may include:

    • excessive physical or mental stress;
    • stressful situations, psychological pressure;
    • high or low blood pressure;
    • carrying out chemotherapy and surgery;
    • infectious diseases that reduce immunity;
    • immunodeficiency due to HIV and AIDS;
    • risk of post-infarction syndrome and exacerbations after stroke;
    • elevated blood cholesterol levels;
    • prevention of infertility in men;
    • pathologies of the respiratory system;
    • bleeding gums, periodontal disease, stomatitis;
    • diabetes mellitus;
    • arrhythmia, angina pectoris and other problems in the field of cardiology.

    The duration of administration and dosage are determined individually with the assistance of specialists.


    Contraindications to the use of coenzyme are:

    • complication of peptic ulcer;
    • acute glomerulonephritis;
    • decreased heart rate (less than 50 beats per minute);
    • individual sensitivity to components;
    • pregnancy and age up to 12 years.

    The risk zone also includes patients with oncological, cardiac and renal diseases. If available, taking the supplement should be discussed with your doctor.

    Release forms and method of application

    Ubiquinone is produced in the form of dietary supplements, having different release forms and many analogues from different manufacturers:

    • gelatin capsules with a liquid middle that is easily absorbed by the body (Doppelgertsaktiv, Forte, Omeganol, Kaneka);
    • tablets with potassium, magnesium and other substances (Coenzyme Q10, Capilar cardio);
    • chewable vitamin lozenges (from Kirkman);
    • drops for adding to drinks that are better to be consumed fatty foods(Kudesan);
    • solution for intramuscular injection(Coenzyme Compositum).

    In general, the body requires from 50 to 200 mg of coenzyme per day in the absence serious illnesses. Directions for use: once a day, with meals, as it is a fat-soluble substance.

    For therapeutic purposes, the dose is increased only by a specialist based on an examination and a complete history of the pathology. For example, in Parkinson's disease daily requirement will increase several times.

    Pros and cons

    Among the positive aspects of Q10:

    • tangible improvement in the condition of patients with cardiovascular diseases;
    • Possibility of use for prevention and without a prescription;
    • complex effect on all organ systems;
    • acceleration of postoperative rehabilitation;
    • slowing down the growth of cancerous tumors;
    • increased endurance and decreased fatigue;
    • safety of use if recommendations are followed.

    Negative effects only occur if directions are not followed. The drug does not have a toxic effect on the body, being a natural supplement. But it is best absorbed when daily consumption no more than 500 mg in complex therapy of the disease. Exceeding the dose leads to digestive upset, but does not have other pronounced side effects, even with long-term use. In some cases, excessive dosages can cause acceleration of the aging process, sleep disturbances, or dermatological skin rashes.


    According to the instructions, coenzyme is taken to prevent and slow down the course of many serious diseases, such as cancer, heart attack, and stroke. In addition, it is effective for improving the condition and maintaining the overall tone of the body.

    The need for a dietary supplement is determined by a decrease in enzyme production with age after 20 years. Under the supervision of a qualified physician, dietary supplements can be used on an ongoing basis, if not side effects or contraindications.

    Latest Research

    According to scientific experiments, which were initially carried out on mice, a relationship was identified between the level of coenzymes and the amount and composition of food. If calorie intake is limited, the number of Q9 and Q10 increases in skeletal muscles and kidneys, while only Q9 decreases in cardiac tissue.

    IN modern conditions In Italy, an experiment was conducted among patients with cardiovascular diseases. Of the 2.5 thousand subjects, some patients took the dietary supplement in combination with other drugs of primary therapy. As a result, improvements were noticed not only in general well-being, but also in the condition of the skin and hair, and problems with sleep disappeared. People noted an increase in tone and performance, the disappearance of shortness of breath and other unpleasant symptoms.

Coenzyme Q10 is a substance that is involved in energy production and is also an antioxidant. It helps against cardiovascular disease because it improves energy production in the heart muscle tissue, prevents the formation of blood clots and provides protection against damaging free radicals. This remedy is also taken for rejuvenation and increased energy.

