What is structured water and how to get it at home. Structured water at home

Structured water- This is water that has been purified in a special way. It is considered the most beneficial for the human body. Pure spring water can be called structured, but not everyone has access to it, so you can carry out the structuring process at home. How to properly structure water?

How to make structured water at home?

Benefits of structured water

Water purified in this way not only quenches thirst, but also performs many other useful functions:

  • has a positive effect on everyone's work internal organs;
  • accelerates metabolism;
  • stabilizes heart function;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • normalizes blood consistency;
  • gives energy and relieves fatigue;
  • rejuvenates the body;
  • tones the skin (if you use this water for washing).

As for ordinary untreated water, it can even be hazardous to health, as it contains a lot of impurities.

How to make structured water at home

At first glance, structuring water may seem like a very labor-intensive process. However, over time, when you get the hang of doing this, this process will take up a minimum of your time. There are two ways to do this:

  • classic way;
  • accelerated method.

The classic method allows you to prepare the highest quality and cleanest water. Pour regular filtered water into an enamel bowl and put it in the freezer. As soon as the first ice appears on the surface, remove it and pour the liquid into a clean enamel bowl.

Wait until the remaining water freezes 2/3. Pour out the liquid. Defrost a piece of ice. This is the very pure and living water, which is beneficial for our body.

The second method is somewhat simplified; it does not guarantee the same ideal water, so use it only if you do not have time to monitor all stages of freezing.

Pour the water into small bowls and freeze completely. Remove the ice chunks and rinse them under cool water to remove the top layer. Place the remaining ice in the bowl and wait until it is almost completely melted. There should be a small ball the size of walnut. Throw it away and use the melt water.

Everyone knows the fact that a person is almost 80% water. But few people know that our health and well-being depend on the quality of this water. One of the methods for improving the properties of H 2 O is structuring - obtaining water with properly organized molecules.

How to make structured water? A question that interests a lot of people, and you will get the answer to it. It will also become clear what properties structured water obtained at home has, and what it is used for.

What is structured water?

The best water to drink is pure spring water. It has a crystal lattice structure similar to that characteristic of fluid in the human body.

The ordinary water we get from the tap cannot be compared. It has virtually no organized structure. The size of its molecules is larger than the size of molecules in liquids human body, so it cannot be absorbed properly.

Has proper organization molecules - crystal structure. Such a liquid can normalize any biological processes, which is why it is sometimes called alive. Man has invented methods by which structured water is obtained from ordinary water.


Its effect on the human body depends on what properties the liquid has. Structured water is the most beneficial for health. How to benefit from its use?

Naturally, it is impossible to heal by drinking structured water once or twice. You can feel its beneficial effects only with regular use. It has been found to promote:

Structured water at home

All useful qualities This liquid will definitely attract the attention of those who care about the health of their body. The question immediately arises: “How to make structured water yourself?”

This procedure is simple, but requires some time. It consists of several stages:

  • We need to prepare the water that we will structure. It is better that it is purified through a filter, or settled, unboiled and not fluoridated.
  • Next, the water is put on fire and brought to a state preceding a boil, when swirls and bubbles already appear. It is important not to miss the moment and immediately remove the liquid from the stove.
  • The water is cooled at room temperature and placed in the freezer to freeze. When the first layer of ice, approximately half a centimeter thick, has formed, it must be removed. The liquid that freezes first contains deuterium, which has harmful influence to living cells.
  • The remaining water must be completely frozen.
  • Thaw should be at room temperature. When two-thirds of the ice has already turned into liquid, you need to remove the remaining ice from the container - this is also not good for the body.

Thus, we have removed from the liquid that part of it that freezes first, and that part that freezes last. As you can see, making structured water at home is easy and simple.

Other ways to receive

There is a theory, and it has already been scientifically proven: water can be influenced by in non-standard ways. Emotions, words, sounds, human energy - under the influence of all this, H 2 O easily changes its structure.

