Bifidumbacterin dosage for children with dysbacteriosis. How to dilute and take Bifidumbacterin: instructions for using the powder

In this article:

Bifidumbacterin is a medicine containing a large amount of work-stabilizing agents. digestive tract microorganisms. The drug helps normalize microflora, stimulates metabolic processes, increases the body's nonspecific resistance, and also prevents the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria in the intestines. Therefore, the use of Bifidumbacterin in some cases plays an important role for newborns.

When a child is just born, his intestines are sterile and do not contain any microorganisms. However, after the first feeding mother's milk Beneficial microflora populates the child’s body, facilitating digestion processes. Often there is a deficiency of enzymes, food does not have time to be processed, fermentation processes begin with the formation of gases, which is manifested by colic. In this case, Bifidumbacterin comes to the rescue, because the fight against these manifestations is very important for the health of infants and newborns.

At what age can the drug be given?

Many parents, faced with colic in a child, are interested in whether it is possible to give Bifidumbacterin to newborns, because taking medications in early age often harms the body. This tool safe for the child's body if dosages are observed. In addition, if colic is not dealt with, a violation of the microflora can lead to serious problems. Therefore, the drug is an indispensable tool in the first aid kit for both artificial and breastfeeding.

Active Ingredients

Bifidumbacterin is a probiotic. The main component of the drug is live bifidumbacteria. Once in the body, they reach the intestines, where they begin to actively work, stabilizing the digestive processes. The composition of Bifidumbacterin-forte for newborns and infants also includes activated carbon. This allows beneficial bacteria to form colonies in the intestines, which leads to its colonization with the necessary microflora in a short time.

Indications for use

Having found out whether Bifidumbacterin can be given to newborn babies, parents should also find out in what cases this medicine is used.

The drug is indicated in the following situations:

  • Intestinal dysbiosis, manifested in children by colic, bloating, changes in the nature and frequency of stool.
  • Some infectious diseases. These are mainly intestinal lesions by shigella, staphylococcus, and salmonella.
  • Taking certain medications (for example, antibiotics) that disrupt the flora of the digestive tract.
  • The drug is prescribed for long-term constipation, when the child cannot defecate on his own for a day or more.
  • Food poisoning, which often occurs not only in adults, but also in infants, especially after introducing new foods into the diet.

Bifidumbacterin is often prescribed to babies fed with adapted formulas. In this case, intestinal dysfunctions occur much more often than with breastfeeding, since the child’s body receives most of the enzymes from mother’s milk. Therefore, the drug is extremely necessary to maintain normal microflora.


If you follow the correct doses of Bifidumbacterin for newborns, the drug does not cause harm to health. The drug has no contraindications or age restrictions. An exception is an allergy to the constituent components of the drug, so children prone to retaliatory reactions immune reactions, bifidumbacterin should be given with caution and after consulting your doctor.

Release form

Most often, doctors prescribe Bifidumbacterin powder in bags or bottles for newborns. This form of release is most convenient to use when various types feeding. In pharmacies you can also find Bifidumbacterin for newborns and infants in the form of ampoules, suppositories or capsules.

The release forms differ in the number of bifidobacteria contained in the drug:

  • Powder in ampoules or vials – 5x107 microorganisms.
  • Dry sachets – 5x108 bacteria.
  • Capsule or suppository – 107-108 microorganisms.

Your doctor will help you decide which dosage form is best for your child. Do not forget that failure to follow the rules of administration and dosage can significantly worsen the child’s health. Therefore, if symptoms of digestive disorders occur in an infant, it is imperative to consult a pediatrician.

Directions for use and dosage

No less important for moms and dads is knowledge of how to dilute Bifidumbacterin for newborns and how to take the drug. Usually the dosage of the drug is determined by the doctor. However, before giving the drug to your baby, you should carefully read the instructions.

