Pediatric gastroenterologist make an appointment. Department of Gastroenterology

This is a specialist who is involved in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of pathology. digestive tract in children. Diseases of the digestive system are among the most common today. Their causes are varied: from unbalanced nutrition to stress, and the child’s body is least protected from the effects of these factors. That is why consultation with a pediatric gastroenterologist is necessary in case of any problems related to the digestive system.

If you are looking for a pediatric gastroenterologist in Moscow, contact the CELT multidisciplinary clinic. We employ leading domestic specialists who have extensive experience and have all the means to determine the cause of the disease, make a correct diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.

Why should you contact a pediatric gastroenterologist?

A good pediatric gastroenterologist is necessary for many young patients with digestive problems. It's no secret that childhood has its own anatomical and physiological characteristics. This rule also applies to gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, the need to consult a child with a specialist is obvious. pediatric practice.

When is it necessary to contact a pediatric gastroenterologist?

A whole series clinical manifestations should be a reason to visit a pediatric gastroenterologist:

Urgent consultation is also required by suspicion of bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, which manifests itself in the form of vomiting mixed with blood, black stools, and stools mixed with blood. Such situations are rare, but should be regarded as life-threatening, and therefore immediately supervised in a hospital setting!

During the appointment

During the consultation, a pediatric gastroenterologist conducts an initial examination and listens to any complaints. It is very good if parents bring with them the data of everyone diagnostic studies, if any have been carried out before, as well as previous expert opinions. This will save both time and money. In order to make a diagnosis, pediatric gastroenterologists at the CELT clinic carry out comprehensive examination, which is assigned based on the specific clinical situation and may include the following:

If the situation requires it, a pediatric gastroenterologist can join forces with other pediatric specialists (neurologist, surgeon, endocrinologist, otolaryngologist, dentist, pediatrician) to jointly evaluate the results obtained diagnostic examination and drawing up an individual treatment program.

Multidisciplinary clinic CELT: we will take care of your baby's health!


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Morozov Children's Hospital Gastroenterology Department structural unit MDGKB.

For hospital purposes full examination patients with gastroenterological diseases, including highly qualified medical care with the use of high technologies, including in relation to intestinal inflammatory diseases, such as ulcerative colitis, Corn's disease.
The Morozov Hospital gastroenterology department has 20 beds in the inpatient unit, including an additional 10 day care, and special highly comfortable wards.
The gastroenterology department, at the same time, is the only specialized center in Moscow for children with IBD diseases. This department also provides modern, high-quality primary medical care, including examination and treatment methods. In addition, there is a follow-up observation for children with IBD. Today, the gastroenterology department provides services to all children in the city of Moscow, whose age ranges from the 1st month of infancy to adulthood (18 years). This applies to children with intestinal diseases inflammatory type(IBD). The department exclusively uses all innovative methods of examination and obtaining diagnostic data. Such as laboratory examinations(including biochemical, serological, microbiological examination methods, determination of the calprotectin index), endoscopic examination (esophagogastroduodenoscopy and rectosigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, video capsule endoscopy), histological examinations, ultrasound, X-ray, and electronic computed tomography, such as standard MRI , and MRI cholangiography performed in the gastroenterology department of the Morozov Children's Hospital.
Gastroenterology Department of the Morozov Hospital, also a leading institution Russian Federation regarding the diagnosis and treatment of childhood IBD.
Since 2007, the first therapeutic anticytokinia center for children with IBD has been formed on the basis of the gastroenterology department. As stated in the order of the Moscow Department of Health dated April 29, 2009. No. 458, Morozov Hospital is today responsible for the provision of medications and the competent use of the effective, expensive and innovative drug Remicade (otherwise known as infliximab). In the gastroenterology department, prescriptions for medications necessary for patients are issued, including special conditions for the safe and effective introduction drug.

Tasks of the anticytokine center;
Qualified and timely assistance to sick children with established IBD, such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease. Including use and administration innovative drugs, called “biological agents”.
Observation of patients with intestinal diseases inflammatory in nature: electronic diagnosis of the condition of patients, their immunological status in accordance with developed innovative standards of treatment and assessment of the quality of treatment.
Consulting and diagnostic work regarding the complex therapeutic activities of severe, resistant to conventional therapy children with inflammatory bowel diseases, an integral part of the pediatric gastroenterology department Morozov hospital.
Increasing the comfort and quality of life of patients with IBD. Distribution of biological therapy to Moscow residents.

