Do oral hygiene. Rules for maintaining oral hygiene

Dental health can only be guaranteed by proper oral hygiene. If you don't pay attention to it, problems will arise over time: caries, periodontal disease, loss of bone units. A clear symptom of poor hygiene is the smell, which is especially noticeable during a conversation. Diseases can develop due to ignorance of the rules of care.

Oral hygiene concept

If we talk about the definition of hygiene, then it includes measures for the care and removal of plaque from teeth, which help prevent oral diseases. The procedure must be carried out correctly, including superficial removal of deposits and deep cleansing of the interdental space and gingival grooves.

Proper hygiene includes:

  • brushing with a toothbrush and paste;
  • usage additional funds(thread, rinse aid, etc.);
  • visiting a doctor for professional cleaning and assessment of tissue condition.

A visit to the dentist should be scheduled every six months. No cleansing special tools hygiene will be insufficient, which can provoke the occurrence of foci of inflammation and diseases.

Types of hygiene


High-quality home oral hygiene can reduce the impact of pathogenic bacteria on the body. The essence of individual dental hygiene is care using basic products:

  • brushes and pastes;
  • floss (dental floss) (we recommend reading: what is the difference between waxed and unwaxed dental floss);
  • rinse liquid.

Also included in the list of home oral hygiene measures is a self-examination to identify inflammation, plaque and caries. We'll talk more about hygiene products below.


Proper professional oral hygiene is carried out by a hygienist using special devices and materials:

  • hard and soft brushes with different bristle lengths;
  • irrigators;
  • ultrasonic devices;
  • abrasives;
  • therapeutic ointments.

Removing plaque from teeth is an excellent method of preventing periodontal disease. The specialist determines the level of hygiene; after cleaning the crowns, carious lesions become visible, natural color enamel, which is important for occlusion restoration. As a rule, the procedure is performed according to the algorithm:

Methodology for assessing the hygienic condition of the oral cavity

An assessment of the hygienic state of the oral cavity is carried out to select methods and materials for cleaning, caring for teeth and mucous membranes. The doctor uses special means(Lugol's solution, fuchsin, etc.) to identify dental plaque and evaluate the effectiveness of hygiene measures. The dye is applied to the enamel, after which the specialist determines the area occupied by plaque and its thickness.

Oral hygiene assessment is performed using a special table. The quality of hygiene is determined depending on the intensity of pigmentation of each tooth:

The enamel contamination index in each clinic is determined by its own methods. Scale used to measure deposits and coloring agents may vary.

Proper oral care

Dental care

Dental hygiene begins with the choice of toothpaste and brush. There are several types of pastes:

For proper hygiene oral cavity It is important to choose the right brush. It is better to buy a product with artificial fibers - the fibers in them have a smooth surface and the ends are rounded. You need to pay attention to such a parameter as the stiffness of the bristles - as a rule, brushes of medium hardness are suitable for most adults.

It is necessary to take care of your toothbrush, keeping it clean. After use, the product must be dried; it should not be left without a hygienic lid next to the toilet. It is advisable to purchase an ultraviolet sterilizer, which is designed to kill bacteria on the bristles.

To remove plaque and food particles between the teeth, flat and round threads are used in spools or on special holders. They are impregnated with a germ-killing composition and allow mechanical removal of deposits.

If there are orthopedic structures, implants, or wide gaps between teeth, interdental brushes and irrigators are used. These devices are selected by the doctor individually for the patient and allow you to remove plaque from all hard-to-reach places.

Mucous membrane care

Hygiene involves not only removing deposits from the interdental spaces, but also cleansing the oral mucosa. On the inner surface of the cheeks, between the villi of the tongue, microparticles of food accumulate, which create ideal conditions for the proliferation of bacteria.

To maintain a healthy mouth, it is necessary to clean the palate, buccal mucosa and tongue. For this you can use a regular toothbrush or a bandage wrapped around a finger.

Basic hygiene

Basic oral care products

The list of care products includes:

Your home arsenal can be replenished with hygiene aids - a tongue scraper and a toothbrush with a textured surface reverse side heads. These devices provide effective removal plaque from soft tissues.

Maintaining good hygiene helps maintain oral health. For each person, the rules presented below should become a habit:

Instructions for daily cleaning of the oral cavity

To properly perform oral hygiene, you need to adhere to a certain scheme. Taking care of your teeth comes down to simple instructions:

You need to brush your teeth for 2-3 minutes, and then start massaging your gums, making circular movements with a brush or finger for 30-60 seconds.

The next stage is cleaning the oral mucosa:

  1. Using a toothbrush, brush the inside of your cheeks several times.
  2. Lightly pressing the scraper or the back grooved side of the brush head, run along the tongue, first from root to tip, then across.
  3. Rinse your mouth with water.
  1. Tear off about 30-40 cm and wrap it around your fingers.
  2. Having brought it into the interdental gap, press the floss to the tooth and move it up and down 3-5 times.
  3. To clean the next gap, rewind the thread on your fingers to use the clean section.
  4. It is important not to touch the gums - the soft tissue is easily injured.