The method of application depends on the form of release:

  • Instructions for use of Bifidumbacterin powder in bags for newborns and children of the first year of life. The dry preparation is diluted breast milk, boiled water or an adapted mixture in an amount of 35-55 ml, after which it is immediately given to the child. The dosage regimen is determined individually for each child’s body, depending on the severity of the disease. As a rule, children of the first year of life are prescribed 1 sachet 3 times a day. You can give the medicine using a bottle, a teaspoon or a clean syringe without a needle - whichever is more convenient for the mother.
  • Instructions for use of Bifidumbacterin in ampoules for newborns and infants. The use of the drug in bottles is similar to the previous one. Knowing how many times to give Bifidumbacterin to a newborn, it is necessary to dilute the dry contents of the ampoule with a small amount of milk or boiled water, and give it to the child immediately. Often the dosage regimen is the same as for the medicine available in sachets: 1 bottle 3 times a day.
  • Capsules and tablets are not prescribed to young children, as they may be difficult to take. Their use is allowed after 12 years. But in some situations, it is allowed to use tablet forms, after first crushing them and diluting them with liquid.
  • Suppositories with bifidobacteria are most often used in older people to treat intestinal pathologies and vaginal microflora disorders.

It should be remembered that self-medication or improper dilution of the drug can be harmful. children's health and only make the situation worse. Therefore, you should ask your pediatrician about how to give liquid Bifidumbacterin to a newborn and how many days the course of treatment lasts.

Side effects

The drug is safe and does not harm in any way children's body. However, in some cases, the child may experience allergic reaction on the constituent components (for example, lactose, starch), manifested in the form skin rashes, runny nose, cough, vomiting, diarrhea. Digestive disorders also occur when the drug is diluted incorrectly.

Therefore, it is important not only to know how to give Bifidumbacterin to an infant, but also to follow some rules:

  • While taking the product, the child should not choke or choke. To prevent this from happening, you should find the most suitable method administration of the drug into oral cavity. The child should not cry or turn his head.
  • Immediately after diluting Bifidumbacterin, the baby should be given a liquid suspension to drink - preparing daily doses and then storing them in the refrigerator is very dangerous for the health of newborns.
  • After taking the drug, you need to monitor general condition child. When elements of the rash appear on skin, difficulty breathing, bloating, diarrhea or other symptoms, you should go to the hospital as soon as possible.

By following all the rules, parents will be able to quickly save their children from manifestations of intestinal microflora disorders. This is very important for maintaining the baby's health.

Sometimes mothers and fathers ask doctors whether it is possible to give infants other medications instead of Bifidumbacterin. Fortunately, today there are many analogues of the drug, which plays an important role in the development of allergies to any of the constituent components.

You can replace Bifidumbacterin with the following medications:

  • Bifinorm.
  • Lactobacterin.
  • Bifiliz.
  • Linux.
  • Profibor.
  • Bificol.
  • Vacuum-dried bifidobacteria.

Each of the listed medications contains beneficial microorganisms necessary to normalize intestinal flora. These products differ only in other components. Do not forget that analogues have different dosages and dosage regimens, therefore, without consulting a pediatrician, purchasing other medications instead of the prescribed drug is not recommended.

Violations intestinal microflora- enough common occurrence among children of the first year of life. Therefore, if symptoms of dysbiosis occur, parents should not panic: they should consult a doctor who will examine the child, prescribe tests, therapeutic drugs, and will determine how often they can be given to the baby and according to what scheme. All this is important for quick recovery digestive functions newborn and maintaining his health.

Useful video about whether an overdose of Bifidumbacterin is dangerous

Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Lyophilisate for preparing a suspension.

General characteristics. Compound:

Active ingredient: from 1x10 7 to 5x10 7 live bifidobacteria or more than 5x10 7 live bifidobacteria.

Excipients: components of the protective drying medium* (gelatin, sucrose (sugar), milk).

Composition of the protective drying medium: food gelatin, grade P-11 or K-13, white lump sugar or granulated sugar, or sucrose, skim milk powder or pasteurized skim drinking milk, or skim milk - pasteurized raw materials (in terms of dry matter) .

Pharmacological properties:

Pharmacodynamics. Therapeutic effect Bifidumbacterin is due to the content of living bifidobacteria in it, which have antagonistic activity against wide range pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms and thereby normalize the intestinal microflora, improve the activity gastrointestinal tract, prevent the formation of protracted forms of intestinal diseases.