Functional diseases of the colon (constipation, incontinence, irritable bowel syndrome)
In the gastroenterology department, all innovative methods of examination are carried out to diagnose the differential type in relation to the colon. Such as clinical laboratory type, ultrasound, including ultrasound of the colon, X-ray type examinations, together with defecography, endoscopic type examination, step-by-step biopsy of the laparoscopic type, study of the morphology of the colon mucosa, examination of histochemical types (regarding acetylcholinesterase), additional functional methods of examination ( such as the study of the obturator apparatus of the rectum, as well as motiriki regarding the colon).
In addition, all types of constipation treatments are provided, including innovative methods in pharmacotherapy, in physiotherapeutic treatments, as well as reflexology, recreational physical education, including massage procedures and correctional work according to psychological status, biofeedback therapeutic work.
Malabsorption syndrome
The gastroenterology department also performs a full range of clinical, laboratory, instrumental and morphological examinations, including esophagogastroduodenoscopy with a biopsy sample from the third stomach and jejunum. Also, urgent diagnosis of the condition of the gastric mucosa, including the colon (macroanatomical assessment of biopsy material). Specific immunology test for celiac disease, examination of the immune system status, nutritional assessments and physical development, digestive functions, sweat test, as well as detection of predisposition to celiac disease by genes.

Pathology of the hepatopancreatobiliary system
During the activities of the department, comprehensive study(MRI, CT) and treatment of children who have diseases in digestive organs: various pathologies hepatopancreatobiliary system, such as pancreatitis, gallstone disease, Gilbert's syndrome.

Pathology upper section digestive tract
The Department of Gastroenterology has accumulated significant knowledge in conducting healing processes in relation to patients with gastroenterological type pathology. Such as esophagitis, gastroesophageal reflux disease, Barrett's esophagus, peptic ulcers stomach and duodenum, gastroduodenitis. Having all the necessary examination methods in our arsenal, a competent diagnosis is established and an immediate start modern therapy pathogenetic.
Examination methods: FEGDS, ultrasound, daily monitoring pH, availability setting Helicobacter pylori in various ways, radiological, immunological, bacteriological and morphological examination methods.
Taking into account that MDGKB exists medical institution multidisciplinary pediatric nature, then children undergoing treatment period in the hospital, if necessary, they can consult with a number of qualified specialists. For example: surgeon, cardiologist, pulmonologist, neurologist, psychologist and others.
The Department of Gastroenterology of the Morozov Children's Hospital is today the practical basis for the pediatric department with a referral to pediatric surgery at the Maimonides State Clinical Hospital. Propaedeutics of childhood diseases of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov, the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, closely cooperate with this Department of Pediatric Surgery of the Moscow State Medical University and the State Scientific Center of Coloproctology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Every week meetings are held with the participation of professors and a variety of specialists from these departments.
The staff of the gastroenterology department regularly takes part in both foreign and national and international congresses. Every year conferences are held regarding pediatric IBD. These conferences are called “Kanshin Readings”, in which they participate the best specialists this area.
Employees of the gastroenterology department of the Morozov hospital take an active part in the activities Russian Society regarding research into inflammatory bowel diseases (head of department - Professor Khalif I.L., State Research Center for Coloproctology (director - Professor Shelygin Yu.A.)). With the help of their direct participation, fundamental standards were formed diagnostic treatment children of all ages who have problems with ulcerative colitis, Corn disease, etc. The final work today is the main document for the competent work of doctors throughout Russia.

  • A wide range of instrumental, laboratory and genetic studies.
  • Gastroscopy in a state of medicated sleep under the supervision of experienced anesthesiologists.
  • Diagnostics and treatment according to international standards accepted in leading clinics Western Europe and the USA.

Children often complain of abdominal discomfort, heartburn, nausea, sore throat, and sometimes dizziness. These symptoms may be manifestations of a disease such as (reflux of acidic contents from the stomach into the esophagus). Reflux can also occur unusual symptoms: recurrent runny nose, hoarseness, coughing, frequent sighs.

Increasingly, children are diagnosed with malabsorption syndrome - a syndrome of malabsorption in small intestine some food products which is accompanied by diarrhea or constipation, discomfort, bloating, sometimes skin rashes, impaired growth and weight gain.