Coenzyme Q10 - effective remedy for hypertension, heart problems, chronic fatigue

Coenzyme Q10 is also called ubiquinone, which translates to “ubiquitous.” It was named so because this substance is present in every cell. Ubiquinone is produced in the human body, but its production declines with age, even in healthy people. Perhaps this is one of the reasons for aging. Find out how to treat hypertension, heart failure and chronic fatigue with this remedy. Read about skin creams containing CoQ10 that are available in the beauty industry.

Instructions for use

Pharmacological action Cardiotonic drug of non-glycoside structure. Coenzyme Q10 - natural substance, a vitamin-like coenzyme. Participates in the oxidative phosphorylation reaction in the respiratory chain of cell mitochondria. Has a clinically significant antioxidant effect. Reduces the area of ​​myocardial damage under conditions of ischemia and reperfusion. Prevents prolongation of the QT interval, improves exercise tolerance.
Indications for use
  • complex therapy of coronary heart disease, chronic heart failure, arterial hypertension;
  • prevention and replenishment of coenzyme Q10 deficiency in the body;
  • improving adaptation to increased physical activity in athletes.
Dosage Read in detail about the dosages of coenzyme Q10 for the treatment of various diseases. General recommendation— take this supplement at 2 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day. At cardiovascular diseases You can take more - 4-6 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day. Divide the daily dose into 2-3 doses. It is advisable to take capsules after meals.
Side effects Most people tolerate CoQ-10 well. Rare side effects include stomach upset, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Also possible allergic reaction- skin rash. If side effects occur, divide the total daily dose into 2-3 doses.
  • heavy arterial hypotension(BP less than 90/60 mm Hg);
  • acute glomerulonephritis;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute phase;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
Pregnancy and breastfeeding Cases have been described in which women took coenzyme Q10 from the 20th week of pregnancy until childbirth, without harm to the fetus. However, there is insufficient data on treatment with this drug during breastfeeding. Therefore, it is not recommended to prescribe during pregnancy and lactation.
Drug interactions Potentiates (strengthens) pharmacological effects cardiotonic and antianginal drugs. Taking this medicine along with hypertension pills may cause your blood pressure to drop too low. If a patient is taking warfarin to thin the blood, CoQ10 may reduce its effectiveness and increase the risk of blood clots.
Release form Capsules, chewable tablets, drops
Storage conditions and periods The drug should be stored out of the reach of children, in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Expiration date - as indicated on the package.
Compound The active ingredient is coenzyme Q10 (ubidecarenone, ubiquinone). Excipients - vegetable oil, soy lecithin, gelatin, glycerin and others.

What are the benefits of coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 was discovered in the 1970s and began to be widely used in the West in the 1990s. The famous US doctor Stephen Sinatra often repeats that without coenzyme Q10 it is generally impossible to practice cardiology. This doctor became famous for combining the methods of official and alternative medicine in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Thanks to this approach, his patients live longer and feel better.

Heart failure It is assumed that one of the causes of heart failure is a deficiency of coenzyme Q10 in the body. It is not surprising that this supplement works well for patients. It increases exercise tolerance and reduces swelling in the legs and lungs. It becomes easier to breathe. Take dietary supplements in high doses in addition to standard treatment, but not instead of it.
Hypertension Taking Coenzyme Q10 slightly lowers blood pressure. The effect does not appear immediately, but after 4-12 weeks. All this time you need to patiently take the supplement and not quit. It improves the effectiveness of standard hypertension medications prescribed by your doctor. Read also the article ““.
Prevention of recurrent heart attack After a heart attack, it is advisable to start taking coenzyme Q10 no later than 3 days later. This will reduce the likelihood of another heart attack and sudden death. Chest pain will decrease, recovery will go faster. Read also the article ““. All actions described in it must be performed in addition to the treatment prescribed by the doctor, and not instead of it.
Neutralizing the side effects of statins Statins are medications that lower the level of “bad” cholesterol. Unfortunately, they often cause side effects - fatigue, memory problems. The reason for the deterioration in the well-being of patients is that statins lower the level of coenzyme Q10 in the blood. Read on to learn how to reduce the side effects of these medications or even eliminate them altogether.
Heart surgery If bypass surgery or heart transplantation is planned, it is advisable for the patient to start taking coenzyme Q10 in advance. This improves the prognosis and reduces the risk of arrhythmia during the recovery period after surgery. Discuss with your doctor, do not take it without permission! CoQ10 can be started, but fish oil will likely need to be discontinued to reduce the risk of bleeding.
Gum diseases If you are concerned about redness, inflammation, or bleeding gums, try taking CoQ10 in addition to standard treatment. Perhaps this will speed up recovery and restoration of affected tissues. The effectiveness of coenzyme Q10 in the treatment of gum disease has not been officially proven. More large-scale research is needed on this issue.

