Decaris or pyrantel - which is better for the treatment of helminthic infestation in children or adults. Vermox and Pirantel - which is better?

Which drug is better to choose?


Helminthiasis is a problem that rarely occurs in adults, and often in children. The reason for this is failure to comply with hygiene standards or eating insufficiently heat-treated meat.

Adults rarely experience severe symptoms until there are too many of these microorganisms in his body.

Children experience the following symptoms:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • allergies;
  • stomach ache;
  • frequent inflammation of the nasopharynx;
  • increased irritability with fits of anger;
  • poor concentration on something;
  • dizziness;
  • stool disorders.

If you have symptoms that raise suspicion of helminthiasis, you should consult a doctor and undergo a series of prescribed laboratory tests. Their results and overall clinical picture will help the doctor prescribe suitable anthelmintics and a number of additional studies.


Contains levamisole, affects microorganisms by paralyzing, and then they are eliminated from the body naturally.

The product is contraindicated:

  • children up to three years;
  • Children over three years old should not take tablets with a concentration of more than 50 mg;
  • women during lactation.

Depending on age, patients are prescribed different dosages.

  • 150 mg – adults;
  • 50 mg – children from three to six years old;
  • 50-75 mg – from 6 to 10 years;
  • 100 mg – from 10 to 14 years.

Overdose symptoms include:

  • confusion;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • other signs of poisoning are possible.

In case of overdose, wash the stomach and control general condition body.

Pregnant women can be treated with Decaris only if its use is justified and under the supervision of a doctor.


A single dose is sufficient for minor infections, but serious cases will require a course of therapy lasting several days. In addition, doctors recommend repeating the course after 2-3 weeks for prevention.

Driving while being treated with this drug is not recommended! The drug causes drowsiness.

But the drug has few side effects. The active substances are poorly absorbed into the blood, so women can be treated with Pyrantel during pregnancy and lactation.

It is taken with or after meals, chewing thoroughly and drinking plenty of water. Feeding during therapy breast milk should be interrupted.

The dosage is selected individually depending on the presence of diseases or weight.

In case of overdose, gastric lavage is performed and the patient’s further well-being is monitored.

Pyrantel is applicable when acute leukemia and brain lesions. However, treatment without a medical prescription is prohibited!

What is more effective: Decaris or Pirantel?

When the question arises about choosing what to buy: or Decaris, patients should take into account that these two drugs are very similar to each other. They have the same effect on microorganisms, but differ significantly in other parameters.

Both drugs are equally effective in the fight against hookworms, pinworms or roundworms.

IN in this case the determining criteria for selection will be:

  • age;
  • chronic illnesses;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • features of the condition of a pregnant woman;
  • state of immunity.

Decaris has an immunomodulatory effect. However, Pirantel gives less unwanted effects. It is prescribed to pregnant women and children, and can be used as the final stage of therapy after Decaris.

Therefore, if you want to buy Decaris or Pirantel, which is better, you should understand based on medical prescriptions.

Comparison of Decaris with Vermox

– also an anthelmintic drug, poorly absorbed in the intestines, and 90% of the dose is excreted from the body along with feces. A small part of the drug is metabolized. It is contraindicated in children under 2 years of age and is not recommended for pregnant women in the 1st trimester.

During therapy, breastfeeding is interrupted. In case of overdose use activated carbon or potassium permanganate solution.

You cannot compare and choose medications for yourself without medical supervision: both Vermox and Decaris are anthelmintic, but they have different principles of action and composition.

Thus, when choosing which is better: Vermox or Dekaris, you should definitely take into account that both drugs produce large amounts of toxins, reduce immunity, and can cause symptoms similar to ARVI.

During treatment, drinking drinks containing ethanol is prohibited! This substance in combination with levamisole and mebendazole leads to severe intoxication and sometimes death.

Children most often suffer from pinworms; they are prescribed Vermox. For ascariasis, it is used after treatment with Dekaris, but these two drugs cannot be treated at the same time - the body will be subject to high intoxication.

Choosing between Wormil and Pirantel

When thinking about which is better: Wormil or Pirantel, you should study their differences. Vormil fights helminths that have migrated to other organs and has a wider range of actions.

Pyrantel is poorly absorbed into the blood and has fewer contraindications. It is also easier to tolerate by pregnant women.

If required good prevention– can be used medications, but this requires consultation with a specialist. It is not recommended to purchase Pirantel or Vormil on your own, but your doctor will help you make the right choice.


Malaise, drowsiness and other symptoms can be caused by neurological or gastroenterological diseases, which is why the overall clinical picture does not allow the correct treatment to be prescribed based on symptoms alone.

In any case, it is assigned comprehensive diagnostics, which includes laboratory tests. And even if in previous times a certain medicine helped, you should not use it constantly, much less give it to children without a doctor’s prescription.

