Dermatitis in cats: from contact to allergic. Dermatitis in cats and cats

A pressing problem these days that requires special attention, is an atopy in cats, also known as inhalant allergy and atopic dermatitis. In it, the animal develops an immune-mediated skin allergy, called hypersensitivity or hypersensitivity reactions, to one or more substances present in environment, and usually do not cause any problems for the cat.

These substances are called "allergens". In general, allergens that cause atopy are inhaled or absorbed through the skin. Some of the most common allergens that contribute to the onset of atopy are pollen, dust, mold, fertilizers and household chemicals.

Unfortunately, it can be difficult to differentiate atopic dermatitis from other conditions that cause feline skin problems, such as food allergies and saliva from flea or other insect bites. Cats with atopy may exhibit seasonal symptoms which almost always involve intermittent itching during illness, and then becomes more chronic.

Causes of atopy in cats

Feline atopy - inflammatory, itchy and abnormal overreaction immune system which causes the cat to become hypersensitive to normal substances in the environment (allergens) and does not usually cause allergic reactions.

It is believed that atopy may be influenced by genetics. However, the inheritance mode is not very clear. Undoubtedly, other factors influence the development of the disorder. Substances commonly associated with the onset of feline atopy include pollen, grasses, trees and other plants, mold, fungi, household cleaners, dust, dust mites, fleas, lice, animal dander, fertilizers, chemicals, debris and a variety of other environmental allergens.

There is no specific gender or racial predisposition to feline atopy, although most pets develop symptoms between 3 months and 3 years of age. The condition may be seasonal or non-seasonal, depending on the prevalence and presence of whatever is causing the skin allergy. Many pets, 20%-30% of those suffer from atopy, which contributes to skin problems including itching, inflammation, irritation, redness and loss of sleep.

Symptoms of atopic dermatitis in a cat

The owner of a cat suffering from atopic dermatitis may notice one or more of the signs we list below. Unfortunately, these symptoms can mimic many other disorders that cause your pet to develop itchy and inflamed skin:

A distinctive feature of feline atopy is the presence of intense and chronic skin itching. The pet will be prone to scratching, licking and may chew on the skin. However, these actions will not bring any obvious relief.

  • Hair loss (alopecia), often symmetrical. May be intermittent, seasonal or non-seasonal. It most often affects the legs, face, ears, base of the tail and the soft part of the abdomen.
  • Redness, inflammation and irritation of the skin.
  • Abrasions, exudate ulcers, injuries and roots of autotrauma, which can lead to the occurrence of bacterial skin infections.
  • Difficulty breathing and other respiratory problems (shortness of breath). They can mimic the symptoms of feline asthma.
  • Ear infections (otitis), inflammation of the ears with copious amounts of earwax. They can be recurrent or chronic.
  • Miliary dermatitis or one of several lesions of the eosinophilic granuloma complex (eosinophilic plaques, eosinophilic granulomas, and venom ulcers).

Most symptoms get worse over time. It is true that feline immune-mediated atopy cannot be cured, but it can usually be controlled with appropriate treatment. medical care and by identifying and eliminating the allergens causing the problem.

Diagnosis of atopy in cats

As mentioned earlier, feline atopies occur as a result of an excessive allergic reaction on the part of the cat's immune system to a substance present in the environment with which it has been in contact (allergen). Typically, a cat interacts with an allergen through physical contact or inhalation.

The most common signs of feline atopy are inflammation of the skin and intense itching, which can lead to ulcers, exudation, crusting and some dramatic changes in behavior. Unlike dogs, cats with atopy often have difficulty breathing, symmetrical alopecia, and other skin lesions, in addition to itching.

The veterinarian may also perform deep skin scrapings or take hair samples to look for further evidence of pests. Samples taken from the cat's ears and any parts of the skin sores can be sent to a laboratory for microscopy to determine the cause of the cat's discomfort. In short, to diagnose atopy, the veterinarian must systematically rule out all other possible reasons cat's condition.

Based on the results of the initial assessment, your veterinarian will likely recommend taking blood and urine samples for an accurate assessment. The results of these tests are usually quite normal in cats whose symptoms are caused by immune-mediated atopy rather than by other diseases. Advanced allergy skin tests are also available and require the intervention of a veterinary dermatologist.

Treatment of atopic dermatitis in cats

Therapeutic goals for atopic dermatitis in cats are to eliminate or at least minimize the cat's exposure to causative environmental allergens and therefore improve the health and overall quality of life of the animal.

Appropriate treatment for atopy will depend on the underlying cause specific condition cats. Major factors include the nature and intensity of clinical signs, the seasonal nature of these signs, the distribution and severity of associated skin lesions, patient acceptance of treatment, and owner motivation.

Most atopic cats can be treated at home. The owner must remember that this is a progressive disorder that rarely presents a chance of remission and cannot be cured.