Indications for use:

Treatment and prevention of dysbacteriosis of various etiologies in children and adults. For children (including premature babies), the drug can be used from the first days of life.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

Long-term intestinal dysfunction of unknown etiology;

Children with a burdened premorbid condition: those born prematurely or with signs of prematurity, receiving antibiotics in the early neonatal period; children whose mothers suffered from severe toxicosis, extragenital diseases, had a long anhydrous period or other pathology; children of mothers with lactostasis, cracked nipples and resuming breastfeeding after recovery from; weakened children with anemia, malnutrition, rickets, diathesis and other manifestations of allergies; with whooping cough, especially if they have any intestinal dysfunction;

When transferring children early infancy for artificial feeding;

Acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the colon and small intestine(colitis, enterocolitis) in older children and adults, occurring against the background of microflora disorders with deficiency or absence of bifid flora;

Intestinal dysfunction resulting from long-term antibacterial, hormonal, radiation and other therapy, with stressful situations and stay in extreme conditions, as well as for the purpose of preventing dysbacteriosis;

Directions for use and dosage:

Bifidumbacterin at intestinal diseases used internally, and in obstetrics gynecological practice intravaginally.

Dissolve the contents of the bottle boiled water room temperature at the rate of 5 ml (teaspoon) of water per 1 dose of the drug.

Dissolution is carried out as follows: pour the required amount of water into a glass (in accordance with the number of doses indicated on the bottle); open the bottle by removing the cap and stopper; transfer a small amount of water from the glass into the bottle; after dissolution (the drug dissolves in no more than 5 minutes to form a homogeneous opaque suspension), transfer the contents of the bottle into the same glass and mix. One teaspoon of the drug dissolved in this way is 1 dose. The dissolved drug can be stored for no more than 12 hours at a temperature of 2 to 25 ° C. Required quantity doses (respectively teaspoons) should be taken 20-30 minutes before meals. The drug can be given to infants immediately before feeding.

For intestinal diseases: for children in the first six months of life, the drug is prescribed 5 doses per dose 2 times a day, for children in the second half of the year and older - 5 doses 3 times a day. For newborns at risk, it is advisable to start using the drug in the maternity ward from the first day of life until discharge, 2.5 doses per dose 2 times a day.

Children with sepsis, pneumonia and other purulent-infectious diseases are prescribed 5 doses 3 times a day in combination with generally accepted methods of treating the underlying disease. If gastrointestinal dysfunction and the threat of ulcerative-necrotizing enterocolitis occur in this group of children, the dosage of Bifidumbacterin is increased to 20 doses per day.

For acute chronic inflammatory diseases small and large intestines, colitis and enterocolitis in adults, it is recommended to take 5 doses 2-3 times a day.

For intestinal diseases, the duration of treatment with Bifidumbacterin is determined by the severity clinical manifestations, the age of the patient and is 2-4 weeks, and in some cases - up to 3 months.

Treatment of the nipple and areola area of ​​postpartum women: soak 2 sterile swabs with the dissolved drug (5 doses) and apply them to the mammary gland for 20-30 minutes before feeding. The course of treatment is 5 days.

For intravaginal use, insert a sterile tampon soaked in the drug into the vagina and leave for 2-3 hours.

For inflammatory diseases of the female genitalia and prenatal preparation of pregnant women at risk, Bifidumbacterin is prescribed 5-10 doses once a day for 5-8 days under the control of restoring the purity of vaginal secretions to I-II degrees and disappearance clinical symptoms inflammation.

If necessary, the course of treatment with Bifidumbacterin can be repeated.

WITH for preventive purposes Prescribe 5 doses 1-2 times a day for 1-2 weeks.

Features of application:

Pregnancy and lactation. Safety of use of this medical product during pregnancy and during breastfeeding in the process of controlled clinical trials has not been studied.

The drug should not be dissolved in hot water(above 40 °C).

The drug is unsuitable for use if the integrity of the packaging is damaged (cracked bottles), the drug is unlabeled, or if there are foreign inclusions.

Effect on ability to drive vehicles and mechanisms. Not studied.

Side effects:

Side effect the drug has not been established.

Interaction with other drugs:

When taken simultaneously with chemotherapy and antibacterial drugs a decrease in therapeutic effectiveness is possible.




