Decaris - instructions for use for children and adults, indications, dosage, side effects and analogues. How to take Dekaris for worms: instructions for use of Dekaris for adults

Decaris is considered a popular anthelmintic (anthelminthic) drug. It is also an immunomodulator (increasing the body's protective properties).

Hungary, "Gedeon Richter".


Active ingredient levamisole

Indifferent additional components.

Dosage form

Tablets for adult patients (white).

Tablets for pediatric patients (light orange, apricot scent).

Tablet dosage

  1. For adults, 150 mg of active ingredient (levamisole).
  2. For children - active ingredient(levamisole) in an amount of 50 mg. The drug includes a special flavoring additive and food coloring.

Pharmacological action

Proven high therapeutic effect active component tablets. A single dose is usually sufficient to treat intestinal helminthic infestation.

The active substance of the drug activates the production of:

  • Monocytes.
  • T-lymphocytes.
  • Neutrophils.

Their quantity directly depends protective properties the body of an adult and a child. The growth of activity of the listed cells stimulates immune system children and adults.


Prescribed for a number of helminthic infections:

  1. Ascariasis (pathogens: roundworm).
  2. Enterobiasis (causative agent - pinworm).
  3. Trichocephalosis (caused by whipworms).
  4. Hookworm disease (pathogens are hookworms).
  5. Necatoria (pathogens - necator).
  6. Toxoplasmosis (pathogens: Toxoplasma).
  7. Strongyloidiasis (pathogens are intestinal acne).
  8. Trichostrongylosis (pathogens are nematodes).

Side effect

Development of negative adverse reactions– not uncommon during treatment with the drug.

Digestive organs:

  • attacks of nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea (diarrhea);
  • stomach ache.

Nervous system:

  • increased body temperature;
  • severe headaches;
  • convulsions;
  • dizziness;
  • insomnia;
  • confusion, etc.

Allergic reactions:

  • skin rashes;
  • stomatitis;
  • renal dysfunction.

General reactions:

Hematopoietic system:

  • agranulocytosis.

As practice has shown, children tolerate the drug more easily than adult patients

Contraindications for use

The drug should not be taken if you have:

  • increased individual sensitivity to components;
  • breastfeeding;
  • gestation period (any period);
  • childhood (up to three years).
  • agranulocytosis (a disease bone marrow accompanied by a sharp decrease in the number of granulocytes).

The drug should be taken with caution in the following cases:

  • renal failure;
  • acute leukemia;
  • severe liver pathologies.

It is prescribed only by the attending physician in the case of an accurately established diagnosis, taking into account the child’s age and the presence of certain pathologies.


Depending on body weight.


For example:

The baby’s body weight is 30 kilograms, which means his dose is

  1. Three tablets (for children). One tablet is 50 mg of active substance. Single dose.
  2. Or one tablet (150 mg of active ingredient) for adults. Also one time.

Approximate doses (not based on body weight):

  1. Children aged three to six years. 25-50 mg once.
  2. Children from six to ten years old. Once 50-75 mg.
  3. Children from ten to fourteen years old. Once 75-100 mg.

Attention! Accurate calculation of the drug dose in accordance with the existing body weight is a more preferable treatment option helminthic infestations. This approach reduces the development of possible negative side effects.

Decaris for the purpose of correcting immunity in children

Decaris, as an element of independent monotherapy for reduced immunity in children, is currently almost never used, since there is large number the latest immunomodulators that do not have toxic properties dangerous to the body and have more effective qualities.

Only a specialist, an immunologist, can prescribe Decaris as a drug to enhance immunity. A number of other factors are taken into account and a final decision is made.

Pregnancy and lactation

Use during pregnancy is prohibited.

When breastfeeding. When treatment is indicated for medical reasons, breastfeeding should be discontinued.

Decaris and immunity

Until recently, Decaris was a frequently prescribed remedy for:

  • herpes (simple and shingles;
  • Reiter's disease;
  • chronic hepatitis B;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • recurrent stomatitis;
  • frequent acute respiratory infections (especially in children);
  • Crohn's disease;
  • malignant tumors of different localization (in particular in postoperative period, as well as during chemotherapy or radiation therapy as part of a comprehensive treatment).