All in all, itching can be treated oral antihistamines and omega-3 or omega-6 essential fatty acid supplements. Antihistamines can cause drowsiness, lethargy, anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, and even nervousness.

Therefore, the owner should pay attention to the possible occurrence of these side effects in the cat. If ulcers or secondary bacterial skin infections are present, oral antibiotics may be prescribed. Shampoos and other topical treatments are also available to combat bacterial and fungal skin infections.

In severe or chronic feline atopy, corticosteroid therapies are available and are usually quite effective in controlling pruritus associated with environmental allergies. However, long-term use of steroids can cause a number of side effects and steroid treatments that should be limited to the minimum dosage required to control the condition.

Steroids are often prescribed for short-term relief until the clinical signs of atopy are under control. It has been shown that the combination of corticosteroids and antihistamines more effective in controlling itching than steroids or antihistamines taken alone and at much lower doses.

Cyclosporine, active substance with immunosuppressive effects, is also available for the control of pruritus associated with severe or chronic atopic dermatitis. This medicine is expensive and has common side effects, including vomiting, diarrhea, gingival hyperplasia, hypertrichosis, acne and other skin problems.

Signs of atopic dermatitis

In some cases, allergen-specific immunotherapy (also called hypersensitization) can help cats suffering from atopy. This form of treatment involves the subcutaneous administration of gradually increasing doses of allergens present in the cat's environment that cause positive reactions with intradermal allergy skin tests. This therapy is beneficial in most cases for dogs, and although its effectiveness in cats has not been established, it is believed to be similar to that seen in dogs.

Hypersensitization is usually used when the cat has non-seasonal atopy and when anti-inflammatory treatment is ineffective, causes unacceptable side effects, or does not provide sufficient relief. Physical restraint (eg using Elizabethan collars) may be helpful in reducing any trauma, although it will not reduce the itching that predisposes atopic cat to autotrauma.

There are various topical treatments that can relieve itching. Even a hot bath can relieve itching by simply moisturizing your pet's skin.

With the owner's efforts and treatment formulated on an individual basis, most cases can be well managed. Regular veterinary examinations, at least twice a year, are important to monitor this condition, especially for cats undergoing long-term steroid therapy.

Prevention of atopy

Allergic reactions, caused by hypersensitivity or overreaction of the immune system to substances in the environment that would not normally cause a pet to develop skin problems, can be prevented by eliminating or at least minimizing the pet's exposure to allergens.

Allergens can be identified by a veterinarian using allergy tests (intradermal tests) or blood tests (serological tests) if the cause of the cat's condition is not obvious. Other preventive methods include preventing things that may cause itching, such as fleas, ticks, lice and food ingredients.

The diagnosis of atopy is based on the pattern of clinical signs, medical history, and response to treatment in cats. There are several possible treatments for atopy, but correct treatment depends on the cause of the disease, general condition the cat's health and the severity and duration of symptoms.

Feline atopy can rarely be cured. However, it is usually well managed with medication, dietary management and lifestyle changes. Fortunately, atopy is not life-threatening for the animal, but for the cat to maintain good quality life, treatment must continue throughout life.

What do you think is the most common pathology among animals today? Do you think it's some kind of flu? No, allergic reactions are the nightmare of modern veterinary medicine. They can be caused by almost any substance and any additive that can be used in industry (including food), so the problem becomes more serious from year to year. Animals have a bad time: the same atopy in cats can lead to dire consequences and seriously undermine the health of the pet.

If you pick up specialized literature, you may be surprised to find that there is still no accurate and comprehensive definition of this disease. Most often it is believed that “atopy” should be called a hereditary predisposition of certain breeds of cats to certain types of allergens.

What allergens can cause this condition?

In general, their list is unlikely to fit even on the pages of the entire War and Peace, but most often the “heroes of the occasion” are the following substances and negative factors:

Thus, danger can lurk for your cat literally at every corner. Alas, it will most likely not be possible to completely protect the animal from their effects.

Read also: Pulmonary failure in cats: causes and manifestations

Main features

What symptoms indicate that your cat is suffering from atopy? Oddly enough, there are practically no specific and truly specific signs. All of them are quite vague and blurry: the cat suddenly begins to secrete liquid exudate from the nasal passages, redness and inflammation of the skin are observed. Inflammatory phenomena are especially noticeable on the skin of the abdomen, ears and muzzles. The photo clearly shows that the animal is almost completely bald. But alopecia is the smallest of problems! Cats experience terrible itching and begin to scratch themselves constantly, frantically. And they do it with such energy and fervor that sometimes they tear out entire pieces of skin and fur.

Wounds quickly become contaminated with pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora, as well as mushrooms. All this leads to the development of severe skin lesions, accompanied by purulent inflammation, a strong increase in body temperature, and loss of appetite. Exhaustion develops. If the animal does not receive timely veterinary care, it may well die.