Experiments were conducted during which structured water was obtained by reading prayers. After such an experiment, the liquid crystals took on a symmetrical shape. The same result was obtained when exposed to famous great classics. Under the influence, water also changed its structure, but it was not crystalline, but fragmented and chaotic. The same thing happened when the liquid “listened” to screams, swearing and negative emotions.

Surprisingly, even a written word can have an effect on water. The connection here is still the same. Kind and positive words- beautiful crystal patterns, negative texts - ugly disjointed spots that do not form groups. As a result, it was proven that the greatest cleansing effect on the liquid is created by the combination of two words: “love” and “gratitude.”

More information about these experiments can be found in Dr. Emoto Masaru’s book “Messages from Water.” Japanese researcher asks us to radiate more good and which the liquid can perceive and remember, because then it gives this positive to us.

Structuring devices

There is also a semi-industrial way to structure water. The device used for this is called “Aquavit”. This is a hydrodynamic installation for activating fluid, operating on general principle freezing.

IN lately you can see more and more proposals for the purchase of household structurers that can change the properties without large quantity enough water for family consumption. The operating principles of these devices are very diverse; each manufacturer positions its structuring method as the most effective. It is difficult to judge the quality of the liquid obtained after using such devices without testing them in practice.

You have already read the information about how structured water is made at home without any equipment, and the decision about the advisability of purchasing such a device is up to you.

How can you see the structure of water?

There is a method that clearly demonstrates the change in the structure of H 2 O. A drop of water is sharply frozen, and a picture is taken at 200-500 times magnification.

Photos of tap water, as well as samples from rivers and lakes, look like unattractive, chaotic blots. A structured liquid, on the contrary, has a clear structure and the appearance of intricate openwork crystals. Such photographs are shown in the film " Great power water". It also explains in detail how to structure water, giving it beneficial properties.

Experiences confirming the benefits of structuring

But what to do with skeptics who are not impressed by crystal photographs and reports? scientific research? The difference in the influence of ordinary and structured water on living organisms can be seen even at home, by conducting simple experiments.

The simplest thing is to plant two identical indoor plants, one of which should be watered with a structured liquid, and the second with regular tap water. As a result, it should become noticeable that the first is ahead in growth. The same can be seen in the example of seed germination.

Experiments have been carried out on an industrial scale using structured water for irrigation and when raising young domestic animals. Vegetables that were watered with a structured liquid contained 40-50% less nitrates and 10-20% less heavy metals. On poultry farms, chick mortality decreased by 18-20%.

What consumers say

Many of those who learned how to structure water became interested in the process, made it part of their daily routine and completely abandoned tap liquid. Almost every consumer of structured water notes the difference in taste. This may not be noticeable right away, but after a week of regular use, the liquid will taste favorably different from regular tap water. Consumers also notice positive changes in the general condition of the body:

  • skin color improves;
  • the functioning of the stomach and intestines is normalized;
  • is stabilizing blood pressure;
  • Symptoms of chronic diseases and seasonal allergies disappear.

There are, of course, those who have not noticed the obvious healing properties of structured water. But none of them believes that consuming H2O with an altered molecular structure can be harmful.

Do you know what conclusion I come to when reading messages about the wonderful properties of structured water? If tomorrow we are offered the opportunity to “charge” water, like 20 years ago, in almost every home three-liter jars of water will be placed in front of TV and tablet screens. That's how we are made: we believe that some magic remedy protects against all diseases - it’s easier than eating healthy food and lead active image life. I was once asked if it was worth buying a bottle that structured water. After that, I decided to tell the whole truth about structured water on my blog and turned to an expert for help, who helped me understand what structured water is.

My questions about structured water were answered by Vitaly Tsarev, author and developer of technologies for processing and production of products, head of the development and production of products at the GreenUP Laboratory.

Vitaly, what is structured water?

Structured water is water whose molecules form certain repeating structures - clusters. They only have meaning when they are arranged in a certain sequence. Clusters can be compared to letters that can be assembled into words and sentences. Such structures themselves can have very different effects on the body or not at all.