Morning and evening oral hygiene ends with the use of a rinse. You should take 2 teaspoons of the product into your mouth and roll it for a minute.

The entire hygiene procedure takes no more than 10 minutes. Following the timing will help maintain the condition of your teeth. high level. With careful care, most periodontal diseases and bone loss can be avoided.

Consequences of poor hygiene

The oral cavity is an ideal environment for the development of microorganisms. It is humid and warm, so poor oral hygiene leads to serious consequences:

Having appeared in the mouth, the infection spreads throughout the body, penetrating the internal organs. Toxic waste products of bacteria increase the load on the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and heart. An infection in the oral cavity can in the future provoke the development of arthritis, hearing, smell and vision disorders.

Interesting facts about maintaining dental health

Conscientious oral care involves brushing your teeth daily. However, a person practically does not think about other points:

  • The enamel is subject to stress during food intake. Acids, as well as bacterial waste products, are especially dangerous for her - this is a fact (we recommend reading:). Fluoride copes well with caries - it “seals” microcracks, restoring damaged areas. It is important to use fluoride toothpaste at least once a day (preferably after breakfast).
  • The frequency of meals has a stronger effect on enamel than diet. Snacks just destroy hard tissues, since a person usually consumes foods and drinks containing starch and sugar during lunch. This provokes the proliferation of microbes that produce toxic acids. They have a destructive effect on enamel.
  • Sweets on children's menus provoke the development of dental caries. Good option combating the disease - limiting the consumption of sweets, cakes, sweet soda and replacing them with fruits, homemade yoghurts and pancakes.

Everyone wants to have a snow-white, healthy smile, but not everyone knows what to do to achieve this. Some people limit themselves to buying commercial toothpaste and an expensive brush. However, this is often not enough. To keep your teeth healthy, your breath fresh, and gum problems never overtake you, simple but proper oral hygiene should become a daily ritual for you. What oral care should be like, what means exist for this today, and the rules for brushing teeth that everyone needs to know, you will find in the article.

Basics of oral hygiene

Back in ancient times doctors insisted that a person is healthy as long as his teeth are healthy. If you take proper care of your teeth, pay proper attention to your gums, and carefully select oral products, you can keep your mouth healthy, prevent everyone from visiting an unloved dentist, and save a considerable amount of money on dental treatment. Oral hygiene should be carried out regularly and correctly. It should consist of:

  1. Brushing teeth with a brush and paste.
  2. Oral care after every meal.
  3. Cleaning interdental spaces.

Oral care rules

Any girl should know the following rules and put them into practice. If you haven't done them all before, it's never too late to introduce them into your life. You will be surprised how easy it is to provide your teeth and gums with proper care, which will quickly become a habit:

  • Rule No. 1: teeth should be brushed 2 times a day, before going to bed in the evening and after going to bed in the morning.
  • Rule #2: don't forget about preventive examinations at the dentist once every six months. If you follow this rule, you will be able to prevent gum and tooth disease in the early stages of development.
  • Rule No. 3: choosing teeth cleaning products is a serious matter. You shouldn’t buy the first paste you come across, and the brush needs to be changed at least once every 3 months.
  • Rule #4: Oral care doesn’t end with brushing your teeth: don’t forget about your tongue, cheeks and gums.
  • Rule No. 5: After each meal, you must remove leftover food. Ideally, you should brush your teeth with toothpaste and a brush, but in practice this is most often impossible. Therefore, you can use an affordable alternative: mouth rinses cope with this task with a bang, removing food particles and freshening your breath. And at work or school, chewing gum will come to the rescue.
  • Rule #6: Use dental floss to clean the spaces between your teeth.
  • Rule No. 7: fluoride substances in the paste begin to “work” 3 minutes after contact with the tooth. You need to brush your teeth for at least this amount of time, because you want to not only cleanse, but also strengthen the enamel.

Step-by-step instructions for daily oral cleaning

Teeth need to be brushed correctly, then oral care will be of high quality. By removing all plaque, you will protect your teeth from caries, and your gums from gingivitis, periodontitis and other diseases. The step-by-step scheme for cleaning the oral cavity is as follows:

  1. The procedure begins with traditional cleaning teeth with paste and brush. Position the brush so that the bristles cover outer surface teeth. Move the brush from the gum to the edge of the teeth in a sweeping motion.
  2. The inner surface of the teeth must be cleaned with exactly the same sweeping movements using the same pattern.
  3. Then position the brush so that the bristles cover the chewing surface. The back and forth motion will help clean the chewing surface.
  4. Repeat this for the top and lower jaw. Do not press the brush too hard.
  5. Close your jaw and soft movements massage your gums with a brush.
  6. Cleaning your tongue: you can use a special tongue scraper or a brush if it has a special cleaning surface. Make a couple of movements from the root to the tip of the tongue.
  7. Cleaning the inner surface of the cheeks: repeat the procedure similar to cleaning the tongue now for the inner surface of the cheeks. Rinse your mouth clean water.
  8. Let's move on to thread floss. Take about 30 cm of dental floss and wrap the ends around your index fingers, leaving a 10 cm gap between them. Holding the floss firmly between your fingers, guide it into the tooth space, then press it against the surface of one of the teeth and move it up and down. To clean the adjacent gap, use a clean section of thread. When flossing, do not touch your gums. It is forbidden to use dental floss if you have periodontitis.
  9. The final stage is rinse aid. There is no need to take a full mouthful of rinse liquid; about 2 teaspoons is enough. Rinse your mouth thoroughly for a minute.

Oral hygiene will not take you more than 10 minutes in the morning and evening. Do everything right and your teeth and gums will be healthy. Now let's learn more about oral hygiene products.

Choosing oral care products

Oral hygiene products are also important in quality care. We will help you make the right choice by telling you what to look for when purchasing.

Choosing pasta

Forget all the advertisements you saw on TV. When choosing toothpaste, it is not at all necessary to buy the most expensive one available in the store. Whether it is a domestic manufacturer or a foreign one also does not play a major role. The compositions of the pastes are most often identical. What you need to pay attention to is the fluoride content. Products with fluoride are only suitable for the prevention of caries, but if this scourge has already befallen you, fluoride-containing toothpastes will only worsen the condition of your teeth. Pay attention to the purpose of the product. For daily use, you need a therapeutic-and-prophylactic or complex paste, but be careful with bleaching ones. When choosing a whitening paste, it is better to consult your dentist.

Choosing a brush

Toothbrushes are primarily divided into electric and regular ones for manual cleaning. The former cope with the task better, but are also more expensive. It is recommended to change attachments as often as a regular brush, so the question of choice quite often comes down to finances. An electric toothbrush can easily clean the furthest teeth without you having to make any effort: just move the brush from tooth to tooth. When choosing an electric brush, pay attention to the nozzle itself. It can be simply cleansing or whitening. The type of power is also important: battery-powered brushes are cheaper, but with a battery they are more convenient.

A regular hand brush comes in 3 levels of hardness: soft, medium and hard. Soft bristles are gentle on teeth and gums, but do not clean well, while hard bristles are too aggressive. Dentists advise choosing the golden mean - medium-hard bristles.

Choosing floss threads

All dental flosses are thin fibers twisted together. The choice of this oral care product is quite large. More expensive threads are made from silk fibers, while cheaper options are made from synthetic fibers. Floss threads can be lubricated, ungreased, fluoridated, flat, round, embossed, scented. Dentists recommend choosing a flat, lubricated thread; it is more convenient to use and reduces the risk of injury to the gums. Waxed threads are suitable for beginners; they are more durable and therefore ideal for first attempts. If you want to provide your teeth with additional protection against caries, use fluoridated floss.

Choosing a rinse aid

The rinse aid has wide range Actions: removes plaque, kills bacteria, freshens breath, heals wounds, prevents caries. Designed for different purposes different types rinses: therapeutic and preventive. The main goal of preventive rinses is to keep your breath fresh. But medicinal ones can be intended to combat inflammation, bleeding gums, and tooth sensitivity. Initially, you need to decide on the task that the rinse aid will need to perform. Prophylactic products are suitable for daily use.

In conclusion, I would like to note the importance of regular visits to the dentist. For example, if you have a problem such as bleeding gums, rinsing with herbal decoctions and using special pastes will not solve the problem completely, but if you contact a specialist, it will correct the situation in half an hour. Take care of your oral cavity and be healthy!

Oral hygiene is home and professional care of teeth, mucous membranes, and interdental space. The procedure at the dentist must be done about 2 times a year. At home, you need to brush your teeth twice a day. The evening procedure is considered the main one, since it helps remove food particles that have accumulated during the day.

Oral health assessment by a dentist

Dentists use special indices to assess the degree of contamination of the oral cavity. The indicator is assessed using dyes that are applied to enamels. The procedure is completely painless, so patients should not be afraid of this test. The dye is applied to the anterior, anterior teeth, vestibular and medial surface elements.

The index is determined for each element in the oral cavity. The rating scale is as follows:

  • 1-1.5 – good;
  • 1.5-2 – satisfactory;
  • 2-2.5 – unsatisfactory;
  • 2.5 – 3.4 – bad;
  • 3.4 – 5 – very bad.

Each clinic uses its own methods for assessing dental hygiene.

Devices for the procedure

Effective cleaning of the oral cavity from plaque and food debris is possible only by using the complex hygiene products. The list of care devices includes several types of toothpastes, floss, brush and irrigator. These devices will reduce the number of visits to the dentist.