Mechanical tissue damage, characterized by bruises, scratches, bedsores or minor wounds, manifests itself in the form of traumatic dermatitis.

If pathogenic microflora begins to develop at the site where the integrity of the skin is damaged, traumatic dermatitis develops into a more severe form - purulent or infectious dermatitis.

Veterinary specialists include the following reasons for the development of inflammatory processes in the epidermis in domestic animals:

Perfumery, disinfectants, household chemicals, plant pollen, ordinary dust, feed ingredients, medicines- the most common triggers for the development of allergies that furry fidgets face.

According to the nature of origin, dermatitis is:

Typical flea dermatitis is manifested by the following symptoms:

Manifestations intensify in the warm season, but relapses are possible in winter (entry and basement fleas).

Worms injure mucous membranes internal organs, release poisons, die and decompose, releasing toxic substances.

Any fungus and any bacteria, regardless of pathogenicity, can cause dermatitis due to hypersensitivity. Signs are individual, from general skin lesions to small reddened and itchy areas. Bacterial and fungal dermatitis often occur in hidden or chronic form, with vague, unclear symptoms and relapses “for no reason.”

This disease in itself rarely causes concern to owners - just think, dandruff is falling off. But dandruff is a signal that work sebaceous glands broken.

If your pet's skin is sensitive or if your pet has suffered severe stress (illness, jar of Hearts), banal seborrhea turns into seborrheic dermatitis– chronic itching, redness of the skin throughout the body (especially in places of anatomical bends, in folds), severe bad smell, the wool sticks together with icicles or becomes brittle, dull and dry.

Dry scales and wet lumps irritate the skin and create suitable conditions for development pathogenic flora Without treatment, complete or partial (behind the ears, on the rump, at the tail, on the hips) baldness is possible.

To get rid of seborrheic dermatitis, it is necessary to restore the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Special shampoos and solutions will help (only after consulting a doctor, as an incorrectly selected shampoo will greatly worsen the situation). Introducing vitamin A into the diet helps fatty acids(omega 3 and omega 6).

The causes of miliary dermatitis in cats can be completely different.

The causes of such rashes can be varied, and sometimes it is not possible to immediately identify and eliminate them. Their localization is generally independent of etiology, and dermatitis can affect local areas of the body or spread to a greater or lesser extent throughout the cat’s body.

Miliary dermatitis can be caused by various factors, such as external environment, as well as the individual characteristics of the organism.

The main ones include:

Types of allergic reaction

A veterinarian will help determine the exact causes of the disease.

However, allergic reactions may be three types: a reaction to flea saliva, an allergy to some food component and atopic dermatitis, that is, one that is caused by some factor from the external environment.

What are the causes of dermatitis in cats? What can cause skin inflammation?

Other reasons include hormonal imbalance, disruption of internal organs, altered metabolism and diabetes, constant stress, improper care (bad conditions maintenance, poorly selected cosmetics for pets).

Thermal causes

Dermatitis in cats is caused not only by high temperatures, but also low. Yes, the most common ones are hot objects/liquids and sun rays.

But don’t forget about frostbite. Both cold and excessive heat lead to dermatitis.

Even a short stay in the sun leads to dermatitis or even burns on bare or poorly covered areas.

A veterinarian should be consulted before administering any medication.

Types of flea dermatitis

A seemingly insignificant skin lesion can later lead to a serious dermatological problem at the pet's. In this regard, the owner should know the symptoms of this or that type of dermatitis.


Of particular concern to the animal is the tail area and behind the ears.


The body's reaction to the action of an allergen often leads to the development of dermatitis. In this case, redness, swelling and soreness of the skin are noted.

The animal has papules, pustules, and blisters. Redness is often found in the groin and abdomen.

Histamine-like substances produced by the body in response to the action of an allergen provoke itching and soreness of the skin. The cat is constantly itching and licking itself.

A characteristic sign of allergic dermatitis is that it affects not only the skin. The animal often experiences lacrimation and redness of the eyelids. There is sneezing and coughing.

Most often veterinarians encounter food allergies. This type of dermatitis is characterized by redness and swelling of the skin. In severe cases, domestic cat Life-threatening angioedema may develop.


TO allergic type dermatitis is atopic. This form of the disease is hereditary in nature and manifests itself in animals aged from 10 months to 2.5 - 3 years.

The disease is characterized by an increase in the production of antibodies to allergens when they appear from the outside. In this case, the allergen can be both microorganisms and dust, pollen, and perfume components.


A feature of this type of dermatitis in domestic animals is the localization of the inflammatory reaction at the site of contact of the skin with an aggressive substance.

Most often, such agents are acids and alkalis, detergents, ointments, pastes, and creams. The animal experiences non-periodic itching.

The cat scratches the area of ​​the chin, neck, and lower abdomen. Itching is often observed in the area anus and on the pads of the paws.