In general, all information about structured water can be divided into three parts: scientific facts, legends, traditional medicine and esotericism.

What is the position of official science?

Official science has established the following. Depending on the conditions of exposure to water molecules in the liquid state, they can be organized into clusters. How these clusters affect the human body - positively or negatively - has not been scientifically proven to date.

Water is a very plastic object, and it is difficult to assume that it has any permanent structure. It is much more likely that water is a set of clear structures, structural fragments and chaotically moving molecules. The more clear structures there are in the water, the more structured it is. How these structures influence the physiology of the human body is unknown to official science, but this does not mean that such an influence does not exist.

It is well established that no two snowflakes are alike, and that spring water is different from river or tap water. The difference in frozen water crystals depending on the conditions of their formation has been practically proven. This is perhaps all that can be said about the scientific side of the issue.

What do the legends say?

The most famous legend about the change of water is Jesus Christ turning water into wine. In addition, there are many stories about monks who, while imprisoned, turned rotten water into drinkable water and drank it without consequences for health. I am sure that such legends exist not only among Orthodox Christians, but also in other faiths.

Does traditional medicine love structured water?

Traditional medicine places great hopes on it and tries to heal with its help a large number of the most various diseases. However, evidence of healing structured water No.

If you read the recommendations for structuring water - they can be easily found on the Internet - it seems that most people do not have a clear idea of ​​what structured water is, how structurization occurs, and what it is needed for.

And how does structuring happen?

Good example natural structuring - spring water. IN in this case structuring occurs due to repeated vibrations that occur when water collides with stones, sand, roots, etc. Spring water In terms of its taste, it ranks first among other waters, but you need to understand that its taste is lost during transportation. That is why the most delicious spring water is the one that was collected and drunk directly at the source.

The second type of structured water is holy water from the church. Its structuring occurs as a result of rituals, in particular chants.

If we consider all types of structured water that have proven their effectiveness (spring and holy water), we can conclude that the information was applied using various types vibrations: sound, magnetic, electromagnetic, ultra- and infrasonic. High-frequency and resonating vibrations that occur when water passes through the soil in the case of spring water, and the human voice in the case of holy water. It has not yet been possible to structure water in any other way.

And the Internet is full of recommendations for structuring water using freezing. Deception?

Rather, a lack of understanding of the essence of the phenomenon. Here there is a confusion between the concepts “structured water” and “water carrying certain type information - positive or negative." IN scientific world there is a hypothesis that water can store information. This hypothesis can be confirmed by the facts that when water crystals freeze, they have different configurations - they can be symmetrical or amorphous. But after re-freezing water with different crystal structures, these differences disappear, the same thing happens when water evaporates. In other words, during a phase transition of water (ice - liquid - steam), the information is erased, and the water resets the information recorded on it.

What does it mean to record information on water? How to a flash drive?

There is a theory of torsion fields, according to which, with the help electromagnetic field information from one subject can be transferred to another subject. So, if you follow this theory, you can record information on water, like on film. In this case, clusters carry information, like a letter in the alphabet, like a dot and dash in Morse code, like one and zero in mathematics. But this has nothing to do with the structuring of water.

Today, scientists are divided into two camps: some say that torsion fields are the future, others call the theory quackery. One way or another, not a single experiment has yet proven the existence of torsion fields.

So is there a connection between structured water and recorded water?

I would say that it is easier to record information with structured water. It's like taking a piece of paper and writing something on it, and then crumpling it up and writing it again. On crumpled leaf it will be more difficult to write. So, a crumpled sheet is water with residual information, and to erase this information, you just need to freeze and unfreeze the water.

It is important to understand that the information recorded on water will be unstable. As I already said, water is a plastic material; it cannot maintain its structure for long; it is enough to shake it, and the structure will change. Rock has a permanent structure, water does not.

Does holy water brought home from church also lose its properties?

