Pediatric urology: basic concepts, symptoms of urological pathology, main urological diseases of childhood, diagnosis and treatment. When is a pediatric urologist needed?

Children. Health. Urology.

Important problems for future men

— Sergey Nikolaevich, please tell us about the most common urological problems that occur in boys immediately after birth?

- The main problem that lately Parents began to pay attention - this was the opening of the head of the penis. In newborn boys, the head is usually closed, which is called physiological phimosis, which can last up to 3-5 years. Until this time, the doctor opens the head artificially, only for medical reasons.

What are they? For example, a baby may have serious difficulty urinating when the stream flows in a very thin stream and the foreskin inflates. Or they're bothering him frequent inflammations: redness, hyperemia, swelling, up to purulent discharge from under the foreskin - the so-called balanoposthitis. By the way, most often such phenomena occur in children with allergies.
It also happens that balanoposthitis so darkens the life of the baby and his parents that surgeons resort to circumcision of the foreskin in order to eliminate the source of the disease. But such extreme measures are quite rare. It is also worth mentioning that parents’ failure to comply with basic rules can lead to various types of inflammation. hygiene rules. It is enough to constantly slightly move the skin of the foreskin and wash the folds with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate. And with minor redness, you can get by with baby cream or syntomycin emulsion.

If an acute situation does not arise, nothing bothers the baby, then there is no need to open the head. I repeat once again: non-opening of the head until 3-5 years of age is a normal, completely natural physiological condition, which in itself should not bother parents.

— Does it happen that a boy’s head opens before he is one year old?

- Yes, it happens. It depends on the structure of the foreskin. If it is wide, then the head can be opened at three months. And that's okay too.

— What happens if you don’t consult a doctor if, for example, you have symptoms of balanoposthitis, hoping that it will go away on its own?

— The outcome of any inflammation is, as a rule, a scar. That is, the foreskin can simply grow to the head of the penis. And this should already be considered as a disease called synechia of the glans penis. This is treated non-surgically. A special manipulation (called circling the head) is performed when the surgeon “forcibly” releases it. In any case, if parents are worried about something, if they don’t understand something, it is always better to consult with a specialist, just in case.

For example, many mothers and fathers often express concern about yellowish formations visible through the foreskin covering the glans. These formations are smegma, a product of the production of skin glands. Smegma is a completely normal phenomenon and, like everything, wisely conceived by nature in human body, has its own importance. It separates the glans and foreskin, helping it open. But it also happens that there is too much smegma, it deforms the head and even leaks over the edge. This can lead to infection getting inside, so in this case the head is opened. Therefore, if little boy If any discharge appears, you should immediately go to the doctor.

- What is true phimosis?

— Phimosis is a narrow foreskin, when even the surgeon cannot open the head with his hands. And the only treatment is circumcision.

— What if the child has no complaints, but the head does not open even after 5 years?

- The head can open on its own at both 7 and 8 years old. And there's nothing wrong with that. It’s just that at certain periods, namely between the ages of 3 and 5, the doctor must examine the baby and tell him if everything is okay.

— Please tell us what cryptorchidism is and at what age should a boy’s testicles descend?

— Cryptorchidism is undescended testicles. And this pathology can be very serious, since the testicles are a reproductive organ. As for the timing of testicular descent... Old textbooks on surgery say that the operation should be performed at 5-6 years, if the testicles have not descended on their own. But in our time, all these issues have already been radically revised. Now undescended testicles have been worrying doctors since the birth of a boy. That is, by the time the baby is born, both testicles should be in the scrotum. If this does not happen, the baby is referred to a urologist, who sees him for a year. And if at least one testicle does not descend by the year, the doctor resorts to surgical intervention.

The fact is that the testicles are removed from the body into the scrotum, because the spermatogenesis occurring in them occurs at a lower temperature. And outside, in the scrotum, it is naturally lower than inside the body. Of course, in little boys there is no spermatogenesis yet, but trophism, that is, nutrition of the testicle, if it remains in abdominal cavity, is violated. There is also such a thing as testicular ectopia, when it was directed towards the inguinal canal, but in the course of its movement it turned to the side. For example, to the root of the penis or to the bladder. And waiting for it to come out on its own is completely pointless. It is not able to get out, because it is stuck, and accordingly, it will not be able to develop in such conditions either. It is for all these reasons that in case of undescended testicles up to a year, urologists resort to surgery.