Dozens of articles about therapeutic effect coenzyme Q10. In Russian-speaking countries, doctors are just beginning to learn about this remedy. It is still rare for a cardiologist or therapist to prescribe coenzyme Q10 to any patient. This supplement is taken mainly by people interested in alternative medicine. The website works so that as many residents of the CIS countries as possible know about it.

  • — with hawthorn extract
  • Japanese Coenzyme Q10, packaged Doctors’ Best - best price/quality ratio
  • — Japanese product, best quality

How to order Coenzyme Q10 from the USA

Cardiovascular diseases

Coenzyme Q10 is useful to take for the following diseases and clinical situations:

  • angina pectoris;
  • coronary atherosclerosis;
  • heart failure;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • heart attack prevention;
  • recovery after a heart attack;
  • recovery after surgery coronary vessels or heart transplantation.

Read more about the treatment of cardiovascular diseases:

In 2013, the results of a large-scale study of the effectiveness of coenzyme Q10 in congestive heart failure were presented. This study, called Q-SYMBIO, began back in 2003. It involved 420 patients from 8 countries. All these people suffered from heart failure of functional class III-IV.

202 patients, in addition to standard treatment, took coenzyme Q10 100 mg 3 times a day. Another 212 people made up the control group. They took placebo capsules that looked just like the real supplement. In both groups, the patients had the same average age (62 years) and other significant parameters. Thus, the study was double-blind, placebo-controlled - according to the strictest rules. Doctors observed each patient for 2 years. Below are the results obtained.

However, this study is criticized by opponents because it was sponsored by interested organizations:

  • Kaneka is the largest Japanese manufacturer of coenzyme Q10;
  • Pharma Nord is a European company that packages coenzyme Q10 in capsules and sells to end consumers;
  • International Coenzyme Q10 Association.

However, the opponents were unable to challenge the results, no matter how hard they tried. The results of the Q-SYMBIO study were formally published in the December 2014 issue of the Journal of Heart Failure of the American College of Cardiology (JACC Heart Failure). The authors concluded: long-term therapy with coenzyme Q10 in patients suffering from chronic heart failure is safe and, most importantly, effective.

Coenzyme Q10 for heart failure: proven effectiveness

The data above applies only to patients with heart failure. However, enough information has already accumulated about the effectiveness of coenzyme Q10 also in other cardiovascular diseases. Leading doctors have been prescribing it to their patients since the 1990s.

Arterial hypertension

Coenzyme Q10 moderately lowers blood pressure and complements medications prescribed by a doctor. There have been about 20 trials conducted on the effectiveness of this supplement for hypertension. Unfortunately, too few patients were included in all studies. According to various sources, Q10 lowers blood pressure by 4-17 mmHg. Art. This supplement appears to be effective for 55-65% of patients suffering from hypertension.

Increased blood pressure creates excessive load on the heart muscle, increases the risk of heart attack and stroke, as well as renal failure and vision problems. Pay attention to the treatment of hypertension. CoQ10 is not a primary treatment for this condition, but it may still be helpful. It even helps older people suffering from isolated systolic hypertension, for whom it is especially difficult for doctors to select effective medications.

Plants that help against hypertension:

Neutralizing the side effects of statins

Statins are medications that millions of people take to lower their blood cholesterol. Unfortunately, these drugs not only lower cholesterol, but also deplete the body's reserves of coenzyme Q10. This explains most of the side effects that statins cause. People taking these pills often complain of weakness, fatigue, muscle pain, and memory loss.

Several studies have been conducted to determine the association of statin use with blood and tissue concentrations of coenzyme Q10. The results were contradictory. However, millions of people in the West take CoQ10 supplements to counteract the side effects of statins. And it seems that they are doing this for good reason.