Not registered.

Storage conditions:

In accordance with SP at temperatures from 2 to 8 °C.Keep out of the reach of children. Best before date - 1 year (when containing from 1x10 7 to 5x10 7 live bifidobacteria in one dose).2 years (if the release contains more than 5x10 7 live bifidobacteria in one dose).A drug that has expired cannot be used.

Vacation conditions:

Over the counter


Lyophilisate for the preparation of a suspension for oral and topical use. Packing: po 3 or 5 doses per vial. 10, 12 or 14 bottles in a pack (box) of cardboard with instructions for use.

The microflora of your intestines is the set of symbionts that you receive from the moment of birth and first contact with your mother. These microorganisms live with you all your life, helping with digestion, and their total weight reaches several kilograms. But taking antimicrobial drugs upsets the natural balance. Beneficial bacteria die, pathogens multiply, so maintenance therapy in the form of probiotics is very desirable during and after treatment.

Opinions regarding the advisability of taking drugs containing live bacterial cultures during antibiotic therapy are controversial. Some doctors always prescribe probiotics from the very beginning of treatment, while others recommend taking them after completing the course. To understand this issue, you need to understand the mechanism of action of both medicines.

Composition of Bifidumbacterin ®

This drug is a combination of two necessary for normal operation digestive tract elements. The first is bifidobacterium Bifidobacterium bifidum, the main part of the intestinal microflora, which is responsible for the processing and absorption of food. The second component is lactose monohydrate, which is necessary for the life of beneficial bacteria.

With preventive and therapeutic purpose The following oral dosage forms are usually prescribed:

  • powder in sachets or bottles, which is diluted with liquid before use;
  • pills;
  • capsules.

However, products containing lactose with bmfidobacteria are also produced, which are intended for parenteral administration. We are talking about suppositories (rectal and vaginal) that help maintain the natural balance of microflora locally during treatment with any antibiotics or restore it after an illness.

Antibiotic therapy and probiotics: interaction

Why do doctors not always prescribe maintenance therapy in the form of Bifidumbacterin? The fact is that the effectiveness of probiotic supplements directly depends on the scheme of their use, which must be followed throughout the entire course of treatment with antimicrobial drugs.

When antibiotics enter the body, they destroy not only dangerous pathogens, but also symbiont bacteria that live in the intestines, which are necessary for normal life. As a result, food cannot be digested normally, and bowel problems occur in the form of diarrhea or constipation. In addition, immunity decreases and the opportunistic part of bacteria is activated, the number of which is normally controlled by bifidobacteria.

By taking Bifidumbacterin ® simultaneously with antimicrobial drugs, the patient reduces the effectiveness of the probiotic to zero. Beneficial microorganisms are destroyed by the antibiotic immediately, without having time to reach the desired part of the intestine. However, if you maintain a certain pause between the drugs, they will not interact.

Admission rules

To support your body during a course of antibiotic therapy and strengthen your immune system, you need to drink probiotics correctly. If you adhere to the three recommendations below, you will be able to maintain the natural balance of intestinal microflora and avoid dysbiosis:

  • take the drug Bifidumbacterin ® strictly before meals, approximately 20 or 30 minutes before the next meal;
  • Use antibiotics no earlier than one and a half to two hours after the probiotic, so that beneficial symbiont bacteria have time to enter the intestines;
  • adhere to a certain diet, excluding from the diet for a while “heavy” fried, fatty, spicy food and consume as much fermented milk products as possible.

In such conditions, a probiotic supplement will provide the desired supportive effect and help avoid digestive upset. In addition, recovery will come faster, since it is the intestinal microflora that is responsible for immunity.

Dosages for children and adults

A standard dose of the drug contains 50 million CFU of Bifidobacterium bifidum and about one gram of lactose monohydrate. It is advisable to take the probiotic Bifidumbacterin ® in the form of a lyophilisate (powder), which is sold in bags or bottles, paying attention to the expiration date and the integrity of the packaging.

The medicine can be diluted with water, the temperature of which should not be higher than 40⁰C, since at higher values, living bacterial cultures die. The optimal volume of liquid is from 30 to 50 ml (if the medicine is prescribed to a breastfed child, then it is recommended to dilute the lyophilisate with expressed breast milk).