— Is it normal when the testicles, already in the scrotum, suddenly go back into the inguinal canal?

- This condition is called an increased cremasteric reflex. When the child is in an excitable state, with various neurological pathologies, the muscle supporting the testicle contracts, and it goes into the inguinal canal and remains there. In this case, an examination by a doctor is also necessary, and only he should make a diagnosis. With an increased cremasteric reflex, the doctor usually always manages to remove the testicle into the scrotum with his hands. The fact that it “runs away” does not require surgical intervention, because with age the testicle will enlarge and fix itself in the scrotum.

— What is testicular hydrocele?

— This pathology is observed already at birth. In this case, one testicle is clearly larger than the other. It can be extremely tense because fluid is not draining into the abdominal cavity.
Or it is the so-called communicating dropsy, when in a horizontal position the size of the testicle decreases because the fluid goes into the abdominal cavity, and in a vertical position, when it returns to it, it increases. And by the time the child is born, such communication with the abdominal cavity should cease. But, if the dropsy is not tense, not painful, not causing severe cosmetic defect, up to two years, urologists have the right to observe her, since during this period the communication with the abdominal cavity may stop by itself. If there are no positive changes, surgery is performed.

Also, an enlarged testicle can be a symptom of a hernia. In this case, if the child is small and the hernia is insignificant, you can reduce it conservatively for some time and observe it. If the prolapse of a hernia occurs very often, then to prevent its strangulation - a terrible complication in which the prolapsed organ suffers: the intestine, testicle or omentum - an operation is performed.

— What is your opinion about circumcision, whose supporters motivate the operation not so much for religious reasons as for hygienic ones?

— I am not a supporter of circumcision. The fact is that you can carefully maintain hygiene even if you have foreskin. Another one maybe negative side circumcision is that the open head constantly touches parts of clothing, and over time tactile sensations its decline. I regard circumcision only as surgical treatment some pathological condition. Or for religious reasons. And it is better that such a ritual operation is also carried out in a clinic professional doctors than, as sometimes happens, by clergy.

Pediatric urology is a branch of medicine that deals with the prevention of diseases genitourinary system in a child. Adult men often suffer from urological diseases, but the source of these problems may lie in childhood illnesses in boys.

Causes of urological disorders

Urological diseases in a child can manifest themselves as different symptoms: from changes in the color of urine and the appearance of discharge to pain. Any changes in condition require a conversation with a pediatric urologist. It is important to consult a doctor promptly in case of organ damage and chronicity of the disease.

Any child is susceptible to involuntary discharge of urine (enuresis), inflammation of the genital organs. Sometimes children may complain of pain in the lower back, back, discomfort in the stomach and when visiting the toilet. All this possible signs a variety of genitourinary diseases. In modern urology, it is customary to distinguish the following childhood diseases:

  • development of urolithiasis;
  • enuresis (urinary incontinence);
  • disorders bladder neuroleptic nature;
  • infection of the ureters;
  • hereditary diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • hernia in the groin;
  • spermatic cord cyst or dropsy;
  • varicocele;
  • phimosis, cryptorchidism and other abnormalities.

If your child feels uncomfortable going to the toilet (pain, burning or other unpleasant sensations appear during urination), then this is a signal for an urgent visit to the urologist. A qualified doctor will help prevent symptoms from worsening into a chronic disease, which can lead to infertility, metabolic disorders and even disability.

Modern pediatric urology studies the anatomy and functioning of the ureters and genital organs in adolescents and children. Today developed effective methods diagnostics that make it possible to prevent the occurrence of anomalies in the development of the genitourinary sphere already from infancy. Attention should be paid to the fact that two year olds Those who cannot cope with going to the toilet on their own and do not control natural needs may suffer from enuresis. It is important to pay attention to this issue in a timely manner.

Pediatric urologists will help solve a number of the following health problems:

  • the most different shapes disturbances in the functioning of the bladder;
  • any acute and chronic infections in the genitourinary area;
  • hereditary abnormalities in the development of the urinary tract;
  • deviations in the development of the external genitalia.