Changes in the structure and size of the pancreas, an inflection in gallbladder. By themselves, they are not a cause for concern, but in combination with complaints of abdominal pain, changes in appetite, stool, and indicators of the child’s physical development, they require additional examination to identify the cause of indigestion.

IMPORTANT! Acute and sudden abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and the appearance of blood in the stool are reasons to urgently consult a pediatrician.

While periodic pain, associated or not associated with food intake, the appearance of pain at night, a feeling of nausea, and decreased activity of the child most often suggest a planned additional examination.

The Children's Clinic uses wide range instrumental and laboratory studies, as well as genetic tests:

  • Ultrasound with diagnostic tests;
  • X-ray examinations;
  • gastroscopy ( endoscopic examination esophagus, stomach, duodenum and small intestine) children, if necessary, with a simultaneous biopsy of the mucous membrane and removal of foreign bodies;
  • presence breath test (HELIK-SCAN);
  • colonoscopy with biopsy of the intestinal mucosa.

Gastroscopy can also be performed on children at the EMC Children's Clinic in Moscow simultaneously and in a state of medicated sleep under the supervision of experienced anesthesiologists.

A pediatric gastroenterologist performs diagnostics and treatment in accordance with international standards accepted in leading clinics in Western Europe and the USA. Parents get the maximum detailed information about the disease and the causes of its occurrence. A child with suspected gastroenterological pathology is first examined by a pediatrician to make a preliminary diagnosis. Upon confirmation of the disease profile little patient referred for consultation with a pediatric gastroenterologist.

Treatment of diseases of the digestive system is not only about taking medicines. Daily routine, balanced and healthy eating, physical activity– all this is not only mandatory, but also individual for each child. Restoring digestive function is a long process. Parents often have questions and difficulties, so our doctors are always open to dialogue and are in touch with parents on any issue.

A pediatric gastroenterologist consults young patients at the EMC Children's Clinic at the address: Moscow, st. Trifonovskaya, 26.

General gastroenterology , as a science, was formed at the beginning of the nineteenth century. She studied the structure and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and organs directly involved in digestion. Among them are the stomach, liver, bile and bile ducts, pancreas. However, in lately Diseases of the gastroenterological direction have become significantly younger; they began to occur more often in young people. Although at all times, diseases of this kind were common in all age categories. Stomach and intestinal disorders are observed in both infants and the elderly. But today our conversation will only be about pediatric gastroenterology . This is a relatively new direction.

What does a pediatric gastroenterologist do?

It is not uncommon for children to have digestive problems: infants, preschoolers and teenagers. This is partly due poor nutrition, in the wrong way life, using products containing many harmful additives: preservatives, dyes, stabilizers, emulsifiers and other flavorings “identical to natural”. The main problem is that children are much more likely to have problems with the digestive organs and gastrointestinal tract. But not all parents understand that visiting a pediatric gastroenterologist mandatory even in a relatively prosperous state of affairs. After all, children do not always pay attention to specific ailments, and cannot always clearly and understandably explain to their parents what is bothering them. Specifics of work pediatric gastroenterologist lies in a sensitive and attentive attitude towards children. Great value in their work, she has the ability to establish friendly contact with a small patient, instill in him trust and a sense of security. After all, almost all children, when they see a white coat and feel the specific smell of the office, begin to be capricious and refuse to be examined. The next feature of the work pediatric gastroenterologist is the fact that the structure and functioning of children's organs responsible for digestion are somewhat different from the adult digestive system. These differences are especially evident in the first year of life. The difference can be seen in everything: in the anatomical location and structure of organs, their sizes. The ability of children's organs to produce the appropriate enzymes in children is completely atypical. Consequently, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system in children requires specific knowledge and a special approach.

Features of the child's body

First of all, in addition to knowledge about the peculiarities of the functioning of children's organs, every qualified gastroenterologist must take into account and age characteristics. Each age category has its own specifics. And this greatly influences the performance correct diagnosis and prescribing the right treatment. After all, it is no secret to anyone that children different ages react differently to the same medications. Children younger age and infants more often suffer from “functional” disorders of the digestive system:

  • indigestion;
  • dyspepsia;
  • bloating;
  • lactose deficiency;
  • regurgitation syndrome;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • gastroduodenitis;
  • enterocolitis;
  • functional constipation.