Method of using Decaris as an immunomodulator.

Reception with intervals between courses of fourteen days, a total of two or three courses.

Currently, levamisole is practically not used for this purpose; the treatment method is considered outdated and unsafe.

Directions for use

Inside (orally) after or during meals. Drink with water.

Worm infestations:

In the evening during meals, once.


Repeated use only as prescribed by a doctor! The reception is repeated after seven to fourteen days.

During treatment, a special diet is not needed. There is no need to use laxatives.

Toxoplasmosis and Decaris

Course of therapy:


One tablet once a day.

Number of courses:

Two or three, interval – one week.

Special instructions

The combined use of the drug Dekaris (levamisole) and alcohol-containing medications is prohibited, as well as alcoholic drinks(period one day before and one day after taking the medicine).

Active ingredient Levamisole affects concentration and also often causes dizziness, therefore driving vehicles and machinery is not allowed during treatment.

Decaris and other drugs for worms

Analogs for the active ingredient

These are not currently available.

When is it indicated to use Decaris, and when to use Vermox?

Vermox has no effect on the immune system.

In the presence of worms, when a mixed infection is detected, Vermox is preferable.

Why do doctors prescribe two drugs at the same time?

To get the most effective effect.


  1. Once Dekaris.
  2. A few days later - Vermox once.

When is Decaris needed, and when is Pirantel needed?

Dekaris has more contraindications than Pirantel.

Side effects for both drugs are similar.

For children, Pyrantel (especially in the form of a suspension) is preferable to Decaris, especially since Pyrantel does not interfere with the natural functioning of the immune system.

Attention! Our specialists, who have prepared an information article about the anthelmintic drug Dekaris, draw the attention of readers to the “miraculous” treatment method that has spread on the Internet.

As the “adepts” promise, with the help of the drug decaris, which is taken in ultra-high dosages, you can get rid of many serious illnesses organism, including serious autoimmune pathologies, endocrine problems, metabolic diseases, and even malignant neoplasms.

The name of a certain folk healer Ksenia Kravchenko is mentioned, who actively popularizes the “unique system” of healing from “all diseases” according to the holy martyr Seraphim (Chichagov):

"developed effective treatment more than a century ago" (!!!) (quoted verbatim).

Attention! The drug had not yet been invented at that time, and Chichagov was repressed in 1937.

An overdose of Decaris leads to serious complications:

  • Impaired immune system functions.
  • Pathologies of the nervous system.
  • Diseases of the digestive system.
  • Bone marrow lesions.
  • Reducing the number of leukocytes, etc.

We warn: Taking the drug in those doses recommended by the “healer” (who does not have official permission by medical practice), extremely dangerous.

Dear visitors of the Farmamir website. This article does not constitute medical advice and should not serve as a substitute for consultation with a physician.

After oral administration, the active substance of the drug, levamisole, is quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and after 1.5 hours its concentration in the blood reaches its maximum. Intensive metabolism of levamisole occurs in the liver. It is excreted from the body in the form of metabolites in feces and urine.

The immunomodulatory properties of the drug are manifested in increased production of antibodies, activation of the synthesis of lymphocytes, macrophages, monocytes and neutrophils. Increasing their amount in the blood helps fight infection and supports immunity.

Composition and release form

The anthelmintic drug is produced in the form of tablets with different concentrations of the active substance.

  1. Decaris for adults are white, flat tablets, engraved with the name of the drug on one side. Each tablet contains 150 mg active substance- levamisole + auxiliary components (povidone, starch, talc, sucrose, lactose, etc.) Tablets, 1 piece each, are placed in a strip packaging and a cardboard box.
  2. Decaris for children is round, flat tablets orange color, with a faint apricot smell, with a line dividing them into quarters for ease of use and dosing. The content of the active substance in this form is reduced by half and amounts to 50 mg of levamisole in each tablet. From additional components starch, povidone, talc, yellow dye, apricot flavoring, etc. are present. The children's form of the drug is available in blister packs (containing 2 tablets), which are placed in cardboard packs.