Statins are sold for $29 billion a year worldwide, of which $10 billion is sold in the United States. This is a significant amount, and almost all of it is pure profit. Pharmaceutical companies generously share the money they receive with regulatory authorities and opinion leaders among doctors. Therefore, the official incidence of side effects of statins is considered many times lower than it actually is.

The above does not mean that you need to stop taking statins. Patients who have high cardiovascular risk, these drugs reduce the risk of first and second heart attack by 35-45%. Thus, they extend life by several years. No other medicines or supplements can give the same good results. However, it would be wise to take 200 mg of CoQ10 per day to counteract the side effects.

Read more about cholesterol medications:

Diabetes mellitus

Patients with diabetes experience increased oxidative stress and their cellular energy production is often impaired. Therefore, it was assumed that CoQ10 could help them significantly. However, studies have found that this drug does not improve blood sugar control or reduce the need for insulin.

Clinical trials were conducted with the participation of patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. For both of these categories of patients the result was negative. Fasting and postprandial blood sugar levels, glycated hemoglobin, and “bad” and “good” cholesterol did not improve. However, people with diabetes can take CoQ10 to treat cardiovascular disease, in addition to standard therapy.

Read also:

Chronic fatigue, rejuvenation

It is assumed that one of the causes of aging is damage to cellular structures by free radicals. These are destructive molecules. They cause harm if antioxidants do not have time to neutralize them. Free radicals are byproducts of energy production reactions (ATP synthesis) in cellular mitochondria. If there are not enough antioxidants, then free radicals destroy mitochondria over time, and there are fewer of these “factories” that provide energy in cells.

Coenzyme Q10 is involved in ATP synthesis and is also an antioxidant. The level of this substance in tissues decreases with age even in healthy people, and even more so in patients. Scientists have long been interested in whether taking coenzyme Q10 can slow down aging. Studies in rats and mice have produced conflicting results. Clinical trials have not yet been performed on humans. However, hundreds of thousands of people in Western countries take Q10 supplements for anti-aging benefits. This remedy gives vigor to people in middle and old age. But whether it increases life expectancy is not yet known.

Skin creams containing Coenzyme Q10 are advertised at every turn. However, it is wise to be skeptical about them. They certainly can't make a 50-year-old woman look younger enough to look like a 30-year-old. Cosmetic products that give such a magical effect do not yet exist.

In theory, Q10 is an effective anti-aging agent. The content of this substance in skin cells decreases with age. In older people it is often below normal. In conditions of coenzyme Q10 deficiency, the production of collagen, elastin and other important substances decreases. Skin left unprotected is damaged by free radicals. Q10 may stimulate recovery skin. It is a small molecule that easily penetrates skin cells.

Cosmetic companies are constantly trying to introduce new products to the market. Thanks to this, many skin creams containing coenzyme Q10 have appeared in stores. However, there is no exact information on how effective they are. The advertising probably greatly exaggerates their capabilities.

Samples of skin cream containing Coenzyme Q10

In 1999, an article was published in a serious journal confirming that applying CoQ10 to the skin helps smooth out “crow's feet” - wrinkles around the eyes. However, it is not known whether popular creams contain enough of this substance to achieve a real effect.

In 2004, another article was published - nutritional supplements containing coenzyme Q10 at a dosage of 60 mg per day improve skin condition no worse than cosmetic products. The area of ​​skin around the eyes affected by wrinkles decreased by an average of 33%, the volume of wrinkles by 38%, and the depth by 7%. The effect became noticeable after 2 weeks of taking capsules with coenzyme Q10. However, only 8 female volunteers participated in the study. The small number of participants makes the result not convincing for specialists.

Women know thousands of cosmetics that initially promised a lot in theory, but later turned out to be not very effective in practice. Coenzyme Q10 probably falls into this category. However, for your health, vigor and longevity, taking it can be really useful. Try it also to improve the condition of your skin and nails.

Which coenzyme Q10 is better

There are dozens of supplements and medications on the market whose active ingredient is coenzyme Q10. Most consumers want to choose the best option in terms of price and quality. There are also people who strive to accept the most the best remedy, despite its inflated price. The information below will help you make your choice.

Need to figure it out:

  • what is the difference between ubiquinone and ubiquinol;
  • the problem of coenzyme Q10 absorption and how to solve it.