To prevent childhood diseases of the genitourinary system, you should promptly consult a doctor due to the fact that most complications are caused by parental inattention and late presentation to the clinic. Modern urology allows using the latest methods diagnostics to promptly correct identified deficiencies in the genitourinary area and maintain the normal functionality of the kidneys and body tissues, as well as optimize the psycho-emotional sphere of the baby, which may suffer as a result of problems in the genital or urinary area.

Symptoms of pediatric urology

Move urological disease May be long time hidden, manifest weakly or indirectly. Neither the child nor the parents are even aware of the danger. Often the first signs are detected during an examination by a pediatrician in a clinic and receiving the results of urine tests. Having detected changes, the doctor writes a referral to a pediatric andrologist or urologist, urogynecology (for girls).

Main symptoms of diseases urinary tract or genitals are the following:

  • regular increase in temperature for no obvious reason;
  • pain or burning when urinating;
  • enuresis, urinary incontinence;
  • unexpected and uncontrollable, strong urge to go to the toilet;
  • urination too often or too rarely during the day (2 times or 7 times);
  • pain in the scrotum;
  • undescended testicle;
  • scrotal enlargement, enlargement, or swelling;
  • inflammation in the foreskin area.

Disorders during urination are often not interpreted by parents as a sign of pathology. Before the age of 2 years, incontinence or irregular urination may be normal. This condition can be considered a disease in girls over 4 years of age and in boys after 5 years of age. Therefore, it is important to visit a specialist in a timely manner in order to have an adequate idea of ​​the baby’s condition. The doctor may prescribe an ultrasound examination of the genital organs to identify abnormalities.

Such children's urological diseases, which are treated with certain methods:

  • Acute balanoposthitis. Appears as a result of the spread of infection under foreskin penis through residual urine, treated with antibiotics.
  • Hydrocele of the testicle. It can also manifest itself in newborns who have experienced strong compression of the genitals during childbirth. Most often, this defect disappears during the first month of life. If there are further changes in the shape of the scrotum, surgery should be done within the first year of life.
  • Cryptorchidism. It is observed in the case of undescended testicle into the scrotum. Data from magnetic resonance therapy or ultrasound examination help determine the location of the testicle, then the patient undergoes surgery and a course of hormonal treatment.
  • Varicocele is a pathological dilatation of the veins in the testicles and spermatic cord in adolescence. From the age of 12-14 years, the activity of hormones increases, which can lead to this pathology. It is treated by laparoscopy.
  • Hypospadias (epispadias). A pronounced anomaly in the anatomy of the urethra, in which the opening is displaced towards the bottom (hypospadias) or towards the top of the penis (epispadias). The genital organ becomes distorted and urinary incontinence begins. Another type of plastic surgery can help here, which should preferably be performed as early as possible, at the age of about 1 year.
  • The pediatric urological field often faces very serious pathological forms diseases - anomalies of an obstructive or refluxing nature. In an obstructive case, the outflow of urine is hampered due to the appearance of an additional vessel, and in a refluxive case, urea products enter the renal pelvis of the bladder. There is also such a deviation as exstrophy of the bladder. This diagnosis means the complete absence of the anterior wall of the bladder. This requires surgical intervention at several levels and long-term maintenance therapy.

    Prevention of urogenital abnormalities

    A visit to a urologist will allow you to regularly monitor changes in the child’s condition and promptly identify any pathologies. It is recommended to check the condition of boys at least twice a year when observing the listed symptoms.

    Maintaining hygiene and early teaching the child to keep the genitourinary organs clean will help eliminate the risk of infection.

    Urological diseases in children often occur against the background of weather anomalies. Excessive hypothermia can lead to inflammation of the genital organs or infection in the ureters. You need to monitor how your baby is dressed and explain to him the importance of warming up and maintaining hygiene.

    It is important to carry out regularly clinical analysis urine at a certain age, 3, 6, 12 months, as well as 3, 5, 7 years, in order to identify violations.

    You should pay attention to anatomical features genital organs of the child as he grows up. If you notice any unusual signs, redness, or swelling, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    It is not recommended to actively use diapers: they not only relax the child, discouraging him from going to the toilet on his own, but also cause a lot of gynecological and urological diseases, including infertility. Diapers can only be useful in as a last resort, on a walk or west.