Choosing a toothbrush

The principle of operation of an electric brush is to constantly rotate a disk with bristles under the influence of electric current. The electric brush is replaced as often as a regular one - once every 2-3 months.

There are two main types of products - a simple and an electric brush. The devices also differ in the level of bristle stiffness. For bleeding gums and sensitive enamel, it is recommended to use brushes with soft bristles. In addition to them, dental floss and irrigators must be used, because such products cannot efficiently remove all plaque from the teeth. If a person does not have dental diseases, then it is better for him to use brushes with medium-hard bristles. The choice of oral care device largely depends on the structure of the person’s jaw and the condition of the teeth.

Features of selecting an irrigator

The irrigator is designed to remove food particles from hard-to-reach areas that cannot be reached with a regular or electric toothbrush. Hygienic care performed using a powerful jet of water or medicine emitted by the device.

There are several types of products depending on the principle of operation and dimensions:

  • portable;
  • running on water supply;
  • stationary.

Has smaller sizes portable irrigator. It works the same way as an electric toothbrush - it runs on batteries. The device can be taken with you on the road and used at home. A stationary irrigator is different large size and requires connection to an outlet. For this reason, it is more often used in dental clinics. The simplest and cheapest option is a device connected to the water supply.

The choice of device type depends on the characteristics of the dental disease:

  • any type of irrigator is used to prevent caries and gum inflammation;
  • To combat pathologies, they use devices into which special medications can be poured.

What is included in the irrigator kit? The device comes with several types of attachments. They are designed to treat various areas of the oral cavity: gum pockets, lateral and front teeth, braces

There are practically no contraindications to using the device, but before using it you should read the instructions. It is not recommended to use the device if there is significant bleeding of the gums and there are wounds on the surface of the mucous membranes. If you have any doubts about the possibility of using an irrigator, you should consult a dentist.

The need to use dental floss or dental floss

The device is necessary for effective cleaning of the interdental space. The accessory also comes in several types: twisted, flat and round. Floss is used after home oral hygiene with a brush and paste. The thread must be soaked antiseptics and wax. The size of the device is determined depending on the distance between the teeth.

Toothpicks and brushes

The main cause of dental problems is reproduction pathogenic bacteria due to poor oral hygiene. Pathogenic flora often lives in the interdental spaces, which are difficult to clean. To prevent carious processes, toothpicks and brushes are used.

Toothsticks are a thin wooden stick with one pointed end. The device must be used carefully so as not to damage the gums and soft fabrics

The design of brushes differs from toothbrushes. They consist of a thin metal base on which the fibers are attached.

Rules for choosing toothpaste

In the absence dental diseases Children and adults are recommended to use prophylactic pastes. The composition should be changed once every 2 months to avoid getting used to the components of the paste.

At pathological processes in the oral cavity, the choice of paste is agreed upon with the dentist. For example, when gums are irritated, pastes and rinses with anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous components are required.

Algorithm for brushing teeth with a regular brush and toothpaste

Proper oral hygiene includes using a toothbrush and toothpaste twice a day. Thus, the enamel surface is cleaned of soft coating.

The brush is placed at an angle of 45 degrees to the gum and moves from the base of the gum to cutting edge element. The movements are repeated up to 10 times for each zone. This method is used only when cleaning the anterior elements and canines.

When moving to the cutting edge of the tooth, the brush is held at an angle of 90 degrees.

To care for the side teeth, the brush is also placed at right angles to the teeth. Movements are made left and right for the front and inner surfaces. Any remaining food particles between the teeth are then flossed.

During the procedure, adhere to the following oral hygiene tips:

  • cleaning begins from the left corner of the lower jaw towards the front incisors, and after that from the central elements they move to the lateral teeth on the right;
  • cleansing of the inside of the lower jaw is carried out in the direction from right to left;
  • The upper jaw is worked in the same way.

The duration of the procedure is up to 4 minutes. Before performing personal hygiene, it is advisable to rinse your mouth with clean water.

Cleaning your mouth with an electric brush

Many patients prefer electrical products rather than simple ones. They are much more expensive than regular brushes, but, as practice shows, they do not provide noticeable benefits when performing oral hygiene in adults.

The movement of the fibers is carried out due to a running motor working with high frequency(more than 50 head revolutions per minute). Electric brushes Dentists often recommend this to children who do not know how to properly use a regular brush. The same applies to older people who have problems with coordination of movements.

Rules for using floss

Flat products are more suitable for treating the interdental space between dense elements. The thread glides thanks to the action of saliva and special impregnating compounds.

You need to use floss taking into account the recommendations for oral hygiene:

  • a small piece of tape up to 30-40 cm long is torn off and secured to the first phalanx of the middle finger;
  • the tape is stretched and placed in the interdental spaces up to the gums;
  • Using back and forth movements, push the remaining food towards the cutting edge.