The older a child gets, his chance of getting rid of problems with the intestines and stomach increases; he seems to outgrow childhood diseases. This feature is due to the regenerative-restorative feature child's body. We adults can only dream about this. However, for this it is important that parents remember that they need to create necessary conditions, in order for him to successfully outgrow digestive problems. And ideally, this process should take place under the constant supervision of a qualified pediatric gastroenterologist . Similar diseases by special order pediatrician are examined using hardware diagnostic methods and appropriate laboratory tests.

What diagnostic methods does a pediatric gastroenterologist use?

Diagnostic methods:

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract in children should not be left without proper attention. The predisposition of the child’s body to such diseases is laid down during pregnancy, and at this time the formation of the future person’s own biocenosis occurs, and their own immunity and protective mechanisms begin to form. Therefore, if the expectant mother’s pregnancy proceeds normally, then you can be sure that the child will not have problems with the intestines and stomach.

Causes of diseases

The main reasons for the formation of problems with the gastrointestinal tract in children and infants are the following points.

All these problems directly affect the formation of the child’s gastrointestinal tract, the development of pathology of the digestive organs and the entire body as a whole. However, such problems are not limited to the reasons described. No less impact on the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system provide various stressful situations. Especially if you can’t avoid them. long time. Adolescents are susceptible to such disorders, and during the period when they are about to visit kindergarten or schools. If the gastrointestinal tract does not work normally, then, as a rule, the body does not receive enough large quantity necessary for growth and proper development nutrients. In this case, the child lags behind his healthier peers in growth, physical and mental development.

Indications for visit and symptoms

It was mentioned above that a child’s complaints about poor health should not be ignored. But I would like to dwell in more detail on the symptoms and signs of gastric and intestinal disorders, so that parents immediately take appropriate measures when they are discovered. So, if you notice that your child has:

Then you in mandatory need to meet a good one pediatric gastroenterologist . Take care of yourself and your children. Don’t be lazy to contact a specialist for help!

Department of Gastroenterology of the Russian Children's clinical hospital founded in 1989 and has 30 inpatient beds. The department provides highly qualified medical care to patients aged from 2 months to 18 years from the following chronic pathology gastrointestinal tract:

Every year, the department examines and treats more than 600 patients from all regions of the Russian Federation, 50% of which are patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, about 25% - with cirrhosis of the liver and chronic hepatitis of different etiologies.

The main task is to make a diagnosis in a timely manner, using all the diagnostic capabilities of a multidisciplinary hospital, and prescribe therapy taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient in accordance with Russian and international treatment standards. The department has accumulated extensive experience in the use of anti-cytokine therapy (Remicade, Humira), modern immunosuppressive drugs in the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases and autoimmune diseases liver. Physiotherapy, acupuncture, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, physical therapy and massage. Average duration treatment is 15 days.

The structure of the department corresponds to the standard profile pediatric departments: there are 2-bed, 3-bed wards, 2 boxes with amenities for the most severely ill patients, play room, classroom, shared showers and toilets.

The department is the base of the Department of Hospital Pediatrics No. 1 of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov" (head of the department - Prof. P.V. Shumilov), collaborates with the Federal State Budgetary Institution "NTsZD", the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Research Institute of Nutrition", the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Russian Scientific Center of Chemistry named after. ak. B.N. Petrovsky", FSBI "FSTIIO named after. ak. V.I. Shumakov", Federal Scientific Center for Children's and Orthopedics named after. Dmitry Rogachev, Moscow Genetic Research Center.

Medical staff

Shchigoleva Natalia Evgenievna
Head department - gastroenterologist

  • Education: higher medical, graduated from the 2nd Moscow State Medical Institute named after. N.I. Pirogov in 1986
  • Doctor of the highest qualification category

Gryaznova Ekaterina Igorevna

  • Education: higher medical education, graduated from the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of Russia Russian State Medical University in 2008.
  • Diploma specialty: “Pediatrics”, qualification: “Doctor”
  • Certificate in the specialty “Gastroenterology”, valid until 2017 inclusive

Ponomareva Anna Petrovna

  • Education: higher medical education, graduated from Russian State Medical University in 2000.
  • Diploma specialty: “Pediatrics”, qualification: “Doctor”
  • Certificate in the specialty “Gastroenterology”, valid until 2018 inclusive
  • Academic degree: Candidate of Medical Sciences