    Competent adherence to all rules of care for the genitourinary area will help save your baby from many chronic diseases and developmental disorders, which will provide him with a happy and fulfilling adult life.

    It is an inflammatory process. It occurs both in the head of the penis and on the adjacent skin. What are the causes of balanoposthitis in a child, what causes it? This disease is a consequence of an infection, an untreated cold, as well as other factors, which can negatively affect the genitourinary system.

    What is balanoposthitis in a child and what does it mean in the future? This disease, despite its rather harmless name, is fraught with many negative factors. Thus, balanoposthitis can manifest itself in the form of itching, burning, swelling, pain syndromes when urinating, bloating, as well as other equally serious consequences.

    This disease must be treated immediately as soon as you notice its symptoms.

    However, young children do not always tell their parents about the discomfort they experience, and often they simply cannot correctly explain what is bothering them. That is why, at the slightest suspicion of balanoposthitis, it is necessary to contact pediatrician, or better yet, see a urologist.

    How balanoposthitis occurs in an adult is, in principle, generally clear. This may be a consequence of infection with an infectious disease, injury, allergic reaction, as well as other possible reasons.

    About what are the causes of balanoposthitis in children? younger age, we'll talk in the next section of the article.

    Why does it occur in infants?

    Unfortunately, This disease can also occur in infants. If you look at it, balanoposthitis in boys may be associated with a congenital defect called.

    Even in the womb of a boy, during the formation of the genital organs, the skin tightens the head of the penis. Nature has provided a similar process to ensure that the amniotic fluid and the remains of meconium floating in it do not clog the urethra.

    The skin serves as a kind of barrier to the penetration of various foreign substances into the urethra. However, for many little boys, phimosis disappears immediately after birth. Usually it accompanies children until the age of five, and then either disappears or is treated surgically or with other manipulations.

    Sometimes phimosis can lead to unpleasant consequences, which parents may not be aware of because they small age your baby.

    The entry of various infections into the urethra can cause the development of balanoposthitis in children, even while breastfeeding.

    Please note: a sign of balanoposthitis in an infant is swelling of the head and penis itself, as well as its redness. If a child is often capricious, this is also a consequence of balanoposthitis.


    We present to your attention balanoposthitis in a child, photo:

    Causes of development in babies

    There are many reasons for children to develop balanoposthitis. Do not think that balanoposthitis in infants and slightly older children is a rather rare occurrence. The paragraph above indicates one of the common reasons, which is associated with the appearance of phimosis. Besides, The development of balanoposthitis can be caused by a simple lack of proper hygiene of the penis and organs.

    If a child of a conscious age is not taught that it is necessary to take a shower daily, as well as other hygiene measures, then it is likely that the baby will acquire balanoposthitis.

    There are other reasons that lead to similar diseases. These include obesity, which results in harmful substances, which are found in excess in the body, affect the genitourinary system.

    Frequent injuries can result either from active games in which the child takes part, or from stiffness as a result of wearing tight underwear made from non-natural fabrics. Availability endocrine diseases also entails balanoposthitis.

    Very often, children try to dress as coolly as possible, while ignoring the advice of adults. Hypothermia can cause a similar problem. As the pediatrician notes, Balanoposthitis also manifests itself with pronounced vitamin deficiency.

    Symptoms of balanoposthitis in children

    Parents need to know how symptoms of balanoposthitis manifest in a child a year or earlier. This is necessary in order to react in time and protect your child from the development of diseases.

    Balanoposthitis in a 2-year-old child, for example, unfortunately, is often asymptomatic, the child feels well, his condition is excellent. True, sometimes discomfort may appear in the form of burning and itching, which manifest themselves in the penis area.

    There are other classifications of balanoposthitis, however, they are more applicable to adult men, due to the fact that their main causes are venereal diseases and infections.


    Treatment of balanoposthitis should be timely and comprehensive. First of all, there is no need to panic, even if the pediatrician gave your baby a similar diagnosis. If inflammatory process is still in his initial stage, then you can easily deal with it.

    First of all special attention need to pay attention to hygiene and care. It is necessary to rinse the penis in special solutions, make special baths based on potassium permanganate, antiseptic herbs such as chamomile and calendula, iodine solution, and so on.