Prevention of dysbacteriosis

It is carried out in order to prevent infectious diseases or their complications. It is according to this regimen that Bifidumbacterin ® should be taken during treatment antimicrobial agents:

  • children under six months of age are given one standard dose once a day;
  • from 6 months to three years– the same quantity active substance 1 or 2 times a day;
  • a child over 3 and an adult need to drink 100 million CFU every 12 hours.

The duration of treatment depends on the duration of antibiotic treatment, that is, throughout the entire prescribed course of antibiotic therapy and several weeks after its completion.


If preventive measures were not taken in a timely manner and dysbiosis has already developed, then an increase will be required total number drug. This will help restore imbalanced digestive processes. Single dose at the same time, it remains the same as during prevention, but you will need to take the probiotic Bifidumbacterin ® more often.

Patients of any age are recommended to take the medicine at least 3 times a day, and in the case of particularly severe digestive disorders - up to 5 times. In addition, the recovery course must last at least three weeks, and after a month it must be repeated.

Bifidumbacterin ® after antibiotic therapy

Is it necessary to take medications containing live bifidobacteria during treatment with antimicrobial agents? Many doctors are of the opinion that this is not necessary, especially if the immune system is not too weakened and there is no imbalance in the intestinal microflora. In general, this position is correct, since the body is able to independently maintain the balance of the internal environment and recover from illness.

But the speech in in this case it's about practically healthy people who do not have chronic diseases or problems with the immune system. However, even this category of patients is recommended to take a prophylactic course of the probiotic Bifidumbacterin ® after antibiotics. Who necessarily needs to take medications containing live cultures of Bifidobacterium bifidum?

First of all, maintenance therapy is necessary for people with weakened immune systems who have a history of diagnoses associated with gastrointestinal pathologies. Especially if inflammatory processes often recur and are treated with courses of powerful antimicrobial drugs. It is also advisable to take a probiotic for expectant mothers who were forced to take antibiotics. During pregnancy, women need to pay maximum attention to their health and the prevention of any diseases.

And, of course, Bifidumbacterin ® after antibiotics is mandatory for children, even if no digestive disorders were observed during treatment. The fact is that at an early age immune system is not yet fully formed, and infections (as well as medications to combat them) cause more harm to a child’s body than to an adult. How younger child, the greater the likelihood of developing dysbiosis, so if the pediatrician prescribes antimicrobials, you should definitely take probiotics.

Bifidumbacterin is a preparation that consists of a microbial mass of living but dried bifidobacteria immobilized on stone fruit. Bifidumbacterin, instructions for use of which are given below, contains at least 10^7 CFU of bifidobacteria in one sachet.

Pharmacological properties

The therapeutic effect of bifidumbacterin is due to the living bacteria it contains, which have antagonistic activity against large quantity pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. Great content bifidobacteria contained in the drug allows you to normalize the intestinal microflora, and therefore improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, parietal digestion, metabolic processes and increase the body's resistance.

Indications for use

Bifidumbacterin is used to normalize the microbiocenosis of the gastrointestinal tract (correction of microflora in the intestines), stimulate the functional activity of the digestive system, for the prevention of nosocomial infections in hospitals and maternity hospitals, and also has detoxifying properties.

Bifidumbacterin is prescribed to both adults and children for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • chronic constipation;
  • bacterial colpitis and vaginosis;
  • intestinal dysbiosis, including for prophylactic purposes during treatment with hormones, antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, chemotherapy or radiation therapy, stress;
  • intestinal infections of unknown origin and food toxic infections;
  • allergic reactions accompanied by dysbiosis;
  • acute intestinal infections ( rotavirus infection, salmonellosis, shigellosis, staphylococcal enterocolitis);
  • intestinal dysbiosis, which is caused by various diseases, including those that affect the digestive tract (pancreatitis, chronic diseases biliary tract and liver, cholecystitis, etc.);
  • malabsorption syndromes;
  • dysbacteriosis in bronchitis, pneumonia, diseases inflammatory in nature urogenital tract;
  • for the correction of intestinal microflora in people with pathologies of the intestines, pancreas or liver in the preoperative period or after operations.