When is Decaris used?

  • enterobiasis;
  • hookworm disease;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • necatoriasis;
  • strongyloidiasis;
  • trichostrongyloidosis.

Instructions for use

It is recommended to take Decaris tablets during or immediately after a meal and drink it with enough water. It is best to do this during dinner, before bed. For adults single dose Decarisa is 150 mg (1 tablet), which is taken once. Repeated administration of the drug is carried out after 1-2 weeks. There is no need to follow a special diet or take laxatives.

When treating toxoplasmosis, Dekaris is prescribed according to a different regimen, which provides for a three-day course of treatment (1 tablet is taken every day). Then, after a week's break, the course of treatment is repeated.

Decaris for children is prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the age and weight of the child at the rate of 2.5 mg per 1 kg of body weight. Standard scheme therapy prescribes the following dosages:

  • for children from 3 to 6 years old – 1/2 or 1 tablet (50 mg);
  • from 6 to 10 years – 1 or 1.5 tablets (50 mg);
  • from 10 to 14 years – 1.5-2 tablets (50 mg).

The drug is taken once. Accurate calculation of the dosage of Decaris in accordance with the child’s weight significantly reduces the risk of side effects.

Decaris is now rarely used as an immunomodulator, since enough modern drugs, providing an immunomodulatory effect without toxic effects on the body.

But earlier, when the choice similar means was minimal, Dekaris was often appointed in the lineup complex therapy in conditions such as chronic hepatitis, herpes zoster, recurrent stomatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, or used to support immunity in the treatment of malignant tumors.


There are a number of conditions when the use of Dekaris is contraindicated. These include:

  1. hypersensitivity to levamisole and other components of the drug;
  2. pregnancy, breastfeeding period;
  3. childhood(up to 3 years);
  4. a history of bone marrow damage (agranulocytosis) caused by taking medications.

In addition, Decaris should be taken with extreme caution in case of renal and liver failure and conditions associated with inhibition of bone marrow hematopoiesis. Experts draw the attention of parents to the specifics of using the drug and remind them that 150 mg tablets cannot be used to treat children!

Adverse reactions

The use of the drug can provoke the development of conditions such as leukopenia, uterine bleeding, lymphadenopathy, myasthenia gravis, edema in the periorbital area, iridocyclitis. In very rare cases they developed severe reactions: confusion, convulsions, paresthesia, Quincke's edema. In case of accidental overdose, speech impairment, symptoms of encephalitis, and coma were noted.

Many patients are interested in what to do if the temperature rises after taking Dekaris? This condition is called influenza-like syndrome, and sometimes its manifestations can be severe. In this case, a febrile state develops and the temperature often rises to high values ​​(39°C and above). This may be due to violation of the recommendations for taking the medication.

In particular, such a reaction is possible when Decaris is consumed simultaneously with alcohol. In this case, disulfiram-like phenomena develop, associated with increased temperature, pressure surges, weakness, redness skin in the face and neck area.

In cases where the temperature rise is caused by other pathological conditions, doctors will prescribe symptomatic treatment. To avoid unwanted complications, you should not self-medicate; anthelmintic drugs should be prescribed by a doctor after examination and an accurate diagnosis.

Remember that accepting any anthelmintic cannot be combined with ethyl alcohol, this can lead to unpredictable consequences that are hazardous to health. Alcoholic drinks are prohibited during use and for 24 hours after treatment with Decaris.

Decaris tablets should not be taken simultaneously with lipophilic compounds and medicines, affecting hematopoietic processes and can cause leukopenia. If it is necessary to use the drug during lactation, breastfeeding must be stopped, and the child must be switched to artificial formula for the duration of treatment.

Since taking pills can cause dizziness and confusion, it is recommended to stop driving during treatment. vehicles and execution hazardous work, requiring increased concentration.