    Various ointments, talcs, and antiseptics are used to apply them to the cleansed genital organ to achieve the best result.

    Also, both in the morning and in the evening it is necessary to rinse the penis with a solution of furatsilin. To do this, you only need to dissolve two tablets in a glass of water. The doctor may prescribe drug treatment, if it determines that the degree of the disease is significant enough.

    Basically, they use various ointments that relieve swelling, help the skin recover, and pathogenic bacteria leave the body.


    So, we found out what balanoposthitis is in a child and the reasons for its appearance, and we also have an idea of ​​what balanoposthitis looks like in a photo in children.

    Balanoposthitis can be easily treated at home, and there is no need to carry out any special or complex procedures. From childhood, it is enough to instill in your child a concern for his body and its hygiene, which means washing and bathing, which will help achieve the desired effect.

    Attention: remember that balanoposthitis in a child is serious, and having experienced the disease once, your child becomes susceptible to it again and again.

    If a child has balanoposthitis, you need to pay maximum attention preventive measures to avoid becoming a victim of the disease again.

    Pediatric urology treats children exposed to diseases urinary system. Here we are talking about all the organs that are involved in the processing and excretion of urine. The importance of this direction is difficult to overestimate, since it is at a very young age that it is advisable to carry out surgical treatment that can correct certain abnormal phenomena, as well as various types of defects. Most of the diseases of the genitourinary system can be observed in children, however, there are a number of diseases that affect only children. For example, these include nighttime urinary incontinence and other childhood illnesses.

    Here you need to pay particular attention to the diagnosis, since young children are simply not able to talk in detail about their feelings. So, when it comes to pediatric andrology, it is very important that highly qualified doctors with extensive experience work, then it will be possible to accurate diagnosis, based on not entirely clear explanations from young patients. For an experienced doctor, meager information is enough to make an accurate diagnosis.

    Pediatric urology has accumulated extensive experience in studying symptoms. If we are talking about children, then parents should be especially attentive; they should be especially attentive to a number of signs that may indicate problems at work. genitourinary organs. And here, first of all, you should carefully consider the results of urinary tests when it comes to certain changes.

    However, there is not always a need for laboratory tests; sometimes it is enough to independently assess the color of urine.

    It may become cloudy, you also need to pay attention to other external manifestations, for example, the appearance of a sharp unpleasant odor. It is very important to do urinary analysis for young children on an ongoing basis, and it does not matter at all what the child’s health status is. At a minimum, urine testing must be done once every 2 years, and this is provided that the child feels well. Such preventive measures are simply necessary; childhood diseases must be treated in the early stages.

    There is one more symptom, clearly very bad, which often becomes a real nightmare for parents. We are talking about problems with urination. There may be various factors- the baby may complain that during urination he feels unpleasant sensations, while the urination process is carried out extremely rarely. However, the most dangerous thing is when the child cannot urinate at all. Another painful symptom is urinary incontinence.

    If in this case we are talking about enuresis, then treatment is simply necessary, and in the most short terms, such childhood diseases cannot be delayed.

    If your baby feels discomfort or just pain in the kidney area, then this is a very good reason to see a doctor. But here certain problems may arise, since children simply cannot always clearly show and tell where exactly they feel pain. They may limit themselves to simply pointing at their tummy and sincerely do not understand why they are asked in detail about where exactly it hurts and how exactly it hurts. My tummy hurts and that's it! It often happens that pain in the kidneys can appear along with bloating, and severe vomiting can also be added.

    And here, of course, contacting a doctor should be immediate. Of course, we could be talking about poisoning, but it is quite possible that these are some kind of childhood diseases.

    It happens that a child has a tumor in the lumbar region or in the abdomen. Moreover, such a neoplasm can be found by the parents themselves. When you feel a formation in the form of a tumor, we can talk about a kidney, the location of which is not correct, and we can also talk about a bladder that is simply full. Be that as it may, a urological consultation in this regard is simply mandatory.

    The main ailments of this type

    The urinary system in the human body is formed from two kidneys; they are located in the lumbar region, on each side of the spine under the edges of the ribs.