When flossing, the fingers of one hand are placed in the mouth. The thread is directed to the desired position with a large or index finger.

Sometimes a flossette is included with dental floss. It is necessary to hold the thread in a taut position.

Rules for using the irrigator

Not all patients know what an irrigator is and how to use it correctly. The situation is complicated by the fact that products purchased on the Internet are not always supplied with instructions in Russian.

Typically the product has the following settings:

  • switching operating modes;
  • changing the number of rotations per minute;
  • pressure control per minute;
  • automatic shutdown after a certain period of time.

The device is necessary for the hygiene of gums and hard-to-reach areas in the oral cavity. The use of an irrigator is almost always carried out in the bathroom, so before using it, you need to make sure that the device’s wires or battery compartment are reliably protected from liquid penetration. Some irrigators are additionally equipped with ultrasonic lamps. The radiation coming from these lamps contributes to the death of pathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity.

Rules for using the device:

  • Teeth and gums do not immediately get used to the powerful flow of water, so for the first time you need to adjust the water supply to the minimum value. As you get used to it, the pressure increases.
  • First, open areas in the oral cavity are treated - the front teeth, palate, tongue, and after that the side elements and the inner surface of the row are treated. Dentists advise patients to mentally divide the jaw into 4 parts and treat each of them sequentially.
  • It is necessary to direct water to the gums with caution, as damage to them can lead to serious complications.

Professional dental care

It should be noted that the main fact that is an indication for a professional procedure is insufficient oral hygiene performed at home. As a result of such brushing, a soft plaque forms on the teeth, which subsequently hardens and turns into tartar. A person will not be able to cope with the problem on his own.

The professional procedure includes:

  • Ultrasonic cleaning. The method allows you to quickly and painlessly remove hard deposits from the enamel surface. The impact on the tooth is carried out using vibrations. The ultrasound technique does not damage the enamel and has high efficiency. The method is prohibited for oral hygiene in pregnant women.
  • AirFlow method. Using a special device, a soda solution and water are released into the patient’s oral cavity under pressure. The elements are cleaned of plaque and tartar and become several shades lighter.
  • Teeth polishing with professional compounds containing zirconium microgranules.
  • Fluoridation. Apply trays with gel to dry enamel for 1 minute. During this time, the tooth has time to absorb fluoride ions.

Important stage professional teeth cleaning – consultation with a dentist. The doctor recommends a specific type of oral care product suitable for a particular patient

Hygiene rules for children

The algorithm and rules for brushing teeth in children and adults are not much different. You need to take care of your child’s oral cavity from infancy. After each feeding, the baby’s gums are wiped with a cloth soaked in soda solution or a fingertip.

It is necessary to teach your child the rules of oral hygiene after the appearance of baby teeth. For a child, they specially purchase a brush with soft bristles and toothpastes with neutral chemical composition. The first procedures should be short - up to 30 seconds. Each time the duration of cleaning increases.

Parents should teach their child to squeeze onto the brush not large number paste (no more than a pea). For additional oral hygiene in children, you can use special wipes soaked in xylitol. The substance destroys pathogenic microorganisms that multiply on enamel and gums. These napkins are stored in the refrigerator.

Consequences of poor hygiene

Indicator quality care behind the oral cavity – no problems with the gums. The procedure helps prevent various dental problems: development of caries, early tooth loss, periodontitis, bad breath.

Failure to follow the basic rules of the procedure leads to the fact that the soft plaque on the teeth crystallizes and turns into stone.

Hard formations cause detachment of the gums from the neck of the tooth. Bacteria actively multiply in periodontal pockets.

Scientists have identified more than 60 types of diseases that manifest themselves as a consequence of improper home oral hygiene:

Active reproduction of pathogenic flora leads to the formation of a chronic focus of infection in the mouth. This affects work protective forces body and leads to damage to various internal organs. Therefore, comprehensive oral hygiene is important for maintaining a snow-white smile and maintaining overall health.

It goes without saying how important oral hygiene is. After eating, acids always form in the mouth, which negatively affect the enamel of the teeth - they corrode it. If acids are not cleaned in time, they form deposits and accumulations, which can result in the formation of stones and holes. And against the backdrop of weakened and bleeding gums, the situation becomes even worse. To avoid this, hygiene rules must be observed.

General rules of oral hygiene

Brushing your teeth isn't everything. Hygiene begins with proper nutrition and only then can you think about preventative measures. Here are a few important rules, non-compliance with which may put you at risk:
  • Minimize the use of lemons and acidic foods in pure form. You can drink tea with lemon, but do not eat the fruit in slices.
  • Avoid sticky sweets such as toffee. Such sweets are difficult to clean from teeth. They also often cause toothache: .
  • Lightly brush your teeth and rinse after every snack. It is not necessary to use toothpaste every time - just rub your teeth with a soft brush.