Bifidumbacterin is also used for the prevention of:

  • dysbacteriosis in children and adults who often suffer from acute respiratory viral infections;
  • mastitis in nursing mothers who are at risk.

In the treatment of children, they are used for infectious diseases, including pneumonia or purulent-septic processes, and many others (rickets, anemia, allergic diathesis, malnutrition, early transfer of children from breast milk to artificial nutrition or donor milk).

Instructions for use and dosage

Bifidumbacterin is taken orally with meals. It should be mixed with liquid food, preferably fermented milk or 50 ml of warm water, or with breast milk.

  • For preventive purposes: adults and children after three years of age are prescribed two sachets of bifidumbacterin up to two times a day, children from six months old one sachet up to twice a day, and infants up to six months, one sachet once a day. Drink for about three weeks, can be repeated two to three times a year.
  • For treatment: children over 7 years of age and adults are prescribed two sachets three to four times a day; children from three to seven - one sachet 3-5 times a day; from six months to three years - three to four times a day, one sachet; for children up to six months - 2-3 times a day, one sachet, if necessary, from 2-3 days to six times a day. Duration is three to four weeks, then repeated after a month.
  • For acute intestinal infections : a therapeutic dose of bifidumbacterin is used, the course is five to seven days.
  • For the prevention of mastitis: used externally half an hour before feeding, moisten a sterile swab in the drug solution and treat the nipples and areolas of the breasts, treat for 5 days. The solution is prepared from 1 sachet, which should be dissolved in warm water (10-15 ml).
  • In gynecology: a tampon soaked in a solution of the drug is inserted intravaginally for two to three hours, the course lasts 8-10 days. The solution requires 2 sachets of the drug and warm water(15-20 ml).


Individual intolerance to the drug. Prescribe with caution to children who have lactose intolerance.

In addition, there is a dietary supplement called Bifidumbacterin, which is similar in composition and purpose to the drug of the same name.

Active ingredient - bifidobacterium bifidum (lat. bifidobacterium bifidum) - gram-positive anaerobic bacteria belonging to the genus Bifidobacteria (lat. bifidobacterium).

Dosage forms : in bottles, ampoules, tablets, in powder form in laminated foil bags, in the form of candles.