Infectious dermatitis caused by pathogenic microorganisms occurs in domestic cats most often in a chronic form. Veterinarians for clinical manifestations inflammatory process There are also dry and weeping bacterial dermatitis.

Weeping bacterial dermatitis

Unlike other types of the disease, the bacterial form is characterized by the preservation of fur in areas of inflammation. With dry dermatitis, the owner discovers crusts and scabs under the fur. In the weeping form of the disease, erosions are observed on damaged skin.

According to the nature of the disease, this disease can be chronic, acute or subacute. The last two forms are not considered particularly dangerous.

However, when improper treatment Acute dermatitis in a cat can easily turn into chronic. In this case, all symptoms of the disease in your pet will disappear on their own.

But at the same time, in the future they will constantly appear during relapses. Chronic dermatitis is much more difficult to cure than acute dermatitis.

Therefore, at the first signs of illness, it is advisable to show the cat to a veterinarian.

General signs of dermatitis

The general signs of dermatitis, regardless of the cause of the disease, are typical and easily recognizable:

  • Rash, scratching.
  • Redness, inflammation.
  • Swelling, blisters, blisters, ulcers.
  • Extreme dry skin, scales, cracks. Or vice versa, damp hairless areas.
  • The skin is hot to the touch, the pet constantly feels itching and burning.

Depending on the cause of the dermatitis, clinical signs may vary. With traumatic dermatitis, pain and swelling of the skin is observed. The fur in the area of ​​inflammation is wet, which is the result of effusion of serous fluid onto the surface of the skin.

In the absence of proper treatment, inflammation is complicated by the development of pathogenic microflora, and dermatitis turns into a pyogenic form. Drug-induced dermatitis in cats is characterized by local redness of the skin and hair loss. The affected area is swollen and painful. Sometimes small cracks in the skin or ulcers may appear. At chronic course dermatitis, the skin at the site of inflammation wrinkles (sclerosis) and peels off.

What dermatitis looks like in a particular case depends on individual reactions cats. Two pets with the same diagnosis may feel differently: one cat is only slightly itchy, while the second is going bald and bleeding.

According to the nature of the disease, this disease can be acute, subacute and chronic. If your pet is not treated correctly, acute dermatitis can develop into a chronic form - the symptoms will disappear for a while or become less noticeable, but will appear in all their glory during relapses.

Chronic, indolent dermatitis is more difficult to deal with, so even barely noticeable dermatitis in cats on the ears is a reason to take your pet to the veterinarian. .

Detecting feline dermatitis is enough simple task. This is due to the fact that the cat exhibits only two main types of symptoms characteristic of of this disease. They are individual for everyone pet and do not depend on what causes the disease.

  1. In the first case it is observed increased dryness skin, on which cracks and scales soon appear. The skin turns red, scratching, rashes and inflammation are observed on its surface. In some situations, the cat's skin becomes covered with ulcers and blisters.
  2. The second case is characterized by excessively wet and hot skin. Hair falls out on the affected areas. The cat's behavior is accompanied by severe anxiety. This is because dermatitis causes severe itching and burning. It is noteworthy that if two pets are given an identical diagnosis, each will manifest the disease differently. In some cats, the skin only itches a little, while in other cats, the skin is torn off until it bleeds, bald patches form, and the animal suffers greatly.

Treatment of dermatitis in cats must be professional and highly effective. Some pet owners treat their pets themselves.

Often, the initial symptoms can go away with self-medication, and the signs of the disease will go away for a while. But this does not mean that you managed to overcome the disease.

Most likely, the dermatitis has become chronic.

In the chronic form, symptoms will appear again and again. If you cope with acute form quite easy, but overcoming chronic feline dermatitis is much more difficult.

Miliary dermatitis in cats is divided into two main groups.

Dermatitis in a cat photo

It is not difficult to detect dermatitis in a cat. There are two main options for the manifestation of its symptoms, individual for each cat, independent of the causes of the disease.


Miliary dermatitis causes a lot of discomfort for your pet.

Symptoms can be seen even just by looking at photos of sick animals. Small and hard nodules appear on the skin large quantities. Beneath these nodules or bumps you can see characteristic redness.

Miliary dermatitis in a cat can be localized only in a certain part of the body. For example, at the base of the tail or on the head.

But often more extensive lesions are also diagnosed, and the symptoms are pronounced. What you can't see in the photo is that the rash is accompanied by itching, sometimes very intense itching.

With this manifestation, the cat can injure itself severe wounds, because he will scratch and lick the affected parts of his body.

This disease can be diagnosed by the following signs:

  • the presence of scratches on the animal’s skin;
  • excessive dryness of the epidermis;
  • the formation of swelling, ulcers, blisters, nodules.