    The doctor determines all childhood ailments associated with urology as a result of an accurate diagnosis. And here it is very important to note that if certain disorders of the urinary process are observed in young children, then most often we are not talking about pathologies. If the baby is under two years old, then urine incontinence both during the day and at night is not a pathology, that is, it is a completely natural process. But if we are talking about girls who are 4 years old and boys who are 5 years old, then we are talking about pathology if urinary incontinence is still observed.

    In addition, urological specialists must also determine which one will be used. curative therapy for such ailments. Bladder dysfunction may occur here, which can be very different types, the urinary tract can become infected. The development of the urinary system can be subject to a variety of defects, both congenital and acquired, both chronic and acute. External organs can also be damaged.

    The spread of such diseases is eloquently illustrated by the fact that 30 percent of children are susceptible to this kind of ailment. Moreover, the bad thing is that very often the situation is aggravated by the fact that the treatment was started untimely. Here it is very important to timely identify existing ailments that are early stage exposed much more effective treatment.

    Here the specialist successfully corrects all developmental anomalies of such a system, and also in the treatment process there is an adaptation that is of a psycho-sexual nature. So, doctors strongly recommend that parents treat any changes in their children’s health with increased care; childhood illnesses can be very insidious.

    In what cases should you consult a doctor?

    In most cases, urological ailments are congenital; if we talk about acquired ailments, then we are talking about adults. It is very important to identify the presence of such pathologies in time, and this can be done when the child is still in the womb or they are detected immediately after the birth of the baby. If the baby has certain abnormalities in the genitals, the doctor will immediately detect this after the baby is born, after which the baby is immediately sent for examination to a urologist.

    An experienced urologist, during the examination, informs parents about how to monitor the baby’s genitals. The fact is that proper hygiene is an excellent preventive measure against the development of various anomalies. For example, if you do not properly care for the foreskin of boys, then urinary residues can accumulate under it and this can cause acute balanoposthitis.

    There are a number of other ailments that become a reason to consult a doctor. For example, here we can talk about hydrocele of the ovary; it most often appears immediately after the baby is born. It is observed only in boys. However, there are conditions of a natural nature, that is, we are talking about hydrops of newborns. This happens because the testicles are severely compressed during childbirth. However, this phenomenon goes away on its own after a few weeks. But if, a month after the birth of the baby, the scrotum is constantly enlarging, then there is a need for surgical intervention; it must be done until the child is one year old.

    If the testicles cannot descend into the scrotum from the abdominal cavity, then we are talking about cryptorchidism. Here, you first need to perform an ultrasound or MRI, this is necessary to accurately determine the location of the testicle. Here it is used surgical method treatment, hormones may also be prescribed.

    If varicose veins of the testicle are observed, then we are talking about a pathology called varicocele. Most often it affects teenagers. The fact is that when boys turn 12-14 years old, the activity of hormones increases significantly, which contributes to the development of the disease. If we talk about treatment, laparoscopy is most often used here.

    Sometimes the penis is subject to pathologies congenital type, here we are talking about diseases such as epispadias and hypospadias. Such pathologies are characterized by curvature of the shape of the penis, which can cause urinary incontinence. Best thing to do here plastic surgery, however, doctors strongly recommend that it be carried out as early as possible, when the child is not yet a year old.

    There is also a place for pathologies that are much more dangerous. Here we are most often talking about obstructive and refluxing pathologies. Bladder exstrophy may be observed, which is very serious, that is, the child’s bladder is simply without an anterior wall. Here healing process is carried out through surgical intervention, but this process is carried out in stages.

    How diagnostics are carried out and something about prevention

    Modern medicine and pediatric urology andrology, and pediatric nephrology are armed with a number of the most modern techniques, which allow you to diagnose the disease as accurately as possible. Nephrological science today uses methods that help detect the disease very early. That is why endoscopic urology began to be used not so long ago. Moreover, both diagnostic and therapeutic operations are performed here.

    Doctors should be contacted when parents, on certain grounds, decide that negative changes have begun in the child’s health. Here we need to pay attention to violations of any type when it comes to the urinary process, constant pain in the abdomen and lower back, body temperature often rises, and all this defies explanation.

    It is very important to take into account the color of the baby’s urine, as well as certain changes in its tests. If there is at least one such problem, then a trip to the clinic should be immediate. A consultation with a pediatric urologist is strongly recommended here.