Ubiquinone (also called ubidecarenone) is a form of CoQ10 found in most supplements, as well as Kudesan tablets and drops. In the human body, it turns into its active form - ubiquinol, which has a therapeutic effect. Why not use ubiquinol directly in medications and supplements? Because it is chemically unstable. However, the problem of stabilizing ubiquinol was solved in 2007. Since then, supplements containing this remedy have appeared.

  • Ubiquinol from Healthy Origins - 60 capsules, 100 mg each
  • Japanese ubiquinol from Doctor’s Best – 90 capsules, 50 mg each
  • Ubiquinol from Jarrow Formulas - 60 capsules, 100 mg, manufactured by Kaneka, Japan

How to order ubiquinol from the USA on iHerb - or . Instructions in Russian.

Manufacturers claim that ubiquinol is absorbed better than the good old coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone) and provides a more stable concentration of the active substance in the blood. Ubiquinol is especially recommended for people over 40 years of age. It is assumed that with age, the conversion of ubiquinone to ubiquinol in the body worsens. However, this is a controversial statement. Most manufacturers continue to produce supplements whose active ingredient is ubiquinone. Moreover, consumers are very satisfied with these products.

Supplements containing ubiquinol are 1.5-4 times more expensive than those whose active ingredient is ubiquinone. How much better they help - there is no generally accepted opinion on this. ConsumerLab.Com provides independent testing food additives. It takes money not from manufacturers, but from consumers for access to the results of its tests. Experts working in this organization believe that the miraculous capabilities of ubiquinol compared to ubiquinone are greatly exaggerated.

Perhaps the dosage of coenzyme Q10 can be reduced slightly by switching from ubiquinone to ubiquinol, and the effect will remain the same. But this advantage does not matter due to the difference in the price of additives. It is important that the problem of absorption (assimilation) remains for ubiquinol, as well as for ubiquinone.

The coenzyme Q10 molecule has a large diameter and is therefore difficult to absorb into gastrointestinal tract. If the active substance is not absorbed and is immediately excreted through the intestines, then there will be no benefit from taking the supplement. Manufacturers are trying to increase absorption and solve this problem in different ways. Typically, Coenzyme Q10 capsules are dissolved in olive, soybean or safflower oil to improve absorption. And Doctor's Best uses a proprietary black pepper extract.

There is no exact data on what solution to the problem of coenzyme Q10 absorption is optimal. Otherwise, most supplement manufacturers would use it, and not each invent their own. You need to focus on consumer reviews. Good supplements containing coenzyme Q10 make a person more alert. This effect is felt after 4-8 weeks of use or sooner. Some consumers confirm it in their reviews, while others write that there is no point. Based on the ratio of positive and negative reviews, reliable conclusions can be drawn about the quality of the supplement.

Coenzyme Q10 will have a healing and rejuvenating effect if taken in a dosage of at least 2 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day. In case of severe heart failure, you can and should take more. In clinical studies, patients were given 600-3000 mg of this drug per day, and there were no harmful side effects.

In Russian-speaking countries, the medicine Kudesan, whose active ingredient is coenzyme Q10, is popular. However, all Kudesan tablets and drops contain negligible doses of ubiquinone. If you want to take the recommended daily dose for your body weight, a bottle of drops or a pack of Kudesan tablets will only last for a few days.

Dosages - details

Should be taken after meals with water. It is advisable for the food to contain fat, even if the packaging of coenzyme Q10 states that it is water soluble.

If your daily dose exceeds 100 mg, divide it into 2-3 doses.


After reading the article, you have learned everything you need to know about Coenzyme Q10. Young healthy people It hardly makes sense to accept it. However, with age, the level of this substance in tissues decreases, but the need for it does not. Official clinical trials There was no effect of coenzyme Q10 on life expectancy. However, hundreds of thousands of middle-aged and elderly people take it for vigor and rejuvenation. As a rule, they are satisfied with the results.

Coenzyme Q10 is an indispensable remedy for cardiovascular diseases. Take it in addition to any medications your doctor prescribes. Also follow the steps described in the article ““. If a doctor claims that coenzyme Q10 is useless, it means that he does not follow professional news and is stuck in the 1990s. Decide for yourself whether to use his advice or look for another specialist.