It is equally important to know that you need to brush your teeth 2 times a day: the first time after the first meal, and the second time at night.

After you have had a snack, use the following modern means as a preventive measure:
  • Chewing gum without sugar (with its help you can additionally clean your teeth);
  • Teeth rinse (cleanses plaque and food debris);
  • Plain water (for rinsing if no other means are available).

Choosing a toothpaste and brush

To ensure that a visit to the dentist does not result in gum treatment or tooth extraction, choose a good toothpaste. They are usually divided into two types:
  • Hygienic . Serve only to clean teeth from plaque. Some of them additionally freshen your breath. But that's where their advantages end.
  • Preventive . They are more extensive in their effect - they save from caries, protect enamel, strengthen gums. There are a number of herbal anti-inflammatory toothpastes available. There are series of pastes with a whitening effect; it is better to use them rarely so as not to damage the enamel. You can also read the article about.

Instead of toothpaste, you can use powder. Its effect is no worse, and often better, because it contains natural ingredients. By the way, the cost of the powder is an order of magnitude less.

Choosing a quality toothbrush is another way to keep your teeth perfectly clean. All brushes differ in degree of hardness:

  • the toughest (for removable dentures);
  • medium hard;
  • soft (for weakened gums and for children).
The toothbrush is changed every 2 months and is used by only one person. If you want a more serious approach, you can also invest in an electric toothbrush, but even then, it's not so much the brush that's important, but the brushing technique.

Proper brushing of teeth

How to brush your teeth correctly? This has been written about in detail. In short, the training is simple: to do this, the brush must move from the gum to the edge of the tooth in a sweeping motion.

If food gets stuck in your teeth, use dental floss. This the best remedy to get rid of food particles in the interdental spaces. Sometimes only after flossing you get the feeling that your teeth have been cleaned, it copes so well with food residues.

If you don't have dental floss, try using a toothpick. With its help, you can remove pinpoint accumulations of food debris. Its only downside is that it can damage your gums, so proceed with extreme caution.

To remove food debris, hold the toothpick at a 45-degree angle to the tooth.

If problems with gums arise, dentists advise using irrigators - devices for removing food debris using streams of water. The irrigator removes plaque and massages the gums.

It is recommended to visit a dentist once every six months to consult about the condition of your teeth and detect problems in time. Don't wait until pain occurs - go to the doctor if stone, plaque, caries or bad smell. It is better to understand diseases early stages. Especially if it's .

Oral hygiene in children

There is no fundamental difference between brushing the teeth of children and adults, but there are still subtleties and some nuances.

In the very first months of a baby's life, parents should take care of their gums. After feeding, the gums are wiped with napkins soaked in soda solution or fingertips with the same composition.

When baby teeth appear, it's time to learn. Buy your child some children's toothpaste and a brush. The first tests should be short - 20 seconds each. Subsequent cleanings should be increased in duration.

To encourage a child to become interested in brushing their teeth, special games, calendars and fairy tales are used.

The manufacturer will tell you which teeth cleaning products to choose for your child. Typically, a baby brush has a short handle and soft bristles, and toothpaste has a pleasant taste.

Teach your child to take no more toothpaste than the nail of his little finger. This way he will learn to dose the paste correctly.

As additional care for babies, you can use special wipes. They contain xylitol, which kills bacteria that grow on the gums and tooth enamel. Such napkins should be kept in the refrigerator so that their cold relieves possible pain.

Over time, the child becomes accustomed to dental floss, learning to use it between meals.

How to take care of your mouth with removable dentures?

When a patient is fitted with a prosthesis, the rules for caring for the oral cavity change slightly. You cannot neglect the recommendations of doctors, otherwise the prosthesis will not last as long as it can and will very quickly lose its aesthetic appearance.

The main problem with removable dentures is that you still need to get used to them. At first, while addiction is underway, you can purchase protection from irritation in the oral cavity. Special preparations help cleanse the oral cavity additionally. As soon as discomfort When you get used to it, they go away; the aids can be discontinued.

There are disadvantages to using removable structures. Due to the prosthesis:

  • natural cleansing of the oral cavity is disrupted;
  • the circulation of the mucous membrane in the mouth changes;
  • heat exchange, even diction and taste properties of products are disrupted.
The gums are the first to suffer from improper oral hygiene with dentures. Due to bacterial plaque, the gums become inflamed, hence the unpleasant odor. You can read about the causes of bad breath. To prevent this from happening, your bathroom shelf should always have:
  • Fixing creams and pads (special products for artificial teeth);
  • Powders with a cleansing effect (can also be purchased in tablet form);
  • Cleaning brush for cleaning the prosthesis;
  • Additional means for cleaning artificial teeth.
You must also purchase:
  • A special paste that is used to clean the interdental spaces;
  • Brush for cleaning interdental spaces;
  • A toothbrush with the softest bristles;
  • Dental floss;
  • Rinse to strengthen gums;
  • Tablets to detect plaque.