    Such a specialist carries out diagnostics, selects a treatment method, and also talks about preventive measures when ailments of this type are observed. Most often after urological consultation a number of studies need to be carried out. It happens that the participation of a surgeon and other specialists is necessary. Pediatric proctology or coloproctology often comes into play when it comes to forced proctological procedures.

    However, one should not think that the tasks of diagnostics are only to identify diseases; we are also talking about their prevention and as much as possible early definition urinary tract abnormalities.

    It is very important to adhere to certain preventive measures, then the risk of urological diseases is significantly reduced. And here the role of parents is very important, who must carefully monitor the anatomy of the baby’s genital organs. After all, a pediatrician’s examination is carried out only periodically, while parents have the opportunity to examine everything on a regular basis.

    Often, if there is suspicion, an ultrasound examination should be performed. And you should always be attentive to everyone negative symptoms, which are the reason for immediate consultation with a doctor.

    Author of the article: Turbeeva Elizaveta Andreevna

    Basic concepts in pediatric urology.

    Urology - this is a huge section modern medicine, which includes various pathological conditions urinary system. The urinary system refers to the collection of the following organs: prostate gland, urethra, external genitalia, kidneys and bladder. Not long ago urology was not an independent branch of medicine, but with the increase in the number of diseases in this system, it was separated into an autonomous unit.

    The urinary system of children, like that of adults, has a similar structure. It includes two kidneys, which are located within lumbar region back, on the sides of the spine under the edges of the costal arches. Each kidney is pierced by renal tubules, which open into the calyces and pelvis, which passes into the ureter, which drains into the bladder.

    What do pediatric urologists do?

    Pediatric urology includes the field of medicine that studies diseases of the excretory organs, their treatment and prevention in children. Any pathological processes happening in children's body, have a number of differences. This is due to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of organ systems. After conducting a series of studies, medical experts found that surgical treatment performed in early age, gives much best results than in adulthood. That is why children's diseases are given such careful attention.

    Most nosological units in adults are a continuation of previously suffered diseases. childhood life. But there are also pathologies that are found exclusively in children. For example, involuntary urination at night.

    Pediatric urologists in any clinic they must provide increased attention to their patients, since the child cannot correctly interpret and describe the symptoms of the disease. The doctor’s task is to set correct diagnosis, despite all the difficulties that arise when collecting anamnesis.

    Main symptoms of urological diseases.

    Since the child, due to his incompetence, can ignore a number of symptoms, the doctor conducts a conversation with the patient in the presence of his parents. They must pay attention to a number of pathological changes indicating disorders in the genitourinary system. These symptoms include the presence of impurities in the urine, its turbidity, bad smell, discoloration, urination problems, polyuria ( frequent bowel movements bladder), nocturia (predominance of nighttime diuresis over daytime), enuresis (urinary incontinence), pain of various nature and anuria (extremely serious condition in which there is a complete absence of urination).

    The presence of at least one of the symptoms is a direct indication for immediate seeking help from a pediatric urologist. First general analysis urine is given for the first month of life, then once every two years for preventive testing.

    Very often, kidney pain is accompanied by bloating and vomiting. The child cannot correctly localize the pain and points to the stomach. In some cases, parents themselves discover a round formation in the abdomen or lower back - this may be an incorrectly located kidney. In such situations it is necessary doctor's consultation.

    Major urological diseases childhood.

    Due to the inferiority of immune defense mechanisms, the child’s body is susceptible to various types urological diseases and infections.

    Specialist in urology By ordering a series of clinical and laboratory tests, he diagnoses many different diseases. Most childhood diseases can be regarded as a minor pathology, which, when proper treatment will disappear without a trace. Thus, urinary incontinence in the morning or evening hours of the day for up to two months is the norm. IN in this case, the alarm needs to be sounded if the child is 4-5 years old.

    Also, the competence of pediatric urologists includes prescribing a variety of therapies for a number of diseases. Such diseases include birth defects development of the urinary system and external genitalia, chronic and acute infectious diseases and dysfunctional bladder disorders.