Modern pharmaceutical market provides a large selection of various anthelmintic drugs that differ in their mechanism of action, composition, price and level of toxic effect on the human body. Pyrantel and Vermox are popular drugs for the treatment of tissue and intestinal forms helminthiases. In order to draw conclusions which of these two drugs is better, you should learn more about them and identify the main differences.

  • Ascariasis.
  • Enterobiasis.
  • Strongyloidiasis.
  • Echinococcosis.
  • Alveolococcosis.
  • Taeniasis.
  • Trichinosis.
  • Other multiple nematodes.
  • Mixed forms of helminthiases.

Mebendazole can cause unpleasant side effects, including: attacks of dizziness, nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, allergic reactions in the form of urticaria and skin itching, anemia, hematuria, hair loss.

Mebendazole is a synthetic anthelmintic medicinal product

Pyrantel - mechanism of action and side effects

  • Pinworms.
  • Roundworms.
  • Hookworms.
  • Whipworm.

Pyrantel causes neuromuscular blockade of helminths sensitive to it

Side effects when treating helminthiasis with Pyrantel occur infrequently. These include headaches, attacks of dizziness, sleep disorders, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, epigastric pain and allergic reactions; hallucinations, confusion, and impaired sensitivity of the limbs rarely occur.

Which remedy is better?

Vermox based on Mebendazole is a product with a wider spectrum of action and helps with more diseases, however, it also has more possible side effects. It is better not to use Vermox as a preventive measure. It is also undesirable to make prescriptions for yourself - the drug can cause unpleasant consequences.

It is better to take medications as prescribed by a doctor and in the absence of contraindications from organs and body systems

Both Mebendazole and Pyrantel can cause absent-mindedness and difficulty concentrating, so during treatment you should be careful when driving.

Against the backdrop of general interest in the issue of helminth infection, people, driven by disgust and fear, are increasingly turning to clinics and laboratories to check whether an illegal immigrant has entered their body. And in most cases, harmful laboratory assistants find something. A tired doctor will illegibly write some gobbledygook and send you home to fight the problem with a magic pill. In medical scribbles, you can sort out several drugs to choose from.

But how do you know what to give preference to? Vermox or Decaris, which is better? Or Pirantel?

Or give up and chew garlic, as grandma recommends? Let's figure out what is important to pay attention to when choosing an anthelmintic.

This drug is available in tablets in a single dosage of 100 mg. The active ingredient is mebendazole.

Vermox is a remedy that, unlike other drugs, captures a large group of helminths.

Indicated for treatment:

  1. Helminth infections caused by roundworms (roundworms, whipworms, hookworms, pinworms, trichinella).
  2. Echinococcosis, in which it is excluded surgical removal cyst.
  3. Pork tapeworm infections in the band stage.

The treatment regimen for patients over 3 years of age depends on the type of disease.

  • For the treatment of enterobiasis, 1 tablet is indicated once.
  • For mixed helminthiases, ascariasis, taeniasis and hookworm - two tablets per day three days. The course can be repeated after 3 weeks if, according to test results, the disease is not completely cured.

Except classical contraindications, imposes restrictions on use by people with lactase intolerance or deficiency.

Instructions for use of Dekaris

The medicine is available only in tablets, but in two dosages: for children 50 mg, for adult patients - 100 mg. The active ingredient is levamisole.

Only roundworms and hookworms are sensitive to the drug, which it paralyzes and removes from the intestines within 24 hours.

  1. The course of treatment for patients over 14 years of age consists of a single dose of an “adult” tablet.
  2. Children 3–6 years old: half or a whole “children’s” tablet.
  3. Children 6–10 years old: one and a half tablets.
  4. Children 10–14 years old: up to two tablets.

The therapeutic course is repeated if necessary, after 2 weeks.

The product is not indicated as a prophylaxis against helminthiasis.

Except general contraindications for all anthelmintic drugs, Decaris places restrictions on use by people with low level leukocytes. Persons with depressed bone hematopoietic function should take the medicine carefully.

Instructions for use of Pirantel

The product is produced in two dosage forms: in tablets of 250 mg and in suspension, convenient for children. Included active substance Pyrantela pomoate appears.

The action of the drug is aimed at paralyzing the following helminths:

  • pinworms;
  • roundworm;
  • hookworm;
  • whipworms.

The dosage is calculated taking into account the patient's weight.

  1. So, for 1 kg of body of a person infected with roundworms or pinworms, it is necessary to take 10 mg of the drug once.
  2. In case of hookworm infestation, the drug is taken in the same dosage for three days per tablet.

The drug has the shortest list of contraindications. Nonspecific - myasthenia gravis that arose during the treatment period.

What to choose: Decaris, Vermox or Pyrantel?

So what is more effective - Decaris or Pirantel, or Vermox? There is no clear answer.