Good care of the denture means that it is free of plaque and food particles. To achieve this, do the following:
  • Clean your denture 2 times a day;
  • Rinse your mouth after each meal and rinse your denture under running water;
  • Clean your removable teeth in a disinfectant solution;
  • Remove dentures at night.
Be especially careful with the inner surface of the denture – the place where it contacts the gums.

When the prosthesis needs to be transported, use a special container for this.

What are oral hygiene indices?

Why do you need to know the oral hygiene index? This information is important for the dentist to reflect on the patient's treatment picture. There are quite a lot of such indices, each is needed to determine a narrower direction in treatment, for example, periodontal disease.

The most common index reflects dental caries damage. This takes into account:

  • Carious teeth;
  • Filled teeth;
  • Extracted or to be extracted teeth.
The dental scores are added up, and then the indicator gives an idea of ​​the intensity of caries development in a particular patient.

The level of intensity of caries development is expressed as a percentage, where from 80% the intensity is high, and up to 30% is the lowest.

To evaluate the effectiveness of oral hygiene, special test– staining of teeth. The index is calculated for each tooth in a special code, and then the data is displayed in a total amount. In the same way, bite, gum condition, aesthetic index, etc. are assessed.

How can you use the hygiene index at home and why is it needed? You will be able to independently assess how well you take care of your teeth. For the test and objective assessment, you need to purchase a special dye. It stains deposits on teeth. The more intense the staining, the lower the assessment of the hygienic condition of the teeth.

What are the consequences of poor oral hygiene?

Even if you think you take good care of your teeth and brush them thoroughly every day, reconsider your rules. An indicator of quality hygiene is always the absence of dental problems, healthy gums and a pleasant breath. If at least one of the conditions is absent, then care is carried out poorly or incorrectly.

Most dental diseases occur solely due to poor hygiene.

Caries and tartar are a consequence of the accumulation of plaque on the teeth. It is located even in unobvious places:

  • In the incisor pits;
  • Between teeth;
  • Under the gum in the neck of the tooth;
  • On the gums.
If you do not monitor plaque and do not clean it off in time, the accumulations form a microbial environment that has a destructive effect on the upper tissues of the tooth. Hence the caries.

Even if you regularly visit the dentist who treats your caries, prolonged untimely oral care threatens a relapse of the development of dental disease. Filled teeth will have to be re-treated, and with them gum diseases - periodontitis and gingivitis - will have to be thoroughly dealt with.

The accumulation of microbes in the oral cavity is not only an aesthetic problem. Bad teeth affect the functioning of the entire body, causing stomach diseases and allergic reactions.

What is required for proper teeth brushing? (video)

Look educational video about what is considered proper oral hygiene.

Oral hygiene is a complex of hygienic procedures: individual and professional cleaning of the dentition, gum pockets and tongue. Cleaning can be done at home or in a dental clinic by a professional hygienist.

Professional oral hygiene is carried out twice a year to clean numerous interdental areas, remove plaque, restore the color of enamel and other work that is difficult to perform at home.

Individual hygiene procedures must be carried out daily, twice a day after meals. The most important is the evening procedure, carried out immediately before bed: plaque accumulated during the day can contribute to the growth of bacteria, the formation of caries and gum pathology.

Methodology for assessing hygienic condition

To determine the degree of contamination, a test with special dyes and an enamel testing scale for the oral hygiene index is used.

The degree of contamination is determined by the color saturation of the dye that is applied to the enamel layer, painting the frontal, medial, vestibular and occlusal surfaces. The quality of the index assessment is measured in points based on the intensity of staining of the areas of each individual tooth:

Important!“Each dental clinic uses its own methods for determining the enamel contamination index, using special solutions and a scale for measuring plaque deposits.”

Hygiene criteria

The oral cavity is filled with microorganisms involved in the primary breakdown of food, preservation of enamel and maintenance general condition microflora of the body. In advanced cases, the microflora is filled with pathogenic bacteria that destroy enamel and deform gum tissue.

Important!“Problem areas for cleaning plaque deposits are: the inner surface of the teeth; internal occlusal part of the lower molars; outer mesiobuccal aspect of the molars.”

Basic hygiene products

In order to thoroughly carry out daily procedures for cleaning deposits, oral hygiene products are needed; basic cleaning supplies include:

  • Toothbrush- the basis of any hygienic process, it can be used for a maximum of two months, then it must be changed.
  • Toothpaste– it would be optimal to use a product with a high content of fluoride and potassium to mineralize and strengthen the enamel coating.

Professional hygiene procedure

Professional oral hygiene from a dental hygienist will help you completely get rid of plaque deposits.

Why is oral hygiene so important in dentistry, what is included in the mandatory procedures, and why is professional help in cleaning teeth necessary?