Symptoms of dermatitis in cats depend on the course of the disease, as well as its causes. For example, if the cause is traumatic, then the animal will have a noticeable swelling or edema on the skin (a scratch, abrasion, wound - this will also happen if there was a violation of the integrity of the skin).

Also, in the area of ​​dermatitis, the fur is wet, this is due to the fact that serous exudate is released.

If the reason lies in an allergic reaction, then hair loss may begin. The same is observed with an overdose of medications.

The skin not only becomes red and swollen, but also becomes very painful. But in addition to dermatitis, cats suffering from allergies will also have other symptoms: itching, lacrimation, sneezing, coughing and others.

In general, to general symptoms Dermatitis in cats includes:

  • Itching. Pets scratch often and with “enthusiasm,” tearing the skin into blood.
  • Pain in the inflamed area. The animal is very worried when someone touches, whines, bends.
  • The affected area turns red. This is especially noticeable on light-colored fabrics. Sometimes you can even see dilated capillaries that burst, and crusts appear in their place.
  • Sores may appear. Pustules are not excluded. Not only the overall body temperature increases, but also that of the affected areas.
  • Hair falls out. Especially with chronic dermatitis.

What dermatitis looks like in cats, look at a series of photos:

Methods for diagnosing the disease

Carrying out allergy tests on a cat

Due to the variety of causes that cause the development of dermatitis in domestic animals, it is used in veterinary practice. comprehensive diagnostics skin diseases.

In addition to collecting anamnesis and visual examination, the veterinary specialist has in his arsenal such diagnostic methods as skin scraping with further microscopic examination, trichoscopy (to exclude ringworm), allergy tests.

Skin scraping examination helps identify subcutaneous mites, the presence of a fungal infection. Bacteriological examination is aimed at identifying pathogenic microorganisms and determining sensitivity to antibacterial drugs.

Allergen detection is carried out through allergy tests, as well as by determining the amount of antibodies in a complete blood test.

It is not surprising that with very vague symptoms great importance acquires diagnostics. The disease should be distinguished from flea dermatitis, from Aujeszky's disease, from simple food and other types of allergies, demodicosis, lichen, ear mites and t/d

To find out the exact background of what is happening, you need an accurate anamnesis, medical history, information about the pedigree of the animal, the nature of its diet (feed, changes in purchased brands).

Then blood, urine, and stool tests are taken, skin scrapings are taken, and hair is taken for examination. It is extremely important to conduct an allergy test, since only it can give an answer to very interesting question: “Which substance causes relapses of the disease and worsens the course of the disease”?

Typically, the diagnosis is made based on a complete examination and information received from the animal's owners. You can see the flea bites in the photo. If a specialist finds signs of an inflammatory reaction and a myriad of fleas, then the diagnosis can be considered confirmed.

When diagnosing, flea bite marks on a cat’s skin are especially important. Unfortunately, not all animals have them clearly visible, since the bites are best seen in sensitive cats.

In addition, flea feces are very useful in diagnosis. How can they be distinguished from ordinary dirt, which can even be found on the skin of a domestic cat? This is done very simply.

First, collect “waste” from life using the method described above with a large sheet of paper. Then throw the collected grains into a glass with clean water. If the “grain” appeared on the cat as a result of the vital activity of fleas, then in the water it will disperse approximately like potassium permanganate.

But all this is only indirect “evidence”. To accurately detect the presence of flea dermatitis, it is necessary to resort to an allergy skin test.

To do this, the veterinarian shaves a small area of ​​skin on the cat's skin. The area is thoroughly wiped with an alcohol swab, and then a special allergen is injected there.

If the area where the drug was injected becomes inflamed, the diagnosis is considered confirmed.

But at present, a method for detecting flea dermatitis by the presence of specific antibodies in the blood has already been developed and is actively used in practice. This technique is the key to 100% diagnostic accuracy.

Treatment methods

Treatment of dermatitis in cats depends on the type and stage of the inflammatory process. As a rule, when the cause of the irritation is eliminated, the inflammation disappears.

  • If dermatitis is caused by injury, then alcohol solutions of iodine or methylene blue are used. Compresses with Vishnevsky ointment or lotions with astringents give good results.
  • When traumatic dermatitis turns into purulent, the hair is cut off, dried crusts are removed, and the area itself is treated antiseptic solution(chlorhexidine) and sprinkled with antibiotic powder. If the process has gone too far (the cat is depressed, the body temperature is elevated, there is no appetite), it is advisable to prescribe antibiotic therapy in the form of injections.
  • It should be taken into account that long-term use alcohol solutions or highly irritating ointments leads to the development of drug-induced dermatitis. In this case, ointments containing disinfectants and softening properties(syntomycin cream, salicylic-zinc ointment, solcoseryl and others). Preparations based on propolis have also proven themselves well.
  • In the case of chemical dermatitis, the affected area is immediately washed with plenty of water, and the substance itself is neutralized: the acid is with a weak solution baking soda, alkali - a weak solution of vinegar or lemon.