Table of differences between 3 drugs

To compare the described tools, it is convenient to use a table containing basic brief information about them.

Country of originHungaryIndiaHungary
Active ingredientmebendazolepyrantela pomoatelevamisole
mixed invasions
Release formTablets 100 mgTablets 250 mg, suspension 15 mlTablets 50 and 150 mg
Lower age limit3 years6 months3 years
Pregnancycontraindicatedaccording to indicationsaccording to indications
Lactationno dataaccording to indicationscontraindicated
Terms of saleby prescriptionby prescriptionby prescription
Approximate cost75-100 rubles20-30 rubles60-70 rubles

What is safer for children and why?

Parents, being familiar with adult treatment regimens, are not without reason asking the question: Vermox or Decaris, which is better for children? Neither one nor the other. Among the drugs reviewed, the most unimpressive list of contraindications and side effects at Pirantel. But, according to patient reviews, he is also the weakest among his colleagues. At the same time, it is the only one approved for use by children at a very tender age. Pyrantel is almost not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, unlike Dekaris, which is rapidly sent into the bloodstream. Therefore, if a child is infected with helminths sensitive to active substance Pirantela, it is better to give preference to this particular remedy.

But pay attention to the country of origin. Pyrantel is an Indian drug, and this category of drugs is more falsified than others. Because of this, the license for many medicines, produced in India, upon expiration of the validity period in Russia is not renewed.

Some parents are accustomed to turning to children for the treatment of helminth infections. folk remedies from onions and garlic, pumpkin seeds and other natural components. Such methods are not always effective and it is better not to resort to them in case of severe infestations.

Editor's choice for the prevention of pinworms and roundworms

Please note that pinworms are not sensitive to the effects of Decaris. This is indicated in its instructions for use and has been proven by many indignant reviews from patients who do not know how to read the information in it.

Therefore, when treating pinworms, you have to choose between the two remaining drugs. Pyrantel can be given to very young patients, but for older patients it is preferable to take Vermox.

As for prevention, all drugs are indicated for the treatment of diagnosed helminthiasis and do not have a prolonged effect to protect the body from infection in the future. Therefore, if you simply want to take a medicine for prevention, “just in case”, without getting tested, then take Pirantel as a gentler remedy.

Vermox is available in tablets. Each capsule contains 100 mg of mebendazole and auxiliary components in the form of silicon dioxide, sodium lauryl sulfate, magnesium stearate, lactose, talc, sodium saccharinate, corn starch.

Doctors prescribe Vermox for:

  • Ascariasis.
  • Trichocephalosis.
  • Strongyloidiasis.
  • Trichinosis.
  • Teniose.
  • Enterobiasis.
  • Hookworm and other types of helminthiasis.

Antihelminthic treatment is prohibited for:

  1. Ulcerative colitis.
  2. Allergies to mebendazole and other tablet substances.
  3. Crohn's disease.
  4. Up to 3 years of age.
  5. Liver failure.
  6. Pregnancy.
  7. Therapy with phenytoin, ritonavir, metronidazole, carbamazepine.
  8. Lactose intolerance.
  9. Breastfeeding.

Take Vermox tablets orally with water. The standard dosage for children 2-10 years old is 25-50 mg, adolescents and adults - 100 mg. Drink capsules once, preferably before bedtime. If necessary, repeated administration with a 2-4 week break is possible. For taeniasis, ascariasis and strongyloidiasis, a three-day treatment course at a dose of 100 mg twice a day is recommended. For trichinosis, higher dosages are indicated (200-400 mg per day).

Vermox is incompatible with alcohol. It is better not to drink alcohol on the day of taking the pills and for several days after completing the course. Side effects may occur during treatment:

  • Stevens-Johnson syndrome.
  • Hives.
  • Cramps.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Anemia.
  • Anaphylactic shock.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Dizziness.
  • Exanthema.
  • Glomerulonephritis.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Epidermal necrolysis.
  • Angioedema.
  • Migraine.

At long-term use Excessive doses may cause hair loss.

Pyrantel - general description and characteristics

Pyrantel is produced in tablets. Each capsule contains 250 mg of pyrantel pamoate. The preparation also contains microcrystalline cellulose, starch, polyvinylpyrrolidone K-30, silicon dioxide, talc, magnesium stearate, sodium starch glycolate, propylparaben, sodium methylparaben, lactose.

The principle of action is based on the fact that the drug causes neuromuscular paralysis in worms and removes them out with feces. Pyrantel is effective against mature individuals and their larvae.

  • Ascariasis.
  • Trichocephalosis.
  • Enterobiasis.
  • Necatorose.
  • Strongyloidiasis.
  • Hookworm.

It is prohibited to be treated with:

  1. Children under two years old.
  2. During the treatment of myasthenia gravis.
  3. For hypersensitivity.

Doctors prescribe Pirantel with caution during pregnancy. breastfeeding, liver failure.

