Does DiCaprio smoke or not? Leonardo DiCaprio: “I dream that I am killing someone! Celebrities and vape: stars smoke electronic cigarettes

A couple of weeks ago I read Allen Cara's book " The easy way quit smoking." It says that when teenagers start smoking, they do it demonstratively. This is how they want to show that they are adults. And, in general, a session with a very young but smoking Leo DiCaprio is very indicative in this sense .Admire for yourself.

Here Leo, like Shakespeare’s Hamlet, is pondering the question “To smoke or not to smoke?!”... well, or just dozing... In any case, he shows with all his appearance that he can think about very serious problems

I can say with confidence that sitting like this is uncomfortable. But apparently there is another theme here: the theme of rebellion. A well-bred boy from a prosperous family tries to show everyone that he can be a homeless hooligan. I find it unconvincing...

One thing I can say for sure: it’s hard for teenage girls to resist such a charming smile.

So, from the photo you can see that Leo is trying to create the image of an adult. At the same time, he is completely unable to do this. Moreover, it looks very comical.

But the fact remains: for some reason children think that using psychotropic drugs such as nicotine or alcohol makes them adults... I know from myself! Even though I'm in adolescence I didn’t smoke at all (I was so correct that even I was disgusted), I even have a photo with a cigarette in my mouth, which I borrowed from friends.

Have you ever taken pictures like this?)

Leonardo DiCaprio, who began his film career in 1991, has become a heavyweight in cinema today, but this is not the only area where his authority is great. Thanks to the fact that DiCaprio smokes an electronic cigarette, he has earned the title of the main vaper in Hollywood. Let's look at how DiCaprio became a vaper.

Celebrity gossip magazines, which you can flip through while you're queuing at the supermarket, are filled with paparazzi shots of this or that makeup-free celebrity getting coffee or returning from a workout. People look at the photo and understand that stars are just like them, doing ordinary things: drinking, eating, smoking... Now such things include vaping.

People interested in vaping have probably come across articles about celebrities who have switched to vaping, in which the name Leonardo DiCaprio and his e-cigarette quite often appear.

What's Gilbert Grape floating?

When Leonardo DiCaprio was young, photographs of him smoking a cigarette often appeared in the media. However, times have changed.

DiCaprio has been smoking an e-cigarette for quite some time. For so long that it is no longer even possible to imagine Leonardo DiCaprio with a cigarette, DiCaprio has consistently preferred vaping. He was practically one of the first vapers. It was as if he broke a certain line when his cigarettes received mass coverage. At Rao, one of New York's most exclusive restaurants, he vaped his e-cigarette without any embarrassment. Soon after, his device with a green glowing light was seen in different places: on film sets, in restaurants, even while cycling... Leo hovered wherever and whenever he wanted. And only then other celebrities followed his example. Now we can often find photos where this or that star smokes, but not a tobacco cigarette, but an electronic cigarette.

Tanks of New York

While Ego pens were gaining popularity, our Leo again turned out to be a pioneer of new vape technologies. While his colleagues were simply switching to cigarette-like devices, DiCaprio was already making full use of a set of eternal varivolt mod with a clearomizer.

DiCaprio vaping was as normal in Hollywood as expensive cars and dogs that are carried in handbags. It was everywhere, including on the red carpet, bringing this niche hobby into the mainstream.

Fans saw not only their idol, but also the development of a new industry, because Leo used the most modern devices. In addition, he protected them so carefully that at times it became a news story. For example, he refused Miley Cyrus to take a few puffs, which the latter did not forget to mention to Jimmy Fall.

Titanic clouds

By 2016, celebrity vaping had become as newsworthy as Kiss' last tour in 2000-2002. It was a great time for the industry. Stars such as Sarah Silverman, Johnny Depp, Katy Perry did not miss the chance to show off their devices.

At the 2016 Screen Actors Guild Awards, Leo stole the cameras from many of the night's winners. Sitting at a crowded table, he used a set of the latest mod and tank. Perhaps it was a little impolite, but no one seemed to notice the clouds of steam above him. But later Leonardo DiCaprio with an electronic cigarette appeared in every magazine that took photos at this event.