To neutralize the side effects of statins, you need to take coenzyme Q10 at a dosage of at least 200 mg per day. To improve heart function, it is advisable to take ubiquinone or ubiquinol along with L-carnitine. These supplements complement each other.

(10 ratings, average: 4,10 out of 5)

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The author of the material is Samoletova Danaya Yakovlevna, endocrinologist and therapist, candidate of medical sciences. Has more than 10 years of experience working with patients. Find out how to get an appointment with her (Ufa, Russian Federation) or get a consultation via the Internet. Do not take strong medications on your own initiative. It's dangerous! Do not try to replace the treatment prescribed by your doctor by taking dietary supplements.

  1. Catherine

    I am 67 years old, height 164 cm, weight 86 kg. I have been taking 30-33 mg of coenzyme Q10 doppelhertz active since May 2015, with short breaks, to improve energy processes in the body. I suffer from hypertension - blood pressure is 180/100. I knock it down mainly with enalapril 5-10 mg, I take it not regularly, according to blood pressure readings, and rarely with nifidipine when blood pressure readings are above 170-180 mm Hg. Art. I am a former physician, operating room nurse. In our city, medicine is at the level of clueless paramedics. Therefore, you have to treat yourself.
    I get tired quickly, experience weakness, absent-mindedness, often headache, forgetfulness. Along with coenzyme Q10, I drink fish oil, alternating with linseed oil in capsules, as well as Ginkgo Biloba, Lecithin, Magnelis B6. But I don't see any improvement.

  2. Valentina Manzhosova

    I will turn 80 in three days. I am taking Betalok Zok and Atakand prescribed by my cardiologist. The pressure is 115-130/60-70, but the pulse is often 80-90. I bought Coenzyme Q10 forte 100 mg with vitamin C, manufactured by Pharma Nord, and Ginkgo biloba with vitamin D. Can I take all of this together? Best regards, Valentina.

  3. Paul

    There is another category of people who need coenzyme Q10 - athletes who endure large physical activity, at which Q10 burns out quickly. They also have powerful oxidative stress, which this substance fights.

  4. Valera

    Good afternoon
    I am 30 years old, height 192 cm, weight 119 kg, I actively play sports - 3-5 training sessions of various formats per week, mainly volleyball. At the same time, I understand that 19 kg are extra, I plan to treat my diet, and also try to take a course of L-carnitine and coenzyme Q10. Please tell me whether there will be an effect and what dosage to use for optimal effect?
    Thank you.

  5. Valentina

    My mother Maria Fedorovna (76 years old, weight 78 kg) has the following diseases - angina pectoris, heart failure, hypertension. Takes concor, cardiomagnyl, riboxin, aspirin cardio, captopril for high blood pressure and coenzyme Q10, 1 capsule per day, produced by Nutrilite. The question is: how to combine medications correctly and how to take coenzyme Q10 for a long time? I feel better, of course, but I can’t say for long. The quality of the product is quite satisfactory, the price is high.

  6. Galina Ozdoba

In this article, I would like to introduce you to research on the effectiveness of taking the right doses of coenzyme q10 for supporting the heart and blood vessels. This dose is higher than you are used to taking. And you should drink it for at least 2 months in a row.

Research on this substance has been conducted for more than 25 years and it has been precisely proven that 15-30 mg should be taken regularly. coenzyme Q10 is ineffective.

How much to take coenzyme to get those fantastic results that are described in the scientific literature: reducing the risk of myocardial infarction due to coronary heart disease and reducing the risk of sudden death, lowering blood pressure in hypertension and stopping one to three antihypertensive drugs, reducing arrhythmia, insomnia, dizziness by 60% and more?

You can get acquainted directly with scientific research on this matter - you can download this one from the “Attending Physician” magazine or another one from the scientific journal “Russian Medical Journal”.

In short, for a pronounced therapeutic effect on the heart and blood vessels, it is necessary to maintain the concentration in the blood at a level of > 2.5 μg/mL for 2-3 months. This requires taking 2 mg per kilogram of weight, i.e. for a person of average build about 120 mg. Q10 per day. And this can be used in two doses or better at once to achieve greater concentration.