Among analogues of Dekaris, which have similar therapeutic effect The following drugs may be mentioned:

  • Vormin;
  • Helminthox;
  • Mebendazole;
  • Nemozol;
  • Piperazine;
  • Levamisole.

Many patients ask their doctor which is better, Decaris or Vermox? The answer to this question is purely individual and largely depends on the diagnosis, severity of symptoms, presence concomitant diseases and possible contraindications.

Vermox has more wide range action and is effective not only against nematodes, but also actively copes with most varieties of helminths, including used for the treatment of mixed infestations. If you choose between these two drugs, then Vermox is certainly preferable. In addition, it has much fewer side effects. But this remedy, unlike Dekaris, does not exhibit immunostimulating activity and needs to be taken longer.

Drug price

The price of Dekaris tablets in the pharmacy chain ranges from 60 to 80 rubles per package and depends on the dosage of the drug, the manufacturer and the pharmacists’ markup. You can buy the drug freely, without a doctor's prescription.

Decaris is an anthelmintic drug that has anthelmintic and immunomodulatory effects. Active ingredient: Levamisole.

Acting on ganglion-like formations of nematodes, Dekaris causes depolarizing neuromuscular paralysis of the helminth muscle membrane, blocks succinate dehydrogenase, inhibits fumarate dehydrogenase, disrupting the course of bioenergetic processes of helminths.

Paralyzed nematodes are removed from the body by normal intestinal motility within 24 hours after taking the drug.

When taken orally, the drug is quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Blood levels after taking the drug are achieved within 1.5-2 hours. Levamisole is metabolized in the liver and its metabolites are glucuronide and hydroxy-levamisole. The half-life is 3-6 hours. Excreted in the form of metabolites in urine and feces.

Decaris is produced in the form of tablets of 50 or 150 mg - flat, round, with a bevel. 1 tablet contains the active substance: levamisole – 50 or 150 mg (levamisole hydrochloride – 59 or 177 mg).

Indications for use

What does Dekaris help with? According to the instructions, the drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  • Ascariasis;
  • Necatoriasis;
  • Trichocephalosis;
  • Enterobiasis;
  • Hookworm;
  • Strongyloidiasis;
  • Trichostrongylosis.

The drug exhibits high therapeutic activity against those worms that have the ability to adhere to the intestinal walls by inserting into its mucous membrane with their suckers or muscles.

As an immunomodulator:

  • Infectious diseases (recurrent herpes simplex caused by Herpes simplex viruses types 1 and 2, herpes zoster, warts, often recurrent infectious and inflammatory diseases upper sections respiratory tract in children, recurrent sinusitis, chronic active hepatitis B, persistent viral hepatitis, in which the Australian antigen (hbsag) is detected in the blood for more than 3 months);
  • Immunodeficiency conditions and autoimmune diseases(rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease, relapsing aphthous stomatitis, Reiter's disease, to maintain remission achieved by other means in SLE);
  • Malignant neoplasms of the lungs, colon, breast (after surgical, radiation or chemotherapy treatment);
  • Lymphogranulomatosis and leukemia (during remission in the intervals between chemotherapy courses).

Instructions for use Dekaris, dosage

The tablet should be taken once after a meal, without chewing or crushing, with a glass of water. required quantity liquids.

As anthelmintic For adults, instructions for use Dekaris recommends dosages: once - 1 tablet Dekaris 150 mg. For children, the drug is prescribed once at a dose of 2.5 mg/kg, in the evening.

Approximate dosages (the exact dose is calculated based on body weight):

  • 3-6 years (from 10 to 20 kg) – 0.5-1 tablet of 50 mg (25-50 mg);
  • 6-10 years (from 20 to 30 kg) – 1-1.5 tablets of 50 mg (50-75 mg);
  • 10-14 years (from 30 to 40 kg) – 1.5-2 tablets of 50 mg (75-100 mg).

Tablets of 150 mg should not be prescribed to children. During pregnancy, prescribe only if the expected benefit to the mother exceeds possible risk for the fetus.