Images of DiCaprio and his vape instantly spread across the media, social networks and websites, causing protests from doctors, angry moms and organizers of other shows. The organizers of the Oscars almost immediately informed Leonardo that they did not really welcome vaping at their event.

However, despite the short-term negativity, the actor has once again brought vaping to the forefront of society.

Start in Hollywood

Today, the use of electronic cigarettes is possible among completely different segments of the population, and even A-list celebrities do not hide in dark corners to refill their device with liquid or take a few puffs.

Many actors who until recently were difficult to imagine without a cigarette, such as Jack Nicholson and Simon Covell, have successfully switched to electronic devices, moreover, they are glad that they have found such an alternative.

Part of this credit, of course, rightfully goes to Leonardo DiCaprio, who one day simply decided to stop smoking and switched to vaping. It’s unlikely that he thought at that moment that he would become the face of Hollywood vaping. There have been other celebrities who have openly used vapes or cigarette-like devices since DiCaprio first appeared with his green-light cigarette nearly 10 years ago.

Society may focus too much on celebrities, but Leonardo DiCaprio's soaring has only brought positive attention to the things we love. And we are glad that he is a vaper like us.

Surely you have heard the expression “he smokes deliciously.” Today is World No Tobacco Day, and tomorrow, on June 1, a new federal law comes into force in Russia. anti-tobacco law, teaching smokers to live without nicotine, although they did not ask anyone to do so. In Ukraine, a similar (albeit much milder) law was adopted several years ago, and therefore my condolences to Russian smokers.
And as a consolation, I offer a selection of photographs of people who know how or knew how to “smoke deliciously” (many of them smoked, quit, started again, quit again - and that’s them, right?).

Marilyn Monroe. The film showing Marilyn smoking was sold to one collector for $275,000. Footage filmed in 1958-1959, video author: “ wasn't a party. People just gathered to talk and relax.”

Audrey Hepburn: “Freedom is what the air is filled with. For me, it’s hearing soldiers speak English, not German, and inhaling the smoke of real tobacco from their cigarettes.”

Jack Nicholson: “I never smoke when my children are around, and I always ask the lady’s permission before I smoke.”

Mickey Rourke. At one time he took a lot of vitamin D, which, as the doctor assured him, “reduces harmful effects nicotine on the body." But this made the actor start smoking even more (although there seems to be nowhere else to smoke).

Angelina Jolie: “I got used to drinking, smoking and never having breakfast, replacing my morning meal with a cup of coffee and a cigarette.”

Brad Pitt: “I hated every minute of filming Troy because I had to quit smoking to do it.”

Leonardo DiCaprio. I wonder if his mother allowed him to smoke at such a young age? 70-year-old Irmelin, in the past was a hippie, and is now known for her tough temper - her son is already approaching 40, but he does not do anything without his mother’s permission.

Johnny Depp. From an article in Telesem magazine, which describes his visit to Moscow: “The actor has just finished a video interview, and now he asks permission to smoke - from everyone in the room: cameraman, make-up artist, assistant: “Are you sure you don’t mind?” I can be patient."

Monica Bellucci: "Smoking is my only bad habit, and in everything else I try to lead healthy image life."

Keanu Reeves: “During the filming of the film Constantine, I did not let the cigarette out of my mouth, my colleagues even joked with me: “Look, our Keanu has turned green.”

Sean Penn. In 2008, he was chairman of the jury at the Cannes Film Festival and, in violation of French laws prohibiting smoking in enclosed public spaces, lit a cigarette at a press conference. He took a few drags, put the cigarette aside and returned to the reporters' questions.
Another jury member, Marjane Satrapi, an Iranian director, immediately declared that she, too, needed to smoke “by medical indications" French actress Jean Balibar also started smoking behind them. They had nothing to do with it.

If you have tried an electronic cigarette and joined the camp of vapers, then in the vastness of the post-Soviet space, if you walk down the street with an incomprehensible battery contraption in your hand and release clouds of smoke, this is best case scenario will arouse interest, at worst - you will be rudely asked to “not smoke” in public place. At the same time, in the West and Asia this will cause almost no reaction from passersby.

Whether this is good or bad is up to you to decide - read the article about the benefits and harms of electronic cigarettes. But today in the article I will present several celebrities who soar.