    Based on statistical data, it has been revealed that every third child has one or another urological abnormality. Often, serious pathological conditions are the result of parental negligence towards the child’s condition. Many families try to delay going to the doctor by self-medicating their child, which in most cases is unacceptable! Along with this, timely detection and immediately seek help from a specialist if any early symptoms diseases, the key to quick and effective treatment.

    That is why doctors of all specialties strongly recommend that parents be sensitive to the health of their child.

    When should you contact a urologist?

    Usually, large number Urological diseases are congenital. Acquired diseases in children occur only in 30% of cases. Almost always, any abnormalities in the urinary system are detected in the maternity ward. If a child was born with a defect in the development of the external genitalia, a neonatologist can easily see this. Such a newborn is immediately sent for consultation to a specialist. Pediatric urologist Having examined the baby, he is obliged to have a conversation with the mother about some of the peculiarities of care. By following these doctor’s recommendations, parents reduce the risk of complications several times.

    Such complications in boys include acute balanopastitis, which occurs due to the accumulation of smegma and urine under the foreskin.

    However, there are other non-infectious diseases for which parents are also obliged to seek help.

    Epispadias and hypospadias.

    Epispadias and hypospadias are congenital anomalies development of the penis. The essence of the disease is the displacement of the opening of the urethral canal, either along the upper surface of the penis (epispadias) or along the lower surface (hypospadias). With this pathology, the penis is severely curved and often the child suffers from incontinence. The most effective treatment for epispadias and hypospadias includes plastic surgery to correct this defect. According to the advice of many doctors, it should be performed at one year of age.

    Hydrocele of the testicle.

    Hydrocele of the testicle - this pathology is often detected immediately after birth. But, there is also dropsy, which arises as a result of compression of the testicle during the passage of the fetus through the natural birth canal. As a rule, such a defect goes away within a month. If this does not happen, then the child undergoes surgical manipulation, which is carried out at the age of 10 months to one year.


    Varicocele is a disease characterized by varicose veins veins of the testicle and spermatic cord. This pathology most often occurs in adolescence. Varicocele is characterized by hormonal hyperactivity. Today, treatment is carried out laparoscopically.


    Cryptorchidism is a disease of men reproductive system, which consists in the absence of descent of the testicle from the abdominal cavity into the scrotum. Before treating this pathology, first ultrasound examination or magnetic resonance imaging, during which the doctor determines the location of the testicle. And only then do they begin treatment with hormonal drugs or surgery.

    In addition to the diseases mentioned above, in pediatric urology there is a group of much more serious pathologies. Without exception, these include anomalies associated with urinary tract obstruction. At the same time, the outflow of urine is impaired due to the formation of an additional vessel. This also includes exstrophy, which is characterized by complete absence anterior wall of the bladder. Its therapy is carried out by surgical intervention in several stages. No less dangerous diseases There are also reflux pathologies. With them, there is a constant reflux of the contents of the bladder into the renal pelvis.


    Currently, medicine has a wide range of diagnostic methods both laboratory and functional. Endoscopic urology, which is less traumatic and more accurate, is developing at a significant pace. With its help, a number of operations are carried out and diagnostic studies. A very important role in efficiency and speed diagnostic measures plays timely seeing a doctor . If any changes in the child’s genitourinary system are detected, parents are obliged to show him to a urologist. A disease of a urological nature can be suspected when: a violation of the urination process, when frequent appearance pain in the lumbar region or in the abdomen, with enuresis in children aged 4-5 years and frequent rises in temperature. In some cases, there is a change in the color of the urine. It may become cloudy or take on the color of meat slop. Any of the above conditions requires a thorough examination of the child and treatment. Most effective therapy as a treatment for a childhood urological disease can only be selected CHILDREN'S doctor- urologist. Sometimes additional consultation with a surgeon or other specialists may be required.

    Prevention of urological diseases in children.

    Prevention of childhood urological diseases is an important component of preventing the occurrence of pathologies of the genitourinary system. Doctors recommend paying special attention to the child’s personal hygiene. Parents are required to inspect the external genitalia before bathing their child. If you suspect any pathology, you need to carry out the necessary clinical and laboratory studies. Preventive measures also include properly selected nutrition, reasonable physical activity, timely treatment infectious diseases and pathologies of other organs, wearing underwear made from natural fabrics.