As an immunomodulator, 150 mg per day is prescribed for 3 consecutive days, followed by 2-week intervals, or 150 mg per day once a week.

It is advisable to take Decaris after meals with a small amount of water, in the evening. There is no need to take laxatives or special diet. If necessary, the drug can be repeated after 7-14 days.

Side effects

The instructions warn about the possibility of developing the following side effects when prescribing Decaris:

  • From the gastrointestinal tract: with a single dose in some cases - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain.
  • Allergic and immunopathological reactions: with long-term use possible skin rash, urticaria, flu-like symptoms, neurological disorders, agranulocytosis (more often occurs in women with rheumatoid arthritis and in patients with HLA B27).


It is contraindicated to prescribe Decaris in the following cases:

  • drug-induced agranulocytosis (history);
  • children under 3 years of age;
  • breastfeeding period.

150 mg tablets are not prescribed to children!

During and after taking the drug, you should not drink alcohol for 24 hours.

Prescribing the drug during pregnancy is possible only if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

If it is necessary to use the drug during breastfeeding, the issue of stopping breastfeeding should be decided.


Upon admission large dose of the drug (more than 600 mg), signs of intoxication may appear in the form of nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, drowsiness, diarrhea, convulsions and confusion.

In case of accidental overdose and if not much time has passed after taking the drug, gastric lavage is performed. It is necessary to monitor the vital functions of the body and conduct symptomatic therapy. If there are signs of anticholinesterase action, atropine can be administered.

Analogues of Dekaris, price in pharmacies

If necessary, you can replace Dekaris with an analogue of the active substance - these are the following drugs:

Similar in therapeutic effect:

  • Medamin,
  • Biltricide,
  • Telmox,
  • Nemozol.

When choosing analogues, it is important to understand that the instructions for use of Dekaris, price and reviews do not apply to drugs with similar effects. It is important to consult a doctor and not change the drug yourself.

Price in Russian pharmacies: Dekaris tablets 50 mg 2 pcs. – from 75 to 92 rubles, according to 739 pharmacies.

Store at a temperature of 10 to 25 ° C in a dark, dry place away from children. Shelf life – 4 years.

Dispensing conditions from pharmacies are by prescription.

Decaris or Vermox – which is better to choose?

Decaris and Vermox are anthelmintic drugs, but their mechanism of action is different, so helminths exhibit different sensitivity to the drugs. Decaris also has immunostimulating properties.

Decaris contains levamisole, which is effective against roundworms. The active substance of the drug causes paralysis of round helminths and disrupts their bioenergetic mechanism and process.

The active ingredient in Vermox, mebendazole, inhibits metabolism in helminth cells and is effective against all worms, but “gives its preference” to pinworms and whipworms.

Dekaris is practically not used to increase immunity in children (despite its properties as an immunomodulator). There are many modern, highly effective and relatively safe immunomodulators that, if necessary, the doctor will prescribe to the child.

What do the reviews say?

For the most part, reviews of parasitologists about Dekaris are favorable. Some of them take it themselves and note that it is well tolerated. According to doctors, side effects the drug can be reduced by eliminating intoxication of the body. To achieve this, laxatives are taken to prevent difficulties with bowel movements.

From the reviews and instructions of “Dekaris” it follows that the medication can show a positive result only if infection with the following varieties is diagnosed:

  • Ascaris lumbrocoides;
  • Americanus Ancylostoma duodenale;
  • Necator.

Rescue packaging: what's inside?

Returning to the blisters: if the cardboard box contains a contour packaging of the first type, then it contains a 150 mg tablet; If the second type of packaging is available, it contains two 50 mg tablets.

To trust or not?

By the way, the reviews about analogues of “Dekaris” are even better than about the product described. For example, Vormin has proven itself well. On the other hand, side effects when taking the medication are rarely reported. As a rule, if patients are dissatisfied with something, they complain about a low degree of effectiveness. Reviews of the use of "Dekaris" also contain references to the fact that the medication is easy to dose, it is difficult to get poisoned, there are no problems typical for drugs that need to be taken in a course: for example, you cannot forget to take the next pill.