It is required to take 120 mg of coenzyme Q10 for at least 2 months in a row

Of course, nutritionists in Russia know about such studies. However, the price of coenzyme (coenzyme), unlike America and Europe, is very high in our country. Hence the half measures in the form of proposed doses of 30-60 mg. per day.

But this problem can be solved with the help of the Sokolinsky Center in Prague. You can order a course for a month or two at correct dosage at an affordable price and European quality.
Sending to Russia thanks to Czech mail will also be available.

The regular price of imported coenzyme Q10 in Russia has increased several times due to the dollar exchange rate. So always pay attention to the number of milligrams when comparing prices. Active ingredient It is the coenzyme, and not the other components. Your benefit when ordering directly in the Czech Republic is at least 50%.

Why do you need coenzyme Q10?

What is it?

Coenzyme q10 (ubiquinone) is a natural substance synthesized in the body to participate in the process of electron transfer and energy production in cells, as well as detoxification. Therefore, it is most abundant in the body in the liver and heart, where energy metabolism is higher.

Exactly suits you

There is no person who does not require sufficient levels of coenzyme or for whom it could be harmful or unsuitable. This is an essential substance for metabolism.

Tested in practice around the world

For the treatment of coronary heart disease and heart failure, this natural non-drug remedy was first used in 1965 in Japan. In 1978, biochemist P. Mitchell was awarded Nobel Prize for creating a scientific base on ubiquinone.

Proven main effects are protecting the heart muscle from overload and its nutrition, restoring muscle performance, providing energy to the body, anti-aging effect by restoring the antioxidant activity of the vitamin of youth - tocopherol, lowering blood pressure, improving rhythm, reducing cholesterol levels, improving memory and attention. Improving overall mental and physical performance.

As you age, there is less of it in your body.

By the age of 60, the content of q10 in the blood is 50% less than at a young age.
If you have liver disease, elevated level hormones thyroid gland, bronchial asthma Coenzyme levels may also decrease at a younger age.

When taking statins, coenzyme levels drop and this can lead to heart failure and muscle pain (myopathy).

For atherosclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease - HIGH doses of coenzyme help improve metabolic processes in nervous tissue and lipid metabolism.

Let us repeat once again that only taking at least 120 mg of coenzyme for 2 months, according to research, leads to lasting positive changes.

Consult about correct scheme taking Q10 with your doctor or nutritionist (if you live in the EU or USA)

Buy coenzyme Q10 in high dosage at a reasonable price with a quality guarantee

An additional plus: when ordering, you will be able to communicate on all issues in Russian! You can buy coenzyme q10 for regular use (from 2 months) in the Czech Republic with delivery.

Curcumin Q10 complex

A completely unique natural remedy is also being produced for the Sokolinsky Center in Prague Curcumin Q10 complex, which combines the anti-inflammatory and cell-cleaning properties of curcumin and all the beneficial properties of the coenzyme - restoring energy levels in the cell. There is nothing similar on the Russian market. The price, even taking into account delivery from the Czech Republic, will please you. Because this formula already contains high dosages of the most valuable natural substances, and their bioavailability is further enhanced up to 30 times by the inclusion of piperine and carnitine.

When to use?

It makes sense to use it in all cases where deterioration in health is associated with loss of strength: you are often sick and are worried about chronic infections, there is a risk of tumors, metabolism is slow, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, cataracts are maturing, growths in the uterus, prostate gland are bothering you, lethargy, increased fatigue, all kinds of growths form on the skin, memory, attention, etc. are reduced.

This is, of course, not a medicine, but an addition to food that helps restore self-regulation.

It contains:

Turmeric extract of high purity (95%), coenzyme in a scientifically proven dosage, black pepper extract (bioperine 97% purity), which increases the bioavailability of active ingredients several times.

· 300 mg Kurkumin extract
(95% curcuminoid: Demethoxycurcumin, Bisdemethoxycurcumin, Curcumin + Turmerin peptid)
· 50 mg L-Carnitine
60 mg Koenzym Q10
· 5 mg Piperin extract 96%
gelatin - capsule

How to take:

1 capsule 2 times a day in the morning with food - a course of 30 days.

About different options for taking and combinations with others natural means can be read on the website of the Sokolinsky Center in Prague