Take capsules once, regardless of food. For children, the dosage is 10 mg/kg. Maximum daily dose for adults is equal to four tablets per day. If affected by pinworms, the course should be repeated at 3-week intervals. For ascariasis, Pyrantel is prescribed in an amount of 5 mg/kg. For severe lesions, take the tablets for two days in a row.

The anthelmintic drug should not be combined with alcohol. This increases the likelihood of the following adverse reactions:

  • Decreased appetite.
  • Hives.
  • Migraine.
  • Skin itching.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Nausea.
  • Dizziness.

Pyrantel is a low-toxic drug. Therefore, side effects during treatment develop extremely rarely and go away on their own after stopping taking the pills.

Comparison of drugs

Vermox and Pirantel - two effective anthelmintics . They differ in their mechanism of action, list of side effects, toxicity, and list of contraindications.

Pyrantel is less toxic, so it can be given to infants and nursing mothers and pregnant women. At the same time, the drug is highly effective: a single dose of the tablet is enough. As for Vermox, you usually have to take it in a three-day course. But its range of influence is wider: it affects everything known species worms. Pyrantel is used to treat a small number of types of helminthiasis. Pirantel has far fewer contraindications and rarely causes side effects. Patients taking Vermox often complain of the development of severe adverse reactions.

Therefore, it is better for children, pregnant women, elderly and weakened people to choose Pirantel. If it is ineffective, Vermox is indicated. For echinococcosis and alveococcosis, it is preferable to use Vermox.

Decaris from the gastrointestinal tract quickly enters the bloodstream. The maximum concentration of levamisole is observed 1.5 hours after taking the tablet. Synthesized in the liver, excreted in feces and urine after 6 hours.

The drug is indicated for adults and children over 3 years of age for the treatment of helminthiasis. Adults take 150 mg of the drug, children under 5 years old - 25 mg (½ tablet), over 5 years old - 50 mg. It is recommended to take Decaris after meals before bed. Take with a small amount of water. Available without a prescription. If necessary, treatment is repeated after 14 days. The cost of Dekaris in pharmacies is from 50 rubles. for 2 pieces up to 334 rub.

Basic information about the drug Vermox

Vermox is practically not absorbed by the intestines. Unevenly distributed over internal organs. Deposited in the liver and adipose tissue. 90% of the drug is excreted unchanged from feces. 10% leaves the body due to the work of the kidneys. Indication for use is helminthiasis different types, including, mixed form. The drug is prescribed to adults and children over 2 years of age. For adults single dose is 100 mg, children under 6 years old are prescribed 25 mg, up to 10 years old – 50 mg. Treatment is repeated if necessary after 1–2 weeks. Cost in pharmacies from 33 rubles. up to 300 rub. per package. Dispensed by prescription.

General information about the drug Pirantel

Preparation wide range actions made in India. Available in the form of tablets for adults, and for children in the form of a suspension. There are 3.6 tablets in a package. Active component Pyrantel pamoate appears. The substance causes paralysis of the muscles of worms. Effective on adults. The larvae are invulnerable during the migration stage. Pyrantel is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Penetrates into the systemic bloodstream, some remains in the liver. 50% is excreted unchanged in feces, 7% in urine.

Take the drug with food. The tablets should be chewed well. The suspension can be taken with a small amount of water. The dosage is set in accordance with body weight, age, and stage of the disease. Allowed for use by children from 6 months. Dose for children under 2 years of age – ½ tablet or ½ spoon of suspension. From 2 to 6 years, 1 tablet, spoon. Adults take 3-4 tablets or spoons at a time. Dispensed by prescription. The cost of the drug is from 20 rubles. up to 330 rub.

Decaris, Pyrantel or Vermox

The drugs are allowed to be used by adults and children only after prior consultation with a doctor. An incorrectly selected dosage of each of them causes the following side effects:

Treatment is symptomatic. Take adsorbents, wash the stomach if a little time has passed after taking the drug. Atropine acts as an antidote for Dekaris. There is no antidote for Vermox and Pyrantel.

When determining which is better - Decaris, Pyrantel or Vermox, a list of contraindications is taken into account. For Dekaris and Pirantel - individual intolerance to the components. Vermox should not be taken if you have Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, intestinal obstruction. Each of the drugs is used with caution in liver failure. If you choose Decaris or Vermox regarding age, both should be taken by children after 2 years. The next point that you should pay attention to is how a quick effect is achieved. What is better - Decaris, Pirantel or Vermox?

What is better for children - Dekaris or Vermox

What's best for prevention?

How much effective remedy in treatment can be judged by reviews. As a rule, doctors are focused on quick results. And they always keep silent about side effects. Manufacturers write general information in the instructions. Patients and mothers of young children always share their impressions from their own experiences.