Prevention of dermatitis in cats comes down to one thing: important rule– good care and compliance with the rules of keeping animals at home.


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Treatment of the disease should be started as early as possible, since the inflamed skin thickens, becomes rough, and the disease develops into a more complex chronic form.

Treatment depends on the specific type of disease. Only an experienced veterinarian can diagnose the presence of a certain type of dermatitis. Medicines will also be prescribed depending on the stage of the disease. If you eliminate the cause of the irritation, then even from the photo you can see how the inflammatory process gradually passes.

How to treat dermatitis in a pet depending on the type of disease:

Fleas on a kitten.

It should be immediately clarified that this cannot be done purely at home.

Treatment of such patients may require several stages.

Treatment depends on the specific type of disease. Only an experienced veterinarian can diagnose the presence of a certain type of dermatitis.

Medicines will also be prescribed depending on the stage of the disease. If you eliminate the cause of the irritation, then even from the photo you can see how the inflammatory process gradually passes.

How to treat dermatitis in a pet depending on the type of disease

  1. Treatment of traumatic dermatitis involves the use alcohol solution iodine, methylene blue. A compress with Vishnevsky ointment and astringent lotions will also help greatly.
  2. In the treatment of purulent dermatitis at the site of the lesion, it is necessary to cut off the fur. You can see how to do this correctly in the photo. Then you need to remove the crust and treat the damaged area with antiseptics. Then sprinkle the wound with powder from streptocide tablets or antibiotics.
  3. At medicinal form diseases, it is necessary to use softening disinfectant ointments. Sometimes veterinarians prescribe medications that contain propolis.
  4. In how to treat chemical dermatitis, you need to act a little differently. First, wash off the irritant with plenty of water. Then, if the burn is caused by acid, treat the damaged area with a weak soda solution. If the burn is caused by alkali, treat the affected area with citric acid or vinegar.

In order not to have to think about how to treat dermatitis in a pet, you can carry out appropriate prevention and prevent the development of the disease. To prevent symptoms of dermatitis from appearing, it is important to follow one simple rule: carefully care for your pet.

If there are already symptoms of dermatitis, then mandatory consultation with a qualified specialist is necessary on how to treat it.

The article is presented for informational purposes. Treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor!

A visual photograph of animals whose owners ignored the advice of veterinarians and self-medicated should serve as an incentive to not make similar mistakes.

When ridding your pet of fleas, you should at the same time try to alleviate his suffering due to burning and itching. Most often, flea allergy dermatitis in cats is treated with glucocorticosteroids.

Drugs in this group relieve inflammation and reduce itching. Most often, these drugs are administered to animals by injection.

But it is also possible to feed them in tablet form. The cat should take the pills for 2-3 weeks.

The dose should be gradually reduced.

Glucocorticosteroids are the drugs that best help against a disease such as flea dermatitis in cats. Treatment after completing the course of medication should be continued with the use of special medications that maintain the effect obtained.

Itching in an animal can be relieved not only with tablets and injections, but also with various types of shampoos and other external means. Sometimes antihistamines are also used to treat dermatitis.

Of course, the specific medications most suitable for a cat should be prescribed by a veterinarian.

How to treat dermatitis in a cat? First of all, we note that the treatment itself must begin as soon as possible. Otherwise, the skin thickens, swells greatly, and becomes rough.

The top layer begins to peel off, and the hair on the affected area falls out. And chronic dermatitis is much more difficult to get rid of.

Treatment of dermatitis in cats is always complex. It is necessary to find the cause, eliminate it, and then begin symptomatic therapy.

Preparations for allergic dermatitis

In the manifestation of allergic dermatitis, the main role is played by histamine, which is released by the cells of the body when an allergen enters it. It is its appearance that causes inflammation, swelling and itching. In this case, resort to the help of antihistamines.

Currently, veterinarians use suprastin and diphenhydramine, but these drugs only eliminate symptoms. Also use hormonal drugs, which impede the production of histamine, such as prednisolone, dexafort and dexamethasone.

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Treating allergic dermatitis in cats at home

Treating your cat for fleas

The very first step in the fight against flea dermatitis, of course, is treating the animal for fleas. This can be any product purchased at a pet store. Nowadays, preference is given to drugs based on the active substance fipronil, as the most effective.

Pricing policy for drugs even with the same active substance different, but if it is very important for dogs to choose good drug, because it is important effective protection against ticks, then for cats this is not so important - cheaper drugs can also effectively kill fleas that bite an animal.

Itching control (advanced allergic process)

We must try to protect the cat from prolonged scratching.

The second step in managing allergies is controlling itching. Even after flea treatment, an advanced allergic process may persist, and the animal will continue to scratch itself, which negatively affects, first of all, the health of the coat and skin.