Yes, it loses, but not like spring water. Holy water is usually brought from the church closest to the house. It is not exposed to the same influence as spring water, which is transported by car over long distances, bottled, and subjected to technological influences (for example, lemonade is made from it), so the structure of holy water is preserved in a larger volume. As for information, churches have a good emotional environment; they don’t shout or swear. And the water that is there absorbs positive information. Of course, in healing properties Holy water must be trusted.

So this is a placebo effect?

Yes, but if a person believes, such self-hypnosis can improve his health by 30%. At the same time, water itself can also have a beneficial effect, but this has not yet been scientifically proven.

It turns out that I won’t be able to structure the water at home?

The effectiveness of water structuring at home has not been established. Apparently, not only the voice is important for this, but also the emotional mood, the duration and regularity of the impact, and the emotional background in which structuring occurs.

Spring water is living, as it is part of nature that supports life on earth. Holy water has a beneficial effect due to the information applied to it, transmitted through the ritual - the voice of the clergyman, the emotional background of the room. Christianity preaches the value of life and the denial of murder, so water carries only positive information.

So if you want to use structured water, drink spring water or holy water brought from the temple.

I didn’t believe in structured water and the healing properties attributed to it before, but after talking with an expert I was finally convinced that I was right.

My guesses are confirmed by Ruslan Zarafutdinov, graduate student of St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, employee of the laboratory of nano- and mesostructural analysis:

Between water molecules there are van der Waals bonds - bonds of attraction between hydrogen atoms. These connections are among the weakest; even a random photon, that is, simply light, destroys them. Even if water has some kind of “structure” created by external influence (ultrasound, microwave radiation), then as soon as this influence is removed, the structure will collapse.

In general, the concept of “structure” does not exist; there is the concept of a solvation shell, when a kind of “water coat” is formed around an ion or molecule. But it is not structured, it is chaotic.

For a person who knows how the digestion process occurs, stories about structured water seem like a tall tale. After all, the water we drink mixes with acid in the stomach, and then with alkali in duodenum. Molecules of acid and alkali create solvation shells around themselves. That is, if there was a structure, it collapsed in the gastrointestinal tract before absorption.

Quote from a physiology textbook: “Water in the intestine is absorbed passively - in the direction of the osmotic gradient between the intestinal lumen and the intercellular space of the intestinal wall.” It is absorbed using the “sodium pump” one molecule of H2O at a time. That is, no matter what “structure” water has, it is still absorbed not by structural “clusters”, but by one molecule at a time.

To clearly demonstrate the lack of evidence healing power structured water, in the next publication we will analyze two products: one of them is positioned as structured water with many medicinal properties, and the other is intended for structuring water.

Photographs were used to illustrate this post.

Many people have probably watched documentary in two parts " Great mystery water", produced by the RTR TV channel. For those who haven't watched it, I highly recommend it. A couple of years ago, when the film first came into my hands, it shocked me so much that I for a long time I constantly carried it on a flash drive and distributed it to everyone I knew and didn’t know. I really wanted to be involved in these amazing discoveries, even if they were so primitive


For some reason, everything that was said in the film did not raise any doubts. I couldn’t shake the feeling that I already knew all this, or knew it a long time ago. The ability of water to react to external influences, its amazing ability to “remember” them, to change depending on the nature of these very influences - all this is already proven facts. However, as always, there are many more questions than answers.

So I had a question: “Since the water that is delivered to apartments through the water supply, to put it mildly, is not suitable for drinking, and the water that is sold in stores is generally unknown from where and what it goes through before it gets to the counter, what then to drink?”

Having rummaged around on the Internet on these topics, I still found several points of view that coincided with the opinions of authoritative people expressed in the films. The fact is that at the moment of transition from a liquid to a solid state and back (freezing and thawing), water loses its “memory” of negative impact, to which she was exposed before and acquires the “primary program” - to carry life. I have heard the term “melt water” for a long time, but just now, when its essence has become clear, it has, so to speak, acquired clear outlines.

Structuring water at home

There is a direct relationship between the quality of the water we drink and the diseases we suffer from. The human body is 80% water. This includes lymph, blood serum, intercellular and intracellular fluid.