Firstly: removing accumulations of soft plaque is difficult without professional help; over time, it tends to harden into tartar, which is not possible to remove on your own.

Secondly: hard plaque not only spoils the appearance, but also promotes the proliferation of bacteria, which leads to the formation of caries, periodontitis and many other diseases.

Professional oral hygiene differs in the type of appointment and the instrumental equipment used in the procedure. Before starting any operation, the dental hygienist rinses the patient’s mouth with an antiseptic solution and, if the surfaces are to be thoroughly treated, uses anesthetics to treat the gum tissue using a spray, gel or injection.

Cleaning surfaces from soft deposits

Oral hygiene cleaning products for soft plaque:

This cleaning uses attachments with hard brushes, specialized pastes and gels with a high content of abrasive particles.

The brushes rotate in a circle at a sufficient speed, and this method effectively removes soft dental plaque.

  • Mechanical cleaning using a scaler or Air-Flow device.

During the cleaning process using the Air-Flow ultrasonic device, a nozzle is used, which under strong pressure directs a stream of air with a special solution and small abrasive particles onto the tooth surface.

Colliding with the surface antiseptic solution washes away and removes dirt and plaque particles. Airflow Helps remove abrasive residues.

In this way, the enamel layer, mucous membrane and gum pockets are cleaned from soft bacterial plaque.

Removing hard build-up

Previously, procedures for removing hard stone were carried out by peeling and chipping dental stones using special dental instruments; such an operation damaged the enamel and provoked the occurrence of microcracks and chips.
Currently using safe and effective means oral hygiene, these include:

  • Ultrasonic cleaning

This is by far the most popular cleaning, it effectively removes stone deposits and other pathological formations on the enamel, in the interdental crevices, under the gums, in periodontal pockets.

Cleaning is carried out using a scaler and an Air-Flow jet device using special nozzles for solid deposits. After cleaning, the enamel is ground and polished.

  • Laser hygienic cleaning

This method copes with stone deposits of varying densities and sizes; the laser removes both old hardened plaque in the gum pockets and the surface membrane formed as a result of smoking or eating foods with coloring elements.

At the end of the procedure, the enamel is coated with dental varnish or gel, which reduces sensitivity and protects against the effects of pathogenic microflora.

Laser cleaning is a more gentle procedure than ultrasound; one of its advantages is that it is absolutely painless and therefore does not require prior anesthesia.

Any dental clinic provides professional services for teeth cleaning, carried out with laser and ultrasonic equipment, which are the most optimal today.

Important!“To remove deposits, it is necessary to carry out as many cleaning sessions as the contaminated surface requires. As a rule, combined types of cleansing are used for more effective results.”

Benefits of professional cleaning

Professional cleaning is mandatory procedure pre-treatment of the mouth before any dental operations. Cleaning is necessary for the following reasons:

  • when plaque is removed, the process of enriching tissues with minerals and microelements is accelerated, which has a beneficial effect not only on the crown, but also on the root part, alveolar areas and periodontium;
  • clean enamel without stone deposits allows for a more thorough diagnosis, checking the exact shade of the enamel, detecting microchips and microcracks, and identifying caries in the stain stage.

Before prosthetics and restoration, it is necessary to carry out professional cleaning, only in this case is optimal correction of the tooth structure possible.

Important!“It is necessary to carry out dental cleaning and check for any deformations once every six months, in which case there is a chance to prevent any diseases of the teeth, gums and mucous membranes.”

Self-cleaning of dental surfaces

To maintain your oral cavity in optimal hygienic condition, you must follow basic rules hygiene: use specially selected toothpastes and brushes and brush your teeth daily, always maintaining the correct range of motion.

Basic rules

They begin to clean the dentition from the lingual side, then the vestibular part of the enamel is covered, and only after that the tops of the crowns are cleaned.

For internal and external manipulations, the brush is installed at an angle of 45 degrees from the surface and moves smoothly from the root to the top. Each tooth must be brushed separately at least 10 times.

Cleaning begins with the upper molars, moving the brush in wave-like movements and gradually moving it to the molars, and this is repeated several times, in the same way the procedure is performed in the opposite direction (from the molars to the front) to strengthen the result.

The inside requires especially thorough cleaning. Must be cleaned using identical in a circular motion in the direction from the root to the apex and from the anterior to the molars, thoroughly cleaning inner side incisors.

For thorough treatment, you can use an irrigator; it cleans the cavity of food debris, prevents the formation of plaque, prevents the formation of caries and gingivitis, and prevents the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

Hygienic tongue cleaning

Hygiene procedures include mandatory cleansing of the tongue. During the cleaning process, pathogenic mucus, plaque, and food debris are removed from the surface of the tongue.

The tongue contains a large number of papillae and cavities, which are filled with microscopic food debris. As a result, the tongue becomes a source of proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms - through saliva, bacteria enter the surface of the enamel, gum tissue and the gastrointestinal tract.