Special cases

And when is it completely impossible?

When using the drug for therapy in adults, one dose of a 150 mg tablet is usually sufficient. When treating a child aged 3-6 years, they usually take either half of a 50-milligram tablet or a whole small one. If the child’s age varies between 6-10 years, then one or one and a half tablets should be used once. The next age range is 10-14 years. During this period, when treating with Dekaris, one use is also sufficient, but the dose varies from one and a half to two tablets containing 50 mg of the active component.

Usually the product is used after meals in the evening. It is advisable to take the drug with a small amount of water. No special menu is required for the period of treatment, and there is no need for laxatives. If test results show low effectiveness of the first dose, it is necessary to repeat treatment according to the regimen described above after a week or two.

What if there is too much?

In a number of cases, negative feedback about the effectiveness of "Dekaris" and the negative effects provoked by its use are due to exposure to human body too large a dose of the active substance. True, such reactions are possible if the drug enters the body in an amount of 600 mg or more. Studies have shown that intoxication manifests itself with vomiting and convulsions, and the person becomes drowsy. Possible bowel movements, headaches, and confusion. I often feel dizzy, nauseous, and vomit.

If an overdose occurred by accident, relatively recently, gastric lavage is most effective. It is important to monitor vital functions internal organs. Additionally, therapy is carried out to eliminate unpleasant symptoms intoxication. If an anticholinesterase effect is detected, atropine comes to the rescue.

Let's heal and not get hurt

It is no secret that the simultaneous use of different medications can lead to reactions between active substances, which provokes negative symptoms. In addition, this may affect the effectiveness of drug use. So, when undergoing treatment with Dekaris, you should, if possible, refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages. Otherwise, there is a high probability of disulfiram-like phenomena. They also resort to using the product very carefully if the patient is undergoing treatment. medicines, affecting the function of hematopoiesis.

If it was decided to use Dekaris to treat a patient undergoing therapy with coumarin-like anticoagulants, there is a possibility of an increase in the prothrombin gap. This requires adjustment of the volume of anticoagulants. Under the influence of the medication in question, the concentration of phenytoin in the blood may increase, which also requires monitoring the patient’s condition if drugs that affect the concentration of this compound are used. It is not allowed to use "Dekaris" for the treatment of patients using lipophilic drugs. This imposes restrictions, including on the use of ether and chloroform. The mutual influence of these groups is such that the toxic effect greatly increases, and this can lead to unpredictable consequences.

We use it wisely: how to do it correctly?

If it has been decided to use Dekaris for preventive or therapeutic purposes, it is very important to refrain from alcoholic beverages during the period of use, as well as the next day after using the product. It has not yet been possible to collect a reliable large amount of information about the effect on the central nervous system of the main active component of the drug, and this also obliges the patient to be extremely careful in the first day after use.

It is known that the use of Decaris can cause dizziness. Typically, this is a fairly mild phenomenon and passes very quickly, however, this risk is very important for those who drive a car or other complex mechanisms. During the first 24 hours after the drug is ingested, it is important to exercise extreme caution when using machines.

Analogues: what can be replaced with?

In addition, the following anthelmintic medications are popular:

  • "Pyrantel";
  • "Helmintox";
  • "Piperazine."

Reviews: what do they write about most often?

The drug "Dekaris" has been produced for quite a long time; over the years, a good reputation has been created for the product, and many families, more than once recent years undergoing prophylaxis or therapeutic treatment with its help, they note that the body’s perception of the medication has changed. If previously there were no side effects, now they occur. And this is also observed in those who previously tolerated Decaris perfectly. As a rule, pay attention to the appearance in the mouth bad taste, nausea and stool upset.