Daily water loss
From the body surface hourly depending on temperature environment 20 to 100 ml of water evaporates. From 1.5 to 2 liters per day is excreted in urine. This is the main loss of water and must be replenished on the same day. Otherwise we risk violation water-salt balance body, which in most cases causes many diseases. The most dangerous of them: cardiovascular failure, tachycardia, high blood pressure, swelling, dry and cracked skin, especially on the legs and palms, dry mucous membranes,
weakness, frequent headaches, dizziness, hair loss.

The water you need to restore balance
For quick recovery Not all water is suitable for the balance of water in our body. First of all, it must be clean, without harmful impurities: salts of heavy metals, radionuclides, various kinds of pathogenic bacteria, as well as too much mineral salts(total mineralization should not be more than 250 mg/l). Ideally, water should have a structure close to the structure of the fluids inside the body. Only in this case will it be absorbed without wasting energy and will bring maximum benefit.

Melt water
All of these properties are possessed by melt water, that is, formed as a result of melting ice. It is also called structured water, since the molecules in such water are not scattered chaotically, but are “engaged” with each other, forming some kind of
macromolecules. This is no longer a crystal, but not yet a liquid, however, the molecules of melt water are very similar to ice molecules. Melt water, unlike ordinary water, is very similar in structure to the liquid contained in the cells of plant and living organisms. This is why vegetables and fruits are so useful - they deliver biologically active water to the body.

Properties of melt water
Amazing Properties melt water have been known for a long time. It has been noticed that near melting springs the vegetation of alpine meadows is always more lush, and at the edge of melting ice in the Arctic seas the most active life. Irrigation with melt water increases crop yields and accelerates seed germination. It is known with what greed animals drink melt water in the spring, and birds literally bathe in the first puddles of melted snow.

The effect of melt water on the human body
Melt water improves metabolism and increases blood circulation, reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood and soothes pain in the heart, increases the body's resistance to stress, viruses, climate and weather changes and helps prolong life. A sip of pure melt water tones up better than pasteurized juice; it has a charge of energy, vigor and lightness.

Healing with melt water
Some people constantly drink melt water with floating ice floes and believe that this is why they do not get sick at all colds. Melt water refreshes and rejuvenates the skin, which no longer needs creams and lotions. It's safe to say that regular use melt water heals. If you drink one glass of melt water 30 minutes before each meal (only three glasses a day), you can quickly get yourself in order. Within a week you will feel a surge of strength, you will realize that you are getting enough sleep in less time, your swelling will disappear, your skin will smooth out, and you will catch colds less often.

Preparing melt water at home
In nature, such water is formed as a result of the melting of glaciers. Where can you get it in the city? You can do it yourself. It won't take long. You will need plastic containers of any shape. Best option– food containers. Choose the volume based on the size of your freezer and the number of family members you want to feed. The calculation is this: one person needs three glasses of melt water per day. This means you need to freeze twice as much - six glasses.
You can safely multiply this volume by the number of consumers in the family per day. So, for one person we freeze six glasses of water (1.5 l) per day, for two – twelve (3 l), for three – eighteen (4.5 l).

Filter regular tap water with a simple carbon filter. With this filtration, large impurities are removed from it: rust particles from pipes and sand. Then pour it into containers and freeze in the freezer at minus 18 degrees. After about 8-10 hours, remove the containers from the freezer and rinse the bottoms hot water from the tap to make it easier to get ice. There should be liquid inside the frozen water under a thin crust of ice. This crust must be pierced and the liquid contents poured out - these are harmful impurities dissolved in water. The remaining ice will be transparent and clean as a tear. From it you will get the purest structured H2O. Ice should be placed in a ceramic, glass or enamel container and allowed to melt at room temperature. That's it, you can drink.

If the water in the container freezes completely, the ice will be transparent only at the edges, and in the middle it will be cloudy, sometimes even yellowish. This dregs must be melted under a strong stream hot water so that not a single island of turbidity remains. Only after this can the transparent ice block be melted and melt water obtained. To everyone who will take on production clean water at home, I recommend first
Determine experimentally what volume of container and at what temperature to freeze in order to achieve what is needed: a liquid center and ice around the edges. After all, the operation of the refrigeration chamber depends on many factors and even on temperature external environment. In the summer, the refrigerator is a little warmer.