Celebrities and vape: stars smoke electronic cigarettes

Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo was photographed using an e-cigarette while cycling. The multiple Oscar nominee could mislead all his fans as if he were smoking an ordinary cigarette with tobacco. Nevertheless, Leo repeatedly began to appear in public with an electronic vaporizer in his mouth, which proved that he had switched to the light side of the force :)

And on vacation, Leo prefers to soar, in contrast to his analog habit.

And even at various social events, Leo is not averse to vaping! For example, at the Golden Globe Awards in 2013.

And even Leo always has a portable charger ready for his vaporizer.

Johnny Depp

Hollywood star Johnny was seen using an e-cigarette in his latest film, The Tourist, where his character demonstrates how a personal vaporizer actually works and its advantages over a tobacco cigarette. Johnny Depp is actually a long-time smoker regular cigarettes, but it is not yet known whether it will switch to vaping.

Tom Hardy

Another Oscar nominee, Tom Hardy, is not averse to taking a puff from a vaporizer and posting this photo online.

And even on the set of the film Legend no, no, and even soars.

Samuel El Jackson

And another Oscar nominee Samuel El Jackson joins the ranks of steamers!

This is the kind of apparatus he has.

Katy Perry

Pop diva Katie is also not averse to letting off clouds of steam during breaks between the stage and home.

Charlie Sheen

Two and a Half Men star Charlie Sheen also uses e-cigarettes as a substitute for smoking regular cigarettes. Moreover, he even has his own brand electronic vaporizers - Nicosheen.

Katherine Heigl

The popular Hollywood actress also smokes electronic cigarettes.

And even while on an evening talk show (our analogue is Evening Urgant), she could not restrain herself and dragged on. So much so that the presenter took a puff of steam from her own electronic cigarette!

Richard Hammond

The Top Gear star has switched from regular cigarettes to e-cigarettes. By the way, driving a car and smoking (even electronics) are also not recommended!

Snoop Dogg

You don’t expect anything else from him - let me puff on something new!

Elizabeth Rodriguez

The Fast and the Furious star and Toreto's girlfriend are also among the e-smokers.

Celebrities are people too, and they also want to protect their health from negative influence analog cigarettes. That is why on most Internet portals dedicated to vaping there are articles like “Celebrities vape electronic cigarettes,” etc. Enrolled in the ranks of steamers large number public figures, actors, singers, politicians.

For example, for many people, their acquaintance with ES was thanks to the film “The Tourist” with Johnny Depp in the title role, but few know that not only the character, but also Depp himself is interested in ES.

But most of all, Leonardo DiCaprio distinguished himself. His “career” as a steamer began not even with his ones, but with the earliest specimens, the so-called “Pons”. Then Leo gradually began to switch to more serious devices from various manufacturers.

Now to the point:

As you know, Leonardo is one of the contenders for the Oscar. The actor is nominated this year for his role in The Revenant, directed by Alejandro González Iñárritu. In parallel with this, he participates in other events dedicated to cinema. For example, just recently, Leo not only took part, but also received a Screen Actors Guild Award.

The Screen Actors Guild Award or SAG Awards is an American film award awarded by the Screen Actors Guild since 1995 for films and television series.

But even after the actor’s victory, social media They weren’t discussing future prospects, but a photo in which DiCaprio stands and calmly smokes his electronic cigarette.

There were even jokes online about the fact that a new one had appeared in Hollywood star couple- DiCaprio and his electronic cigarette.

Some users even suggested writing the phrase “Love me like Leo loves his email” on Valentine cards.

The reaction of the Oscar organizers was not long in coming. Now on the territory of the Dolby Theater, where the awards ceremony has been held for eleven years, smoking, including electronic cigarettes, is prohibited. Those wishing to smoke/vaporize will have to go to specially designated areas.

It is worth mentioning that in Los Angeles, smoking in theaters is not prohibited by law. Everything depends on the decision of the theater administration. Whether this is a coincidence or a reaction to the actor’s photo is probably only known by the Oscar organizing committee.

This is the news from the world of cinema. I don’t even know whether to cry or laugh. The only good thing is that at the moment electronic cigarettes are causing such a reaction, because before no one even really knew about them.

All that remains is to wish Leonardo to finally receive the reward he deserves.