Composition of bifidobacterin
The composition of a particular bifidumbacterin sample depends not only on dosage form, but also from the manufacturer. In most cases, bifidumbacterin contains a strain bifidobacterium bifidum No. 1, however, later developed strains No. 791 or LVA-3 can also be used. Bifidumbacterin powder has the appearance of a crystalline or porous mass of whitish-gray or beige color, and also has a specific taste and smell. When dissolved in water, an opaque suspension is obtained.
  • Bifidumbacterin in bags made of aluminum foil laminated with polyethylene: one sachet contains at least 500,000,000 freeze-dried live bifidobacteria of an antagonistically active strain bifidobacterium bifidum No. 1, purified from the cultivation medium, and 0.85 g of lactose (manufacturers: Partner CJSC, Ecopolis LLC, etc.). Lactose, used as excipient, activates the growth of bifidobacteria.
  • Bifidumbacterin in the form vaginal suppositories : one suppository contains at least 10,000,000 live bifidobacteria (1 dose), freeze-dried in a cultivation medium with the addition of sucrose-gelatin-milk medium (manufacturers: Enzyme LLC and Lanofarm LLC, etc.).
  • Bifidumbacterin dry (lat. bifidumbacterinum siccum): one bottle contains lyophilized powder for the preparation of a suspension for oral administration and topical use of 5 doses (manufacturers: Enzyme LLC, Lanopharm LLC, Ecopolis LLC, etc.) of bifidobacteria bifidobacterium bifidum strains No. 1, 791 or LVA-3 and components of the drying medium: gelatin, sucrose, skim milk.
Indications for use of bifidumbacterin
  • intestinal dysbiosis
  • intestinal dysfunction of staphylococcal or unknown etiology
  • as part of complex therapy acute infectious intestinal diseases (dysentery, salmonellosis, escherichiosis, yersiniosis, rotavirus infection)
  • food poisoning
  • as part of complex therapy allergic diseases
  • diseases of the digestive system, lungs, genitourinary tract and others accompanied by intestinal dysbiosis
  • anemia, weight deficiency, rickets and allergic diathesis in weakened children
  • for the prevention of mastitis by treating the mammary glands in nursing mothers at risk
  • early transfer of infants to artificial feeding and feeding with donor milk
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of children with aggravated premorbid conditions:
    • premature or with signs of prematurity
    • who received antibiotics in the early neonatal period
    • whose mothers suffered from severe toxicosis, extragenital diseases, had a long anhydrous period or other pathology
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of children of mothers:
    • having lactostasis
    • having cracked nipples
    • resuming breastfeeding after recovery from mastitis
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of children with anemia, malnutrition, rickets, diathesis and other manifestations of allergies, patients with whooping cough
  • gynecological diseases:
    • bacterial vaginosis and colpitis of various etiologies
    • sanitation of the female genital tract for bacterial and senile colpitis, prenatal preparation of pregnant women at risk with violation of the purity of vaginal secretion up to III-IV degree
Professional medical publications addressing the use of bifidumbacterin in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Gracheva N.M., Partin O.S., Avakov A.A., Gavrilov A.F., Solovyova A.I. Probiotics in the complex treatment of patients with gastrointestinal diseases with concomitant intestinal dysbiosis // Attending physician. - 2008. - No. 9.
On the website in the literature catalog there is a section “Probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics, symbiotics”, containing articles devoted to the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics.
Method of application of bifidobacterin and dose
Bifidumbacterin for oral administration (tablets, powder):
  • For children fed on mother's milk, bifidumbacterin is mixed with milk and given during feeding.
  • Children who are on artificial feeding For older children and adults, bifidumbacterin is mixed with the liquid portion of food, preferably fermented milk, and given before meals. It is acceptable to mix bifidumbacterin with 30-50 ml of boiled water at room temperature and take the resulting suspension without waiting for the lactose to completely dissolve.
  • For the purpose of prevention, bifidumbacterin is taken 1-2 times a day; children under one year old, 2.5 doses, children over one year old and adults, 5-10 doses for 10-15 days, 2-3 times a year.
  • When treating diseases of the digestive tract, children under one year old take 5 doses of bifidumbacterin 2-3 times a day, children from one to seven years old take 5 doses 3-4 times a day, adults - 10 doses 2-3 times a day. The duration of treatment is from 5 to 15 days. If indicated, treatment can be repeated 2-3 times with a month break between courses.
  • Patients with surgical pathology Bifidumbacterin is prescribed for 3-5 days before surgery and for 10-15 days after surgery, 15-30 doses per day.
  • For acute intestinal infections, bifidumbacterin is prescribed in therapeutic doses for 5-7 days.
Bifidumbacterin for external and local use:
  • Prevention of mastitis. 5 doses of bifidumbacterin are dissolved in 10-15 ml of boiled water at room temperature. 20-30 minutes before feeding, the nipples and areolas of the mammary glands are treated with a sterile swab soaked in the solution for 5 days.
  • Gynecology. After treatment with antibiotics, to restore the vaginal microflora. 10 doses of bifidumbacterin are dissolved in 15-20 ml of boiled water at room temperature. A tampon generously soaked in solution or a suppository is administered intravaginally for 2-3 hours, twice a day for 5-10 days.
Special instructions: The simultaneous use of oral forms with antibiotics is not recommended, as well as dissolving the drug in hot water (above 40 C) and storing it in dissolved form. The use of suppositories can be combined with the simultaneous administration of antibacterial, antiviral and immunostimulating drugs. Suppositories that smell like rancid oil or have broken packaging are not suitable for use.

The bacteria contained in bifidumbacterin, despite the existing beneficial effects, are not equivalent to a person’s own microflora and, like all other probiotic strains included in drugs and dietary supplements, are not capable of long time multiply in the intestines. Even the most effective probiotics only work during the course of treatment and are found in stool no longer than one to two weeks after treatment.

Interaction: The effect is enhanced by vitamins (especially group B), and reduced by antibiotics.