To stop scratching and stop allergies, drugs based on glucocorticosteroids are used, in particular dexamethasone. Veterinary drug Dexafort is widely used in such cases.

It effectively relieves itching, and in most cases one injection is enough to normalize the condition. If you continue to fight allergens, a second injection may not be necessary.


Experienced veterinarians advise owners to adhere to the following tips and rules in order to prevent dermatological diseases in pets:

Dermatitis in domestic cats has a number of varieties. Most often, the owner is faced with flea and allergic forms of the disease. Diagnostics is aimed at identifying the causes of the disease. Treatment is complex and should be carried out under the supervision of a veterinary specialist.

If you have any questions about dermatitis in cats, ask them in the comments - we will be happy to answer!

Diet for allergic dermatitis

A special diet will be required no matter what type of allergic dermatitis your cat has. The best solution There would be a switch to hypoallergenic food or preparing the most harmless food for the pet.

Usually, veterinarians advise switching cats to rabbit meat with rice, unless it is known that the rabbit meat protein is an allergen. This diet, even without treatment, can cause symptoms to disappear within three to four months.

Then the results obtained should be consolidated, and then stick to this diet.

Sprays and ointments for allergic dermatitis

External remedies are effective for contact allergies and severe itching.

As a rule, hydrocortisone ointment is used, but if there are infected scratches, its use is unacceptable. Certain drugs, such as “Stop Itching,” save the cat from itching and have an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect due to the content of chloramphenicol and metronidazole.

Chronic indolent dermatitis is more difficult to cope with.

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Skin diseases in cats - always big problem for their owner, so treating them can be very difficult. An animal is not a person; it is extremely difficult to convince him of the need to wear bandages and that medicinal ointments You should not lick it off the skin. There are more complex cases. For example, atopic dermatitis in cats. Despite the many external manifestations, the roots of this disease are hidden deep in the pet’s body, and therefore it is difficult to fight it.

This is the name for inflammation of the skin that occurs against the background of a generalized allergic reaction. Today, veterinarians believe that this pathology is almost certainly a genetically determined disease that occurs only in initially predisposed animals. This disease specifically in cats is rare; veterinarians often misdiagnose it as atopic dermatitis. edge cases flea dermatitis.

In addition (unlike dogs), the clinical signs in these animals are very vague and non-specific. Finally, many of the symptoms of atopic dermatitis in cats are similar to those of atopic dermatitis. But first things first.

So, why does it develop? this type dermatitis, what are the causes of the disease? Presumably they lie somewhere in the animal's genome. This opinion is largely due to early development a disease, the first signs of which appear between the ages of 9-10 months and two years. But it's not that simple.

The fact is that today veterinarians are alarmed at the constant increase in the number of animals suffering from allergic diseases. The same thing happens in human medicine. The reason is simple - sharp deterioration ecological situation and an incredible amount food additives even in cat food. So the disease may well arise due to the nature of the diet of a pregnant cat, whose body produces antibodies to quite “ordinary” substances and compounds that do not pose a direct danger to its life and health.

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This results in sensitization (inadequate sensitivity) of unborn kittens. As soon as they encounter an antigen in their “adult” life that has entered their mother’s body, problems immediately begin. As a rule, it does not reach anaphylactic shock, but dermatitis can easily develop.

Some researchers also suggest that the development of the disease is almost certainly influenced by sex hormones, since the time of appearance of the first clinical signs clearly coincides with puberty not by chance. Interestingly, atopic dermatitis in some cats is somehow related to bronchitis or bronchitis. Scientists have not yet figured out how these pathologies are “linked” to each other.

Clinical picture

It is no coincidence that we mentioned above: At first, the cat literally begins to gnaw and chew its limbs. At first, the attacks are rare, but gradually they become more frequent, the animal gnaws itself until it bleeds, severely tearing the skin. Please note: such phenomena are divided into seasonal and non-seasonal.

If a cat begins to “tear and throw” in the summer or spring, then he is lucky. Most likely, he is allergic to the pollen of some plant. Although theoretically, it is still possible to identify a specific substance and isolate your pet from it. In the case when the disease progresses all year round, the issue may be in the food, the animal may develop it due to the secretions of dust mites, or its body gives an abnormal reaction to the components household chemicals In a word, there can be thousands of reasons; identifying the “right” allergen can be very difficult (or even completely unrealistic).

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Soon, alopecia, that is, areas of baldness, appears on various parts of the cat’s body. The skin there looks absolutely normal, the hair along the edges of these zones (attention, this is important) does not break off or fall out. And this is important because the first signs of lichen appear in the same way, only with dermatophytosis the hairline becomes fragile and brittle. The most commonly affected areas are the armpits, neck, facial part of the muzzle, abdomen and genital area. That is, the places where the skin is thinnest and most delicate.