This is how you can provide yourself and your family with the purest structured drinking water. You will spend very little time, and these costs will be more than compensated by saving money on bottled water, reduced sleep time, absence of diseases, just feeling good and mood!

Human life is unthinkable without water. Life itself originated in it, and its important role is known to everyone. Every day we drink different water: filtered, boiled or settled. But according to recent research, the most beneficial is structured water, which can increase vitality and cope with fatigue.

Liquid from the tap, even if passed through a filter, does not contain useful substances and is poorly absorbed by the body. But don't be upset, because healthy structured water can be made at home.

Benefits of structured water

Its benefits are explained by the fact that the molecules are connected, and its structure is as close as possible to the liquids present in the human body, such as blood plasma.

Structured water is formed from ice. It is considered rejuvenating and healing and is very useful for those who suffer from gastritis, headaches, overweight, colitis and gastritis. Structured water facilitates the functioning of internal organs, improves blood composition, normalizes nervous and cardiovascular systems. It reduces the feeling of fatigue, gives additional energy, and increases resistance to any diseases. To refresh your face and improve the condition of your facial skin, you can wash your face with it.

The first glass should be drunk an hour before breakfast after waking up. After this, you need to drink it 1 hour before meals, a glass. It is advisable to drink up to 2 liters per day. Its regular use at home will improve general condition body.

How to make structured water at home?

  • To make it at home, prepare a porcelain container, a plastic container, and a knife. An ordinary one will do. raw water, which it is advisable to pre-clean using a filter. If it is bottled, then there is no need to clean it. Fill a plastic container with it and place it in the freezer. After 12 hours, remove.
  • Then, without opening the lid on the container, place it under hot water for a few seconds. This will make it easy to separate the formed ice from the walls of the container. No matter what purified water you use, you won’t be able to get clear ice right away. So use a knife to pierce the ice block. If there is an unfrozen part left inside it, let it drain; it is in it that salts of heavy metals and harmful impurities have accumulated. If it is completely frozen, then you can melt the opaque piece using hot water. Place the remaining pieces of ice in a porcelain container and let it melt naturally. No need to heat or microwave.

  • The easiest way to make structured water is to get melt water. This is quite easy to do. Ordinary tap water should be poured into any container and left to steep for several hours. After this, boil, cool, pour into a food-grade plastic container and put in the freezer. Then simply melt the resulting ice. To get clear ice faster, you need to freeze the water exactly until the center of the block has frozen. This will make it easier to drain any harmful impurities remaining in the water. It can no longer be frozen, nor can it be boiled or stored for too long.
  • Another way to make structured water is to add silicon. It can be purchased at any pharmacy. For 3 liters of water you need to put 5 black silicon stones, cover the container with gauze and leave to infuse for 2 days. After this, pour the liquid into another pan, leaving 3 cm at the bottom where everything has gathered harmful substances, collected by silicon. The water will turn out not only purified, but also saturated with silicon, which is very important for metabolic processes in the body. After that, you can freeze it to make it even healthier. It is better to freeze water in a shockproof glass or plastic container. After the ice melts, structured water will be obtained, but it should not be stored for more than 8 hours.
  • Another way to make structured water is to pass ordinary water through magnet. To do this, you need to purchase a special magnetic attachment for a faucet or funnel. Sometimes a magnet is added to the filter; this should be indicated on its label. This water has the strongest bactericidal properties, improves metabolism, cleanses blood vessels from cholesterol and foreign proteins, strengthens the immune system, because it has special permeability through cell membranes, delivering useful substances to all organs. Its healing properties last for 24 hours.

Scientists have proven through research that the healthiest water is structured. Its main advantages include the presence of a crystalline structure that helps remove toxins and waste from the body, cell cleansing and high penetrating properties.