It is also noted that the medication is not always effective. As a preventive measure, it works great, including for people who keep cats and dogs at home. But if infection has already occurred, and it was decided to use the product based on test results, there is a possibility that a second course will be required. Moreover, those who have used this medication complain that even with a second dose there is no positive result was not received. On the other hand, it is known that if a person is satisfied with the result, he rarely decides to spend his time creating positive feedback, therefore, we can assume that there are much more people who have successfully completed treatment with Dekaris without side effects than there are reviews on the World Wide Web. I would also like to note that good result can only be achieved by taking a legal drug, so you need to purchase the drug from a reliable pharmacy. Of course, Dekaris is inexpensive, but even such medicines can be counterfeited. To protect yourself from this, it is important to cooperate with an official point of sale.




Anthelmintic drug. Highly effective against ascariasis and hookworm disease. Upon contact with a helminth, it causes a blockade of its nerve ganglia and the development of muscle paralysis. Regardless of location, paralyzed helminths are usually eliminated within 24 hours after taking the drug. Decaris also has an immunomodulatory effect, which is due to its ability to enhance the functions of T-lymphocytes and cells of the phagocytic mononuclear cell system.

Suction: After oral administration at a dose of 150 mg, the drug is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Maximum concentration active substance in plasma is observed after 1-2 hours (about 0.7 μg/ml).
Metabolism: Levamisole hydrochloride is metabolized in the liver.
Removal: The plasma half-life is 4 hours. Levamisole is completely excreted from the body within 2 days.

Indications for

As an anthelmintic:
– ascariasis;
- hookworm disease.
As an immunomodulator:
infectious diseases(recurrent herpes simplex caused by Herpes simplex viruses types 1 and 2, herpes zoster, warts, often recurrent infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract in children, recurrent sinusitis, chronic active hepatitis B, persistent viral hepatitis, in which the Australian antigen (HBsAg) ) is detected in the blood for more than 3 months);
immunodeficiency states and autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease, recurrent aphthous stomatitis, Reiter's disease, to maintain remission achieved by other means in SLE);
– malignant neoplasms of the lungs, colon, breast (after surgical, radiation or chemotherapy treatment);
– lymphogranulomatosis and leukemia (during remission in the intervals between chemotherapy courses).

Directions for use:

As an anthelmintic adults are prescribed Decaris once at a dose of 150 mg. For children, the drug is prescribed once at a dose of 2.5 mg/kg, in the evening.
As an immunomodulator Decaris is prescribed 150 mg per day for 3 consecutive days followed by 2-week intervals or 150 mg per day once a week.

Special instructions
Tablets of 150 mg should not be prescribed to children. During pregnancy, prescribe only if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the possible risk to the fetus.

During and after taking the drug, drinking alcoholic beverages is not allowed for 24 hours.
When driving vehicles or working in places increased danger It should be taken into account that the drug may cause transient mild dizziness.

Side effects:

From the gastrointestinal tract: with a single dose in some cases - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain.
Allergic and immunopathological reactions: with long-term use, skin rash, urticaria, flu-like symptoms, neurological disorders, agranulocytosis are possible (more often occurs in women with rheumatoid arthritis and in patients with HLA B27).


Drug-induced agranulocytosis (history);
- children under 3 years of age;
- period of breastfeeding.
150 mg tablets are not prescribed to children!
With caution: patients with renal and/or liver failure, with suppression of bone marrow hematopoiesis.

Interaction with
other medicinal
by other means:

When taking Decaris at the same time with alcoholic drinks the development of disulfiram-like symptoms is possible.
Caution is required when using Decaris with drugs that affect hematopoiesis.
When taking Decaris simultaneously with coumarin anticoagulants, the prothrombin time may increase, so it is necessary to adjust the dose of the oral anticoagulant.
Decaris increases the concentration of phenytoin in the blood, therefore, when using these drugs simultaneously, it is necessary to monitor the level of phenytoin in the blood plasma.
Do not use simultaneously with lipophilic drugs (chloroform, ether), as the toxicity of levamisole may increase.


Prescription of the drug during pregnancy Maybe only when the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.
If it is necessary to use the drug during breastfeeding, the issue of stopping breastfeeding should be decided.