Eosinophilic granuloma often develops, ulcers gradually appear on the skin, and a progressive inflammatory reaction begins. The affected areas are quickly contaminated with pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora, and foci of suppuration appear.

Skin diseases that occur in cats are a big problem for their owners, this is due to the difficulty of treating the animal. A cat, like a person, cannot be forced to wear bandages that are so necessary during the treatment process; it cannot be convinced of the need for treatment. One of these serious illnesses is also atopic dermatitis.

Etymology of the disease

Atopic dermatitis is called inflammation of the skin, which occurs against the background of a generalized allergic reaction.

Veterinarians have found that this pathology has a genetic basis, that is, it is transmitted exclusively by inheritance. This diagnosis is more common in dogs than in cats. Quite often, veterinarians, when determining atopic dermatitis in cats, make a mistake with the diagnosis, confusing the disease with flea dermatitis.

The clinical signs of atopic dermatitis are not pronounced, resulting in confusion in defining the disease.

Signs of the disease

Atopic dermatitis develops at the genomic level. An animal is already born with a similar disease. At its core, this disease is a hypersensitive reaction to antigens contained in the animal’s environment.

Any characteristic symptoms, especially inherent in this disease, have not yet been identified by veterinarians. Dermatitis has symptoms similar to many pathologies, which include:

Constant chewing of limbs(the cat may also chew its paws constantly). At first, the owner may observe the appearance of rare attacks, but later he will begin to notice that the pet is chewing the skin on its paws until it bleeds. This kind of phenomenon can be seasonal or non-seasonal.

If a cat chews itself in the spring or summer, then, according to veterinarians, it may develop allergic reaction to the flowering of a plant (to its pollen). A vigilant owner must immediately identify the allergen and remove it from the animal. If a similar picture is observed all year round, then in this case we are talking about an allergy to the food that the owner gives to his cat.

For an animal, this condition is also typical for allergies to fleas and ticks, components of household chemicals - the allergen is sometimes not so easy to calculate.

The appearance of alopecia on the animal's fur. In cats, when they have atopic dermatitis, patches of baldness may appear on their fur. The skin itself may look normal, the hair located at the edges of the bald patches does not break or fall out, which indicates that the cat has developed a disease such as lichen. Foci of baldness appear most often in the armpits, genitals, facial part of the muzzle, neck - in those places where the skin is thinnest and most delicate.

The appearance of eosinophilic granuloma, expressed in the form of ulcers, which in turn are a consequence of the occurrence

Areas affected by dermatitis are rapidly contaminated with conditionally pathogenic and pathogenic microflora, followed by the appearance of foci of suppuration.

Diagnosis of the disease

When delivering an animal to a veterinary clinic, the veterinarian first installs the differential diagnosis, which includes examination for:

  1. Flea dermatitis.
  2. Scabies.
  3. Cheyletiosis.
  4. Psychogenic alopecia.
  5. Cutaneous lymphoma.
  6. Pemphigus.
  7. Demodicosis and other similar diseases.

After everything the above diseases If they fall under the exception, the veterinarian will advise the owner of the sick animal to undergo allergy testing (serological, intradermal). During this type of examination, the allergen that provokes the appearance of atopic dermatitis in the cat will be identified. Most often, positive reactions are observed to mold, grass, tobacco, insects, feathers, and so on.

Treatment of the disease

The first step in ridding your cat of atopic dermatitis is, of course, preventing the development of infection. This disease can bring unbearable itching to the animal, which is eliminated with the help of glucocorticoids (Prednisolone, Methylprednisolone), antihistamines(Chlorphenamine, Diphenhydramine) and polyunsaturated acids (linoleic, eicosapentaenoic, sunflower oil cold pressed).

Cats that have been diagnosed with atopic dermatitis will need to mandatory free from fleas (Frontline, Hartz), which with their bites can increase the itching of dermatosis and cause suffering to cats.

Cats will definitely be prescribed immunotherapy (allergy vaccination) by veterinarians if drug therapy will be ineffective and will not bring any therapeutic effect, or side effects will be discovered due to its use.

Preventive measures

Owners can try to rid their beloved cats of atopic dermatitis by:

  • Try to eliminate contact with the allergen,
  • At least twice a week, owners must carry out wet cleaning of the living space,
  • Old bedding on which the animal slept during illness should be thrown away. They can accumulate antigens from mites found in dust,
  • Getting rid of excessively high humidity is required to prevent mold, mites and fleas from growing in the living space. To do this, cat owners will need to purchase dehumidifiers that remove several liters of water from the air during the day.

Atopic dermatitis is not a fatal diagnosis for a pet, however this disease is one of those diseases for which therapy is applied throughout the life of the animal.


Animals that have been diagnosed with atopic dermatitis cannot be bred, since the disease will subsequently be inherited from the mother to the offspring. Veterinarians strongly advise owners to sterilize cats.